Luceafărul: Antic (Ode in Ancient Meter), and The Five Letters (Epistles/Satires) - in His Poems He Frequently

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was 16 and he went to Vienna to study when he was 19.

The poet'sManuscripts, containing 46

volumes and approximately 14, pages, were o!!ered "y Titu Maiorescu as a gi!t to the
#omanian $cademy during the meeting that was held on %& 'anuary 19%.
*ota"le wor+s
include Luceafrul ,The Vesper/The Evening Star/The Lucifer/The Daystar-, Od n metru
antic ,Ode in Ancient Meter-, and the !ive Letters ,Epistles/Satires-. .n his poems he !re/uently
used metaphysical, mythological and historical su"0ects.
1 1i!e
o 1.1 2amily
o 1.% 3arly years
o 1.4 Statue
o 1.4 1ater li!e
% 5or+s
o %.1 6oetry
o %.% 6rose
o %.4 6resence in 3nglish 1anguage $nthologies
4 #omanian culture
o 4.1 7enius
o 4.% *ational poet
o 4.4 .conography
o 4.4 .nternational legacy
4 6olitical views
& #e!erences
o &.1 2ootnotes
o &.% *otation
6 3xternal lin+s
Mihai 3minescu statue, 8opou 6ar+
Mihai 3minescu statue,8hi in9u
:is !ather was 7heorghe 3minovici !rom 89line ti, a Moldavian village
in ;uceava county, <ucovina, which was then part o! the $ustrian 3mpire,while his !ather came
!rom <anat-. :e crossed the "order into Moldavia, settling in .pote ti , near the town o! <oto ani .
:e married #aluca .ura cu, an heiress o! an old aristocratic Moldavian !amily. .n a register o! the
mem"ers o! 'unimea, 3minescu himsel! wrote down the date o! his "irth as %% =ecem"er 1>49
and in the documents o! the 7ymnasium !rom 8ern9u i , where 3minescu studied, the date o! 14
=ecem"er 1>49 is written down as his "irthday. *evertheless, Titu Maiorescu, in his
wor+ Eminescu and is !"ems ,1>>9- /uoted *. =. 7iurescu's researches and adopted his
conclusion regarding the date and place o! Mihai 3minescu's "irth, as "eing 1& 'anuary 1>&, in
<oto ani. This date resulted !rom several sources, amongst which there was a !ile o! notes on
christenings !rom the archives o! the ?spenia ,=omneasc9- 8hurch o! <oto ani@ inside this !ile,
the date o! "irth was A1& 'anuary 1>&A and the date o! christening was the %1st o! the same
month. The date o! his "irth was con!irmed "y the poet's elder sister, $glae =rogli, who a!!irmed
that the place o! "irth was the village o! .pote ti.
Mihai 3minescu, monument "yTudor 8ataraga 8hisinau, #ep.o! Moldova
Early years(edit)
Mihail ,as he appears in "aptismal records- or Mihai ,the more common !orm that he used- was
"orn in <oto ani, Moldavia. :e spent his early childhood in <oto ani and .pote ti, in his parents'
!amily home. 2rom 1>&> to 1>66 he attended school in 8ern9u i . :e !inished 4th grade as the
&th o! >% students, a!ter which he attended two years o! gymnasium.
The !irst evidence o! 3minescu as a writer is in 1>66. .n 'anuary o! that
year #omanian teacher $ron 6umnul died and his students in 8ern9uBipu"lished a
pamphlet, Lcrmi"arele nv ceil"r gimna#ia ti ,Tears "f the $ymnasium Students- in which a
poem entitled La m"rm%ntul lui Ar"n !umnul ,At the $rave "f Ar"n !umnul- appears, signed AM.
3minoviciA. Cn %& 2e"ruary his poem De&a avea ,'f ' (ere t" have- was pu"lished in .osi!
Vulcan's literary magaDine )amilia in 6est. This "egan a steady series o! pu"lished poems ,and
the occasional translation !rom 7erman-. $lso, it was .osi! Vulcan, who disli+ed the ;lavic source
su!!ix A&iciA o! the young poet's last name, that chose !or him the more apparent #omanian Anom
de plumeA Mihai Eminescu.
.n 1>6E he 0oined the troupe o! .orgu 8aragiale as cler+ and prompter@ the next year he
trans!erred to the troupe o! Mihai 6ascaly. <oth o! these were among the leading #omanian
theatrical troupes o! their day, the latter including Matei Millo and 2anny TardiniFVl9dicescu. :e
soon settled in <ucharest, where at the end o! *ovem"er he "ecame a cler+ and copyist !or
the *ational Theater. Through this period, he continued to write and pu"lish poems. :e also paid
his rent "y translating hundreds o! pages o! a "oo+ "y :einrich Theodor #otscher, although this
never resulted in a completed wor+. $lso at this time he "egan his novel $eniu pustiu ,*asted
$enius-, pu"lished posthumously in 194 in an un!inished !orm.
Cn 1 $pril 1>69 he was a coF!ounder o! the ACrientA literary circle, whose interests included the
gathering o! #omanian !ol+lore, and documents relating to #omanian literary history. Cn %9 'une,
various mem"ers o! the ACrientA group were commissioned to go to di!!erent provinces.
3minescu was assigned Moldavia. That summer, he /uite "y chance ran into his "rother .orgu, a
military o!!icer, in 8i migiu 7ardens , "ut !irmly re"u!!ed .orgu's attempt to get him to renew ties to
his !amily.
;till in summer 1>69, he le!t 6ascaly's troupe and traveled to 8ern9uBi and .aGi. :e renewed ties
to his !amily@ his !ather promised him a regular allowance to pursue studies in Vienna in the !all.
$s always, he continued to write and pu"lish poetry@ nota"ly, on the occasion o! the death o! the
!ormer ruler o! 5allachia, <ar"u =imitrie tir"ei , he pu"lished a lea!let, La m"artea principelui
tir+ei .
The ?niversity's 8entral 1i"rary AMihai 3minescuA, .a i
3minescu's signature
2rom Ccto"er 1>69 to 1>E% he studied in Vienna. :e was counted as an Aextraordinary auditorA
at the 2aculty o! 6hilosophy and 1aw. :e was active in student li!e, "e!riended .oan ;lavici, and
came to +now Vienna through Veronica Micle@ he "ecame a contri"utor to ,"nv"r+iri
literare,Literary ,"nversati"ns-, edited "y -unimea ,The ."uth-. The leaders o! this cultural
organisation, 6etre 6. 8arp, Vasile 6ogor, Theodor #osetti,.aco" *egruDDi and Titu Maiorescu,
exercised their political and cultural in!luence over 3minescu !or the rest o! his li!e. .mpressed "y
one o! 3minescu's poems, Venere /i Mad"n ,Venus and Mad"nna-, .aco" *egruDDi, the editor
o! ,"nv"r+iri literare, traveled to Vienna to meet him. *egruDDi would later write how he could
pic+ 3minescu out o! a crowd o! young people in a Viennese ca!H "y his AromanticA appearanceI
long hair and gaDe lost in thoughts.
.n 1>E 3minescu wrote three articles under the pseudonym AVarroA in )edera0iunea in 6est, on
the situation o! #omanians and other minorities in the $ustroF:ungarian 3mpire. :e then
"ecame a 0ournalist !or the newspaper Al+ina ,The 1ee- in 6est. 2rom 1>E% to 1>E4 he
continued as a student in <erlin, than+s to a stipend o!!ered "y -unimea.

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