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CASE: IS Activities Control The in-house IS personnel work an average of 84

hours per week, including night shifts and

Des Peres Drug Stores, Inc., a rapidly growing Los weekends. On a number of occasions, many IS
Angeles-based business, operates 1754 full-service staff members perform duties that are not listed
drug stores throughout the United States. About 50 in their written job descriptions. In one instance,
new drug stores are opened annually. The the computer operators balanced accounts and
companys annual revenues total $8.5 billion, and it signed checks.
uses a mix of mainframe, mini-, and The firm use an informal process to determine
microcomputers. The firm plans to reengineer its which reports to print and what manager are to
business processes and downsize its mission-critical receive the reports.
applications to an enterprise wide client/server Computer operators frequently complain about
network. These efforts are expected to be completed the lack of in-house manuals. The few manuals in
in about four years. existence often do not contain clear checklists
and step-by-step operating instructions.
Their external audit firm has just completed an
Computer programmers and system analysts are
audit of the information system (IS) department.
organizationally located in the same department.
Following are excerpts from the audit firms notes.
Data-entry personnel are not provided with
The IS manager has not prepared short-term or written input preparation procedures to guide
long-term plans of how the company will upgrade them in entering data over terminals.
hard-ware and software to meet changing Each data-entry person is responsible for
technology and growth needs. entering, reviewing, and posting the transactions.
Software updates for two critical accounting Password enable accountants to access
applications remain unimplemented for two accounting applications software and enter
years. journal entries, prepare reports, and perform
Because of rapid expansion plans and the critical other functions. Occasionally, an accountant will
shortages of qualified IS personnel, the IS perform duties such as entering general ledger
manager has contracted with 50 outside journal entries as well as balancing the accounts
programmers who work out of offices in Calcutta containing those same entries. A few accountants
and Bombay, India. The Programmers use make journal entries, and handle cash and other
microcomputers linked via modem to Des Peres negotiable items.
mainframe computers to make changes to live
production programs. They rarely notify the IS Required
manager of such changes, and there is no formal
1. Given the audit findings, identify weaknesses
process in place for testing the changes. Recent
in general/and or application controls. For
undocumented program changes have caused
each weakness identified, state the potential
program errors that generated erroneous data.
impact of the weakness on the company.
The contract programmer manager working in
Bombay uploads all program changes made by 2. Based on number 1 above, you are asked to
the staff programmers to a Web site. Any give three suggestions for improvement Des
Programmer can type in the http address to log- Peres Drug Storess information systems.
in to the sites server. They use Adobe Acrobat to
3. How will the proposed enterprise wide
study the program changes and then e-mail
client/server network affect general and
suggested improvements to all contract
application controls?

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