Curriculum Vitae: Responsible For Cash and Customer Transactions, Cash Balancing
Curriculum Vitae: Responsible For Cash and Customer Transactions, Cash Balancing
Curriculum Vitae: Responsible For Cash and Customer Transactions, Cash Balancing
M) Armoor, D)Nizamabad
AndhraPradesh 503224 Moi!e " ##4$$26326
%mai! "
Seeking assignments in leading Financial Sector with a growth oriented organization
Work Experience
1) Organization : UAE EX!A"#E $ F%"A"%A& SE'(%ES &)*+
*,ration : -a. /011 1 *ec /012
3resent *esignation : 4,nior O55icer
I have joined UAE EXCHANGE FINANCIAL SE!ICES LI"I#E$ in "a% 20&& a' Armoor
(ranch Fore) E)ec*'ive.
4O6 'ES3O"S%6%&%)%ES
e+,on+i(le -or ca+h and c*+'omer 'ran+ac'ion+. ca+h (alancing.
/*ic0 and Error -ree e--icienc% rela'ed o,era'ion+.
En+*re 'he com,liance o- 12C norm+ +e' (% 3I in all ,rod*c' o,era'ion+
e+,on+i(le -or high 4*ali'% +ervice. c*+'omer rela'ion+hi, managemen'. /*e*e
"anagemen' 5 3ranch A*di' 5 Com,liance
"oni'oring o- end o- da% re,or'+
Anal%6e 'he mar0e' and 7lan A,,ro,ria'e ,ene'ra'ive +'ra'egie+
Ac4*ire NI 5 HNI c*+'omer (a+e 'o ,romo'e Foreign e)change i.e.. S8i-'
*n 'he (ranch in heal'h% ,ro-i'+ (% achieving 'he 'ime (o*nd 'arge'+ +e' (% 'he
managemen' veri-% and a*'hori6e all -ore) 'ran+ac'ion+ li0e +8i-' and -cdd 'ran+ac'ion+
o- all region (ranche+.
"ain'ain good 7*(lic rela'ion+ 8i'h 3an0+. o'her organi6a'ion+. HNI:+ and
#ie *, 8i'h ,ro+,ec'ive Uni'+ -or con'in*o*+ (*+ine++.
7re,are econcilia'ion S'a'emen'+ o- 'he (an0+ 'ha' 8e are dealing 8i'h.
!ol*mi6e 'he (*+ine++ -or Gold Loan. #ic0e'ing5Foreign E)change.
3ro5essional S.nopsis
E),erience in Fore) o,era'ion+ 2 %ear.
S0illed in Coordina'ing. coo,era'ing 'he A*di' and (*+ine++ ,romo'ional o,era'ion+.
!eri-% 'he all -ore) rela'ed 'ran+ac'ion+ li0e doc*men'a'ion. -oreign c*rrenc% and
FC$$ 'ran+ac'ion+ o- 'he (ranch.
!eri-%ing 'he ca+h. -oreign c*rrenc%. #C+ and rela'ed doc*men'+ -or all 'he ,rod*c'+.
Con'ac'ing 'he Head o--ice and in-orming 'hem all (*+ine++ ,romo'ional ac'ivi'ie+.
Highl% "o'iva'ed 5 Ind*+'rio*+
Ca,aci'% 'o 0ee, 'o demanding 8or0 +ched*le+
P& " MBA
$egree ; 6sc Narendra $egree college a' Armoo -rom <+mania Univer+i'%
In'er ; A3SW' 4,nior college a' U,,al8ai -rom <U /00:8/007
SSC ; =7SH +chool a' 7er0i' /00:
)echnical erti5icate
7G$CA ; 7<S# GA$UA#E $I7L<"A IN C<"7U#E A77LICA#I<N
#%,ing ; lo8er cla++
3ersonal *etails
Name ; A A>EN$A
$a'e o- 3ir'h ; 20'h <c' &?@?
Fa'her name ; ajanna
"ari'al +'a'*+ ; "arried
I here (% declare 'ha' 'he a(oveAmen'ioned in-orma'ion i+ 'r*e 'o 'he (e+' o- m% 0no8ledge
and I (are 'he re+,on+i(ili'% -or 'he correc'ne++ o- 'he +ame.
3lace :
*ate : ;A&&A<O"*A 'A4E"*A')