8 Grade English Contest

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Olimpiada de limba engleza Faza pe scoala clasa a VIII a I.

Read the following text and write the right answer A, B, C or D on the separate answer sheet: Adam Randall was thirty years old and he looked like a rock star. He was very handsome, with long blonde hair. He knew most o the other members o the Andrea Gail!s crew. He had ished all his li e and he knew a lot abo"t ishing boats. #hen he saw a boat, he knew at once i it was sa e or not. Adam had driven to $lo"cester that morning with his ather%in%law. He!d walked aro"nd the deck o the Andrea Gail or a long time, not saying very m"ch. &hen inally he had got o the boat and gone back to his ather%in%law!s car. 'I!m not going o"t on that boat,( he said. 'I!m not going to take this )ob.( '#hat are yo" saying*( asked his ather%in%law in s"rprise. '+o" really need this )ob, Adam. +o" haven!t worked in three months and yo" need the money. #hat!s the problem* &he Andrea Gail is a very good boat , it!s one o the best ishing boats on the coast.( 'I know that,( replied Adam. -"t I!ve got a strange eeling abo"t the Andrea Gail. #hen I was walking aro"nd her I elt a cold wind on my skin. I think that none o her crew is going to come back rom this trip.( Adam!s ather%in%law was very shocked. 'Are yo" going to tell them what yo" think*( he asked. Adam tho"ght or a while. '.o, he said at last. 'I can!t do that. I can!t tell them that they are going to die.. And maybe I!m wrong. /ach man has to make "p his own mind abo"t a ishing trip. 0. Adam Randall was a a1 rock star. b1 isherman. c1 psychologist. d1 wizard. 2. Father%in%law means a1 step ather. b1 the ather o somebody!s wi e. c1 somebody!s ather who is a lawyer. d1 yo"r ather!s b"siness partner. 4. #hat is Adam!s intention* a1 He wants to go on a ishing trip. b1 He is going to die. c1 He doesn!t tell the others abo"t his strange eeling. d1 He is not going to tell the other members o the crew abo"t his strange eeling.

3. Andrea $ail is sword. boat.

a1 a knight with a b1 a bea"ti "l girl. c1 a sword ishing d1 a isherman!s

wi e.

5. 'Finally( means a1 event"ally 6572p809p1 c1 lately b1 act"ally d1 recently II English in use 1. Fill in the blan s with !"E word onl#. :ear Alvaro, I!m having a great 9 time here in ;pain. &he weather 601<<<.very good. It has 621<<<very hot every day and 631<<<hasn!t rained. &his morning, we intend 641<<<..go to the beach or a swim. &omorrow we 651<<<.going

Olimpiada de limba engleza Faza pe scoala clasa a VIII a shopping in the a ternoon. I want to b"y 6=1<<.. presents to take home or my amily. &here!s also a big castle 6>1<<<..a hill that I want to visit. I arrive at 6?1<<<.. airport at 00.39 6@1<<.. Aonday night. I will phone 6091<<<on &"esday morning and tell yo" abo"t my holiday. ;ee yo" soon, Bietro 60970.5805p1 $. Fill in the blan s with a word deri%ed fro& the word in 'apitals. 1. &his design shows great<<<<<<.6ORI$I.AC1 2. +o" always have to asten yo"r<<<<<.belt when yo" travel by plane. 6;AF/1 3. &he ho"se had large rooms and was very <<<<<<<<<.6DOAFOR&1 4. Ay "ncle has a <<<<<<<<.collection o old coins. 6R/AARE1 5. #hat are yo"r<<<<<abo"t her* 6F//C1 6. &he body lay there <<<<<<<<.b"t no one dared to"ch it. 6CIF/1 7. He wants to st"dy<<<<<<<<<b"t I don!t think he!ll like it. 6ARDHI&/D&1 8. Fn ort"nately, yo"r essay lacks<<<<<<<<<<<.geni"s 6AR&1 9. +o" have made a complete<<<<<<<<..o the scene . 6:/;DRI-/1 10. Altho"gh this co"rse is<<<<<<<., many o "s attend it. 6OB&IO.1 60970.5805p1 (. Co&plete the gaps with the 'orre't tense of the %erb: I yo" GGGGGGGG0 6want1 to see the highest water all in the world, yo" have to go to Venez"ela. &here, yo" GGGGGGGGG26 ind1 the Angel Falls % a spectac"lar sight. #e GGGGGGGGG36go1 there last year and we were very impressed. #e GGGGGGGGG4. 6admire1 the co"ntryside when s"ddenly we GGGGGGGGG5 6hear1 the so"nd o water. As we GGGGGGGGG=6approach1 the water all, we GGGGGGGGG> 6not H can1 believe how lo"d the water was. GGGGGyo" GGGGGGGGG? 6ever H see1 a water all* #ell, it was amazing, we wished we had taken a video camera with "s. I we went there another time, we GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG @ 6not orget1 abo"t it. #e GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG096 visit1 -razil ne7t year, I hope it will be )"st as spectac"lar. 60972p829p1 III )rite a short stor# *1+,-1., words/ beginning with the following phrase. Also, gi%e it an appropriate title. Its your last chance said a voice 49 p

Olimpiada de limba engleza Faza pe scoala clasa a VIII a

-arem clasa VIII a I 0. -, 2. -, 3. D, 4. :, 5. A II 1. Is 2. Been 3. It 4. To 5. Are 6. Some 7. On 8. The 9. On 1. Originality 2. Safety 3. Comforta le 4. !emar"a le 5. #eelings 6. $ifeless 7. Ar%hite%t&re 8. Artisti%' 9. (es%ri)tion 1. *ant 2. *ill'fin+ 3. *ent 4. *ere'a+miring 5. ,ear+ 6. A))roa%he+ 7. Co&l+n-t' elie.e 8. ,a.e'e.er'seen

Olimpiada de limba engleza Faza pe scoala clasa a VIII a 1/. 0o& 1/. O)tional' 9. *o&l+n-t'forget 1/. Are'.isiting12ill'.isit

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