Church Wedding Guidelines
Church Wedding Guidelines
Church Wedding Guidelines
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1. lor lnqulrles please call Lhe Admln omce aL 02 6367279 or you may conLacL our Church
AdmlnlsLraLor/CoordlnaLor Llsa Camara, emad: ellsa_camara07[ / Moblle:
2. 1he Church Admln wlll reserve your daLe on Lhe church calendar.
3. We Lry noL Lo schedule any weddlngs on ma[or hollday weekends and only Lhe rsL Lwo weekends
ln uecember.
4. 1he Church CoordlnaLor wlll arrange weddlng wlLh brldes, lncludlng:
4.1. lnlual lnLervlew
4.2. Schedullng pasLor and counsellng daLes
4.3. Weddlng expenses
4.4. Weddlng plans
3. Schedule and conrm Lhe daLes wlLh Weddlng CoordlnaLor, MlnlsLer/asLor, and Muslclans.
1. ersonal lnformauon lorm
2. Counsellng or lnLervlew wlLh Lhe asLor who wlll conducL Lhe ceremony.
3. A LlsL of ScrlpLure SLudy on Lhe second counsellng.
4. Cuesuons and AspecLs of Lhe Weddlng and Marrlage Lo ulscuss on Lhe 3rd or 4Lh counsellng.
3. Appllcauon for Marrlage Llcense (from Lhe ClLy or MunlclpallLy)
6. 8equesL of Marrlage 8eLween a Man and Wlfe ln a lace CLher Lhan Lhe AuLhorlzed lace of
Marrlage lorm
1. llll up Lhe ersonal lnformauon lorm from Admln Cmce c/o Lhe Admln Clerk or SecreLary.
2. SubmlL Lhe accompllshed ersonal lnformauon lorm Lo Lhe Admln Clerk or SecreLary.
3. Schedule counsellng wlLh Lhe asLor who wlll conducL Lhe ceremony.
4. llll up Lhe LlsL of ScrlpLure Lo SLudy on Lhe 2nd counsellng.
3. llll up Cuesuons and AspecLs of Lhe Weddlng and Marrlage Lo ulscuss on Lhe 3rd or 4Lh
6. ulscuss deLalls of marrlage Lo Lhe asLor aer serles of counsellng.
7. Schedule Marrlage wlLh Lhe asLor
8. Apply for Marrlage Llcense ln Lhe ClLy CovL.
9. SubmlL Lhe Marrlage Llcense ermlL Lo Lhe Admln Cmce
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llll up Lhe 8equesL lorm for marrlage Lo be held ln oLher place oLher Lhan Lhe church.
Check lf Lhe venue has compleLe sound sysLem, e.g ampller, speaker, mlcrophone.
rovlde LransporLauon for Lhe asLor and ralse & Worshlp Leam.
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1. 1here ls a lee of hp300.00 for all weddlngs of non-church members of Wln aslg. lor Wln aslg
Members Lhls fee ls free.
2. 1he cosL lncludes fees for counsellng maLerlal, weddlng scrlpL, Lhe use of omce faclllues and
3. 1he cosL does noL lnclude Lhe love gl for Lhe asLor. lease ensure LhaL our asLor recelves whaL
ls due Lo hlm. 1he cosL of hls servlce and professlon, Lhe accounLablllLy Lo Cod and hls counselllng
sesslons LhaL are fully glven and made lL all posslble for your weddlngm whlch has also been
accompllshed and fullled 8y Cod's servanL.
4. 1here ls a fee of hp__________ lf you deslre Lo renL Lhe sancLuary as a weddlng venue. 1he cosL
lncludes renLal of sancLuary, alrcon, Sound 1echnlclan and elecLrlclLy. lor Wln aslg members Lhls
fee ls free.
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1. 1he asLor 8equlres LhaL you auend mlnlmum of 3 and a sLandard of 6 marrlage counsellng
sesslons prlor Lo Lhe weddlng. lL ls your responslblllLy Lo seL up Lhese appolnLmenLs.
2. 1he asLor wlll declde on whaL dlrecuon he may glve you as couple should you have any concerns
regardlng counsellng. Pe wlll work wlLh you ln plannlng and procedures of Lhe weddlng. Pe should
be noued rsL before anyLhlng ls changed and added.
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1. llll up Lhe CerucaLe of Marrlage ln 4 coples (w/ page for CC8C) wlLh full names of Lhe
conLracung parLy, parenLs and sponsors. .
2. SubmlL Lhe CerucaLe of Marrlage Lo Lhe asLor on or before Lhe ceremony.
3. 1he asLor wlll hand lL over Lo Lhe weddlng coordlnaLor for conLracung parLy and Lhe sponsors'
4. 1he asLor wlll be Lhe lasL Lo slgn Lhe conLracL.
3. SubmlL Lhe Marrlage CerucaLe Lo Lhe ClLy CovL. for reglsLrauon.
1. Schedule ocular vlslL of weddlng venue
2. Schedule daLe of rehearsal. Cne week before aL leasL before weddlng.
3. MeeL wlLh sLa regardlng Sound SysLem and muslclans.
4. Asslgn Lechnlclan for Lhe sound sysLem.
3. Ask Lhe weddlng coordlnaLor Lo decoraLe Lhe venue lf needed.
6. repare and dress up 2 chalrs posluoned faclng Lhe audlence and Lhe asLor.
7. repare kneeler posluoned ln fronL of Lhe 2 chalrs.
8. repare 3 Candle holders c/o Lhe conLracung parLy.
9. repare Wlne and 8read for communlon c/o Lhe conLracung parLy.
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1. 1he asLor and Lhe Weddlng CoordlnaLor, wlll be ln charge of Lhe rehearsal and Lhe weddlng
2. All parues lnvolved ln Lhe weddlng are requlred Lo be aL Lhe rehearsal. 1he 8ehearsal and
Weddlng wlll begln on ume.
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1. lL ls lmporLanL Lo know LhaL Lhere are llmlLauons ln Lhls area and Lhe proper muslc musL be used.
2. We wanL Lhe weddlng ceremony Lo be a ume of worshlp, as lL should be, for Lhe couple and Lhose
3. All songs, lncludlng Lhe words, musL be broughL Lo Lhe counselllng sesslon before Lhe weddlng
4. lf deslred, approach Lhe church admln Lo glve you some recommended songs LhaL you mlghL wanL
Lo hear for your weddlng.
3. 1here are Lhree opuons Lo conslder for Muslclans ln Lhe Weddlng:
1. 8ecommended ouLslde servlce of professlonal muslclans (one keyboardlsL/Slnger, one gulLarlsL
and one vlololnlsL). 8aLe ls hp 2,300.00 per muslclan or
2. 8ecommended Muslc MlnlsLers from Wln aslg (one gulLarlsL, one keyboardlsL and one
Slnger). WlLh Love Cl (Cash) or
3. lease provlde your own cholce of Muslc for Lhe weddlng LhaL has been checked by Lhe asLor.
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1. lcLures are allowed durlng Lhe ceremony as long as lL wlll noL dlsLracL Lhe ceremony belng served.
lease have ln mlnd LhaL Lhls ls a ume of commlLmenL before Cod and a ume of splrlLual worshlp.
2. vldeos of Lhe ceremony are allowed.
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A. lf ouLslde church venue, please provlde Lhe followlng equlpmenLs for Lhe ceremony:
1. 6 Mlcrophones (1 for Lhe asLor, 1 for Lhe couple, 2 for Lhe muslclans, 1 for Lhe emcee and
1 reserved)
2. 1 CulLar ampller
3. 1 keyboard ampller
4. 3 mlcrophone sLands
3. 2 chordbook sLand
6. 1 speaker monlLor for Lhe muslclans
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1. 1he Church seaLs approxlmaLely 173 comforLably.
2. no alcohollc beverages consumed lnslde Lhe church.
3. Smoklng ls noL allowed lnslde Lhe church.
4. 1he church does noL have a brldal dresslng area.
3. lf you plan Lo have chlld care you are responslble for ndlng sluers and assume all rlsks and
responslblllLy for Lhe chlldren.
6. 1he CoordlnaLor wlll be presenL durlng Lhe rehearsal, weddlng ceremony, and recepuon and wlll
be responslble for Lhe compllance wlLh all pollcles of Lhe church as sLaLed ln Lhese guldellnes.
7. CuS1CulAL S1All:
A. Wln aslg wlll provlde Lhe cusLodlal sLa Lo ensure LhaL Lhe faclllues are clean and ready for
weddlng evenLs and worshlp servlces on Sunday.
8. SeL-up requesL forms, deLalllng how chalrs, Lables, and alLer church equlpmenLs are Lo be
moved musL be glven Lo Lhe Admln Lwo weeks prlor Lo Lhe weddlng.
C. 1he cusLodlan ls Lhe only person LhaL can move church equlpmenLs.
u. 1he sound equlpmenL may only be operaLed by one of Lhe Lralned sound Lechnlclans aL Wln
L. Lhe sound Lechnlclan wlll auend Lhe rehearsal and weddlng. Pe wlll arrlve ln ume Lo do
approprlaLe sound checks.
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1. lf avallable, please use drlpless candles. Candles needed for Lhe ceremony are one blg and Lwo
medlum slze candles.
2. We wlll provlde 3 prlnL ouL coples of weddlng scrlpL, 2 for your weddlng coordlnaLors, and 1
for Lhe couple. Weddlng sclpL wlll be senL by Lhe church coordlnaLor Lhrough emall.
3. lease provlde your vell, cord, rlngs, and blble for Lhe ceremony.
4. lease provlde 2 gobleLs lled wlLh red wlne (x full) and a bread on a presenLable small bread
baskeL or plaLe.
3. When Lhe church ls used as venue - lf deslred, you may leave up Lo Lhree oral arrangemenLs
for Sunday worshlp servlces. lease lnform Lhe weddlng coordlnaLor ln advance of whaL ls Lo
be donaLed.
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8emember, Lhls ls a musL: Chrlsuan Couple, Chrlsuan Muslc and Chrlsuan Ceremony.
1. We prefer no smoklng, no alcohollc beverages served and no unwholesome program durlng
recepuon Lo malnLaln Lhe sacredness of Lhe weddlng.
2. lor Lhe church as weddlng venue:
a. L ls responslblllLy of Lhe weddlng parLy, orlsL, decoraLor or caLerer Lo reLurn everyLhlng used
Lo Lhe orlglnal condluon ln whlch lL was found. 1hls lncludes, buL lL ls noL llmlLed Lo all
decorauons, owers, food and Lrash Lo be Laken ouL of Lhe church.
b. lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe brlde and groom Lo ensure LhaL no damage occurs Lo Wln aslg
durlng any weddlng fesuvlues. lf any damage occurs lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe newlyweds
Lo cover all cosL of replacemenL or cleanlng.
We __________________ and __________________ unuL8S1Anu 1PL CuluLLlnLS Anu 1AkL
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