Resume Aasheesh Khattar Career Objective

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Address Of Correspondence: 2 !,"a#pat $agar, %lwar &a#asthan'()*))* Pressent Location: AL Contact Infor!ation: +obile $o: "#$$"%$&'&' E(!ai) Address: %shi.chinar, AR

Persona) *etai): -ather.s $ame 2ate of 3irth $ationality "inguistic 0e8 +arital 0tatus / 0h. &amesh 1hattar / *4'*2'*55) / Indian / 6nglish, 7indi / +ale / 0ingle

Stren+t,s: 7ardworking 9uick "earner :ositive %ttitude $ever 3ack 2own %pproach

To obtain a position where I can apply acquired knowledge and skills working in a team environment. Given an opportunity to work in your organization I shall contribute all my best to enhance the service, prestige and financial status of the company.

ACA*EMIC -UALI.ICATIO/ 0rad1ation'bcom from &a#asthan ;niversity with aggregate <= marks >2))5'**?. CS'%waiting cs final result ><groups?'2)** :assed Sr2 Secondar3 from @306 with !4.(= :assed Secondar3 from @306 with !5. = COMPUTER PRO.ICIE/C4 +0'Affice 2))!, +0'Affice 2))( Bindows C:, Bindows Dista, Bindow ! Internet

PERSO/AL SKILL @omprehensive problem solving abilities 68cellent verbal and written communication skills 2eterministic Billingness to learn $ever back down %pproach Team facilitator E hard worker +y principal skill remains in people relationship. %bility to lead in scope with the deadlines

OTHER ACTIVITIES HOBBIES :laying @ricket 2ancing "istening music -onder member of %G6>welfare organization by the youth for old aged? +ember of 0pic +acay :layed football at state and national levels Darious trekking and mountaineering camps 0chool guardian>chinar public school,alwar?

*ECLARATIO/ I hereby declare that all the information mentioned above is true to the best of my knowledge. AASHEESH KHATTAR

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