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Resume Vijay Pratap Address For Correspondence

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RESUME Vijay Pratap Address for Correspondence: H .No. 683, Sant nagar Sec.

16 Faridabad Haryana-121002, India Phone : +91-82871 9 6 Email : !i"ay#rc$01%g&ai'.co& CAREER OBJEC !VE (o e)tab'i)$ a )*cce))+*' career in t$e +ie'd o+ &y e,#erti)e, -$ere I -i)$ to )ec*re a #o)ition in a -e''-e)tab'i)$ed organi.ation -it$ a )tab'e en!iron&ent t$at -i'' 'ead &e to 'earn and gro- -it$ ti&e and $e'# &e to e)tab'i)$ a 'a)ting re'ation)$i# in t$e +ie'd o+ /e)ign.


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RA!-!-,S . PROJEC S U-(ER A/E Fo*r 0ee1) S*&&er (raining on 2/e)igning in So'id0or1)3 in 2 nd 4ear *nder 25e'ogi, 67/ (raining 6entre3.

AC0!EVEME- S 6erti+icate o+ (raining $a) been gi!en +ro& 25e'ogi, 67/ (raining 6entre3.

E2 RA CURR!CU3AR AC !V! !ES 6erti+icate o+ >artici#ation in 2;,te&#ore3 and 2Aro*# /i)c*))ion3 +ro& co''ege. Certificate of Participation in NCC from School. Certificate of Participation in NSS as a Group Leader from School. Certificate of Participation in District Ambulance Competition from RED CR SS S C!E"#.

COMPU ER S/!33S So'id0or1) :S BC++ice 8a)ic 7*to-67/

PERSO-A3 (E A!3S /ate o+ 8irt$ 9//-::-4444< Fat$erE) Na&e :ot$erE) Na&e 6ategory Aender Nationa'ity Ho&e (o-n >er&anent 7ddre)) :obi'e No 5ang*age) Fno-n :obi'ity : : : : : : : : : 30-01-199D :a$ata& 6$a*$an 6$andra-ati /e!i Aenera' :a'e Indian Faridabad : Sant nagar, Faridabad-121002 82871 9 6 : ;ng'i)$, Hindi 0i''ing to -or1 any-$ere.

I dec'are t$at t$e detai') abo!e are correct and tr*e to t$e be)t o+ &y 1no-'edge. 1&ll -ame: Vijay Pratap

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