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Name. Phone :

E-mail :

Career Objectives
$oo%ing for an employment in an organization where I can utilize my capabilities and further I avail knowledge & skills for achieving organizational

Address :

goals & also growth of myself as a sound technical professional.

Qualificati ons
&raduation' (ost graduation )th year *rd +,A.nd year /st year #ntermediate 0igh school !ear o" Passing #oard$Univ% ain Su&'ects ar(s in )

Family Detail:
Fathers Name : And his Occupation Mothers Name and her occupation: Other members in family : One brother and one sister doing college in Bareilly ate of Birth !e" Nationality #ndian Marital single !tatus : : :

Mention other 1ualification e2g2 (olytechnic etc2 Mention distinctions and certificates achie3ed in academics Mention N44 details or any computer s%ill if done2

Computer knowledge
*+erating System S+read Sheet: : 5indo6s 78(, 9:, all o2s2; s-,"cel2

Extracurricular Activities: yring my

,ord +rocessor: Ms-5ord2 Presentation - Designing : Ms-(o6er (oint,

intermediate class, participated in ebate, rama,


Completed a six week internship on wwwww at M/S ABC COMPANY Ltd, Noida.

indoor games etc2 uring B2<ech'M4A 'MBA as 4-, # ha3e represented 4ric%et team and medal among inter college tournaments 5on 4ertificate for (articipating in #nno3ation 5or%shop during +ear B2<ech .o&&ies /nterest: Cricket, Reading, Listening music, photography, swimming, social and cultural events etc *rd in 6on

Company, a part o Birla / !ata or"ani#ation has man$ a%t$rin" a%ility in Noida.!he %ompany has &employees and its Sales !$rn O'er is (s&.. Million. )nder "$idan%e o Shri&&., Mana"er*Prod$%tion / +( , , s$-mitted my internship report thro$"h my %olle"e and the same was 'ery m$%h liked and appre%iated -y %ompany o i%ials. !he pro.e%t is worth rom %ompany/s day to day prod$%tion point o 'iew. S$""ested meas$res %an %ertainly impro'e i -oth the %omponents ie %ost and raw material 0$ality in respe%t o moist$re is taken to"ether and one will o-ser'e that there will -e tan"i-le and intan"i-le -ene it to the or"ani#ation .


Completed a six week internship on wwwww at M/S a-% COMPANY Ltd, Noida. Company, a part o Birla / !ata or"ani#ation has man$ a%t$rin" a%ility in Noida.!he %ompany has &employees and t$rn o'er (s&.. Million. )nder "$idan%e o Shri&&., Mana"er*+( , , s$-mitted my internship report and it was 'ery m$%h help $l to %ompany as mentioned -y %ompany o i%ials.


, solemnly de%lare that the a-o'e in ormations are tr$e and %orre%t to the -est o my knowled"e. , $nderstand that i any in ormation "i'en a-o'e is o$nd alse/ in%orre%t, my %andidat$re is lia-le to -e re.e%ted.

Pla%e1 Bareilly 2ate1 34.56.57


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