ON Recruitment and Selection IN IMS Learning Resources Pvt. LTD'
ON Recruitment and Selection IN IMS Learning Resources Pvt. LTD'
ON Recruitment and Selection IN IMS Learning Resources Pvt. LTD'
In basic idea behind selecting the topic of Employee Hiring is to study how employees are hired. Today organizations are coming up with the new techniques of hiring people. Hence to study how the actual process is carried in the organization. Research methodology This project aims the finding out and analyzing the hiring process in the organization. The method of approach adopted for the same would be as follows! ". To wo# out the $arious steps and procedures in$ol$ed. %. To contacts $arious companies and collect information &. To collect the information secondary li#e magazines newspapers internets Importance and scope ". This projects will pro$ide a $alue insight to student on the topic. %. This project will help to get the practical #nowledge in employee hiring in the organization. &. The project will equip me for my future in H. '. (. Limitation ". )rganization did not disclose full information. %. *ata collected in this field are not sufficient.
+eople form an integral part of the organization. The efficiency and quality of its people determines the fate of the organization. Hence choice of right people and placing them at right place becomes essential. Hiring comes at this point of time in the picture. Hiring is a strategic function for H' department. 'ecruitment and selection form the process of hiring the employees. 'ecruitment is the systematic process of generating a pool of qualified applicant for organization job. The process includes the step li#e H' planning attracting applicant and screening them. This step is affected by $arious factors which can be internal as well as e,ternal. The organization ma#es use of $arious methods and sources for this purpose. -election is carried from the screen applicant during the recruitment process. There is also some specific process is in$ol$ed. .y the way of conducting preliminary inter$iew and conducting the $arious test if required reference chec# and further final inter$iew is conducted. *uring the process there are certain difficulties and barriers that are to be o$ercomes. *ifferent organization adopts different approaches and techniques for their employees. To #now the practical application of the employees hiring process the analysis of I(- /earning 'esources +$t. /td. was underta#en.
The word 6recruitment1 has many meaning and plays an important role. Employees lea$e the organization in search of greener pastures5 some retire some die in saddle. The most important thing is that enterprise grows di$ersifies and ta#es o$er other units5all necessitating hiring of new men and women. In fact recruitment functions stop only when the organization ceases to e,ist. To understand recruitment in simple terms it is understood as process of searching for obtaining applications of job from among from whom the right people can be selected. To define recruitment we can define it formally as it is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruit are sought and ends when their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. Theoretically recruitment process is said to end with receipt of application in practice the acti$ity e,tends to the screening applicants as to eliminate those who are not qualified for job.
The internal factors also called as endogenous factors are the factors within the organization that affect recruiting personnel in the organization. -ome of these are!5 i-e o. the organi-ation The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. /arger organization finds recruitment less problematic than organization with smaller in size. Recr)iting policy The recruitment policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from internal sources and e,ternal sources also affect the recruitment process. =enerally recruitment through internal sources is preferred because own employees #now the organization and they can well fit in to the organization culture.
Image o. the organi-ation Image of the organization is another factor ha$ing its influence on the recruitment process of the organization. =ood image of the organization earned by the number of o$ert and co$ert action by management helps attract potential and complete candidates. (anagerial actions li#e good public relations rendering public ser$ice li#e building roads public par#s hospitals and schools help earn image or goodwill for organization. application. Image o. the /o0 .etter remuneration and wor#ing conditions are considered the characteristics of good image of a job. .esides promotion and carrier de$elopment policies of organization also attract potential candidates. That is why chip companies attract the larger numbers of
/i#e internal factors there are some factors e,ternal to organization which ha$e their influence on recruitment process. -ome of these are gi$en below!5 'emographic .actors >s demographics factors are intimately related to human beings i.e. employees these ha$e profound influence on recruitment process. *emographic factors include age se, /iteracy economics status etc . La0or mar1et /abor mar#et condition I.e. supply and demand of labor is of particular importance in affecting recruitment process. E.g. if the demand for specific s#ill is high relati$e to its supply is more than for particular s#ill recruitment will be relati$ely easier. Unemployment sit)ation The rate of unemployment is yet another e,ternal factor its influence on the recruitment process. ?hen the employment rate in an area is high the recruitment process tends to simpler. The reason is not difficult to see#. The number of application is e,pectedly $ery high which ma#es easier to attract the best5qualified applications. The reser$e is also true. ?ith low rate of unemployment recruiting process tend to become difficult . La0or la2s There are se$eral labor laws and regulations passed by the central and state go$ernments that go$ern different type of employment. These co$er wor#ing condition compensation retirement benefits safety and health of employee in industrial underta#ings. :
The child /abour >ct "@<:7 for e,ample prohibits employment of children in certain employments. -imilarly se$eral other acts such as the Employment E,change >ct "@9<7 The >pprentice >ct "@:"7 the Aactory >ct "@8<7 and The (ines >ct "@9% deal with recruitment.
Legal consideration >nother e,ternal factor is legal consideration with regard to employment reser$ation of jobs for schedule tribes and other bac#ward class 2).B3 is the popular e,amples of such legal consideration. The supreme court of India has gi$en its $erdict in fa$or of 9C per cent of jobs and seats. This is so in case admission in the educational institutions also.
Employee re.errals4 This is yet another internal source of recruitment. The e,isting employees refer to the family members friends and relati$es to the company potential candidates for the $acancies to be filled up in the organization. This source ser$es as the most effecti$e methods of recruiting people in the organizations because refer to those potential candidates who meet the company requirement #nown to them from their own e,perience. The referred indi$iduals are e,pected to be similar in type in the of race and se, for e,ample to those who are already wor#ing in the organization
Pre5io)s applicant4 This is considered as internal source in the sense that applications from the potential candidates are already lying with organization. -ometimes the organization contacts though mail or messengers these applicants to fill up the $acancies particularly for uns#illed or semis#illed jobs.
EV"LU"TIO& OF I&TER&"L OURCE ! /et us e$aluate the internal source of recruitment. )b$iously it can be done in terms of its ad$antage and disad$antage the same are spelled out as follows! "'V"&T",E 4 The ad$antages of the internal source of recruitment include the following! Familiarity 2ith o2n employees! The organization has more #nowledge and familiarity with the strengths and wea#nesses of its own employees than of strange on un#nown outsiders. Better )se o. the talent4 The policy of internal recruitment also pro$ides an opportunity to the organization to ma#e a better use of talents internally a$ailable and to de$elop them further and further. Economical recr)itment! In case of internal recruitment the organization does not need to spend much money time and effort to locate and attract the potential candidates. Thus internal recruitment pro$es to be economical or say ine,pensi$e. Impro5es morale4 This method ma#es employees sure that they would be preferred o$er the outsiders as and when they filled up in the organization $acancies. " moti5ator4 The promotion through internal recruitment ser$es as a source of moti$ation for the employees to impro$e their carrier and income. The employees feel that organization feel that organization is a place where they can build up their life5 long career. .esides internal recruitment also ser$es as a means of attracting and retaining employees in the organization. "C
'I "'V"&T",E ! The main drawbac# associated with the internal recruitment is as follows! Limited choice4 Internal recruitment limits its choice to the talents a$ailable within the organization. Thus it denies the tapping of talents a$ailable in the $ast labor mar#et outside the organization. (oreo$er internal recruitment ser$es as a means for inbreeding which is ne$er healthy for the future organizations. 'isco)rage competition! In this system the internal candidates are protected from competition by not gi$ing opportunity to otherwise competent candidates from outside the organization. This in turn de$elops a tendency among the employees to ta#e the promotion without showing tagnation o. s1ills4 ?ith the feeling that internal candidates will surely get promoted their s#ill in the long run may become stagnant or obsolete. If so producti$ity and sufficiency of the organization in turn decreases. Creates con.licts4 Bonflicts and contro$ersies surface among the internal candidates whether or not they deser$e promotion. e,tra performance.
Employment agencies4 In addition to the go$ernment agencies there are number of pri$ate agencies that register candidates for employment and furnish a list of suitable candidates from the data ban# as and when sought by the prospecti$e employer. =enerally these agencies select personnel for super$isory and the higher le$els. The main function of these agencies is to in$ite application and short5list the suitable candidates for the organization. )f course the representati$e of the organization ta#es the final decision on selection. The employer organizations deri$e se$eral ad$antages through this source. The time sa$ed in this method can be better utilized elsewhere by the organization. >s the organizational identity remains un#nown to the job spea#ers it thus a$oid recei$ing letters and attempts to influence.
"d5ertisement4 This method of recruitment can be used for jobs li#e clerical technical and managerial. The higher the position in the organization the more specialized the s#ills or the shorter the supply of that resources in the labour mar#et the more widely dispersed the ad$ertisement are li#ely to be. Aor instance the search for a top e,ecuti$e might include ad$ertisements in a national daily li#e the Hindu. -ome employersDcompanies ad$ertise their post by gi$ing them post bo, number of the name of some recruiting agency. This is done to particular #eep own identity secret to a$oid unnecessary correspondence with the applicants. Howe$er the disad$antage of these blind ad$ertisement i.e. post bo, number is that the potential job see#ers are the hesitant without un#nowing the image of the organization on the one hand and the bad imageD reputation that the blind ad$ertisement ha$e recei$ed because of the organizations that placed such ad$ertisements without position lying $acant just to #now supply of laborD wor#ers in the labor mar#et on the other. ?hile preparing ad$ertisement a lot of care has to be ta#en to ma#e it clear and to the point. It must ensure that some self5selection among applicant ta#e place and only qualified applicant responds the ad$ertisement copy should be prepared by using a four5point guide called "I'" . The letters in the acronym denote that ad$ertisement should attract "ttention gain Interest arouse a *esire and result in action. Howe$er not many organizations mention complete detail about job
positions in there ad$ertisement. ?hat happened is that ambiguously worded and broad5based ad$ertisements may generate a lot irrele$ant application which would by necessity increasing the cost of processing them.
Pro.essional "ssociations Eery often recruitment for certain professional and technical positions is made through professionals association also called 89eadh)nters:% Instit)te o. Engineers; "ll India !anagement "ssociation; etc. pro$ide placement ser$ice to the members. The professional associations prepare either list o. /o0see1ers or p)0lish or sponsor /o)rnal or maga-ines containing ad$ertisements for their member. It is particularly useful for attracting highly s1illed and pro.essional personnel% Howe$er in India generating a large number of application. Camp)s Recr)itment This is another source of recruitment. Though campus recruitment is a common phenomenon particularly in the >merican organizations it has made rather recently. )f late some organizations such as 9LL; 9CL; L<T; Citi0an1; Cad0)ry "&= ,rind lays; etc. in India ha$e started $isiting educational and training instituteD campuses for recruitment purposes. (any Institutes ha$e regular placement cells D offices to ser$e liaison between the employer and the students. Tezpur Bentral Fni$ersity has one *eputy *irector 2Training and +lacement3 for purpose of campus recruitment and placement. this is not a 5ery common practice and those few pro$ide such #ind ser$ice ha$e not been able to
The method of campus recruitment offers certain ad$antages to the employer organizations. First; the most of the candidates are a$ailable at one place7 second; the inter$iews are arranged at short notice7 third; the teaching is also met7 .o)rth; it gi$es them opportunity to sell the organization to a large students body who would be graduating subsequently. The disad$antages of this of recruitment are that organizations ha$e to limit their selection to only >entry:: positions and they inter$iew the candidates who ha$e similar education and e,perience if at all. "8
another organization for the short duration of two to three years. This method of recruitment is practice in a pretty manner in the =o$ernment department and public sector organization does not ha$e to incurred the initial cast of induction and training. Howe$er the disad$antages of this of deputation is that and de$elop deputation period of twoDthree year is not enough for the deputed employee to pro$ide employee to pro$e hisDher mettle on the one hand commitment with organization to become part of it on the other.
?ord@o.@mo)th4 -ome organizations in India also practice the word5of5mouth11 method of recruitment. In this method the word is passed around the $acancies or opening in the organization. >nother from of word5of5mouth method of employee@ pinching:: i.e. the employee wor#ing In another organization is offered by the ri$al organization. This method is economic in terms of both time and money. -ome of the organization maintain a file applications and sent a bio5data by a job see#er. These ser$e as a $ery handy as when there is $acancy in the organization. The ad$antage of this method is no cost in$ol$ed in recruitment. Howe$er the disad$antages of this method of recruitment are non5 a$ailability of the candidates when needed choice of candidates is restricted to a too small number.
Raiding or Poaching4 This is another sources of recruitment whereby the ri$al firm by offering terms and conditions try to attract qualified employees to join the. This raiding is a common feature in the Indian organizations. For instance; ser$ice e,ecuti$e of 9!T left to join Titan ?atch Company; so also e,odus of pilot from Indian >irlines to join the pri$ate air ta,i operator. In fact raiding has become challenge for the human resource manager. .esides these wal# 5 ins contractors radio and tele$ision acquisitions and
EV"LU"TIO& OF EXTER&"L OURCE 4 /i#e the internal source of recruitment e,ternal sources are mi,ed of ad$antages and disad$antages "'V"&T",E 4@ Open process .eing a more open process it is li#ely to attract a large number of
applicantsDapplication. The in turn widens it option of selection. "5aila0ility o. Talented Candidates4@ ?ith the large pool of applicants it becomes possible for organization to ha$e talented candidates from the outside. Thus it introduces new blood in the organization. Opport)nity to elect the Best CandidateA ?ith the large pool of applicants selection process becomes competiti$e. This increases prospects for selection the best candidates. Pro5ides healthy competition! >s the e,ternal members are supposed to be more trained and efficient. ?ith such a bac#ground they wor# with the positi$e attitude and greater $igor. This helps create healthy competition and conducti$e wor# en$ironment in the organization.
'I "'V"&T",E 4 Howe$er the e,ternal sources of recruitment suffer from certain disad$antages too these are! E7pensi5e and time cons)ming4 This method of recruitment is both e,pensi$e and time consuming. There is no guarantee that organization will get good and suitable candidates. Un.amiliarity 2ith the Organi-ation! >s candidates some outside the organization they are not familiar with tas#s job nature and the international scenario of the organization. 'isco)rage the E7isting Employee4 E,isting employees are not sure to get promotion. This discourages them to do the hard wor#. This in turn boils down to decreasing producti$ity of the organization.
Realistic Jo0 Pre5ie2 CRJP( Jo0 Compati0ility D)estionnaire CJCD( Realistic Jo0 Pre5ie2s4 'ealistic job pre$iew pro$ides complete job related information both
positi$e and negati$e to the applicants. The information pro$ided will help job see#ers to e$aluate the compatibility among the jobs and their personal ends before hiring decisions are made. '4+s can result in self selection process5 job applicant can decide where to attend the inter$iews and tests for final selection or withdraw them the initial stage. 'esearch on realistic recruiting shows a lower rate of employee turno$er incase of employee recruited through '4+s particularly for more comple, jobs and higher le$el of job satisfaction and performance at the initial stage of employment. '4+s are more beneficial for organization hiring at entry le$el when there are unemployment. )therwise the approach may increase the cost of recruiting by increase the a$erage time it ta#es to fill each job. "@
Jo0 Compati0ility D)estionnaire@ The job compatibility questionnaire was de$eloped to determine whether applicant preferences for wor# match the characteristics of the job. The 4BG is designed to collect the information on aspect of a job which has bearing on employee performance absenteeism and turno$er and job satisfaction. The underlying assumption of the 4GB is that greater the compatibility between an the jobsee#er instrument that measure job factors tas# requirement physical the greater the profitability of employee effecti$eness and longer the tenure. The 4BG is a 8CC5 item which are related to performance peer satisfaction turno$er and absenteeism. Items co$er the following job factors! en$ironment customer characteristics characteristics leader characteristics compensation preference tas# $ariety job autonomy physical demands and wor# schedule.
Recr)itment Planning4 @ The first in$ol$ed in the recruitment process is planning. Hire planning in$ol$es to draft a comprehensi$e job specification for the $acant position outline its major and minor responsibilities7 the s#ills e,perience and qualifications needed7 grade and le$el of pay7 starting date7 whether temporary or permanent7 and mention of special condition if any attached to the job to be filled.
trategy 'e5elopment4@ )nce it is #nown how many with what qualification of candidates are required the ne,t step in$ol$ed in this regard is to de$ice a suitable strategy for recruitment the candidates in the organization. The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues li#e whether to prepare the required candidates themsel$es or hire it from outside what type of recruitment method to be used what geographical area be considered for searching the candidates which source of recruitment to be practiced and %"
earching!5 This step in$ol$es attracting job seeders to the organization. There are broadly two sources used to attract candidates. These are! Internal -ources E,ternal -ources.
creening4@ Through some $iew screening as the starting point of selection we ha$e considered it as an integral part of recruitment. The reason being the selection process starts only after the application ha$e been screened and short listed. /et it be e,emplified with an e,ample. In the Fni$ersities application is in$ited for filling the post of +rofessors. >pplication recei$ed in respond to in$itation i.e. ad$ertisement are screened and short listed on the basis of eligibility and suitability. Then only the screened applicant are in$ited for seminar presentation and personal inter$iew. The selection process starts from here i.e. seminar presentation or inter$iew. 4ob specification is in$aluable n screening. >pplications are screened against the qualification #nowledge s#ills abilities interest and e,perience mentioned in the job specification. Those who do not qualify are straightway eliminated from the selection process. The techniques used for screening candidates are $ary depending on the source of supply and method used for recruiting. +reliminary applications de5selections tests and screening inter$iews are common techniques used for screening the candidates. %%
E5al)ation and control4@ =i$en the considerable in$ol$ed in the recruitment process its e$aluation and control is therefore imperati$e. The costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include! -alary of recruiters7 Bost of time spent for preparing job analysis ad$ertisement etc7 >dministrati$e e,penses7 Bost of outsourcing or o$ertime while $acancies remain unfilled7 Bost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates.
In $iew of abo$e it is necessary for a prudent employed to try answering certain questions li#e! ?hether the recruitment methods are appropriate and $alidH ?hether the recruitment process followed in the organization is effecti$e at all or notH
'irect !ethodA
Indirect !ethodA Third Party !ethod% .rief descriptions of these are follows! 'irect !ethod4 In this method the representati$es of the organizations are sent to the potential candidates in the educational and training institutes. They establish contacts with the candidates see#ing jobs. +erson pursuing management engineering medical etc. programmers are mostly pic#ed up the manner. -ometimes some employer firm establishes with professors and solicits
information about student with e,cellent academic records. -ending the recruiter to the con5entions; seminars; setting )p e7hi0its at .airs and using mobile office to go to the desired centers are some other methods used establish direct contact with the job see#ers. %8
Indirect !ethodA Indirect methods include ad5ertisements in the ne2spaper; on the radio and tele5ision; in pro.essional /o)rnals; technical maga-ines; etc. this method is useful when )rganization dose not find suitable candidates to be promoted to fill up the higher posts ?hen the organization want to reach out a $ast territory and ?hen organization wants to fill up scientific professional and technical posts. The e,perience suggests that the higher the position to be filled up in the organization or the s#ill sought by the sophisticated one the more widely dispersed ad$ertisement is li#ely to be used to reach too many suitable candidates. -ometimes many organizations go for what referred to as 0lind ad5ertisement in which only .o, 0o. is gi$en and the identity of the organization is not disclosed. Howe$er organizations with regional or national repute do not usually use blind ad$ertisements for ob$ious reasons. ?hile placing an ad$ertisement to reach to the potential candidates the following three points need to borne in mind! To $isualize the type of the applicant one is trying recruit7 To write out a list of the ad$antages the job will offer7 To decide where to run the ad$ertisement i.e. newspaper with local state nation5wide and international reach or circulation.
Third Party !ethod4 These include the use of pri5ate employment agencies; management re.erral or cons)ltants; pro.essional 0odies pr associations; employee
recommendation; 5ol)ntary organi-ation; trade 0an1s; la0or contractors; etc. to establish contact with the job see#ers. 0ow a question arises7 which particular method is to be used to recruit the position of the labor supply the go$ernment regard and agreements with labor organizations.
employee in the organizationH The answer to it is that it will depend on the policy of the particular firm regulations organi-ation% in this
Though there has so far not been e$ol$ed any formula such that ma#es recruitment programme necessitates ha$ing certain attributes such as! > well I defined recruitment policy. > proper organizational structure. > well 5 laid down procedure for locating potential jobsee#ers. > suitable method and technique for tapping and utilizing these candidates > continuous assessment of effecti$eness of recruitment programme and incorporation of suitable modifications from time to impro$e the effecti$eness of the programme. >n ethically sound fool5proof telling an applicant all about the job and its position the firm to enable the candidate to judiciously decide whether or not to apply and join the firm if selected. %:
FOREC" T OF FUTURE RECRUIT!E&T This procedure establishes the organization objecti$es to be achie$ed by way of manpower planning. The new techniques new product lines and D or new facility which are implemented as part of the organization e,piation plans to project the recruitment of manpower inta#e for these targets. ?hen these project the requirements are identified considerations to be gi$en to internal and e,ternal sources to ma#e the ultimate objecti$es realistic and attainable. The time frame should co$er between %59 years. The H)* prepares a 6-taff *emand Aorest1 ta#ing into consideration the organization projected growth $ies Ia5 $ies the e,citing departmental strength. This will be forwarded to the +K> *epartment for future analysis.
'ecommendations for Human 'esources )bjecti$es are made by the members of the top (anagement 2=( K >bo$e3 who will from the decision ma#ing group to authorized manpower requirement and related action plan and formulate the manpower budget.
The +K> department is intimated of the selection decision by the (*D*(*. The +D> *epartment prior to issue of letter of appointment is carried out chec#ing of references if required. The selected candidates are gi$en 6/etter of )ffer 6 as per 2>nne,ure5@3 by =( 2+K>3 which the candidates has to ac#nowledge as to#en of his acceptance of appointment. The +K> *epartment prepares the letter of appointment. Aor senior management cadre appointee 2of le$el *=( K abo$e3 the letter of appointment is signed by the (*D*(*. =( 2+K>3 will sign letter of appointment for other le$els. The letter of employment contents date of joining designation and Bompensation pac#age including allowable perquisites. Inter office memos are used for communicating important. 'ecruitment related issues with other departments. The +K> *epartment is intimated of the selection decision by the (*D*(*. The +D> *epartment prior to issue of letter of appointment is carried out chec#ing of references if required. The selected candidates are gi$en 6/etter of )ffer1 as per 2>nne,ure5@3 by =( 2+K>3 which the candidate has to ac#nowledge as to#en of his acceptance of appointment.
I&VE&TOR# OF CURRE&T RE OURCE 4 This component establishes the basis for future actions in the plan. The in$entory
will co$er the number and type of person required with identified job positions and will ta#e into consideration the educational bac#ground wor# e,perience and age group. (ost of the in$entory data should be a$ailable in the e,isting personal files. *% "&"L# I OF I&TER&"L "&' EXTER&"L I&FLUE&CE4
The future requirement and current resources should be established before future actions are determined. Internal and e,ternal factor which may influence the plan most are to be identified and analyzed. This includes eminent retirement transfers and promotions and terminations and other charges that effect the current personal population. )n this basis ta#ing into consideration the per$ious trend the +K> *epartment prepares a (anpower turno$er statement. >nticipation changes in the e,ternal en$ironment that affects the business any internal change of direction in the business itself. +% CORPOR"TE !I C!O T(4 IO&; OBVJECTIVE ; TR"TE,IE T"CTICE
'ecruitment corporations ha$e started lin#ing their mission objecti$es strategies and tactics 2()-T3 to the functions of recruitment and selection. The economic liberalizations and consequent competition through quality and ser$ice necessitated the companies to search for and attract competent human resources. Borporation focusing on new business de$elopment will ha$e to see# interregnal abilities companies planning to withdraw from di$ersification must loo# for pragmatists and companies chasing growth alliances should employ people comfortable in different cultural bac#grounds. >bo$e all companies must hire for the future anticipation jobs that may not be in e,istence yet recruitment managers must focus for attitudes and approaches that fit the corporate goals and culture. &8
'ecruitment policy of any organization is deri$ed from the personal policy of the same organization. In other words the former is a part of the latter. Howe$er recruitment policy by itself should ta#e into considerations the go$ernment reser$ation policy policy regarding sons of soil etc. personal policies of other organization regarding merit internal sources social responsibilities in absorbing minority sections women etc. 'ecruitment policy is li#e enriching the organization1s human resources ser$ing the commodity by absorbing the wea#er sections and disad$antaged people the society moti$ation the employees through internal promotions impro$ing the employee1s loyalty to the organization by absorbing the retrenched or laid5off employee or dependents of present former employees etc. The following factors should be ta#en into consideration in formulating recruitment policy they are!5 =o$ernment policies. +ersonal policies of other completion organizations. )rganization1s personal policies 'ecruitment sources 'ecruitment needs 'ecruitment cost -election criteria and preference etc.
6% I!PLE!E&T"TIO& PL"&4 >nalysis of staff demand forecast $ise5a5$ise manpower turno$er ratio determine the additional manpower requirement for the projected plan period within framewor#s of the comprehensi$e plan the line functionaries is responsible for the amendment to meet operating requirements. The plan is segmented with identified responsibilities the steps to be ta#en for achie$ing the goal in the required time. This should include succession planning for personal to mo$e from their present positions to the desired positions in the period of &9
time. +K> department has the major responsibility for co5ordination of the business. Bopies of the sanctioned manpower strength and manpower budget will be a$ailable with the $arious Hoods and the +K> department. Implementation of the manpower plan entails a $ariety of control measures to ensure compliance by all sections of the organization. The control measures include the requisite system en$eloping either number and quality if new incumbents or internal transfer. *epartment1s feedbac# is at specified time period on the progress of implementation. B% RECRUIT!E&T "&' ELECTIO&4 The identification of manpower requirements for any particular department will be carried out by the respecti$e H.).*. the manpower requisition from will be duly filled in and signed by the concerned H)* and forwarded to the +K> department duly sectioned and authorized. )n receipt of the manpower requisition from the +K> department will ensure that the $acancy is failed. The head of the indenting department in co5ordination with the +K> department will decide the mode of recruitment. In case the internal resources of the organization are to be utilized. >n internal search will be carried out within the organization. If suitable candidates are identified the management may resort to promotionDtransferDre5de$elopmentDre5allocation to fill the e,isting $acancy. In the e$ent of no suitable candidates being located from within the organization an e,ternal search may be underta#en $ia the under mentioned sources. The in5house data ban# in which the forced applications of potentially good candidates are maintained may be scanned. The ser$ice of a management consultancy ser$iceDrecruitment agency may be utilized for location the right candidate an ad$ertisement may be inserted in the newspapers. )ther means li#e campus recruitment for junior le$el requirement and head hunting for senior le$el requirements may be restarted to. ?hen ad$ertisement is placed in the newspaper the ad$ertisement draft is prepared by the H)* and is forwarded to the director 2+K>3 for his appro$al. The concerned department head screens applications recei$ed and a shortlist of &:
candidates to bed called for inter$iew is prepared. > similar shortlist is also being prepared in the case of recruitment from sources other than that of newspaper ad$ertisement. >ccordingly call letters for inter$iew are prepared after discussion with inter$iew panel member on suitable date and time and dispatched to the short listed candidates. >pplication blan# is sent along5with the cell letter to ensure completeness of information obtained. >lso a le$el of uniformity is maintained regarding the amount of information a$ailable on each applicant and this assists in comprehensi$e assessment by the inter$iew panel. >n inter$iew schedule gi$ing name of candidate position applied for and inter$iew date and time is forwarded to the reception and the inter$iew panel member on the day of inter$iew the same list is forwarded to the security two wor#ing days in ad$ance for arrangement of -EE+L gate passes. The +K> department will ma#e necessary arrangement for the reimbursement of tra$el e,penses to the out station candidates where$er application. E% T9E I&TERVIE? P"&EL4 The inter$iew panel comprises of the head of the concerned department another member of the same department and a senior le$el manager from the +K> department additionally it is left to the discretion of the director2+K>3 to strengthen the board with more member depending on the circumstances. E$ery member of the inter$iew panel has to fill in the inter$iew rating from they are!5 =(D>=( *I'EBT)' 2+K>3 ==* (*D*y.(* (anager =( of *ept. K*irector 2+K>3 K=roup =.(.*y.(* *y. (anagersD >ssistant (anager *ept. Head (angerD==*D*irector 2+K>3D=( of *epartment. *y.(*. E,ecuti$esDofficers *ept. (angerD*ept. =.(.*y. (anagers 2pers.3 =( 2+K>3 -uper$isorDwor#ers >sst. (anager of *ept. *y. (anager 2pers.3
"&' "PPOI&T!E&T!
-ubsequent to the inter$iew the members of the inter$iew panel prepare a shortlist of candidates long with rating order. The +K> department will forward the names of short listed candidates to the *(*D*irector +K>3 for his perusal. The *(* of director 2+K>3 after discussion and consultation with the inter$iew panel member will select suitable candidates. In case of senior personal 2(anagers Kabo$e3 a future inter$iew may be arranged with the (*D*(* for the final selection. The +K> *epartment prepares the letter of appointment. Aor -enior management cadre appointee 2of le$el *=( Kabo$e3 the letter of appointment for other le$els. The letter of employment date of joining designation and Bompensation pac#age including allowable perquisites. Inter office memos are used for communicating important. 'ecruitment related issues with other departments.
RECRUIT!E&T "&' ELECTIO& PROCE'URE $% U&'ER T"&'I&, T9E CLIE&T: &EE' They study client1s recruitment and discuss the details with client1s representati$e1s to obtain a complete understanding of client1s needs desire their e,ecuti$e may e$en $isit client for formal discussion. They wor# closely with their customer to clearly understand how their business relationship with them can grow. >fter this they as# client to submit documents li#e agency agreement demand letter of attorney employee ser$ice agreement etc. to pro$ide client a prompt ser$ice. *% EV"LU"TIO& OF PER O&&EL Their e,ecuti$e team ta#es o$er from here. They refers to their e,citing networ# and recei$e immediate feed bac# on the a$ailability of the required personnel. They ma#e special effort to #eep their data ban# updated and duly supplement it periodically. In order to widen their choice or to locate persons to meet client1s precise specification they may also ad$ertise in the media or if necessary resort to headhunt. They scrutinize the resumesDBE recei$ed and shortlist the candidates based on merit and then in$ite them for an inter$iew. They carry out an in5depth analysis of the job specification and match the candidates to meet the employer5employee equation to a$oid any disappointment due to a mismatch. The final short5listed resumeDBEs are dispatched to the employer for his final selection.
+% T9E ELECTIO& OPTIO& To ma#e the final selections they offer the following options for consideration by the client. ". The entire selection procedure is left to I(' where a team of +rofessional De,perts will ta#e on the responsibility of pro$iding client the best wor# force as per client1s job specifications. %. In case the principal employer wishes to carry out the selection through his team of e,perts they welcome the client1s team to $isit their office in 0ew *elhi 2India3. They shall pro$ide all assistance in carrying out trade testDinter$iew. >ll associated amenities are pro$ided by I('. 3% !E'IC"L C9ECGUP They retain the ser$ices of the best hospitals and clinics in India which are accredited by *ept. of /abor and from the Embassies to conduct medical e,amination of all the personnel intending to wor# abroad. E,amination includes HIED>I*- Test 2This test is compulsory3 .lood Test Bhest M5'ay Frine K - tool Test or any other #ind of e,amination that might be specially requested by client. 6% FOLLO? UP ?ith each new assignment their wor#ers ha$e to wor# with unfamiliar people new procedures and changing routines. It is their responsibility to ensure that the transition goes as smoothly as possible. This ma#es far more confident and better5 prepared wor#ers. They follow up with selected candidates for pre5departure formalities so that they can proceed to wor# promptly. Their medicals chec# up processing of tra$el documents they ta#e immigration formalities and air tic#ets.
B% FEE'B"CG FRO! CLIE&T They #eep in contact with the client e$en later getting a feedbac# from the client and endea$oring to impro$e their system to gi$e e$en better ser$ice to the client. E% I!R ,U"R"&TEE They assure all their client that personnel through them are the best a$ailable medically fit and free from any infection diseases. They offer a replacement free of cost within the probationary period of three months in case a Bandidate is found medically unfit professionally incompetent or otherwise unsuitable. I(' will bear the e,penses 2Eise cost >nd >ir Tic#et3 in sending such candidates bac# to their home country.
"C. >t junior le$el 2indi$iduals with an e,perience of "5% yrs3 different tests li#e general aptitude test attitude tests etc are conducted. The inter$iew is then conducted by the 'ecruitment (anager and 4r. H' (anager. "". The second inter$iew may be conducted again depending on the post normally by the H' Head the Head of the concerned functional department. In case of senior le$el positions the senior managers from /KT are present. "%. Bandidates for the senior post ha$e to gi$e a psychometric test which is self designed by the company itself. This test chec#s on the functional #nowledge communication s#ills interpersonal s#ills commercial s#ills of the candidates. "&. These candidates are then ta#en to assessment centers where they play business games. >lso the candidates are required to prepare on a topic within 89mins and present it for a "D% hour in front of the panel. /KT has in5house assessment centers which are designed by -H/. "8. "9. >fter the Inter$iews the applicants are sent 'egret D )ffer letters depending on whether they are selected or not. )nce the candidate accepts the 4ob )ffer the salary is negotiated and they are as#ed for % reference letters. The respecti$e H' heads spea#s to the % people regarding the o$erall performance of the applicant. ":. > compulsory (edical E,amination is done for e$ery single candidate before he is gi$en the appointment letter. This is done so as to ensure that the employee will not face any health problems during the course of his ser$ice. ";. The >ppointment /etter is gi$en. The entire process lasts .or $ month on an a5erage 0)t it can e7tend to + months i. necessary.
9ead o..ice4@ I(- /earning 'esources +$t. /td. E5.loc# :th Aloor 0B/ .andra +remises .OB .andra 2E3 (umbai I 8CC C9" Tel!5 @"5%%5:::< CCC9 Aa,!5@"5%%5:::< CCC: www.imsindia.com
9I TOR# Established in "@@9 +yramid has grown organically assimilating $arious technologies and #now 5how in )il K gas industry finally ta#ing shape of a global engineering ser$ices and turn#ey solutions company. Today +yramid engages about %9C engineering professionals worldwide and ser$es clients in ": countries.
CO!P"&# I&FOR!"TIO& +yramid is a pri$ately owned engineering and consulting firm acti$e in )il K =as industry. +yramid is owned and managed by engineering professionals. +yramid pro$ides world5class Engineering +rocurement and Bonstruction management ser$ices for )il K =as business. +yramid also offers turn#ey solutions for technology intensi$e process systems used in )il K =as industry. The E+B( as well as turn#ey solution business is supported by state of the art design and management facility. +yramid operates on a transnational business model. ?hile head office at India is the hub of core engineering and management functions +yramid pro$ides ser$ices and solutions globally through branches joint $entures and subsidiaries. +yramid competes by pro$iding high quality and cost effecti$e engineering solutions and does not use unfair means to create an edge o$er competition. Integrity transparency and enhancing Blient satisfaction are the guiding business principles in all the transactions.
+yramid stri$es to be a good corporate citizen and fully comply with the law of the land in $arious countries it wor#s. +yramid shall continue to ma,imize $alue creation for its clients employees suppliers and shareholders in a sustainable manner. DU"LIT# +yramid (anagement is committed to quality and safety in all aspects of wor# to ensure the highest standards of product and ser$ices to our clients worldwide. +yramid has a functional Guality Bontrol system under certification as per I-)5@CC"! %CCC ensuring the quality of ser$ices is at par with international standards. -afety in design and implementation is an integral part of our pursuit of continuous quality impro$ement.
?ORGI&, "T P#R"!I' +yramid carries out .asic Engineering Aacility +lanning Hazop K 'is# >nalysis conformance chec# for -tatutory 'egulations to wor# out authorisation for e,penditure quality cost and schedule estimates along with a detailed project scope of wor# and project e,ecution plan. 'is# assessment during this phase identifies H-E technical cost and schedule ris#s that should be mitigated or managed. +yramid finalizes the tending and procurement model jointly with client. +yramidPs engineering s#ills and understanding of world5wide mar#ets guarantee lowest possible project e,penditure. +yramid pro$ides high $alue consulting ser$ices in comple, +rocess and (echanical segments. +yramid is maintaining a growth rate of more than 9CQ in last fi$e years with more than ;CQ e,port business at year ending *ec. %CC&. ?hile major engineering wor# is carried out at Engineering K *esign Bentre at Thane India personnel at +yramid are e,pected to wor# from any location in the world.
8; +yramid pro$ides an e,cellent platform for ambitious people with the right capacities to ma#e considerable career progress within a short period of time. +yramid offers you space and time to determine the speed and direction of your career de$elopment yourself. The playing field is an organization with almost flat managerial structure international branches highly specialist areas K hundreds of projects e$ery year. Nou can grow into a $ersatile project consultant technology specialist or into a business unit manager.
EXTER&"L OURCE "d5ertisement4@ 0ews papers used by this organization for recruitment purpose!5 "3 Times of India %3 (umbai mirror Employment agencies!5 This organization is also depends upon $arious employment agencies. -ome of the agencies are! "3 >/5->(IT I0TE'0>TI)0>/ "; .hagoji Oeeramarg office +aradise Binema (ahim (umbai5": %3 >(.E B)0-F/T>0BN -E'EIBE: =eleci )0=B .uilding 0ear /eela$ati Hospital .andra2?3 (umbai59C
&3 >+EM B)0-F/T>0T.haira$i >partment .hardawadi /ane )pp. 0a$rang Binema >ndheri2?3 (umbai59< 83 .'I=HT I0TE'0>TI)0>/ &D*iamond (ansion &::D:< Oalbade$i 'oad (umbai58CCCC% 93 +>-H> E0TE'+'I-E&"D&% 4uhu 'oad 9th floor opp. /ido +etrol +ump -antacruz2?3 (umbai58@ 'ep)tation4@ *eputation is done in case of well performing employees who can go in other industries and understand new techniques of wor#. 0ormally these employees are sent abroad countries such as F.-.>. *ubai 0orway etc. )ther e,ternal sources such as Pro.essional "ssociations Raiding or Poaching; ?ord@o.@mo)th are not used by the organization.
There normally selection is done in two le$els. (iddle and top le$el selection /ower le$el selection Lo2er le5el selection!5 Aor selecting lower le$el employees such as cad operators designers etc. the preliminary test is conducted. The candidates who scores higher mar#s are called for inter$iew. In inter$iew many things are as#ed and decided such as!5 Bandidate1s recruitment on temporary basis or contract basis. Bandidate1s to be paid on hourly basis or monthly basis. Bandidate to be sent to abroad for training or project. Bandidate1s readiness to wor# on shifts. >fter confirmation of all these things final decision regarding gi$ing appointment letter is ta#en and at last letter of appointment is gi$en.
9% Top le5el selection!5 ?hile selecting middle or top le$el employee1s job e,perience is main element and inter$iew is gi$en most importance. >s top le$el employee is going to manage people in the organization his personal s#ills are also gi$en importance with his technical #nowledge. ?hile selecting top le$el employees many things are ta#en into consideration such as!5 >bilities to understand the people >bilities to handle the people >bilities to ta#e right decisions >bilities to gi$e training to the lower le$el employees etc. =enerally top le$el employees are selected on long period contract basis.
'ecruitment and selection are getting $ery much importance these days in the organization. It is $ery critical thing to e$aluate the human resources. It is a systematic procedure that in$ol$es many acti$ities. The process includes the step li#e H' planning attracting applicant and screening them. It is $ery important acti$ity as it pro$ides right people in right place at right time. It is not an easy tas# as organization1s future is depends on this acti$ity. If suitable employees are selected which are beneficial to the organization it is at safe side but if decision goes wrong it can be dangerous to the organization. -o it is an acti$ity for which H' department gets $ery much importance. 'ecruitment and selection procedure and its policies changed as per the organization. Its importance also gets changed as the organization changed.
98 .
.oo#s O. >swathappa 'obert mattis 0airK 0air (amoria ?ebsites www.ere,change.com www.hr.com www.pyramidweb.net
The I! ?ayH P/o$e the job you are doing and you will ne$er ha$e to wor# a day in your life1. This simple adage captures the essence of our employees being with us. )ur team members at I(- are here because they identify with I(-Ps $ision I that of PmentoringP the youth of this country to dream Pmoti$atingP them towards greater hopes and aspirations and PguidingP them on the right trac# to realize those ambitions. ?e ha$e a fun5based wor# culture combined with an open door policy of the management and approachability which differentiates us from the also5ran.
Independence of thought and action and initiati$e is greatly appreciated at I(-. ?e encourage creati$ity and e,cellence. This is reinforced by the positi$e attitude of our employees 5 an attitude that helps maintain an optimum P?or# 5 /ife .alanceP.?e #now that e$ery interaction a student has with us is $ital. Hence we esteem these interactions that builds the foundation for the student to embar# on the right career trac#. Aaced with a choice between a studentPs interest and the companyPs interest it is always the former that gets a priority. It is this dedication that ma#es I(- stand apart from other organizations. *o you ha$e the +>--I)0 to ma#e a positi$e difference in a young personPs life and in our societyH If your answer is Nes send us your profile to recruitmentRimsindia.com and we shall get in touch with you in case of a suitable $acancy. >s our credo effecti$ely sums it up we aim for PE,cellence Through Inno$ation Empathy and Ethical Ealues >nd Teamwor#P.
Employee pea1 )ur employees are our greatest resources and it is their commitment and dri$e that ma#es I(- what it is today. ?e belie$e in our employees and encourage them to thin# beyond the ob$ious and aim beyond the horizon. =o on and read about the e,periences which some of our employees our pillars of strength would li#e to share. =ejo -reeni$asan a dynamic (.> from II(5B who has constantly enriched his growth from an >ssistant (anager 2(ar#eting3 to a +roduct Head today shares his reminiscences S+ersonally I feel that I(- is a wonderful place to wor# with. I ha$e wor#ed with the most talented indi$iduals in the industry. (y wor# e,perience in I(- has pro$ided me with a tremendous opportunity to learn and grow. In my opinion this is a dynamic organization with unlimited energy.S ?e ha$e always belie$ed in our employees and it is this $ery belief and trust that translates and manifests itself in the initiati$es our employees ta#e the passion and enthusiasm with which they contribute to our $ision and mission. >s (anisha -agar >ssistant Bentre (anager of I(-5Thane rightly puts it! S>cross the hierarchy of I(- there are professionals who are treasures of talent and s#ills and yet $ery humble and helpful. It is because of this amicability and cooperation that e$en the most critical situations are dealt with ease. That is what I belie$e is a $ital part of the I(- wor# culture.S The wor#5oriented approach and open corporate etiquette ensures that each of our employees attains his potential and performs beyond the ob$ious. +ra$een (urmu an (.> from II(5B who has wor#ed with us for o$er fi$e years in both line as well as staff functions says SIt has been a great learning e,perience for me guiding students which has pro$ided me a sense of purpose and perspecti$e.S Einaya# Oud$a Head 5 Bourse *esign 2(athematics3 opines SI(- belie$es in fostering and supporting its employees so that they can not only contribute to the organizationPs goals more effecti$ely but also achie$e their indi$idual objecti$es.S
Inno$ati$e and constructi$e ideas are encouraged and readily implemented at I(-. > constant endea$or at achie$ing e,cellence coupled with empathy and moti$ation gi$en to the employees helps them realize their full potential. I(- also gi$es them a platform to unleash their caliber. Oaushi# 'amachandran an (.> from II(5/ who is currently wor#ing as a (anager for International )perations has used this opportunity to share his $iews about being an I(-ian S+roduct Bonceptualization +roduct *e$elopment (ar#eting +lans Technology +lans for -er$icing Identifying 'ight +eople to ta#e product to mar#et. >ll those I learned 9 years bac# at II( were used by me for the first time at I(-... -imply put it was absolute fun to wor# with great set of li#e5minded indi$iduals. Ha$e ne$er been more satisfied in my lifeS. >ll these $iewpoints pro$e that I(- is an e,tremely professional organization. >t the same time we belie$e in ha$ing a wor#5conduci$e yet comfortable atmosphere across our centres. 'ajesh /ad who heads the -ion Bentre and also ta#es lectures asserts that he has Se,perienced a Pfamily atmosphereP at my centre. -uch an en$ironment $ery much facilitates the indi$idualPs as well the teamPs optimum performance.S This atmosphere also translates into a $ery approachable outloo# that we maintain towards all our students 5 in line with our ideology of P(entor. (oti$ate. =uide.P 'oshni *P-ouza an >ssistant (anager with the -ystems Team in the Borporate )ffice and a +art5Time Aaculty hits the nail on the head with her statement! SThere can ne$er be a monotonous day at I(- because each day presents new students and through them new challenges to be faced new dreams to be nourished new e,periences to be cherished.S >ll these e,periences at I(- underpin what we ha$e always belie$ed in 5 our team members are our greatest assets. 'oshni says S -amuel .utler has rightly said that +eople are always good company when they are doing what they really enjoy. This truism best represents why I am here at I(-. I enjoy tal#ing with students #nowing about their dreams helping them out. *espite being a part of the -ystems Team I utilize the opportunity being a faculty as I enjoy it when students loo# at me as not just a faculty but as a guide a mentor and a friend. I #now I am Pgood companyP for both5my students as well as my colleagues at I(-.S
?e as a part of the H' Team would li#e to share our e,periences tooJSI(- $alues and our philosophy has been close to our hearts. ?e belie$e in (entoring (oti$ating and guiding those associated with us. .e it our students or our employees. In fact this led to the inception of I(- (entorship +rogramme where we ha$e always encouraged those who aspire to study further. To sum up we would consider I(- as a place for people who ha$e a passion and ha$e a dream of wal#ing their way to success...S
JOB REDUI ITIO& TE!PL"TE *esignation! 0umber of positions! =radeD Badre! (Highlight the suitable option) *epartment! 'eporting to! -ubordinateDs 2If any3! ?ho are reporting to the job incumbentH 'eason for requisition! (Highlight the suitable option) 4ob *escription! 2?rite a brief summary of the job.3 -#ills required for the job! /eadershipD Team orientationD team buildingD presentationD analysis and problem sol$ing creati$e thin#ing communication Gualification! +re$ious E,perience! (Describe nature of experience) -alary 'ange! -uggested source of candidates! >ny )ther 'emar#! +osition 'equisitioned by! +osition >ppro$ed by! /ocation!
+lease list the main reasons why the candidate is shortlistedDwaitlistedDrejected "3 %3 &3
&3 5 Burrent -alary 2monthly Ta#e home3! 5 E,pectations! 83 >ny other comments!
4ob reqn. Aorm sent by *ept heads H' (asterD'ecruitmentD4ob requisition template