Unit 4 - Lecture 3 - DGIM Algorithm Notes
Unit 4 - Lecture 3 - DGIM Algorithm Notes
Unit 4 - Lecture 3 - DGIM Algorithm Notes
1.1 Introduction
This chapter gives an overview of the basics of sliding widow and method of
counting bits in a data stream.
Sliding window is a useful model of stream processing in which the queries are about
a window of length N – the N most recent elements received. In certain cases N is so
large that the data cannot be stored in memory, or even on disk, or, there are so
many streams that windows for all cannot be stored. Sliding window is also known as
To begin, suppose we want to be able to count exactly the number of 1’s in the last k
bits for any k ≤ N. Then we claim it is necessary to store all N bits of the window, as
any representation that used fewer than N bits could not work. In proof, suppose we
have a representation that uses fewer than N bits to represent the N bits in the
window. Since there are 2N sequences of N bits, but fewer than 2N representations,
there must be two different bit strings w and x that have the same representation.
Since w 6= x, they must differ in at least one bit. Let the last k −1 bits of w and x
agree, but let them differ on the kth bit from the right end.
Example 1 : If w = 0101 and x = 1010, then k = 1, since scanning from the right, they
first disagree at position 1. If w = 1001 and x = 0101, then k = 3, because they first
disagree at the third position from the right.
Suppose the data representing the contents of the window is whatever sequence of
bits represents both w and x. Ask the query “how many 1’s are in the last k bits?”
The query-answering algorithm will produce the same answer, whether the window
contains w or x, because the algorithm can only see their representation. But the
correct answers are surely different for these two bit-strings. Thus, we have proved
that we must use at least N bits to answer queries about the last k bits for any k
In fact, we need N bits, even if the only query we can ask is “how many 1’s are in the
entire window of length N?” The argument is similar to that used above. Suppose we
use fewer than N bits to represent the window, and therefore we can find w, x, and k
as above. It might be that w and x have the same number of 1’s. However, if we
follow the current window by any N − k bits, we will have a situation where the true
window contents resulting from w and x are identical except for the leftmost bit, and
therefore, their counts of 1’s are unequal. However, since the representations of w
and x are the same, the representation of the window must still be the same if we
feed the same bit sequence to these representations. Thus, we can force the answer
to the query “how many 1’s in the window?” to be incorrect for one of the two
possible window contents.
1.4 The Datar-Gionis-Indyk-Motwani Algorithm(DGIM)
Here we discuss an algorithm called DGIM. This version of the algorithm uses
O(log2 N) bits to represent a window of N bits, and allows us to estimate the number
of 1’s in the window with an error of no more than 50%.
To begin, each bit of the stream has a timestamp, the position in which it arrives. The
first bit has timestamp 1, the second has timestamp 2, and so on. Since we only
need to distinguish positions within the window of length N, we shall represent
timestamps modulo N, so they can be represented by log2 N bits. If we also store
the total number of bits ever seen in the stream (i.e., the most recent timestamp)
modulo N, then we can determine from a timestamp modulo N where in the current
window the bit with that timestamp is.
There are six rules that must be followed when representing a stream by buckets:
• The right end of a bucket is always a position with a 1.
• Every position with a 1 is in some bucket.
• No position is in more than one bucket.
• There are one or two buckets of any given size, up to some maximum
• All sizes must be a power of 2.
• Buckets cannot decrease in size as we move to the left (back in time).
1.4.1 Advantages
• As long as the 1s are fairly evenly distributed, the error due to the unknown
region is small – no more than 50%
• But it could be that all the 1s are in the unknown area (indicated by “?” in the
below figure) at the end. In that case, the error is unbounded.
Check the leftmost (earliest) bucket. If its timestamp has now reached the current
timestamp minus N, then this bucket no longer has any of its 1’s in the window.
Therefore, drop it from the list of buckets. Now, we must consider whether the new
bit is 0 or 1. If it is 0, then no further change to the buckets is needed. If the new bit is
a 1, however, we may need to make several changes. First:
If there was only one bucket of size 1, then nothing more needs to be done.
However, if there are now three buckets of size 1, that is one too many. We fix this
problem by combining the leftmost (earliest) two buckets of size 1.
• To combine any two adjacent buckets of the same size, replace them by one
bucket of twice the size. The timestamp of the new bucket is the timestamp of the
rightmost (later in time) of the two buckets.
Combining two buckets of size 1 may create a third bucket of size 2. If so,we
combine the leftmost two buckets of size 2 into a bucket of size 4. That, in turn, may
create a third bucket of size 4, and if so we combine the leftmost two into a bucket of
size 8. This process may ripple through the bucket sizes, but there are at most log2
N different sizes, and the combination of two adjacent buckets of the same size only
requires constant time. As a result, any new bit can be processed in O(logN) time.
Suppose we start with the buckets of Fig. 2 and a 1 enters. First, the leftmost bucket
evidently has not fallen out of the window, so we do not drop any buckets. We create
a new bucket of size 1 with the current timestamp, say t. There are now three
buckets of size 1, so we combine the leftmost two. They are replaced with a single
bucket of size 2. Its timestamp is t − 2, the timestamp of the bucket on the right (i.e.,
the rightmost bucket that actually appears in Fig. 3.
There are now two buckets of size 2, but that is allowed by the DGIM rules. Thus,
the final sequence of buckets after the addition of the 1 is as shown in figure 3.
The stream are represented as buckets as: Either one or two buckets with the same
power-of-2 number of 1s, Buckets do not overlap in timestamps, Buckets are sorted
by size, Earlier buckets are not smaller than later buckets and Buckets disappear
when their end-time is > N time units in the past.
Example: Consider the Bucketized Stream given in figure 4.
Three properties of buckets that are maintained: (1) Either one or two buckets with
the same power-of-2 number of 1s, (2) Buckets do not overlap in timestamps and (3)
Buckets are sorted by size.
When a new bit comes in, drop the last (oldest) bucket if its end-time is prior to N
time units before the current time. There are 2 cases that might arise:
Case i: Current bit is 0 or 1. If the current bit is 0: no other changes are needed.
Case ii: If the current bit is 1:
(1) Create a new bucket of size 1, for just this bit and set
End timestamp = current time
(2) If there are now three buckets of size 1, combine the oldest two into a bucket
of size 2
(3) If there are now three buckets of size 2,
combine the oldest two into a bucket of size 4
(4) And so on …
It is natural to ask whether we can extend the technique of this section to handle
aggregations more general than counting 1’s in a binary stream. An obvious direction
to look is to consider streams of integers and ask if we can estimate the sum of the
last k integers for any 1 ≤ k ≤ N, where N, as usual,is the window size.
It is unlikely that we can use the DGIM approach to streams containing both positive
and negative integers. We could have a stream containing both very large positive
integers and very large negative integers, but with a sum in the window that is very
close to 0. Any imprecision in estimating the values of these large integers would
have a huge effect on the estimate of the sum, and so the fractional error could be
For example, suppose we broke the stream into buckets as we have done, but
represented the bucket by the sum of the integers therein, rather than the count of
1’s. If b is the bucket that is partially within the query range, it could be that b has, in
its first half, very large negative integers and in its second half, equally large positive
integers, with a sum of 0. If we estimate the contribution of b by half its sum, that
contribution is essentially 0. But the actual contribution of that part of bucket b that is
in the query range could be anything from 0 to the sum of all the positive integers.
This difference could be far greater than the actual query answer, and so the
estimate would be meaningless. On the other hand, some other extensions involving
integers do work.
To estimate the number of 1s in the most recent N bits, we can sum the sizes of all
buckets but the last (note “size” means the number of 1s in the bucket), then add half
the size of the last bucket. We must remember the fact that we do not know how
many 1s of the last bucket are still within the wanted window.
Suppose the last bucket has size 2r , then by assuming 2r-1 (i.e., half) of its 1s are
still within the window, we make an error of at most 2r-1 . Since there is at least one
bucket of each of the sizes less than 2r, the true sum is at least 1 + 2 + 4 + .. + 2r-1 =
2r -1. Thus, error at most 50%. Instead of maintaining 1 or 2 of each size bucket, we
allow either r-1 or r buckets (r > 2).Except for the largest size buckets; we can have
any number between 1 and r of those the error is at most O(1/r). By picking r
appropriately, we can tradeoff between number of bits we store and the error.
Same approach can be used to answer queries How many 1’s in the last k? where k
< N. We can find earliest bucket B that at overlaps with k. Number of 1s is the sum of
sizes of more recent buckets + ½ size of B. We can also handle the case where the
stream is not bits, but integers, and we want the sum of the last k elements.
Suppose we have stream of positive integers and we want the sum of the last k
elements, for example, find the average price of last k sales, and the stream consists
of only positive integers in the range 1 to 2m for some m. We can treat each of the m
bits of each integer as if it were a separate stream. We then use the DGIM method to
count the 1’s in each bit. Suppose the count of the ith bit (assuming bits count from
the low-order end, starting at 0) is ci. Then the sum of the integers is
m 1
i 0
to estimate each Ci with fractional error at most ǫ, then the estimate of the true sum
has error at most €. The worst case occurs when all the Ci’s are over estimated or all
are underestimated by the same fraction.