Smith V Otecc 7602

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CIED 7602: Online Teaching Endorsement Competency Checklist (OTECC)

Performance Outcomes for Online Teaching Endorsement (all must be satisfied to recommend candidate for endorsement)

Target for Performance (course(s) or prior experience)

Evidence (include date of completion, course #, project name, grade (if given), and attach artifact or refer to location in KMS.

Candidate SelfAssessment Not satisfied artiall! satisfied "ull! satisfied

Instructor Assessment Not satisfied artiall! satisfied "ull! satisfied

Program Advisor Assessment Not satisfied artiall! satisfied "ull! satisfied

(#) effectivel! use and assist others in $ord% processing, spreadsheet, and presentation soft$are. (##) ,) effectivel! use #nternet bro$sers, email applications and online eti-uette. (##) /) candidates additionall! can design and maintain a module using an online course learning management s!stem. (###) incorporate visual resources into an online module.

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment )*+,

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment )*+. )*+. Performance outcomes reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

)*+/ &ourse objective ,

*0,.0,.1 &#23 )*+/ Kno$ledge Management S!stem1 3igital &iti4enship KS5 ages. (dded legal clip art, photos, and specialt! fonts

CIED 7602 - 1

to all sections of KMS using appropriate image management techni-ue, proper referencing. (dded lin's or documents useful for image management and legal0ethical use of images. See KMS for evidence. 707 pts (#8) utili4e s!nchronous and as!nchronous tools effectivel! (i.e., discussion boards, chat tools, electronic $hiteboards, etc.). (8) troubleshoot t!pical soft$are and hard$are problems. )*+,

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment

Summer /+,.1 &#23 )*+/. Scenarios in 9nline 3iscussion :roups. ;ee'l! discussion groups re-uired a variet! of problem solving approaches. <.=0,+ pts /+,,% resent >roubleshoot soft$are and hard$are $hen $or'ing $ith technolog! as classroom teacher

(8#) effectivel! use and incorporate subject specific

)*+/ &ourse objective /

*0/,0,.1 &#23 )*+/. KMS M! 9nline >eaching

CIED 7602 - 2

developmentall! appropriate soft$are in an online learning module.

5esources, S'ills, ? ractice. (dded @;ish AistB resource lists and purchasing information for appropriate soft$are for target students. ..<07 pts )*+,

(8##) demonstrate continual gro$th in technolog! 'no$ledge and s'ills to sta! abreast of current and emerging technologies.

CIED 7602 - 3

(8###) model appropriate strategies essential to continued gro$th and development of the understanding of technolog! operations and concepts.

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment

*0/,0,.1 &#23 )*+/. KMS M! >echnolog! 5esources, S'ills, ? ractice. (dded lin's to helpful articles and $ebsites about technolog! utili4ation. 707 pts

(#) demonstrate effective strategies and techni-ues that activel! engage students in the learning process, in designing, and assessing online learners and instruction. (##) appl! current research on teaching and learning $ith technolog! $hen planning learning environments and experiences.

)*+. Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

)*+/ &ourse objective .

*0<0,.1 &#23 )*+/. 9nline >eaching and Aearning Strategies Scenarios. #ncluded in KMS, M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills and ractice ..<07 pts *0,=0,.1 &#23 )*+/. KMS 5esearch article supporting % ,/ Aearning Module added to M! >echnolog! 5esources, S'ills, ? ractice. 707 pts

CIED 7602 - 4

(###) create and maintain a communit! b! creating value, effective facilitation, and an environment of trust, establishing consistent and reliable operating norms, and supporting individualit! and empo$erment. (#8) facilitate and monitor appropriate interaction among learners. (8) promote collaborative learning through reflection and social negotiation. (8#) incorporate $ithin instructional designs sufficient support, directions, and guidelines for online learners. (8##) lead online instruction groups that are meaningful, project%based, in-uir!%oriented.





)*+/ &ourse objective 7

*0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/ Aearning Module /70/= pts

(8###) model and demonstrate effective moderator techni-ues to facilitate active student participation.


CIED 7602 - 5

(#6) differentiate instruction of studentsC learning st!les and needs and assist students in assimilating and accommodating meaningful information.

)*+/ &ourse objective =

*0<0,.1 &#23 )*+/. 9nline >eaching, Aearning ? (ssessment Strategies Scenarios. #ncluded in KMS, M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills and ractice ..<07 pts *0/0,.1 &#23 )*+, 3AM S!llabus included in KMS1 M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills, and ractice =0= pts /+,,% resent Dse various technolog! hard$are and soft$are applications in classroom (& S, Scantron to increase grading productivit!, 2xcel, >, and ;ord) *0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/ Aearning Module /70/= pts

(6) appl! technolog! to increase productivit!.

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment

(6#) appl! technolog! to engage studentsC higher order thin'ing s'ills and creativit!.

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment )*+/ &ourse objective *

(#) consistentl!


CIED 7602 - 6

model effective communication s'ills and maintain records of applicable communications $ith students. (##) facilitate regular and fre-uent teacher% student interaction, student%student interaction, and teacher%parent interaction in a variet! of $a!s.


CIED 7602 - 7

(###) provide an effective online s!llabus that la!s out the terms of the class interaction for both teacher and students, defines clear expectations for both teacher and students, details the grading criteria and appropriate and inappropriate behavior for students, and explains the course organi4ation to students. (#8) provide an online s!llabus $ith objectives, concepts, and ideas, and learning outcomes in a clearl! $ritten, concise format. ((lso includes 'e! components in s!llabus1 expectations for interactions, grading criteria, inappropriate behavior criteria, class organi4ation, etc.)



Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

CIED 7602 - 8

(8) use student data to inform instruction, assist students in their o$n time and tas' management, monitor learner progress $ith available tools, and develop intervention plans for unsuccessful learners. (8#) provide timel!, constructive feedbac' to student assignments (8##) provide clearl! defined statements informing students $hat to expect in terms of their response time (#) establish standards for student behavior that are designed to ensure academic integrit! and appropriate uses of the #nternet and $ritten communication. (##) clearl! identif! the ris's of academic dishonest! in online testing and creates assessment opportunities, $hich limit this ris' .






CIED 7602 - 9

(###) demonstrate an a$areness of technolog! impact on student testing performance. (#8) provide a cop!right statement or disclaimer $hich clearl! identifies the o$ner(s) of the course and the source(s) of the material students are about to use. (8) inform students of the significance and responsibilities associated $ith (cceptable Dse olicies ((D ) (8#) use appropriate strategies and resources for dealing $ith student issues arising from inappropriate use of electronicall!% accessed data or information


)*+. Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment )*+, )*+/ &ourse objective ) *0<0,.1 &#23 )*+/. 9nline >eaching, Aearning ? (ssessment Strategies Scenarios. #ncluded in KMS, M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills and ractice ..<07 pts x

CIED 7602 - 10

(8##) inform students of their right to privac! and the conditions under $hich their names or online submissions ma! be shared $ith others (#) appl! experiences as an online student to develop successful strategies for teaching online. (##) demonstrate the abilit! to anticipate challenges and problems in the online classroom.


)*+. Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

)*+/ &ourse objective E

*0/0,.1 &#23 )*+, 3AM S!llabus included in KMS1 M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills, and ractice =0= pts

(###) experience the perspective of the online student through his or her responsiveness and empathetic behaviors to$ard students. (#) continuall! revie$ all materials and ;eb resources for alignment $ith course objectives and standards and or appropriateness (##) create assignments, projects and assessments that are aligned to address visual, auditor!, and tactile learning st!les.


)*+/ &ourse objective <

&omputer S'ill &ompetenc! (ssessment )*+/ &ourse objective ,+

*0/0,.1 &#23 )*+, 3AM S!llabus included in KMS1 M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills, and ractice =0= pts *0/0,.1 &#23 )*+, 3AM S!llabus included in KMS1 M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills, and

CIED 7602 - 11

ractice =0= pts

(###) use authentic assessment of student ac-uired 'no$ledge and s'ills as part of the evaluation process

)*+/ &ourse objective ,,

*0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/ Aearning Module /70/= pts

(#8) provide continuous evaluation of students, to include pre% and post% testing as $ell as student input throughout the course. (8) develop a triangulation of the assignments, assessments and standards%based learning goals.

)*+. Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.

)*+/ &ourse objective ,/

(8#) create assignments that are authentic and relevant to the content and should elicit a response from the student comparable $ith the level of competenc! demanded in the related tas'

)*+/ &ourse objective ,.

*0/0,.1 &#23 )*+, 3AM S!llabus included in KMS1 M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills, and ractice =0= pts *0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/ Aearning Module /70/= pts *0.+0,.1 &#23 )*+/. KMS (dd narrative about %,/ Aearning Module (ssessment to M! (ccess,

CIED 7602 - 12

(8##) create assessments, assignments and projects that address multiple intelligences

)*+/ &ourse objective ,7

(#) respect diverse talents and use strategies designed to include all students.

)*+/ &ourse objective ,=

(ssessment, ? "eedbac' 5esources, S'ills, ? ractice 707 pts *0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/ Aearning Module /70/= pts *0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/ Aearning Module /70/= pts

(##) provide activities, modified as necessar!, that are relevant to special education modifications, student age, cultural bac'ground and experiences. (###) encourage collaboration and interaction among all students (#8) provide student%centered lessons and activities that are based on concepts of active learning and that are connected to

)*+. Performance outcome reserved for assessment by field-based observation in Practicum.


)*+/ &ourse objective ,*

*0/.0,.1 &#23 )*+/. %,/ Aearning Module. #ncluded in KMS, >eaching and (ssessment Materials, %,/

CIED 7602 - 13

real%$orld applications.

Aearning Module /70/= pts *0.+0,.1 &#23 )*+/. KMS (dd %,/ Aearning Module to M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills, ? ractice *0/,0,.1 &#23 )*+/ KMS (dd annotated D5As for learning objects and multimedia resources to M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills and ractice. ..<07 pts

CIED 7602 - 14

(8) provide opportunities for students to consider meaning and reflect on ne$ 'no$ledge (#) create or select effective assessment instruments to measure online learning that reflect sufficient content validit! (i.e., ade-uatel! sample the content that the! are designed to measure) and reliabilit! (i.e., produce consistent results from administration to administration). (##) implement online assessment measures and materials in $a!s that insure instrument validit! and reliabilit! (###) assess student 'no$ledge and instruction in a variet! of $a!s. (#) emplo! effective self% evaluation tools to ensure their courses have a variet! of timel! and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of deliver!



erformance outcome reserved for assessment b! field%based observation in racticum.




erformance outcome reserved for assessment b! field%based observation in racticum.

CIED 7602 - 15

(##) provide opportunities for student self assessment $ithin courses.

)*+/ &ourse objective ,)

*0<0,.1 &#23 )*+/. 9nline >eaching, Aearning ? (ssessment Strategies Scenarios. #ncluded in KMS, M! 9nline >eaching 5esources, S'ills and ractice ..<07 pts

(#) gather appropriate bac'ground and content 'no$ledge assessment data for each student and base instruction on student assessment data (##) revie$ student responses to test items in online testing soft$are to identif! issues in testing or pedagogical strategies. (###) demonstrate a$areness of observational data (i.e., trac'ing data in electronic courses, ;eb logs, email, etc.) and its uses in monitoring course progress and effectiveness


erformance outcome reserved for assessment b! field%based observation in racticum.



CIED 7602 - 16

(#8) provide opportunities for evaluating teaching effectiveness $ithin the online environment (i.e., classroom assessment techni-ues, teacher evaluations, teacher peer revie$s)


CIED 7602 - 17

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