Cirminal Procedure Case Digests
Cirminal Procedure Case Digests
Cirminal Procedure Case Digests
People vs Bautista GR No. 168641 April 27, 2007 Plaintiff: People of the Philippines Respondent: Clemente Bautista Crime: Slight Physical Injuries MeTC: Not prescribed RTC: Affirmed MeTC CA: Reversed RTC SC: Reversed CA
Facts: Private complainant Felipe Goyena filed with the City Prosecutor (OCP) a Complaint for slight physical injuries against Bautista. After conducting the preliminary investigation, Prosecutor Jessica Junsay-Ong issued a recommendation for the filing of an Information against Bautista. Such recommendation was approved by the City Prosecutor, represented by First Assistant City Prosecutor Eufrocino A. Sulla, but the date of such approval cannot be found in the records. The Information was, however, filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Manila, Branch 28 only on June 20, 2000. Respondent sought the dismissal of the case against him on the ground that by the time the Information was filed, the 60-day period of prescription from the date of the commission of the crime, that is, on June 12, 1999 had already elapsed.
No. The crime has not yet prescribed. The proceedings against respondent was not terminated upon the City Prosecutor's approval of the investigating prosecutor's recommendation that an information be filed with the court. The prescriptive period remains tolled from the time the complaint was filed with the Office of the Prosecutor until such time that respondent is either convicted or acquitted by the proper court. The Office of the Prosecutor miserably incurred some delay in filing the information but such mistake or negligence should not unduly prejudice the interests of the State and the offended party. As held in People v. Olarte,7 it is unjust to deprive the injured party of the right to obtain vindication on account of delays that are not under his control. All that the victim of the offense may do on his part to initiate the prosecution is to file the requisite complaint.8 Panaguiton, Jr. vs. DOJ G.R. No. 167571 November 25, 2008 Petitioner: LUIS PANAGUITON, JR., Respondents: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, RAMON C. TONGSON and RODRIGO G. CAWILI, Crime: violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 (B.P. Blg. 22) Lower Court Decision: dismissed the charges against Tongson Court of Appeals Decision: dismissed Luis Panaguiton, Jr.s (petitioners) petition for certiorari and his subsequent motion for reconsideration.
Issues 1. Whether or not the rule on prescription as provided for in Act No. 3326 applies to offenses under B.P. 22
#4 [SECTION 2 OF RULE 110]: NAME OF PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES VS FE ARCILLA Y CORNEJO G.R. NO. 116237 (MAY 15, 1996, 256 SCRA 757) Facts: Fe Arcilla, accused, is married with Antonio Arcilla, victim and both have 5 children. In 1983, accused left to work in Singapore leaving her children in their conjugal home in Camarines Sur and her husband who stayed most of the time in Albay. Unknown to accused, Antonio has an illicit relationship with Lilia Lipio that their amorous union bear fruit of 2 children. Later on, the accused learned of her husband's infidelity and decided to go home in 1988. However, it brought no effect. In May 1, 1992 at around 9 AM, the illicit relationship came to a tragic end when the accused went to Lilia's residence looking for her husband. Thereon, she saw her husband having a drinking spree with friends. The meeting immediately turned to be violent that the accused slapped Antonio. Both went to Lilia's house and the three proceeded to the bedroom where one of Lilia's children was sleeping. A heated altercation heated between Fe and Antonio forcing Lilia to go out of the room leaving the door half-closed. At the height of the argument, Lilia saw the accused bringing out a knife from her bag and stabbed Antonio on his chest. She barged inside the room
Facts: Eliseo R. Francisco is the Acquiring Chargeback Supervisor of Bankard Inc. Bankard is a credit card company engaged in issuing credit cards and acquiring credit card receivables from commercial establishments arising from purchases. The company serves as an intermediary between the credit card holder and a bank. Petitioner Francisco was tasked to convert the Equicom reports send through electronic mail from its original ARJ Text Format to the Amipro Format used by Bankard. Francisco was the only one assigned to perform this task. Bankard found several discrepancies between the original reports of Equicom with those converted by Francisco. There was a reversal of charges from 4 different establishments to Franciscos account. Upon a closer look, there was no record of actual transactions or purchases. Since there were no original purchase transactions charged against Franciscos credit cards, the reversal of charges and the crediting of sums of money to Franciscos credit cards appeared to be fictitious. Due to this, Bankard was
Ruling: Yes and even if not, the complaint would still be valid. Petitioner Francisco further argues that Bankard had no personality to file the complaint, since the credit card companies were the ones which really suffered damage in the case at bar. Thus, argued petitioner Francisco, the third element of estafa under Article 315(a) was lacking: Stated otherwise, this element speaks of an offended party which undoubtedly may only refer to Solidbank Mastercard and AIG Visa simply because it was these two credit card companies that extended credit facilities to herein petitioner when the latter used his credit cards. Firstly, as discussed above, it was duly proven that Bankard also suffered damages by reason of fraudulent acts committed by petitioner Francisco. Secondly, even assuming for the sake of argument that Solidbank Mastercard and AIG Visa were the proper offended parties in this case, petitioner Francisco is mistaken in his assertion that it was essential for either Solidbank Mastercard or AIG Visa to have filed the complaint for estafa. Except in cases that cannot be prosecuted de oficio, namely adultery, concubinage, seduction, abduction and acts of lasciviousness,10 a complaint filed by the offended party is not necessary for the institution of a criminal action. The Information filed by the prosecutor with the proper court is sufficient. A crime is an offense against the State, and hence is prosecuted in the name of the People of the Philippines. The participation of the private offended party is not essential to the prosecution of crimes, except in the crimes stated above, or in the prosecution of the civil action deemed
Case Name: PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES v. OLIVIA ALETH GARCIA CRISTOBAL G.R. No: G.R. No. 159450 Date: March 30, 2011 Plaintiff: People of the Philippines Respondent: Olivia Aleth Garcia Cristobal Crime: Qualified Theft Lower Court Decision: Guilty Court of Appeals Decision: Affirmed Lower Court (modified only the penalty) Supreme Court Decision: Affirmed CA decision FACTS: The accused, Olivia Aleth Garcia Cristobal, is one of the tellers of Prudential Bank in its branch in Angeles City. She was charged of the crime of qualified theft with grave abuse of trust and confidence reposed upon her by her employer, with intent to gain and without the knowledge and consent of the owner thereof, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, steal and carry away cash money amounting to $10,000.00, belonging to the Prudential Bank Among the six tellers of Prudential Bank in the said branch, she was the only teller assigned to handle dollar deposits and withdrawals. Virgilio Frias, Prudential Banks
ISSUES: 1. Whether or not the information filed against the accused was fatally defective 2. Whether or not the RTC correctly found that the accused had waived her right to present evidence in her defense 3. Whether or not the extrajudicial admission of taking the amount involved contained in the letter of the accused to the president of Prudential Bank was admissible under the rules and jurisprudence. RULING: Whether or not the information filed against the accused was fatally defective The petitioner submits that the information charged her with qualified theft that allegedly transpired on December 29, 1995, but the evidence at trial could not be the basis of her conviction because it actually proved that the taking had transpired on January 2, 1996; and that the discrepancy would unduly prejudice her rights as an accused to be informed of the charges as to enable her to prepare for her defense. But the petitioners submission is untenable. The sufficiency of the allegation of the time or date of the commission of the offense, Section 6 and Section 11, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Court, the rules applicable, provide: Section 6. Sufficiency of complaint or information. A complaint or information is sufficient if it states the name of the accused; the designation of the offense by the statute; the acts or omissions complained of as constituting the offense; the name of the offended party; the approximate time of the commission of the offense; and the place wherein the offense was committed. When an offense is committed by more than one person, all of them shall be included in the complaint or information.
Issue/s: W/O/N the Information in the Criminal Case (Criminal Case 8539) was defective for failure to state the exact date of the commission of the crime. Ruling: No. An information, under Section 6, Rule 110 of the 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, is deemed sufficient if it states the name of the accused; the designation of the offense given by the statute; the acts or omissions complained of as constituting the offense; the name of the offended party; the approximate date of the commission of the offense; and the place where the offense was committed. Section 11 of the same Rule also provides that it is not necessary to state in the complaint or information the precise date the offense was committed, except when the date of commission is a material element of the offense. The offense may thus be alleged to have been committed on a date as near as possible to the actual date of its commission. At the minimum, an indictment must contain all the essential elements of the offense charged to enable the accused to properly meet the charge and duly prepare for his defense.40 In the present case, the Information in Criminal Case No. 8539 states that the offense was committed "in the first week of July 1995"; it likewise alleged that the victim was "below 12 years old" at the time of the incident. These allegations sufficiently informed the appellant that he was being charged of rape of a child who was below 12 years of age. Afforded adequate opportunity to prepare his defense,
SC: Affirmed CA with Modification (In addition to the awards of civil indemnity and moral damages, he is further ordered to pay P25,000 as exemplary damages to AAA.)
Criminal Case No. TG-3255-99 = STATUTORY RAPE (CONVICTED = ON APPEAL, INSUFFICIENCY IN FORM) That sometimes (sic) between the year 1992 to 1995 at Barangay Sabutan, Municipality of Silang, Province of Cavite, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the abovenamed accused, with lewd designs, by means of force, violence and intimidation and taking advantage of his superior strength over the person of the victim who was then nine (9) years old, did, then and there, willfully (sic), unlawfully and feloniously, have carnal knowledge of one AAA, against her will and consent, to her damage and prejudice. CONTRARY TO LAW.
Criminal Case No. SC-3261-00 = ATTEMPTED RAPE (ACQUITTED) That on or about the 25th day of March, 1999, at Brgy. Sabutan, Municipality of Silang, Province of Cavite, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, with lewd designs by means of force, violence and intimidation and taking advantage of his superior strength over the person of the victim who was sixteen (16)
Evidence: PGH Child Protection Unit for medical examination. The findings showed that she had a healed laceration at the 6:00 position of her hymen indicating previous penetration
AAA, the victim, was born on September 8, 1982 and was only about 9 or 10 years old when Canares, a helper in AAAs grandmothers house at Barangay Sabutan, Silang, Cavite, allegedly first sexually abused her (1st complaint 1992). AAA narrated descriptively the criminal informations filed. (inside the bedroom of AAA, more than 10 times sexually abused from 1992-1995 first complaint bodega of the house where appeallant sleeps on 1999 2nd complaint)
Defense: He claimed that the charges were filed against him at the instance of AAAs grandmother and uncle because of the nonpayment of his salary as a farm hand and as a tricycle driver. AAAs uncle also allegedly failed to pay him a previous loan of P10,000.20 He also claimed that it was impossible for him to rape AAA because she came to live at her grandmothers house only in 1997.21 He argued that the rape could not have possibly occurred considering the number of people staying in the house; a shout from someone being assaulted could easily be heard in the house.
Appeallant then appealed to SC stating that the testimonies were insufficient and contended that the Information in Criminal Case No. TG-3255-99was defective for failure to state the exact date of the commission of the crime. He argues that the allegation that the rape was committed "sometime between the year 1992 to 1995" is very broad, considering particularly AAAs testimony that she was raped more than 10 times. He posits that since the specific incident of rape for which he was convicted is uncertain, the doubt should be resolved in favor of his acquittal.
We find no reason to overturn the conviction of Canares and hereby confirm his guilt for the crime of statutory rape committed against AAA sometime in 1992.
In any event, even if the information failed to allege with certainty the time of the commission of the rapes, the defect, if any, was cured by the evidence presented during the trial and any objection based on this ground must be deemed waived as a result of accused-appellants failure to object before arraignment. XXX People v. Lizada, specifically involving the charge of rape, followed the above general principle; we stated that an information for rape is not rendered defective for failure to specify the exact date when the rape was committed. The reason for this is plain: the precise date of the commission of the rape is not an essential element of the crime. The gravamen of the crime of rape is carnal knowledge of the woman under any of the circumstances provided by law.
2. Substantive Issue Statutory rape is committed by sexual intercourse with a woman below 12 years of age regardless of her consent to the act or lack of it.55 Proof of force, intimidation or consent is unnecessary; force is not an element of statutory rape and the absence of free consent is conclusively presumed when the complainant is below the age of twelve. The law presumes that a woman below this age does not possess discernment and is incapable of giving intelligent consent to the sexual act.To convict an accused of the crime of statutory rape, the prosecution must prove: first, the age of the complainant; second, the identity of the accused; and last but not the least, the carnal knowledge between the accused and the complainant.The first and second elements have been established by the presentation of a Certification from the Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar of Silang, Cavite dated April 21, 1999 stating that AAA was born on September 8, 1982.59 Hence, she was only 9, or at most 10, years old when the rape was committed in 1992. In and out of court, she consistently identified Canares as her rapist. Carnal knowledge is proven by proof of the entry or introduction of the male organ into the female organ; the "touching" or "entry" of the penis into the labia majora or the labia minora of the pudendum of the victims genitalia constitutes consummated rape. The prosecution proved this element when AAA narrated during the trial the details of her rape, committed sometime in 1992. (also with the medical examination)
Petitioner: Manuel V. Baviera Respondent: Esperanza Paglinawan in her capacity as Department of Justice State Prosecutor et al. Petition: For Review on Certiorari against CA's decision DOJ Decision: Dismiss petitioners complaint against Court of Appeals Decision: Affirmed DOJ Supreme Court Decision: Denied petition and affirmed CA decision
FACTS: -Before us are two consolidated Petitions for Review on Certiorari assailing the Decisions of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 87328 and in CA-G.R. SP No. 85078.
THE DOJ -DOJ rendered its Resolutiondismissing petitioners complaint for syndicated estafa in I.S. No. 2003-1059; -DOJ also dismissed petitioners complaint in I.S. No. 2004-229 (violation of Securities Regulation Code), holding that it should have been filed with the SEC.
THE CA -Petitioner filed with the Court of Appeals a petion for certitorari alleging that the DOJ acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in dismissing his complaint for syndicated estafa and also filed with the Court of Appeals a separate petition assailing the DOJ Resolution dismissing violation of the Securities Regulation Code. However, CA dismissed the petition.
ISSUE: W/N the Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the DOJ did not commit grave abuse of discretion in dismissing petitioners complaint in I.S. 2004-229 for violation of Securities Regulation Code and his complaint in I.S. No. 2003-1059 for syndicated estafa.
HELD: For violation of the Securities Regulation Code Section 53.1 of the Securities Regulation Code provides:
For Syndicated Estafa Section 5, Rule 110 of the 2000 Rules of Criminal Procedure, as amended, provides that all criminal actions, commenced by either a complaint or an information, shall be prosecuted under the direction and control of a public prosecutor. This mandate is founded on the theory that a crime is a breach of the security and peace of the people at large, an outrage against the very sovereignty of the State. It follows that a representative of the State shall direct and control the prosecution of the offense.13 This representative of the State is the public prosecutor, whom this Court described in the old case of Suarez v. Platon,14 as: [T]he representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy, but of a sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to govern at all; and whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done. As such, he is in a peculiar and very definite sense a servant of the law, the twofold aim of which is that guilt shall not escape or innocence suffers. Concomitant with his authority and power to control the prosecution of criminal offenses, the public prosecutor is vested with the discretionary power to determine whether a prima facie case exists or not.15 This is done through a preliminary investigation designed to secure the respondent from hasty, malicious and oppressive prosecution. Thus, the decision whether or not to dismiss the criminal complaint against the accused depends on the sound discretion of the prosecutor. Given this latitude and authority granted by law to the investigating prosecutor, the rule in this jurisdiction is that courts will not interfere with the conduct of preliminary investigations or reinvestigations or in the determination of what constitutes sufficient probable cause for
Case Name: ADAZA vs ABALOS G.R. No. 168617 Date: February 19, 2007 Plaintiff: Bernadette Adasa Respondent: Cecille Abalos Crime: Estafa Thru Falsification of Commercial Document Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City: Ordered the filing of two separate Informations for Estafa Thru Falsification against Adasa DOJ Decision: Reversed the decision of Office of the City Prosecutor Court of Appeal: Reversed the DOJs ruling
Facts The two complaints-affidavits filed by respondent Cecille S. Abalos on 18 January 2001 before the Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City, against petitioner for Estafa. Respondent alleged in the complaints-affidavits that petitioner, through deceit, received and encashed two checks issued in the name of respondent without respondents knowledge and consent and that despite repeated demands by the latter, petitioner failed and refused to pay the proceeds of the checks. Petitioner, however, recanted and alleged instead that it was a certain Bebie Correa who received the two checks which are the subject matter of the complaints. On 25 April 2001, a resolution was issued by the Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City finding probable cause against petitioner and ordering the filing of two separate Informations for Estafa Thru Falsification of Commercial Document. The trial court in Criminal Case No. 8782 issued an order directing the Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City to conduct a reinvestigation. The Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City issued a resolution dated 30 August 2001, affirming the finding of probable cause against petitioner.
Another digest - Adasa vs. Abalos Bernadette Adasa vs. Cecille Abalos G.R. No. 168617 February 19, 2007 Chico-Nazario, J.: Facts: Respondent Cecille Abalos alleged in the complaints-affidavits that petitioner Bernadette Adasa, through deceit, received and encashed two checks issued in the name of respondent without respondents knowledge and consent and that despite repeated demands by the latter, petitioner failed and refused to pay the proceeds of the checks. A resolution was issued by the Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City finding probable cause against petitioner and ordering the filing of two separate Informations for Estafa Thru Falsification of Commercial Document by a Private Individual, under Article 315 in relation to Articles 171 and 172 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended. Dissatisfied with the finding of the Office of the City Prosecutor of Iligan City, petitioner later filed a Petition for Review before the DOJ. In a Resolution, the DOJ reversed and set
Assistant Fiscal Gala with the approval of the Provincial Fiscal filed an information for estafa against Mario Crespo. When the case was set for arraignment, the accused filed a motion to defer arraignment on the ground that there was a pending petition for review filed with the Secretary of Justice. The respondent denied the motion. Court of Appeals restrained the judge from enforcing his threat to compel the arraignment of the accused in the case until the Department of Justice shall have finally resolved the petition for review.
Then, Usec of Justice resolving the petition for review reversed the resolution of the Office of the Provincial Fiscal and directed the fiscal to move for immediate dismissal of the information filed against the accused. A motion to dismiss for insufficiency of evidence was filed by the Provincial Fiscal. However, the Judge denied the motion and set the arraignment stating. A motion and restraining order was filed again in the CA but was dismissed. Thus, this case. ISSUE: Whether the trial court acting on a motion to dismiss a criminal case filed by the Provincial Fiscal upon instructions of the Secretary of Justice to whom the case was elevated for review, may refuse to grant the motion and insist on the arraignment and trial on the merits.
YES. It is a cardinal principle that an criminal actions either commenced by complaint or by information shall be prosecuted under the direction and control of the fiscal. The institution of a criminal action depends upon the sound discretion of the fiscal. The reason for placing the criminal prosecution under the direction and control of the fiscal is to prevent malicious or unfounded prosecution by private persons. It cannot be controlled by the complainant. It is through the conduct of a preliminary investigation that the fiscal determines the existence of a prima facie case that would warrant the prosecution of a case. The Courts cannot interfere with the fiscal's discretion and control of the criminal prosecution. Thus, a fiscal who asks for the dismissal of the case for insufficiency of evidence has authority to do so, and Courts that grant the same commit no error. In a clash of views between the judge who did not investigate and the fiscal who did, or between the fiscal and the offended party or the defendant, those of the Fiscal's should normally prevail.
The preliminary investigation conducted by the fiscal for the purpose of determining whether a prima facie case exists warranting the prosecution of the accused is terminated upon the filing of the information in the proper court. The filing of said information sets in motion the criminal action against the accused in Court. Should the fiscal find it proper to conduct a reinvestigation of the case, at such stage, the permission of the Court must be secured. While it is true that the fiscal has the quasi judicial discretion to determine whether or not a criminal case should be filed in court or not, once the case had already been brought to Court whatever disposition the fiscal may feel should be proper in the case thereafter should be addressed for the consideration of the Court.Whether the accused had been arraigned or not and whether it was due to a reinvestigation by the fiscal or a review by the Secretary of Justice whereby a motion to dismiss was submitted to the Court, the Court in the exercise of its discretion may grant the motion or deny it and require that the trial on the merits proceed for the proper determination of the case.
The role of the fiscal or prosecutor as We all know is to see that justice is done and not necessarily to secure the conviction of the person accused before the Courts. Thus, in spite of his opinion to the contrary, it is the duty of the fiscal to proceed with the presentation of evidence of the prosecution to the Court to enable the Court to arrive at its own independent judgment as to whether the accused should be convicted or acquitted.
The rule therefore in this jurisdiction is that once a complaint or information is filed in Court any disposition of the case as its dismissal or the conviction or acquittal of the accused rests in the sound discretion of the Court. Although the fiscal retains the direction and control of the prosecution of criminal cases even while the case is already in Court he cannot impose his opinion on the trial court. The Court is the best and sole judge on what to do with the case before it. The determination of the case is within its exclusive jurisdiction and competence. A motion to dismiss the case filed by the fiscal should be addressed to the Court who has the option to grant or deny the same. It does not matter if this is done before or after the arraignment of the accused or that the motion was filed after a reinvestigation or upon instructions of the Secretary of Justice who reviewed the records of the investigation.
WILSON CHUA et al.v.RODRIGO PADILLO AND MARIETTA PADILLO GR. 163797, 24 April 2007, FIRST DIVISION (Sandoval-Guitierrez, J.)
The representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy, but of a sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to govern at all; and whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done. As such, he is in a peculiar and very definite sense a servant of the law, the twofold aim of which is that guilt shall not escape or innocence suffer.
The respondents, spouses Padillo, are the owners of Padillo Lending Investor engaged in a money lending business in Lucena City. The firms manager, Marissa Padillo-Chua, is the wife of herein petitioner, Wilson Chua, and the niece of the spouses Padillo. One of the functions of Marissa is to evaluate and recommend loan applications subject for approval by the respondents. Sometime in September 1999, a post audit was conducted and it was found that Marissa was involved in illegal activities. Marissa would recommend the approval of loans from fictitious borrowers. She would alter the name of the payee appearing on the check by adding another name as alternative payee. This alternative payee would personally encash the check with the drawee bank. The cash amount received would be turned over to Marissa and her husband Wilson for deposit in their personal accounts.
However, the Padillos were convinced that a more serious offense should have been charged against them. They interposed an appeal with the Secretary of Justice, who, in turn, issued a resolution removing Wilson and Renita from the criminal charge of estafa. The Secretary of Justice believed there was no conspiracy that ensued. The respondents appealed with the CA and the resolution of the DOJ was reversed. Hence, the instant petition. Petitioners contend that the Court of Appeals erred in compelling the Secretary of Justice to include in the Information Wilson and Renita.
Issue: Whether or not the CA committed a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in compelling the Secretary of Justice to include in the Information Wilson and Renita
Having been vested by law with the control of the prosecution of criminal cases, the public prosecutor, in the exercise of his functions, has the power and discretion to: (a) determine whether a prima facie case exists; (b) decide which of the conflicting testimonies should be believed free from the interference or control of the offended party;and (c) subject only to the right against self-incrimination, determine which witnesses to present in court. Given his discretionary powers, a public prosecutor cannot be compelled to file an Information where he is not convinced that the evidence before him would warrant the filing of an action in court. For while he is bound by his oath of office to prosecute persons who, according to complainants evidence, are shown to be guilty of a crime, he is likewise duty-bound to protect innocent persons from groundless, false, or malicious prosecution.
(1) To afford adequate protection to the constitutional rights of the accused; (2) When necessary for the orderly administration of justice or to avoid oppression or multiplicity of actions; (3) When there is a prejudicial question which is sub-judice; (4) When the acts of the officer are without or in excess of authority; (5) Where the prosecution is under an invalid law, ordinance or regulation;
Corollary to the rule, the courts cannot interfere with the discretion of the fiscal or Ombudsman to determine the specificity and adequacy of the averments of the offense charged. He may dismiss the complaint forthwith if he finds it to be insufficient in form or substance or if he otherwise finds no ground to continue with the inquiry; or he may proceed with the investigation if the complaint is, in his view, in due and proper form.
However, while the Ombudsman has the full discretion to determine whether or not a criminal case should be filed, this Court is not precluded from reviewing the Ombudsmans action when there is an abuse of discretion, by way of Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. Thus, we proceed to determine whether the respondents Ombudsman Desierto and Overall Deputy Ombudsman Villa acted with grave abuse of discretion. Grave abuse of discretion implies such capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. Such arbitrariness or despotism does not obtain here. With regard to respondents denial of petitioners motion for consolidation of Crim. Case No. 20574 with Crim. Case Nos. 20185, 20191, 20192, 20576 and 22098, we find the same to be well-founded. While the Ombudsman has full discretion to determine whether or not a criminal case should be filed in the Sandiganbayan, once the case has been filed with said court, it is the Sandiganbayan, and no longer the Ombudsman, which has full control of the case so much so that the informations may not be dismissed, or in the instant case, may not be consolidated with other pending cases, without the approval of the said court.
Petitioner: Mario Jalandoni Respondent: Secretary of Justice Franklin M Drilon, Robert Coyiuto, Jr., Jaime Ledesma, Ramon Garcia, Amparo Barcelon, Antonio Ozaeta, and Carlos Dyhongpo Crime: Libel
Facts: Private respondents, Coyjuto, Ledesma, Garcia, Barcelon, Ozaeta and Dyhongpo published full sized advertisements in 5 major daily newspapers. These advertisements contained allegations naming herein petitioner who was then a PCGG Commissioner of having committed illegal and unauthorized acts, and other wrongdoings constituting graft and corruption, relative to the dacion en pago financing arrangement entered into by Piedras Petroleum Co., Inc. with Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation. Petitioner filed for libel before the Provincial Prosecutor of Rizal. The information was approved by the Rizal Provincial prosecutor recommending the indictment of the private respondents for the crime of libel. Aggrieved, the private respondents appealed to the Secretary of Justice Franklin M. Drilon. He decided that the questioned resolutions are set aside and the complaints dismissed.
Issue: Whether or not the Secretary of Justice has the power to dismiss complaints
Ruling: Yes. The Secretary of Justice has the power to dismiss complaints. Sec. 1 (d) of P.D. No. 911 likewise empowers the Secretary of Justice, where he finds that no prima facie case exists, to authorize and direct the investigating fiscal concerned or any other fiscal or state prosecutor to cause or move for the dismissal of the case, or, where he finds a prima facie case, to cause the filing of an information in court against the respondent, based on the same sworn statements of evidence submitted, without the necessity of conducting another preliminary investigation. The power of supervision and control by the Minister of Justice over the fiscals cannot be denied. As stated in Noblejas vs. Salas, 67 SCRA 47, Section 79 (c) of the Revised Administrative Code defines the extent of a department secretary's power. The power of control therein contemplated "means the power (of the department head) to alter, modify or nullify or set aside what a subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and to substitute the judgment of the former for that of the latter." "The power of control . . . implies the right of the President (and, naturally, of his alter ego) to interfere in the exercise of such discretion as may be vested by law in the officers of the national government, as well as to act in lieu of such officers." For, while it is the duty of the fiscal to prosecute persons who, according to evidence received from the complainant, are shown to be guilty of a crime, the Minister of Justice is likewise bound by his oath of office to protect innocent persons from groundless, false or serious prosecution. He would be committing a serious dereliction of duty if he orders or sanctions the filing of an information based upon a complaint where he is not convinced that the evidence would warrant the filing of the action in court. As he has the power of supervision and control over prosecuting officers, the Minister of Justice has the ultimate power to decide which as between conflicting theories of the complainant and the respondents should be believed. 11 It is a well-settled rule that the Secretary of Justice has the power to review resolutions or decisions of provincial or city prosecutors or the Chief State Prosecutor upon petition by a proper party. Under the Revised Administrative Code, the secretary of
FACTS: March 21, 1974 -Petitioner filed a complaint for attempted theft of materials (scrap iron) forming part of the installations on its mining property at Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte against private respondents Romeo Garrido and Gil Alapan with the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Camarines Norte, then headed by Provincial Fiscal Joaquin Ilustre, who thereafter filed an Information dated October 17, 1987 docketed as Criminal Case No. 821, charging private respondents with the crime of Attempted Theft. The Chief State Prosecutor ordered the Provincial Fiscal by telegram to elevate entire records and to review in five days and defer all proceedings pending review. The letterrequest for review was opposed by petitioner in a letter to the Secretary of Justice, alleging, among other things, that an information for Attempted Theft had already been
ELVIRA O. ONG Petitioner, vs. JOSE CASIM GENIO, Respondent. Facts: Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, seeking the reversal of the CA Resolution.
Private respondent Hagonoy Rural Bank, Inc. owns the Hagonoy Money Shop which employed petitioner Cristina O. Perez as Officer-In-Charge, Cashier and Teller, Alberto S. Fabian as Bookkeeper, and Cristina Medina and Milagros Martin as Solicitors/FieldManagers. From August 3, 1992 up to December 5, 1993, the Laya, Manabat, Salgado and Company, an independent management, consultancy and accounting firm, conducted an audit of the financial affairs of the Hagonoy Money Shop and found anomalies in more or less twenty-eight (28)savings accounts consisting of withdrawals which were recorded in the subsidiary ledgers of the money shop but not in the passbooks which were in the possession of the depositors. The audit also revealed that to cover-up the anomalous withdrawals, fake deposits were recorded in the money shop's subsidiary ledgers whenever the remaining balance in a particular savings account went below the amount of legitimate withdrawals made by depositor. This prompted the private respondent to file an affidavit-complaint for estafa against the aforementioned employees of the money shop and two outsiders, Susan Jordan and Brigida Mangahas. Acting Provincial Prosecutor, Jesus Y. Manarang ( "prosecutor"), issued a resolution finding prima facie evidence that the petitioner and her co-employees had committed the crime of estafa thru falsification of commercial documents, and recommending the filing of the information against them with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Malolos, Bulacan. The charges against Susan Jordan and Brigida Mangahas were, however dismissed. Petitioner filed a petition for review with the Secretary of Justice praying for the dismissal of the charges against her.
ISSUES 0. Whether or not Judge Masadao, presiding judge of RTC Branch 9, Malolos, Bulacan, committed grave abuse of discretion in granting the prosecutor's motion to dismiss the criminal case against petitioner without an independent assessment of the sufficiency or insufficiency of the evidence against the latter.
RULING: 2. YES, Judge Masadao acted with grave abuse of discretion in granting the prosecutor's motion to dimiss the criminal charges against the petitioner in the basis solely of the recommendation of theSecretary of Justice. Rationale: Judge Masadao's reliance on the prosecutor's averment that the Sec. Of Justice had recommended the dismissal of the case against the petitioner was an abdication of the trial court's duty and jurisdiction to determine a prima facie case, in violation of this Court's pronouncement in CRESPO v MOGUL. As aptly observed by the Office of the SolicitorGeneral, in failing to make an independent finding of the merits of the case and merely anchoring the dismissal on the revised position of the prosecution, the trial judge relinquished the discretion he was duty bound to exercise. In effect, it was the prosecution, through the Department of Justice which decided what to do and not the court which was reduced to a mere rubber stamp in violation of the ruling in Crespo v. Mogul.
2. YES While it is only the Solicitor General that may bring or defend actions on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, or represent the People or State in criminal proceedings pending in the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, the private offended party retains the right to bring a special civil action for certiorari in his own name in criminal proceedings before the courts of law. Rationale In the case of Dela Rosa v. Court of Appeals,we held that: "In a special civil action for certiorari filed under Section 1, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court wherein it is alleged that the
Petitioner: COMELEC Respondent: Lorenzo R. Silva Jr, . ERASTO TANCIONGCO, and NORMA CASTILLO, respondents. Crime: Election fraud
Facts: Pursuant to its power under Art. IX-C, 2(6) of the Constitution, the COMELEC charged private respondents Erasto Tanciongco and Norma Castillo with violations of 27 of R.A. No. 6646, together with Zenon Uy, in twelve separate informations filed with the Regional Trial Court of Bataan. In each information, the three were accused of having
Issue: Whether or not the designated prosecutor has the authority to decide whether or not to appeal from the orders of dismissal
Ruling: We think this view to be mistaken. The authority to decide whether or not to appeal the dismissal belongs to the COMELEC. Art. IX-C, 2(6) of the Constitution expressly vests in it the power and function to "investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute cases of violations of election laws, including acts or omissions constituting election frauds, offenses, and malpractices."
Indeed, even before the present Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881) and, before it, the 1971 Election Code (R.A. No. 6388) and the 1978 Election
Plaintiff: Leodegario Benga-Oras Respondent: Jose Evangelista Crime: Abduction Lower Court Decision: Petition to dismissed DENIED Court of Appeals Decision: none Supreme Court Decision: Petition for certiorari DENIED
Facts: Norma Ballos, a 14 yrs old girl was allegedly abducted against her will by the petitioner Jose Evangelista. Because of that, her father Silvestre filed a complaint before the Justice of Peace. The petitioner in turn, filed a motion to dismiss challenging the jurisdiction of the court on the ground that the complaint which served as the information was not signed by the offended party, who was already in the age of discernment. The Justice of Peace court denied the motion.
Issue: Whether or not the offended party has the exclusive right to file a complaint if she passed the age of discernment
Ruling: Petition denied. The law (Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code) does not state or does not intend to state that the right of the offended party to file the complaint against the offender, in the cases mentioned, is hers exclusively in the sense that when she does not file the same, her parents, grandparents, or guardian cannot file it. What it means to say that it in fact says it, that when the offended party is a minor and she does not file a complaint, this may be done by her parents, grandparents or guardian, in the order named. If the offended party, who is under age, does not file or does not want to file the complaint against her offender, her parents may do so "being under obligation to render protection to those under their power and lawful guardianship and to represent them in the exercise of all the actions which may redound to their benefit.
Formal Requisites of Complaint of Information (Sufficiency of Complaint or Information) Sec 6 Designation; acts or omissions Case name: Flores v. Layosa Petitioners: Rafael T. Flores, Herminio C. Elizon, Arnulfo S. Soloria Respondents: Hon. Lydia Layosa in her capacity as Judge of RTC, Benigno Montera and People of the Philippines GR No: 154714 Date: August 12, 2004 Crime: Estafa through Falsification of Public Document Place: National Food Authority central office, Quezon City The Office of the Ombudsman, after conducting a preliminary investigation, filed an Information charging petitioners with the offense of Estafa through Falsification of Public Documents with the RTC. Subsequently, the prosecutors filed a motion to suspend the accused pendente lite. RTC issued an order suspending petitioners pendente lite for a period of 90 days pursuant to Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act which mandates that a public official charged under a valid Information for an offense under said Act or under Title 7, Book II of the Revised Penal Code or any offense involving fraud upon government or public funds or property shall be suspended from office while the criminal prosecution against him is pending in court. Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the same was denied by the RTC
Hence, the instant petition for Review on Certiorari. ISSUE: Whether or not the offense charged in the information falls within the coverage of Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices Act to warrant suspension pendente lite. Petitioners contention: while the Information sufficiently alleges the elements of the offense of falsification of public document, it does not contain an averment of fraud or deceit on their part. Hence, the Information does not charge them with estafa but only falsification of public document. The Information reads: The undersigned accuses JUDY CAROL L. DANSAL, Department Manager, RAFAEL T. FLORES, Asst. Department Manager, HERMINIO C. ELIZON, Division Chief III, ARNULFO S. SOLORIA, Security Officer, RONALDO VALLADA, Security Guard, all from the National Food Authority Central Office, Quezon City, of the Crime of Estafa thru Falsification of Public Document as defined and penalized under Article 315 in relation to Article 171 of the Revised Penal Code committed as follows: That sometime in or about July 1991 in Quezon City, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused taking advantage of their respective official positions, conspiring, confederating and helping one another, did then and there willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously falsify the Daily Time Record of the said accused Ronaldo Vallada for the month of July 1991, by making entries therein to make it appear that Vallada reported for work as Security Guard at the National Food Authority, when in truth and in fact said accused very well knew that Vallada never reported for work for the
Case Name: People vs Tano G.R. No: 133872 Date: May 5, 2000 Plaintiff: People of the Philippines Respondent: ALEXANDER TAO y CABALLERO Crime: Separate crimes of Robbery and Rape Lower Court Decision: Guilty of special complex crime of robbery with rape Court of Appeals Decision: No decision. The case was directly forwarded to Supreme Court for automatic review since the penalty imposed to the accused is death. Supreme Court Decision: Lower courts assailed Decision is hereby MODIFIED.
Facts: Amy de Guzman was tending a Video Rental Shop owned by her employer and cousin, Ana Marinay. Thereupon, accused-appellant Alexander Tao, a relative of Anas husband Gerry Marinay, arrived at said shop. Accused asked Amy about the time when Gerry and Ana would be coming home, to which she replied, 10:00 p.m. (id.). He then asked about the time when Ana
Issue WON the lower court erred in finding the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of robbery with rape despite the prosecutions insufficiency of evidence. Ruling: I. SUFFICIENCY OF EVIDENCE
Time-tested is the guiding principle that when a victim cries rape, she says in effect all that is necessary to show that the crime was inflicted on her; and so long as her testimony meets the test of credibility, the accused may be convicted on the basis thereof. We have no reason in the instant case to deviate from this settled jurisprudence.
Section 8, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure merely directs that the information must state the designation of the offense given by the statute, aver the acts or omissions constituting the offense, and specify its qualifying and aggravating circumstances.
The victim, Rufino Guay, attended a wedding together with his friends at Mabbalat, Igufao. The petitioner and his group of friends likewise attended the same wedding. After the ceremonies, both the group of the victim and the petitioner went to a store to buy some gin. In the midst of their drinking session, a brawl occurred between petitioner and the victim. The friends of both petitioner and victim joined the brawl. Some time after, police assistance arrived to pacify the scene. The brawl continued notwithstanding the presence of police officers. Licyayo then approached Guay, who was then wrestling with
Licyayo was charged of Homicide with the RTC of Lagawe, Ifugao. Although the information accuses him of the crime of homicide, it does not categorically state that he is being charged with homicide, as defined and penalized under Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code. According to him, the information should have been more explicit by stating that he is being indicted for homicide as defined and penalized under Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code. He argues that the specification in the information of the law violated is necessary to enable him to adequately prepare for his defense, and that to convict him under such defective information would violate his constitutional and statutory right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him.
Issue: Whether or not the information filed is not sufficient as it did not specifically charged petitioner for the crime of "homicide" defined and penalized under article 249 of the revised penal code Held: Petition DENIED. The fact that the information does not specifically mention Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code as the law, which defines and penalizes homicide, does not make it defective. There is nothing in the afore-quoted Rules, which specifically requires that the information must state the particular law under which the accused is charged in order for it to be considered sufficient and valid. What the Rules merely require, among other things, is that the information must designate the offense charged and aver the acts constituting it, which in this case, were obviously done. People v. Gatchalian categorically stated that there is no law that requires that in order that an accused may be convicted, the specific provision that penalizes the act charged be mentioned in the information. Besides, it should be stressed that the character of the crime is determined neither by the caption or preamble of the information nor by the specification of the provision of law alleged to have been violated, they being conclusions of law, but by the recital of the ultimate facts and circumstances in the information.The sufficiency of an information is not
PEOPLE V. MEJIA| G.R. No. 185723| August 4, 2009| Plaintiff: AAA| Accused: Edwin Mejia| For: Rape and Acts of Lasciviousness| J. Chico-Nazario TOPIC: Rule 110, Sec. 8 Designation of Offense FACTS: Two (2) informations were filed against Accused Mejia for having carnal knowledge of his step-daughter AAA twice, morning and afternoon of March 2, 2003, contrary to Art. 266-A of the RPC. The factual antecedents show that Accused took advantage of the absence of AAAs mother and used overwhelming force, with bolo, in order to deflower the minor AAA. The abominable bestial act impregnated AAA. The trial court (TC) adjudged Accused Mejia guilty of rape for the morning assault, Crim
Case Name: Evangelista v People G.R. Nos: 108135-36 Date: August 14, 2000 Plaintiff: Potenciana Evangelista Respondent: People of the Philippines and the Honorable Sandiganbayan Crimes: Violations of Section 268(4) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) and Section 3(e) of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) **Note: This is a Motion for Reconsideration of previous Supreme Court decision** Supreme Court Decision (Sept. 1999): Acquitted of the charge of violation of NIRC but convicted for violation of RA 3019. Motion for Reconsideration-SC (August, 2000, present case): Acquitted of violation of RA 3019. Facts: Tanduay Distillery, Inc, filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) an application for tax credits for allegedly erroneous payments of ad valorem taxes (taxes based on value of property). Tanduay claimed that a previous BIR ruling only made Tanduay liable to pay specific taxes and not ad valorem taxes.
Fact s: ThisisanappealfromthejudgmentoftheRTCofTayug,Pangasinanfindingtheaccusedguiltybe yond reasonabledoubtofthecrimeofmurderofEdithaTalan(10yearsold).Howeverinaninformation he waschargedwiththespecialcomplexcrimeofrapewithhomicidewithoutanyqualifyingcircumst ances mentioned. ThecauseofEdithasdeathasrevealedinthepostmortemexaminationshowedsuffocationofth e lungsasaresultfrompowerfulcoveringofthenoseandmouthassociatedwithlacerationoftheva gina andrupturedhymen.TheRTCwasabletoconvictGallardeofmurderbeyondreasonabledoubtb utwas notabletoprovethecrimeofrape.Hismotionforreconsiderationwasdeniedthus,heappealedto the SC. Issue:WhetherornottheRTCerredinconvictingGallardeofthecrimeofmurderinaninformation for rape with homicide.
homicide. Areadingoftheaccusatoryportionoftheinformationshowsthatthere qualifyingcircumstance.Althoughitistrue term"homicide"asusedinspecialcomplexcrime of istobeunderstoodinitsgenericsense,andincludesmurderandslightphysical injuriescommittedbyreasonorontheoccasionofrape,itissettledinthisjurisdictionthatwherea complexcrimeischargedandthe evidencefailstosupportthechargeastooneofthecomponent wasnoallegationofany thatthe rapewithhomicide
anyqualifyingcircumstance,GALLARDEcannot beconvictedofmurder.Anaccusedcannotbeconvictedofanoffensehigherthanthatwithwhich heis thecomplaintorinformationunderwhichheistried.Itmattersnothowconclusiveand convincingtheevidenceofguiltmaybe,butanaccusedcannotbeconvictedofanyoffense,unles sitis chargedinthecomplaintorinformationforwhichheistried,orisnecessarilyincludedinthatwhichi s charged.Hehas arighttobeinformed of thenature of the offensewith whichheis charged beforeheis putontrial.Toconvictanaccusedofahigheroffensethanthatchargedinthecomplaintorinformat ion underwhichheistried wouldbeanunauthorized denial of thatright. chargedin
G.R. No. L-8267; December 27, 1913 THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellant, vs. APOLINARIO CUNANAN, defendant-appellee.
FACTS: Apolinario Cunanan was charged with the crime of desertion. Cunanan, before the term of his enlistment had expired, did then and there willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously absent himself for more than ten days, without license from his superiors, and with the intention not to return, by then and there abandoning said steamship Rover in said port of Cebu, Philippine Islands and deserting from the service, in order not to return, in violation of section 9 (c) of Act No. 1980, enacted by the Philippine Legislature.
ISSUES: Whether or not the court had no jurisdiction of the person, Cunanan or of the subject of the action
HELD: Honorable Simplicio del Rosario, judge, sustained the demurrer, holding that the Courts of First Instance of the city of Manila did not have jurisdiction to try Cunanan, and ordered that he be held and delivered to the proper authorities of the Province of Cebu, where the crime was alleged to have been committed, for accusation and trial, in accordance with the provisions of section 23 of General Orders, No. 58. Attorney-General appealed and contends in his argument that the offense is a continuing offense, and that any court, in the jurisdiction of which the defendant is found,
Issues Whether or not the allegations of the information are sufficiently definite as to time and question, which arises on a variance between the allegations and the proof are different in nature and legal effect, and are decided on different principles.
Ruling In the case before us the statement of the time when the crime is alleged to have been committed is so indefinite and uncertain that it does not give the accused the information required by law. To allege in an information that the accused committed rape on a certain girl between October, 1910, and August, 1912, is too indefinite to give the accused an opportunity to prepare his defense, and that indefiniteness is not curd by setting out the date when a child was born as a result of such crime. Section 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure does not warrant such pleading. Its purpose is to permit the allegation of a date of the commission of the crime as near to the actual date as the information of the prosecuting officer will permit, and when that has been done by any date may be prove which does not surprise and substantially prejudice the defense. It does not authorize the total omission of a date of such an indefinite allegation with reference thereto as amounts to the same thing. As before intimated, we are not to be understood as saying that a variance between the date of the commission of the crime as alleged in the information and that as proved on the trial warrants necessarily the acquittal of the accused. The result of what we intend to say is that, if such a variance occurs and it is shown to the trial court that the defendant is
Case Name: People vs. David Garcia GR No. 120093 Date: November 6,1997 Lower Court decision: Guilty of Multiple Rape ( 183 times ) and sentenced to suffer 183 penalties of reclusion perpetua
ISSUE: WON the information for multiple rape filed against appellant is defective for failure to state the exact dates and time when the alleged acts of rape were committed since it was merely stated therein that the offense was committed from November 1990 up to July 21, 1994.
RULING: It bears stressing that Section 11 of Rule 110 does not require that the precise time when the offense was committed be stated in the information, except when time is a material ingredient of the offense. In rape cases, the date or time is not an essential element of the crime and, therefore, need not be accurately stated. **Other notes on Defective Information as a Ground for dismissal:
DATE OR TIME OF COMMISSION. SEC. 11 OF RULE 110 PEOPLE V CINCO Facts: AAA was in the custody of her aunt BBB when she was 12 years old since then she lived with her aunt who has a live-in partner, accused. On 1 November 1998, at around 6:00 p.m., AAA, then 14 years old, was inside the house watching television. Appellant entered the house and proceeded to the kitchen and took a knife therefrom and poked it at AAA. He threatened her not to shout and tied her hands at the back of her head and removed her skirt and panty. In pain, she began to cry, but he told her to stop doing so. He went on top of her, spread her thighs, and inserted his penis into her vagina and satisfied his lust. After satisfying his lust, he untied her hands, put on his shorts and left her. AAA then stood up and put on her clothes. She proceeded to the comfort room and saw her panty stained with blood. In the latter part of November 1998, at about 4:00 p.m., AAA was inside the house while appellant was drinking with friends outside. Later, appellant, then armed with a knife, entered AAAs room and approached AAA. He pointed the knife at her neck and told her not to make noise. He covered her mouth with a handkerchief and tied her hands with a nylon rope. Then for the second time, he inserted his penis to her vagina and satisfied his lust. Before leaving her, he warned her not to tell anyone of the incidents or he would kill her. AAA subsequently, went to the barangay hall to report the incidents but told that she was merely touched and not raped by appellant. She was forced to make such statement because appellants siblings, namely, Sonia and Roel, threatened to kill her if she would divulge the truth. Appellant was eventually arrested and detained. She then filed with the Office of the Prosecutor, Quezon City, a complaint for acts of lasciviousness against appellant. Thereafter, AAA confided to BBB that appellant raped her. BBB accompanied AAA to Development (DSWD). Thereupon, AAA disclosed to a social worker that she was
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES v. JERRY NAZARENO TOPIC: SECTION 11 (DATE OR TIME OF COMMISSION) G.R. No: G.R. No. 167756 Date: April 8, 2008 Plaintiff: People of the Philippines Respondent: Jerry Nazareno Crime: Multiple Rape (RTC and CA) BUT THE SUPREME COURT RULED THAT IT WAS TWO COUNTS OF QUALIFIED THEFT Lower Court Decision: Guilty Court of Appeals Decision: Affirmed Lower Court (modified only the penalty)
People v Estrada Date: April 2, 2009 GR NO: 164368 Topic: Date or time of commission, Section 11 Facts: On April 4, 2001, information for plunder was filed with the Sandiganbayan against respondent Estrada, among other accused. Separate information for illegal use of alias, was likewise filed against him. In the information, it was alleged that on or about February 4, 2000, in the city of Manila, then President Estrada without having been duly authorized, judicially,
GR No. 103102 Date: March 6, 1992 CLAUDIO J. TEEHANKEE, JR., petitioner, vs. HON. JOB B. MADAYAG and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.
RTC: Guilty
SC: Affirmed CA
Petitioner was originally charged on July 19, 1991 in an information for the crime of frustrated murder allegedly committed as follows:
That on or about the 13th day of July 1991, in the Municipality of Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
After the prosecution had rested its case, petitioner was allowed to file a motion for leave to file a demurrer to evidence. However, before the said motion could be filed, Maureen Navarro Hultman died.
Consequently, private prosecutor Rogelio A. Vinluan filed an omnibus motion for leave of court to file an amended information and to admit said amended information. The amended information, filed on October 31, 1991, reads:
That on or about the 13th day of July, 1991, in the Municipality of Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said Claudio Teehankee, Jr. y. Javier, armed with a handgun, with intent to kill and evident premeditation and by means of treachery, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and shoot with the said handgun Maureen Navarro
Hultman who was hit in the head, thereby inflicting mortal wounds which directly caused the death of said Maureen Hultman.
FACTS: Here, Claudio Teehankee, Jr. was originally charged for the crime of frustrated murder for shooting Hultman who was comatosed some time. In the course of the trial, Hultman died. The prosecution sought to change the information from frustrated murder to consummated murder. Teehankee Jr. questioned the new charge for lack of preliminary investigation thereon.
There are three (3) questions to be answered here: ISSUE #1: Was there an amendment of the information or substitution when the information was changed from frustrated murder to consummated murder?
HELD: There is an amendment. There is an identity of offenses charged in both the original and the amended information [murder pa rin!]. What is involved here is not a variance of the nature of different offenses charge, but only a change in the stage of execution of the same offense from frustrated to consummated murder. This being the case, we hold that an amendment of the original information will suffice and, consequent thereto, the filing of the amended information for murder is proper. Section 14, Rule 110 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure provides: Sec. 14. Amendment. The information or complaint may be amended, in substance or form, without leave of court, at any time before the accused pleads; and thereafter and during the trial as to all matters of form, by leave and at the discretion of the court, when the same can be done without prejudice to the rights of the accused. If it appears at any time before judgment that a mistake has been made in charging the proper offense, the court shall dismiss the original complaint or information upon the filing of a new one charging the proper offense in accordance with Rule 119, Section 11, provided the accused would not be
ISSUE #2: What kind of amendment? Formal or substantial? HELD: Formal. An objective appraisal of the amended information for murder filed against herein petitioner will readily show that the nature of the offense originally charged was not actually changed. Instead, an additional allegation, that is, the supervening fact of the death of the victim was merely supplied to aid the trial court in determining the proper penalty for the crime. That the accused committed a felonious act with intent to kill the victim continues to be the prosecution's theory. There is no question that whatever defense herein petitioner may adduce under the original information for frustrated murder equally applies to the amended information for murder. So halimbawa sabihin ng prosecutor: You shot Hultman who almost died. Teehankee Jr.:W ala naman ako dun! I was at home asleep! Alibi ang defense niya ba. Now, namatay si Hultman. Ano naman ang depensa mo? Wala naman ako dun! The accused is not prejudiced since the same defense is still available to him.
ISSUE #3: Is there a need of a preliminary investigation on the new charge? HELD: No need because you have not changed the crime. If you change the crime or when there is substitution, kailangan ng preliminary investigation. Since it is only a formal amendment, preliminary investigation is not necessary. The amended information could not conceivably have come as a surprise to petitioner for the simple and obvious reason
Case Name: People vs. Melquiades Feranandez alias "Moding", and Federico Conrado G.R. No: L-62116 Date: March 22, 1990 Topic: DUPLICITY OF OFFENSE (SEC. 13)
Petitioner: Rebecca Soriano Respondent: Melquiades Feranandez alias "Moding", and Federico Conrado Crime: Rape RTC Decision: Convicted of Rape sentencing them each to suffer inter alia two (2) death penalties. Supreme Court Decision: Affirmed RTC's decision
THE DEFENSE -The two (2) accused denied any involvement in the offense, both claiming they were nowhere at the scene of the crime when it was committed. -Fernandez claimed he was in his house at Taloy, Malasiqui weaving baskets when the incident happened. He admitted having been formerly employed by Teofilo for about two (2) years to spray his mango trees and stated that during the period he was hired as such, he lived alone in a small hut constructed under a mango tree. 7 -Conrado, on the other hand, alleged that when the crime was committed, he was at Malimpuec, Malasiqui as he was hired to spray the mango trees of a certain Mr. Overo Bo. Malimpuec is his hometown but he admitted that he used to go to Bo. Taloy, prior to the
THE RTC -As already stated, the defense of both accused is alibi, which is not even corroborated by a single defense witness. It is well-settled rule that alibi is the weakest defense that can be resorted to by an accused, as it is easy to concoct or fabricate. the alibi of both accused can not prevail over their positive identification by the prosecution witnesses (especially by complainant victim of rape, Rebecca Soriano) as the perpetrators of the crime charged -Both accused found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of two crimes of rape, aggravated by cruelty or ignominy, and, pursuant to law, hereby sentences each of them to suffer two (2) penalties of death, to indemnify the aggrieved party, Rebecca M. Soriano, in the amount of P12,000.00 as moral damages, without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay the costs.
ISSUE: W/n the lower Court Erred in Convicting Accused-Appellants for 2 crimes of rape.
HELD: -In the light, however, of the 1987 Constitution, specifically, Section 19(1), Article III thereof, under which a death penalty already imposed is reduced to reclusion perpetua, Fernandez withdrew his appeal. The lone appellant therefore is Conrado who insists on his appeal, notwithstanding the advice of his counsel de officio to discontinue the appeal allegedly on the ground that "it has become moot and academic." -This Court nonetheless proceeded to consider accused-appellant's arguments for the sake of verifying the correctness of the sentence imposed. We find no merit in the appeal. -The trial court is accused of violating the rule against duplicity of offenses in that, the accused were convicted for two (2) crimes of rape even when under the criminal complaint against them, there is only one (1) crime of rape alleged.
PEOPLE OF THE PHIL VS MONTENEGRO FACTS: On March 1977, the court issued a temporary restraining order enjoining respondent court from proceeding to hear and decide the case until further orders from the Court. On 20 September 1976, the City Fiscal of Quezon City filed an Information for "Roberry" before the Court against respondents. They were all members of the police force of Quezon City and were charged as accessories-after-the-fact in the robbery committed by the minor Ricardo Cabaloza, who had already pleaded guilty and had been convicted. Cabaloza was convicted for the robbery of the same items, articles and jewelries belonging to Velayo, Inc. valued at P 75,591.40 Upon arraignment, all of the accused entered a plea of "not guilty". However, before the trial could proceed, the prosecuting fiscal filed a Motion to Admit Amended Information, dated 28 December 1976, seeking to
Case Name: Albert vs. Sandiganbayan G.R. No: 164015 Date: February 26, 2009 Plaintiff: Special Prosecution Officer (SPO) II of the Office of the Ombudsman for Mindanao Defendant: Ramon A. Albert Crime: Graft and Corruption Sandiganbayan: Issued 2 resolutions granting on one hand the prosecutions Motion to Admit the Amended Information and on the other hand denying the Motion For Reconsideration of petitioner Ramon A. Albert Supreme Court: affirmed the 2 Resolutions of the Sandiganbayan. Facts: On 24 March 1999, the Special Prosecution Officer (SPO) II of the Office of the Ombudsman for Mindanao charged petitioner and his co-accused, Favio D. Sayson and Arturo S. Asumbrado, before the Sandiganbayan with violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3019 (RA 3019) or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act in Criminal Case No. 25231. The information alleges that On May 1990 in the City of Davao, accused RAMON A. ALBERT, a public officer, being then the President of the National Home Mortgage and Finance Corporation, while in the performance of his official function, committing the offense in relation to his office, taking advantage of his official position, conspiring and confederating with accused FAVIO D. SAYSON and accused ARTURO S. ASUMBRADO,
AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN ADMITTING THE AMENDED INFORMATION Ruling: NO. The test as to when the rights of an accused are prejudiced by the amendment of a complaint or information is when a defense under the complaint or information, as it originally stood, would no longer be available after the amendment is made, and when any evidence the accused might have, would be inapplicable to the complaint or
61-JARANTILLA VS. CA| Mar. 21, 1989| J. Regalado TOPIC: same act or omission producing two sources FACTS: Sing was side-swiped by a vehicle driven by petitioner Jarantilla and that Sing sustained physical injuries. Jarantilla was accordingly charged for serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence. Sing did not reserve his right to file a separate civil action and he intervened in the prosecution through a pvt. prosecutor. Jarantilla was acquitted on reasonable doubt. Sing filed a civil action against the petitioner. Jarantilla alleged as defenses that the Sing had no cause of action and that which is barred by the prior judgment in the criminal case as the civil liability was also deemed instituted therein as plaintiff failed to reserve it. A judgment was rendered sometime in 1977 in favor of Sing and hence this appeal by Jarantilla. ISSUES: W/N Sing can institute a separate action for civil damages based on the same act without reserving such right to institute such action in the criminal case. HELD: Sing can file a separate civil action for damages despite failure to reserve such right in the previous criminal case. RATIO: Apropos to such resolution is the settled rule that the same act or omission can create two kinds of liability on the part of the offender, that is, civil liability ex delicto and civil liability ex quasi delicto. Since the same negligence can give rise either to a delict or crime or to a quasi-delict or tort, either of these two types of civil liability may be enforced against the culprit, subject to the caveat under ART. 2177 of the NCC that the offended party cannot recover damages under both types of liability. Sing filed a separate civil action after acquittal. This is allowed under ART. 29. In Lontoc vs. MD Transit & Taxi Co., Inc., et al.: In view of the fact that the defendant-appellee de la Cruz was acquitted on the ground that his guilt wasnot proven beyond reasonable doubt the plaintiff appellant has the right to institute a separate civil action xxx. The well settled doctrine is that a person, while not criminally liable may still be civilly liable. The judgment of acquittal extinguishes the civil liability of the accused only when it includes a declaration that the facts from which the civil liability might arise did not exist. When the accused in a criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages for the same act or
G.R. No. L-30036 Ponente: YAP, J., **Melencio-Herrera, Paras, Padilla and Sarmiento, JJ., concur.**
Date: April 15, 1988 Plaintiff-appellant: MARCOS BORDAS, Defendants-appellees: SENCENO CANA DALLA and PRIMO TABAR Crime: Serious Physical injuries Thru Reckless Imprudence (culpa aquiliana) Petition: Petition for review on certiorari Decision: The petition was GRANTED; the appealed order of the trial court was set aside; and ordered that the hearing of the civil case resume without regard to the criminal case.
FACTS: Plaintiff-appellant seeks the reversal and setting aside of the decision of the Court of First Instance of Cebu in toto the Order of the City Court of Cebu, granting defendants-appellees' motion to dismiss Civil Case on the ground that no express reservation was made by the plaintiff-appellant in the criminal action to institute a separate civil action.
Canadalla was charged before the City Court of Cebu, Branch III, with the offense of Serious Physical injuries Thru Reckless Imprudence, for having allegedly sideswiped Bordas along M. C. Briones St., Cebu City, on May 2, l968 at about 8:40 a.m.
Canadalla was driving a jeepney owned and registered in the name of Primo Tabar. Candallas employer. While Criminal Case was pending, plaintiff-appellant filed a separate civil action for damages based on culpa aquiliana against Canadalla and the latter's employer, Primo Tabar.
When defendants-appellees filed a motion to dismiss said civil case on the ground that the complaint for damages was filed without the proper reservation in the criminal action to institute a separate and independent civil action as provided by Sections 1 and 2 of Rule
ISSUE: Whether or not there is a need for the plaintiff- appellant to make a reservation of his right to file a separate civil action derived not from the criminal liability of the accused but on culpa aquiliana.
HELD: No. The trial court was in error in considering the conviction of the accused as a "prejudicial question' to the civil liability of Canadalla and his employer Primo Tabar.
The civil liability arising out of criminal negligence governed by the RPC is separate and distinct from the responsibility for culpa aquiliana or quasi-delict.
The plaintiff-appellant's action, being one for culpa aquiliana (Article 2176) may not be classified as a civil action arising from the criminal offense of Canadalla to be suspended "until judgment in the criminal case has been rendered.
Moreover, Section 2, Rule III of the Rules of Court on independent civil actions has been amended on January 1, 1985 to read as follows:
In the cases provided for in Article 32, 33 and 34 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, an independent civil action entirely separate and distinct from the criminal action may be brought by the injured party during the pendency of the criminal case. Such civil action shall proceed independently of the criminal prosecution, and shall require only a preponderance of evidence.
Castillo vs. CA G.R. NO. 48541, AUGUST 21, 2989 FERNAN, C.J.:
GARCIA v FLORIDO G.R. No: L-35095 August 31, 1973 Petitioners: German C. Garcia, Luminosa L. Garcia, and Ester Francisco Respondents: The Honorable Mariano M. Florido Of the CFI of Misamis Occidental, Marcelino Inesin, Ricardo Vayson, Mactan Transit Co., INC., and Pedro Tumala Y Digal Crime: action for damages resulting from quasi-delict or culpa extra-contractual Lower Court: dismissing petitioners' action for damages against respondents, Mactan Transit Co., Inc. and Pedro Tumala "without prejudice to refiling the said civil action after conviction of the defendants in the criminal case filed by the Chief of Police of Sindangan Zamboanga del Norte" denying petitioners' motion for reconsideration.
Appeal by certiorari from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Misamis Occidental, dismissing petitioners' action for damages against respondents, Mactan Transit Co., Inc. and Pedro Tumala, "without prejudice to refiling the said civil action after conviction of the defendants in the criminal case filed by the Chief of Police of Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte and from the order of said Court dated January 21, 1972, denying petitioners' motion for reconsideration.
FACTS On August 4, 1971, petitioners, German C. Garcia,Chief of the Misamis Occidental Hospital, together with his wife, Luminosa L. Garcia, and Ester Francisco, bookkeeper of said hospital, hired and boarded a PU car owned and operated by respondent, Marcelino Inesin, and driven by respondent, Ricardo Vayson, for a roundtrip from Oroquieta City to Zamboanga City,for the purpose of attending a conference of chiefs of government hospitals, hospital administrative officers and bookkeepers at Zamboanga City. At about 9:30 a.m., while the PU car was negotiating a slight curve on the national highway at Sindangan,Zamboanga del Norte, said car collided with an oncoming passenger bus owned and operated by the Mactan Transit Co., Inc. and driven by defendant, Pedro Tumala. As a result of the collision, petitioners sustained various physical injuries which necessitated their medical treatment and hospitalization. Alleging that both drivers of the PU car and the passenger bus were at the time of the accident driving their respective vehicles at a fast clip, in a reckless, grossly negligent and imprudent manner in gross violation of traffic rules and without due regard to the safety of the passengers aboard the PU car,petitioners, filed on September 1, 1971 with respondent Court of First Instance of Misamis Occidental an action for damages (Civil Case No.2850) against the private respondents, owners and drivers, respectively, of the PU car and the passenger bus that figured in the collision, with prayer for preliminary attachment.
The principal argument advanced by Mactan Inc. to in a motion to dismiss was that the petitioners had no cause of action for on August 11, 1971, or 20 days before the filing of the present action for damages, respondent Pedro Tumala was charged in Criminal Case No. 4960 of the Municipal Court of Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte, in a complaint filed by the Chief of Police and that, with the filing of the aforesaid criminal case, no civil action could be filed subsequent thereto unless the criminal case has been finally adjudicated, pursuant to Sec. 3 of Rule111 of the Rules of Court, and the filing of the instant civil action is premature, because the liability of the employer is merely subsidiary and does not arise until after final judgment has been rendered finding the driver, Pedro Tumala, guilty of negligence; that Art. 33 of the New Civil Code, is not applicable because Art 33 applied only to the crimes of physical injuries or homicide, not to the negligent act or imprudence of the driver. The lower court sustained Mactan Inc. et. Al. and dismissed the complaint
ISSUES 1. WON the lower court erred in dismissing the complaint for damages on the ground that since no express reservation was made by the complainants, the civil aspect of the criminal case would have to be determined only after the termination of the criminal case
HELD 1. YES An action based on quasi-delict may be maintained independently from a criminal action. By instituting a civil action based on a quasi-delict, a complainant may be deemed to abandon his/her right to press recovery for damages in the criminal case.
In the case at bar, petitioners never intervened in the criminal action instituted by the Chief of Police against respondent Pedro Tumala. It is evident that by the institution of the present civil action for damages, petitioners abandoned their right to press recovery for damages in the criminal case, and have opted instead to recover them in the present civil case. As a result of this action, the civil liability of private respondents to the former has ceased to be involved in the criminal action. An offended party loses his right to intervene in the prosecution of a criminal case, not only when he has waived the civil action or expressly reserved his right to institute, but also when he has actually instituted the civil action. For by either of such actions his interest in the criminal case has disappeared. The same negligent act causing damages may produce a civil liability arising from crime or create an action for quasi-delict or culpa extra-contractual. The former is a violation of the criminal law, while the latter is a distinct and independent negligence, having always had its own foundation and individuality.
An action shall be deemed to be based on quasi-delict when all the essential averments under Articles 2176-2194 of the New Civil Code are present,namely: (a) act or omission of the private respondents; (b) presence of fault or negligence or the lack of due care in the operation of the passenger bus by respondent Pedro Tumala resulting in the collision of the bus with the passenger car; (c) physical injuries and other damages sustained by petitioners as a result of the collision; (d) existence of direct causal connection between the damage or prejudice and the fault or negligence of private respondents; and (e) the absence of pre-existing contractual relations between the parties. Reasoning The circumstance that the complaint alleged that respondents violated traffic rules in that the driver drove the vehicle "at a fast clip in a reckless, grossly negligent and imprudent manner in violation of traffic rules and without due regard to the safety of the passengers
WHEREFORE, the decision and order appealed from are hereby reversed and set aside, and the court a quo is directed to proceed with the trial of the case. Costs against private respondents.
Case name: Ruben Maniago vs Court of Appeals GR No.: 104392 Date: February 20, 1996
Location: Loakan, Baguio City Crime: Reckless Imprudence resulting in damage to property and multiple physical injuries RTC: Denied motion for suspension of proceedings in the civil case CA: Dismissed motion for reconsideration
Facts: Ruben Maniago was the owner of shuttle buses that transports employees of Texas instruments to their plant site. One of his buses figured in a vehicular accident with a passenger jeepney owned by the private respondent Boado. A criminal case was filed against the driver of the said bus, Herminio Andaya. When Boado instituted the criminal action, he made no reservation to bring the right to bring a separate civil action. However, another civil case for damages was filed by Boado against petitioner himself. Petitioner moved for suspension of the proceedings in the civil case against him citing the pendency of the criminal case against his driver. The RTC and the CA denied such petition on the ground that the action could proceed independently of the criminal action.
Issue: Whether or not despite the absence of such reservation, private respondent may nonetheless bring an action for damages against the petitioner
Held: No. Private respondent may not bring an action for damages against the petitioner. Petitioner contends that a civil action against him was impliedly instituted in the criminal action filed against his employee since he did not reserve his right to bring this action separately. On the other hand, the private respondent alleges that since the right to institute a civil action is a substantive right, their enforcement cannot be conditioned on a reservation to bring an action to enforce them separately. Such rule is beyond the rule making power of the Court. To begin with, 1 quite clearly requires that a reservation must be made to institute separately all civil actions for the recovery of civil liability, otherwise they will be deemed to have been instituted with the criminal case. Such civil actions are not limited to those
Civil Case: Complaint for recovery of sum of money Criminal Case: violation of BP 22 Mandaluyong City
On April 4, 2001, petitioner Hyatt Industrial Manufacturing Corporation filed before the Regional Trial Court of Mandaluyong City a complaint for recovery of sum of money against respondent Asia Dynamic Electrix Corporation. The complaint alleged that respondent purchased from petitioner various electrical conduits and fittings amounting P1,622,467.14. Respondent issued several checks in favor of petitioner as payment. The checks, however, were dishonored by the drawee bank on the ground of insufficient funds/account closed. The complaint further alleged that respondent failed to pay despite
(1) the civil action was deemed included in the criminal actions for violation of Batas PambansaBlg. 22 (B.P. 22) previously filed by petitioner against the officers of respondent corporation; (2) Section 1(b) of Rule 111 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure prohibits the filing of a separate civil action in B.P. 22 cases; and (3) respondent was guilty of forum shopping and unjust enrichment.
The trial court denied the motion to dismiss in its order dated December 10, 2001. It ruled that since the act complained of arose from the alleged non-payment of the petitioner of its contractual debt, and not the issuance of checks with insufficient funds, in accordance with Article 31 of the Civil Code, the civil action could proceed independently of the criminal actions. It said that Section 1(b) of Rule 111 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure does not apply to the obligation in this case, it being ex-contractu and not exdelicto. Respondent questioned said order before the Court of Appeals in a petition for certiorari. The appellate court, in its decision dated October 8, 2003, reversed the order of the trial court. It held that the civil actions deemed instituted with the filing of the criminal cases for violation of B.P. 22 and Civil Case No. MC 01-1493 are of the same nature, i.e., for sum of money between the same parties for the same transaction. Considering that the courts where the two criminal cases were pending acquired jurisdiction over the civil actions, which were deemed instituted therein, the respondent court could no longer acquire jurisdiction over the same case.
It appears that prior to the filing of the case for recovery of sum of money before the Regional Trial Court of Mandaluyong City, petitioner had already filed separate criminal complaints for violation of B.P. 22 against the officers of respondent corporation, and were both pending before the Metropolitan Trial Court of Pasig City. These cases involve the same checks which are the subjects of Civil Case No. MC 01-1493 before the Regional Trial Court of Mandaluyong City. We agree with the ruling of the Court of Appeals that upon filing of the criminal cases for violation of B.P. 22, the civil action for the recovery of the amount of the checks was also impliedly instituted under Section 1(b) of Rule 111 of the 2000 Rules on Criminal Procedure. Under the present revised Rules, the criminal action for violation of B.P. 22 shall be deemed to include the corresponding civil action. The reservation to file a separate civil action is no longer needed. The Rules provide: Section 1. Institution of criminal and civil actions. (a) x x x (b) The criminal action for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 shall be deemed to such civil action separately include the corresponding civil action. No reservation to file shall be allowed.
The pendency of the civil action before the court trying the criminal case bars the filing of another civil action in another court on the ground of litis pendentia. The elements of litis pendentia as a ground for dismissal of an action are:
We reject petitioners assertion that there is no identity of parties and causes of action between the civil case, Civil Case No. MC 01-1493, and the criminal cases, I.S. No. 0001-00304 and I.S. No. 00-01-00300.
First, the parties in Civil Case No. MC 01-1493 represent the same interests as the parties in I.S. No. 00-01-00304 and I.S. No. 00-01-00300. I.S. No. 00-01-00304 and I.S. No. 0001-00300 were filed against the officers of respondent corporation who signed the checks as agents thereof. The records indicate that the checks were in fact drawn in the account of respondent corporation. It has not been alleged in the suit that said officers acted beyond their authority in signing the checks, hence, their acts may also be binding on respondent corporation, depending on the outcome of the proceedings. Second, Civil Case No. MC 01-1493 and I.S. No. 00-01-00304 and I.S. No. 00-01-00300 seek to obtain the same relief. With the implied institution of the civil liability in the criminal actions before the Metropolitan Trial Court of Pasig City, the two actions are merged into one composite proceeding, with the criminal action predominating the civil. The prime purpose of the criminal action is to punish the offender to deter him and others from committing the same or similar offense, to isolate him from society, reform or rehabilitate him or, in general, to maintain social order. The purpose, meanwhile, of the civil action is for the restitution, reparation or indemnification of the private offended party for the damage or injury he sustained by reason of the delictual or felonious act of the accused. Hence, the relief sought in the civil aspect of I.S. No. 00-01-00304 and I.S. No. 00-0100300 is the same as that sought in Civil Case No. MC 01-1493, that is, the recovery of the amount of the checks, which, according to petitioner, represents the amount to be paid
CASE NAME: Naguiat vs IAC G.R. No: 73836 Date:August 18, 1988 Plaintiff: ANTOLIN T. NAGUIAT Respondent: HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, THIRD SPECIAL CASES DIVISION, TIMOG SILANGAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RATION AND MANUEL P. LAZATIN CIVIL complaint for specific performance with damages; CRIMINAL violation of PD. 957 Regulating the Sale of Subdivision Lots and Condominiums, Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof Lower Court Decision: granted the consolidation of the civil action and criminal action Court of Appeals Decision: set aside SC Decision: order of trial court reinstated Facts: The petitioner purchased 4 lots, on installment basis, from Timog Silangan Development Corp. represented by its President Manuel P. Lazatin. The Contract to Sell stipulated that those lots shall be paid within two years. However, Antolin paid the 10%installment in February 1983 and completed payments for Lot No. 16 on August, in which petitioner was given the title to the said lot and alleged that he had completed payments for the three remaining lots on November 1983. Thus, Antolin demanded from TSDC the issuance in his favor of certificates of title for the 3 lots. However, TSDC alleged that the petitioner did not comply with the agreement and as such, he is not entitled to the 10% rebate in price. Therefore, the payments made were not its full purchase price
arising not ex delicto, may still be done, based upon the express authority of Section 1, Rule 31 of the Rules of Court, which provides: Section 1. Consolidation. When actions involving a common question of law or fact are pending before the court, it may order a joint hearing or trial of any or all the matters in issue in the actions; it may order all the actions consolidated; and it may make such orders concerning proceedings therein as may tend to avoid unnecessary costs or delay. In Canos v. Peralta, where the Court sustained the order of a trial court to consolidate a civil action (an action for the recovery of wage differential, overtime and termination pay, plus damages) with a criminal action (for violation of the Minimum Wage Law), it was held that: A Court may order several actions pending before it to be tried together where they arise from the same act, event or transaction, involve the same or like issues, and depend largely or substantially on the same evidence, provided that the court has jurisdiction over the cases to be consolidated and that a joint trial will not give one party an undue advantage or prejudice the substantial rights of any of the parties. ... The obvious purpose of the above rule is to avoid multiplicity of suits to guard against oppression and abuse, to prevent delays, to clear congested dockets, to simplify the work of the trial court; in short the attainment of justice with the least expense and vexation to the parties litigants. 12 In the cases at bar, the nature of the issues involved, at least, the factual issues in the civil and criminal actions are almost identical, i.e., whether or not petitioner had fully paid for the lots he purchased from the private respondents, so as to entitle him to the delivery of the certificates of title to said lots. The evidence in both cases, likewise would virtually be the same, which are, the Contract to Sell, the letter which contains the conditions for the purchase of the lots and, to which petitioner allegedly affixed his conformity, the official receipts for the alleged payments made by the petitioner, and other related documents.
imprudentornegligentact.Thelaw punishesthe negligentact itselfandnottheresultthereof. AccordingtoRule111,Sec3ofROC,theextinctionofthecriminalactionbyacquittalontheground thatthe chargeagainstthedefendantdidnotexist,necessarilyextinguishesalsothecivilactionarisingfr omthesame criminalact. Assumingthatthecivilactionfordamageswasbasedonquasidelict,theactionwillnotprosperas wellbecauseithas alreadyprescribed.Thefouryearprescriptiveperiodbegantorunfrom runningof the said thedaythequasi-delictwascommitted;andthe
Case Name: Occena v. Icamina G.R. No. 82146 Date: January 22, 1990
Case Name: Marcia vs. CA G.R. No: 133872 Date: May 5, 2000 Plaintiff: MAXIMO MARCIA, AMALIA MOJICA, TIRSO YAP, DAMIANA MARCIA, EDGAR MARCIA, and RENATO YAP Respondent: COURT OF APPEALS, FELARDO PAJE, and VICTORY LINER, INC. Ponente: Relova, J. Crime: homicide and serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence Place: Lubao, Pampanga Lower Court Decision: Guilty (Homicide and serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence) Court of Appeals Decision: Not Guilty. (because criminal negligence is wanting) Supreme Court Decision: The decision of CA is hereby AFFIRMED in toto. Facts: On December 23, 1956, a passenger bus operated by private respondent Victory Liner, Inc. and driven by its employee, private respondent Felardo Paje, collided with a jeep driven by Clemente Marcia, resulting in the latter's death and in physical injuries to petitioners, Edgar Marcia and Renato Yap. An information for homicide and serious
The disputed facts involved an alleged abduction of herein appellant-petitioner, Conrado Bunag, of private respondent, Zenaida Cirilo. According to Cirilo, she and Bunag were sweethearts. Because of some past quarrel, Bunag abducted Cirilo together with an unidentified man and brought her to a motel. In order to escape criminal liability, Bunag promised to marry Cirilo and they lived together as husband and wife for 21 days. After said period, Bunag left and never returned. Because of this, Cirilo filed complaint for breach of promise to marry against Bunag.
On a finding that Bunag had forcibly abducted and raped Cirilo, the RTC rendered a decision ordering Bunag to pay Cirilo moral and exemplary damages and other costs of suit. The CA dismissed Bunags appeal.
Issue: W/N it is proper to award excessive damages to Cirilo taking into consideration that Bunag and Cirilo agreed to marry and there was no forcible abduction with rape
It is true that in this jurisdiction, we adhere to the time-honored rule that an action for breach of promise to marry has no standing in the civil law, apart from the right to recover money or property advanced by the plaintiff upon the faith of such promise. 8 Generally, therefore, a breach of promise to marry per se is not actionable, except where the plaintiff
EDGAR JARANTILLA, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and JOSE KUAN SING, respondents.
Records show that private respondent Jose Kuan Sing was side-swiped by a Volkswagen beetle type car owned and driven by petitioner Edgar Jarantilla in the evening of July 7, 1971 in Iznart St. Iloilo City thereby sustaining physical injuries. Private respondent thus filed a case for serious physical injuries thru reckless imprudence without reserving the right to institute a separate action for the recovery of civil liability. Upon acquittal of petitioner based on the ground of a reasonable doubt, private respondent instituted another action, this time being civil in character. Petitioner contends that respondents cause of action has already been barred due to the rendition of judgment in the criminal case decided before the institution of the present civil action. After trial, the court below rendered judgment on May 23, 1977 in favor of the herein private respondent and ordering herein petitioner to pay the former the sum of P 6,920.00 for hospitalization, medicines and so forth, P2,000.00 for other actual expenses, P25,000.00 for moral damages, P5,000.00 for attorney's fees, and costs. CA reaffirmed RTCs decision but reduced moral damages to P18,000.
WON private respondent (offended party) can still file a separate action for civil liability arising from the same act or omission of the petitioner (offender) despite judgment of acquittal, which rendered absence of award for civil liability. HELD:
When the accused in a criminal prosecution is acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages for the same act or omission may be instituted. Such action requires only a preponderance of evidence. Article 29 of the Civil Code allows filing of a separate civil action after such acquittal. The well-settled doctrine is that a person, while not criminally liable may still be civilly liable. 'The judgment of acquittal extinguishes the civil liability of the accused only when it includes a declaration that the facts from which the civil liability might arise did not exist'. Same act or omission (in this case, the negligent sideswiping of private respondent) can create two kinds of liability on the part of the offender, that is, civil liability ex delicto and civil liability ex quasi delicto. Since the same negligence can give rise either to a delict or crime or to a quasi-delict or tort, either of these two types of civil liability may be enforced against the culprit, subject to the caveat under Article 2177 of the Civil Code that the offended party cannot recover damages under both types of liability. Divested of its penal element by such acquittal, the causative act or omission becomes in effect a quasi-delict, hence only a civil action based thereon may be instituted or prosecuted thereafter, which action can be proved by mere preponderance of evidence. In the case under consideration, private respondent participated and intervened in the prosecution of the criminal suit against petitioner. Under the present jurisprudential milieu, where the trial court acquits the accused on reasonable doubt, it could very well make a pronouncement on the civil liability of the accused and the complainant could file a petition for mandamus to compel the trial court to include such civil liability in the judgment of acquittal.
HUN HYUNG PARK vs. EUNG WON CHOI G.R. No.: 165496 February 12, 2007 Topic: Real Parties in Interest in the Civil Aspect of Case
FACTS: Eung Won Choi, was charged for violation of BP 22 for issuing on June 28, 1999 Philippine National Bank a check postdated August 28, 1999 in the amount of P1,875,000 which was dishonored for having been drawn against insufficient funds. He pleaded not guilty upon arraignment.
ISSUE: Whether or not it is a failure to implead the People of the Philippines as a party in the petition
Ruling: No, it is not a failure in this case. As a rule, a judgment of acquittal is immediately final and executory and the prosecution cannot appeal the acquittal because of the constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy. However, either the offended party or the accused may appeal the civil aspect of the judgment despite the acquittal of the accused. The public prosecutor has generally no interest in appealing the civil aspect of a decision acquitting the accused. The case is
TOPIC: EFFECT OF DEATH OF THE ACCUSED ON THE CIVIL ACTION Case Name: ABS-CBN vs Ombudsman, Benedicto et. al. G.R. No: 133347 Date: October 15, 2008 Ponente: Associate Justice Antonio Eduardo Nachura Location: Baguio City Plaintiff: ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation Respondent: Ombudsman Crimes: Execution of Deeds by means of Violence or Intimidation, Estafa, Theft, Robbery, Usurpation of Real Rights, and Other Deceits. Ombudsman Resolution: Lack probable cause ~ The SC dropped respondents Benedicto and Tan from the case due to their untimely demise during the pendency of the case; thus, this Motion for Reconsideration. Supreme Court Decision: Denied.
liability as well as the civil liability based solely thereon. As opined by Justice Regalado, in this regard, the death of the accused prior to final judgment terminates his criminal liability and only the civil liability directly arising from and based solely on the offense committed, i.e., civil liability ex delicto in senso strictiore. Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same may also be predicated on a source of obligation other than delict. Article 1157 of the Civil Code enumerates these other sources of obligation from which the civil liability may arise as a result of the same act or omission: a) b) c) d) Law Contracts Quasi-contracts xxx xxx xxx
for recovery thereof may be pursued but only by filing a separate civil action and subject to Section 1, Rule 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended. This separate civil action may be enforced either against the executor/administrator or the estate of the accused, depending on the source of obligation upon which the same is based as explained above.
As regards the offenses, complained of, the Court does not find any grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Ombudsman. Petitioner has not established the element of intent to defraud and petitioners inconsistent claims defeated their complaint.
G.R.No. 183788April5,2010 Case: Zuzuarreguivs.Villarosa Petitioner: ZUZUARREGUI Respondents: THEHON.JOSELITO C.VILLAROSA and FANNIETORRES-TY Facts: OnAugust2000,RosemaryTorresTyRasekhi,thesisterofpetitionerslatefatherfiledapetitionforthe issuanceoflettersofadministrationoftheestateofhermotherBellaTorresbeforetheRTCofPasi gCity. However,petitionerinitiallyopposedthepetitionbuttheywereabletoreachanamicablesettlem entand Rosemarys allegedsiblings(Peter,Catherin,andFannie)filedwiththeCAapetitiontoannuljudgment approvingcompromiseagreement.Theyclaimedthattheyarealsobiologicalchildrenofthelate BellaTorres andthattheyareentitledtoparticipateinthesettlementofthelattersestate.However,Rosemary alleged thatPeter,Catherine,andFanniearenotlegitimatechildrenofBellaandAlejandrothattheywere merely raised bythe spouses butwerenotlegally adopted. While the action forannulment ofjudgmentwaspendingbeforetheCourt ofAppeals, Fanniefileda complaintfor falsification and perjury againstpetitionerandRosemarywith regard to the statementmade by Rosemarythatherallegedsiblingsarenotlegitimatechildrenofthespouses.PetitionerandRos emaryfileda jointmotiontosuspendthepreliminaryinvestigationonthegroundofapendingprejudicialquesti enter intoacompromiseagreementandweresubmittedtotheRTCforapproval.Subsequently,twoof KRIZIAKATRINATY-DE De
G.R. No. 159218 March 30, 2004 SALVADOR S. ABUNADO and ZENAIDA BIAS ABUNADO, Petitioners, vs. PEOPLE
Ponente: YNARES-SANTIAGO Location: Regional Trial Court, Branch 77, San Mateo, Rizal
In September 18, 1967 petitioner Salvador Abunado married Narcisa Arceo. In 1988 Narcisa left for Japan to work but returned to the Philippines in 1992, when she learned that her husband was having an extra-marital affair and has left their conjugal home. After earnest efforts, She found her husband cohabiting with Fe Corazon Plato in quezon city. She also discovered that on January 10, 1989 Salvador contracted a second marriage with Zenaida Bias.
On January 19, 1995, an annulment case was filed by Salvador against Narcisa. On May 18, 1995, a case for bigamy was filed by Narcisa against Salvador and Zenaida. Salvador admitted that he had married Zenaida first in December 24, 1955 in Iloilo and already has 4 children with her. HOWEVER there was no evidence of their marriage in 1955, so he married Zenaida again in 1989 upon the request of his son for the purpose of complying with the requirements for his commission in the military. Trial court convicted Salvador Adunado of bigamy. Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction with some modifications.
Case Name: Ching vs CA GR No. 110844 Date: April 27,2000 Place: Makati City Crime: 4 Counts of Estafa FACTS: Petitioner Alfredo Ching executed a trust receipt agreement in favor of Allied Banking Corporation in consideration of the receipt by Ching of goods which included the following:
IMELDA MARBELLA-BOBIS vs. ISAGANI D. BOBIS [Pendency of Civil Case for declaration of nullity of marriage vis-a-vis criminal case for BIGAMY] Ponente: Ynares- Santiago, J. Place: Quezon City Facts: On October 21, 1985, respondent contracted a first marriage with one Maria Dulce B. Javier. Without said marriage having been annulled, nullified or terminated, the same respondent contracted a second marriage with petitioner Imelda Marbella-Bobis on January 25, 1996 and allegedly a third marriage with a certain Julia Sally Hernandez. On February 25, 1998, information for bigamy was filed against respondent by Imelda Marbella-Bobis. Sometime thereafter, respondent initiated a civil action for the judicial declaration of absolute nullity of his first marriage on the ground that it was celebrated
Topic: Elements of Prejudicial Question G.R. No: G.R. No. 154622 Date: August 3, 2010 Plaintiff: Landbank of the Philippines Respondent: Ramon P. Jacinto Crime: Violation of B.P. 22 Prosecutors Findings: Dismissed the Complaint
DOJs Findings: Dismissed the appeal; Petitioner however filed for reconsideration and DOJ reversed its ruling and issued a Resolution dated October 25, 2000 holding that novation is not a mode of extinguishing criminal liability Court of Appeals Decision: reversed the Resolution of the DOJ and reinstated the Resolution of Prosecutor De Joya dismissing the complaint
Pimentel v Pimentel
ISSUES: Whether the resolution of the action for annulment of marriage is a prejudicial question that warrants the suspension of the criminal case for frustrated parricide against petitioner. RULING: The petition has no merit.
Section 7. Elements of Prejudicial Question. - The elements of a prejudicial question are: (a) the previously instituted civil action involves an issue similar or intimately related to the issue raised in the subsequent criminal action and (b) the resolution of such issue determines whether or not the criminal action may proceed. The rule is clear that the civil action must be instituted first before the filing of the criminal action. In this case, the Information[7] for Frustrated Parricide was dated 30 August 2004. It was raffled to RTC Quezon City on 25 October 2004 as per the stamped date of receipt on the Information. The RTC Quezon City set Criminal Case No. Q-04-130415 for pre-trial and trial on 14 February 2005. Petitioner was served summons in Civil Case No. 04-7392 on 7 February 2005.[8] Respondent's petition[9] in Civil Case No. 04-7392 was dated 4 November 2004 and was filed on 5 November 2004. Clearly, the civil case for annulment was filed after the filing of the criminal case for frustrated parricide. As such, the requirement of Section 7, Rule 111 of the 2000 Rules on Criminal Procedure was not met since the civil action was filed subsequent to the filing of the criminal action.
Annulment of Marriage is not a Prejudicial Question in Criminal Case for Parricide Further, the resolution of the civil action is not a prejudicial question that would warrant the suspension of the criminal action.There is a prejudicial question when a civil action and a criminal action are both pending, and there exists in the civil action an issue which must be preemptively resolved before the criminal action may proceed because howsoever the issue raised in the civil action is resolved would be determinative of the guilt or innocence of the accused in the criminal case.[10] A prejudicial question is defined as: one that arises in a case the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue involved therein, and the cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal. It is a question based on a fact distinct and separate from the crime but so intimately connected with it that it determines the guilt or innocence of the accused, and for it to suspend the criminal action, it must appear not only that said case involves facts intimately related to those upon which the criminal prosecution would be based but
PEDRO BABALA, petitioner, (accused vs. HON. MAXIMINO ABAO, ET AL., respondents.No. L4600. February 28, 1952
Although a civil action is suspended until final judgment in the criminal proceeding based on the same facts, the trial court is not thereby deprived of its authority to issue in the civil action preliminary and auxiliary writs, such as preliminary injunction, attachment, appointment of receiver, fixing amounts of bonds, and other processes of similar nature which do not go into the merits of the case.
The Court of First Instance of Camarines Norte, however, issued an order dated February 6, 1951,providing that the trial of the civil case upon the merits was suspended until after the criminal case shall have been decided and terminated,but that the hearing on the petition for preliminary injunction might be proceeded with.
The present petition for certiorari and prohibition was instituted by the petitioner to set aside this order, it being argued that the criminal case suspended the trial of the civil case, including the matter of the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction.
SC held: Petitioner's contention is unfounded. In the case of Ramcar, Inc., vs. De Leon (44Off. Gaz., p. 3795; 78 PhiL, 449) we have already ruled that, although the civil action is suspended until final judgment in the criminal case, the court is not therebydeprived of its authority to issue preliminary and auxiliary writs, such as preliminaryinjunction, attachment, appointment of receiver, fixing amounts of bonds, and other processes of similar nature which do not go into the merits of the case. It was reasoned out that "if those ancillary processes cannot be resorted to during the suspension, there is no sense in the rule providing only for suspension, when its effect is to kill the action." It becomes unnecessary to touch upon the contention of the respondents that the petition for certiorari and prohibition is defective for lack of verification. Wherefore, the petition is dismissed with costs against the petitioner. So ordered.Feria, Bengzon, Padilla, Tuason, Montemayor,
Petition dismissed
Case Name: People vs. Rivera G.R. No: 177741 Date: August 29, 2009 Topic: Jurisdiction over subject matter determined by allegation in complaint or information
FACTS -On March 13, 2003, upon the request of the Pasig City Mayors Special Action Team which had received information from a civilian agent that a certain "Kirat" was engaged in open selling of prohibited drugs in Villa Reyes St., Barangay Bambang, Pasig City, P/Insp. Rodrigo E. Villaruel of the Pasig Philippine National Police formed a team to conduct a buy-bust operation in the area. The team which was composed of SPO4 Manuel Buenconsejo as leader, PO2 Arturo San Andres, PO1 Roland Panis, PO1 Janet Sabo, and PO3 Salisa as poseur buyer, was given control number NOC-1303-03-04 by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). -P/Insp. Villaruel gave PO3 Salisa two one hundred peso (P100) bills on which the latter wrote his initials "AMS" above the serial numbers ZK801664 and JT972090 printed on the top right portion of the bills. To signal consummation of the sale, it was agreed that PO3 Salisa would remove his cap. -Upon arrival at the target area, the buy-bust team parked the van that carried them to the "other side of the street." As the informant approached appellant, he introduced PO3 Salisa as a buyer of shabu worth P200. PO3 Salisa at once handed the marked bills to appellant who in turn handed him two heat-sealed plastic sachets containing white crystalline substance. At that instant, PO3 Salisa removed his cap. -The members of the buy-bust team thus closed in, and PO3 Salisa held appellants arm and introduced himself as a police officer and informed him of his violation and his constitutional rights. -The buy-bust team brought appellant to the Rizal Medical Center for physical check-up, and later to the Pasig City Police Station. The plastic sachets were delivered to Police Inspector Lourdeliza M. Gural, Forensic Chemist at the EPD-PNP Crime Laboratory Office who examined them.
FINDINGS Qualitative examination conducted on the above-stated specimen gave POSITIVE result to the tests for Methylamphetamine hydrochloride, a dangerous drug.
APPELLANT'S VERSION -Denying the charge against him, appellant claimed that he was framed up. -On March 13, 2003, as he was walking towards his mothers house in SPS Compound, Barangay Bambang, Pasig City, two police officers accosted him, in the presence of "kibitzers," for allegedly selling shabu. He was dragged and brought inside a parked van wherein the police officers, under threats, tried to elicit from him information on the whereabouts of a certain "Ebot" and "Beng" whom he did not personally know, however. The police officers tried to extort from him P200,000, which was reduced to P20,000, for his release but he did not come across as he could not afford it, hence, they charged him with violation of Section 5, Article II of R.A. 9165.
RTC Finding for the prosecution, the trial court, by Decision of January 23, 2004, convicted appellant for crime of violation of Section 5, Article II, R.A. 9165 for selling of shabu as charged in the information
SC Appellant questions his arrest without warrant, not any of the instances when a warrantless arrest the person to be arrested must have committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to commit an offense8 having been allegedly present when he was arrested.
WHEREFORE, the August 14, 2006 Decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED.
Case Name: Miranda vs. Tuliao G.R. No. 158763, Date: March 31, 2006 Petitioners: JOSE C. MIRANDA, ALBERTO P. DALMACIO, and ROMEO B. OCON Respondent: Virgilio Tulio Crime: Murder, Place: Ramon, Isabela
CASE No. 75 People v. Lagon Crime: Estafa City Court of Roxas Ponente: Feliciano J. FACTS: The accused had allegedly issued a check in the amount of P4,232.80 as payment for goods or merchandise purchased, knowing that she did not have sufficient funds to cover the check, which check therefore subsequently bounced. He was charged with the crime of estafa under paragraph 2(d) of Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code. The information was dismissed by reason of the court lacks the authority to impose the penalty prescribed by the law for the offense. The judge held that the jurisdiction of a court to try criminal action is determined by the law in force at the time of the institution of the action and not by the law in force at the time of the commission of the crime. In the case at bar, when the offense was done (April 1975), the jurisdiction was vested by law in the City Court, however when it was filed (July 1976) there was an amendment in the law stating therein that the penalty imposable upon a person accused there under had increased, therefore beyond the City Courts authority to impose. On petitioners contention is that would application of the above-settled doctrine to the instant case not result in also applying Presidential Decree No. 818 to the present case, in disregard of the rule against retroactivity of penal laws? Article 22 of the Revised Penal Code permits penal laws to have retroactive effect only "insofar as they favor the person guilty of a felony, who is not a habitual criminal, . ." ISSUE:
77. YUSUKE FUKUZUME V. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES TOPIC: Venue in criminal cases is jurisdictional Petitioner: YUSUKE FUKUZUME Respondent: People of the Philippines and Javier Ng Yu
FACTS: Javier Ng Yu (Yu) is a businessman engaged in buying and selling aluminum scrap wires. Sometime in July 1991, Yu went to the house of Fukuzume (Fukuzume) in Paraaque. Fukuzume is introduced to Yu as coming from Furukawa Electric Corporation (Furukawa) and that he has at his disposal aluminum scrap wires. Fukuzume told Yu that the scrap wires belong to Furukawa but they are under the care of National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR). Believing Fukuzumes representation to be true, Yu agreed to buy the aluminum scrap wires from Fukuzume. The initial agreed purchase price was P200,000.00. Yu gave Fukuzume sums of money on various dates which eventually totaled P290,000.00. To support his claim that the aluminum scrap wires being sold are indeed owned by Furukawa, that these scrap wires are with NAPOCOR, and that Furukawas authorized representatives are allowed to withdraw and dispose of said scrap wires, Fukuzume gave Yu two certifications purportedly issued by NAPOCOR and signed by its legal counsel. At the time that Fukuzume gave Yu the second certification, he asked money from the latter telling him that it shall be given as gifts to some of the people in NAPOCOR. Yu gave Fukuzume money and, in exchange, the latter issued two checks, one for P100,000.00 and the other for P34,000.00. However, when Yu deposited the checks, they were dishonored on the ground that the account from which the checks should have been drawn is already closed. Yu called up Fukuzume to inform him that the checks bounced and Fukuzume instead told him not to worry because in one or two weeks he will give Yu the necessary authorization to enable him to retrieve the aluminum scrap wires from NAPOCOR. Thereafter, Fukuzume agreed to accompany Yu when the latter is going to take the aluminum scrap wires from the NAPOCOR compound. When Yu arrived at the NAPOCOR compound on the scheduled date, Fukuzume was nowhere to be found. Hence, Yu proceeded to show the documents of authorization to NAPOCOR personnel. However, NAPOCOR did not honor the authorization letter issued by Furukawa. It also refused to acknowledge
Topic:Venue inCriminalCases isJurisdictional Case:Cudiavs. CourtofAppeals G.R. No:110315 Date:January16,1998 Petitioner:RenatoCudia Respondent:CourtofAppeals,Hon.CarlosD.Rustia Crime:IllegalPossession ofFirearmsand Ammunition. Place:AngelesCity, Pampanga Ponente: Romero
Firearmsand Ammunition. HewasbroughttoSto.Domingo, AngelesCitywhich a preliminaryinvestigationwas conducted and asa resulttheCityProsecutorfiledaninformationagainsthim. The case againsthimwasraffledtoBranch60 oftheRegional TrialCourtofAngelesCity. Upon hisarraignment, the courtcalled theattentionofthepartiesandcontrarytotheinformation,RenatioCudia had committed theoffensein Mabalacatand not inAngelesCity. Thusthejudge ordered thatthecase should be assigned toa courtinvolving crimes committedoutsideAngelesCityconsequentlyitwasassigned to Branch 56 oftheAngelesCity RTC. However,theProvincial ProsecutorofPampangafiledan informationcharging RenatoCudiowith thesame crime and it waslikewise assigned toBranch 56 oftheAngelesCityRTC which resultedintotwo Informationfiledwoththe same crime. Thisprompted theCityProsecutortofileaMotion toDismiss/ Withdrawthe Informationwhich thetrialcourt granted. Renatofileda Motionto Quash thecriminalcasefiledbytheProvincial Prosecutoron theground thathis continued prosecutionfortheoffenseofillegalpossession of firearms and ammunitionforwhich he had been arraigned in thefirstcriminal case,and which had been dismissed despitehisoppositionwouldviolatehisright not tobe put twiceinjeopardyofpunishmentforthesameoffense. The trialcourtdeniedthemotiontoquash;hence,petitionerraised theissue to theCourtofAppeals. The appellatecourt, statingthat therewasno double jeopardy,dismissed thesame on theground that thepetitioncould not have been convicted underthefirst informationasthesame wasdefective.Petitioner'smotionforreconsiderationwas denied;hence, this appeal. Issue:Whetherornot theCourtofAppealserred whenit foundthat theCityProsecutorofAngelesCity did nothave the authoritytofilethefirst information. Ruling:No.
It isplainlyapparentthat theCityProsecutorofAngelesCityhad no authoritytofile thefirstinformation,the offensehaving been committedintheMunicipalityofMabalacat,whichisbeyond hisjurisdiction. PresidentialDecree No. 1275,in relationtoSection 9 oftheAdministrativeCode of1987,pertinentlyprovidesthat: Sec.11. Theprovincial or the cityfiscalshall: b)Investigateand/orcause tobe investigatedall chargesofcrimes, misdemeanorsand violationsofall penal lawsand ordinanceswithin theirrespective jurisdictionsand have thenecessaryinformationorcomplaintprepared ormade against the personsaccused.In theconductofsuch investigations he orhisassistantsshallreceive thesworn statementsortake oralevidence ofwitnessessummoned bysubpoena forthepurpose. It isthustheProvincial ProsecutorofPampanga,not theCityProsecutor,who should prepare informationsfor offensescommittedwithinPampanga but outsideofAngelesCity.Aninformation,when required tobefiledbya public prosecutingofficer, cannotbefiledbyanother.Itmust be exhibitedorpresentedbytheprosecutingattorneyorsomeone authorizedbylaw.Ifnot, thecourtdoesnotacquirejurisdiction. Infine, theremusthave been avalid andsufficient complaint orinformationintheformerprosecution. Asthe fiscalhad no authoritytofile theinformation, thedismissalofthefirstinformationwould notbe a bartopetitioner's subsequentprosecution.Asthefirst informationwasfatally defectiveforlackofauthorityof theofficerfilingit, theinstant petitionmust fail forfailuretocomplywithall therequisites necessarytoinvoke doublejeopardy. ThusMotionforReconsiderationisDENIED.
G.R. No. L-67301 January 29, 1990 Venue: manila Crime: falsification of a public document
Petitioner: MANUEL V. BALA Respondent: HON. JUDGE ANTONIO M. MARTINEZ and PAUL AYANG-ANG Probation Officer
The petitioner by this Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition with Preliminary Injunction and/or Temporary Restraining Order seeks the reversal of the order dated
April 2, 1984 of the then Court of First Instance (CFI), now Regional Trial Court (RTC), of Manila, Branch XX.
The petitioner had been indicted for removing and substituting the picture of Maria Eloisa Criss Diazen which had been attached to her United States of America passport, with that of Florencia Notarte, in effect falsifying a genuine public or official document. On January 3, 1978, the trial court adjudged petitioner Manuel Bala guilty of the crime of falsification of a public document. The petitioner seasonably appealed, but the Court of Appeals, on April 9, 1980, affirmed in toto the lower court's decision. After the case had been remanded to the court of origin for execution of judgment, the petitioner applied for and was granted probation by the respondent judge in his order dated August 11, 1982. The petitioner was then placed under probation for a period of one (1) year, subject to the terms and conditions enumerated therein. On September 23, 1982, the probationer (petitioner) asked his supervising probation officer for permission to transfer his residence from BF Homes to Phil-Am Life Subdivision in Las Pias specifically 33 Jingco Street. The probation officer verbally granted the probationer's request as he found nothing objectionable to it. By the terms of the petitioner's probation, it should have expired on August 10, 1983, one year after the order granting the same was issued. But, the order of final discharge could not be issued because the respondent probation officer had not yet submitted his final report on the conduct of his charge.
Respondent People of the Philippines : Through Assistant City Fiscal Jose D. Cajucom of Manila, filed a motion to revoke the probation of the petitioner before Branch XX of
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, presided over by the respondent judge. The motion alleged that the petitioner had violated the terms and conditions of his probation.
Petitioner : Petitioner filed his opposition to the motion on the ground that he was no longer under probation, his probation period having terminated on August 10, 1983, as previously adverted to. As such, no valid reason existed to revoke the same, he contended.
Respondent Probation Officer: As if to confirm the Manila Assistant City Fiscal's motion to revoke the petitioner's probation, the respondent probation officer filed on January 6, 1984, a motion to terminate Manuel Bala's probation, at the same time attaching his progress report on supervision dated January 5, 1984. 6 The same motion, however, became the subject of a "Manifestation," dated January 10, 1984, which stated that the probation officer was not pursuing the motion to terminate dated January 6, 1984; instead, he was submitting a supplemental report 7 which recommended the revocation of probation "in the light of new facts, information, and evidences."
Thereafter, the petitioner filed a motion to dismiss and/or strike out the motion to revoke probation, questioning the jurisdiction of the court over his case inasmuch as his probation period had already expired.
Petitioner's contention:
the case from the RTC of Manila to the Executive Judge, of the RTC of Makati which latter court include under its jurisdiction the Municipality of Las Pias the probationer's place of residence, invoking Section 13, P.D. No. 968, which provides
Whenever a probationer is permitted to reside in a place under the jurisdiction of another court, control over him shall be transferred to the Executive Judge of the, Court of First Instance of that place, and in such a case a copy of the probation order the investigation report and other pertinent records shall be furnished to said Executive Judge. Thereafter. the Executive Judge to whom jurisdiction over the probationer is transferred shall have the power with respect to him that was previously possessed by the court which granted the probation.
As stated at the outset, the respondent judge denied the motion to dismiss for lack of merit. Hence, this petition.
Whether or not his transfer of residence automatically transferred jurisdiction over his probation from the Manila Regional Trial Court to the same court in his new address
In criminal cases, venue is an element of jurisdiction. Such being the case, the Manila RTC would not be deprived of its ,jurisdiction over the probation case. To uphold
the petitioner's contention would mean a depreciation of the Manila court's power to grant probation in the first place. It is to be remembered that when the petitioneraccused applied for probation in the then CFI of Manila, he was a resident of Las Pias as he is up to now, although in a different subdivision. As pointed out earlier, he merely moved from BF Homes to Philam Life Subdivision 33 Jingco Street, also in Las Pias. On the other hand, pursuing the petitioner's argument on this score to the limits of it logic would mean that his probation was null and void in the place, because then the Manila CFI was without jurisdiction to grant him probation as he was a resident of Las Pias.
It is therefore incorrect to assume that the petitioner's change of abode compels change of venue, and necessarily, control over the petitioner, to the Executive Judge of the RTC of his new residence. Thus, in the apportionment of the regional trial courts under Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, otherwise known as the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, Las Pias is one among the municipalities included in the National Capital Judicial Region (Metro Manila) with a seat at Makati. 18 Needless to say, the Regional Trial Court in Makati, like the Manila Regional Trial Court, forms part of the Regional Trial Court of the National Capital Region. Accordingly, the various branches of the regional trial courts of Makati or Manila under the National Capital Region, are coordinate and co-equal courts, the totality of which is only one Regional Trial Court. Jurisdiction is vested in the court, not in the judges. In other words, the case does not attach to the branch or judge. 20 Therefore, in this case, RTC Branch XX of Manila, which granted the probation, has not lost control and supervision over the probation of the petitioner.
The petitioner also claims that he had verbally obtained permission to transfer residence from his probation officer. This would not suffice the law is very explicit in its requirement of a prior court approval in writing. Section 10 of PD 968 categorically decrees that the probationer must
(j) reside at premises approved by it (court) and not to change his residence without its prior written approval;
Further, such written approval is required by the 21 probation order of August 11, 1982 as one of the conditions of probation, to wit:
To reside in BF Homes, Las Pias and not to change said address nor leave the
territorial jurisdiction of Metro Manila for more than twenty-four (24) hours without first securing prior written approval of his Probation Officer.
In the light of all the foregoing and in the interest of the expeditious administration of justice, we revoke the probation of the petitioner for violations of the conditions of his probation, instead of remanding the case to the trial court and having the parties start all over again in needless protracted proceedings.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DISMISSED and the probation of the petitioner is hereby REVOKED.
Petitioner THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES Respondents: CECILIA QUE YABUT and HON. JESUS DE VEGA, as Judge of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan, Branch II Crime: estafa by means of false pretenses for postdating or issuing a check without insufficient funds
CFI of Bulacan: Judge Jesus de Vega quashed the information, as prayed for by respondent Que Yabut, for the reason "that the proper venue in this case is Caloocan City and not Bulacan." **The People's motioned for reconsideration of this dismissal and was denied.**
Petitioner: THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES Respondent: GEMINIANO YABUT, JR. Provincial Fiscal Pascual Kliatchko and Office of the Solicitor General, for petitioner. Crime: estafa by means of false pretenses for postdating or issuing a check without insufficient funds CFI of Bulacan: Judge Paras quashed the information because "(t)he elements of the crime (issuance of the rubber check, attempted encashment, and refusal to honor) alleged in the Information all took place within the territorial jurisdiction, not of Bulacan, but of Caloocan City." **The People's motioned for reconsideration of this dismissal and was denied.**
This is composed of two consolidated cases where twonovel questions of law were presented to review on certiorari the quashal orders of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan, sitting at Malolos, first, the rule on venue or jurisdiction in a case of estafa for postdating or issuing a check without insufficient funds, and second, whether the new law on checks punishes the postdating or issuance thereof in payment of a pre-existing obligation.
Private respondent Cecilia Que Yabut in L-42847, treasurer of the Yabut Transit Line, and her husband, Germiniano Yabut, Jr. in L-42902, president of the same Transit Line, were accused of estafa by means of false pretenses presided over by respondent Judge Jesus de Vega (for Que Yabut in CFI of Bulacan) and Judge Edgardo L. Paras (for Germiniano Yabut, also in CFI of Bulacan).
Both the accused, by means of false pretenses and pretending to have sufficient funds in the Merchants Banking Corporation and Manufacturers Bank and Trust Company in Caloocan City, prepared and issued several postdated checks in the total sum of P6,568.94 (for Que Yabut) and P37,206.00 (for Germiniano Yabut), payable to Freeway Tires Supply and Free Caltex Station, owned and operated by Alicia P. Andan, in payment of articles and merchandise delivered to and received by said accused.
At that time, both Que Yabut and Germiniano Yabut knew there was no or insufficient funds in the said drawee banks, and upon presentation of the said checks, the checks were dishonored. And inspite of repeated demands by Andan to deposit the necessary
funds to cover the checks within the reglementary period enjoined by law, both of them failed and refused to do so, to the damage and prejudice of Andan.
Instead of entering a plea, respondents respectively filed a motion to quash contending that the acts charged did not constitute the offense as there was no allegation that the postdated checks were issued and delivered to the complainant prior to or simultaneously with the delivery of the merchandise, the crime of estafa not being indictable when checks are postdated or issued in payment of pre-existing obligation; and the venue was improperly laid in Malolos, Bulacan, because the postdated checks were issued and delivered to, and received by, the complainant in the City of Caloocan, where Que Yabut holds office.
An opposition was interposed by the People, maintaining that the new law on checks (Rep. Act 4885, amending Art. 315, par. 2 (d), Revised Penal Code), penalizes the postdating or issuance thereof in payment of pre-existing obligation, and that the Malolos court can exercise jurisdiction over the case, since the damage transpired in Bulacan (residence of complainant).
ISSUE: Whether or not estafa for postdating or issuing a check without insufficient funds is a transitory or continuing offense and whether it may be validly tried in any jurisdiction where the offense was in part committed.
HELD: Estafa by postdating or issuing a bad check under Art. 315, par. 2 (d) of the Revised Penal Code may be a transitory or continuing offense. Its basic elements of
deceit and damage may independently arise in separate places. In the event of such occurrence, the institution of the criminal action in either place is legally allowed.
Section 14(a), Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of Court provides: "In all criminal prosecutions the action shall be instituted and tried in the Court of the municipality or province wherein the offense was committed or any one of the essential ingredients thereof took place." The theory is that a person indicted with a transitory offense may be validly tried in any jurisdiction where the offense was in part committed. However, if all the acts material and essential to the crime and requisite of its consummation occurred in one municipality or province, the court of that municipality or province has the sole jurisdiction to try the case.
The estafa charged in the two informations appears to be transitory or continuing in nature. Deceit has taken place in Malolos, Bulacan, while the damage in Caloocan City, where the checks were dishonored by the drawee banks. Jurisdiction can, therefore, be entertained by either the Malolos court or the Caloocan court. While the subject checks were written, signed, or dated in Caloocan City, they were not completely made or drawn there, but in Malolos, Bulacan, where they were uttered and delivered. That is the place of business and residence of the payee. The place where the bills were written, signed, or dated does not necessarily fix or determine the place where they were executed.
What is of decisive importance is the delivery thereof. The delivery of the instrument is the final act essential to its consummation as an obligation. An undelivered bill or note is inoperative. Until delivery, the contract is revocable. And the issuance as well as the delivery of the check must be to a person who takes it as a holder, which means (t)he payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof.
Delivery of the check signifies transfer of possession, whether actual or constructive, from one person to another with intent to transfer title thereto. Thus, the penalizing clause of the provision of Art. 315, par. 2 (d) states: By postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment of an obligation when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check.
Clearly, therefore, the element of deceit thru the issuance and delivery of the worthless checks to the complainant took place in Malolos conferring upon a court in that locality jurisdiction to try the case.
A prosecution for issuing a worthless check with intent to defraud is in the place where the check was uttered and delivered. The venue of the offense lies at the place where the check was executed and delivered to the payee. Since in the instant case it was in Malolos, Bulacan where the checks were uttered and delivered to complaint Andan, at which place, her business and residence were also located, the criminal prosecution of estafa may be lodged therein. The giving of the checks by the two private respondents in Caloocan City to Modesto Yambao cannot be treated as valid delivery of the checks, because Yambao is a mere messenger or part-time employee and not an agent of complaint Alicia P. Andan.
Decision: The appealed orders of the respondent trial courts ordering the quashal of the estafa informations against the two private respondents in the petitions at bar were then reversed and set aside. The information, as they were, substantially conform with the crime charged as defined in the law.
People vs. Grospe GR L-74053-54, 20 January 1988 MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: FACTS Manuel Parulan issued a check to the San Miguel Corporation, which was received by the latters finance officer in Guiguinto, Bulacan, and which was forwarded and deposited in SMCs BPI account in San Fernando, Pampanga. Another check was issued by Parulan as direct payment for the spot sale of beer, which was similarly received, forwarded and deposited as above. Both were dishonored for insufficiency of funds. Parulan was charged with violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 and for estafa
under Article 315, paragraph 2 (d) of the Revised Penal Code. Tried jointly, the court dismissed the cases for lack of jurisdiction. ISSUE Whether the checks were issued in Bulacan or Pampanga. HELD While the subject check was issued in Bulacan, it was not completely drawn thereat, but in San Fernando, Pampanga, where it was uttered and delivered. The place where the bills were written, signed or dated does not fix or determine the place where they were executed. What is of decisive importance is the delivery thereof, as it is the final act essential to its consummation as an obligation. The issuance and the delivery of the check must be to a person who takes it as a holder, i.e. the payee or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession of it or the bearer thereof. Both estafa by postdating or issuing a bad check a transitory or continuing offense. Thus, as jurisdiction or venue is determined by the allegations in the information, i.e. San Fernando, Pampanga, the venue was properly laid. Case is remanded to the trial court for proper disposition. Another Digest: People v Grospe Facts: Manuel Parulan is an authorized dealer of San Mig Corp in Bulacan. He issued 2checks in connection with beer purchases and which he delivered to the Sales supervisor (Mr. Cornelio) of San Mig. The checks were dishonored by Planters Devt Bank (drawee) in Bulacan. From the evidence presented, Parulan made false assurances that the checks issued by him were good and backed by sufficient funds. But Judge Grospe of RTC Pampanga dismissed the case for lack of jusrisdiction. Issue: Whether or not Judge Grospe was correct in dismissing the case.
Held: No. He had jurisdiction to try and decide the case. Estafa is a transitory crime. There are the elements of deceit and damage. Deceit took place in Pampanga and damage was done in Bulacan where the check was dishonored. While the check was issued in Bulan, it was not completely drawn. It was in Pampanga where the check was uttered and delivered. The delivery of the instrument is the final act essential to the consummation of the obligation. Although the check was received by San Mig in Bulacan, it was not the delivery contemplated by the law to the payee (San Mig). Mr. Cornelio is not the person who could take the check as a holder. Thus, he had to forward the check to the regional office of San Mig in Pampanga. Deceit took place in Pampanga where the check was legally issued and delivered.
AGBAYANI v SAYO G.R. No: L-47880 April 30, 1979 Petitioners: Wilson Agbayani, Carmelo Bautista, Pablo Pascual and Renato Romeo Dugay Respondent: Honorable Sofronio G. Sayo, Presiding Judge of CFI of Nueva Vizcaya and Conrado B. Mahinan private respondent Crime: Libel
Lower Court: Motion to Quash Denied Supreme Court: Petition granted, trial court's order denying petitioners' motion to quash is set aside NATURE Instant petition for certiorari and prohibition FACTS Conrado B. Mahinan, a lawyer, was the manager of the Cagayan Valley Branch of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) stationed at Cauayan, Isabela. Among his subordinates were Wilson Agbayani, Carmelo N. Bautista, Pablo R.Pascual, and Renato Romeo P. Dugay. On March 8, 1976, Mahinan filed with the fiscal's office at Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya a complaint for written defamation against Agbayani, Bautista,Pascual and Dugay. On July 23, 1976, the provincial fiscal of Nueva Vizcaya filed in the Court of First Instance of that province an information for libel charging Agbayani, Bautista, Pascual
and Dugay with having maliciously made defamatory imputations against Mahinan on or about February 17, 1976 in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. Quoted in the information were the affidavits of Pascual and Bautista signed at Cauayan, Isabela,Bautista's undated letter asking for Mahinan's dismissal, and Agbayani's "unusual incident report" subscribed and sworn to before a Manila notary and enclosing documentary evidence to support his charges of malversation and falsification against Mahinan and praying for the latter's separation from the service. According to the information, all those documents allegedly depicted Mahinan "as an incorrigible managerial misfit, despoiler of public office,spendthrift of GSIS funds, inveterate gambler,chronic falsifier", and an "unreformed ex-convict". The four accused filed a motion to quash contending that the Court of First Instance of Nueva Vizcaya has no jurisdiction over the offense charged because Mahinan was a public officer holding office at Cauayan, Isabela when the alleged libel was committed and, under Article 360 of the Revised Penal Code, the offense charged comes within the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance of Isabela. They argued that the provincial fiscal of Nueva Vizcaya had no authority to conduct the preliminary investigation and to file the information. It was denied by the trial court in its order of April 25, 1977 on the ground that Mahinan was not a public officer within the meaning of article 203 of theRevised Penal Code since the insurance business of the GSIS is not an inherently governmental function. After petitioners' motion for the reconsideration of that order was denied, they filed in this Court the instant petition.
ISSUE WON the CFI of Nueva Vizcaya was the proper venue of the criminal action for written defamation filed by Mahinan
HELD NO There is no issue as to whether Mahinan is a public officer. As GSIS branch manager, he is unquestionably a public officer. Article 360, which lays down the rules on venue in cases of written defamation and which specifies the officer or court that should conduct the preliminary investigation, reads as follows: ART. 360 Persons responsible. . . ."The criminal and civil action for damages in cases of written defamations as provided for in this chapter, shall be filed simultaneously or separately with the court of first instance of the province or city where the libelous article is printed and first published or where any of the offended parties actually resides at the time of the commission of the offense. "Provided, however, That where one of the offended parties is a public officer whose office is in the City of Manila at the time of the commission of the offense, the action shall be filed in the Court of First Instance of the City of Manila or of the city or province where the libelous article is printed and first published, and in case such public officer does not hold office in the City of Manila, the action shall be filed in the Court of First Instance of the province or city where he held office at the time of the commission of the offense or where the libelous article is printed and first published"Preliminary investigation of criminal actions for written defamations as provided for in the chapter shall be conducted by the provincial or city fiscal of the province or city, or by the municipal court of the city or capital of the province where such actions may be instituted in accordance with the provisions of this article." (As amended by Republic Act Nos. 1289 and 4363) Before article 360 was amended, the rule was that a criminal action for libel may be instituted in any jurisdiction where the libelous article was
published or circulated, irrespective of where it was written or printed. Under that rule, the criminal action is transitory and the injured party has a choice of venue. -Experience had shown that under that old rule the offended party could harass the accused in a libel case by laying the venue of the criminal action in a remote or distant place. Republic Act No. 4363 was enacted so as to prevent the offended party in written defamation cases from inconveniencing the accused by means of out-of-town libel suits, meaning complaints filed in remote municipal courtsThe rules on venue in article 360 may be restated thus:1. Whether the offended party is a public official ora private person, the criminal action may be filed in the Court of First Instance of the province or city where the libelous article is printed and first published. 2. If the offended party is a private individual, the criminal action may also be filed in the Court of First Instance of the province where he actually resided at the time of the commission of the offense. 3. If the offended party is a public officer whose office is in Manila at the time of the commission of the offense, the action may be filed in the Court of First Instance of Manila.4. If the offended party is a public officer holding office outside of Manila, the action may be filed in the Court of First Instance of the province or city where he held office at the time of the commission of the offense. -As a corollary, the preliminary investigation of the criminal action for written defamation shall be conducted by the provincial or city fiscal of the province or city, or by the municipal court of the cityor capital of the province where such action may be instituted. Applying the foregoing rules, the proper venue of Mahinan's criminal action for written defamation against the petitioners is the Court of First Instance of Isabela, since as a GSIS branch manager, he was a public official stationed at Cauayan, Isabela and the alleged libel was committed when he was (as he still)in the public service. The preliminary investigation of the complaint should have been conducted by the provincial
fiscal of Isabela, or by the municipal judge of Ilagan, the provincial capital, or by the Court of First Instance of the same province. The criminal action could have been filed also in the Court of First Instance of the province or in the city court of the city where the libel was printed and first published. The information in this case is defective or deficient because it does not show that the Court of FirstInstance of Nueva Vizcaya, where it was filed, has jurisdiction to entertain the criminal action for written defamation initiated by Mahinan against the petitioners and that the provincial fiscal of that province had the authority to conduct the preliminary investigation. Venue in criminal cases is an essential element of jurisdiction
Petition granted. The trial court's order denying petitioners' motion to quash is set aside. It is directed to dismiss Criminal Case No. 509, the libel case against the petitioners, without prejudice to the filing of another criminal action for written defamation in the Court of First Instance of Isabela within the remainder of the prescriptive period, if warranted according to the result of a proper and duly conducted preliminary investigation. Costs against respondent Mahinan.
People v. Rigor
Criminal Case: violation of BP 22 Place: Check was drawn, issued and delivered at Rural Bank of San Juan Check was dishonored at Associated Bank, Tarlac Branch
That on or about the 16th day of November 1989 in the Municipality of San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously make Carlos N. or draw and issue to Rural Bank of San Juan, Inc. thru its loan officer
Garcia, a postdated check to apply on account or for value the check described below: Check No.165476
Drawn against: Associated Bank, Tarlac Branch In the Amount of:P500,000.00 Dated:February 16, 1990 Payable to: Rural Bank of San Juan
said accused well knowing that at the time of issue on 16 November 1989, he has already insufficient funds or credit with the drawee bank for the payment in full of the face amount of such check and that as of 2 February 1990 his bank accounts were already closed and that check when presented for payment from and after the date thereof, was subsequently dishonored for the reason Account Closed and despite receipt of notice of such dishonor, the accused failed to pay said payee the face amount of said check or to make arrangement for full payment thereof during the period of not less than five (5) banking days after receiving notice. When arraigned, petitioner pleaded not guilty. Thereafter, trial on the merits ensued. On July 8, 1994, the trial court rendered judgment against petitioner. Petitioner appealed his conviction to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the trial courts decision. Petitioner contends that the Regional Trial Court of Pasig had no jurisdiction over this case since no proof has been offered that his check was issued, delivered, dishonored or that knowledge of insufficiency of funds occurred in the Municipality of San Juan, Metro Manila. ISSUE: W/N the Regional Trial Court of Pasig has jurisdiction over the case considering that the check was dishonored by the drawee, Associated Bank, in its Tarlac Branch. RULING: The contention is untenable.
As regards venue of a criminal action, Section 15, paragraph (a), of Rule 110 of the 2000 Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, which reflects the old rule,[28] provides: Sec. 15. Place where action is to be instituted. (a) Subject to existing laws, the criminal action shall be instituted and tried in the court of the municipality or territory where the offense was committed or where any of its essential ingredients occurred. Violations of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 are categorized as transitory or continuing crimes. In such crimes, some acts material and essential to the crimes and requisite to their consummation occur in one municipality or territory and some in another, in which event, the court of either has jurisdiction to try the cases, it being understood that the first court taking cognizance of the case excludes the other. Hence, a person charged with a transitory crime may be validly tried in any municipality or territory where the offense was in part committed. The evidence clearly shows that the undated check was issued and delivered at the Rural Bank of San Juan, Metro Manila on November 16, 1989, and subsequently the check was dated February 16, 1990 thereat. On May 25, 1990, the check was deposited with PS Bank, San Juan Branch, Metro Manila. Thus, the Court of Appeals correctly ruled: Violations of B.P. 22 are categorized as transitory or continuing crimes. A suit on the check can be filed in any of the places where any of the elements of the offense occurred, that is, where the check is drawn, issued, delivered or dishonored. x x x The information at bar effectively charges San Juan as the place of drawing and issuing. The jurisdiction of courts in criminal cases is determined by the allegations of the complaint or information. Although, the check was dishonored by the drawee, Associated Bank, in its Tarlac Branch, appellant has drawn, issued and delivered it at RBSJ, San Juan. The place of issue and delivery was San Juan and knowledge, as an essential part of the offense, was also overtly manifested in San Juan. There is no
question that crimes committed in November, 1989 in San Juan are triable by the RTC stationed in Pasig. In short both allegation and proof in this case sufficiently vest jurisdiction upon the RTC in Pasig City. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals, in CA-G.R. CR No. 18855, is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner. SO ORDERED. Peoplevs. Tomioand Tagahiro G R N o . 7 4 6 3 0 S e p t . 3
0 , 1 9 9 1 V e n u e : M a n i l a Case:Kidnappingand SeriousIllegalDetentionforRansom(Art. 267ofRPC) CrimPro:Kidnappinga sacontinuingoffense Appellant:MaidaTomio aka SatoToshio;Nakajima Tagahiroaka YamadaTakao RTC: Guilty, death penalt
Facts:TatsumiNagao,hereinprivateoffendedparty,wenttothePhilippinesfora5dayvacation.Whilehewashaving hislunchinHolidayInnwherehestayed,theaccusedapproachedhimandofferedhimselfasat ourguide.Thatevening beforeleaving therestaurantwherethey toldhimtowait atedinner,hiscompanionputacigarette cigaretteshe had weremarijuana. Atthepolicestation,bothaccusedarrived,servedashisinterpretersandtoldNagaothatthepol icemendemanded $100,000forhisreleaseotherwise;heshallbeinprisonfor612years.Bothoftheaccusedtoldhimthattheyhad police,hence, heshould reimburseittothem. Nagaothen returned tohis hotelwith theaccused and transferred to advancedthe bribe moneyto the onhisshirtspocketand
transferredagaintoPhilippineVillageHotelwheretheyaskedhimagaintocallhisfatheraboutt hemoney.Hisfather agreed to pay3M yen.Hewas lateragainto anotherhotel inMakati. Nagaowithdrewthemoneyandgaveittotheaccused.Whentheywereabouttoleave,policem en,assoughtbythe Japanese Embassyappre hended them.
andsentenced themto sufferdeathpenalty. By way ofan additionalassignederrorandwhich he the claimedto invokefor the lower
courterredinconvictingtheaccusedbecauseitlackedjurisdictionovertheoffensechargedas itwascommittedatthe HolidayInn in PasayCityand notinManila. Issue: WONthetrialcourterred in convictingthe accused due tolackofjurisdiction overthecase. R u l i n g : N O . Rationale:There is nomeritintheclaimoflack of jurisdiction.Thetotality the
periodofMay2to12,1986,thecomplainantwasbroughttodifferentplacesbytheaccusedafter Nagaohadgivenhis confidence.The essentialelements ofthecrime werecommitted in various places,hencea continuingcrime. Thecasecanthereforebefiledwiththeappropriatecourtinanyoftheplaceswherethecomplai nantwastakeninthe pursuitorin connection with thecrime.
Section15ofRule110ofROCprovidesthatsubjecttoexistinglaws,inallcriminalprosecutions ,actionshallbe e essentialingredientstookplace. Kidnappingwasthenestablishedevenwhentheaccusedwerenotarmedanddidnotphysicall yrestrainedhismovements. AllthecircumstancestakentogethercreatedfearinNagaowhichrestrainedhimfromdoingfre elywhathereallywanted to do. Sincehe had no moneyto give them, he remained stuckwith themuntilhisfatherremitted the money. instituted andtriedinthecourtofthemunicipalityorterritorywheretheoffensewascommittedoranyofth