(Book) (Jedi Apprentice) - 2 - The Dark Rival
(Book) (Jedi Apprentice) - 2 - The Dark Rival
(Book) (Jedi Apprentice) - 2 - The Dark Rival
By Jude Watson
Chapter 1
K-7, Core 8. Core 7. Core 6. Core 5. Narrow. Pressure. Trapped. Yes, Qui-Gon. I can do it. I will do it. !e "nows it is wron#. !e $ust stop it. %ut &e can't (i#&t t&is power. !e sees t&e )ro"en circ*e. T&e circ*e t&at )rin#s t&e past to t&e (uture, +et does not $eet. !e $ust $a"e t&e circ*e $eet. !e $ust . . . ui!"on Jinn woke with a start# As always$ he knew e%actly where he was as soon as he awakened# Drea&s never hun' on hi&$ cloudin' his &ind# (ven a ni'ht&are had only served to sharpen his senses# The roo& was dark$ )ut he could &ake out the ed'es o* the window in the darkness# Dawn was near# +e could hear ,)i!Wan -eno)i.s /uiet )reathin' on the sleep!couch ne%t to hi&# They were /uartered in the 'uest cha&)er o* the Bando&eer 'overnor.s o**icial residence# +e had so&e to the planet on a routine &ission that had suddenly turned non! routine$ all )ecause o* a sin'le line written on a piece o* paper# The &essa'e had )rou'ht the ni'ht&are# +e.d had the sa&e one *or three ni'hts runnin'# ui!"on.s hand *ell to his li'htsa)er$ placed so that it was in easy reach in case o* intruders# Within the )link o* an eye$ he would )e standin'$ ready to *i'ht# But how could one *i'ht a drea&0 K-7, Core 5. What could the words and nu&)ers &ean0 -!1 could )e a charted )ut uninha)ited planet$ or a star syste&# But why did he have the sensation o* )ein' trapped0 Who had said$ 23 can do it40 And why did he *eel helpless ra'e a'ainst the words$ why did he *eel helpless despair as he heard the&0 The only think that was *a&iliar to hi& was the i&a'e o* the )roken circle# 3t *illed hi& with dread# +e thou'ht it was in the past# All o* it# Then$ upon his arrival on Bando&eer$ he was handed a note# 3t had welco&ed hi& to the planet$ and it had )een si'ned ,anatos.
Jedi are tau'ht to value drea&s$ )ut not to trust the&# Drea&s can con*use as well as illu&inate# A Jedi should test a drea& &uch as he tests unsta)le 'round# ,nly when he.s sure o* his *ootin' should he &ove on# Drea&s can )e rando& ener'y$ nothin' &ore# So&e Jedi see thin's in drea&s and others do not# ui!"on rarely had the 'i*t and pre*erred not to dwell on drea&s# +e &ana'ed to push drea&s away in the dayli'ht# But at ni'ht$ it was harder# 3* only he could )an his ni'ht&ares$ and &e&ories# Then they would not )e a)le to haunt hi& so# +e had )een all over the 'ala%y$ *ro& the "alactic Core to the ,uter Ri& Territories# +e had seen &any thin's that pained hi&$ and &any thin's he wished he could *or'et# 5ow his worst pain$ his worst re'ret$ had cau'ht up with hi& at last#
Chapter 2
Qui-Gon was t&e one w&o disco-ered ,anatos, t&e one w&o too" t&e $idi-c&*orian count and )rou#&t t&e c&i*d )ac" to t&e .edi Te$p*e. !e re$e$)ered t&e *oo" on Cion's (ace as &is on*+ son was ta"en (ro$ &is &o$e p*anet o( Te*os. Crion was t&e wea*t&iest $an on Te*os, )ut &e "new, despite a** &is ric&es, &e cou*d not o((er ,anatos w&at Qui-Gon cou*d. !e cou*d not den+ &is son. Qui-Gon saw t&e &eart)rea" on t&e $an's (ace, and &e &esitated. !e as"ed on *ast ti$e i( Crion was sure o( &is decision. /*ow*+, Crion nodded. T&e decision was (ina*. Qui-Gon wou*d ta"e ,anatos to )e trained as a .edi. I( on*+ Qui-Gon &as *istened $ore c*ose*+ to &is own &esitation. T&e decision t&e ta"e t&e c&i*d wou*d &a-e )een di((erent. 0** o( t&eir *i-es wou*d )e so di((erent. . . . ui!"on swun' his le's over the side o* the sleep!couch# +e crossed to the window and pushed aside the heavy curtain# +e could 6ust &ake out the &ine towers in the 'ray li'ht# The "reat Sea o* Bando&eer was a )lack void in the distance# Bando&eer consisted o* one hu'e land&ass and one enor&ous sea$ which divided the planet in hal*# All o* it was owned )y &inin' co&panies# There was only one city 7 Bandor$ where the 'overn&ent.s /uarters were located# But even the city was dotted with &inin' operations# The air was a sheet o* dull 'ray$ *illed with dri*tin' )lack specks# 3t was a desolate world# The &a6ority o* Bando&eer.s &ines were controlled o**!planet# 5one o* the enor&ous riches &ade it )ack to the native 8eerians# (ven the o**icial residence o* the 'overnor was sha))y and ill!*urnished# ui!"on.s *in'ers ran alon' the ed'e o* the curtain# The *a)ric was )e'innin' to *ray# ,)i!Wan stirred in his sleep# ui!"on turned to watch the )oy$ )ut ,)i!Wan slept on# ui!"on let hi&# Today would &ark the start o* their separate &issions on Bando&eer#
Althou'h ,)i!Wan.s &ission wasn.t dan'erous$ it would test the )oy# All &issions tested Jedi skills$ even the ones that appeared easy# ui!"on had learned that lon' a'o# +e and the )oy had 6ust )een throu'h a dan'erous and une%pected 6ourney to'ether# They had *ou'ht side )y side and stared death in the *ace# 9et he couldn.t *eel close to ,)i!Wan# There was still a part o* hi& that hoped 9oda would call the )oy )ack to the Te&ple *or reassi'n&ent# ui!"on *orced hi&sel* to )e honest# The reason he couldn.t *eel close the ,)i!Wan was )ecause he wouldn.t allow hi&sel* to# Certainly$ the )oy had i&pressed hi& on the 6ourney here# 3t had )een a rou'h transport$ *illed with tensions# ,)i!Wan had learned to hold his ton'ue and his te&per in situations where ui!"on had )een certain he would lose his cal&# But ui!"on knew that ,)i!Wan was still too )lindly 'uided )y a&)ition and an'er# Those were the two /ualities that had led to :anatos. undoin'# ui!"on couldn.t 'et involved in such a situation a'ain# +e knew how treacherous it could )e to rely on an apprentice# So he would keep his distance *ro& youn' -eno)i# Soon ,)i!Wan would )e sent to o)serve the A'ricultural Corps work on the planet# Thanks to &inin'$ Bando&eer had )een stripped o* &any natural resources# The 'reat &ines took up &any s/uare kilo&eters; when the land was depleted$ the &ine was closed and le*t the area )arren# 3t was no lon'er use*ul *or *ar&in'# <ood was shipped in *ro& other worlds# 3t was a precarious situation that the local 'overn&ent was workin' to chan'e# 3t had plans to restore and reclai& the land and vast ocean# The A'ri!Corps was helpin' in the endeavor )y replantin' lar'e areas and enclosin' the& to *or& what the 'overn&ent called 2(nrich&ent =ones#4 ,)i!Wan would )e sent to the lar'est >one to help# ui!"on.s &ission was less clear!cut# +e had )een called on )y the Jedi Council to act as a "uardian o* ?eace at the local 'overn&ent.s re/uest# ui!"on still wasn.t certain o* the speci*ics# 8ost o* the people on Bando&eer were i&ported to work the &ines# They worked$ savin' as &uch as they could in order to transport o**!planet as soon as possi)le# That was why the 'overn&ent on Bando&eer had such trou)le institutin' chan'e# (veryone$ even the natives$ wanted to leave the planet as soon as they were a)le# 5o one truly cared what happened the Bando&eer# But recently$ that had )e'un the chan'e# The 8eerians had )eco&e partners with the i&&i'rant Arconans# The two 'roups had *or&ed a cooperative &ine# All o* the pro*its were shared e/ually# So&e &iners had already switched over *ro& the &ain &ines$ owned )y the &i'hty ,**world Corporation# ui!"on had a *eelin' that the reason he.d )een called )y the Bando&eer 'overn&ent was )ecause o* this# ,**world never took well to those who encroached on its tur*#
The landscape outside was li'hter now# Streaks o* deep oran'e sun licked at the tall &inin' towers like ton'ues o* *la&e# Still *i'htin' the 'rip o* his ni'ht&are$ ui!"on watched Bandor co&e to li*e# @i'hts ca&e on in the narrow streets# Workers headed *or the &ines# 5i'ht workers wearily trud'ed ho&e# ui!"on.s thou'hts returned to :anatos. surprise &essa'eA I &a-e )een *oo"in# (orward to t&is da+. The &essa'e had included a s&all drawin' o* a )roken circle ne%t to :anatos. na&e 7 there was a 'ap where the ends should &eet# 3t was a re&inder to ui!"on# A taunt# :anatos had a scar on his cheek in that *or&# ui!"on &editated on the &essa'e a'ain$ lettin' all the possi)le i&plications co&e to hi&# +e could )e walkin' into a trap# ,r :anatos could )e playin' a 'a&e with hi&# +e could )e 'ala%ies away ri'ht now$ s&ilin' at the idea the he &ade his *or&er 8aster shudder in *ear at the si'ht o* his na&e# That wou*d )e soðin' :anatos would doA con*use ui!"on$ slow hi& down$ &ake hi& interpret a situation )adly$ all )ecause ui!"on assu&ed :anatos was involved# :anatos was clever$ and o*ten used that cleverness to concoct cruel 'a&es# Suddenly# ui!"on wished the &essa'e had )een a 'a&e# A childish taunt# +e did not ever want to &eet :anatos *ace!to!*ace a'ain#
Chapter B
,)i!Wan -eno)i woke$ )ut did not stir# -eepin' his eyelids al&ost closed$ he stole a 'lance at ui!"on# The Jedi 8aster stood at the window# +is )ack was to ,)i!Wan$ )ut the )oy could tell )y the tension in his &uscular stance that ui!"on was )roodin' a'ain# ,)i!Wan itched to ask what ui!"on was thinkin'# +is &ind had )een 6u&pin' with /uestions since they.d landed on Bando&eer# What had chan'ed ui!"on.s &ood *ro& serenity to a'itation0 Was ui!"on 'oin' to include hi& on the Jedi.s &ission as "uardian o* the ?eace0 +ad ,)i!Wan proved hi&sel* a worthy candidate *or ui!"on.s apprentice0 Since leavin' the Te&ple only a *ew days )e*ore$ ,)i!Wan had )een shot at with )lasters and stran'led )y a +utt# +e had tan'led with To'orian pirates$ *ou'ht o** 'iant *lyin' drai'ons$ and piloted a hu'e transport vessel throu'h heavy laser cannon *ire# But apparently$ he had not done enou'h to i&press ui!"on# 3* only he could hold on to the serenity he had )een tau'ht at the Te&ple# +e knew that as a Jedi pupil$ he should accept what li*e o**ered hi& with cal&# But his position was so &addenin'C +e had co&pleted his Te&ple trainin'$ )ut no Jedi -ni'ht had chosen hi&
as an apprentice# ,n his thirteenth )irthday$ it would )e too late# And that was only three weeks awayC 3t see&ed that his destiny was to )e a *ar&er$ not a warrior or a peacekeeper# ,)i!Wan had thou'ht he had )e'un to accept this$ )ut it was hard# +e couldn.t help )ut *eel a di**erent path was his destiny# ,)viously$ ui!"on didn.t think so# Althou'h ,)i!Wan had saved the Jedi -ni'ht.s li*e$ ui!"on acted as thou'h ,)i!Wan had &erely done hi& a *riendly 'esture$ like helpin' hi& *i% a )roken lock# ,)i!Wan.s loyalty and dedication were received )y ui!"on with polite acceptance$ nothin' &ore# ui!"on turned sli'htly$ and ,)i!Wan studied his pro*ile# The Jedi -ni'ht.s worry and preoccupation *illed the roo& alon' with the 'rowin' li'ht# 3t had )e'un a*ter ui!"on had received the note# ui!"on had passed it o** as a 'reetin' *ro& an old ac/uaintance# But ,)i!Wan didn.t )elieve hi&# Still 'a>in' out the window$ ui!"on suddenly spoke# 29ou should dress# 3t.s al&ost ti&e *or the &eetin'#4 ,)i!Wan si'hed as he threw )ack the li'ht )lanket# +e hadn.t &oved one &uscle$ yet ui!"on had known he was awake# The Jedi -ni'ht was always at least two steps ahead o* hi&# Why didn.t ui!"on tell hi& what was wron'0 Was it the &essa'e$ or was ui!"on tired o* ,)i!Wan0 ,)i!Wan wanted to )lurt out the /uestion# But one o* the Jedi.s &ost serious rules was not to cross!e%a&ine a 8aster# Truth can hold 'reat power# There*ore the decision to share it &ust )e wei'hed# ,nly the 8aster could decide on revelation or conceal&ent$ accordin' to the 'reater 'ood# <or once$ ,)i!Wan was 'lad o* a rule that restrained hi&# +e was a*raid o* the answer to the /uestion he wanted to ask# ,)i!Wan *ollowed ui!"on into the 'overnor.s receivin' roo&# +e was surprised and encoura'ed that /ui!"on has invited hi& to the &eetin'# ?erhaps it &eant the Jedi was reconsiderin' whether to take hi& on as an apprentice a*ter all# ,)i!Wan was e%pectin' a lavish cha&)er$ )ut there was only a circle o* cushions on a )are stone *loor# Bando&eer could not a**ord to i&press 'uest# SonTa'$ the 'overnor o* Bando&eer$ entered the roo&# +er silver hair was cropped in tu*ts in the 8eerian style# +er dark 'a>e cal&ly rested on the Jedi# @ike all 8eerians$ she was s&all# ,)i!Wan towered over her# The 8eerians. s&all stature &ade the& 'reat
&iners# She held out )oth hands$ pal&s up$ in the 8eerian way# her 'esture# ui!"on and ,)i!Wan repeated
2"reetin's and welco&e$4 she said so*tly# She indicated the youn'er wo&an to her le*t# The youn'er wo&an.s cropped hair was also pale silver$ and her silver eyes )la>ed at the& across the roo&# Althou'h she was standin' /uietly$ her ener'y see&ed to send a vi)ration throu'h the air# 2This is DeerTa# She is the leader o* the +o&e ?lanet 8ine#4 The Jedi 'reeted DeerTa in the sa&e *ashion# They had )een )rie*ed a)out her# She was *ierce patriot who had )een instru&ental in *or&in' the +o&e ?lanet ?arty# The party 'oal was to replant the once *ertile *ields o* Bando&eer$ as well as control its resources# The *irst step was to end dependence on o**!planet corporations *or *inancial support# To that end$ DeerTa had 'one into partnership with the Arconans in the cooperative &ine# SonTa' indicated the cushions that the Jedi should sit on and took her own seat# Slowly$ SonTa' and DeerTa.s cushions rose in the air so that they were at eye level with ui!"on and ,)i!Wan# 23.ve asked DeerTa to 6oin us today )ecause we are )oth con*used )y your presence$. SonTa' )e'an# 2Althou'h we welco&e you$ we &ust ad&it we are surprised# We understand that the A'ri!Corps has re/uested help# But we did not#4 ui!"on looked startled# 2But the Te&ple received an o**icial re/uest *ro& the 'overn&ent o* Bando&eer *or a "uardian o* ?eace# 3 have the docu&entation#4 23.& sure you do$4 SonTa' said *ir&ly# 2But 3 did not send it#4 2This is very stran'e$4 ui!"on &ur&ured# 25evertheless$ we are 'lad you are here$4 DeerTa said crisply# 2we have our dou)ts that ,**world Corporation will allow us to operate *reely# @et us 6ust say that they corporation has a history o* &akin' co&petition disappear#4 23.ve seen how they operate *irsthand$4 ui!"on responded# 23 have to a'ree#4 ui!"on.s voice was neutral$ )ut ,)i!Wan knew how deeply the Jedi disapproved o* ,**world practices# ,n the 6ourney to Bando&eer$ ,)i!Wan had )een shocked at how openly ,**world used inti&idation$ treats and outri'ht violence to keep control o* their e&ployees# Je&)a the +utt had deprived a 'roups o* Arconans o* the precious su)stance that kept the& alive# +e o**ered a )rutal choiceA to work *or ,**world$ or die# +e had even lau'hed in their *aces as they 'rew too weak to &ove# 2Then you.ll understand why we.d like to have a Jedi representative at our *irst &eetin' with ,**world$4 DeerTa said# 29our presence will ensure that everyone plays *air#4
ui!"on )owed# 23.ll )e happy to contri)ute what 3 can#4 (%cite&ent rose in ,)i!Wan# ,)viously$ the &eetin' ahead would )e i&portant# The *uture o* a planet was at stake# ?lus$ since the +o&e ?lanet 'roup was in lea'ue with the Arconans$ he would pro)a)ly 'et to see Si Tree&)a and Clat.+a a'ain# +e.d &ade *riends with )oth o* the& on the 6ourney to Bando&eer# Surely$ ui!"on would want hi& present at the &eetin'# 28y co&panion will )e travelin' to the (astern (nrich&ent =one$4 ui!"on said$ indicatin' ,)i!Wan# 2Can you arran'e transport *or hi&04 ,)i!Wan )arely listened to SonTa'.s a'ree&ent# Stirrin's o* an'er )e'an to *lutter underneath his *rustration# While ui!"on would )e involved in savin' a planet$ he.d )e watchin' plants 'rowC +e would )e a *ar&er$ a*ter all# +e.d held on to a hope that a*ter their adventures reachin' Bando&eer$ ui!"on would cancel ,)i!Wan.s ori'inal &ission# ,)viously$ ui!"on still didn.t )elieve he could )eco&e a -ni'ht# +e would send hi& o** to a *ar& )e*ore takin' hi& as a ?adawanC ,)i!Wan stru''led with his an'er# 8aster 9oda had told hi& that o*ten an'er wasn.t a)out another person$ )ut a)out hi&sel*# 2Close your &outh and open your ears$ you &ust$4 9oda had said# 2Then hear what your true heart is seekin'$ you will#4 Well$ ri'ht now his true heart was seekin' to screa& out his *rustration# ui!"on e%tended his hands$ pal&s up$ then *lipped the& over$ pal&s down# 3t was the *arewell 'esture o* the 8eerians# SonTa' and DeerTa repeated the 'esture# 5o)ody see&ed to care what ,)i!Wan did$ so purpose*ully$ he did not acknowled'e their partin'# ,)i!Wan.s lack o* courtesy was a severe in*raction *or a Jedi pupil# But ui!"on didn.t say a word as they walked throu'h the residence halls and out the &ain door# The air chilled ,)i!Wan.s *lushed cheeks as he and ui!"on paused on the steps# ,)i! Wan waited *or the older Jedi to repri&and hi&# Then he could tell ui!"on how he wanted to re&ain in Bandor# +e could line up his reason; he could ar'ue that ui!"on needed his support# 2Those see&in' not to notice you usually do$4 ui!"on said$ lookin' out into the distance# 2They choose no to show it# ,r they have 'reater concerns on their &inds# 3t is no reason *or discourtesy#4 2But 3 72 23 see that your discourtesy spran' *ro& an'er$4 ui!"on continued# +is voice was so*t and low$ as it usually was# 23 will i'nore it#4
An'ry words spran' to ,)i!Wan.s &ind# I( +ou're c&oosin# to i#nore it, w&+ are +ou $entionin# it1 ui!"on looked at ,)i!Wan directly *or the *irst ti&e# 29ou will not$ under any circu&stances$ intervene in any situation re'ardin' &y &ission$ or take any action$ without contactin' &e#4 ,)i!Wan nodded# ui!"on.s 'a>e swept the &ine towers o* Bandor# 2Thin's are rarely what they see&$4 he &ur&ured# 2That is why 3 wish to 72 ,)i!Wan started# 2Co&e$4 ui!"on interrupted sternly# 2@et.s 'et your thin's# 9ou &ust catch that transport#4 +e strode o** )riskly# ,)i!Wan *ollowed &ore slowly# +e saw his chance o* )ein' a Jedi -ni'ht dissolved in the cold$ 'ray air#
Chapter E
,anatos was not an eas+ student. T&ou#& &e was -er+ +oun# w&en &e *e(t Te*os, &e re$e$)ered t&at &e &ad co$e (ro$ a power(u* (a$i*+ on power(u* p*anet. !e used t&e in(or$ation to tr+ to i$press t&e ot&er students, $ost o( w&o$ ca$e (ro$ (ar *ess pri-i*e#ed )ac"#rounds. Qui-Gon was patient wit& t&is (au*t, &e considered it a c&i*dis& (ai*in# t&at wou*d disappear wit& ti$e and teac&in#. 2&en t&e+ (irst arri-ed at t&e Te$p*e, $ost o( t&e students sti** $issed t&eir (a$i*ies and &o$e p*anets. 3an+ o( t&e$ spun ta*es a)out t&eir )ac"#rounds or reto*d re$e$)ered stories. ,anatos rea**+ wasn't t&at di((erent, Qui-Gon to*d &i$se*(. 0nd &e $ade up (or &is sno))er+ wit& a #enuine desire to *earn and an e4ce**ent aptitude (or .edi s"i**s. 2&en t&e ti$e ca$e, Qui-Gon c&ose ,anatos as &id Padawan *earner. A*ter seein' a si&&erin' ,)i!Wan o** on his transport$ ui!"on went *or a walk# +is &ind &ulled over the &ornin'.s &eetin'# Who had *a)ricated the re/uest *or Jedi intervention in Bando&eer a**airs0 3* it was :anatos$ what was his reason0 +ad he lured ui!"on into a trap0 ui!"on pondered the /uestions$ )ut ca&e up with no answers# 3* there was a trap ahead$ he couldn.t see it# +e could hardly con*ess to SonTa' that he couldn.t help )ecause o* a &ysterious *i'ure *ro& his past who &i'ht still hold a 'rud'e# The only thin' he could do was proceed# The &ission on Bando&eer was real# SonTa' and DeerTa needed help#
SonTa' sent word to ui!"on that the &eetin' with ,**world would take place at the +o&e ?lanet 8ine# At the scheduled ti&e$ ui!"on headed out o* his /uarters# +e *ound SonTa' hersel* headin' toward hi& down the hall# 23.& 'lad 3 cau'ht up with you$4 she told hi&# 2We.ve chan'ed the location o* the &eetin'# 3 think it.s )etter *or )oth parties i* we &eet in a neutral place# 8ay)e i* there.s an o**icial tone to the proceedin's$ everyone will )e &ore polite#4 SonTa' 'ri&aced# 2At least that.s what 3 hope#4 23 hope the sa&e$4 ui!"on a'reed# +e shortened his lon' stride to &atch SonTa'.s# 3n the receivin' roo&$ DeerTa stood waitin'# She was wearin' the 'ray!)lue unisuit o* a &iner$ alon' with an i&patient look# 2This &eetin' is a waste o* ti&e$4 she told ui!"on )rus/uely# 2,**world will &ake us pretty pro&ises and then )reak the 23.& here to ensure that they don.t$4 ui!"on answered# +e liked the *iery DeerTa# +e hoped the &eetin' would 'o well *or her sake$ and *or Bando&eer.s# The door opened$ and Clat.+a$ the +u&an &ana'er o* the Arconan +arvest &inin' operation$ entered# ui!"on 'reeted her with a )ow# She returned it$ he vivid 'reen eyes 'ivin' hi& a war& 'lance# They had )een allies on the ship to Bando&eer; he hoped they would re&ain so here# They waited *or several &inutes$ )ut the ,**world representative didn.t show up# Sine Je&)a the +utt was killed durin' the 6ourney to Bando&eer$ no)ody knew who the new representative would )e# ,**world.s power structure was clouded in &ystery# 5o one even knew who its leader was# <inally$ an annoyed SonTa' 'estured at the cushions# 2We &i'ht as well start the &eetin'$4 she said# 23* they.re tryin' to inti&idate us$ 3.& not 'oin' to *all *or it#4 (veryone took their seats# The cushions &ade hei'ht ad6ust&ents so that everyone was at eye level# Clat.+a and DeerTa )e'an to )rie* SonTa' on pro'ress at the &ine# ui!"on heard their words$ )ut he was distracrated )y soðin' &ore i&portant# There was a distur)ance in the <orce# +e tuned into the distur)ance$ unsure o* what it &eant# The dark ripples were a warnin'$ )ut o* what0 The door suddenly *lew open# A youn' &an stood in the doorway# +is shiny )lack cape was lined in a )lue so deep it was al&ost )lack as well# A )roken circle scar &arked his cheek#
ui!"on.s 'a>e locked with the intruder.s# The &o&ent hun' suspended in the air# Then$ to ui!"on.s surprise$ :anatos )roke into a deli'hted 'rin# 2,ld *riendC So you are here# 3 hardly dared to hope#4 :anatos strode *orward$ handso&e and co&&andin'# +is )lack hair *lowed to his shoulders$ and his dark )lue eyes &atched the linin' on his cape# +e 'ave the 8eerian si'n o* 'reetin' to SonTa'$ then )owed# 2"overnor$ 3 &ust apolo'i>e *or &y lateness# 8y transport was held up in an ion stor&# 5othin' was &ore i&portant to &e than 'ettin' here on ti&e# 3 a& :anatos$ the representative o* ,**world#4 SonTa' 'reeted hi&$ pal&s up# 23 see that you already know ui!"on#4 29es$ 3 have had that 'ood *ortune# But 3 haven.t seen hi& in &any years#4 :anatos turned to ui!"on# +e )owed# There was no &ockery in the )ow$ ui!"on noted# Just respect# 9et he did not trust it# 23 'ot your &essa'e on &y arrival$4 he said neutrally# 29es$ 3 had heard you were dispatched *ro& Coruscant$4 :anatos answered# 2Since 3 had 6ust )een appointed ,**world.s representative$ 3 knew we would &eet# 5othin' 'ave &e &ore satis*action#4 ui!"on studied the youn' &an# Sincerity ran' in every word# What was 'oin' on0 23 see you &istrust &e$4 :anatos said# +is &idni'ht!)lue eyes )ea&ed a keen look at ui!"on# 29our sense o* caution hadn.t chan'ed# But surely other Jedi apprentices have le*t the path o* the Jedi without your &istrust04 2(very apprentice is *ree to leave at any ti&e# 9ou know that$4 ui!"on said evenly# 23* they leave honora)ly$ there is no &istrust#4 2And so 3 le*t# 3t was )est *or &e$ and *or the Jedi$4 :anatos said /uietly# 23 *ailed to lead that li*e# 9et it isn.t a source o* re'ret# 3 was not &eant to lead the li*e o* a Jedi#4 Suddenly$ he *lashed a s&ile at SonTa'$ Clat.+a$ and DeerTa# 23 value &y trainin' as a Jedi$ )ut it didn.t prepare &e *or the shock o* reentry# 3 &ust con*ess that 3 went astray *or a *ew years# That.s the last ti&e that ui!"on knew &e#4 0stra+1 ui!"on wondered# 3s that how :anatos thou'ht o* that ti&e0 2But 3.ve chan'ed# ,**world has 'iven &e that chance#4 :anatos leaned *orward$ his 'a>e on DeerTa# 2That.s why 3 ad&ire you$ DeerTa# ,**world sent &e to tell you that the co&pany will not inter*ere with your pro6ect# A
richer$ &ore secure$ Bando&eer is )etter *or all o* us#4 :anatos touched his chest# 23 ad&ire your leadership$ )ecause 3 love &y ho&e planet$ too# Telos is always in &y heart#4 +e turned to SonTa'# 2?erhaps i* ,**world donated ten percent o* its pro*its to the Bando&eer recla&ation e**ort$ it would convince you o* our sincerity04 SonTa' looked *lustered# ui!"on knew that even ten percent o* ,**world.s pro*its was an enor&ous su&# ,**world had never 'iven away any pro*its to a charita)le cause# The o**er &ust )e a trick# ui!"on didn.t trust it# But he could see that :anatos had reached SonTa' and DeerTa# ,nly Clat.+a still looked wary# But then$ she had &ore reason to dou)t ,**world# She had tan'led with the& recently# :anatos see&ed to pick up on Clat.+a.s &istrust# +e turned his penetratin' )lue 'a>e on her# 2When 3 took &y position with ,**world$ it was with the understandin' that certain policies would chan'e# 3 do not )elieve in plunderin' planets and leavin' the& )ehind when we have 'otten everythin' out that we want# ,ur actions on Bando&eer will )e the *irst de&onstration o* our new policy#4 SonTa' nodded# 23t.s a wise course# And Bando&eer will )e 'rate*ul *or your help 72 Suddenly a hu'e e%plosion rocked the roo&# DeerTa was knocked to the *loor# Be*ore the others could react$ ui!"on was on his *eet$ li'htsa)er in hand# ui!"on sensed the e%plosion had occurred outside the palace# +e hurried to the window# DeerTa stru''led to her *eet and *ollowed hi&# At *irst$ a lar'e )lack cloud co&pletely enveloped the view o* the city )elow# Then the wind picked up$ clearin' the view# A plu&e o* s&oke rose *ro& a &ineyard# ui!"on could see the ru))le o* a lar'e )uildin'# ,ne o* the &ine towers was down$ and the other leaned dan'erously# As they watched$ it slowly tipped and *ell$ de&olishin' a sha))y )uildin'$ pro)a)ly worker housin'# ui!"on saw *i'ures stu&)lin'$ runnin' away *ro& the disaster# There would )e others trapped inside$ he knew# The sirens )e'an$ hi'h!pitched and wailin'# Beside hi&$ DeerTa swayed$ then 'ripped the sill to keep hersel* upri'ht# 23t.s the +o&e ?lanet 8ine$4 she whispered#
Chapter F
I didn't start it. ,anatos wou*d sa+ w&ene-er a (i#&t )ro"e out )etween &i$ and anot&er apprentice. !is )*ue e+es wou*d )*a5e wit& sincerit+ and sorrow. 6i"e a (at&er, Qui-Gon wou*d a*wa+s tr+ to )e*ie-e &i$.
DeerTa.s hand curled into *ists# She let out a choked roar and threw hersel* at :anatos# Without see&in' to &ove$ ui!"on was suddenly )etween the two o* the&$ holdin' DeerTa o**# 3t would do no 'ood to attack :anatos# ui!"on knew *irsthand hoe *ierce and volatile a *i'hter he was# DeerTa stru''led a'ainst ui!"on.s iron 'rip# 29ou did thisC4 she spat at :anatos# 29ou.ll pay *or itC4 Clat.+a &oved to stand )eside DeerTa# ,utwardly she was cal&er$ )ut her eyes )etrayed the sa&e ra'e# 2,* course they did it$4 she said conte&ptuously# 23t.s 6ust their style# CowardsC4 :anatos looked pale# 23 assure you$ ,**world had nothin' to do with this# 3.& con*ident that the *acts will prove this 72 2(nou'h o* your liesC4 DeerTa shouted# She tried to sprin' at hi& a'ain# 2@et us )e cal&$4 SonTa' said ur'ently# 2DeerTa$ we &ust 'o to the &ine# They.ll need help#4 29es$ the &iners 72 DeerTa said# She rushed out# ui!"on had seen the e**ects o* e%plosions )e*ore# They were always terri)le# @ives were lost$ )odies &ai&ed$ spirits )roken# Blood &i%ed with ashes and tears# +e did not know why this tra'edy see&ed worse to hi&# ?erhaps )ecause the &iners had carved the &ine out o* rock and earth# They had worked with no &oney and little hope to )uild a *uture they had stru''led to even i&a'ine# They stacked )odies in the yard# ui!"on worked tirelessly to carry victi&s *ro& the wrecka'e# <orty &iners were trapped )elow 'round# Rescuin' the& was a painstakin' and dan'erous process# The e%plosion had )een touched o** in one o* the tunnels# The &ain ad&inistration )uildin' was co&pletely destroyed$ as well as the dwellin's surroundin' the &ine# 3t was dark )e*ore ui!"on and the others had *inished evacuatin' the wounded to &ed centers# At last$ there was nothin' &ore *or the& to do# Clat.+a called hi& to one o* the untouched )uildin's *or *ood and rest# +e 6oined DeerTa and Clat.+a at the ta)le$ )ut they were too e%hausted and sorrow*ul to touch the *ood# 2,ur drea& has died$4 DeerTa said# +er *ace was *ilthy with dirt and &ud#
25o$4 Clat.+a responded so*tly# 2That.s what they want# We can re)uild#4 The door opened$ and SonTa' entered# She$ too$ had helped at the &ine today# +er red and 'old tunic was *ilthy and caked with )lood# 2We have news o* the cause$4 she announced /uietly# 23t wasn.t ,**world# There was a &i%ture o* 'ases in a su)!level tunnel#4 DeerTa hal*!rose# 23&possi)leC4 she cried# 2We have sensors 72 2The sensor was inoperative$4 SonTa' said# 2Strictly a &echanical *ailure# The en'ineers are certain o* it#4 Clat.+a and DeerTa stared at SonTa' in dis)elie*# 2So it.s our *ault04 DeerTa asked nu&)ly# 23.& a*raid it appears that way$4 SonTa' replied# 2Could so&eone have sa)ota'ed the sensor04 DeerTa shook her head# 2We have the &ine under twenty!*our hour 'uard#4 SonTa' spread her hands# 28echanical *ailure is one o* the ha>ards o* &inin'#4 ui!"on wasn.t so sure# Soðin' wasn.t ri'ht here# Just then$ a knock ca&e at the door# A &iner handed a &essa'e to SonTa'# She read it# Then cru&pled it in her hand# 2Bad news04 Clat.+a asked# 25o$ 6ust surprisin'$4 SonTa' said slowly# 2:anatos has o**ered the resources o* ,**world to help re)uild the &ine# 8oney$ droids$ anythin' we want# ?lus$ he.ll house any displaced workers in ,**world housin'#4 2So he was sincere$4 DeerTa said$ surprised# ui!"on *elt distur)ed at this news# 3* this was a trap$ it was a costly$ ela)orate one# Were the stakes so hi'h *or :anatos0 Surely he wouldn.t 'o to all this trou)le 6ust to 'et reven'e on ui!"on# The site o* the &eetin' had )een &oved at the last &inute# The &ain )uildin' had )een co&pletely destroyed# 3* SonTa' hadn.t chan'ed her &ind$ they would all )e dead# :anatos was playin' a 'a&e# was# ui!"on only wished he knew what the 'oal o* the 'a&e
+e was sure o* 6ust one thin'A when it ca&e to :anatos$ 'a&es had no rules#
Chapter G
,)i!Wan was )ored# 3* he had to 'o on one &ore Spore Tour$ he would screa&# +e knew that A'ri!Corps did i&portant work# But why was he here0 3n the &iddle o* )rown$ parched earth$ the A'ri!Corps had constructed a 'iant do&e# Surroundin' the do&e were scienti*ic la)oratories and worker housin'# (ntrances *ro& the la)s and the ad&in centers led into the do&e itsel*# (veryone worked *or the 'ood o* the planet# 5o outside interests were allowed to control research$ and no pro*its were taken *ro& any discoveries# ,)i!Wan would have *ound the operation interestin' id it weren.t *or the *act that his tour 'uide$ a 8eerian na&ed RonTha$ was the dullest creature he.d ever &et# RonTha was *ascinated )y such thin's as ste& 'ra*ts and seed sprouts# +e could talk a)out the& *or hours in his dronin' &onotone# And he did# The only )ri'ht spot was that ,)i!Wan was a)out to )e reunited with his *riend Si Tree&)a$ the Arconans he.d &et on the transport# Arconans were )orn in nests and raised in close co&&unities# They didn.t have a hi'hly developed sense o* individual sel*$ and didn.t o*ten associate with outsiders# But Si Tree&)a had *or&ed a deep )ond o* *riendship with ,)i!Wan# +e had stood side )y side with hi& a'ainst +utts and To'orian pirates# Because o* his decision to take ,)i!Wan.s side a'ainst the +utt ,**world leaders$ he had al&ost lost his li*e# Si Tree&)a had discovered his own individual coura'e alon' the way# ,)i!Wan headed *or the ad&in center$ where he was to &eet RonTha and Si Tree&)a# +e saw his *riend waitin' and hurried to 'reet hi&# 23t is 'ood to see you a'ain$ &y 'ood *riend$4 he said$ claspin' )oth o* Si Tree&)a.s ar&s# The Arconan had a stron'$ snakelike )ody with slender ar&s and le's# 2We are )lessed to see you$ ,)i!Wan$4 Si Tree&)a answered# +is lar'e$ 'lowin' eyes were *ull o* pleasure# Arconans rarely$ i* ever$ used the word 23#4 Clat.+a had sent Si Tree&)a to &onitor the A'ri!CorpsH dactyl research# The Arconans needed the yellow crystal to survive$ and A'ri!Corps was tryin' to develop a way to incorporate it into the *ood supply# 3t was unusual *or one o* his species to travel alone$ )ut Si Tree&)a had )eco&e an unusual Arconan# Clat.+a knew she could depend on hi&# RonTha approached$ consultin' a datapad as he walked# 2Today we are scheduled to tour the northern&ost /uadrant o* the 'reat do&e#4 +e told the& in his usual drone# 2We have
&any *ascinatin' seed e%peri&ents to cover# Stay with &e at all ti&es$ an do not touch anythin'#4 RonTha led the way into the do&e# The vast$ enclosed place was lit )y an arti*icial sun$ actually an illu&inated )ank set hi'h in the do&e# ,utside the do&e was a vast )rown wasteland$ )ut here they were surrounded )y rustlin' 'rain and 'rasses# Around the& 'ardeners hurried to and *ro$ their ar&s *illed with *lats o* )a)y plants$ or seed dishes# Da>>led )y the li'ht and heat$ ,)i!Wan and Si Tree&)a trailed a*ter RonTha as he listed the &any a'ricultural e%peri&ents takin' place# 2With all this talk o* *ood$ we.re 'ettin' hun'ry$4 Si Tree&)a whispered to ,)i!Wan# 2We sure are$4 ,)i!Wan a'reed# +e swallowed as he 'li&psed a 'rove a trees ahead# @ar'e$ 'olden *ruit hun' *ro& &any )ranches$ close enou'h to pick# A tiny &onitor on RonTha.s )elt )e'an to 'low# +e switched it o**# 23.& )ein' called to the ad&inistration )uildin'$4 he told the&# 29ou.re *ree to wander a)out$ i* you wish# Just don.t 'o o** the path# And don.t touch anythin'C4 RonTha hurried o**# ,)i!Wan eyes the *ruit# 2Do you think when he said don.t touch anythin'$ he &eant *ruit04 he asked Si Tree&)a# Si Tree&)a.s trian'ular head )o))ed nervously# 2+ard to say#4 2?ro)a)ly not#4 ,)i!Wan looked around$ then /uickly swiped a yellow *ruit# +e tossed it Si Tree&)a$ then 'ot one *or hi&sel*# 2We really shouldn.t$4 Si Tree&)a said$ )itin' into the *ruit# 28&&****#4 ,)i!Wan waved a hand dis&issively$ chewin'# The *ruit was sweet and succulent$ yet had a crisp tan'# 3t was the &ost delicious *ruit ,)i!Wan had ever tasted# 2We.d )etter *ind so&eplace private to eat these$4 he said# Just then he and Si Tree&)a heard *ootsteps# They e%chan'ed 'uilty 'lances$ their &ouths *ull# With a 6erk o* his head$ ,)i!Wan indicated that they *all )ack )ehind the trees# A 'roup o* 'ardeners ca&e into si'ht$ carryin' )askets# They headed *or the orchard# 2Ih!oh#4 ,)i!Wan whispered# 2We.d )etter 'et out o* here#4 +e didn.t want the &ission to end with a disciplinary pro)le&# +e.d already had enou'h trou)les on the 6ourney here *ro& Coruscant# 2+eyC4 one o* the 'ardeners yelled# 29ou thereC4
Si Tree&)a )e'an to choke and dropped the *ruit# +e tripped over it as he tried to run# ,)i!Wan hauled hi& up and they dashed throu'h the orchard$ *inally reachin' a *ield# ,)i!Wan yanked Si Tree&)a under cover o* the tail 'rain# 2We.ll have to cut throu'h the *ield to 'et )ack to the &ain path$4 ,)i!Wan panted# They ran down the rows$ tryin' to *ind a way out# The *ield was &uch lar'er than they.d thou'ht# All they could see was 'reen$ and the arti*icial )lue sky a)ove# <inally$ they )urst out o* the last row$ ,)i!Wan *elt his *eet suddenly slide into soðin' da&p and &arshy# They *lew out *ro& under hi& and went *lyin'# Si Tree&)a *ollowed# Clots o* dirt splattered their *aces and tunics# They *inally landed and slid into a hu'e pile o* dirt# 2What.s that s&ell04 Si Tree&)a said$ wipin' a clot o* dirt out o* his eye# 23t s&ells worse than a )antha on a hot day#4 23 think we *ound the *ertili>er$4 ,)i!Wan 'roaned$ pullin' hi&sel* out o* the &uck# They surveyed their surroundin's# Behind the& was the *ield# Ahead was a )lank wall# Soðin' a)out the wall )othered ,)i!Wan# 3t was tall and sea&less$ and curved out o* si'ht around the *ertili>er pile# +e walked closer and placed his hands a'ainst the wall# The sur*ace was cool$ like &etal# When he took his hands away$ to surprise he saw$ 6ust *or an instant$ that his touch had caused transparency# 3t happened in the *licker o* an eyelid$ to /uickly *or hi& to see inside# 2What are you doin'04 Si Tree&)a asked i&patiently# +e let out the Arconan hissin' sound o* an%iety# 2@et.s 'o# This s&ell will kill us#4 Si Tree&)a hadn.t seen the wall *licker# ?erhaps the <orce was at work# 2,ne &o&ent$4 ,)i!Wan said# 23 think this &i'ht )e another way out#4 +e *elt care*ully alon' the wall$ watchin' as his *in'ers le*t a shi&&erin' transparency )ehind# +e.d never seen a &etal with this /uality )e*ore# <inally$ he *ound what he was lookin' *or 7 a sea&# +e traced it with a *in'er# 3t was a door# -eepin' his hand *lat on the door$ ,)i!Wan *elt the ener'y *ro& the livin' thin's around hi&$ the 'rain and *ruit$ the people$ the rich$ or'anic island that was the do&e# Si Tree&)a 'asped as the entire wall suddenly turned transparent# They saw that it was actually an anne% that e%tended )ack to the do&e wall# 3nside$ ,)i!Wan could see )a's o* *ertili>er and car'o )o%es o* various si>es#
23t.s 6ust a stora'e area$. Si Tree&)a said$ disappointed# 3t see&ed innocent# So why had it )een so well concealed0 ,)i!Wan pushed skill*ully on the door# +e heard a so*t electronic )eep$ and it swun' open# Si Tree&)a hissed nervously a'ain# +is pale$ lu&inous eyes *lickered# 2Are you sure we should 'o inside04 29ou stay here$4 ,)i!Wan instructed# 2-eep a lookout# 3.ll )e ri'ht )ack#4 +e stepped inside the space# 3&&ediately$ the walls turned opa/ue a'ain# 3t was like )ein' inside a white cu)e# +e )ent over to e%a&ine the la)els on the car'o )o%es# The la)els were )lack trian'ular shapes that showed a red planet with an or)itin' holo'raphic spaceship# ,)i!Wan reco'ni>ed it instantly 7 ,**world# +e leaned over to read &arkin's on the side o* the crate# +e &oved *ro& )o% to )o%$ readin' the descriptive la)els# (%plosives# Tur)o!drills# Detonators# Tunnel )orers# Biotic 'renades# These were &inin' supplies# But they were on protected A'ri!Corps land# A'ri!Corps was strictly *or)idden to concern itsel* with any pro*it!&akin' enterprise# Was so&eone here secretly in lea'ue with ,**world0 2,)i!Wan$ hurry upC4 Si Tree&)a called# 2We stinkC We want to take a showerC4 ,)i!Wan saw a s&all )o% in the corner that he had &issed# This one had no la)el$ only a &etallic icon that served as a clasp# 3t was a )roken circle# +e had seen enou'h *or now# ,)i!Wan slipped past the )o%es to the door# 2What is it04 Si Tree&)a asked# 2So&e kind o* secret anne% *or ,**world$4 ,)i!Wan said# 2They.re up to soðin'#4 Si Tree&)a.s 'reenish skill paled to a dull 'ray# 2+ere0 But they.re *or)idden#4 2Since when does that stop the&04 ,)i!Wan said 'ri&ly# 2@et.s 'et )ack# 3 have to contact ui!"on#4 29ou &ean you.re not 'oin' to do anythin'04 ,)i!Wan de&anded# *ront o* hi& in &iniature holo'ra& *or&# ui!"on wavered in
2There is nothin' to do$4 ui!"on said# 2Did you say the wall turned transparent with the <orce04
23.ve never seen anythin' like it$4 ,)i!Wan answered# 2+ave you04 ui!"on i'nored the /uestion# 2The in*or&ation is interestin'$ nothin' &ore# There.s no real proo* that ,**world is inter*erin' with A'ri!Corps research#4 ,)i!Wan wanted to howl in *rustration# 2They shouldn.t )e here at allC 3 should return to Bandor# ,**world is plannin' soðin' # # # soðin' )i'# We need to investi'ate thisC4 2There is no need$4 ui!"on said crisply# 29our &ission is to report )ack on the pro'ress o* A'ri!Corps#4 2What a)out the )roken circle on the )o%04 ,)i!Wan asked ur'ently# 2,)i!Wan$ *ollow your orders$4 ui!"on sternly replied# 23* you *ind proo* o* wron'doin'$ contact &e i&&ediately# Do not take any action on your own#4 2 ui!"on 72 2Did you hear &e$ ,)i!Wan04 29es$4 ,)i!Wan &ur&ured reluctantly# 25ow$ 3 &ust 'o# -eep &e in*or&ed#4 The holo'ra& wavered$ then disappeared# ,)i!Wan stared at the e&pty air where ui! "on.s i&a'e had hovered# ,nce a'ain# ui!"on had shut hi& out#
Chapter 1
T&ere was a ti$e w&en t&e circ*e was not )ro"en. T&ere was a ti$e w&en e-er+t&in# was as it see$ed. 2&en t&ere were no secrets. The )roken circle# +ad ,)i!Wan &istaken it0 ,r was :anatos involved in A'ri!Corps0 +e couldn.t ell the )oy# ,)i!Wan would de&and answers that ui!"on wasn.t willin' to 'ive# 3t was )etter to keep the past in the past# Besides$ the )oy &ust learn patience# ui!"on headed *or the +o&e ?lanet 8ine# 3t was a&a>in' how &uch work had )een done since the e%plosion# The &ine was scheduled to 'o )ack into operation in only a week# ,**world had *ollowed throu'h on its pro&ise$ and had 'iven &oney and droids# They had already cleared away de)ris *ro& the tunnels$ and were workin' on shorin' the& up a'ain#
Clat.+a waved at hi& *ro& across the yard# She was headin' into the &ine with her workers# She.d )arely stopped to sleep or eat since the e%plosion# ui!"on opened the door to the te&porary o**ice$ a hastily erected &etal shed# DeerTa sat at a &onitor that recorded the details o* the operation# When she spun around in her chair$ he saw that her *ace was ali'ht with e%cite&ent# 2There is 'ood news$4 DeerTa said in a low tone that thro))ed with e%cite&ent# 2The e%plosion has done us a 'reat service$ ui!"on 3t )lasted deeper into the 'round than we.ve ever 'one )e*ore# We.ve discovered a vein o* ionite#4 ui!"on was i&pressed# 3onite was one o* the &ost valua)le &inerals in the 'ala%y# 2Do you know what this &eans0 5o one has ever *ound ionite on Bando&eer# Traces$ yes# But our &ain resources is a>urite#4 DeerTa leaned *orward$ her 'a>e intense# 2The +o&e ?lanet 8ine will )e the only source# The pro*its are potentially enor&ous# This can save the entire planetC4 23t is 'ood news$4 ui!"on a'reed cautiously# 3t was one thin' to *ind a valua)le &ineral# 3t was another to control who &ined it# 29ou already see the pro)le&s ahead$4 DeerTa said shrewdly# Then we &ust keep this a secret# 3 haven.t even told the &e&)ers o* the )oard# ,nly Clat.+a knows# 3* ,**world discovers this$ then they will easily drive us out o* )usiness and 'ra) the vein *or the&selves# The e%plosion )lew up all the a>urite we.ve already &ined# Technically$ we.re )ankrupt#4 2What.s you plan04 ui!"on asked# 2Thanks to ,**world$ we have &oney$4 DeerTa said# 2True$ they 'ave it to us in order to )uy our trust )y helpin' us re)uild# But we can use it to &ine the ionite# We 6ust need a *ew weeks to 'et everythin' operational# Then ,**world can.t stop us#4 DeerTa.s *ace )la>ed with deter&ination# ui!"on allowed hi&sel* to *eel her enthusias&# But at the sa&e ti&e$ he wondered why DeerTa was lettin' hi& in on the secret# +e waited$ knowin' there was &ore# 2@et &e show you what we *ound$4 DeerTa said$ risin'# +e *ollowed her into the &ine# She 'ave hi& protective head'ear and led hi& into the south li*t tu)e# 2The - re'ion is sa*e$4 she assured hi&# 2We.ve &ana'ed to shore up Core G# We know throu'h sensin' devices that the new vein is )elow it# 3t.s a level we haven.t even du' to yet#4 K-7. Core 6. Startled$ ui!"on looked at the instru&ent panel on the elevator# As they
descended$ the indicator li'hts clicked on# Core 78. Core 9. Core 8. Core 7. . . The ni'ht&are rose in ui!"on.s &ind with all its dark power# 23s there a Core F04 he asked DeerTa# She shook her head# 2We don.t have the technolo'y to 'o that deep# 3t.s too close to the planet core# ,**world has developed deeper core technolo'y$ )ut i* we try to )uy or leas it$ we could tip the& o**# We hope to 'et enou'h ionite out o* Core G#4 The Core G li'ht 'lowed$ and the elevator stopped# ui!"on e%ited the tu)e and started to turn le*t# 25o$4 DeerTa said# 2The tunnel is co&pletely )locked that way#4 She hit a switch near the door$ and li'hts set into the rock walls 'lowed# ui!"on could see now that the tunnel was narrow and low!ceilin'ed$ with a hydraulic track that ran down the center# The tunnel curved to his le*t as was swallowed up )y inky )lackness# There was a pale$ )luish cast to the li'ht 'listenin' o** the )lue!)lack rock$ re*lection the presence o* a>urite# 2Clat.+a and 3 ca&e to see the da&a'e$4 DeerTa went on# 2the li*t tu)e in the north tunnel was da&a'ed$ )ut should )e operational in a *ew days# We have to *i% that *irst# She turned ri'ht and led thee way down the tunnel# A pile o* rocks lay in their path$ and a hole had )een )lasted in the tunnel *loor# 2The )last &ust have reacted with so&e 'ases )elow this level$4 she e%plained# 2+ere$ the )last &oved upward#4 She )ent down and picked up a rock# She scratched it with a *in'ernail# ui!"on cau'ht the 'lint o* a dull silver 'low# 2Clat.+a noticed this# We took it )ack to study# She had a hunch$ and she was ri'ht# 3onite# We dropped sensors and saw how &uch we had#4 29ou.re 'oin' to have to )e care*ul$4 ui!"on said# 23* :anatos *inds out 72 DeerTa nodded# 2That.s why we need you# We.d like you to 6oin the )oard o* directors o* +o&e ?lanet# With you on the )oard$ ,**world wouldn.t dare try to under&ine us# They.d have to 'o up a'ainst a Jedi#4 ui!"on was already shakin' his head# 2Jedi are *or)idden to take part in any pro*it! &akin' enterprise$4 he said# 2We can.t pro*it *ro& our protection# 3t.s an un)reaka)le rule#4 2But think o* the riches you.d )e entitled toC4 DeerTa said ur'ently# 29ou wouldn.t have to keep the& *or yoursel*# 9ou could donate the 23.& sorry DeerTa$4 ui!"on said *ir&ly# 23.ll help in any way 3 can# But this 3 cannot do#4
DeerTa looked disappointed# ,)viously$ she didn.t understand the role o* a Jedi# 23.ll have to )e satis*ied with that$ then4 she said# +er eyes 'littered as her 'a>e roa&ed the &ine sha*t# 23t.s all here# ,ur *uture# 3 only pray we will succeed#4 23 will do everythin' in &y power to ensure it$4 ui!"on pro&ised# Soðin' told hi& the task would not )e easy#
Chapter J
,)i!Wan told Si Tree&)a a)out his conversation with ui!"on# The Arconan nodded$ as i* he.d e%pected it# 2Clat.+a would say the sa&e$4 he said# 2We need &ore proo*#4 2Just what 3 was thinkin'$4 ,)i!Wan declared# Si Tree&)a hu&&ed with nerves# 2The last ti&e you had that look in your eye$ we ended up in a +utt prison#4 2Rela%$4 ,)i!Wan said# 2We.re only 'oin' to stake out the anne% toni'ht# We.ll 'o *or a little stroll in the do&e$ then wind up there# What can 'o wron'0K 2Any nu&)er o* thin'$4 Si Tree&)a &oaned# ,)i!Wan and Si Tree&)a stretched out *lat )etween two rows at the ed'e o* the *ield# They pulled a 'reen tarp over their heads *or war&th and ca&ou*la'e# 29ou &i'ht as well 'o to sleep$4 ,)i!Wan said# 23.ll take the *irst shi*t#4 23* you.re sure$4 Si Tree&)a &u&)led# +e closed his eyes# A &o&ent later$ he )e'an &akin' the snu**lin' sound Arconans &ake when they sleep# ,)i!Wan *elt char'ed with e%cite&ent a)out the stakeout# A*ter only an hour$ however$ his eyelids )e'an to droop as well# +e couldn.t *all asleepC 8ay)e he could take a /uick e%ploratory tour# That would wake hi& up# +e slithered out o* the *ield and stood# Brushin' hi&sel* o**$ he headed *or the )oor to the anne%# +e wanted another look at that sealed )o% with the )roken circle on it# Soðin' told hi& that ui!"on had reco'ni>ed the &ark# 8ay)e there was a way to ease it open without anyone knowin' he.d ta&pered with it# ,nce a'ain$ he used the <orce to open the door# (verythin' was e%actly where he had le*t it# +e crossed to the )o%# Just as he reached it$ he heard a noise )ehind hi&# +e whirled around and saw a hooded
*i'ure approachin'# At *irst he thou'ht it was Si Tree&)a$ wrapped in the tarp# The he reali>ed it was a stran'er in a shiny )lack cape# 2Who are you04 he asked# +e *elt the uneasy ripple o* soðin' dark in the <orce# 2A *riend$4 the hooded *i'ure said# 2So&eone who was once 6ust like you#4 +e threw o** the hood# +is )lue 'a>e was war& and *riendly# 23 used to )e his apprentice$ too#4 2 ui!"on.s04 ,)i!Wan asked suspiciously# 23.& not really his ?adawan# And everyone says his ?adawan died#4 23s that what they say04 the &an asked# 29et here 3 a&# What else do they say04 2That ui!"on.s ?adawan dis'raced the Jedi$4 ,)i!Wan said# 2And )etrayed ui!"on#4 The &an.s eyes )urned )lue *ire# 23s that ui!"on.s story04 Then the hard lines o* his *ace rela%ed# 23 was his ?adawan# So 3 know what you 'o throu'h every day$ ,)i!Wan -eno)i# 3 know what you wait *or# +is approval# +is trust# But he keeps )oth *ro& you# +e keeps a skin o* 3ce around hi&sel*# The &ore you try to please hi&$ the *arther away he 'oes#4 ,)i!Wan said nothin'# The words see&ed to have co&e *ro& his own heart# At his worst &o&ents$ it was e%actly what he thou'ht# :anatos looked co&passionately at the )oy# 29oda praises hi&# The "alactic Senate depends on hi&# (veryone vies to )e his apprentice# But he is the worst kind o* 8aster# +e denies you his trust# 9et he de&ands everythin' o* you#4 ,)i!wan heard the words as i* he were in a trance# !ow true it is, he thou'ht# Deep an'er stirred$ an'er that lay dor&ant inside hi&# +e *eared his an'er &ore than any ene&y# 23 a& :anatos$4 the &an said# 2Did he ever &ention &e to you04 ,)i!Wan shook his head# :anatos 'ave a sad$ rue*ul s&ile# 25o$4 he said so*tly# 2+e would not# 3t.s up to &e to tell you what he did to &e# +ow he )uilt &e up$ kept &e )y his side$ always with the pro&ise that 3 would advance# 9et$ in the end$ he )roke every pro&ise# 3t will happen to you$ too$ ,)i!Wan#4 Could it )e true0 Could ui!"on.s coolness hide the seeds o* )etrayal0 ,)i!Wan had *elt the chill o* ui!"on.s reserve$ )ut he always assu&ed it was )ecause ui!"on hadn.t accepted hi&# Did ui!"on.s secrecy hide evil$ or 'ood04 2Why are you tellin' &e this04 ,)i!Wan asked warily#
2To warn you$4 :anatos sad# 2That.s why 3 ca&e# 9ou 72 +e stopped suddenly# +e held up a hand# 2So&eone is co&in'$4 he whispered# Suddenly$ *ive security o**icers )urst in# ,)i!Wan saw the red planet patch on their uni*or&s# ,**worldC What was their security *orce doin' in the do&e0 ,ne o* the &en spoke into a co&link# 2We *ound the thieves#4 +e said# 25o$4 ,)i!Wan said# 2We.re 6ust 72 But :anatos had drawn his li'htsa)er# ,)i!wan watched in surprise as :anatos char'ed# ,nly Jedi carried such weapons# The 'uards drew their )lasters$ and ,)i!Wan had no choice# 3n the )link o* an eye$ he had powered up his own li'htsa)er and 6oined the )attle# +e *elt the reassurin' wei'ht in his hand as he wielded the weapon$ knockin' a )laster *ro& the 'uard.s 'rasp# +e knew ui!"on would not want hi& to kill ,**world 'uards# 3t could &ake a )ad situation worse )ack in Bandor# So he *ou'ht de*ensively$ while :anatos )eca&e to a''ressor$ spinnin' throu'h the air to deliver scorchin' hits# But he$ too$ see&ed reluctant to land a killin' )low# :anatos.s Jedi skills &ust have )een rusty# +e allowed hi&sel* to )e &aneuvered into a corner# The 'uards advanced with )lasters drawn# ,)i!Wan leaped on top o* a pile o* crates and threw hi&sel* into the 'roup$ ar&s and le's scissorin' in the air# Two 'uards went down *irin'$ and he *elt searin' pain in his shoulder# Still$ he was a)le to kick the third 'uard.s )laster *ro& his hand# The 'uard suddenly produced an electro!6a))er# +e raised it a'ainst :anatos as ,)i!Wan raced to stop hi&# ,)i!Wan de*lected the &ove with his li'htsa)er$ )ut the electro!6a))er dealt a 'lancin' )low a'ainst his ri)s# Blindin' pain shot throu'h his )ody# +e reached out *or the <orce di>>ily$ )ut so&eone s&ashed hi& *ro& )ehind# +is vision turned 'ray and *u>>y$ and he sank to his knees# The last think he re&e&)ered was hittin' the *loor#
Chapter L
Now Qui-Gon cou*d see &is $ista"es. !e &ad )een )*ind to ,anatos' (au*ts. !e indu*#ed t&e )o+. !e #a-e wit&out seein#. !e was a (ai*ure as a 3aster, )ecause &e trusted &is apprentice too $uc&. !e *et &is (ondness )*ind &i$ to w&at &e s&ou*d &a-e seen a** a*on#.
A*ter so&e re*lection$ ui!"on decided to ask SonTa' and DeerTa i* they had seen a )o% like the one ,)i!Wan descri)ed# They had )oth visited the A'ri!Corps (nrich&ent =ones &any ti&es# ?erhaps there was a si&ple e%planation *or what ,)i!Wan had *ound# ui!"on descri)ed the )o%$ and DeerTa nodded# 23.ve seen a )o% like that#4 2So have 3$4 SonTa' a'reed$ thinkin'# 23n the Western (nrich&ent >one# 3 was there 6ust recently#4 23 think 3 saw one in the 5orthern =one$4 DeerTa added# 23t was with the other e/uip&ent# 3.& sure it contains A'ri!Corps instru&ent#4 3t was e%actly the response ui!"on had )een hopin' *or# The )o% &ust not )e si'ni*icant# 3n the other >ones$ it had )een in plain view# So why was he worried0 8ay)e )ecause it had )een placed with ,**world &inin' e/uip&ent# ,)i!Wan couldn.t have )een wron' a)out that# Back in his /uarters$ he 6acked into his data pad to investi'ate ,**world# +e was curious a)out what position :anatos held# +is *or&er apprentice had )een uncharacteristically silent on that su)6ect# 3* he was a hi'h o**icial$ wouldn.t he have )oasted o* his title0 ui!"on searched ,**world co&pany records# +e could *in no &ention o* the na&e :anatos# Which &eant what0 (ither :anatos had )een lyin' a)out his involve&ent$ or his position was a secret within his own co&pany# But why0 ui!"on clicked a *ew &ore keys# The head o* the co&pany was anony&ous$ )ut a )oard o* directors was listed# ui!"on reco'ni>ed &ost o* the na&es$ rulers o* worlds that were virtually controlled )y ,**world# <i'ureheads# There were no answers # # # yet# But he had an idea where to look *or the&# 3t was ti&e to pay a visit to ,**world +ead/uarters# ,**world did not try to )eauti*y their Bando&eer o**ice# The )uildin'$ a )lack$ windowless )lock$ echoed the 'ri& &ines that surrounded it# ui!"on entered the center hall with its a>urite!studded walls# The &ineral was its only decoration# A +utt security 'uard sat )ehind a )lack cu)e that served as a desk# +is )ody rolled past the con*ines o* the desk# +e turned *lat$ dead eyes toward ui!"on# 23 have co&e to see :anatos$4 ui!"on said#
28ove$ wretch$4 the +utt replied$ )ored# 2Take your petty co&plaints to you i&&ediate supervisor# There.s no one here anyway# :anatos is on an e%ploration trip to the northern &ine /uadrant#4 The +utt reached *or a )laster# So &uch *or corporate hospitality# ui!"on didn.t &ove a &uscle# +e concentrated on the +utt.s 'reasy &ind$ pullin' in ener'y *ro& the <orce# 2?erhaps 3 should wait in his private o**ice$4 he said# 29ou should wait in his private o**ice#4 The +utt repeated tonelessly# 2Take the restricted tu)e to +ori>ontal Thirty#4 2Security controls should )e li*ted$4 ui!"on said# 2All security controls shall )e li*ted#4 ui!"on entered the tu)e &arked RESTRICTED# There was only one indicator li'ht$ *or +ori>ontal Thirty# The li*t tu)e reached the *loor in seconds# +e stepped o** into a reception area# The chairs were &ade o* stone# The cu)elike desk was e&pty# +e could see no door to another roo&$ 6ust a )lank$ e&pty wall# A )lank wall # # # +e placed a hand a'ainst the wall# When he took it away$ he saw a )rie* *licker o* transparency# ,)i!Wan.s description to''ed at ui!"on.s &e&ory# +e.d read a)out the technolo'ical advances on Telos$ the ho&e planter o* :anatos# Recently they had )een a)le to cover transparisteel with a special coatin' the rendered it opa/ue# When a ther&oelectrical was 'enerated$ the wall returned to nor&al transparency# +e pressed his whole )ody a'ainst the wall and it turned transparent# +e could see the inner o**ice# Still$ where was the door0 ui!"on drew the <orce in and <elt it &ove within hi& like a crestin' wave# The entire wall )eca&e transparent# The hidden door swun' open# As soon as he was inside$ the wall was once &ore opa/ue# 3t was a clever syste&$ ui!"on thou'ht$ walkin' toward the enor&ous stone desk# :anatos could control the transparency *ro& the reception area# +e would )e a)le to see inside the o**ice )e*ore he entered# 3* so&eone &ana'ed to slip past security checks$ the intruder would )e una)le to hide in the o**ice# +ow like :anatos# Concealin' and revealin'# +e.d *or'otten how clever his apprentice
was a)out secrets# +e would reveal soðin'$ leadin' you to think he had told you everythin'# But what he revealed was always tri*le# +e kept the &ost i&portant secrets under his control# The only piece o* *urniture in the o**ice was the stone desk# ui!"on pressed a )utton$ and a data pad rose *ro& the top o* it# +e accessed the *ilin' syste&# Just as he suspected$ it was holo'raphic# The *iles rose )e*ore hi&# +e *lipped throu'h the directory# There was a *ile on the +o&e ?lanet 8ine$ and he accessed it# 3t wasn.t very help*ul$ 6ust a list o* &oney and droids that had )een loaned a*ter the e%plosion# +e closed it# Then he saw a *ile directory with no na&e# An icon hovered where the la)el should have )een# Two )roken 'olden circles that overlapped# ui!"on.s heard )eat *aster# The two )roken circles could )e read as letters$ too# , and C# ,**world Corporation# ui!"on accessed the directory$ )ut a warnin' red li'ht pulsed# 2?assword$ please$4 a voice said# ui!"on hesitated# -nowin' :anatos$ he had only one chance to 'et it ri'ht# And i* he didn.t$ :anatos had surely ri''ed the holo'ra& to alert hi& that so&eone had tried to )reak in# 3t was a risk# But he had to take it# 2Crion$4 he said$ usin' :anatos. *ather.s na&e# The directory *lipped open# +e scanned the list o* *iles# To his dis&ay$ they were all written in code# +e would never have ti&e to )reak it# And i* he re&oved a *ile$ :anatos would know he.d )een there# But he.d 'otten what he.d co&e *or$ anyway# ui!"on closed the *ilin' syste& thou'ht*ully# Two )roken circles had *or&ed the initials o* ,**world Corporation# ?erhaps others would see that as a coincidence# But he knew that nothin' was casual to :anatos# ui!"on.s instinct told hi& that he had *ound the person who controlled ,**world# ?erhaps :anatos had even *ounded it# But why would he keep it secret0 /o &e cou*d $aneu-er $ore easi*+, ui!"on 'uessed# :anatos had always pre*erred stealth and trickery to achieve his ends# The /uestion was A what was :anatos a*ter0
Chapter 1M
Qui-Gon was sure ,anatos was read+. !e &ad spent +ears wit& t&e )o+, watc&in# &i$ )eco$e a $an. !is $aster+ o( t&e *i#&tsa)er was unsurpassed in &is c*ass. !is a)i*it+ to
(ocus on t&e :orce $atc&ed &is 3aster's. !e passed t&e pre*i$inar+ tests wit& a nearper(ect score. Qui-Gon was read+ to we*co$e &i$ as a .edi Kni#&t. It was a proud $o$ent. %ut Yoda was not so sure. Yoda said t&ere wou*d )e one *ast test. The holo'raphic picture o* 9oda rose )e*ore ui!"on# The trans&ission was clear# +is heavy!lidded eyes )linked slowly$ &akin' hi& appear )ored$ )ut his lon' ears twitched# ui!"on had co&e to reco'ni>e the si'n o* the 8aster re'isterin' surprise# 2So :anatos could )e plannin' a 'reat evil$ you say$4 9oda said# 2That you have discovered this is 'ood$ ui!"on# 9et ti&e to react$ it is not#4 2Bit 3 suspect he &i'ht )e plannin' to take over Bando&eer$4 ui!"on protested# 2This planet has no resources to *i'ht# 3t &ust )e prevented )e*ore it happens#4 2But sa*ety id your concern$ is it not0 De&and that you &ove slowly$ that does# ?roo* o* a plan you do not have$4 9oda pointed out# 2Read the *iles$ you could not#4 23 can read &i$. :anatos#4 2Ah$ so certain$ are you0 Certain you always were a)out hi ui!"on *ell silent# 3n his /uiet way$ the 8aster had re)uked hi&# 9es$ he had )een certain a)out :anatos# +e had de*ended hi& a'ainst every 'entle warnin' 9oda had 'iven# 29ou have pushed aside your past *or too lon'$ ui!"on$4 9oda said$ a*ter a pause# 2Runnin' *ro& it$ you are# 9et you can run a little lon'er )e*ore you turn and *i'ht#4 23* you say$ 8aster#4 ui!"on tried to hide his i&patience# +e stru''led to consider 9oda.s wisdo&# 3t was never wise to dis&iss his advice# 2Ise :anatos. tactics a'ainst hi&$ you &ust$4 9oda o**ered# 2+e plays with you# ?lay alon' *or now$ you will# "ive hi& roo& to &ake a &istake# Slip he will# The trick is to wait *or it#4 29es$4 ui!"on said# 23 see a path now#4 +e )e'an to si'n o**$ )ut 9oda held up his hand# 2,ne last thin 3 have$4 he said# 2A /uestion$ it is# Why do you leave ,)i!Wan in the dark$ ui!"on0 +e knows not o* this$ 3 think# 9et he is on the sa&e trail you are on$ in a di**erent place#4 2That.s true$4 ui!"on ad&itted# 2But there is no need *or hi& to know yet# 3t places
hi& at risk# 3.& keepin' hi& out o* dan'er#4 2The apprentice accepts the dan'er when the 8aster accepts the apprentice$4 9oda replied# 29ou *or'et$4 ui!"on said coolly# 23 did not accept ,)i!Wan# +e is not &y apprentice# We are on a planet to'ether# There is a di**erence#4 9oda nodded slowly# 2Trust is the di**erence# (asier you think$ to chan'e the past than the *uture#4 ui!"on *elt irritated# 2That.s illo'ical$4 he said# 29ou can.t chan'e the past#4 25ot lo'ical$ yes$4 9oda a'reed# 2Then why do you think it04 Still noddin'$ 9oda ended the co&&unication# ui!"on stood at the window$ lookin' east over Bandor# As usual$ 9oda had &ade hi& /uestion hi&sel*# Why had he re)u**ed ,)i!Wan.s e**orts to help0 And what i* he.d placed the )oy in &ore dan'er )y not warnin' hi& a)out :anatos0 +e had )een wron'# Althou'h it so&eti&es took hi& too lon' to co&e to that conclusion$ once he did$ he acted swi*tly# +e activated his co&link and sent a &essa'e to ,)i!Wan# Isually$ the )oy answered i&&ediately# A*ter ten &inutes had passed$ ,)i!Wan 'rew worried# +e sent a &essa'e to Si Tree&)a# 5o answer# +e closed his eyes$ 'atherin' the <orce# +e *elt it then$ soðin' dark$ a void# ,)i!Wan was in dan'er# So&eone pounded on his door# +e crossed to it$ already knowin' it would )e )ad news# Clat.+a stood in the hallway# +er sleek read hair was awry$ and her 'reen eyes were *ull o* worry# 2Si Tree&)a 6ust contacted &e with news$4 she said# 2,)i!Wan has disappeared#4
Chapter 11
With his eyes closed$ he heard the sound o* the sea# ,r was it the poundin' in his te&ples0 Cautiously$ ,)i!Wan opened his eyes# +e was in a lon'$ narrow roo& with a low ceilin'# Rows and rows o* sleepin' plat*or&s surrounded hi&# Beddin' was rolled up at the *oot o* each wide plat*or&# +e was alone# +is li'htsa)er was 'one$ as was his co&link# +is ri)s and shoulder were )anda'ed# Soðin' was around his neck# ,)i!Wan ran his *in'ers around it# 3t was a collar# 3t *elt s&ooth$ with no o)vious clasp to re&ove it# 3t
hu&&ed underneath his *in'ertips# 8ay)e it was so&e sore o* healin' device# When he raised his head$ a sharp pain &ade hi& release his )reath in a hiss# ,)i!wan )reathed slowly$ cal&in' his &ind as he.d )een tau'ht# +e accepted the pain# +e welco&ed it as a *riend$ advisin' hi& that his )ody had )een in6ured# +e thanked it *or alertin' hi& to this# And he *ocused his will on healin'# A*ter only a &o&ent or two$ the pain lessened sli'htly$ enou'h *or hi& to stand# There was a narrow window hi'h a)ove hi&# +e )alanced on a sleepin' plat*or& and stood tiptoe to see out o* it# Despair *illed hi&# A 'reat 'ray sea stretched )e*ore hi& *or kilo&eters# There was no si'n o* land# 5o ships# ,nly this hu'e plat*or&$ with tall towers risin' *ro& the sea# +e knew where he was at once 7 the "reat Sea o* Bando&eer$ which covered hal* the planet# +e &ust )e on so&e sort o* deepsea &inin' plat*or&# The deepsea &ines were only whispered a)out# They were rou'h$ dan'erous places that &any &iners did not survive# 2So you.re awake#4 ,)i!Wan turned$ startled# A tall$ &ourn*ul creature stood in the doorway# +is skin was dark$ )ut appeared to )e peelin' in white patches# Two white circles surrounded his eyes# +e had e%traordinarily lon'$ ru))ery ar&s that dan'led past his knees# 2+ow are you *eelin'0 3 was worried$4 he asked$ )ut )e*ore ,)i!Wan could respond$ he chuckled# 23 lieC 5ot soC4 2Who are you04 ,)i!Wan asked# +e *elt di>>y$ and he co&&anded his &ind to clear# +e stepped down care*ully *ro& the plat*or&# 2The na&e is "uerra$ not that you need to know it so# 3.& a ?hindian# We.re a &i%ed lot$ here# Which re&inds &e$ +u&an )oy$# 8ove#4 "uerra.s ar& shot out suddenly# 3t reached across two sleepin' plat*or&s and *astened on ,)i!Wan.s wrist# 23 don.t have all day# The 'uards will )e here with electro!6a))ers *or )oth o* us i* 3 don.t 'et you out*itted#4 2,ut*itted *or what04 2,ut*itted *or what0 A vacation on Syn'ia &oonC4 "uerra chortled# 25ot so$ 3 lieC 8inin'$ o* course#4 2But 3.& not a &iner$4 ,)i!Wan protested as "uerra dra''ed hi& toward the doorway# 2,h$ so sorry# 3n that case$ you don.t have to work#4 "uerra.s odd$ patchy *ace leered at
hi&# 23nstead$ you can )e thrown o** the plat*or&# 9ou.ll have such a lovely swi& 72 25ot so04 ,)i!Wan 'uessed# "uerra chortled and slapped ,)i!Wan on the )ack$ sendin' hi& *lyin'# 2"ood one$ +u&an )oyC 5ot soC Thrown o** to drown# (%cept the *all will kill you *irstC 5ow$ co&e alon'#4 "uerra pushed hi& throu'h the doorway# A cold wind hit his *ace# Around hi& were piles o* &inin' e/uip&ent# Droids were )usy haulin' )ea&drills to a li*t tu)e$ where workers were waitin'# "uards were everywhere on the plat*or&$ patrollin' with electro! 6a))ers and )lasters# As they cli&)ed stairs to the second level$ ,)i!Wan saw that the plat*or& was &uch )i''er than he.d thou'ht$ a)out the si>e o* a s&all city# +ydrocra*ts sped )ack and *orth *ro& the deepsea plat*or&s that rin'ed the &ain structure# "uerra pushed hi& into a stora'e roo&# +e ru))ed his eyes to survey the e/uip&ent$ and the white patches around his eyes widened# ,)i!Wan reali>ed that "uerra.s skin was actually *air# +e was covered with &inin' dust and 'ri&e# "uerra cau'ht hi& starin'# 2Showers once a &onth$ )ut why )other0 Soon$ you.ll look like &e$ +u&an )oy#4 2"uerra$ 3.& not a &iner$4 ,)i!Wan repeated# 23.ve )een kidnapped and sent here# 3.& 72 "uerra )urst out lau'hin'# +e slapped his knees with *lappin' hands# 2-idnapped0 +ow aw*ulC @et &e alert the security *orcesC ,h$ 3 lie a'ainC +ow do you think 3 'ot here0 Do you think 3 volunteered0 We.re all slaves$ don.t you see0 At the end o* *ive years$ they 'ive you enou'h to pay transport o**!planet and start over# 3* you survive# 8ost don.t#4 2<ive years04 ,)i!Wan asked$ swallowin' hard# 2That.s the contract you si'n$4 "uerra said# 29ou.ll need a ther&osuit# And a tech! hel&et# So&e tools # # #4 2But 3 didn.t si'n a contractC4 "uerra lau'hed a'ain as he held a ther&osuit a'ainst ,)i!Wan and re6ected it as too s&all# 2Stop distractin' &e with 6okes$ +u&an )oyC Did 3 si'n0 They *or'e it soC4 28y na&e is ,)i!Wan -eno)i# 3 a& a Jedi pupil#4 2Jedi$ -edi$ @edi$ 8edi$4 "uerra said in a nonsense sin'son'# 2Doesn.t &atter who you
are# 9ou could )e the ?rince o* Coruscant 5o one will *ind you here#4 +e tossed another ther&osuit at ,)i!Wan# 2This one will have to do# So$ now *or a tech!hel&et#4 ,)i!wan clutched the suit a'ainst hi&# 3t was stained and da&p# +e couldn.t i&a'ine puttin' it on# +e was already chilled to the )one# +is head pounded a'ain$ and he touched it care*ully# +e could *eel the )ruise on the )ack o* his scalp# Blood &atted his hair# +is ri)s were on *ire# The he re&e&)ered the collar# +e touched it# 23s this so&e sort o* healin' device$ "uerra04 This ti&e$ "uerra *ell )ack into the pile o* ther&osuits# +e lau'hed so hard he )e'an to choke# 2SoC 9ou &ake &e lau'h a'ain$ ,)awan# +ealin' deviceC4 +e hooted with lau'hter$ then cleared his throat# 25ot soC 3t is an electro!collar# 3* you try to leave the &inin' plat*or&$ 'a!cooshC4 "uerra.s ru))ery ar&s waved# 29ou )low upC4 ,)i!Wan touched the collar 'in'erly# 2The 'uards can )low us up04 25ot the 'uards$4 "uerra e%plained cheer*ully# 2(lectro!collars are activated on the &ainland# Just in case o* re)ellion$ you see# 3* we overpowered the 'uards$ we &i'ht )e a)le to dis&antle the devices$ 'ot it0 So the 'uards can.t )low us up$ no#4 "uerra s&iled a&ia)ly at hi&# 2They can only )eat us and )last us and stun us and throw us over)oard#4 2What a relie*$4 ,)i!Wan &uttered# "uerra 'rinned$ his teeth *lashin' yellow# 23 like you$ ,)awan# SoC 3.ll watch out *or you 7 haC 5ot so$ 3 lie a'ainC 3 trust no)ody and no)ody trust &e# 5ow hurry )e*ore the 'uards co&e and 'ive us a stun#4 "uerra poked hi& and &ade a si>>lin' sound$ then lau'hed uproariously# 2Don.t look so sad$ ,)awan# To&orrow$ you.ll pro)a)ly )e deadC4 ,)i!Wan cli&)ed reluctantly into the ther&osuit# +e 'ra))ed the tech!hel&et and strapped on the servo!tool )elt# +e had no choice# 5ot yet# +e had to *i'ure out how to escape# "uerra said that no one had ever done it# But a Jedi had never )een here )e*ore# +e hoped# ,)i!Wan cleared his &ind# +e pushed away his *ear and despair# +e *ocused on the collar around his neck# Surely he could use the <orce to override the device# +e concentrated hard$ )rin'in' the <orce around hi& to )ear on the collar# +e used every ounce o* his trainin' and discipline# But the collar still hu&&ed with its electro!char'e# +e was too weak perhaps# +e would have to )ide his ti&e#
3* he survived # # # As he returned to the deck$ he saw a 'uard viciously stun a &iner who had stu&)led# +ow could he survive this0 P*a+ a*on# (or now, +ou wi**. The word ca&e to hi& clearly# 9oda.s words# Just hearin' the tones o* the Jedi 8aster pushed the despair away and 'ave hi& coura'e# ,)i!Wan li*ted his head# +e was a Jedi# +e would play alon'# And he would survive#
Chapter 1E
2e &a-e one *ast $ission, was a** Yoda wou*d a**ow Qui-Gon to sa+ to ,anatos. 0nd t&en +ou wi** )eco$e a .edi Kni#&t . . . Si Tree&)a knew nothin'# Clat.+a told ui!"on that one &inute Si Tree&)a had )een asleep and the ne%t$ he woke up to *ind ,**world 'uards hustlin' ,)i!Wan away# ,)i! wan had )een unconscious# ui!"on.s heart twisted at this news# Si Tree&)a had not seen anyone rese&)lin' :anatos# Still$ ui!"on knew he had to )e involved# +e had )een away *ro& Bandor# Surely that was no coincidence# +e.d heard *ro& SonTa' that :anatos had since returned# 9oda had told hi& not to con*ront :anatos directly# But that was )e*ore he knew that ,)i!Wan had )een kidnapped# The rules o* the 'a&e had chan'ed# ,* course$ he should contact 9oda with an update and await instructions *ro& the Council# But he wouldn.t# +e was tired o* )ein' played with# This wasn.t 6ust a 'a&e# :anatos was tauntin' hi&$ darin' hi& to risk open con*rontation$ and now he had involved the )oy# As an apprentice$ :anatos. chie* *ailin' had )een overcon*idence# was# ui!"on hoped it still
ui!"on knew that :anatos was overseein' the operation o* ,**world.s lar'est a>urite &ine on the outskirts o* Bandor# +e waited until dusk# +e watched :anatos leave the s&all cra&ped ad&inistration )uildin' that served the &ine and the ad6oinin' s&eltin' plant# The shi*ts had 6ust chan'ed$ and the area was clear o* &iners# All the ad&inistrative workers had le*t# Just as ui!"on had hoped#
Sla' piles rose around the yard# ,**world never )othered to keep the &inin' area clean o* de)ris# The sky was dark 'ray *adin' to )lack# 9et the li'hts had not )een turned on in the yard$ pro)a)ly to save &oney# Anyone arrivin' late *or a shi*t would have to *eel their way to the &ine# ui!"on waited until :anatos had crossed the yard# Then he &oved *ro& the shadows o* the sla' pile into :anatos. path# :anatos stopped# There was no surprise on his *ace# +e wouldn.t allow hi&sel* to show it$ not even in a deserted yard at near dark when his oldest ene&y appeared out o* nowhere# ui!"on e%pected no less# 23* you have plans *or Bando&eer$ you should know 3 a& here to stop you$4 he said# :anatos *lun' one side o* his cloak )ehind hi&# +is hand rested casually on the hilt o* a li'htsa)er# :anatos had )roken a sole&n rule )y leavin' the Jedi and retainin' it# :anatos patted the li'htsa)er# 29es$ 3 still have it# A*ter all$ 3 trained *or all those years# Why should 3 'ive it up like a thie*$ when 3 deserve to carry it04 2Because you deserve it no lon'er$4 ui!"on answered# 29ou sha&e it#4 A *lush spread over :anatos. *ace# ui!"on.s co&&ent had hit its &ark# Then he rela%ed$ s&ilin'# 23 see you are still a hard &an$ ui!"on# ,nce that )othered &e# 5ow it a&uses &e#4 :anatos )e'an to circle around hi&# 2We were *riends at the end$ &ore than 8aster and apprentice#4 29es$4 ui!"on said$ trackin' hi&$ &ovin' with hi&# 2We were#4 2All the &ore reason *or you to )etray &e# To you$ *riendship is nothin'# 9ou en6oyed &y su**erin'#4 2The )etrayal was yours# As was the en6oy&ent o* su**erin'# That is what you discovered on Telos# 9oda had already seen it# And that is why he knew you would *ail#4 29odaC4 :anatos spat the word# 2That knee!hi'h trollC +e thinks he has power# +e hasn.t drea&ed o* a tenth o* the power 3 knowC4 2You know04 ui!"on asked &ildly# 2+ow do you know such power$ :anatos0 A &id! level &an'er o* a corporation$ sent to do the )oard.s )iddin'04 23 do no one.s )iddin' )ut &y own#4
23s that why you.re here0 3s Bando&eer a your o* your a)ilities04 23 don.t take test$4 :anatos snapped# 23 &ake the rules# Bando&eer is &ine# All 3 have to do is reach out &y hand and take it#4 +e circled closer$ his cloak swirlin' and )rushin' a'ainst ui!"on# 23t.s a tiny planet# "alactically insi'ni*icant# 9et it pours *orth wealth into &y hands# 3* you would only lose the tireso&e rules o* the Jedi$ it would do the sa&e *or you# But no$ ui!"on is too 'ood# +e is not te&pted# +e is ne-er te&pted#4 2Bando&eer is not yours to own#4 ui!"on pulled an ar&.s len'th away *ro& :anatos# 29ou were always overcon*ident# 9ou have 'one too *ar this ti&e#4 25o#4 :anatos. dark )lue eyes 'littered# +e drew his li'htsa)er# 2Now 3 have 'one too *ar#4 3n a *lash$ ui!"on.s li'htsa)er hu&&ed to li*e# When :anatos leaped to deliver his *irst )low$ ui!"on was already &ovin' to de*lect it# The sa)ers &et and si>>led# ui!"on *elt the power o* :anatos. stroke &ove up his ar&# :anatos had not lost his *i'htin' ed'e# +e had only 'rown &ore power*ul$ &ovin' with econo&y and 'race# +is li'htsa)er *lashed$ he thrust a'ain$ always with a surprisin' twist or direction# ui!"on &oved de*ensively# +e knew he would not )e a)le to tire :anatos$ one ðod o* Jedi strate'y# :anatos had &ore than physical skill# ui!"on could *eel the power o* his &ind# :anatos was till in touch with the <orce# +e had 'athered the ener'y o* darkness$ not li'ht# ui!"on leaped aside to avoid another )low# :anatos lau'hed# 3t was ti&e to chan'e the rules o* en'a'e&ent# (nou'h de*ense# ui!"on spran' at :anatos$ his li'htsa)er hu&&in' and *lashin'# +e delivered one )low a*ter another$ which :anatos de*lected# S&oke and si>>le *illed the air# :anatos lau'hed a'ain# ui!"on used a slashin' se/uence o* &oves to position :anatos a'ainst the wall o* the )uildin'# But :anatos leaped onto the sla' heap and *lipped over in &idair$ landin' on ui!"on.s other side# 29ou destroyed everythin' 3 loved$4 :anatos accused$ his li'htsa)er )arely &issin' ui! "on.s shoulder$ so close it sin'ed the *a)ric o* his tunic# 29ou destroyed &e that day$ ui!"on# 9et 3 was re)orn# Stron'er$ wiser# 3 have surpassed you#4
Their li'htsa)ers tan'led$ )u>>in' *uriously# ui!"on *elt the char'e in his ar&$ )ut didn.t waver# :anatos kicked out with a *oot$ )ut /ui!"on was e%pectin' it$ and &oved aside# :anatos lost his )alance# +e al&ost *ell$ )ut recovered in ti&e# 29our *ootwork has always )een your weakness$4 ui!"on said dryly as he dealt a )low to :anatos. shoulder# :anatos twisted away$ )ut not )e*ore ui!"on saw hi& 'ri&ace with pain# 23* you.ve surpassed &e$ it.s only in your &ind#4 ?erhaps it was the taunt# ?erhaps it was )ecause ui!"on had *inally caused hi& real pain# :anatos whirled the other side o* his cape )ehind his shoulder# A second li'htsa)er was suddenly in his hand# Startled$ ui!"on lost his *ocus *or an instant# There was only one person to who& that li'htsa)er could )elon'# 2And where is your new apprentice04 :anatos sneered# So :anatos had )een responsi)le *or ,)i!Wan.s disappearance# 5ow he knew *or sure# :anatos *aked a char'e to the le*t$ went ri'ht$ then danced )ack to the le*t a'ain# "on re&e&)ered the &ove *ro& the Te&ple# +e easily )locked the )low# ui!
+e was *i'htin' the past# +is past# ?erhaps he could de*eat :anatos$ )ut the )attle would not )e won# ,nly the *uture &attered now# ,)i!Wan was the *uture# The past would wait# ui!"on paused$ knowin' :anatos was ready to escalate the *i'ht# Ready to deliver a death )low$ i* he could# Suddenly$ :anatos whirled around$ took three lon' steps toward the sla' heap$ and pushed hi&sel* o**$ *lyin' throu'h the air with )oth li'htsa)ers slashin' toward ui!"on$ every &uscle ready to drive the )low ho&e# +e &et e&pty air# unprepared 'rip# ui!"on twisted away$ 'ra))in' ,)i!Wan.s li'htsa)er *ro& :anatos.
Then$ *or the *irst ti&e in his li*e$ ui!"on ran *ro& )attle# +e had to *ind ,)i!Wan# The cold wind whistled past his ears as he crossed the &ine yard at top speed# +e heard :anatos. voice rise *ro& the &ist# 2Run$ cowardC But you can.t escape &eC4 23t appears that 3 haveC4 ui!"on shouted#
:anatos. lau'h was chillin'# 2,nly *or now$ ui!"on# ,nly *or now#4
Chapter 1B
<or two ni'hts and two days$ ,)i!Wan stru''led to use the <orce to override his electro! collar# +is wounds were healin' slowly# +is )ody was worn down )y work in the &ines# The &iners were kept in hal*!starved condition$ )ut id anyone *altered$ the 'uards )eat the& sava'ely with an electro!6a))er# All o* the 'uards were 3&)ats$ creatures known *or their si>e and cruelty$ not their intelli'ence# They were tall as trees$ with leathery skin and &assive le's endin' in )road$ 'raspin' toes# Their heads were s&all *or their )odies and do&inated )y lar'e$ droopin' ears# @i*t tu)es took the &iners )elow the sea *loor# The s&all tunnels were ha>ardous# There were *re/uent leaks$ and occasionally a tunnel would )urst$ drownin' everyone inside# But what the &iners dreaded &ost was a )ack*low o* )ad air into the tunnels# 3t was a slower death )y su**ocation# 23.ve )een lookin' *orward to today$4 "uerra re&arked as they waited *or their turn on the li*t tu)e# ,)i!Wan.s heart dropped# Whenever "uerra was especially pleased$ he knew he was in *or trou)le# "uerra dealt with the terrors o* &inin' )y treatin' it as a hu'e 6oke played on the& all# 2Why04 he asked warily# 29ou thereC4 a 'uard shouted# ,)i!Wan sti**ened$ )ut the 'uard crossed to a 8eerian who had stopped to ad6ust his servo!tool )elt# 2Stop holdin' up the lineC4 he )ellowed$ lashin' out with the 6a))er# The &iner cried out and cru&pled to the *loor# The 'uard kicked hi& aside# 25o *ood *or three days *or thatC4 5o)ody tried to help the 8eerian# They all knew that they would 'et the sa&e treat&ent# ,)i!Wan s/uee>ed into the tu)e with "uerra# 2Today we 'o to the deepest su)level$4 "uerra said# 2Traces o* ionite#4 2What.s wron' with ionite04 ,)i!wan asked# 2(ven traces o* the &ineral carry an alternative char'e$4 "uerra e%plained# 25ot positive$ not ne'ative$ void# SoC The instru&ents can 'o dead# 3* )ad air )ack*low happens$ no warnin'# 8akes the work *un# +aC 5ot so#4 +is yellow eyes stared )leakly at ,)i!Wan a&id the white circles# 2@ast week Bier.s warnin' ti&er went dead )ecause o* hi'h ionite concentration$4
another &iner said# 2+e was in an a/uasuit$ out &appin' the sea *loor# Ran out o* o%y'en and didn.t &ake it )ack to the tunnel#4 ,)i!Wan watched the indicator li'hts tick down their descent# +e *elt like a void hi&sel*# +e had a)solutely disappeared# +e was deep under the sea *loor$ in a place where ui! "on would never think to look# And even i* ui!"on could trace hi& # # # would he actually save hi&0 :anatos. &ockin' words san' in ,)i!Wan.s &ind# Would ui!"on )etray ,)i!Wan as :anatos clai&ed he had )etrayed his *or&er apprentice0 Would ui!"on leave hi& to die0 ,)i!Wan thou'ht nothin' could )e worse than the 'rindin' hard work durin' the day But at ni'ht$ the 'uards loosened their controls# The &iners needed so&e sort o* outlet# <i'htin' was their a&use&ent o* choice# They had nothin' to loose$ and )ets were placed accordin' to a co&ple% syste& o* how )adly so&eone would )e &ai&ed# The ni'ht )e*ore$ a &iner had lost an eye# ,)i!Wan learned to stay out o* the way# +e le*t the &iners. /uarters and *ound "uerra out on deck# 3t was )itterly cold$ )ut "uerra didn.t see& to *eel it# +e lay stretched out on the &etal deck$ watchin' the stars# 2So&eday 3.ll 'et )ack up there$4 he told ,)i!Wan# ,)i!Wan sat on the deck ne%t to hi&# 23.& sure you.ll &ake it$ "uerra$4 he said# 2SoC 3.& sure$ too4 "uerra said# Then he &ur&ured 25ot so$4 so*tly under his )reath# 2"uerra$ you.ve )een all over the ri'# +ave you ever seen a )o% with a )roken circle on it04 ,)i!Wan asked# 2So$ sure$4 "uerra answered to ,)i!Wan.s surprise# 23 6ust had inventory detail# They rotate the 6o) so no one 'ets a chance to steal# There was a )o% like that in the e%plosives roo&# 3t wasn.t listed on &y sheet$ )ut the 'uards told &e to shut up a)out it# So 3 did# 3.& not stupidC4 2Do you think you could 'et &e into the e%plosives roo&04 "uerra )ounced up# 23 hope that.s a 6oke$ ,)awan# 9ou 'et thrown o** the plat*or& *or stealin'C4 23.& not 'oin' to steal anythin'$4 ,)i!Wan pro&ised# 23 6ust want to look#4 "uerra s&iled# 2"reat idea$ ,)awanC @et.s 'oC4 +e lay down a'ain# 25o so$ 3 lie# 3 stick out &y neck *or no)ody$ re&e&)er04 2What i* 3 knew a way to dis&antle your electro!collar0 We could steal a )oat and &ake
it )ack to the &ainland#4 "uerra 'ave hi& a sidelon' look# 23* this is true$ why does your collar hu&$ &y *riend04 23 can do it$4 ,)i!Wan said# 23.& waitin' *or the ri'ht &o&ent#4 +e knew that as soon as he recovered co&pletely *ro& his in6uries$ he would )e a)le to harness the <orce# +e had to# 2Trust &e#4 23 trust no one$4 "uerra said so*tly# 2(ver# That.s why a*ter three years 3 a& still alive#4 2Well$ what do you have to loose04 ,)i!wan asked ur'ently# 2Just )rin' &e to the 'uard$ then show &e where you saw the )o%# 3.ll take all the )la&e i* 3 'et cau'ht#4 "uerra shook his head# 2The 'uard will never 'ive up the keys# 3t.s a'ainst re'ulations#4 2Just leave that up to &e$4 ,)i!Wan said# 23 need to do so&e e%tra checkin'$4 "uerra told the 'uard# 23 need the keys#4 The 'uard rose his electro!6a))er# 2"et lost or you.re over the sideC4 ,)i!Wan su&&oned the <orce# +e knew he didn.t have the power to alter physical o)6ects# But he was countin' on the *act that the s&all$ li&ited &ind o* an 3&)at would )end to his will# 2That &i'ht not )e a )ad idea$4 ,)i!Wan said# 2We should check the supplies a'ain#4 28i'ht not )e a )ad idea$4 the 'uard said$ tossin' "uerra the electronic keys# 2check the supplies a'ain#4 "uerra stared at ,)i!Wan# 2What did you do$ ,)awan04 25ever &ind$4 ,)i!Wan said# 2+urry#4 "uerra led hi& to the e%plosives. roo&# +e opened the door and ,)i!Wan hurried inside# 2Where.s the )o%04 he asked# 2"uerra0 Just show &e and then you can 'o#4 "uerra paused in the doorway# +is yellow eyes went wide# 23 hear *ootsteps$4 he whispered# 2they.re runnin'# 3t.s the 'uardsC 8ust )e a silent alar& on the door#4 2Co&e in and close the doorC4 ,)i!Wan hissed# But instead$ "uerra )e'an to shout# 2+e.s in hereC 3 *ound hi&C4 +e turned to ,)i!Wan sadly# 2(ven thou'h 3.& in dan'er$ 3 would never )etray a *riend# So 72
25ot so$4 ,)i!Wan *inished *or hi& as the 'uards rushed in# "uerra pointed$ and the 'uard )rou'ht his electro!6a))er down on ,)i!Wan# ?ain sent hi& crashin' to his knees# +e *elt hi&sel* )ein' carried to the lockup and thrown in# ?enalty *or stealin' is )ein' thrown over)oard$4 he heard a 'uard say# 28y shi*t is over$4 the other one replied with a yawn# 2To&orrow &ornin' is soon enou'h#4
Chapter 1E
T&e trip to Te*os s&ou*d &a-e )een une-ent(u*. Yoda &ad (ound so$eone wi**in# to transport t&e$, a pi*ot (err+in# a s&ip$ent o( droids to t&e Te*os s+ste$. :ro$ t&e (irst, tension spar"ed )etween t&e pi*ot and ,anatos. /tie# 2a was +oun#, )ras&, and con(ident. !e'd )een on &is own since &e was a c&i*d and &ad prospered in treac&erous ad-entures. ;&e #ood-natured*+ need*ed ,anatos a)out )ein# s&e*tered in t&e .edi Te$p*e and "nowin# not&in# o( rea* *i(e. Per&aps Yoda &ad (oreseen t&e c*as& o( persona*ities. Per&aps t&is was anot&er test. Qui-Gon warned ,anatos to "eep &is te$per, to not *et t&e pi*ot's #enia* )ar)s a((ect &i$. /$i*in#, ,anatos assured Qui-Gon t&at &e wou*d. T&e dan#er o( t&e <ourne+ was crossin# t&e 6andor star s+ste$, "nown to )e o-errun wit& pirates. /tie# 2a was con(ident t&at t&e+ cou*d s*ip t&rou#&= &e'd done it count*ess ti$es. %ut w&en t&ree pirate s&ips rin#ed t&e transport and warned /tie# 2a to surrender, &e disco-ered t&at a crucia* indicator *i#&t was (au*t+. T&e transport's c*oa"in# s+ste$ &ad $a*(unctioned. /tie# 2as, re(usin# to surrender, pus&ed t&e s$a** transport, e-adin# )*aster (ire in a stunnin# disp*a+ o( s"i**. 0(ter t&e+ *ost t&e s&ips, /tie# 2a announced t&at t&e c*oa"in# s+ste$ &ad )een sa)ota#ed. !e )*a$ed ,anatos. Qui-Gon, o( course, )e*ie-ed ,anatos w&en &e swore &e &ad not&in# to do wit& it. 2&+ wou*d &e ris" pirates attac"in# a s&ip &e was on1 /tie# 2a was out on t&e dorsa* p*at(or$ (i4in# t&e de-ice w&en t&e pirates returned. !e was &it )+ )*aster (ire and captured. ,anatos *ed Qui-Gon to t&e escape pod. !e &ad a*read+ pro#ra$$ed t&e coordinates (or Te*os. 2&en Qui-Gon as"ed &i$ w&+ &e'd ta"en suc& a precaution, &e s$i*ed. I a*wa+s $a"e sure I &a-e a )ac" door, &e said. Dawn was still an hour away when ui!"on strode o** the transport toward the
(nrich&ent Do&e# The 8eerian sent to &eet hi& hurried *orward# 23 a& RonTha# 3.& happy to welco&e 72 2Where is Si Tree&)a04 ui!"on interrupted crisply$ stridin' toward the &ain )uildin'# 2+!he is in the do&e$ waitin' *or you$4 RonTha said$ runnin' to catch up to ui!"on.s lon' stride# 2But protocol &ust )e *ollowed# 9ou &ust re'ister with 72 2Show &e to hi&$4 ui!"on de&anded# 2But protocol 72 ui!"on *i%ed his 'a>e on RonTha# +e didn.t need to use the <orce# The 8eerian cru&pled under the *orce o* his irritation# 2This way$4 he said$ scurryin' *orward# A rustled o* 'rain announced Si Tree&)a.s presence# +e spran' out o* the *ield when he saw ui!"on## 2We.ve )een watchin' since ,)i!Wan was kidnapped$4 he said# 25o one has )een in or out#4 ui!"on looked co&passionately at Si Tree&)a# The youn' Arconan looked so tired ui!"on wouldn.t have )een surprised i* he *ell asleep on his *eet# 2We shouldn.t have *allen asleep that ni'ht#$4 Si Tree&)a said# 2,)i!Wan said he.d take the *irst watch# We should have stayed awake# # # #4 25ow is not the ti&e to rethink the past$4 ui!"on said 'ently# 2We have only the now# We &ust *ind ,)i!Wan# What did you see04 25ot &uch$4 Si Tree&)a ad&itted# 2A 'roup o* &en in ,**world uni*or&s carried hi& away# We *ollowed the&$ )ut we lost the& in the do&e#4 Si Tree&)a hun' his head# ui!"on tried not to show his *rustration# Si Tree&)a *elt )ad enou'h as it was# But how could he *ind ,)i!Wan on such scant in*or&ation0 Suddenly$ ui!"on noticed that RonTha looked very nervous# The 8eerian was perspirin' and looked as i* he wanted to escape# ui!"on turned his *ull attention on hi&# 2Did you see anythin'$ RonTha04 28e0 But we.re *or)idden to )e in the do&e at ni'ht$4 RonTha protested# 2A'ainst all protocol#4
29ou didn.t answer &y /uestion$4 ui!"on said politely# 23 try to *ollow the rules$4 RonTha said# 2And do you always succeed04 ui!"on asked kindly# +e ta&ped down his i&patience# 2Anyone can )e te&pted to )reak the rules#4 2The *ruit is so 'ood$4 RonTha whispered# 2Just a snack )e*ore )ed # # #4 2Tell us$4 ui!"on said *ir&ly# RonTha swallowed# 23 was in the orchard when 3 saw the&# A 'roup o* &en carryin' soðin'# So&eone led the&# So&eone in a )lack cloak # # #4 ui!"on nodded encoura'in'ly# 2At *irst 3 6ust hid# But then 3 saw that they were carryin' ,)i!wan# +e was under &y char'eC 3 was responsi)le *or hi&# So 3 *ollowed the& to the sea landin'#4 ui!"on *rowned# 2They le*t )y sea04 +e nodded# 2Two o* the &en$ with ,)i!Wan#4 Where could they )e 'oin'0 ui!"on wondered# The sea was vast$ and there were no islands or ree*s# 2Did they say anythin'04 he asked# 25othin' o* si'ni*icance$4 RonTha said# 2Soðin' curious$ thou'h# ,ne o* the& said to ,)i!Wan that he would see hi& in *ive years$ i* he survived# ,)i!wan didn.t answer$ o* course# +e was still unconscious#4 2<ive years04 ui!"on repeated# 2The deep sea &inesC4 Si Tree&)a e%clai&ed# >( course, ui!"on thou'ht# Where )etter to hide ,)i!Wan than on a deepsea &inin' plat*or&0 2<ind &e an A'ri!Corps )oat$4 ui!"on ordered RonTha# 2But it is a'ainst proto 72 RonTha.s voice *altered under the i&pact o* ui!"on.s icy 'lare# 29es$ i&&ediately$4 he a'reed# N N N
ui!"on pushed the &otor o* the hydrocra*t as hi'h as it would 'o# +e rocketed across the 'ray sea 6ust inches a)ove the waves# RonTha had )een a)le to 'ive hi& the precise
coordinates o* the &inin' plat*or&$ and he.d entered it into the )oat.s on)oard co&puter# Besides$ RonTha assured hi&$ the plat*or& would )e too )i' to &iss# 3t )e'an as a darker 'ray s&ud'e on the 'ray hori>on line o* the sea# As ui!"on drew closer# The s&ud'e *or&ed into towers and )uildin's$ a s&all city in the &iddle o* the sea# ui!"on *ocused a pair o* electro)inoculars on the plat*or&# +e scanned it *or any si'n o* ,)i!Wan# Suddenly$ he saw &ove&ent on the very ed'e# A 'roup o* &en were pushin' soðin' # # # ui!"on.s 'rip ti'htened as he >oo&ed in on the si'ht# 3t was ,)i!WanC "uards were 6a))in' hi& with the dull ends o* electro!6a))ers$ pushin' hi& toward the ed'e o* the plat*or&# They were 'oin' to push hi& o**C ui!"on 'unned the &otor# 3t was already at top speed# 3n despair$ he reali>ed that he was too *ar away# +is only hope was that ,)i!Wan would survive the *all$ and he.d )e a)le to pick hi& ip# + raced across the *lat sea$ closer and closer# ,)i!Wan was at the very ed'e# ui!"on.s heart contracted with pain# To loose hi& this wayC +e would never *or'ive hi&sel*# But as he raced toward ,)i!Wan$ a &ove&ent cau'ht his eye *ro& a lower level o* the plat*or&# So&eone had *ashioned a kind slin' out o* a spun car)on tarp# +e was tyin' it to the struts that supported the &ain plat*or&# As ui!"on watched$ two lon'$ *le%i)le ar&s shot out$ positionin' the slin' in &idair# ,)i!Wan *ell# ui!"on watched the *all throu'h the electro)inoculars# ,)i!Wan.s *ace was 'ri& )ut co&posed$ *ree o* terror# Deter&ined to *i'ht to the last$ )ut acceptin' death i* it ca&e# @ike a Jedi# Then ,)i!Wan saw the slin' )elow# Across the distance$ ui!"on *elt ripples o* the <orce ori'inatin' in ,)i!Wan# +e *ocused his own will to &eet it$ concentratin' the <orce$ willin' ,)i!Wan.s )ody to twist toward the tarp# ,)i!Wan see&ed to 'ra) on to thin air and pull hi&sel* to the le*t$ shi*tin' in &id!*all# +e )ounced onto the &iddle o* the slin'# 3n another second$ those lon' ar&s shot out and pulled ,)i!Wan to sa*ety# ui!"on was al&ost to the plat*or& now# +e heard the *urious cries o* the 'uards as they saw what had happened# They turned away$ racin' toward the li*t tu)e to the lower *loor# ui!"on pulled up$ )o))in' in the sea as he /uickly threw car)on!rope over one o* the struts and tied the cra*t securely# The he threw another rope on the plat*or& where ,)i!
Wan had disappeared# +e tested it$ then cli&)ed up# ,)i!Wan was racin' down the hallway with the lon'!ar&ed creature# Suddenly$ he stopped$ as i* ui!"on had called his na&e$ thou'h he.d said nothin'# ,)i!Wan turned to see ui!"on leap over the railin'# 23 hoped you would co&e$4 he said# ui!"on nodded# 2Al&ost too late# +urry#4 2This is "uerra$4 ,)i!Wan said$ pointin' to his rescuer# 2Brin' hi&# The 'uards are co&in'$4 ui!"on said ur'ently# 2They saw what happened#4 "uerra.s hands *lew to his collar# 23 can.t leave# 5either can you$ ,)awan#4 ,)i!Wan looked at ui!"on# 23t.s an electro!collar# 3t will )low us up i* we leave#4 ui!"on nodded# +e concentrated the <orce on ,)i!Wan.s collar *irst# +e sent neutral ener'y to the trans&itter# ,)i!Wan touched the collar# 2The )u>>in' is 'one#4 2We.ll have to *ind a way to re&ove it on the &ainland$4 ui!"on said# 2That.s where the trans&ission si'nal is$4 "uerra e%plained# 2The 'uards in the security o**ice on the Bandor loadin' dock carry the trans&itter#4 ui!"on )rou'ht the <orce to )ear on "uerra.s collar )ut wheeled suddenly# Behind hi&$ the li*t tu)e opened# Blaster *ire >in'ed past his ear# 29ou.ll )e needin' this$4 he said to ,)i!Wan and tossed hi& his li'htsa)er# Two li'htsa)ers hu&&ed in unison as they turned to *ace the 'uards# The *our 3&)ats hesitated# They had never seen such weapons# But$ still in*uriated at ,)i!Wan.s escape$ they rushed *orward# ui!"on leaped onto the railin'$ so&ersaulted in the air$ and landed )ehind the&# ,)i! Wan char'ed *ro& the *ront# They &oved in a 'race*ul duet$ advancin'$ retreatin'$ *orcin' the 'uards )ack toward the li*t tu)e and de*lectin' )laster *ire with ease# 28ore 'uards co&in'$ ,)awanC4 "uerra yelled# <i*teen 'uards shot out o* the stairwell at the *ar end o* the plat*or&$ *irin' as they ran#
2Ti&e to 'o$4 ui!"on told ,)i!Wan# With a cry$ "uerra cru&pled$ hit )y )laster *ire# +e looked up at ,)i!Wan# 2Just a 'ra>e$4 he said# 2"o# 3.ll hold the& o** *or you#4 ,)i!Wan pressed a )laster in his hand# 25o$ you 'o# Ip the stairwell# And hide# 3n an hour$ your collar will )e deactivated *or 'ood# Trust &e#4 "uerra s&iled weakly# 23 # # # trust # # # no one$. he said so*tly# But as ,)i!Wan and ui! "on de*lected )laster *ire$ he &ana'ed to li&p to the stairs# "uerra turned# 25ot so$ ,)awanC 3 trust you#4 ,)i!Wan vaulted over the *allen 'uards$ cli&)ed onto the rail$ and 6u&ped toward the rope# +e slid down and landed in the hydrocra*t# ui!"on *ollowed# +e 'unned the &otor# With )laster *ire rainin' over their heads$ they &ade *or the open sea#
Chapter 1F
As soon s they were out o* reach o* )laster *ire# ui!"on set a course *or Bandor# ,)i! Wan sat at his side$ lookin' ahead# +e did not know what to ask *irst# 29ou said you &oped 3 would co&e$4 ui!"on re&arked /uietly# 25ot "new, )ut &oped. ,)i!Wan didn.t speak *or a &o&ent# 23 need to know a)out :anatos$4 he said *inally# 2+e told &e you )etrayed hi&# That he was your apprentice$ and he trusted you#4 2Did you )elieve hi&04 ui!"on asked# ,)i!Wan paused# The wind )lew his hair )ack *ro& his *ace# 23 don.t think you would )etray a ?adawan$4 he said at last# 2But 3 don.t understand why he hates you so# Does he have cause$ ui!"on0 Did :anatos arran'e to have &e i&prisoned on the &inin' plat*or& 6ust to 'et )ack at you04 The Jedi 8aster nodded 'ri&ly# 29es 3 )elieve so# 3t.s ti&e 3 told you a)out hi&# 3 should have told you )e*ore#4 8ist had )e'un to rise on the sea# ,)i!Wan could taste the droplets on his lips# "ray surrounded hi& in a whirlin' circle$ silver!'ray &ist a)ove$ dull 'ray sea )elow# ui! "on.s words see&ed to co&e at ,)i!Wan *ro& a past as &isty as the surroundin's$ as *ar away# 2(ach Jedi apprentice )rin's soðin' uni/ue to the Te&ple$4 ui!"on )e'an# 2(ven at a youn' a'e$ :anatos stood out# +is intelli'ence was *ierce and /uick and a'ile# +e was a leader# 3 thou'ht he was the &ost pro&isin' )oy to co&e to the Te&ple in &ay years#
So did 9oda#4 ui!"on paused# +e &ade a s&all correction to the steerin' o* the )oat# 29et 9oda had /uestions# As :anatos 'rew and 3 took hi& as &y apprentice$ 3 resented 9oda.s hesitations# 3 thou'ht 9oda was /uestionin' &y 6ud'e&ent# ,* course$ he was /uestionin' the )oy# +e saw soðin' that 3 did not# When 9oda su''ested one last &ission$ 3 was 'lad# At last$ 3 thou'ht$ 3 can prove to 9oda that 3 was ri'ht# :anatos will prove hi&sel*$ prove what 3.d seen all alon'#4 ui!"on turned to ,)i!Wan# 29ou see &y *ailin' here#4 3t wasn.t a /uestion# ,)i!wan nodded# 23 think so# What +ou could prove# What +ou wanted#4 2So it was a test *or &e$ too$4 ui!"on said# 23 didn.t know that at the ti&e# 3 let &y e'o and pride take over# 8y need to )e ri'ht# 3t.s i&portant that you know this$ ,)i!Wan# (ven a Jedi -ni'ht is still a livin' )ein'$ with the sa&e *ailin's#4 2We are not saints$ )ut seekers$4 ,)i!Wan said$ repeatin' a Jedi sayin'# 9oda sent us to Telos$ the ho&e planet o* :anatos# :anatos had not seen his *ather Crion in &any years# 3n that ti&e$ Crion had 'rown in power# Telos is noted *or its scienti*ic research# Telosian scientists are )rilliant innovators# Crion used their discoveries to create 'reat wealth *or the planet# And *or hi&sel*# +e )uilt on his power and ruled the planet as 'overnor# 9et he did not rely on advisors or his Senate# +e ruled alone# :anatos saw how power*ul his *ather was# +oe lu%urious a li*e he led# All o* the riches o* the 'ala%ies were at Crion.s *in'ertips# :anatos saw this$ and a hun'er )e'an to 'row in hi&# An an'er# +e saw that in takin' hi& away$ we had deprived hi& o* a di**erent kind o* power# I had deprived hi&# +e hated the Jedi *or that#4 ui!"on stared at the &ist$ 2We 'ive up &any thin's when we choose this li*e$ ,)i! Wan# We are destined to have no ho&e$ no &easura)le power# :anatos had these thin's in his 'rasp# Crion saw his son weaken# +e had co&e to re'ret his decision to let :anatos 'o# +e was an old &an and had driven away every *riend$ every ally# So Crion ur'ed :anatos to 6oin hi& in his 'reat plans# 3 saw that 9oda sensed this would happen$ that this was the last$ 'reat test#4 ui!"on si'hed# 23 did not dou)t 9oda.s wisdo&# 3 did what 3 knew 3 should# 3 stepped )ack# 3 did not atte&pt to 'uide :anatos# +e was ready to &ake his own choice#4 2+e &ade the wron' one$4 ,)i!Wan said so*tly# 2Crion had 'rown 'reedy$ as the power*ul o*ten do# +e had secret plans to wa'e war a'ainst a nei'h)orin' planet# 3t was not enou'h to have the research# 3* Telos had access to the resources 7 the &ineral$ the *actories 7 it could 'row even &ore power*ul# The treaty )etween the two worlds was auto&atically e%tended every ten years# This year$ Crion called *or a rene'otiation# 3 *ound out later that it was a ruse$ a way to delay until
he could raise an ar&y# 3 was to &onitor the ne'otiation# :anatos deli)erately sa)ota'ed the *irst &eetin'$ accordin' to his *ather.s direction# They wanted to enra'e the population o* Telos$ you see# But 3 knew$ and 3 revealed what 3 knew to the people o* Telos# They rose up a'ainst Crion# But Crion did not retreat# :anatos ur'ed hi& to *i'ht instead# They hired an ar&y to put down the re)ellion and stay in power# Civil war )roke out# Suddenly$ people were dyin'# The situation was out o* &y control# And all )ecause 3 did not see clearly what :anatos was capa)le o*#4 ui!"on 'ripped the controls o* the )oat# 2:anatos led the ar&y# The last )attle was *ou'ht at the 'overnor.s /uarters# Crion was killed#4 ui!"on paused$ his e%pression 'ri&# 23 killed hi&$4 he said sole&nly# 23n *ront o* his son 3 dealt the killin' )low# 8y li'htsa)er sliced throu'h the rin' on Crion.s *in'er# As he lay dyin'$ :anatos picked it up *ro& the *ire where it had *allen# +e pressed the hot &etal to his cheek# 3 can still hear the sound o* the )urn# 9ou can still see the scar#4 2A )roken circle$4 ,)i!Wan said# ui!"on turned to *ace ,)i!Wan# +is *ace was )leak$ harsh with &e&ories# 2+e said the scar would serve to re&ind hi& always o* what 3 had taken *ro& hi&# +ow 3 had )etrayed hi&# The *act that thousands had died )ecause o* his *ather.s 'reed &eant nothin' to hi&# The wei'ht o* those deaths &eant everythin' to &e#4 2What happened04 ,)i!Wan asked# 2+e drew his li'htsa)er a'ainst &e$4 ui!"on said$ his 'a>e shi*tin' once a'ain to take in the past# 2We )attled to the point o* e%haustion# At last 3 knocked the li'htsa)er *ro& his hand and stood over hi&# But 3 couldn.t deliver the *atal )low# :anatos lau'hed at &e# +e ran out# 3 searched Telos *or hi&$ )ut he had stolen a transport and the treasury and had escaped into deep space# +e disappeared without a trace # # # until now#4
Chapter 1G
ui!"on looked at the instru&ents# 2We.re approachin' Bandor har)or#4 2We have to 'et the trans&itter$4 ,)i!Wan told ui!"on# 23 pro&ised "uerra#4 ui!"on nodded and headed toward the ,**world loadin' dock# They tied the hydrocra*t and headed *or the ,**world security o**ice# 2Do you have a plan04 ,)i!Was asked# 2We don.t have ti&e *or a plan$4 ui!"on said$ kickin' open the door# Three 3&)at 'uards looked up in surprise# Be*ore they could &ake a &ove toward their )lasters$ ui! "on.s li'htsa)er san' throu'h the air# The three )lasters clattered to the *loor as the 'uards clutched their wrist and howled#
2Trans&itters$ please$4 ui!"on re&arked pleasantly# When they hesitated$ he casually )rou'ht his li'htsa)er down on the power ter&inal# 3t si>>led and collapsed into a &olten heap# The three 'uards e%chan'ed *ri'htened 'lances# Then they threw down their trans&itters and dashed out the door# 23t.s nice when it.s easy#4 ui!"on re&arked# +e )ent down and picked up the three trans&itters# Stridin' )ack onto the dock$ he threw two into the sea# Then he pressed the )utton on the third# 2"uerra is *ree$4 he said# 25ow let.s see i* we can 'et that collar o**#4 ui!"on placed his lar'e hands around the collar$ searchin' *or a catch or sea&# +e could not )reak the collar$ or twist it apart# +e set hid li'htsa)er to low power and tried to cut it$ )ut could not# 23 need a hi'h power$ and that would in6ure you$. he said# 2,r )ehead &e$4 ,)i!Wan pointed out cheer*ully# ui!"on s&iled )rie*ly# 2We.ll 6ust have to *ind a way to 'et it o** in Bandor#4 +e tossed the trans&itter to ,)i!Wan# 29ou.d )etter keep this until it.s o**#4 ,)i!Wan tucked the trans&itter into an interior pocket o* his tunic# 2What now04 ui!"on.s )lue eyes 'lea&ed# 2:anatos#4 +e said the na&e like a curse# 2We need to 'et )ack to Bandor#4 ui!"on cli&)ed into the driver.s seat o* an ,**world security landspeeder# +e powered up the vehicle$ and ,)i!Wan 6u&ped in# The landspeeder roared toward the city in the distance# The sky was dark and low# The &inin' towers in the distance looked like spidery traces a'ainst it$ 'rowin' lar'er as they sped toward Bandor# As they reached the outskirts$ ,)i! Wan saw a dot on the hori>on# 2So&eone is headin' this way$. he said# ui!"on nodded# +e had seen it# ,)i!Wan *elt soðin' dark in the <orce# +e 'lanced at ui!"on# 23 *eel it$ too$4 ui!"on &ur&ured#
Within &inutes$ a speeder )ike was upon the&# They didn.t need to see the )lack cloak to know who was pilotin' it# 2+an on$4 ui!"on said# 23 don.t think :anatos is in the &ood to chat#4 2+e.s 'ot laser cannonsC4 ,)i!Wan shouted# A )last *ro& the cannon &isted the& )y centi&eters$ sendin' up a shower o* dirt and 'ravel# 2So 3 see$4 ui!"on said# +e wheeled the landspeeder sharply$ turnin' to the ri'ht as another )last whistled past the&# @i'htsa)ers were useless# They had no )lasters# They had to rely on ui!"on.s skill# (ven as he drove$ he 'athered the <orce around hi&$ usin' it to anticipate the )lasts# Dirt and 'ravel *lew in their *aces as ui!"on swerved$ dived$ reversed$ and hun' stationary$ all to evade the deadly laser cannon# ,n a speeder )ike$ :anatos had 'reater &aneuvera)ility$ and he used it to dod'e suddenly around the&$ *irin' *ro& the le*t# The 6olt nearly sent ,)i!Wan *lyin' out# 2+an' onC4 ui!"on called# +e sped ahead$ as low to the 'round as he dared# +e kicked up the dust underneath hi&$ which )lew )ehind the& in a thick cloud$ )lindin' :anatos# 3t )ou'ht the& precious seconds$ no &ore# ui!"on reco'ni>ed the &inin' towers ahead# 3t was the +o&e ?lanet 8ine# There would )e *riends there$ weapons# Clat.+a was a *ierce *i'hter# She has saved his li*e once )e*ore# +e roared into the yard$ )ut no one was there# (veryone was in the &ine$ workin' to repair it# There was no ti&e to call DeerTa or Clat.+a# Behind the&$ they could hear :anatos roarin' into the yard# ui!"on 6u&ped out o* the landspeeder$ callin' on ,)i!Wan to do the sa&e# :anatos headed *or ui!"on and ,)i!Wan at top speed# ui!"on unsheathed his li'htsa)er and dealt :anatos a 'lancin' )low ah he sped past# But the i&pact sent ui! "on spinnin' )ackward$ and he *elt his shoulder wrench in pain# They could not *i'ht :anatos while he was on that vehicle# :anatos turned and roared )ack toward the&# They had no choice )ut to dash into the &ine entrance# As they did$ ui!"on had a sudden *lash o* chillin' knowled'e# They were doin' e%actly what :anatos had planned *or the& to do# They were playin' his 'a&e#
ui!"on drew ,)i!Wan )ack into the tunnel# 3t )ranched o** in several directions$ and he tried to re&e&)er which way DeerTa had led hi& to the li*t tu)e# +e let the <orce direct hi&$ take hi& over# +e ran down the le*t tunnel$ ,)i!Wan at his heels# The li*t tu)e stood at the end o* the tunnel# The 6u&ped in and ui!"on pressed the nu&)er o* the deepest level$ Core G# The 'low li'hts hu&&ed as the stepped out into the tunnel# 2Where are we 'oin'04 ,)i!Wan asked in a whisper# 2There.s another li*t tu)e$4 ui!"on e%plained# 23t should )e *i%ed )y now# :anatos wouldn.t know that# We.ll )e a)le to circle around hi& to co&e at hi& *ro& another direction$ or even escape the &ine# 3t.s )etter not to *i'ht here#4 ,)i!Wan nodded# 3t was always )est to *i'ht in a place where your opponent couldn.t drive you into a corner# But that wasn.t the only reason ui!"on wanted to escape the &ine# :anatos had driven the& in here *or a purpose# They needed to *oil that plan# A na&eless dread tu''ed at ui!"on$ tellin' hi& there was soðin' here he would not want to *ace# They traveled deeper into the tunnel# ui!"on *rowned as he peered ahead# 2DeerTa said this tunnel was co&pletely )locked# Why 72 Suddenly$ a shadow detached *ro& the wall o* the tunnel# :anatos stood )e*ore hi&# 29ou &ake so &any &istakes$ ui!"on$4 he said# 23t.s a wonder you.re still standin'# <irst you deactivate the trans&itter so that 3.ll know e%actly where you are# Then you enter ti&e &ine$ which is e%actly what 3 wanted you to do# And then you assu&e that 3 don.t know a)out the north li*t tu)e#4 Behind hi&$ ui!"on heard the hu& o* ,)i!Wan.s li'htsa)er# 2Which one o* you shall 3 kill *irst04 :anatos &ur&ured# 29ou$ or your clu&sy )oy04 ,)i!Wan lun'ed *orward *iercely# +e leaped onto a &inin' cart$ which rolled toward :anatos# At the last &o&ent$ ,)i!Wan spran' o**# +e *lew over :anatos. head$ strikin' down with his li'htsa)er as he did so# ui!"on heard the *lesh on :anatos. hand si>>le# +owlin'$ :anatos al&ost dropped hid li'htsa)er$ )ut cau'ht it with his other hand# ,)i!Wan landed sa*ely )ehind :anatos# 2Don.t call &e clu&sy$4 he said# Whirlin' so /uickly ui!"on )arely cau'ht the &ove&ent$ :anatos spran' at ,)i!Wan# ui!"on turned to the le*t#
The )oy leaped )ack$ slashin' with his li'htsa)er at the sa&e ti&e# :anatos. attack &issed hi& )y a whisper# ui!"on was already char'in' *orward$ and :anatos turned to parry the thrust# Their li'htsa)ers tan'led and locked$ sputterin'# S&oke rose in the tunnel# :anatos withdrew$ leapin' past ,)i!Wan$ and the two Jedi pursued hi& down the tunnel# As they ran$ the *loor )eneath the& sloped sharply# ui!"on reali>ed that they were descendin' to a lower level# Turnin' a corner$ they 6ust had ti&e to see :anatos disappear into a s&aller corridor that led o** the sha*t# They hurried *orward# The crosscut tunnel was narrow and dark# The 'low li'hts here were set at a *ainter settin'# The 'round dropped sharply downward# :anatos was 'one# 2Wait$ ui!"on$4 ,)i!Wan panted# 2Are you certain we should *ollow04 2Why not04 ui!"on asked i&patiently# +is li'htsa)er pulsed hot in his hand# 2Because he wants us to$4 ,)i!Wan said si&ply# 23t.s too late now$4 ui!"on said# +e has chosen the *ield o* )attle$ true# But we can de*eat hi ui!"on turned and ran down the tunnel a*ter :anatos# ,)i!Wan *ollowed# +e would stand )y ui!"on.s side until his very last )reath# They were deep in the planet.s crust )y now$ close to the core# The heat was intense# ui!"on saw a *aint si'n 'lowin' ahead# Core 5. DeerTa had lied to hi&# ,r else she had not known this tunnel e%isted# The tunnel opened out into a sli'htly wider one# The 'low li'hts were )ri'hter here# 3&&ediately a*ter they le*t the s&aller tunnel$ a hidden panel slid shut )ehind the&# They were trapped# ui!"on and ,)i!Wan slowly circled$ their li'htsa)ers held at the ready# There was no si'n o* :anatos# Then the li'hts went out# The &ockin' voice ca&e *ro& out o* the void# 23 hope the two o* you have ti&e *or a Te&ple e%ercise#4 Suddenly$ in the darkness$ the red 'low o* a li'htsa)er e%tended# ui!"on didn.t wait *or :anatos to strike# +e &oved throu'h the )lackness toward the 'low# +e could not see$ he let the <orce 'uide hi&# +e could *eel his opponent$ *eel the
dark tre&ors o* his evil# +e struck# 28issed &e$4 :anatos said# 23 was always )est at the )lind*old test# Re&e&)er04 ,)i!Wan &oved o** to the ri'ht$ hopin' that )etween the&$ he and /ui!"on could catch :anatos in a classic pincer &ove&ent# But suddenly the li'htsa)er was &ovin' throu'h the air$ slashin' toward hi&# +e 6u&ped )ack 6ust in ti&e# +e s&elled the li'htnin' in the air *ro& the close call# 3t was hard *i'htin' now$ driven )y instinct and with only the <orce to help the&# :anatos was a cunnin'$ power*ul adversary# +e attacked and retreated in a *urious rhyth&$ *aster than any *i'hter ,)i!Wan had &et# ui!"on.s 'race and power were astoundin' as ti&e and ti&e a'ain he &et :anatos with his thrustin' li'htsa)er$ protectin' hi&sel* and ,)i!Wan *ro& )lows# ,)i!Wan dived to the *loor$ hopin' to slash at :anatos. le's and 'et hi& down# But :anatos sidestepped and so&ersaulted over hi&# +e *elt the )rush o* air as he went )y# ,)i!Wan tried to push away his own an'er and use the white li'ht o* the <orce# +is &ind had )een too clouded )y an'er# +e needed to 'et clear# 3t was their only hope# +e drew on the livin' <orce to 'uide hi&# Suddenly$ he saw ui!"on take a step )ack# +is li'htsa)er *lickered *or a &o&ent# +ad he *elt ,)i!Wan.s shi*t0 ,)i!Wan *elt ui!"on.s <orce ener'y suddenly *low into his$ &eldin' and pulsin' in a white heat# ui!"on.s li'htsa)er 'lowed 'reen a'ain$ so )ri'ht it illu&inated the sha*t# To'ether$ they sliced throu'h the air$ never stoppin'$ &ovin'$ slidin'$ swervin'# :anatos was driven )ack$ )ack$ until they had hi& cornered a'ainst a tunnel wall# But suddenly the wall turned transparent$ and a door opened# :anatos spran' inside# 23t.s a li*t tu)eC4 ui!"on cried$ rushin' *orward# But the transparent door closed# "on struck at it with his li'htsa)er$ )ut the li'ht only sputtered# ui!
:anatos. voice echoed throu'h the cavern throu'h so&e sort o* a&pli*ication device# 23t doesn.t &atter what you do now# The &ine is a)out to )low# 3.ve created the sa&e conditions *or e%plosion as 3 did last ti&e# (%cept &ore so# "ases are &i%in' wand will co&)ust# 3 have enou'h ti&e to 'et to the sur*ace# 9ou do not#4 They heard the li*t shoot up out o* the &ine# The voice o* :anatos echoed in the darkness# 2"ood)ye$ &y old &aster# 8ay your death )e as pain*ul as &y *ather.s#4
Chapter 11
2The crosscut tunnel$4 ,)i!Wan 'asped# To'ether$ they ran )ack to the entrance# But$ as they suspected$ it was sealed# ui!"on put his hands a'ainst it# 3t was coated transparisteel# 3n the di&ness$ it would look like a wall# The entrance to the tunnel *ro& the &ain sha*t would )e concealed that way$ too# 23t.s sealed$4 ui!"on said# 2And 3 cannot open it# 5ot with the <orce#4 2To'ether$ then$4 ,)i!Wan su''ested# They concentrated$ drawin' the <orce to )ear on the door# 3t did not open$ or even turn transparent# 2There is a stron'er lock on this one$ 3 think4 )ein' a)le to open it#4 ui!"on said# 2:anatos wouldn.t risk our
2There has to )e a way$4 ,)i!Wan cried in *rustration# +e struck the door with his li'htsa)er$ )ut *elt only a pain*ul shock &ove throu'h his ar&# 2there is a panel here$4 ui!"on said# +e opened it# Several )uttons 'lowed# +e pushed the&$ )ut nothin' happened# 2So&e sort o* lockin' device$4 he &uttered# 2+e said we didn.t have &uch ti&e$4 ,)i!Wan 'lanced around the tunnel# 2 ui!"on$ he said the )last will )e &ore power*ul # # #4 29es$4 ui!"on answered# 2And 3.& sure he was sincere#4 The e%chan'ed a look# Both o* the& thou'h o* the &iners a)ove$ and Clat.+a and DeerTa# 8any lives would )e lost# The drea& o* +o&e ?lanet 8ine would die# Bando&eer would )e lost as well# 2There.s only one thin' to do$4 ,)i!Wan said# 23 can 'et us out o* here# 3.& the only one who can#4 ui!"on *elt deep unease stir within hi&# 2What do you &ean04 ,)i!Wan touched the electro!collar around his neck# 23 have the trans&itter$4 he said# 23 can reactivate it# 3* 3 push &ysel* up a'ainst the door$ the e%plosion should open it# 9ou &i'ht have ti&e to evacuate the &ine#4 2But you.ll never survive the )lastC4 ui!"on e%clai&ed# ,)i!Wan reached into his tunic *or the trans&itter# 2Stand as *ar )ack as you can$4 he instructed ui!"on# 25o$ ?adawan# There has to )e another way#4
2There is no other way$ and you know it$4 ,)i!Wan said steadily# 25ow stand )ack#4 25oC4 ui!"on cried# 23 will notC And 3 order you not to do this#4 2 ui!"on$ think o* the &any who will lose their lives$4 ,)i!Wan said ur'ently# 2Think o* what :anatos will win# Think o* Bando&eer# ,ur &ission was to protect it# 3* 3 don.t do this$ we *ail#4 2This is not the way$4 ui!"on said 'ri&ly# ,)i!Wan.s *ace was white and still# Deter&ination ti'htened every &uscle# 29es$ ui! "on# 3 can do it# 3 wi** do it#4
Chapter 1J
ui!"on was )ack in the ni'ht&are# +e *elt the sa&e horror$ the sa&e despair# The sa&e sense that he &ust prevent this thin'$ even as he ad&ired the sheer coura'e o* the )oy who had su''ested it# 23 won.t allow it$4 he told ,)i!Wan# 23.ll use the <orce to neutrali>e the collar#4 ,)i!Wan shook hid head$ a s&all s&ile on his *ace# 29ou won.t )e a)le to# 3 know 3 can *i'ht you and win# 8ay)e 6ust this one ti&e# But this ti&e 3.& ri'ht$ are you are not#4 ui!"on was taken a)ack# +e *elt the <orce e&it *or& ,)i!Wan like a )reakin' wave# The power o* it astonished hi&# +e locked his 'a>e with ,)i!Wan# Their wills slashed silently in the dark tunnel# ,)i!Wan pressed hi&sel* a'ainst the seal$ holdin' the trans&itter a'ainst hi&sel*# 2@et &e 'o$ ui!"on$4 he said# 23t is &y ti&e#4 Desperately$ ui!"on looked at the seal panel# +e wanted to s&ash it with his li'htsa)er# Wanted to sla& his )osy a'ainst the door# +e could not let this happenC +e would not let the ni'ht&are win# The ni'ht&are # # # +e )roken circle 'lowed at hi&# Why hadn.t he noticed the& )e*ore0 The ,**world secret lo'o was on the seal panel# T&e circ*e t&at )rin#s t&e past to t&e (uture, +et does not $eet. !e $ust $a"e t&e circ*e $eet. !e $ust )rin# t&e past (orward. !e $ust . . . 2Wait#4 ui!"on /uieted his &ind$ lettin' the <orce *ill hi&# +e drew *ro& ,)i!Wan.s
power as well$ concentratin' on the )roken circle# +e envisioned the circle &ovin'$ &eetin'$ )eco&in' whole once &ore# The past would &eet the *uture and create the present# That was what &attered# :anatos was past# ,)i!Wan was now# Slowly$ the separate strands &oved$ &akin' a per*ect circle# The door slid open# 23 told you there was an easier way$4 he said to ,)i!Wan# ,)i!Wan 'rinned in tired relie*# ?erspiration streaked his *ace *ro& the heat and e**ort# 2We.d )etter hurry#4 They raced )ack up the tunnel$ *ollowin' the twists and curves to the &ain sha*t# ui! "on re&e&)ered an e&er'ency siren near the south li*t tu)e# +e activated it$ and pulsatin' sound *illed the tunnels# 2(vacuate$4 a voice said cal&ly# 2(vacuate#4 2That &eans us$ too$ ,)i!Wan said$ pressin' the )utton *or the li*t tu)e# But ui!"on hesitated# +e 'lanced around the tunnel# They had )een workin' down here to clear it# Bo%es o* e%plosives stood stacked a'ainst the walls# And one )o% rested on top# 2,)i!Wan$4 ui!"on said# 23s that the )o% you saw04 ,)i!Wan turned# 29es$4 he said# 2)ut there.s no ti&e to *ind out what.s in it#4 The li*t tu)e arrived with a whoosh# 2@et.s 'o$ ui!"onC4 ui!"on didn.t answer# +e walked over to the )o%# +e unsheathed his li'htsa)er and$ with 'reat precision$ cut the lock# 2+e always had &ore than one trick$4 &e &ur&ured# 2+e always had a )ack door#4 +e li*ted the lid care*ully# Just as he.d thou'ht# 3t was an ion )o&)$ the &ost destructive e%plosive in the 'ala%y# ,)i!Wan stood )y his shoulder# 2+e said he had &i%ed 'ases#4 2+e lied$4 ui!"on said# 2This )o&) is on a ti&er# And &y 'uess is that all those )o%es stored around Bando&eer are set to )low at the sa&e &o&ent#4 +e turned to ,)i!Wan# 2The chain reaction will )e enor&ous# The entire planet could )low#4 ,)i!Wan went pale# 2Do you know how to dis&antle it04 2The <orce won.t work$4 ui!"on said$ crouchin'# 2This is a tri''er so delicate that the
<orce itsel* &i'ht set it o**# 3 can do it$ )ut 3 need ti&e# 8ore ti&e than 3 have#4 ui! "on )ent closer# 2This appears to )e the &aster control# :anatos &ust have set it when he le*t# That.s the 'ood news# 3* we can disar& this one$ none o* the others will )low#4 ,)i!Wan swallowed# 2What.s the )ad news04 23t.s set to )low in three &inutes$4 ui!"on said# 23 need *i*teen#4 ,)i!Wan *elt seconds tick )y$ precious seconds$ while he a)sor)ed this# To have co&e this *ar and have :anatos winC +e could not let it happen# 2+is hatred has led hi& to destroy a planet 6ust to destroy &e$4 ui!"on &used# 25ot to &ention a si>a)le *ortune# DeerTa said the wealth o* the ionite vein alone is i&&easura)le#4 23onite04 ,)i!Wan asked# 23 thou'h this was an a>urite &ine#4 A4They *ound a vein a*ter the e%plosion$4 ui!"on said# 2The *orce )lew rocks upward *ro& the core#4 +e 'estured down the tunnel# 2Does the )o&) have a clock04 ,)i!Wan asked# ui!"on nodded# 2An ion clock# ?recise to the second# Why04 ,)i!Wan didn.t answer# +e *lew down the tunnel$ toward the pile o* de)ris# +e picked up a rock and scraped a *in'ernail a'ainst it# +e saw the 'low o* ionite# +e picked up &ore rocks$ stackin' the& in his tunic# 2,ne &inute le*t$4 ui!"on called# 2We.re not dead yet$4 ,)i!Wan answered$ runnin' )ack to hi&# +e placed the rocks care*ully around the )o&)# 2What are # # # 04 ui!"on.s /uestion died on his lips# The di'ital readout had stopped *unctionin'# 2What 72 23onite$4 ,)i!Wan said# 23t has a neutral char'e# 8akes &ost instru&ents stop dead# (specially ti&es# 8iners *ear it$ )ut now$ it will save the +e 'rinned# 29ou.ve 'ot your *i*teen &inutes$ ui!"on#4 ui!"on )lew out a lon' )reath# 2Then 3.d )etter 'et started$4 he said#
Chapter 1L
Covered with 'ri&e$ their tunics sti** with sweat$ the Jedi wearily &ade their way to the 'overnor.s palace# There$ they *ound SonTa' in con*erence with DeerTa and Clat.+a#
2There was an e&er'ency evacuation at the &ine$4 SonTa' told the&$ *rownin' worriedly# 29et our sensors show nothin' wron'#4 2We 6ust replaced and dou)le!checked the& yesterday$4 Clat.+a put in# 2And we received word that ,**world had a pro)le& on their deepsea &inin' plat*or&$4 DeerTa added# 2The &iners. electro!collars all &al*unctioned# They revolted and a)andoned the &ine# Their leader 7 a ?hindian na&ed "uerra 7 said to tell you that he.s okay#4 ,)i!Wan *elt a 'low o* satis*action# "uerra was *ree# 25ot that we sy&pathi>e with ,**world$4 Clat.+a added# 23t.s a 'ood thin'# Those &iners were slaves# But why are we all havin' sensor &al*unction04 2(/uip&ent *ailure is not your pro)le&$4 ui!"on told the&# 23.& a*raid 3 have a &ore pain*ul *ailure to to reveal#4 uickly$ ui!"on told the& what had happened at the &ine# 2So :anatos was )ehind the *irst e%plosion$4 SonTa' said$ 'rie* in her *ace# 2i* only we hadn.t trusted hi&C4 23 knew we shouldn.t haveC4 DeerTa announced$ her eyes *lashin'# Clat.+a si&ply watched ui!"on# 2What do you &ean when you say you &ust reveal a &ore pain*ul *ailure04 She asked# @eave it to Clat.+a to 6u&p to the ne%t step$ ui!"on thou'ht ad&irin'ly# 2So&eone close to you has )etrayed you$4 he said# 2So&eone was in lea'ue with :anatos# They )etrayed Bando&eer *or personal 'ain and told hi& a)out the ionite#4 DeerTa went pale# 2But who would do such a thin'04 ui!"on let his 'a>e re&ain on her# Slowly$ her paleness was replaced with a *lush o* color# Clat.+a turned to her# 2DeerTa04 23t was *or the 'ood o* Bando&eerC4 DeerTa cried# 2That.s what he told &e# 3* ,**world was secretly )ehind the +o&e ?lanet 8ine$ it would )e sure to )e pro*ita)le#4 2Did you really think that he would allow us to own the &ine04 Clat.+a asked her *uriously#
2There is soðin' else$4 ui!"on said# 2:anatos had a )ack!up plan# +e wanted to )low up &ost o* Bando&eer# Those )lack )o%es were planted ne%t to e%plosive is all the (nrich&ent =ones$ plus the &inin' plat*or&s# So&e)ody helped hi& s&u''le those )o%es into the do&es#4 2+e said it was &inin' e/uip&ent *or *uture operations$4 DeerTa whispered# 2Bando&eer was al&ost destroyed$4 SonTa' said$ her voice as sharp as the ed'e o* a vi)ro!)lade# 23* it weren.t *or the Jedi # # #4 2There was no way 3 could have knownC4 DeerTa cried# 2Why would :anatos destroy Bando&eer0 +e would destroy his own pro*itsC4 ui!"on said nothin'# +e knew that i* there was one thin' stron'er than 'reed$ it was reven'e# :anatos had plotted *or this very day# +e had used DeerTa# +e knew that ui! "on would die knowin' he had )een una)le to save countless lives# 3t was the &ost pain*ul death :anatos could arran'e *or hi&# ui!"on had underesti&ated :anatos once a'ain# +e had not reali>ed that his *or&er apprentice was 6ust as &uch a slave to the past as he was# No, ui!"on corrected# +is own past would no lon'er hold hi& hosta'e# +e would leave it on Bando&eer# Clat.+a rose and &oved away sti**ly$ as i* she couldn.t )reathe the sa&e air as DeerTa# 2Where is :anatos now04 she asked ui!"on# 2+e has escaped$4 ,)i!Wan reported# 2+is plans were already arran'ed; he thou'ht he would )e leavin' a destroyed planet#4 2?erhaps he is at ,**world.s ho&e )ase$4 DeerTa said# Clat.+a shook her head in dis'ust# 25o one knows where that is# 8ark this$ DeerTa# 9ou will pay *or your cri&es# 9our *riend will not#4 29es$4 ui!"on said so*tly$ 2he will#4 ui!"on and ,)i!Wan returned to their cha&)er to 'ather their )elon'in's# There was a transport ship leavin' in a *ew hours# 29oda has another &ission *or us$4 ui!"on e%plained to ,)i!Wan# ?s, ,)i!Wan *elt a thrill at the word# ui!"on stood un&ovin'$ starin' down at his sleep!couch# A piece o* paper had )een
sta))ed to the cushion with a vi)ro!shiv# ,)i!Wan crossed the roo& to read over ui! "on.s )road shoulderA I( +ou are readin# t&is, I suppose I underesti$ated +ou. I won't ne4t ti$e. I en<o+ed our ad-enture to#et&er, 3aster. I a$ certain +ou wi** &a-e t&e p*easure o( $eetin# $e a#ain. ,)i!Wan couldn.t read his 8aster.s *eatures# +e tested the <orce$ searchin' *or the waves o* ui!"on.s an'er# +e *elt nothin'# Was ui!"on containin' his an'er$ shieldin' ,)i!Wan$ once a'ain$ *ro& his e&otions0 23.& not an'ry$ ,)i!Wan$4 ui!"on said# 2:anatos is 'one *ro& &e# +e is 6ust another ene&y now# The hate is all on his side# 3 a& prepared to *i'ht the evil he does# +e &ay kill &e one day$ )ut he will never wound &e a'ain#4 ui!"on turned# 29ou showed &e this# 3n the &ine$ when you reached out with the <orce and showed &e how li'ht can always )attle dark# 8y an'er le*t &e# 3n the end$ you tau'ht &e soðin' a)out &ysel*# And when the ?adawan teaches a 8aster in turn$ the partnership is ri'ht#4 29ou called &e ?adawan in the &ine$4 ,)i!Wan said hope*ully# 29ou would have died *or &e$4 ui!"on said# 29our coura'e is e%traordinary$ even *or a Jedi# 3 would )e honored to accept you as &y ?adawan$ ,)i!Wan -eno)i#4 ,)i!Wan *elt war&th *ill hi&# +e didn.t *eel the pride he thou'ht he.d *eel$ hearin' those words# But the <orce &oved around hi&$ and he *elt a deep sense o* ho&e# +e swallowed# 23 accept$ 8aster ui!"on Jinn#4 2,* course$4 ui!"on added$ 2you would not have succeeded with your plan# 3 would have stopped you *ro& dyin' on &e#4 29ou would not have )een a)le to$ 8aster4 ,)i!Wan replied serenely# The e%chan'ed a look$ hal*!challen'e$ hal*!a&use&ent# The <orce pulsed )etween the&# Both o* the& saw ahead to the lon' years and &any &issions to co&e# They knew they would de)ate this over those years$ even as the &e&ory o* a planet called Bando&eer had *aded# 3t would )e a *riendly disa'ree&ent )etween the&$ a )ond o* history and trust# They s&iled in reco'nition# Shared thou'ht was one o* the *irst )ondin' steps )etween a 8aster and ?adawan# 3t let the& know they were on a path to'ether# They would stride toward a *uture$ *or'ed *ro& their shared past# ui!"on put a hand on ,)i!Wan.s shoulder and rested it there# 2We.d )etter 'o pack$4 he said /uietly# 2We have a lon' way to 'o#4