A Brief Guide To The New York School: News. O'Hara Also Took Inspiration From Artists, Entitling Two Poems "Joseph

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A Brief Guide to the New York School

The New York School of poetry began around 1960 in New York City and included poets such as John shbery! "arbara #uest! $enneth $och! and %rank &'(ara) (ea*ily influenced by surrealis+ and +odernis+! the poetry of the New York School was serious but also ironic! and incorporated an urban sensibility into +uch of the work) n e,cerpt fro+ shbery-s poe+! ./y 0hilsophy of 1ife. de+onstrates this attitude2 Just when 3 thought there wasn't roo+ enough for another thought in +y head! 3 had this great idea44 call it a philosophy of life! if you will) "riefly! it in*ol*ed li*ing the way philosophers li*e! according to a set of principles) &$! but which ones5 bstract e,pressionist art was also a +a6or influence! and the New York School poets had strong artistic and personal relationships with artists such as Jackson 0ollock and 7ille+ 8e$ooning) "oth &'(ara and Ja+es Schuyler worked at the /useu+ of /odern rt! and #uest! shbery! and Schuyler were critics for Art News) &'(ara also took inspiration fro+ artists! entitling two poe+s .Joseph Cornell. and .&n Seeing 1arry 9i*ers). &'(ara's poe+ .7hy 3 a+ Not a 0ainter. includes the lines .3 a+ not a painter! 3 a+ a poet) : 7hy5 3 think 3 would rather be : a painter! but 3 a+ not). second generation of New York School poets arose during the 1960s and included Ted "errigan! 9on 0adgett! nne 7ald+an! and Joe "rainard) These poets were also influenced by art and their work contained +uch of the sa+e hu+our and collaborati*e spirit) Their scene grew up around downtown New York and was associated with the 0oetry 0ro6ect at St /ark's Church! a poetry organi;ation started in the +id 1960s) The New York School continues to influence poets writing today) 9ecently published books such as 8aniel $ane's All Poets Welcome: The Lower East Side Poetry Scene in the 1960s and 8a*id 1eh+an's The Last-Avant arde: The !a"in# o$ the New %or" School o$ Poets are i+portant histories of this poetic +o*e+ent that still captures readers nearly fifty years later) 4 See +ore at2 http2::www)poets)org:*iew+edia)php:pr+/38:<66=>sthash)7#TT0eJa)dpuf

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