A Brief Guide To The New York School: News. O'Hara Also Took Inspiration From Artists, Entitling Two Poems "Joseph
A Brief Guide To The New York School: News. O'Hara Also Took Inspiration From Artists, Entitling Two Poems "Joseph
A Brief Guide To The New York School: News. O'Hara Also Took Inspiration From Artists, Entitling Two Poems "Joseph
The New York School of poetry began around 1960 in New York City and included poets such as John shbery! "arbara #uest! $enneth $och! and %rank &'(ara) (ea*ily influenced by surrealis+ and +odernis+! the poetry of the New York School was serious but also ironic! and incorporated an urban sensibility into +uch of the work) n e,cerpt fro+ shbery-s poe+! ./y 0hilsophy of 1ife. de+onstrates this attitude2 Just when 3 thought there wasn't roo+ enough for another thought in +y head! 3 had this great idea44 call it a philosophy of life! if you will) "riefly! it in*ol*ed li*ing the way philosophers li*e! according to a set of principles) &$! but which ones5 bstract e,pressionist art was also a +a6or influence! and the New York School poets had strong artistic and personal relationships with artists such as Jackson 0ollock and 7ille+ 8e$ooning) "oth &'(ara and Ja+es Schuyler worked at the /useu+ of /odern rt! and #uest! shbery! and Schuyler were critics for Art News) &'(ara also took inspiration fro+ artists! entitling two poe+s .Joseph Cornell. and .&n Seeing 1arry 9i*ers). &'(ara's poe+ .7hy 3 a+ Not a 0ainter. includes the lines .3 a+ not a painter! 3 a+ a poet) : 7hy5 3 think 3 would rather be : a painter! but 3 a+ not). second generation of New York School poets arose during the 1960s and included Ted "errigan! 9on 0adgett! nne 7ald+an! and Joe "rainard) These poets were also influenced by art and their work contained +uch of the sa+e hu+our and collaborati*e spirit) Their scene grew up around downtown New York and was associated with the 0oetry 0ro6ect at St /ark's Church! a poetry organi;ation started in the +id 1960s) The New York School continues to influence poets writing today) 9ecently published books such as 8aniel $ane's All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s and 8a*id 1eh+an's The Last-Avant arde: The !a"in# o$ the New %or" School o$ Poets are i+portant histories of this poetic +o*e+ent that still captures readers nearly fifty years later) 4 See +ore at2 http2::www)poets)org:*iew+edia)php:pr+/38:<66=>sthash)7#TT0eJa)dpuf