5e Lesson Plan Individual

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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan- Glogster Presentation

Teacher: Briana McNeel

Date: 7/17/2020
Subject Area / Social Studies/Grade 3
Course /
Grade Level:
Materials:  Computer
 Pencil
 Paper
 History Book
Standards: SS.AAS.3.8- Identify characteristics of geographic regions of Alabama; identify different ways
people travel throughout the state to access these regions.
Objectives: Students will
Explore the different locations on Alabama map
Locate land regions on map
Locate interstate highways
Locate rivers
Write on paper what land regions and interstate highways they have located
Understand how the and regions, river systems, and interstate highways connect Alabama to other
Differentiation The students will be allowed to choose one geographic region of Alabama that interest them and
Strategies: will be able to include the different ways people travel in those regions.
The teacher will show examples of Social Studies Glogster presentations to help student visualize
what they will be creating
The teacher will use guided discussion to prompt students ideas and thoughts

To get the students’ attention, the teacher will ask the students if they have ever created a project on a poster board before.
Based on their responses, the teacher will then introduce the students to an online poster board creation website called
Glogster. The teacher will show the students examples of various online posters based on a variety of different subjects. The
teacher will then explain to the students that they will be given the opportunity to create an online poster board based on a
topic in social studies.

Assessment: The teacher will use the student’s responses and questions to observe if they understand what an online poster
board is.
The teacher will allow students to observe their history book to determine which region in Alabama they would like to further
learn about to create their Glogster presentation. Once they have chosen their region, the students will report it to their
teacher for confirmation. Once the student has chosen their region, they will then begin studying the different interstate
highways or rivers in their region. The teacher will allow the students to look on the computer for images pertaining to the
region and ways people travel in these regions to incorporate into their presentation.

Assessment: The teacher will assist the students once they bring the region they have chosen and will prompt them with
questions about whether there are rivers, interstates, or different travel options. This will allow the teacher to assess their

Approved January, 2013

comprehension on which region they have chosen.
After the students have all chosen their regions, they will be directed to their desks for an open discussion about the five
regions in Alabama, and this will give the students the opportunity to openly discuss the variety of travel in the region they
have chosen. Once the students are finished sharing what they have learned on their own, the teacher will then go into further
detail about the regions including:
The five regions of Alabama:
1. Physiographic: Highland Rim
2. Cumberland Plateau
3. Ridge and Valley
4. Piedmont
5. Coastal Plain
What region do we live in?
Can you point out any rivers and/or interstate that connects the different regions to another state?
Examples of a river in the Highland Rim that connects us to another state: Tennessee River
Examples of a river and interstate in the Cumberland Plateau: Tennessee River and Interstate 65.
Examples of a river and interstate in the Ridge and Valley that connects us to another state: Coosa River and Interstate 20.
Example of a river in the Piedmont: Coosa River
Example of a river and interstate in the Coastal Plain that connects us to another state: Tombigbee River and Interstate 10.
Students will then discuss with their neighbor which region they chose and write down information they have learned from
their partner on their paper.
Why is it important to know about these rivers and/or interstates?

Assessment: The teacher will listen to the discussions between the students and their peers about the region they chose. The
students will turn in the paper with the information they gathered from their neighbor to see which students comprehended
the activity and which ones need more guidance.
Students will now have had the opportunity to make the connections between their region and the different interstates and
rivers that are present in their region. They will create an online poster board of their region and everything they have studied
about their region on Glogster.com. Upon completion of their poster boards they will then be given the opportunity to present
them to the class and the teacher.

Assessment: The teacher will rotate around the room to observe and assist students on their presentations. The teacher will
help students understand the key components that should be present in their online poster board.
Rubric for grading their presentations

Approved January, 2013

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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