IRS Unit-4
IRS Unit-4
IRS Unit-4
Unit- 4
4.1 Introduction to Clustering
4.2 Thesaurus Generation 4.3 Item Clustering 4.4 Hierarchy of Clustering Introduction to Clustering : Clustering: provide a grouping of similar objects into a class under a more general title Clustering also allows linkage between clusters to be specified An information database can be viewed as being composed of a number of independent items indexed by a series of index terms Term clustering : Used to create a statistical thesaurus Increase recall by expanding searches with related terms (query expansion) Document clustering : Used to create document clusters The search can retrieve items similar to an item of interest, even if the query would not have retrieved the item (resultant set expansion) Result-set clustering
Determine the relationships between the attributes whose co-occurrence in objects suggest those objects should be in the same class
Thesaurus: determine which words are synonyms and the strength of their relationships Documents: define a similarity function based on word co-occurrences that determine the similarity between two items
Apply some algorithm to determine the class(es) to which each object will be assigned Guidelines on the Characteristics of the Classes :
A well-defined semantic definition should exist for each class There is a risk that the name assigned to the semantic definition of the class could also be misleading
The size of the classes should be within the same order of magnitude Within a class, one object should not dominate the class Whether an object can be assigned to multiple classes or just one must be decided at creation time
Homograph resolution Vocabulary constraints Normalization: constrain the thesaurus to stems vs. complete words Specificity: eliminate specific words or use general terms for class identifiers
Thesaurus Generation:
Automatically generated thesauri contain classes that reflect the use of words in the corpus
The classes do not naturally have a name, but are just a groups of statistically similar terms Basic idea for term clustering: the more frequently two terms co-occur in the same items, the more likely they are about the same concept Term-clustering algorithms differ by the completeness with which terms are correlated The more complete the correlation, the higher the time and computational overhead to create the clusters
Term-Term Matrix
Threshold = 10
The final step in creating clusters is to determine when two objects (words) are in the same cluster Cliques, single link, stars, and connected components
Cliques : Cliques require all terms in a cluster to be within the threshold of all other terms
Class 1 (Term 1, Term 3, Term 4, Term 6) Class 2 (Term 1, Term 5) Class 3 (Term2, Term 4, Term 6) Class 4 (Term 2, Term 6, Term 8) Class 5 (Term 7)
Clique Algorithm:
Single Link :
Any term that is similar to any term in the cluster an be added to the cluster It is impossible for a term to be in two different clusters
Star :
Select a term and then places in the class all terms that are related to that term Terms not yet in classes are selected as new seeds until all terms are assigned to a class There are many different classes that can be created using the Star technique If we always choose as the starting point for a class the lowest numbered term not already in a class Class 1 (Term 1, Term 3, Term 4, Term 5, Term 6) Class 2 (Term 2, Term 4, Term 8, Term 6) Class 3 (Term 7)
String :
Starts with a term and includes in the class one additional term that is similar to the term selected and not already in a class The new term is then used as the new node and the process is repeated until no new terms can be added because the term being analyzed does not have another term related to it or the terms related to it are already in the class A new class is started with any terms not currently in any existing class Using the guidelines to select the lowest number term similar to the current term and not to select any term already in an existing class produces the following classes Class 1 (Term 1, Term 3, Term 4, Term 2, Term 6, Term 8)
Comparison : Clique
Produce classes that have the strongest relationships between all of the words in the class The class is more likely to be describing a particular concept Produce more classes than the other techniques
Single link
Partition the term into classes Produce the fewest number of classes and the weakest relationship between terms It is possible that two terms that have a similarity value of zero will be in the same class Classes will not be associated with a concept but cover diverse concepts
The selection of the technique is also governed by the density of the term relationship matrix and objects of the thesaurus
Term relationship matrix Sparse: toward single link Dense: toward clique
Objects of the thesaurus Cliques provide the highest precision when the statistical thesaurus is used for query term expansion The single link algorithm maximize recall but can cause selection of many non-relevant items
The single link algorithm has the least overhead in assignment of terms to classes: O(n2) comparisons
The similarity between all existing terms and the centroids of the clusters can be calculated The term is reallocated to the cluster that has the highest similarity
Initial centroid Class 1 = (0+4)/2, (3+1)/2, (3+0)/2, (0+1)/2, (2+2)/2 = 4/2, 4/2, 3/2, 1/2, 4/2 Class 2 = 0/2, 7/2, 0/2, 3/2, 5/2 Class 3 = 2/2, 3/2, 3/2, 0/2, 5/2
Apply the simple similarity measure between each of the 8 terms and 3 centroids One technique for breaking ties is to look at the similarity weights of the other terms in the class and assign it to the class that has the most similar weights
Since all terms must be assigned to a class, it forces terms to be allocated to classes, even if their similarity to the class is very weak compared to other terms assigned
If the similarity to all of the existing centroids is less than the threshold, the term is the first item in a new class This process continues until all items are assigned to classes
Centroids values used Class 1 (Term 1, Term 3) = 0, 7/2, 3/2, 0, 4/2 Class 1 (Term 1, Term 3, Term 4) = 0, 10/3, 3/3, 3/3, 7/3 Class 2 (Term 2, Term 6) = 6/2, 3/2, 0/2, 1/2, 6/2
Minimum computation on the order of O(n) Does not produce optimum clustered classes Different classes can be produced if the order in which the items are analyzed changes
Item Clustering :
Think about manual item clustering, which is inherent in any library or filing system one item one category Automatic clustering one primary category and several secondary categories Similarity between documents is based on two items that have terms in common The similarity function is performed between rows of the item matrix
Hierarchy of Clusters :
Hierarchical clustering Hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) start with un-clustered items and perform pair-wise similarity measures to determine the clusters Hierarchical divisive clustering start with a cluster and breaking it down into smaller clusters
Provide for visual representation of the information space Visual cues on the size of clusters (size of ellipse) and strengths of the linkage between clusters (dashed line, sold line)
Expand the retrieval of relevant items A user, once having identified an item of interest, can request to see other items in the cluster The user can increase the specificity of items by going to children clusters or by increasing the generality of items being reviewed by going to a parent clusters
As the larger cluster is found, the clusters that merged together are tracked and form a hierarchy
HACM Example : Assume document A, B, C, D, and E exist and a document-document similarity matrix exists {{A} {B} {C} {D} {E}} {{A, B} {C} {D} {E}} {A, B, C, D, E}
Complete linkage
Inter-cluster similarity is computed as the minimum of the similarity between any documents in the two clusters such that one document is from each cluster
Group average
As a node is considered for a cluster, its average similarity to all nodes in the cluster is computed. It is placed in the cluster as long as its average similarity is higher than its average similarity for any other cluster
Wards method Clusters are joined so that their merger minimizes the increase in the sum of the distances from each individual document to the centroid of the cluster containing it If cluster A merged with either cluster B or cluster C, the centroids for the potential cluster AB and AC are computed as well as the maximum distance of any document to the centroid. The cluster with the lowest maximum is used
Analysis of HACM:
Wards method typically took the longest to implement Single link and complete linkage are somewhat similar in run time Clusters found in the single link clustering tend to be fair broad in nature and provide lower effectiveness Choosing the best cluster as the source of relevant documents results in very close effectiveness results for complete link, Wards and group average clustering A consistent drop in effectiveness for single link clustering is noted