Asme B31.3,341.3.4

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(a) For P-Nos. 3, 4, and 5 materials, examination shall

be performed after completion of any heat treatment.
(b) For a welded branch connection the examination
of and any necessary repairs to the pressure containing
weld shall be completed before any reinforcing pad or
saddle is added.

sampling in accordance with (a), (c), and (e) is not

required based on the defects found in the repair. The
defective item(s) shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined until acceptance as specified in para. 341.3.3.
Spot or random examination (whichever is applicable)
is then performed on the remaining unexamined joints.

341.3.2 Acceptance Criteria. Acceptance criteria

shall be as stated in the engineering design and shall at
least meet the applicable requirements stated below, in
para. 344.6.2 for ultrasonic examination of welds, and
elsewhere in the Code.
(a) Table 341.3.2 states acceptance criteria (limits on
imperfections) for welds. See Fig. 341.3.2 for typical weld
(b) Acceptance criteria for castings are specified in
para. 302.3.3.

341.4.1 Examination Normal Fluid Service. Piping (12)

in Normal Fluid Service shall be examined to the extent
specified herein or to any greater extent specified in the
engineering design. Acceptance criteria are as stated in
para. 341.3.2 and in Table 341.3.2, for Normal Fluid
Service unless otherwise specified.
(a) Visual Examination. At least the following shall be
examined in accordance with para. 344.2:
(1) sufficient materials and components, selected at
random, to satisfy the examiner that they conform to
specifications and are free from defects.
(2) at least 5% of fabrication. For welds, each welders and welding operators work shall be represented.
(3) 100% of fabrication for longitudinal welds,
except those in components made in accordance with a
listed specification. See para 341.5.1(a) for examination
of longitudinal welds required to have a joint factor, Ej ,
of 0.90.
(4) random examination of the assembly of
threaded, bolted, and other joints to satisfy the examiner
that they conform to the applicable requirements of
para. 335. When pneumatic testing is to be performed,
all threaded, bolted, and other mechanical joints shall
be examined.
(5) random examination during erection of piping,
including checking of alignment, supports, and cold
(6) examination of erected piping for evidence of
defects that would require repair or replacement, and
for other evident deviations from the intent of the design.
(b) Other Examination
(1) Not less than 5% of circumferential butt and
miter groove welds shall be examined fully by random
radiography in accordance with para. 344.5 or by random ultrasonic examination in accordance with para.
344.6. The welds to be examined in each designated lot
shall include the work product of each welder or welding
operator whose welds are part of the lot. They shall also
be selected to maximize coverage of intersections with
longitudinal joints. When a circumferential weld with
an intersecting longitudinal weld(s) is examined, at least
the adjacent 38 mm (112 in.) of each intersecting weld
shall be examined. In-process examination in accordance
with para. 344.7 may be substituted for all or part of
the radiographic or ultrasonic examination on a weldfor-weld basis if specified in the engineering design or
specifically authorized by the Inspector.

341.3.3 Defective Components and Workmanship.

An examined item with one or more defects (imperfections of a type or magnitude exceeding the acceptance
criteria of this Code) shall be repaired or replaced; and
the new work shall be reexamined by the same methods,
to the same extent, and by the same acceptance criteria
as required for the original work.

341.3.4 Progressive Sampling for Examination.

When required spot or random examination reveals a
defect, then
(a) two additional samples of the same kind (if
welded or bonded joints, by the same welder, bonder,
or operator) from the original designated lot shall be
given the same type of examination
(b) if the items examined as required by (a) above
are acceptable, the defective item shall be repaired or
replaced and reexamined as specified in para. 341.3.3,
and all items represented by these two additional samples shall be accepted, but
(c) if any of the items examined as required by (a)
above reveals a defect, two further samples of the same
kind shall be examined for each defective item found
by that sampling
(d) if all the items examined as required by (c) above
are acceptable, the defective item(s) shall be repaired or
replaced and reexamined as specified in para. 341.3.3,
and all items represented by the additional sampling
shall be accepted, but
(e) if any of the items examined as required by (c)
above reveals a defect, all items represented by the progressive sampling shall be either
(1) repaired or replaced and reexamined as
required, or
(2) fully examined and repaired or replaced as necessary, and reexamined as necessary to meet the requirements of this Code
(f ) If any of the defective items are repaired or
replaced, reexamined, and a defect is again detected in
the repaired or replaced item, continued progressive


341.4 Extent of Required Examination

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