Hksrfur Weekly Report
Hksrfur Weekly Report
Hksrfur Weekly Report
Important Dates
1. nkSkIUk Genera| Meet|ng: Monday 18 November 2013 at 7 pm at the CC.
2. nkU M|n| Iest|va|: Saturday 24th November.
3. nk Corporate Char|ty 7's: Sunday 01st December, So kon o.
4. Lnd of ear Chr|stmas arty: Wednesday 18 December at ~ 7 pm at the CC
S. Season tra|n|ng: Lvery Wednesday n|ght at k|ngs ark from 7:30 pm.
1ab|e of Contents
1. resldenL's ush
2. CommunlLy 8eferee 8eporL
3. 1ournamenL 8eporL
4. klL
res|dent's ush
Warren Needham. res|dent, nong kong Soc|ety of kugby Iootba|| Un|on keferees.
l'd llke Lo lead off Lhls week's WhlsLler wlLh congraLulaLlons Lo 1obl LoLhlan who refereed an excellenL
game lasL SaLurday beLween Lhe 1op 14 lrench Leams, 1oulouse and MeLro 8aclng. uslng one of Lhe Lop
club compeLlLlons as a 'yard sLlck', he emphaLlcally demonsLraLed Lhe Lrue sLandard of Pk referees Lo
Lhe Pk 8ugby communlLy. 1o puL lL lnLo Lrue perspecLlve, boLh coaches of Lhe lrench Leams asked hlm
Lo move Lo lrance. Cf course we all encourage hlm Lo do so !. l won'L sLeal any more of hls Lhunder
oLher Lhan Lo say hls A8s were absoluLely brllllanL! Pls reporL on Lhe maLch can be found laLer ln Lhe
1here has been movemenL on Lhe Code of ConducL (CoC) menLloned ln lasL week's resldenL's ush. lL
wlll be held Lhls lrlday aL 6.13pm. l wlll keep you all up Lo daLe of Lhe ouLcome.
Lxcom meL on Monday and dlscussed a myrlad of lssues. Cne of whlch was Lhe facL LhaL reglsLraLlon and
Subs are now pasL due. Members who have noL reglsLered and/or noL pald Lhelr $400 fee have now
!"#!$%&$' )*+ ),,$-- &" .- &%,/$&- and due Lo lnsurance lssues, ,)**"& 0$ )--%1*$' &" 1)2$- unLll Lhls ls
8emember &#)%*%*1 ls conLlnulng on 3$'*$-')+ *%14&- aL klng's ark sLarLlng aL 7pm. My schedule has
now allowed me Lo geL back lnLo. Sam has deflnlLely upped Lhe anLl. lL be greaL Lo geL as many people
Lhere as posslble. We had some greaL law dlscusslons beLween labored breaLhs and aL Lhe supper
afLerwards. lL's a greaL soclal way Lo geL flLLer and Lo lmprove our collecLlve undersLandlng of Lhe laws.
Cur LhoughLs and besL wlshes are wlLh all Lhose famllles affecLed by Lhe Lyphoon ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhls
pasL week. 1here are numerous fundralslng efforLs golng on around Lhe rugby communlLy. lease dlg
deep and supporL Lhose lefL Lo plck up Lhe pleces.
l look forward Lo seelng everyone aL Lhe 56 "* 6"*')+ aL Lhe ollce Cfflcers' Club sLarLlng aL 7pm.
Cood luck Lo everyone runnlng around a plLch on Lhe weekend. 1ooL well.
8ernard I|enberg, atr|ck kwok, Matthew kodden | nong kong kugby Iootba|| Un|on
llrsL of all, a blg Lhank you Lo all of you who make yourselves avallable Lo referee durlng Lhe week and
over Lhe weekend. Also Lhank you Lo Lhose who keep Asslgnr updaLed and check regularly for Lhelr
appolnLmenLs and Lhe lnevlLable changes LhaL happen durlng Lhe week. AL Lhe CM on Monday, MaLL wlll
run Lhrough some changes we have made and answer quesLlons you may have abouL uslng Asslgnr.
A good Lurn-ouL aL Lralnlng Lhls week, greaL Lo see some new faces, some famlllar faces and more of our
A anel referees ln aLLendance! As Warren has menLloned, Lhese Lralnlng sesslons noL only provlde a
good chance Lo lmprove our flLness, buL also an opporLunlLy Lo dlscuss any quesLlons you may have or
[usL Lo learn from Lhe more experlenced referees ln aLLendance. MosL lmporLanLly, lL ls one of Lhe few
Llmes when we can geL LogeLher as referees and geL feedback from llke-mlnded people. ?ou wlll
conLlnue Lo recelve remlnders so for Lhose of you who oLherwlse engaged, apologles ln advance. lor
Lhose of you who are avallable, see you Lhere!
key daLes comlng up:
Ceneral MeeLlng: 18
november, ollce Cfflcer's Club 7pm.