Lessonplan 3
Lessonplan 3
Lessonplan 3
Teacher: Elizabeth Bell I. Objectives Students will learn about the past and present use of transportation. They will discover how Native Americans in Michigan used natural resources as aid for their transportation and tools. Learners will be able to: Learn about Indian trails in MI Discover how Native Americans built and used canoes as sort o f transportation on the Great Lakes Identify natural resources they used as a means of transportation (water, etc.) Apply earlier lesson the Three Fire Tribes to answer wondering questions Date: November, 2013 Subject: Three Fire Tribes Transportation Grade: 3rd
H3.0.5 Use informational text and visual data to compare how American Indians and settlers in the early history of Michigan adapted to, used, and modified their environment. H3.0.1H3.0.1 Identify questions historians ask in examining the past in Michigan (e.g., What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? How and why did it happen?).
The students have prior knowledge of natural resources found in MI. They also learned all about Native American life and culture in their 2nd Grade classroom.
Students use prior map skills to follow and discover trials, lakes, rivers, etc in MI
Formative (as learning):
Students work to discover and identify what it means for the Native Americans to use transportation
Summative (of learning):
Tools and transportation worksheet Time where teacher gives answer, but the students create the questions to satisfy the answer.
Action and Expression Group work encouraged for the class promoting questioning
Materials List.
Pencils, paper, Sharpies, markers, Tools and Transportation worksheet, Michigan Department of Transportation highway map (free, order online), Overhead transparency of map of Michigan, samples of cedar, roots, birch bark, spruce pitch, samples of bone, hammer, stones, etc Group work anywhere in classroom and also normal class setup
Classroom Setup.
III. The Plan Time Components Teacher activities Ask the students what the word "transportation" means. Make a web on a large piece of butcher paper with the ideas the students give. Start with ways the students have traveled and move on to ways they would like to travel, ways they think their grandparents traveled, ways they think their grandchildren will travel. Make an overhead transparency from the map of Michigan Rivers (PDF). Project the overhead transparency so that the entire class can view it. Ask students to open their highway maps. Locate, identify by name and discuss (location, source, outlet) Michigan's major rivers. Direct students to highlight the rivers discussed on their maps of Michigan. Write the name of each river on the transparency as students identify it. Ask students to suggest places where the early travelers would have needed to portage to get from one river to another. Mark them on the transparency map. o Are there other rivers especially near your town that would have served as canoe routes? Now move on in lesson to talk about Canoe and the natural resources for tools. Student activities Have the students come up with their guess of a definition first. Students will probably have transportation stories to share.
Have students locate, identify by name and discuss (location, source, outlet) Michigan's major rivers. Students take time to discuss places where the early travelers would have needed to portage to get from one river to another.
Questions for Discussion o What materials do the Indians use to create a Canoe? Bring in samples of cedar, roots, birch bark, spruce pitch, etc o What tools do they use? Bring in samples of bone, hammer, stones, etc Discuss different roles in creating a canoe. Highlight them on the highway maps and add them to the overhead transparency. Questions for Discussion o Why did Native Americans choose rivers as a major means of travel in Michigan? o Why did the early French and British adventurers also travel mostly by lake and river? o What major Michigan cities are near rivers? Have the students cut out pictures they can find in one of the kids magazines (Times, Science, etc) then look through magazines to find pictures of transportation used. After the students have each cut out a few pictures, have them glue the pictures on a large sheet of paper. Discuss what has been found. The timeline can be admired and discussed. After this have the students work on their Tools and Transportation worksheet if time allows. After lesson students will complete the Tools and Transportation worksheet (in resources) before end of class period