Distance and Displacement Worksheet 1
Distance and Displacement Worksheet 1
Distance and Displacement Worksheet 1
For each question plot the path on the grid paper. 1. Joey drives his Skidoo 7 kilometres north. He stops or lunch and then drives ! kilometres east. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement#
%. &nthony $alks to the pi''a place or lunch. He $alk 1 km east( then 1 km south and then 1 km east again. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement#
). *n his ishing trip Justin takes the +oat 1% km south. ,he ish aren-t +iting so he goes . km $est. He ollo$s a school o ish 1 km north. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement#
.. /reston goes on a camel sa ari in & rica. ,hey he travels ! km north( then ) km east and then 1 km north again. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement#
!. Neil pogo sticks to his science class. He travels 0 m east the . m north. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement#
1. &lan rents a private 2et or the $eekend. He lies .33 km south to Ne$ 4ork( then lies 733 km $est to 5hicago( then 1%33 km south to 6iami. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement# 7use 1cm 8 133km9
7. :randon +uys a ne$ Seadoo. He goes 1% km north rom the +each. He 2umps $akes or 1 km to the east. ,hen chases a +oat 13 km north. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement#
0. ≤ goes cruising on his dirt +ike. He rides 733 m north( )33 m east( .33 m north( 133 m $est( 1%33 m south )33 m east and inally 133 m north. "hat distance did he cover# "hat $as his displacement# 7use 1cm 8 133m9
<. Stephen +uys a ne$ moped. He travels ) km south and then . km east. Ho$ ar does he need to go to get +ack to $here he started#