CH 3

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a) Prepare a database authorization table that you think is appropriate for Bogey and Bacall for these two

files b) Discuss any potential exposure if the right prevention devices are not in place or if Bogey and Bacall collude.
DEPARTMENT USER PASSWORD Authority: Read Insert Modify Delete Personnel Bogey casa Y Y Y Y Personnel Bacall blanca Y N N N Payroll Bogey casa N N N N Payroll Bacall blanca Y Y Y Y

b. If the right prevention device is not in effect, then Bacall may insert fictitious employees and write checks to employees which do not exist and keep the checks for her. Further, Bacall may be able to pay her friends or relatives more than they earned by increasing their hourly wage rates. If Bogey and Bacall collude, then they can perform these tasks. Other controls are needed such as supervisor review of paychecks and/or a paymaster, other than Bacall, distributing checks.
Credit Data

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