The ATlAnTic CenTury

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The Atlantic Century

Benchmarking EU & U.S.

Innovation and Competitiveness

February 2009
About The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy think tank committed to
articulating and advancing a productivity and pro-innovation public policy agenda internationally, in Washington and the states.
Recognizing the vital role of technology in ensuring prosperity, ITIF focuses on innovation, productivity, and digital economy issues.

Our mission is to help policymakers better understand the nature of the new innovation economy and the types of public policies
needed to drive innovation, productivity and broad-based prosperity.

ITIF publishes policy reports, holds forums and policy debates, advises elected officials and their staff, and is an active resource for
the media. It develops new and creative policy proposals to advance innovation and analyzes existing policy issues through the lens
of advancing innovation and productivity.

For further information, to view this report online, or to view other ITIF publications, please find us at the address below: •
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About The European-American Business Council

The European American Business Council (EABC) was legally chartered in 1989 as the European Community Chamber of
Commerce (ECCC) in the United States. On June 2, 1990, the EABC went public in New York and Washington. In 1997, the EABC
was renamed the European-American Business Council to reflect the organization’s expanding policy advocacy before both European
and American governments. At each stage of growth, the EABC has remained an independent business association, funded wholly by
its member companies. Today the EABC is recognized by the European Commission as the official European Business Organization
in America.

ITIF appreciates the financial assistance received from the European-American Business Council for this project. The contents and
views of this publication are solely the responsibility of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.

Page ii The Atlantic Century

The Atlantic Century
Benchmarking EU & U.S.
Innovation and Competitiveness

Robert D. Atkinson and Scott M. Andes

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

February 2009

The Information
Information Techology
Foundation Page iii
About the Authors
Dr. Robert D. Atkinson is President of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. As former
director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Technology and New Economy Project, executive director of
the Rhode Island Economic Policy Council, and project director of the Congressional Office of Technology
Assessment, he has conducted groundbreaking technology policy research, advised policymakers, and
written and spoken extensively on technology issues. He is the author of The Past and Future of America’s
Economy: Long Waves of Innovation that Power Cycles of Growth (Edward Elgar: 2005).

Scott M. Andes is a research assistant at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and a
graduate of the London School of Economics.

We would like to thank Ameya Ananth, Priscilla Jang and Kerry Kemp for their editorial support.

We want to express our gratitude and appreciation to those who provided valuable input, including Dan
Hamilton, Kent Hughes, Joesph Quinlin and Simon Serfaty.

Page iv The Atlantic Century

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................1

Europe vs. the United States..............................................................................................................3
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World....................................................................4
Overall Scores for Each Country and Region.....................................................................................5
Change Scores for Each Country and Region....................................................................................7
Box 1...................................................................................................................................................9

Higher Education Attainment.............................................................................................................10
Science and Technology Researchers...............................................................................................11

Corporate Investment in R&D............................................................................................................12
Government Investment in R&D........................................................................................................13
Share and Quality of World’s Scientific and Technical Publications...................................................14

Venture Capital...................................................................................................................................15
New Firms..........................................................................................................................................16


Broadband Telecommunications........................................................................................................18
Corporate Investment in Information Technology...............................................................................19


Effective Corporate Tax Rates............................................................................................................20
Ease of Doing Business.....................................................................................................................21

Trade Balance....................................................................................................................................22
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows......................................................................................................23
GDP per Working-Age Adult..............................................................................................................24

Discussion and Policy IMPLICATIONS…..............................…………………….............…...26

Appendix: Weighting Methodology……………...........................................................…..28

DATA SOURCES………………………………………..…………...................………………………….29


The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page v


t has become almost a cliché to point out that the rise of advanced needs to put in place a robust economic development policy. Likewise,
transportation and communication technologies have provided firms the European Commission needs to expand its efforts to spur economic
much more locational freedom and that the market for an increased development, particularly by increasing its support for science and innovation
share of goods and services is now international. But these and other and ensuring that its regulatory framework supports innovation.
factors have dramatically increased the pressures on nations to be globally
competitive—and the global economic recession will only heighten such Although it is beyond the scope of this report to lay out a detailed
pressures. Moreover, many nations no longer compete principally on low competitiveness and innovation agenda, the broad outline of such an
costs, but instead compete on the basis of innovation and knowledge as agenda is as follows. Nations or regions should:
they seek to create, grow and attract high value-added firms. This report
assesses nations’ innovation-based, global competitiveness. 1. Put in place incentives for firms to innovate within their
borders. These should include robust R&D tax incentives;
Unlike other reports that evaluate a country’s economic structure or policy incentives, such as accelerated depreciation, to invest in new
factors or economic performance alone, this study is based on a recognition equipment, particularly IT; and other policies that spur investment
that all these factors must be considered together to create a holistic in the building blocks of growth, such as workforce development
understanding of how a country is performing in terms of global innovation tax credits.
and competitiveness and whether or not that performance is expected
to continue, decline, or increase in the future. The 16 indicators used in 2. Be open to high-skill immigration. High skill immigrants are
this study to assess global competitiveness fall into six broad categories: the source of many new ideas and innovations. Countries that are
(1) human capital; (2) innovation capacity; (3) entrepreneurship; (4) IT open to high skill immigration will be able to better succeed.
infrastructure; (5) economic policy; and (6) economic performance.
3. Foster a digital economy. Nations should not only expand
Unlike several recent studies that find that the United States is the global public investments in IT in areas such as health care, energy
leader in innovation and competitiveness, (see Box 1) ITIF finds that the systems, transportation, government, and education, but also
United States ranks sixth overall among the 40 nations/regions (with a global put in place the right regulatory frameworks to spur, not limit,
competitiveness score of 63.9 that is 15 percent below the leader Singapore’s digital investment. Nations need to also consider how existing
score of 73.4). The EU-15 region ranks 18th in global competitiveness regulatory and public procurement policies can be redesigned to
among the 40 nations/regions (with a global competitiveness score of just intentionally spur digital transformation.
52.5, 40 percent below Singapore’s score). Thus, our analysis indicates that
the United States is not the runaway leader in global competitiveness that 4. Support the kinds of institutions that are critical to
some believe it to be, but still leads Europe. innovation. Nations need to expand funding not just for university
research, but for the kinds of mechanisms and institutions that
Moreover, strikingly ITIF finds that all of the 39 other countries and regions help foster commercialization of research. In addition, they need
studied have made faster progress toward the new knowledge-based to boost support for a host of efforts such as local economic
innovation economy in recent years than the United States. As indicated development, entrepreneurship development, and workforce
by the change score, the United States has made the least progress of training.
the 40 nations/regions in improvement in international competitiveness and
innovation capacity over the last decade. The EU-15 region has made some 5. Ensure that regulations and other related government
improvements over the last decade, but slower than the overall average policies support, not retard, innovation. Too often, powerful
and as a result, ranks 29th among the 40 nations/regions. But this is still interest groups (business, civic, and labor) fight against change
considerably higher than the United States. If the EU-15 region as a whole and innovation, often under the guise of the public interest, but all
continues to improve at this faster rate than the United States, it would too often the result is that progressive and positive innovation is
surpass the United States in innovation-based competitiveness by 2020. slowed. Nations should ensure that their regulations, procurement,
and other related policies tilt toward innovation.
These findings have significant implications for Europe and the United
States. First, the rise of global economic competition means that the United If operating the right way, the competitive pressures between nations can
States and Europe need to think of themselves as a big state (in the case lead them all to do better, spurring them to put in place a host of policies
of the United States) or a big nation (in the case of Europe), and proactively that drive productivity and innovation, which at the end of the day will benefit
put in place national or continental economic development strategies. This not just individual nations and regions, but the entire global economy. But if
particularly applies to the United States, where the prevailing view among competition leads nations to put in place negative-sum, beggar-thy-neighbor
many Washington policymakers is that the United States has been number strategies, especially those focused on export-led growth supported by
1 for so long that it will continue to be number 1. Given this situation, the protectionist and mercantilist policies, then the global economy will be
thinking goes, there is no need for the United States to develop and worse off. As such it’s up to all nations to work over the next decade to put
implement a national economic development or competitiveness strategy. in place the kind of agreements and frameworks that allow international
After all the United States didn’t have a strategy before and it did just fine. competition to drive nations to be the most innovative and fastest growing,
but that do so in ways that spur, not retard global growth. The United States
It’s time for U.S. federal policymakers to realize that the U.S. economy now and Europe, having led in the 20th century, have a special responsibility to
competes with other nations, and like states after World War II did, it too lead this process in the 21st century.

Page 1 The Atlantic Century

Overall Score Change Score 1999-2009
Overall Score Change Score § The countries/regions shown in bold are the
Rank Country Rank Country countries that are the focus of particular analysis
2009 (1999-2009)
and discussion throughout the report.
1 Singapore 73.4 1 China 19.5
2 Sweden 71.0 2 Singapore 19.0 * North American Free Trade Agreement region,
which encompasses Mexico, Canada, and the
3 Luxembourg 66.2 3 Lithuania 14.8
United States.
4 Denmark 64.5 4 Estonia 18.1
5 S. Korea 64.2 5 Denmark 17.4 ** The European Union is a supranational
6 U.S. 63.9 6 Luxembourg 16.9 organization that consists of 27 countries across
the European continent. The EU-15 consists of
7 Finland 59.6 7 Slovenia `16.7
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
8 UK 59.2 8 Russia 15.2 Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
9 Japan 59.0 9 Cyprus 14.7 Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom. The EU-10 consists of the 10 new
10 NAFTA* 58.6 10 Japan 14.4
member states that joined the EU in 2004: Cyprus,
11 Netherlands 58.4 11 Hungary 14.3 the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
12 France 57.3 12 Slovakia 14.1 Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
13 Ireland 56.4 13 Czech Republic 13.8 The EU-25 consists of all member states but the
two newest members, Bulgaria and Romania,
14 Belgium 56.3 14 India 13.6
which joined the EU in 2007 and for which there
15 Germany 55.0 15 Latvia 13.4 are not yet sufficient data for analysis.
16 Canada 54.4 16 Austria 13.2
17 Austria 52.6 17 S. Korea 13.2
18 EU-15** 52.5 18 Ireland 12.9
19 Australia 51.5 19 EU-10** 12.8
20 EU-25** 50.6 20 Spain 10.8
21 Czech Republic 47.9 21 Sweden 10.7
22 Estonia 46.1 22 France 10.6
23 Spain 43.7 23 Portugal 10.1
24 Hungary 42.5 24 Malta 9.9
25 Lithuania 40.8 25 Belgium 9.5
26 Italy 40.2 26 EU-25** 9.4
27 Portugal 38.7 27 Poland 9.4
28 Slovenia 37.6 28 UK 9.0
29 Slovakia 37.0 29 EU-15 8.5
30 EU-10** 36.9 30 Mexico 8.0
31 Latvia 36.5 31 Netherlands 7.9
32 Malta 36.2 32 Australia 7.4
33 China 36.0 33 Finland 7.3
34 Poland 35.4 34 Canada 6.3
35 Russia 35.1 35 Germany 6.3
36 Cyprus 33.2 36 Italy 5.2
37 Greece 31.5 37 NAFTA* 5.1
38 Brazil 30.1 38 Greece 5.1
39 Mexico 26.0 39 Brazil 3.7
40 India 21.6 40 U.S. 2.7
Average 36.5 Average 11.2

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 2


n this report, ITIF assesses the global innovation-based competitiveness The United States leads Europe in 13 of the 16 indicators, including
of 36 countries and the European Union (EU)-15 region, the EU-10 knowledge (higher education and number of researchers); innovation
region, the EU-25 region, and the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (corporate and government R&D and scientific publications); information
(NAFTA) region, both as they currently stand and in terms of progress in the technology (IT investments, e-government, and broadband); overall
last decade. We focus primarily on comparisons between the United States business climate; entrepreneurship (new firms and venture capital), and
and Europe and comparisons between the United States and European productivity. The EU-15 outperforms the United States in just 3 of the 16
Union and selected other nations around the world to see which is the most indicators: a lower effective corporate tax, trade performance, and foreign
competitive in the new innovation economy. direct investment (FDI) inflows.

These overall scores mask significant differences within Europe. Sweden

Methodology ranks second of all nations examined and scores 11 percent higher than
the United States, while Denmark ranks fourth. But all other EU-15 nations
To create a holistic understanding of how a country is performing in terms score below the United States, with Spain scoring just 68 percent of U.S.
of global competitiveness and whether or not that performance is expected levels. With Greece and Portugal scoring below several developing nations,
to continue, decline, or increase in the future, ITIF used the following 16 there is considerable variation between the lowest ranking and highest
indicators to evaluate the global competitiveness of the United States and ranking European nation. Within the EU-10 there is considerable variation
other countries: as well, with Poland scoring at 55 percent of U.S. levels, but Estonia scoring
above Spain, at 72 percent of U.S. levels.
1. Human capital: higher education attainment in the population ages
25–34; and the number of science and technology researchers per It is important to note when making comparisons between individual
1,000 employed. EU nations and the United States, that there is also significant regional
2. Innovation capacity: corporate investment in research and variation within the United States. In ITIF’s 2008 State New Economy
development (R&D); government investment in R&D; and share of the Index4, for example, Massachusetts, the highest ranking state, had more
world’s scientific and technical publications. than eight times the amount of corporate R&D as a share of its economy
3. Entrepreneurship: venture capital investment; and new firms. than Mississippi, the lowest ranking state. In fact top ranking states like
4. Information technology (IT) infrastructure: e-government; Massachusetts, Washington, and Maryland would likely rank significantly
broadband telecommunications; and corporate investment in IT. higher than Sweden and other high-ranking EU nations if they were to be
5. Economic policy: effective marginal corporate tax rates; and the included as “nations.”
ease of doing business.
6. Economic performance: trade balance; foreign direct investment Although the United States ranks higher than Europe, the trends are moving
inflows; real GDP per working-age adult; and productivity. in the opposite direction. Since appoximately the beginning of this decade the
EU-15 has made significantly more progress in the 16 indicators as a whole
In order to calculate an overall score for each country the report calculated than the United States (although the EU-15’s change score is still below
scores for each indicator and each nation on the basis of their standard average of all nations/regions examined). This is perhaps not surprising
deviation from the mean for each variable.1 Each indicator was weighted given the effort made by both the European Commission and individual EU-
by importance (see Appendix). Collectively the weights equaled 100. The 15 nations to become more knowledge- and innovation-based. For example,
standard deviation was multiplied by the weight and the adjusted standard as part of the Lisbon Agenda, Europe has expanded government support for
deviations were added together for the overall indicator. Each country’s R&D and its R&D tax incentives faster than the United States. In contrast, as
total score was then divided by the best score possible. Thus, each described below, U.S. policymakers have done less, in part because many
country’s final score is a percentage of the total score a nation would have believe either that the United States is not fundamentally in competition with
achieved if it had finished first in every category.2 To rank change between other nations, or that it holds an insurmountable lead and will continue to
the base year (the base year is generally 1999 or 2000) and current year do so.
(the latest year for which data are available), ITIF calculated both absolute
and percentage change for each indicator, added each for all indicators and In part because the EU-10 are starting from a lower base, but also because
calculated the mean score of the two numbers and found the corresponding of some of the policy steps these nations have taken, they have made even
standard deviation.3 faster progress, at a rate slightly above average and considerably higher than
that of the United States. The Baltic states in particular have shown rapid
Europe vs. the United States rates of progress.

The United States leads Europe. The overall score of the EU-15 on the 16 These indicators of regional progress, however, mask individual country
indicators of global innovation and competitiveness is just 82 percent of the trends. Germany and Italy, having found it difficult to embrace the kind of
U.S. score. The EU-10 scores even lower at just 57 percent of the U.S. level, reforms needed to more rapidly progress, score fifth and sixth from the last
as might be expected, given EU-10 countries’ recent emergence as market in progress, respectfully (yet still ahead of the United States). In contrast,
economies. many EU-15 nations, including, Denmark, Ireland, and Sweden, have made
rapid progress.

Page 3 The Atlantic Century

Europe and the United States vs. the remains low costs, but if they can effectively address their weaknesses,
particularly in business climate, workforce skills, and infrastructure, they are
Rest of the World well positioned to continue to make rapid progress and increase productivity
in a wide range of sectors.
To find global leaders, Asia is the place to look. Singapore tops all nations,
with a score 15 percent higher than the United States and 40 percent Overall, these trends suggest that absent concerted public sector efforts by
higher than the EU-15. As John Kao documented in Innovation Nation5, the United States and Europe to boost innovation and competitiveness, that
Singapore has made technological innovation almost a national obsession, this century will not be the Atlantic century, but rather the Pacific century, or
putting in place a robust set of policies to lead the knowledge economy. perhaps more accurately the Southeastern Asian century.
Despite a lower per capita income, South Korea scores slightly ahead of
the United States, and 25 percent higher than the EU-15. It also has made While both Mexico and Brazil closed the gap with the United States over
technological innovation and international economic competition a national the last decade, they lost ground to the EU-15 and EU-10. This reflects the
priority. For example, with favorable corporate tax policies and agencies challenges that Latin American nations in general face. Stuck between the
like the South Korea Information Agency and the Industrial Technology rich and knowledge-intensive economies of Europe, Japan and the United
Foundation, South Korea has made a concerted effort to prosper through States and the rapidly modernizing Asian nations, including low wage
technology-led growth. As such it is putting in place the policies that will nations like India and China, Latin America, with the exception perhaps of a
help it continue its rapid growth in per capita income (albeit starting from a few nations like Chile, has not been able to develop and execute the policies
low base) and ultimately likely catch up with the United States and Europe. that would enable it to get on the high growth, knowledge-based path.
Even Japan, which many economic pundits have mistakenly written off (in
large part because of slow GDP growth, which stems not so much from poor Likewise, the British Commonwealth nations—Australia, Canada, and the
economic performance but from a declining working age population) scores United Kingdom—while progressing faster than the United States, have
at 93 percent of U.S. levels and 14 percent ahead of the EU-15. made either less or about the same amount of progress of the EU-15.

Many nations that get much of the attention as competitors in the innovation Some might attribute these trends, and in particular the United States’
economy—including fast-developing Brazil, Russia, India, and China, poor performance, to a process of convergence, where laggards naturally
often called the BRICs—actually score at the bottom of the rankings. This catch up to leaders. To be sure on some factors there is more likely to be
does not mean that these and other low-ranking nations do not have some convergence than on others. On indicators where the potential to increase
innovation strengths—they do—but as a share of their overall economies, is limited (e.g., the percentage of the adult population with a college degree
these strengths are still quite minimal. The main attraction of these nations is limited at 100 percent) convergence is more likely. But on many other
remains their low costs, not their innovative infrastructures, and this situation indicators where the potential is unlimited (e.g. GDP per adult) or where the
will likely remain for many years, at least until they raise productivity in a levels are relatively low (e.g. venture capital), there is no reason to expect
wide range of sectors. convergence. Therefore, while there might be convergence on some factors
between high-income nations and lower-income nations, on many factors,
In terms of progress, however, the picture is quite different. As noted above, high-income nations like the United States should be able to continue to
the United States ranks last in progress. In other words, every other nation/ make progress at least at the rate of lower income nations. Indeed growth
region made faster progress in the last decade, and many made faster economists have noted that convergence between high-wage and low-
progress than the EU-15. East Asian nations, in particular, are making rapid wage nations has generally not occurred.6 Moreover, if convergence really
strides. Perhaps not surprisingly, China comes in first in terms of progress, is at work, why have highly developed nations like Austria, Denmark, Japan,
as they have aggressively promoted modernization and technology and Sweden made much faster progress than the United States?
development. Singapore not only ranks at the top in overall score, but second
in progress. But South Korea and Japan, two nations that experienced their Indeed, the progress of these and a number of nations is truly striking,
rapid periods of growth at least a decade or two ago, continue to make rapid reflecting an eagerness and drive to take the steps needed to move
progress, significantly faster than both the United States and the EU-15. ahead. Like a well-known U.S. car rental company which held second
Overall East Asia’s central challenge will be to transition in the next decade place in market share to the leader and whose slogan in the 1970s was
away from an export-led model of growth, much of it based on mercantilist “We’re number 2, we try harder,” most if not all of these nations don’t see
policies like currency manipulation, to policies that spur innovation, IT use, themselves as number 1 and therefore they do try harder. In contrast, like
and productivity growth through all sectors of their economy—not just a few an aging sports dynasty that has won the Super Bowl for many years but
select export industries. blithely ignores the rising performance of younger teams, many in the United
States still persist in believing that the United States is number 1 and that
And other Asian nations, including Russia (part of Russia is in Asia, part is it is its destiny to remain so almost irregardless of what it does. But both
in Europe) and India, also made rapid progress, albeit from low bases. Like the fact the United States is no longer number 1 and is progressing more
China, these nations have a long way to go before they can become true slowly than every other nation examined here suggests that riding on past
players in the global knowledge and innovation economy. Their strength laurels is a risky strategy for the United States, or for that matter any nation.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 4

INTRODUCTION the rankings

Overall Scores for Each Country and Region

Higher Government Scientific Venture
Overall Researchers Corporate R&D New Firms
Education R&D Publications Capital
Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score
Singapore 1 73.4 12 38% 5 9.70 9 1.4% 3 0.9% 22 0.3 5 0.25% 2 19.0%
Sweden 2 71.0 15 37% 2 12.52 2 2.5% 2 0.9% 1 2.5 2 0.30% 24 7.2%
Luxembourg 3 66.2 14 37% 14 6.80 10 1.2% 36 0.2% 34 -0.8 N/A N/A 11 10.7%
Denmark 4 64.5 7 40% 4 10.19 8 1.5% 11 0.7% 2 2.3 1 0.40% 4 14.1%
S. Korea 5 64.2 4 51% 9 7.88 3 2.4% 7 0.7% 23 0.3 4 0.25% 1 19.0%
U.S. 6 63.9 9 39% 6 9.69 6 1.7% 6 0.8% 5 2.1 6 0.18% 6 13.1%
Finland 7 59.6 11 38% 1 16.51 4 2.3% 4 0.9% 4 2.2 14 0.10% 28 6.8%
UK 8 59.2 18 35% 21 5.48 22 0.8% 18 0.6% 6 1.9 3 0.29% 3 15.4%
Japan 9 59.0 3 53% 3 11.03 1 2.6% 20 0.6% 19 0.5 23 0.03% 38 4.4%
NAFTA 10 58.6 16 35% 10 7.82 7 1.6% 8 0.7% 10 1.5 7 0.18% 15 9.9%
Netherlands 11 58.4 17 35% 26 4.50 21 0.9% 16 0.6% 3 2.2 12 0.10% 10 11.3%
France 12 57.3 10 39% 8 8.01 12 1.1% 5 0.8% 14 1.2 16 0.08% 7 11.8%
Ireland 13 56.4 6 41% 19 5.87 23 0.8% 31 0.4% 16 1.1 17 0.06% 12 10.7%
Belgium 14 56.3 5 41% 12 7.59 13 1.1% 26 0.5% 9 1.5 22 0.04% 23 7.4%
Germany 15 55.0 26 22% 13 6.98 5 1.7% 10 0.7% 12 1.4 18 0.06% 8 11.7%
Canada 16 54.4 2 54% 11 7.75 19 0.9% 12 0.7% 7 1.8 10 0.12% 32 6.3%
Austria 17 52.6 27 20% 16 6.78 11 1.1% 1 0.9% 11 1.4 21 0.04% 20 8.5%
EU-15 18 52.5 20 30% 17 6.23 14 1.1% 14 0.6% 13 1.3 11 0.11% 13 10.5%
Australia 19 51.5 13 38% 7 8.43 18 0.9% 9 0.7% 8 1.6 19 0.05% 19 8.7%
EU-25 20 50.6 21 29% 18 6.02 15 1.1% 15 0.6% 15 1.1 13 0.10% 14 10.2%
Czech Republic 21 47.9 33 14% 23 4.83 20 0.9% 17 0.6% 26 0.1 32 0.00% 9 11.3%
Estonia 22 46.1 19 33% N/A N/A 25 0.4% 23 0.5% N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 13.4%
Spain 23 43.7 8 40% 20 5.71 24 0.6% 22 0.5% 18 0.7 15 0.09% 30 6.3%
Hungary 24 42.5 28 20% 27 4.09 26 0.4% 27 0.4% 25 0.2 20 0.05% 17 9.2%
Lithuania 25 40.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 0.2% 28 0.4% N/A N/A N/A N/A 31 6.3%
Italy 26 40.2 31 16% 30 2.97 27 0.4% 19 0.6% 17 1.0 24 0.03% 34 6.2%
Portugal 27 38.7 29 19% 29 3.30 31 0.3% 25 0.5% 24 0.3 9 0.13% 29 6.4%
Slovenia 28 37.6 24 25% 35 N/A 17 1.0% 24 0.5% 20 0.4 N/A N/A 21 8.0%
Slovakia 29 37.0 32 16% 22 5.24 37 0.2% 35 0.3% 28 -0.2 30 0.00% 18 9.2%
EU-10 30 36.9 25 22% 25 4.70 28 0.4% 30 0.4% N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 7.9%
Latvia 31 36.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 34 0.2% 29 0.4% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Malta 32 36.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 32 0.3% 39 0.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A 33 6.3%
China 33 36.0 34 9% 31 1.48 16 1.0% 32 0.4% 32 -0.6 27 0.00% 36 5.3%
Poland 34 35.4 22 26% 24 4.72 36 0.2% 33 0.3% 27 -0.2 29 0.00% 37 4.7%
Russia 35 35.1 1 56% 15 6.80 30 0.3% 13 0.7% 33 -0.7 28 0.00% 16 9.4%
Cyprus 36 33.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 40 0.1% 34 0.3% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Greece 37 31.5 23 25% 28 3.68 38 0.2% 37 0.2% 21 0.3 31 0.00% 27 7.0%
Brazil 38 30.1 36 8% 33 1.00 29 0.3% 40 0.2% 30 -0.2 8 0.14% 26 7.1%
Mexico 39 26.0 30 18% 32 1.19 33 0.2% 38 0.2% 31 -0.3 25 0.02% 25 7.1%
India 40 21.6 35 9% 34 0.30 39 0.1% 21 0.5% 29 -0.2 26 0.00% 35 5.3%
AVERAGE 36.5 23% 6.16 1.4% 0.7% 0.1 0.05 9.1%

Page 5 The Atlantic Century

the rankings INTRODUCTION

Corporate Business
E-Government Broadband IT Investments Trade Balance FDI GDP per adult Productivity
Tax Climate
Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score
21 0.70 14 2.6 6 6.96% 10 13% 1 38.8 1 29.3% 3 15.29% 3 77,523 8 47.0
1 0.92 2 5.3 11 6.51% 12 15% 10 11.7 5 7.8% 13 5.07% 7 66,108 9 44.9
13 0.75 15 2.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 27 -8.8 2 24.5% N/A N/A 1 138,840 1 69.7
2 0.91 4 4.7 22 5.83% 31 25% 5 21.5 11 3.8% 19 3.03% 9 65,541 10 44.8
5 0.83 5 4.2 5 7.03% 17 18% 13 6.1 16 1.6% 34 0.59% 25 39,908 30 20.4
3 0.86 11 3.0 2 7.45% 36 32% 2 29.2 32 -5.8% 32 1.13% 2 83,422 5 50.6
14 0.75 6 3.8 30 5.14% 19 19% 11 11.5 8 6.0% 21 2.49% 15 60,585 15 41.4
10 0.79 13 2.8 7 6.74% 25 21% 6 21.3 28 -3.9% 7 7.28% 12 63,815 13 42.3
11 0.77 1 6.6 3 7.14% 35 32% 9 13.2 17 1.4% 35 -0.04% 18 58,107 21 35.8
9 0.80 21 2.1 8 6.60% 34 29% 7 18.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 70,534 14 42.0
4 0.86 3 4.8 9 6.60% 32 26% 14 6.1 6 7.7% 15 4.22% 6 67,343 4 52.2
8 0.80 7 3.4 26 5.75% 11 14% 24 -1.9 24 -1.2% 17 3.70% 14 61,062 6 50.4
17 0.73 30 1.4 17 5.95% 5 10% 4 22.3 4 12.7% 2 19.45% 4 76,278 2 55.2
22 0.68 8 3.3 10 6.58% 21 20% 12 10.4 15 2.8% 5 12.55% 13 63,080 3 53.1
20 0.71 9 3.3 12 6.16% 28 24% 17 2.8 9 5.3% 31 1.38% 16 59,078 7 47.7
6 0.82 10 3.0 18 5.95% 33 26% 3 23.7 12 3.8% 16 4.09% 8 65,870 16 41.3
15 0.74 20 2.2 13 6.11% 24 21% 19 0.7 10 5.2% 29 1.47% 10 64,410 11 44.4
16 0.74 12 2.8 14 6.05% 23 20% 18 2.1 18 -0.1% N/A N/A 17 58,254 12 43.8
7 0.81 18 2.5 19 5.93% 27 23% 8 13.9 26 -2.0% 36 -0.64% 11 64,222 17 40.3
18 0.72 16 2.5 20 5.91% 20 19% 22 -0.1 19 -0.1% 28 1.55% 19 53,926 18 40.3
23 0.67 28 1.6 4 7.10% 9 13% 26 -7.7 14 3.2% 9 6.58% 27 38,274 27 22.6
12 0.76 23 1.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 4.7 34 -7.8% 4 15.05% 29 35,525 28 21.6
19 0.72 22 2.0 28 5.48% 18 19% 28 -8.9 31 -5.8% 24 1.90% 21 50,564 19 38.4
28 0.65 25 1.7 21 5.91% 4 10% 25 -7.2 20 -0.2% 10 6.10% 30 32,401 26 23.7
26 0.66 19 2.5 N/A N/A 1 7% 16 3.4 36 -8.9% 12 5.13% 33 29,829 33 18.1
25 0.67 24 1.8 24 5.78% 29 24% 29 -10.6 21 -0.4% 27 1.61% 20 52,065 20 38.0
29 0.65 26 1.6 27 5.67% 16 16% 23 -0.6 35 -8.2% 20 3.02% 28 37,834 25 24.5
24 0.67 17 2.5 31 4.99% 15 16% 34 -14.3 23 -0.8% 26 1.62% 24 43,704 24 26.5
35 0.59 31 1.0 15 6.02% 3 9% 30 -11.1 29 -4.5% 11 6.07% 31 31,839 32 19.3
30 0.63 33 0.9 29 5.45% 6 11% 31 -11.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 32 30,931 29 20.9
33 0.59 27 1.6 N/A N/A 2 8% N/A N/A 37 -17.4% 8 6.65% N/A N/A N/A N/A
27 0.66 29 1.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 0.0 30 -4.5% 1 19.94% 26 39,652 N/A N/A
39 0.50 39 -0.8 1 7.81% 14 16% 36 -20.0 7 6.7% 18 3.21% 38 8,541 37 5.2
31 0.61 36 0.3 16 5.99% 7 12% 35 -16.4 22 -0.5% 14 4.58% 35 27,103 31 19.6
38 0.51 34 0.6 34 4.22% 8 13% 38 -34.3 3 13.2% 22 2.49% 36 24,047 35 14.6
32 0.60 35 0.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 0.0 N/A N/A 6 7.61% 23 48,932 23 29.7
36 0.57 32 1.0 32 4.69% 22 20% 33 -14.3 33 -7.8% 33 1.02% 22 49,161 22 30.5
37 0.57 37 -0.6 25 5.77% 13 15% 37 -28.5 13 3.3% 25 1.74% 37 18,822 36 11.4
The Information Techology and Innovation Foundation
34 0.59 38 -0.7 33 4.58% 26 22% 32 -14.2 25 -1.4% 23 2.43% 34 29,501 34 17.6
Page 11
40 0.38 40 -1.9 23 5.79% 30 24% 39 -42.3 27 -2.9% 30 1.40% 39 5,575 38 3.4
0.70 0.0 6.50% 18% 0.0 0.6% 2.60% 51,838 33.6

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 6

INTRODUCTION the rankings

Change Scores for Each Country and Region

Higher Government Scientific
Overall Researchers Corporate R&D Venture Capital New Firms
Education R&D Publications
Rank Score Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change
China 1 19.5 N/A N/A 1 111.4% 4 160.3% 12 19.9% 2 253.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A
Singapore 2 19.0 N/A N/A 5 70.2% 14 36.8% 17 8.5% 4 189.6% N/A N/A 3 47%
Estonia 3 18.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 158.6% 15 13.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 21%
Denmark 4 17.4 10 38% 9 54.4% 21 12.9% 27 -1.0% 21 25.2% 1 228.7% 2 73%
Luxembourg 5 16.9 2 76% 25 11.5% 36 -21.8% 1 112.5% 8 84.9% N/A N/A 31 -10%
Slovenia 6 16.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 20.3% 34 -8.9% 5 139.4% N/A N/A 5 25%
Russia 7 15.2 N/A N/A 32 0.0% 39 -39.3% 8 29.3% 31 -17.5% N/A N/A 14 16%
Lithuania 8 14.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 74.5% 6 36.8% N/A N/A N/A N/A 13 16%
Cyprus 9 14.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 181.3% 3 78.6% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Japan 10 14.4 19 18% 23 13.7% 18 20.2% 30 -6.9% 1 481.3% 6 23.1% 20 7%
Hungary 11 14.3 7 43% 15 31.9% 9 63.2% 11 22.0% 13 48.1% 3 44.1% 27 -8%
Slovakia 12 14.1 N/A N/A 11 45.6% 40 -47.1% 35 -12.5% N/A N/A 22 -90.9% 1 122%
Czech Republic 13 13.8 13 27% 3 85.8% 12 46.1% 9 23.6% 30 -9.7% 25 -98.2% N/A N/A
India 14 13.6 N/A N/A 10 50.0% 37 -22.1% 28 -2.3% N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 43%
Latvia 15 13.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 181.8% 2 98.4% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Austria 16 13.2 5 54% 13 41.3% 11 47.7% 10 23.1% 12 56.6% 9 -24.6% 19 7%
S. Korea 17 13.2 6 46% 4 71.3% 10 54.6% 7 33.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ireland 18 12.9 8 41% 19 24.9% 25 2.7% 4 52.1% 11 59.5% 13 -39.6% 9 20%
EU-10 19 12.8 N/A N/A 7 63.6% 19 14.2% 26 -0.1% 15 41.4% N/A N/A 10 19%
Spain 20 10.8 17 21% 8 63.1% 15 35.5% 5 46.6% 10 61.2% 11 -30.9% 25 -1%
Sweden 21 10.7 20 16% 14 37.6% 26 2.3% 22 1.6% 23 16.6% 5 27.7% 6 24%
France 22 10.6 15 26% 16 31.3% 29 -4.8% 23 1.6% 24 16.1% 10 -28.4% 11 17%
Portugal 23 10.1 4 58% 30 6.5% 7 99.2% 32 -7.4% 3 215.8% 2 75.0% N/A N/A
Malta 24 9.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 338.1% 13 19.1% N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 17%
Belgium 25 9.5 18 21% 24 11.6% 35 -14.0% 25 0.2% 14 42.3% 21 -65.1% 18 11%
EU-25 26 9.4 14 27% 21 18.0% 24 4.0% 18 8.2% 19 26.1% 8 -16.4% 16 13%
Poland 27 9.4 1 117% 12 43.0% 38 -29.5% 38 -20.2% 9 77.2% 23 -96.3% 26 -4%
UK 28 9.0 12 30% 33 -3.9% 31 -9.8% 19 5.7% 26 10.2% 4 35.8% 15 14%
EU-15 29 8.5 16 25% 26 11.4% 27 0.7% 16 8.8% 20 25.5% 7 -13.1% 17 13%
Mexico 30 8.0 22 13% 2 98.3% 6 129.1% 37 -14.1% 6 113.2% N/A N/A N/A N/A
Netherlands 31 7.9 9 40% 34 -11.8% 32 -11.3% 36 -12.6% 25 11.8% 17 -51.7% 8 20%
Australia 32 7.4 11 31% 18 25.8% 13 39.8% 20 4.8% 22 17.8% 19 -59.8% 30 -10%
Finland 33 7.3 25 0% 17 30.0% 23 8.1% 29 -6.4% 16 40.3% 15 -49.7% 23 5%
Canada 34 6.3 21 15% 20 23.0% 20 13.8% 14 18.2% 29 -5.7% 18 -58.8% 24 -1%
Germany 35 6.3 N/A N/A 28 9.1% 22 8.5% 31 -7.1% 18 27.8% 14 -41.8% N/A N/A
Italy 36 5.2 3 60% 31 6.1% 34 -13.9% N/A N/A 17 35.5% 20 -61.3% 28 -9%
NAFTA 37 5.1 23 6% 27 10.0% 28 -4.2% 21 1.8% 27 -3.9% 12 -36.7% 22 5%
Greece 38 5.1 26 -4% 22 15.0% 16 23.2% 33 -7.6% 7 105.3% 24 -98.0% 29 -9%
Brazil 39 3.7 N/A N/A 6 66.7% 33 -12.5% 39 -47.1% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
U.S. 40 2.7 24 3% 29 7.7% 30 -5.1% 24 1.3% 28 -4.3% 16 -51.2% 21 5%
AVERAGE 11.2 22% 35.0% 32.0% 5.0% 66.9% -26.0% 10%

Page 7 The Atlantic Century

the rankings INTRODUCTION

E-Government Broadband IT Investments Trade Balance FDI GDP per adult Productivity
Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change* Rank Change Rank Change Rank Change
4 21% 10 1835% 7 5.8% 6 33% 8 3.15% 15 -5% 1 89% 1 99%
38 -6% 17 1064% 33 -11.6% 24 -7% N/A N/A 21 -19% 13 38% 8 46%
18 9% 24 512% N/A N/A 5 42% 26 -0.58% 2 143% 2 88% N/A N/A
15 11% 32 330% 15 -0.7% 22 -5% 20 0.23% 34 -81% 21 28% 21 27%
11 15% 11 1808% N/A N/A 32 -62% 1 6.68% N/A N/A 11 41% 19 27%
23 6% 27 498% 2 44.4% 23 -5% 10 2.09% 1 177% 14 37% N/A N/A
10 16% 1 27829% 30 -9.4% 3 70% 15 1.34% 4 88% 4 69% 2 78%
6 19% N/A N/A N/A N/A 11 15% 11 1.90% 9 32% 3 84% N/A N/A
1 27% 13 1659% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18 -13% 32 22% N/A N/A
16 11% 6 3254% 5 8.8% 16 9% 24 -0.34% 35 -118% 23 28% 12 33%
2 26% 15 1191% 31 -10.7% 2 97% 12 1.83% 14 -4% 7 44% 4 52%
14 12% 2 10850% 34 -14.0% 4 57% 9 3.12% 11 9% 6 48% N/A N/A
3 24% 4 8498% 32 -11.3% 7 33% 4 4.31% 23 -32% 12 40% 5 52%
28 2% 7 2618% 1 50.7% 20 3% 27 -1.11% 3 121% 5 54% 3 62%
7 17% 14 1384% N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 -6.53% 8 32% N/A N/A N/A N/A
17 10% 37 251% 8 3.2% 29 -45% 6 3.63% 25 -48% 26 26% 24 26%
13 12% 34 270% 29 -9.3% N/A N/A 36 -8.14% 32 -70% 8 42% 6 49%
25 5% 5 6088% 12 0.6% 19 3% 23 -0.26% 19 -14% 18 33% N/A N/A
12 12% 3 10707% 16 -1.0% 25 -7% N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 41% 7 49%
5 20% 23 513% 28 -9.0% 12 14% 34 -4.74% 27 -60% 33 22% 30 21%
19 9% 35 267% 21 -4.9% 30 -49% 13 1.63% 31 -69% 19 32% 10 36%
8 16% 19 815% 20 -3.1% 26 -20% 33 -3.50% 10 17% 34 22% 18 28%
31 0% 29 467% 23 -5.6% 1 100% 14 1.36% 17 -10% 39 14% 31 21%
26 3% 31 360% N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 1.04% 12 3% 37 16% N/A N/A
30 1% 38 231% 4 10.8% 8 28% 28 -0.02% 7 34% 28 26% 28 23%
24 5% 21 630% 18 -2.4% N/A N/A 21 -0.03% 22 -27% 20 32% 17 29%
21 6% 8 2285% 6 6.9% 28 -32% 3 4.86% 16 -7% 15 36% 9 43%
36 -3% 18 1016% 26 -7.8% 9 21% 29 -2.64% 13 0% 17 34% 14 32%
27 3% 22 598% 19 -2.5% 31 -56% 22 -0.04% N/A N/A 27 26% 22 27%
32 -1% 9 1863% 3 20.2% 10 18% 19 0.44% 20 -18% 38 15% 29 22%
9 16% 30 361% 11 0.7% 18 3% 7 3.27% 30 -68% 25 27% 27 23%
34 -2% 12 1682% 22 -5.3% 14 11% 25 -0.54% 36 -130% 24 27% 25 26%
33 -2% 28 485% 25 -7.8% 27 -23% 31 -3.40% 26 -54% 16 34% 15 31%
29 1% 26 506% 27 -8.7% 21 -5% 18 0.96% 24 -38% 30 25% 26 24%
39 -6% 25 511% 10 1.5% 33 -88% 5 4.18% 33 -79% 22 28% 20 27%
35 -2% 16 1157% 13 0.4% 34 -94% 30 -2.92% 6 84% 36 19% 32 16%
37 -5% 33 286% 9 1.5% 13 13% N/A N/A N/A N/A 31 23% 16 30%
22 6% N/A N/A 24 -6.6% N/A N/A 16 1.24% 5 85% 9 41% 11 35%
20 8% 20 775% 14 0.1% 17 8% 2 5.00% 29 -65% 35 20% 23 27%
40 -7% 36 252% 17 -1.4% 15 11% 32 -3.45% 28 -65% 29 26% 13 32%
7% 2778% -1.0% N/A 0.00% -42.0% 21% 22%

*Trade balance change is based on absolute change.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 8


Box 1: Differences between ITIF Report and Other Global Competitiveness Rankings

In the last few years a number of studies have corporate R&D. But in the last decade, that position
assessed countries’ global competitiveness. Many of has declined. But, the perception of that decline among
these have found that the United States is the world executives appears to have lagged. This might also be
leader in international competitiveness. Such rankings why business leaders ranked the United States number
have led many observers to claim that calls for concern 1 in venture capital in WEF’s surveys, yet measured by
or questions about the U.S. competitiveness position actual venture capital investments per GDP the United
are unwarranted. For example, the World Economic States is fifth.
Forum’s report, The Global Competitiveness Report
2008-20097, ranked the United States first in global In addition, some studies rely on aggregate, unadjusted
competitiveness two years in a row. While the WEF data, whereas ITIF divides every indicator by a
report gave the United States an overall score 4 percent denominator (such as GDP, population, or workforce) in
higher than that of Singapore (which was ranked fifth), order to control for the size of a country. For example,
ITIF’s analysis indicates that Singapore is first in IMD’s report uses such indicators as total land area,
global competitiveness. However, these studies have GDP, employment, and direct investment flows. This
significant methodological limitations which need to be approach rewards large countries such as the United
considered before concluding that all is well. States simply for being large. More accurate measures
would use metrics adjusted for size (such as GDP per
Some of these studies rely on opinion surveys for many capita).
of their indicators. In contrast, ITIF relies exclusively on
hard data. For example, the World Economic Forum’s Finally, other studies define competitiveness differently
Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009, which has than this report and therefore draw upon different
ranked the United States first in global competitiveness, indicators. For example, The Economist’s E-readiness
uses opinion surveys for about two-thirds of its data.8 Rankings 2008, which ranks the United States as the
Similarly, IMD’s World Competitiveness Yearbook, most digitally advanced nation in the world, measures
which also ranks the United States as number 1 uses a nation’s entire digital infrastructure and capacity,
opinion surveys for about one-third of its criteria.9 from personal technology consumption to computer
literacy. On the other hand, this report includes
The advantage of opinion surveys is that they can digital infrastructure indicators, but also others within
gauge factors where hard data are not available. But the larger context of innovation and competitiveness.
because of limited knowledge, combined with likely Indeed, many of the indicators that are an integral
respondent biases, the risk of using opinion surveys part of ITIF’s study (trade balance, FDI, and other
is that they can be a better reflection of a nation’s economic performance indicators) make up less than
reputation, than its actual position. 15 percent of The Economist’s study.11 Likewise,
while the ITIF report focuses primarily on a country’s
To illustrate, consider corporate investment in R&D. economic structure, policy, and performance to assess
WEF ranks the United States third in the world, whereas national competitiveness, WEF casts a much larger
ITIF ranks the United States ranks fifth. While WEF net. The WEF report covers topics such as health
relies on an executive opinion survey, we use actual care (including, for example, malaria and tuberculosis
R&D investments as reported to governments in firm incidents, which the United States ranks number 1 in
surveys. And other reports using a similar method find both), and infrastructure (such as the available airline
similar results.10 One likely reason for this discrepancy seats per kilometer, where the United States also ranks
is that the United States has long been a leader in number 1).

Page 9 The Atlantic Century

Higher Education Attainment Percent of
Percentage of adults aged 25-34 with a tertiary degree
adults aged Percent
Why Is This Important? Innovation and productivity are supported by a 25-34 with Change
Rank Country Rank Country
highly educated workforce, so higher education attainment has become tertiary 1999-
an important component of economic success, particularly in higher wage
degree 2005
nations that can compete less effectively in lower skilled, routinized work.
Europe vs. the United States: The United States leads Europe in terms 1 Russia 56% 1 Poland 117%
of higher education attainment, with EU-15 levels 77 percent of U.S. levels 2 Canada 54% 2 S. Korea 46%
and EU-10 levels just 57 percent. A few EU nations, however, exceed U.S.
3 Japan 53% 3 Ireland 41%
levels, including Ireland, which has made higher education attainment a
key building block of its development strategy, and Spain. But some other 4 S. Korea 51% 4 Australia 31%
European nations rank relatively low. For example, Germany scores at just 5 Ireland 41% 5 UK 30%
56 percent of the United States level in part reflecting its strong tradition of
6 Spain 40% 6 EU-25 27%
technical education, as opposed to four-year college education, and longer
higher education program lengths which graduate fewer students. 7 France 39% 7 France 26%
8 U.S. 39% 8 EU-15 25%
Indeed, a country’s graduation rates seem to be at least loosely connected to 9 Australia 38% 9 Spain 21%
the length of a degree program. For example, countries with short program
10 Singapore 38% 10 Japan 18%
length such as Australia, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, and Poland tend to have higher graduation rates, 11 Sweden 37% 11 Sweden 16%
whereas countries like Germany and Austria, with longer program lengths 12 UK 35% 12 Canada 15%
graduate fewer students.12
13 NAFTA 35% 13 Mexico 13%

When it comes to trends, however, the picture is quite different. The United 14 EU-15 30% 14 NAFTA 6%
States ranks last, with almost no increase since 1999. In contrast the share 15 EU-25 29% 15 U.S. 3%
of 25- to 34-year-olds in the EU-15 with a tertiary degree increased by 25 16 Poland 26% 16 EU-10 N/A
percent, in part because of very strong growth in nations like Ireland and the
17 EU-10 22% 17 Singapore N/A
United Kingdom. In addition, some EU-10 nations increased even faster,
including Poland (117 percent). 18 Germany 22% 18 Germany N/A
19 Mexico 18% 19 China N/A
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Despite the fact
20 China 9% 20 Russia N/A
that the United States led for many years in higher education attainment, it
no longer does. In fact, Russia leads with an over 40 percent higher rate, 21 India 9% 21 India N/A
while Canada, Japan, and South Korea lead the United States by over 30 22 Brazil 8% 22 Brazil N/A
percent. And all four have attainment rates over 70 percent higher than Average 23% Average 22%
EU-15 rates. Most developing nations have much lower rates, with rates in
Brazil and India below 30 percent of U.S. rates. Source: OECD, 1999-2005 data.

The United States is losing ground relative to other nations, and in fact was
lowest in overall growth rate in nations examined where data are available.
In contrast, the EU-15 fared better, with growth rates exceeding nations like
Mexico, Canada, and Japan, but still behind countries like South Korea and

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 10


Science and Technology Researchers only European nation not making progress as fast as the United States was
Science and technology researchers per 1,000 employed the United Kingdom. The EU-10 region made rapid progress, increasing 64
percent, in part by building upon a solid tradition of science and engineering
Why Is This Important? Scientists and engineers are key drivers of innovation and being able to take advantage of growth in technology-based industries.
and as global economies become more innovation-based, they are even more
important. Indeed, there were over 40 percent more researchers per 1,000 Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Japan leads Europe
employees in 2005 than in 1995 in Organization for Economic Cooperation and the United States, with a 13 percent higher score than the United States
and Development (OECD) countries and in non-OECD countries the percent and a 77 percent higher score than the EU-15. Notwithstanding the technical
increase was even larger. progress in nations like India, Mexico, Brazil, and China, these developing nations
still have much lower levels of researchers. In fact, India’s level is just 3 percent of
Europe vs. the United States: Europe lags behind the United States in the U.S. levels, and China’s is 15 percent. In part because of its long commitment to
number of researchers, with the U.S. researcher intensity over 55 percent military research and strong scientific education, Russia’s level is relatively high,
higher than the EU-15 and twice as high as the EU-10. The strong science and exceeding the EU-15 by 9 percent.
technology base of the United States economy established after World War II and
reenergized with strong IT and biotechnology leadership more recently means Although globally two-thirds of researchers are employed by businesses this
that the United States is among the world leaders. This is not to say that some figure significantly differs by a country’s economic mix and national priorities.
European nations do not rank high. In particular, the Nordic nations of Finland, For example, in the United States over eighty percent of researchers work for
Sweden, and Denmark, with their technology-driven economies, rank above the businesses, yet only two-thirds do so in Japan and less than one-half do so in
United States. However, other EU nations rank considerably below U.S. levels, European nations.13
including France (83 percent), Germany (72 percent), Ireland (61 percent), Spain
(59 percent), and the United Kingdom (57 percent). Among EU-10 nations, When it comes to trends, most other nations are making faster progress than
Poland is just 8 percentage points behind the United Kingdom and at about half the United States. Perhaps not surprisingly given its concerted push to be a
of U.S. levels (49 percent). more technologically-based economy China grew the fastest, with its share of
researchers more than doubling. But other lagging nations also experienced
When it comes to trends though, the situation is different. While both saw rapid growth, with Mexico almost doubling (98 percent); Brazil up two-thirds, and
increases between 1999 and 2006, researcher intensity in the EU-15 increased India up 50 percent. A few nations such as South Korea and Singapore that had
faster (30 percent) than in the United States. Lagging nations, including relatively high levels of researchers in 1999 made rapid progress, increasing by
Spain, Poland, and Ireland, made significant gains, at or above 25 percent. approximately 70 percent. Finally, Japan and Canada both outpaced the EU-15
However, so too did some leading nations, including Sweden and France. and the United States.
Germany however, grew just slightly faster than the United States, and the

Researchers per
Percent change
Rank Country 1,000 employed Rank Country
1 Sweden 12.5 1 China 111%
2 Japan 11.0 2 Mexico 98%
3 Singapore 9.7 3 S. Korea 71%
4 U.S. 9.7 4 Singapore 70%
5 Australia 8.4 5 Brazil 67%
6 France 8.0 6 EU-10 64%
7 S. Korea 7.9 7 Spain 63%
8 NAFTA 7.8 8 India 50%
9 Canada 7.8 9 Poland 43%
10 Germany 7.0 10 Sweden 38%
11 Russia 6.8 11 France 31%
12 EU-15 6.2 12 Australia 26%
13 EU-25 6.0 13 Ireland 25%
14 Ireland 5.9 14 Canada 23%
15 Spain 5.7 15 EU-25 18%
16 UK 5.5 16 Japan 14%
17 Poland 4.7 17 EU-15 11%
18 EU-10 4.7 18 NAFTA 10%
19 China 1.5 19 Germany 9%
20 Mexico 1.2 20 U.S. 8%
21 Brazil 1.0 21 Russia 0%
22 India 0.3 22 UK -4%
Average 6.2 Average 35%
Source: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics, 1999-2006 data.

Page 11 The Atlantic Century

Corporate Investment in R&D particular, corporate R&D in Spain increased by 36 percent, perhaps due to the fact
Investments in research and development by business as a percentage of GDP that it now has one of the most generous R&D tax credits in the world.15 In contrast,
in 2004, the U.S. rank in R&D tax generosity was just 17th of 30 OECD nations.16
Why Is This Important? Industry R&D represents almost two-thirds
of global R&D and is therefore a significant driver of innovation.14 Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Neither the United
Furthermore, corporate R&D is more geographically mobile than government States nor the EU-15 lead in corporate R&D. The distinction belongs to Japan and
funded R&D. As some governments have limited the growth of their R&D South Korea, which are 55 percent and 44 percent ahead of the United States,
budgets, corporate R&D has grown faster as a percentage of total R&D respectively, and 142 percent and 125 percent ahead of the EU-15, respectively.
investment despite already being more than twice as large as government Surprisingly, China’s level of corporate R&D intensity is almost at EU-15 levels (91
R&D in 2000. percent of EU-15), and at current growth rates should surpass the EU-15 within
just a few years. Much of this growth is from multinational companies establishing
Europe vs. the United States: The United States significantly outperforms R&D facilities in China.17 However, most developing nations, including Brazil,
Europe in corporate R&D, with the EU-15 at 64 percent of U.S. levels and the EU- Russia, Mexico, and India, are all below even EU-10 levels.
10 at just 22 percent. However, Sweden exceeds the United States by almost 50
percent, in part due to the fact that several large R&D-intensive corporations (e.g., In part because they are starting from lower levels, but also reflecting the fact that
Erickson, Volvo, and SAAB) are headquartered there. But, with the exception of they are focused on becoming more R&D intensive, China and Mexico increased
Germany, which is about at the same level as the United States, other EU-15 their R&D intensity from 1999 to 2006 at a rapid rate, 160 percent and 129 percent
nations lag significantly behind. For example, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and respectively. But a number of nations that were already highly R&D-intensive
Spain are all below 50 percent of U.S. levels. grew at relatively robust rates, including South Korea, Australia, and Singapore.
In contrast, the EU-15 was largely unchanged and the United States actually
While the United States leads Europe, the trend has been in the other direction. declined. However, surprisingly Brazil, Russia, and India all declined, perhaps
The EU-15 grew 1 percent in its corporate R&D intensity and the EU-10 grew 14 in part due to the fact that their economies grew relatively rapidly, meaning the
percent. In contrast corporate R&D as a share of GDP declined in the United States denominator of GDP outpaced growth in the numerator of R&D.
by 5 percent. And, some individual EU-15 nations are growing at a rapid pace. In

Corporate investment
in R&D as percentage Percent change
Rank Country Rank Country
of GDP 1999-2006
1 Japan 2.6% 1 China 160%
2 Sweden 2.5% 2 Mexico 129%
3 S. Korea 2.4% 3 S. Korea 55%
4 Germany 1.7% 4 Australia 40%
5 U.S. 1.7% 5 Singapore 37%
6 NAFTA 1.6% 6 Spain 36%
7 Singapore 1.4% 7 Japan 20%
8 France 1.1% 8 EU-10 14%
9 EU-15 1.1% 9 Canada 14%
10 EU-25 1.1% 10 Germany 9%
11 China 1.0% 11 EU-25 4%
12 Australia 0.9% 12 Ireland 3%
13 Canada 0.9% 13 Sweden 2%
14 UK 0.8% 14 EU-15 1%
15 Ireland 0.8% 15 NAFTA -4%
16 Spain 0.6% 16 France -5%
17 EU-10 0.4% 17 U.S. -5%
18 Brazil 0.3% 18 UK -10%
19 Russia 0.3% 19 Brazil -13%
20 Mexico 0.2% 20 India -22%
21 Poland 0.2% 21 Poland -29%
22 India 0.1% 22 Russia -39%
Average 1.4% Average 32%

Source: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics, 1999-2006 data.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 12


Government Investment in R&D While the United States leads, its lead over EU-15 nations is shrinking.
Investments in R&D by government as a share of GDP While U.S. government R&D investments increased from 1999 to 2006
just 1 percent, in the EU-15 they increased 9 percent. Moreover, some
Why Is This Important? Whereas most R&D investment is made by industry, EU-15 nations made dramatic increases, including Ireland and Spain,
government sponsored R&D has been a key factor in growth and innovation. where investments went up 52 percent and 47 percent, respectfully.
Also, governments are better able to support basic and applied research In contrast, in the EU-10 R&D investment was largely unchanged.
projects that are high risk and far from commercialization. While much of this
research cannot lead to commercial results in the short run, some of it leads Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: The United
to important innovations. For example, one of the most potentially important States ranks 4th in investments in R&D and the EU-15 ranks 11th. However,
future technologies is nanotechnology. Although nanotechnology may very Singapore leads both the United States and the EU-15, and South Korea is
well be to the 21st century what steel was to the first part of the 20th century, on par with the United States. Japan’s levels are 72 percent of U.S. levels
commercialization of this new technology is limited. As a result, governments and 85 percent of EU-15 levels. In spite of Ireland’s economic progress, that
fund the majority of nanotechnology research. In 2006 governments country is actually very far behind in government R&D, only barely ahead of
sponsored 52 percent of nanotechnology research whereas corporations China, and actually below the EU-10. Latin American nations—Mexico and
funded only 43 percent and venture capital funded 5 percent, which is striking Brazil—invest very little in R&D.
since governments as a whole only sponsor roughly one-third of total R&D.18
Both the United States and the EU are slipping behind many nations. In part
Europe vs. the United States: Notwithstanding the EU’s commitment of reflecting its strong commitment to boost government R&D, South Korea
the Lisbon Agenda, the United States leads Europe in government R&D increased 33 percent. Russia, China and Canada saw sizable increases
investment. EU-15 levels are 85 percent of U.S. levels and EU-10 levels (29, 20 and 18 percent, respectively). But many other nations failed to
are 47 percent of U.S. levels. Again, Sweden is a leader (17 percent higher maintain progress, with government R&D as a share of GDP falling by 2
than the United States), and France is 5 percent above United States levels. percent in India, 7 percent in Japan, 14 percent in Mexico, and by almost
However, most EU nations are below United States levels, with the United half in Brazil.
Kingdom and Spain below 75 percent of U.S. levels.

investment in R&D as Percent change
Rank Country Rank Country
percentage of GDP 1999-2006
1 Sweden 0.90% 1 Ireland 52%
2 Singapore 0.87% 2 Spain 47%
3 France 0.81% 3 S. Korea 33%
4 U.S. 0.76% 4 Russia 29%
5 S. Korea 0.75% 5 China 20%
6 NAFTA 0.73% 6 Canada 18%
7 Australia 0.72% 7 EU-15 9%
8 Germany 0.72% 8 Singapore 9%
9 Canada 0.66% 9 EU-25 8%
10 Russia 0.66% 10 UK 6%
11 EU-15 0.65% 11 Australia 5%
12 EU-25 0.64% 12 NAFTA 2%
13 UK 0.57% 13 Sweden 2%
14 Japan 0.55% 14 France 2%
15 India 0.52% 15 U.S. 1%
16 Spain 0.51% 16 EU-10 0%
17 EU-10 0.40% 17 India -2%
18 Ireland 0.39% 18 Japan -7%
19 China 0.35% 19 Germany -7%
20 Poland 0.32% 20 Mexico -14%
21 Mexico 0.23% 21 Poland -20%
22 Brazil 0.17% 22 Brazil -47%
Average 0.70% Average 5%

Source: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics, 1999-2006 data.

Page 13 The Atlantic Century

Share and Quality of World’s Scientific and a decline of 4 percent, compared to an increase of 25 percent for the EU-15
and 41 percent for the EU-10, in part as EU nations have worked to build
Technical Publications
up their research university system and expand the number of researchers.
Scientific and technical publications per million people and the relative
prominence of those publications19
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Along with
Canada and Australia, the United States and the EU-15 lead the world in
Why Is This Important? Scientific publications are traditionally viewed
scientific publications. Japan, South Korea, and Singapore lag significantly
as a measurement of the productivity of university and national scientific
behind, and Russia, India, China, and Mexico are even farther behind, in
institutions. However, publications are also a good measurement of the overall
part because of a relatively underdeveloped system of research universities.
research community; for example, countries that have significant publication
rates tend to also have higher than average national R&D expenditures.
In terms of change, however, Asia is making rapid strides, with research
articles increasing by 480 percent in Japan, 250 percent in China, and
Europe vs. the United States: Close to two-thirds of the world’s scientific
190 percent in Singapore. Part of this change in Asia reflects increased
publications are from the United States and 84 percent are from OECD
scientific research capabilities, but some of it may reflect an increased
nations.20 Not surprisingly the United States clearly leads Europe in
interest in and ability to publish in international journals, most of which
scientific publications, scoring 0.8 standard deviations above the EU-15,
are English. Finally, while some developing nations, such as Mexico and
and four standard deviations above the EU-10. Northern European nations,
China, have made significant progress, others, including Russia and
including Sweden, outperform the United States, largely because they
Brazil, have experienced decline.
publish many more articles (with a higher degree of citations).

However, over the last 15 years the EU has gained much faster than the United
States in the number of scientific articles. The United States has actually seen

Combined Percentage change in

Rank Country Score Rank Country number of publications,
2003 1993-2003
1 Sweden 2.5 1 Japan 481.3%
2 U.S. 2.1 2 China 253.8%
3 UK 1.9 3 Singapore 189.6%
4 Canada 1.8 4 Mexico 113.2%
5 Australia 1.6 5 Poland 77.2%
6 NAFTA 1.5 6 Spain 61.2%
7 Germany 1.4 7 Ireland 59.5%
8 EU-15 1.3 8 EU-10 41.4%
9 France 1.2 9 Germany 27.8%
10 EU-25 1.1 10 EU-25 26.1%
11 Ireland 1.1 11 EU-15 25.5%
12 Spain 0.7 12 Australia 17.8%
13 Japan 0.5 13 Sweden 16.6%
14 Singapore 0.3 14 France 16.1%
15 S. Korea 0.3 15 UK 10.2%
16 EU-10 -0.1 16 NAFTA -3.9%
17 Poland -0.2 17 U.S. -4.3%
18 India -0.3 18 Canada -5.7%
19 Brazil -0.3 19 Russia -17.5%
20 Mexico -0.5 20 Brazil N/A
21 China -0.6 21 S. Korea N/A
22 Russia -0.6 22 India N/A
Average 0.0 Average 67.0%

Source: National Science Foundation and OECD, 1993-2003 data.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 14


Venture Capital21 Notwithstanding the United States’ lead, the EU-15 is closing the gap. As
Venture capital investment as a percentage of GDP an illustration, while venture funds invested fell by almost half in the United
States between 2000 and 2005, they increased in the United Kingdom and
Why Is This Important? Venture capital is an important source of financing Sweden by over 25 percent. In fact, the United States trailed the EU-15 in
for young and growing companies. These young firms, many of which are rate of growth of venture capital. Surprisingly, however, there appears to
too small to raise capital in public markets and too underdeveloped to have been a large fall off in venture investing in many of the EU-10 nations.
secure bank loans, have extremely high growth potential. Although total
U.S. venture capital is down from the late 1990s, it still exceeds the level of Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Generally,
U.S. venture capital in the mid-1990s. Moreover, the percentage of venture Europe and the United States lead the world in venture investing. Two
capitalists that see a future outside their home country is growing. Over exceptions are South Korea and Singapore, with investments 35 percent
50 percent of U.S. venture capital firms expect to begin investing abroad.22 more than in the United States, and almost twice as much in the EU-15. But
generally Asian nations enjoy much lower levels of venture investing. Japan,
Europe vs. the United States: While some EU nations exceed the United with its less entrepreneurial culture, has venture levels of just 17 percent
States in venture capital investments, overall the United States invests of U.S. levels. And India and China, largely dependent upon multinational
almost 60 percent more in venture capital than do EU-15 nations collectively. branch plants, enjoy almost no venture capital investment.
However, because of significant growth in recent years, Sweden and the
United Kingdom now lead Europe and both have more than 60 percent While data on change in venture investing are limited, Japan outperformed
higher venture capital rates of investment than the United States. But other most EU nations and the United States in venture capital growth, perhaps
nations such as Spain and Ireland, which have been more dependent because they were starting from a much smaller base. Canada and Australia,
on branch plants for prosperity, or France and Germany, which are more in contrast, however, saw steep declines in venture investing.
dependent on large firms and innovations within existing firms, invest less.

Venture capital as a Percentage

Rank Country percentage of GDP Rank Country change
2006 2000-2006
1 Sweden 0.30% 1 UK 36%
2 UK 0.29% 2 Sweden 28%
3 S. Korea 0.25% 3 Japan 23%
4 Singapore 0.25% 4 EU-15 -13%
5 U.S. 0.18% 5 EU-25 -16%
6 NAFTA 0.18% 6 France -28%
7 Brazil 0.14% 7 Spain -31%
8 Canada 0.12% 8 NAFTA -37%
9 EU-15 0.11% 9 Ireland -40%
10 EU-25 0.10% 10 Germany -42%
11 Spain 0.09% 11 U.S. -51%
12 France 0.08% 12 Canada -59%
13 Ireland 0.06% 13 Australia -60%
14 Germany 0.06% 14 Poland -96%
15 Australia 0.05% 15 S. Korea N/A
16 Japan 0.03% 16 Singapore N/A
17 Mexico 0.02% 17 Brazil N/A
18 India 0.00% 18 Mexico N/A
19 China 0.00% 19 India N/A
20 Poland 0.00% 20 China N/A
21 Russia 0.00% 21 Russia N/A
22 EU-10 N/A 22 EU-10 N/A
Average 0.05% Average -26%

Source: OECD, 1999-2006 data.

Page 15 The Atlantic Century

New Firms
In terms of growth in entrepreneurship from 2002 to 2005, however, the
New corporations as a percent of total corporations23 EU-15 and EU-10 saw growth rates 7 and 14 percentage points faster,
respectively, than in the United States. In fact, only Spain and Poland saw
Why Is This Important? Entrepreneurship has long been hailed as a slower rates of growth in entrepreneurship.
benchmark of economic dynamism. New firms can introduce new business
models and innovative practices and be an important component of job Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Among the
growth. The level of entrepreneurial activity within a country results from nations examined here, Singapore and South Korea lead in entrepreneurship,
a variety of structural factors, such as the level of human capital, the in part reflecting both nations’ commitment to spur high technology
regulatory environment, the degree to which capital is available, and the development. But generally the United States leads most other nations.
overall attitude toward risk. Although the variables behind a country’s For example, notwithstanding a long focus on promoting small enterprises,
entrepreneurship rate appear with differing degrees in different countries, India lags far behind in entrepreneurship, in part because of its large
one thing is certain: in a globalized economy where international large informal sector. Japan, with its focus on large organizations and lifetime
multi-establishment firms can move around the globe, homegrown employment, ranks even lower, at levels of about one-third of U.S. rates.
entrepreneurs can play an important role in economic growth. And the Surprisingly, given that the UK levels are so high, Canadian and Australian
structural components of an entrepreneurial economy are far from trivial. entrepreneurship rates are quite low. Latin American nations generally have
For example, the World Bank has found that countries with high regulatory low levels of entrepreneurship, with Spain and Mexico having rates around
rates artificially raise barriers to entry that decrease entrepreneurship.24 half that in the United States.

Europe vs. the United States: Consistent with its long-standing In terms of change, however, America’s position is slipping. Most other
entrepreneurial culture, the United States leads the EU-15 with about 20 nations saw faster growth. Entrepreneurship in Singapore, for example, grew
percent more entrepreneurship, and the EU-10 with about two-thirds more. 42 percentage points faster than entrepreneurship in the United States, and
But the United Kingdom now outperforms the United States, with 17 percent in India, entrepreneurship grew 35 percentage points faster. Even Japan
more entrepreneurship. grew faster, albeit, only slightly, than the United States.

Percentage of new Percent

Rank Country corporations Rank Country change 2003-
2005 2005
1 S. Korea 19% 1 Singapore 47.1%
2 Singapore 19% 2 India 42.6%
3 UK 15% 3 Sweden 24.0%
4 U.S. 13% 4 Ireland 19.7%
5 France 12% 5 EU-10 19.5%
6 Germany 12% 6 France 17.4%
7 Ireland 11% 7 Russia 15.7%
8 EU-15 11% 8 UK 13.6%
9 EU-25 10% 9 EU-25 12.8%
10 NAFTA 10% 10 EU-15 12.7%
11 Russia 9% 11 Japan 6.7%
12 Australia 9% 12 U.S. 5.3%
13 EU-10 8% 13 NAFTA 4.9%
14 Sweden 7% 14 Canada -0.7%
15 Mexico 7% 15 Spain -0.9%
16 Brazil 7% 16 Poland -3.6%
17 Spain 6% 17 Australia -9.9%
18 Canada 6% 18 Germany N/A
19 India 5% 19 S. Korea N/A
20 China 5% 20 Mexico N/A
21 Poland 5% 21 Brazil N/A
22 Japan 4% 22 China N/A
Average 9% Average 9.6%

Source: World Bank, 1999-2006 data.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 16


When it comes to progress, however, the picture is reversed. The United

States ranks lowest of all nations in progress, in fact seeing its score
A measure of the utilization of digital technology in national government decline 7 percent between 2003 and 2008. In contrast, the EU-15
made modest progress, improving 3 percent, while the EU-10 increased
Why Is This Important? In the past, governments have been judged even faster, at 12 percent. Some European nations in particular showed
based on their degree of efficiency, transparency, and robustness of significant progress, including Spain (20 percent) and France (16 percent).
services offered. Today, IT is creating the opportunity for governments to
take these benchmarks to a new level and establish an even greater and Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Overall the EU
more effective link between citizens and businesses. Today governments and the United States lead the world in e-government, but there are some
with sophisticated e-government networks can provide traditional services notable exceptions. South Korea, Canada, Australia, and Japan, all nations
such as license plate renewal or business permits in a fraction of the time that have developed national e-government strategies, rank higher than the
of physical government offices. Yet e-government does not just boost EU-15 and EU-10. In contrast, the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)
government efficiency, digitalization has transformed the way governments score low, in part because e-government success is moderately correlated
function. By making government services available in a “one-stop-digital- with per capita income levels.
shop,” interagency cross-coordination has become essential27. This “whole-
of-government” approach can provide citizens and businesses a faster, When compared to the rest of the world, the United States showed less
more user-friendly interface than the departmentalization associated with progress than any other nation, while many nations advanced faster than
traditional brick and mortar bureaucracies. the EU-15. Consistent with their national digital transformation strategies
implemented in this decade, Japan and South Korea progressed faster than
Europe vs. the United States: The United States leads Europe in the EU-15, while China showed rapid growth, albeit from a lower level of
e-government, outscoring the EU-15 by 16 percent and the EU-10 by over initial progress.
one-third. However, one European nation, Sweden, exceeds the United

Percent change
Rank Country 2008 Index Rank Country
1 Sweden 0.92 1 China 21%
2 U.S. 0.86 2 Spain 20%
3 S. Korea 0.83 3 France 16%
4 Canada 0.82 4 Russia 16%
5 Australia 0.81 5 EU-10 12%
6 France 0.80 6 S. Korea 12%
7 NAFTA 0.80 7 Japan 11%
8 UK 0.79 8 Sweden 9%
9 Japan 0.77 9 Brazil 8%
10 EU-15 0.74 10 Poland 6%
11 Ireland 0.73 11 EU-25 5%
12 EU-25 0.72 12 Ireland 5%
13 Spain 0.72 13 EU-15 3%
14 Germany 0.71 14 India 2%
15 Singapore 0.70 15 Canada 1%
16 EU-10 0.63 16 Mexico -1%
17 Poland 0.61 17 Australia -2%
18 Mexico 0.59 18 UK -3%
19 Brazil 0.57 19 NAFTA -5%
20 Russia 0.51 20 Singapore -6%
21 China 0.50 21 Germany -6%
22 India 0.38 22 U.S. -7%
Average 0.70 Average 7%

Source: United Nations, 2003-2008 data.

Page 17 The Atlantic Century

Broadband Telecommunications
Broadband quality and subscription rates per capita26

Why Is This Important? A country’s broadband penetration rate does Percentage

not just represent the degree to which a nation’s citizens and business Combined change in
can access high speed Internet, it is a proxy for digital transformation. Rank Country Score Rank Country number of
From faster download times that make businesses more efficient to 2008 subscribers
the expansion of online services, broadband enables digital progress. 2005-2008
1 Japan 6.6 1 Russia 27,829%
Europe vs. the United States: Somewhat surprisingly given the fact 2 Sweden 5.3 2 EU-10 10,707%
that the United States ranks in the middle of the pack in broadband
3 S. Korea 4.2 3 Ireland 6,088%
among OECD nations, the United States actually leads the EU-15 in
broadband adoption and quality, albeit by a small degree.27 However, 4 France 3.4 4 Japan 3,254%
this masks considerable differences within the EU-15, with the Nordic 5 Germany 3.3 5 India 2,618%
nations significantly ahead of the United States and even farther ahead
6 Canada 3.0 6 Poland 2,285%
of the rest of the EU-15. The EU-10 is significantly behind the EU-15 and
the United States, scoring about one-third the level. 7 U.S. 3.0 7 Mexico 1,863%
8 EU-15 2.8 8 China 1,835%
With regard to the rate of broadband adoption, the EU-15 has progressed 9 UK 2.8 9 Australia 1,682%
more than twice as fast than the United States, in large part because the
10 Singapore 2.6 10 Singapore 1,064%
United States was even further ahead in 2002.28 If the United States
had the same level of adoption as the EU-15 in 2002 and it grew to the 11 EU-25 2.5 11 UK 1,016%
same level as it did, it would have made slightly faster progress than the 12 Australia 2.5 12 France 815%
EU-15. The EU-10 nations made progress much faster than the
13 NAFTA 2.1 13 Brazil 775%
EU-15 and the United States in large part because they were starting
from a low base. 14 Spain 2.0 14 EU-25 630%
15 Ireland 1.4 15 EU-15 598%
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: The EU-15 16 EU-10 0.9 16 Spain 513%
and the United States rank behind Japan and South Korea in broadband,
17 Russia 0.6 17 Germany 511%
with these nations scoring between 120 and 42 percent higher,
respectively than the United States. Japan and South Korea ranked first 18 Poland 0.3 18 Canada 506%
and third, respectfully, partially because of their large urban population 19 Brazil -0.6 19 NAFTA 287%
living in dense cities where it is cheaper to connect multiple users to fiber
20 Mexico -0.7 20 S. Korea 270%
optic cable. That being said, it would be too deterministic to claim that
Japan and South Korea’s leadership is simply a product of geographic 21 China -0.8 21 Sweden 267%
coincidence. Both countries have long had some of the world’s most 22 India -1.9 22 U.S. 252%
sophisticated technology policies. Given its relatively high per capita Average 0.0 Average 2,778%
income and dense population, Singapore performs relatively poorly on
broadband. And lower income nations like the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, Source: International Telecommunications Union and Said Business
India, and China) score quite low, in large part because broadband School, 2008 data.
adoption is significantly influenced by levels of per capita income.

Most nations made faster progress in broadband adoption than the EU-
15 and the United States, in large part because they started from a much
smaller base, in some cases from virtually no subscribers. In contrast,
nations like South Korea (and United States) which was the earliest
leader in broadband, had much slower growth.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 18


With regard to change, between 2003 and 2007 IT investment declined

Corporate Investment in Information Technology slightly slower in the United States than in the EU-15 and at the same rate
Business investments in IT as a share of GDP as the EU-10. However, among EU nations, Poland, Germany, and Ireland
saw growth.
Why Is This Important? Information technology (IT) investment is the
principal driver of productivity growth in most nations. Nations with higher Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: When it comes
rates of IT investments in the 1990s all saw increases in national productivity, to IT investment, the United States and Southeast Asia are in the lead.
whereas countries where investments in IT fell or only grew marginally saw Surprisingly, China leads the world in terms of IT investments as a share of
no productivity acceleration.29 Moreover, in countries like the United States, GDP, with the United States coming in a close second.33 But Japan, South
France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, increased investment in Korea, and Singapore—nations with explicit national digital transformation
IT was responsible for virtually all increases in productivity in the 1990s.30 IT strategies—rank right behind the United States. Notwithstanding its low
also spurs growth and increased quality of life in developing nations.31 levels of income, India ranks moderately high, higher than EU-10 levels,
reflecting in part the rapid growth of the software and IT services industries.
Europe vs. the United States: The United States invests approximately 25 In contrast, Russia and Mexico rank at the bottom, with much lower levels
percent more in IT than does the EU-15 and this accounts for a considerable of investment.
share of the increased rate of productivity growth in the United States than in
Europe.32 However, some European nations, such as the United Kingdom Reflecting its becoming the preeminent IT off-shoring destination in the world,
and Sweden, come close to U.S. investment rates. In contrast, France and India leads all nations in growth rates, seeing a more than 50 percent increase
Spain lag behind. Given Ireland’s intention of becoming an IT leader, its in IT intensity. Japan and China also saw modest growth rates, ahead of
performance is at only 80 percent of U.S. levels suggesting that it, as well as Europe and the United States. Surprisingly, IT leaders South Korea and
most other nations need to ensure widespread IT investment in all sectors, Singapore saw declines.
not just focus on growing the IT industry itself.

investment in IT as
Rank Country Rank Country change
a percent of GDP
1 China 7.8% 1 India 51%
2 U.S. 7.5% 2 Mexico 20%
3 Japan 7.1% 3 Japan 9%
4 S. Korea 7.0% 4 Poland 7%
5 Singapore 7.0% 5 China 6%
6 UK 6.7% 6 Germany 2%
7 NAFTA 6.6% 7 Ireland 1%
8 Sweden 6.5% 8 Brazil 0%
9 Germany 6.2% 9 EU-10 -1%
10 EU-15 6.1% 10 U.S. -1%
11 Poland 6.0% 11 NAFTA -2%
12 Ireland 6.0% 12 EU-25 -2%
13 EU-25 5.9% 13 EU-15 -3%
14 Canada 5.9% 14 France -3%
15 Australia 5.9% 15 Sweden -5%
16 India 5.8% 16 Australia -5%
17 Brazil 5.8% 17 UK -8%
18 France 5.8% 18 Canada -9%
19 Spain 5.5% 19 Spain -9%
20 EU-10 5.4% 20 S. Korea -9%
21 Mexico 4.6% 21 Russia -9%
22 Russia 4.2% 22 Singapore -12%
Average 6.5% Average -1%
Source: The World Information Technology and Services Alliance, 2003-2007 data.

Page 19 The Atlantic Century

Effective Corporate Tax Rates
Average five-year effective marginal corporate tax rate

Why Is This Important? Higher corporate taxes have an adverse effect Effective
on foreign direct investment (FDI), and investment rates. The most Rank Country corporate tax rate,
important component of corporate taxes is not the statutory tax rate (the 200837
rate at which companies pay for their income), but the effective corporate 1 Ireland 9.6%
tax rate, which takes into account all the deductions, exemptions, and
2 EU-10 11.2%
credits that companies qualify for. A 10 percent increase in the effective
corporate tax rate reduces the aggregate investment-to-GDP ratio by 2.2 3 Poland 12.5%
percent and reduces FDI inflows by 2.3 percent.34 Consequently, countries 4 Russia 13.0%
with competitive corporate taxes are more attractive to businesses.35
5 Singapore 13.2%
Corporate tax policy also presents nations with a particular opportunity
for rapid advancement. Unlike many structural factors that affect a 6 France 14.4%
country’s competitiveness, corporate taxes are not tied to the historical or 7 Sweden 14.9%
institutional framework of a nation and can be changed with relative ease. 8 Brazil 15.5%
9 China 15.7%
Europe vs. the United States: When it comes to corporate tax competition,
Europe is far more competitive than the United States, with rates in the 10 S. Korea 18.4%
United States that are 68 percent higher than in the EU-15 and 185 percent 11 Spain 18.6%
higher than in the EU-10. Most EU-10 nations have made a conscious choice
12 EU-25 19.0%
to keep effective corporate tax rates low in order to be a more attractive
location for internationally mobile business investment. Some have done 13 EU-15 20.5%
this with generous incentives, including R&D tax credits36, while others 14 UK 21.4%
have lowered statutory rates. However, effective tax rates differ significantly 15 Mexico 22.5%
throughout Europe, with Ireland, Spain, and Sweden having relatively low
16 Australia 23.0%
effective rates, and Germany having higher rates.
17 Germany 23.6%
Given that government expenditures as a share of GDP are higher in Europe, 18 India 24.3%
Europe’s lower corporate rates may come as a surprise. However, one
19 Canada 25.9%
reason that Europe is able to afford lower corporate rates, despite having
higher government spending, is that it raises a significant share of revenues 20 NAFTA 29.2%
from border adjustable value-added taxes. Because these are levied on 21 Japan 31.6%
imports but exempted on exports, the European tax system gives companies 22 U.S. 32.0%
located inside Europe’s borders a double advantage in international
Average 18.0%
markets—lower corporate rates and value-added taxes levied on imports.
Source: World Bank, 2008 data.
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: When it comes
to corporate tax competitiveness, the EU-10 as a whole is, with the exception
of Ireland, the most competitive of the nations or regions included here. For
example, Poland’s effective corporate rate is just 12.5 percent, compared
to 32 percent in the United States. In addition, three of the BRICs (Brazil,
Russia, and China) have similarly adopted lower effective corporate rates to
be attractive to FDI. Japan and the United States have the highest rates.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 20


Ease of Doing Business

A measurement of the regulatory and business climate

Why Is This Important? Creating a regulatory environment that attracts Percent

businesses and cultivates growth is essential to any economy. Governments 2008 change
Rank Country Rank Country
may not have complete control over where multinational corporations choose Score 2005-
to locate or how companies start up or grow, but by reducing bureaucratic red
tape, enforcing property rights and the rule of law and decreasing barriers 1 Singapore 38.8 1 Russia 70%
to entry they can create an environment supportive of business growth. 2 U.S. 29.2 2 China 33%
By ranking countries on 10 sub-indicators, the overall indicator for ease of
3 Canada 23.7 3 UK 21%
doing business captures the regulatory framework of each country. The 10
indicators are, ease of starting a business, dealing with construction permits, 4 Ireland 22.3 4 Mexico 18%
hiring workers, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying 5 UK 21.3 5 Spain 14%
taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and closing a business. 6 NAFTA 18.4 6 NAFTA 13%
7 Australia 13.9 7 Australia 11%
Europe vs. the United States: It is much easier to do business in the
United States than it is in Europe. The United States ranks much higher than 8 Japan 13.2 8 U.S. 11%
the EU-15 nations, particularly Spain and France, and ranks even higher 9 Sweden 11.7 9 Japan 9%
than EU-10 nations, such as Poland. Among EU nations, only the United
10 S. Korea 6.1 10 Brazil 8%
Kingdom, Denmark, and Ireland score above 50 percent of the United
States’ score, and even a nation like Ireland, which has made streamlining 11 Germany 2.9 11 Ireland 3%
its regulatory system to make it attractive to business, scores significantly 12 EU-15 2.1 12 Canada -5%
behind the United States. 13 EU-25 -0.1 13 Singapore -7%
14 France -1.9 14 EU-10 -7%
Moreover, between 2005 and 2008, it’s gotten easier to do business in
the United States, while it’s gotten somewhat harder in the EU-15 and 15 Spain -8.9 15 France -20%
marginally harder in the EU-10. In particular it has gotten significantly harder 16 EU-10 -11.4 16 Poland -32%
in Sweden, Poland, and Germany. Only in Spain, Ireland, and the United
17 Mexico -14.2 17 India -47%
Kingdom has it been getting easier to do business. The United Kingdom has
shown faster improvement than the United States, in large part because of 18 Poland -16.4 18 Sweden -49%
concerted efforts by the U.K. government to foster growth and innovation. 19 China -20.1 19 EU-15 -56%
20 Brazil -28.5 20 Germany -88%
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Singapore
21 Russia -34.3 21 EU-25 N/A
scores significantly better than the Unites States, which ranks second. As a
general rule, nations with an Anglo-Saxon legal and cultural tradition (United 22 India -42.3 22 S. Korea N/A
Kingdom, Singapore, Canada, Australia, the United States, and Ireland) tend Average 0 Average N/A
to rank highly. Scandinavian nations, with their focus on good government,
while not scoring as high as Anglo-Saxon nations, still score moderately Source: World Bank, 2005-2008 data.
high, as reflected by Sweden’s score. In contrast, nations with a Latin
tradition score much lower, including Spain, Mexico and France. Communist
or former communist or socialist nations also score low. Most EU-10 nations,
like Poland, which had a long history under Soviet domination, score quite
low, as does Russia. Similarly, China also scores quite low. As a former
socialist nation, so too does India.

While Singapore experienced a decline in the ease of doing business greater

than the United States, most other nations gained. In part because they are
starting from such low scores and there is so much “low hanging fruit” to
pick to make progress, countries like Brazil and Mexico improved modestly,
while China and Russia improved faster than both the EU-15 and the United
States. But these nations still have a very long way to go until their business
climate is fully supportive of growth.

Page 21 The Atlantic Century

Trade Balance
Trade balance as a percentage of GDP

Why Is This Important? A nation’s trade balance—exports minus imports— Average trade
is an important indicator of the overall competitiveness of its economy balance as a Percentage
relative to the rest of the world.38 Some argue that a nation’s trade balance Rank Country percentage of Rank Country point change
doesn’t matter, and in particular, that the poor trade performance of the GDP 1999-2006
United States is not an indicator of a competitive challenge. Although it is 2005-2006
true that a growing share of trade involves foreign affiliate sales or intra-firm 1 Singapore 29.0% 1 Brazil 5.0%
trade, a nation’s trade deficit still reflects a nation’s reduced competitiveness, 2 Russia 13.0% 2 Poland 4.9%
even if it does not reflect a reduced competitiveness of a nation’s firms.
3 Ireland 13.0% 3 Germany 4.2%
Indeed, a nation’s trade surplus, particularly over a moderate period 4 Sweden 8.0% 4 China 3.1%
of time, is a reflection of the ability of the business establishments in 5 China 7.0% 5 Sweden 1.6%
it to sell the goods and services they produce in global markets. This is
6 Germany 5.0% 6 Russia 1.3%
not to say that some nations do not intervene inappropriately, including
in currency markets, to spur exports and limit imports. But for better 7 Canada 4.0% 7 Canada 1.0%
or worse, such actions influence overall trade balance and the ability 8 Brazil 3.0% 8 Mexico 0.4%
of the business establishments in those nations to compete globally. 9 S. Korea 2.0% 9 EU-25 0.0%
10 Japan 1.0% 10 EU-15 0.0%
Europe vs. the United States: In terms of trade balance, the EU-25 clearly
leads the United States. In 2006, while the United States ran an almost 11 EU-15 -0.1% 11 Ireland -0.3%
unprecedented trade deficit of almost 6 percent of GDP, the EU-25 as a 12 EU-25 -0.1% 12 Japan -0.3%
region was largely in balance. At 12.6 percent, Ireland’s trade surplus is
13 Poland -1.0% 13 Australia -0.5%
twice that of the United States’ trade deficit. Germany and Sweden run
trade surpluses above 5 percent of GDP. The United Kingdom and Spain, 14 France -1.0% 14 India -1.1%
countries that share a trend toward deindustrialization with the United 15 Mexico -1.0% 15 UK -2.6%
States, have fairly large trade deficits, but their deficits were smaller than 16 Australia -2.0% 16 U.S. -3.4%
that of the United States.
17 India -3.0% 17 France -3.5%
Overall, the United States ran a trade deficit with the EU-25 of $103 18 UK -4.0% 18 Spain -4.7%
billion in 2007, notwithstanding the increase in the value of the euro. 19 Spain -6.0% 19 S. Korea -8.1%
Moreover, the trade deficit has been mounting faster in the United
20 U.S. -6.0% 20 EU-10 N/A
States than in the Europe. The U.S. trade deficit with the EU increased
from $27 billion in 1999 to $103 billion in 2007. With regard to individual 21 EU-10 N/A 21 NAFTA N/A
nations, only France and Spain saw trade deficits increase faster than 22 NAFTA N/A 22 Singapore N/A
the trade deficit of the United States, but Germany and Sweden saw Average 0.6% Average 0.0%
increases in their trade surpluses, in part powered by exports of advanced
manufacturing goods, like vehicles, machine tools, and chemicals. Source: World Bank, 2005-2008 data.

Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Most nations
run either small trade deficits or trade surpluses. In fact, the United States
accounts for over 70 percent of the trade deficits of all the countries
examined here. Asian nations in particular, with their mercantilist-oriented
trade policies which favor exports and discourage imports, are running large
trade surpluses. Japan and South Korea both run trade surpluses, while
China (6.7 percent) and Singapore (almost 30 percent) run trade surpluses
larger as a share of GDP than the U.S. trade deficit. Brazil, Canada, and
Russia also run trade surpluses, in part enabled by their exports of natural
resource products and until recently, relatively weak currencies.

In terms of change in trade balance in the last decade, the U.S. trade
performance is among the worst. Some Asian nations, notably South
Korea and Japan, saw declines in their trade surpluses, largely because
China’s trade surplus almost doubled and both South Korea and Japan saw
a shift of production to China. Most other nations, including Russia, Canada,
Mexico, and Brazil, saw an increase in their trade balance.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 22


Foreign Direct Investment Inflows FDI declined in most nations after the peak years of the end of the 1990s.
Inflows from foreign direct investment as a share of GDP But FDI declined in the EU-25 about one-third as much as it declined in
the United States, where it declined by almost two-thirds. Some nations,
Why Is This Important? Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) can including France and the United Kingdom, outperformed even many EU-10
not only bring to a nation new higher-value added production but also nations, but some other nations, including Germany, Spain and Sweden saw
increased competitive forces that spur domestic firms to become more significant declines in FDI.
innovative and productive. It is often asserted that when a company builds
factories, labs, or offices in a foreign country, it does so because of cheap Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: Australia, South
wages or minimal environmental and labor standards. Yet although some Korea and Japan lag the United States in FDI. In large part this is because
production, particularly more labor-intense production, clearly does locate both nations have worked to limit FDI as a way to protect their domestic
in low wage nations, there is still considerable FDI in high-wage nations. companies’ market share. This is in contrast to nations such as China and
Singapore, which have sought FDI as a way to leapfrog their development.
Europe vs. the United States: The EU-25 enjoys almost 50 percent more Russia, Mexico, and Brazil all have higher levels of FDI than the United States
inward FDI (from outside Europe) than does the United States. Some EU- and the EU-25.
15 nations in particular, such as Ireland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom,
enjoy significantly higher levels of FDI, although this includes FDI from other Some nations such as India and Russia saw significant increases in FDI, in
European nations. Some EU-10 nations, like Poland, have even higher large part because of efforts to attract foreign investment. Australia, South
levels, about four times higher than the United States. The reason, in part, is Korea and Japan declined faster, in part because FDI that might have
that as most of these nations have transformed to market-based economies, headed there in the late 1990s now was more likely to go to lower cost China.
they have made concerted efforts to attract FDI, facilitated by a relatively
educated workforce with relatively low wage levels. Canada has high levels
of FDI, reflecting its long position as a location for branch plants of U.S. firms.

FDI as a percentage
Percent change
Rank Country of GDP Rank Country
1 Ireland 19.5% 1 India 121%
2 Singapore 15.3% 2 Russia 88%
3 UK 7.3% 3 France 17%
4 Sweden 5.1% 4 UK 0%
5 Poland 4.6% 5 China -5%
6 Canada 4.1% 6 Poland -7%
7 France 3.7% 7 Ireland -14%
8 China 3.2% 8 Mexico -18.%
9 Russia 2.5% 9 Singapore -19%
10 Mexico 2.4% 10 EU-25 -27%
11 Spain 1.9% 11 Canada -38%
12 Brazil 1.7% 12 Spain -60%
13 EU-25 1.6% 13 U.S. -65%
14 India 1.4% 14 Brazil -65%
15 Germany 1.4% 15 Sweden -69%
16 U.S. 1.1% 16 S. Korea -70%
17 S. Korea 0.6% 17 Germany -79%
18 Japan 0.0% 18 Japan -118%
19 Australia -0.6% 19 Australia -130%
21 EU-15 N/A 21 EU-15 N/A
22 EU-10 N/A 22 EU-10 N/A
Average 2.6% Average -42%

Source: World Bank, 1999-2006 data.

Page 23 The Atlantic Century

GDP per Working-Age Adult
GDP (PPP) per adult age 25-64

Why Is This Important? GDP per adult worker measures both hourly GDP per
productivity of work and the number of hours worked. Together, both adult aged
determine the overall standard of living in a nation. By measuring both Rank Country Rank Country change
how much workers produce and how many total hours workers work 2000-2006
in the formal sectors of a nation’s labor market, this measure captures 2006
the negative effects on GDP of high unemployment rates and early 1 U.S. $83,422 1 China 89%
retirement spurred by over-generous public and private pension systems. 2 Singapore $77,523 2 Russia 69%
3 Ireland $76,278 3 India 54%
Europe vs. the United States: Since World War II, the United States has
led Europe in GDP per worker. And it continues to do so, with EU-15 GDP 4 NAFTA $70,534 4 S. Korea 42%
per worker at levels of just 70 percent of U.S. levels, and EU-10 levels 5 Sweden $66,108 5 EU-10 41%
at 37 percent. This gap reflects both higher per-hour-worked productivity
6 Canada $65,870 6 Singapore 38%
and greater hours worked by the U.S. workforce, both in terms of a longer
average work year for American workers and greater workforce participation 7 Australia $64,222 7 Poland 36%
levels (through lower unemployment rates and later retirement). However, 8 UK $63,815 8 UK 34%
some European nations approach U.S. levels. The “tiger” of Europe, 9 France $61,062 9 Ireland 33%
Ireland, now lags the United States by just 9 percent.
10 Germany $59,078 10 Sweden 32%

In terms of rate of change, from 2000 to 2006, GDP per working- 11 EU-15 $58,254 11 EU-25 32%
age adult in the EU-15 grew at the same rate as the United States, in 12 Japan $58,107 12 Germany 28%
part because productivity growth has strengthened and because
13 EU-25 $53,926 13 Japan 28%
unemployment declined. Not surprisingly the EU-10 nations saw even
stronger growth, growing about 15 percentage points faster than the 14 Spain $50,564 14 Australia 27%
United States and EU-15, in part because their lower wages, coupled 15 S. Korea $39,908 15 EU-15 26%
with relatively skilled workers and proximity to the EU-15 nations, has led 16 EU-10 $30,931 16 U.S. 26%
to a spurt of foreign direct investment in industries paying higher wages.
17 Mexico $29,501 17 Canada 25%

Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: The EU-15 and 18 Poland $27,103 18 NAFTA 23%
the United States generally lead the rest of the world. However, Singapore 19 Russia $24,047 19 Spain 22%
is just 7 percent below U.S. levels. Moreover, in part reflecting the same
20 Brazil $18,822 20 France 22%
labor market factors that help boost U.S. levels, Canada and Australia are
above EU-15 levels, while Japan is on par. Not surprisingly, even with robust 21 China $8,541 21 Brazil 20%
recent growth, developing nations such as India, China, Brazil, Russia and 22 India $5,575 22 Mexico 15%
Mexico lag considerably behind, reinforcing the need for these nations to Average $51,838 Average 21%
focus not just on attracting manufacturing and technology-based services,
but on ensuring that all sectors, including retail and wholesale trade, Source: International Monetary Fund, 2000-2006 data.
construction, financial services, and government raise their productivity, in
part by better integration of IT.

The United States and the EU-15 generally lag the rest of world in growth
in GDP per worker, particularly behind Asian nations. Not surprisingly given
its higher productivity growth and increases in urban labor supply, China
saw the fastest growth, with an almost 90 percent increase in just six years.
South Korea and Singapore outpaced the United States and EU-15 as well.
Moreover, two of the BRIC nations, Russia and India, saw very fast growth
as well. Perhaps surprisingly, another BRIC nation, Brazil, actually lagged
behind the United States and EU, as did fellow Latin American nation
Mexico, reinforcing the need for many Latin American nations to adopt
fundamentally different development strategies.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 24

Source: World Bank, 1999-2008 data.

GDP (PPP) per hour worked39

Why Is This Important? GDP per hour worked, the standard measure GDP per
of productivity, is the most important indicator of nation’s economic well- Rank Country Rank Country change
being. GDP per hour worked can be a more accurate measure than GDP 1999-2006
per capita because the latter is affected by the amount of hours worked,
1 Ireland 55.2 1 China 99%
which may be strongly affected by voluntary decisions by adults to substitute
free time for work. It is productivity that determines how much nations 2 U.S. 50.6 2 Russia 78%
produce per effort of work. Productivity is largely driven by innovation— 3 France 50.4 3 India 62%
particularly, the adoption of new technologies in the workplace. Because of
4 Germany 47.7 4 S. Korea 49%
better agricultural technology, for example, four U.S. farmers could feed 10
people in 1900, now the same number of farmers can feed 388 people.40 5 Singapore 47.0 5 EU-10 49%
6 Sweden 44.9 6 Singapore 46%
Europe vs. the United States: On GDP per hour worked, the EU-15 falls 7 EU-15 43.8 7 Poland 43%
behind the United States, reaching 85 of percent of U.S. levels. Ireland
8 UK 42.3 8 Sweden 36%
actually exceeds the United States (and ranks number 1), an amazing feat
given its relative low levels two decades ago. Most EU-15 nations fall behind 9 NAFTA 42.0 9 Japan 33%
the United States, with the United Kingdom at 84 percent of U.S. levels and 10 Canada 41.3 10 U.S. 32%
Spain at only 76 percent. Reflecting its long period under Soviet rule, EU-10
11 Australia 40.3 11 UK 32%
nations lag considerably behind. For example, Poland’s productivity is just
39 percent of the U.S. productivity level. 12 EU-25 40.3 12 NAFTA 31%
13 Spain 38.4 13 EU-25 29%
In terms of trends, however, GDP per hour worked grew 16 percent 14 Japan 35.8 14 France 28%
faster in the United States as in the EU-15 between 2000 and 2006. Of
15 EU-10 20.9 15 Germany 27%
the EU-15 nations, only Sweden exceeded U.S. growth rates in GDP
per hour worked, in part because Swedish organizations adopted IT 16 S. Korea 20.4 16 EU-15 27%
at very high levels. Spain’s growth was just 65 percent of the U.S. rate 17 Poland 19.6 17 Brazil 27%
and German and France were around 85 percent of the U.S. rate. But
18 Mexico 17.6 18 Australia 26%
growth rates in GDP per hour worked in EU-10 nations appear to be
much stronger, with rates in Poland 34 percent higher than U.S. rates 19 Russia 14.6 19 Canada 24%
and rates in the EU-10 over 50 percent of that of the United States. 20 Brazil 11.4 20 Mexico 22%
21 China 5.2 21 Spain 21%
Europe and the United States vs. the Rest of the World: The EU-15
22 India 3.4 22 Ireland N/A
and the United States generally lead the world in productivity (with Ireland
first and the United States second). Among the countries for which data are Average 33.6 Average 22%
available, India, China and Brazil have the lowest productivity, and South
Source: OECD, 1999-2006 data
Korea surprisingly lags far behind. In addition, given Japan’s prominence
in many global export markets, the country’s low rank (70 percent of U.S.
levels and 82 percent of EU-15) might surprise many, but Japan’s low rank
is due to the low productivity of many of Japan’s domestic serving industries
(e.g., retail, banking).41

A number of Asian nations, including China, India and Singapore, are making
more rapid progress in improving productivity than the United States or EU-
15. Japan, in spite of its image of having a stagnant economy, actually grew
slightly faster than the United States and 6 percent faster than the EU-15.

Page 25 The Atlantic Century


n the last two decades, there have been at least two major changes scale that drove competitive advantage. In that environment, states (in the
to the economies of the United States and the EU. The first is that United States) and nations (in Europe) that wanted to succeed economically
both economies have become truly global. Fifty years ago continental focused on offering firm-specific financial incentives designed to attract or
economies were largely regional in scale. In the United States, this meant retain establishments of large, multi-region firms by. The idea was that these
that states and regions (e.g., the Northeast) largely competed against each mobile establishments were seeking the lowest costs, and the job of a U.S.
other and in Europe nations (e.g., France, Germany) largely competed state or European nation was to put forth the best package to attract them.
against each other. It is not that broader international competition was
absent 50 years ago, but it was more limited and based more on commodity Today, innovation – the development of new products, new services, new or
production in sectors where nations had “comparative advantages” based improved production processes, and new business models – drives growth.
on factors such as natural resource endowments. Indeed, the application of innovation throughout an economy is critical to
prosperity and competitiveness. In the United States, for example, virtually
Today, continental economies are largely global in scale and competition all of the increase in productivity after 1995 has been due to the use of
is based on a competitive advantage in a wide array of manufacturing and IT by organizations.42 And there is clear evidence that the growth in the
services industries. This means that for all intents and purposes states productivity gap between the United States and Europe has been due in
in the United States and nations within Europe compete not just against large part to the greater and better use of information technology by the
each other, but with regions around the globe. The days when U.S. states United States43. But the production of innovation, particularly in technology-
or individual European nations largely competed against their continental based firms that pay significantly higher wages than average, is also driving
counterparts are long gone. growth and innovation. These high-wage traded goods and services jobs
are now intensely competed for by nations around the globe, each seeking
This fundamental change means that the United States and Europe need to be the location of choice for these mobile establishments. Nations that
to think of themselves as a big state (in the case of the United States) or a will succeed, particularly higher income nations that cannot compete on the
big nation (in the case of Europe), and proactively put in place national or basis of low costs, will have to work to compete on the basis of innovation.
continental economic development strategies, respectively.
Although it is beyond the scope of this report to lay out a detailed
This observation particularly applies to the United States, where the competitiveness and innovation agenda, the broad outline of such an
prevailing view among many Washington policymakers is that the United agenda is as follows. Nations or regions should:
States has been number 1 for so long it will continue to be number 1. Given
this situation, the thinking goes, there is no real need for the United States to 1. Put in place incentives for firms to innovate within their borders.
develop and implement a national economic development or competitiveness These should include robust R&D tax incentives; incentives, such as
strategy. After all the United States didn’t have a strategy before and it did accelerated depreciation, to invest in new equipment, particularly IT; or
just fine. Rather to the extent that there is any strategy in the United States other policies that spur investment in the building blocks of growth, such
it should be to ensure that market forces are allowed to work (e.g., support as workforce development tax credits.44 Such policies can not only make
free trade, restrict market power, and deregulate market entry). a nation more competitive in terms of overall corporate taxes, they can
spur companies to expand the kinds of investments that are critical to
But even the most market-oriented state governors know that while future growth and competitiveness.
effective markets may be key engines of growth, without proactive
economic development policies the prosperity produced by markets may 2. Be open to high-skill immigration. Prosperity depends now
not necessarily accrue within the borders of their state. Indeed, governors more than ever on the continual generation of new ideas as well
see their states as being in intense competition for internationally mobile as the conversion of those ideas into profitable products/services
talent, technology and investment. That’s why all 50 U.S. states have and higher-productivity processes. High skill immigrants are the
proactive economic development strategies. In contrast, because too source of many of these ideas. Countries that are open to high
few Washington policymakers and economists have grasped this new skill immigration will be able to better succeed. While the economic
fundamental competitive reality, similar efforts at the federal level are viewed downturn and higher levels of unemployment may reduce the need
as inappropriate intervention into the workings of the market. It’s time for for this in the short term, it doesn’t in the medium and long term.
U.S. federal policymakers to realize that the U.S. economy now competes
with other nations around the world and like states after World War II, the 3. Foster a digital economy. Today economic success depends
federal government too needs to put in place robust national economic in significant part on how effectively nations incorporate information
development policies. Likewise, the European Commission needs to technology into all aspects of their economy and society. To do so, nations
expand its efforts to spur economic development in the region, particularly should not only expand public investments in IT in areas such as health
by increasing its support for science and innovation and ensuring that its care, energy systems, transportation, government, and education, but
regulatory framework tilts towards innovation. also put in place the right regulatory frameworks to spur, not limit, digital
investment.45 It also means that nations need to consider how existing
The second big change to the economies of the United States and the regulatory and public procurement policies can be redesigned to
EU in the last two decades is that innovation has become a more central intentionally spur digital transformation.
driver of growth and competitiveness. In the old economy in both regions,
it was low costs, accumulation of large pools of capital, and economies of

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 26

4. Support institutions that are critical to innovation.
Nations need to expand funding not just for university research,
but for the kinds of mechanisms and institutions that help foster
commercialization of research. In addition, it means expanding national
(or regional) level support for a host of efforts such as local economic
development, entrepreneurship development, and workforce training.

5. Ensure that regulations and other related government policies

support, not retard, innovation. Too often, powerful interest groups
(business, civic, and labor) fight against change and innovation, often
under the guise of the public interest (e.g., protect jobs, preserve
privacy, open communication), but all too often the result is that
progressive and positive innovation is slowed. Nations should ensure
that their regulations, procurement, and other related policies tilt
toward innovation and encourage competition. One key source of
productivity growth is the elimination or shrinkage of low productivity
firms and the growth of high productivity firms. While widespread
adoption of IT can help all firms boost productivity, at the same time
policies should not retard such creative destruction but should help
affected workers and communities effectively adjust.

If operating the right way, the competitive pressures between nations can
lead them all to do better, spurring them to put in place a host of policies
to drive productivity and innovation, which at the end of the day will benefit
not just individual nations and regions, but the entire global economy. But if
competition leads nations to put in place negative-sum, beggar thy neighbor
strategies, especially those focused on export-led growth supported by
protectionist and mercantilist policies, then the global economy as a whole
could be worse off. As such it’s up to all nations to work over the next
decade to put in place the kind of agreements and frameworks that allow
international competition to drive nations to be the most innovative and
fastest growing, but that do so in ways that spur, not retard global growth.
The United States and Europe, having led in the 20th century, have a special
responsibility to lead this process in the 21st century.

Page 27 The Atlantic Century

Appendix: Weighting Methodology
Raw scores were calculated for each country for each indicator. In the composite analyses, the indicators are weighted according to their relative importance
and so that closely correlated ones do not bias the results. In addition, to measure the magnitude of differences between countries and not just their ranks,
in each indicator, scores were based on the standard deviation of each from the mean score of all of the countries.

Human Capital Weight
Higher Education Attainments 5
Science and Technology Researchers 5
Total 10

Innovation Capacity
Corporate Investment in R&D 9
Government Investment in R&D 7
Scientific and Technical Publications 4
Total 20

Venture Capital Investment 6
New Firms 6
Total 12

Information and Technology Infrastructure

E-Government 3
Broadband Telecommunications 5
Corporate Investment in Information Technology 12
Total 20

Economic Policy
Effective Corporate Tax Rates 8
Ease of Doing Business 5
Total 13

Economic Performance
Trade Balance 6
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows 3
GDP per Working-Age Adult 6
Productivity 10
Total 25

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 28

Higher Education Attainment
1999 education data: OECD, 2000 Education at a Glance (2000).
2005 education data: OECD, 2007 Education at a Glance (2007).
Population data: Eurostat, U.N. Demographics: Population Statistics 2000-2005.

Number of Science and Technology Researchers

1999 researchers: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators: 2000 (2000).
2005 researchers: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators: 2007 (2008).
Labor force data: International Labour Organization (2000-2005).

Corporate Investments in R&D

1999 corporate spending on R&D: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics (2000)
2006 corporate spending on R&D: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics (2007)
1999 and 2006 nominal GDP: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).

Government Investment in R&D

1999 government spending on R&D: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics (2000)
2006 government spending on R&D: UNESCO, Institute of Statistics (2007)
1999 and 2006 nominal GDP: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).

Share of World’s Science and Technology Publications

1993 and 2003 publications per million residents: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators: 2007 (2008)
Relative prominence of cited scientific literature, 2003: National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators 2006

Venture Capital
2000-2003 Venture Capital data: OECD, Science, Technology, and Industry Scoreboard 2005 (2005).
2005 Venture Capital data: OECD, Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2005 (2007).
2003-2005 nominal GDP: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).
2005 Venture Capital in China: China’s Venture Capital Market Springs Up”, A Plus (April 2006)
2006 Venture Capital in India: India Venture Capital Association, Venture Capital and Private Equity in India (2007).
2007 Venture Capital in Brazil: Latin America Venture Capital Association, 2008 Scorecard: The Private Equity and Venture Capital Environment in Latin
America (2008)
2007 Venture Capital in Mexico: Latin America Venture Capital Association, 2008 Scorecard: The Private Equity and Venture Capital Environment in Latin
America (2008)
2008 Venture Capital in South Korea: Asian Venture Capital Journal (2009)

New Firms
2000-2006 corporation rates: World Bank, World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey 2008

2003 e-government score: United Nations, UN e-Government Readiness Index (2003).
2008 e-government score: United Nations, UN e-Government Readiness Index (2008).

Page 29 The Atlantic Century

Broadband Telecommunications
1999 broadband penetration rate and broadband per inhabitant: International Telecommunications Union, World Telecommunications and ICT Indicators,
2004 and 2005 broadband penetration rate: International Telecommunications Union, World Telecommunications and ICT Indicators, 2008.
Broadband quality: Said Business School and Cisco, Broadband Quality Score (2008).
Population data (1999 and 2004 and 2005) World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).

Corporate Investment in IT
ICT spending for 2003 and 2007: The World Information Technology and Services Alliance, Digital Planet 2008 (June 2008).
2006 nominal GDP: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).

Effective Marginal Corporate Tax Rate

2006 marginal corporate tax rate: The World Bank, The Effect of Corporate Taxes on Investment and Entrepreneurship (2007)

Ease of Doing Business

2005 and 2008 data: World Bank Group, Doing Business, Economic Rankings database (2008)

Trade Balance
Export and import data for 1998-2006: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).
2000, 2006 nominal GDP: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).
European Union Trade Account data: European Commission, Eurostat (2007)

Foreign Direct Investment Inflows

Net foreign direct investment inflows, 1999-2006: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).
Nominal GDP for 1999-2006: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).

Real GDP per Working-Age Adult

2000, 2006 population ages 25-64: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2008).
2000, 2006 GDP based on purchasing-power-parity: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database (October 2008)

Productivity (GDP per Hour Worked)

2000, 2006 hours worked: OECD, OECD Factbook 2008: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics (2008).
2000, 2006 GDP based on purchasing-power-parity: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database (October 2008)

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 30

1. For all indicators, the average score is an international calculation and not simply an average of country scores (as this would unfairly evenly weight
small countries with larger ones).

2. Each indicator is weighted on the basis of its relative importance. (See Appendix).

3. Because some nations had very low scores in the base year on some indicators, simply using a percentage change score would unfairly benefit these
nations. As a result, the overall score combined standard deviations for percent change scores with absolute change scores.

4. Robert D. Atkinson and Scott M. Andes, The 2008 State New Economy Index (Washington, D.C.: Information Technology and Innovation Foundation,
2008) <> (accessed January 28, 2009).

5. John Kao, Innovation Nation: How America Is Losing Its Innovation Edge, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do to Get It Back (New York: Simon &
Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 2007).

6. Robert D. Atkinson, Supply Side Follies: Why Conservative Economics Fails, Liberal Economics Falters, and Innovation Economics is the Answer
(Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008).

7. Michael E. Porter and Klaus Schwab, The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009, (Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2008).

8. Porter, et al., op cit., 2008.

9. IMD, World Competitiveness Yearbook, (Switzerland: IMD, 2008).

10. For example, Battelle and R&D Magazine’s “2009 Global R&D Funding Forecast” measures total R&D spending (including both government and
business spending) per GDP and ranked the United States seventh. Battelle and R&D Magazine, “2009 Global R&D Funding Forecast,”R&D Magazine,
December 2008. < > (accessed January 28, 2009).

11. The Economist, E-readiness ranking 2008, (London, UK: The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2008) <http://a330.g.akamain

12. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Expanding Higher Education Can Boost Job Chances for Early School-Leavers Too (Paris,
Friance: OECD, January 19, 2007) < 57/0,3343,en_2649_39263238_39315897_1_1_1_1,00.html> (accessed January 28,

13. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Science, Technology and Industry Score Card 2007 (Paris, France: OECD, 2007) 56.

14. Greg Tassey, The Technology Imperative (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007).

15. Robert D. Atkinson, Expanding the R&D Tax Credit to Drive Innovation, Competitiveness and Prosperity (Washington, D.C.: ITIF April 2007) < www.itif.
org/files/ExpandR&D.pdf> (accessed January 28, 2009).

16. Ibid.

17. Robert D. Atkinson, “The Globalization of R&D and Innovation: How Do Companies Choose Where to Build R&D Facilities?,” Testimony before the
House Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., Oct. 4, 2007.

18. Battelle and R&D Magazine, 2008 Global R&D Report, R&D Magazine, Rockaway, New Jersey, 2008 <
pdf> (Accessed on December, 15, 2008).

19. The science and technology publications indicator combines both the amount of publications per country with the quality of those publications—
defined as the ratio of the degree to which a country’s articles have been cited by the rest of the world.

20. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “OECD Scientific and Industrial Score Card 2007,” <
cl=13/nw=1/rpsv/sti2007/d-5.htm> (accessed January 28, 2009).

21. Mexico’s figure is based on an estimate from the Latin American Venture Capital Association; Latin America Venture Capital Association, 2008
Scorecard: The Private Equity and Venture Capital Environment in Latin America (2008) <
mexico_e.html>. South Korea’s figure is from 2008, Singapore’s number is estimated based on similar investments in South Korea; Russia’s number is
estimated based on similar investments in Poland; Brazil’s figure is from 2007.

22. Deloitte, Global Trends in Venture Capital 2007 Survey, (New York, NY: Deloitte, 2007) <
pdf> (accessed on November 20, 2008).

23. New corporations are defined as corporations that have recently filed business registrations. Data for total corporations in Germany in 2005 is estimated
based on prior years. South Korea’s data is derived from estimates from Singapore, China’s data is derived from estimates from India, and Brazil’s data is
derived from estimates from Mexico.

24. Leora Klapper, Luc Laeven and Rhguram Rajan, Entry Regulation as a Barrier to Entrepreneurship, (Washington, D.C.: World Bank) 3, <

Page 31 The Atlantic Century

25. Robert D. Atkinson, Turbo-Charging E-Government, (Washington, D.C.: ITIF, June 2006).

26. Broadband rankings are taken from the average of a country’s broadband penetration rates and their “Broadband Quality Score,” is a combination score
created by Cisco Systems and Oxford’s Said Business School that weights upload and download speed with the degree of latency.

27. Robert D. Atkinson, Daniel K. Correa and Julia A. Hedlund, Explaining Broadband Leadership, (Washington, D.C.: ITIF, May 2008).

28. Change data are based solely on penetration rates as historic broadband quality data is not available.

29. Robert D. Atkinson and Andrew S. McKay, Digital Prosperity: Understanding the Economic Benefits of the Information Technology Revolution,
(Washington, D.C.: ITIF, March 2007).

30. Ibid.

31. Robert D. Atkinson and Daniel D. Castro, Digital Quality of Life: Understanding the Personal and Social Benefits of the Information Technology
Revolution, (Washington D.C.: ITIF, October 2008).

32. Robert D. Atkinson, “How Europe could leap-frog the U.S. in productivity,” Europe’s World, June 19 2008.

33. It may be that the measure may be inadvertently picking up ICT firm investment, as opposed to ICT consumption.

34. Simeon Djankov, Tim Ganser, Caralee McLiesh, Rita Ramalho, and Andrei Shleifer, The Effect of Corporate Taxes on Investments and Entrepreneurship,
(Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2008) <>.

35. There is a strong negative correlation (-0.48) between the indicators effective business tax rates and inward FDI, indicating that countries that maintain a
competitive corporate tax rate are much more likely to have robust inward FDI.

36. Robert D. Atkinson, “Expanding the R&E Tax Credit to Drive Innovation, Competitiveness and Prosperity,” Journal of Technology Transfer 32 (2007):20.

37. There is no base year for effective corporate tax rate because we drew upon the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business tax methodology, which began in

38. Council on Competitiveness, Competitiveness Index: Where America Stands, (Washington, D.C.: Council on Competitiveness, 2007) <http://www.>.

39. Non-OECD countries and Singapore values are estimated from GDP per worker data.

40. Robert D. Atkinson and Andrew S. McKay, op cit. 2007, p.67.

41. For an explanation of Japan’s relatively low level see William W. Lewis, The Power of Productivity (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2004).

42. Robert D. Atkinson and Andrew S. McKay, op cit, 2007.

43. Robert D. Atkinson, op cit, June 2008.

44. David M. Hart, Global Flows of Talent: Benchmarking the United States, (Washington, D.C.: ITIF, November, 2006).

45. Robert D. Atkinson and Daniel D. Castro, op cit, 2008.

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Page 32

It is not the strongest of the species that survive,
nor the most intelligent,
but the ones most responsive to change.
— Charles Darwin

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