4Figures4Personalities, Various
4Figures4Personalities, Various
4Figures4Personalities, Various
Psychogeometrics was pioneered by Dr. Susan Dellinger, PhD, Psycho-Geometrics, LLC "Which shape you like most?" Circle? Triangle? Square? Squiggle? Rectangle? "Which shape do I feel like I can relate to the most?" Which one describes you best? Which of these five geometric shapes do you think most accurately reflects your personality? CIRCLES have so many friends, TRIANGLES always get the best "deals," SQUARES will not tolerate sloppy work, SQUIGGLES are so embarrassing, and RECTANGLES can't remember anything.
Triangle : These people are headliners. They are highly charged and always on the go.
Emotions are not often shown. They like to hold a high moral ground and to convince others they are right. They can be greatlovers. They are motivated by the 2nd emotional referral zone* and the desire to reach their highest potential. They are afraid of an unfair advantage being held over them. When upset, they want things done now. When under stress they become belligerent. If they are made to solve someone else's problems, at the expense of being heard themselves, they become angry. Enneagram** correlate: The perfectionist, the boss. Dress & material possessions: value oriented.
Square : These people are sticklers for details. They are task oriented and like to use
calendars and schedules. They like policies, procedures and data acquisition. They are very time oriented. They separate different areas of life, such as work and home, as well as tasks, so as not to let anything invade what is inside the box. They are great documenters. They are motivated by the 6th emotional referral zone* and details. They prefer sex on a schedule. Their greatest fear is to be wrong. What's missing in life for the square is usually something inside their own box. Under stress they become critical. Enneagram** correlate: The observer, the tragic romantic. Dress & material possessions: Corporate.
Circle: These people are process oriented. Relationships count. They do not like to say
"no". They are accommodators and are nurturing. They like to get multiple opinions. They want sex on demand. They are motivated by the 1st emotional referral zone* and a sense of security. Their greatest fear is poor performance, which would mean a loss of identity to them. Under stress they lock down. Process must go good for them to be effective at work. Enneagram** correlate: The giver, the performer. Dress & material possessions: Family
Squiggle: They are multi-task oriented. They have high energy, are eccentric and like to
do fifteen things at once; getting them done is another issue. All the details about everything counts. They like to break the rules. They like kinky sex. They are motivated by the 3rd emotional referral zone* and the desire to have fun. Their greatest fear is losing social approval or status. Under pressure they cry. Enneagram** correlate: The epicure, the trooper. Dress & material possessions: not practical, want based.
Website: www.drsusan.net
Perspective on
Most of us have probably heard about different learning styles such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I recently attended a writers workshop and learned about a new way to consider personality traits, communication styles, and personal preferences. I was fascinated by the information presented and began to think about how I could apply it to learning styles and education. The concept is called Psycho-GeometricsTM (Susan Dellinger, PhD, Tampa, FL). Psychologist Susan Dellinger first introduced Psycho-Geometrics in 1978. Her concept referred to the idea that each of us shows a preference for a specific shape, and those drawn to each shape share common personality traits and communication styles. The method can be useful when you consider your own style and the style of your target audience, and can be fun! The first step is to draw a circle, square, triangle, squiggly line, and rectangle. Next, choose the shape most appealing to you. Try not to put too much effort into analyzing why a shape is or isnt appealing, and instead, just pick your favorite one. Make sure you pick your favorite shape before you read ahead!
Approximately 85% of us choose a shape characterized by specific traits that are strong attributes of our personality and communication style. Keep in mind that we all have traits in each category, but more than likely you will identify strongest with one set of characteristics. Circle Individuals who choose the circle are very people oriented and often choose fields such as nursing, teaching, or social work. Older adults, who often have a high regard for relationships, also frequently choose the circle. People attracted to the circle tend to have slow speech and use wordy sentences full of detail. Their primary goal in decision making is to ensure that everyone is happy with the results. These individuals put candy on their desks, volunteer when no one else does, and work hard to reach consensus. From an education perspective, people who choose the circle respond best to stories or case studies. Square Individuals who choose the square are very data oriented and often become researchers or accountants. They speak slowly, concentrating on facts and detail. In decision making, they make sure the data are in. These individuals are very influenced by statistics, highly organized, and extremely productive. From an education perspective, these individuals respond best to research data.
Triangle Individuals who choose the triangle are project and power oriented and commonly arelawyers, physicians, or politicians. Their speech is short, fast, and clipped. People attracted to the triangle just want the facts and do not want to be bothered by details. They may be skeptical and often are leaders. From an educational perspective, these individuals respond well to action points. Squiggly Line Individuals who choose the squiggly line are fun and spontaneous and commonly go into acting, artistic, or entrepreneurial ventures. They speak quickly and often add a perspective that most have not considered. They like to challenge the norm and be challenged by adventure. They respond best to a unique and unpredictable learning environment. Rectangle Individuals who choose the rectangle are in transition, often in the midst of a major personal or professional change such as a new marriage, reorganization, or new job. Because of the transitional nature of their current situation, these individuals may operate in any of the other modalities until life is settled and secure, at which time they probably will resume the pattern that previously was dominant. Adolescents and those in their 40s frequently choose this shape because people in these age groupings often reflect on their identity. So, did it work for you? Did you pick the shape that matches your characteristics? Are we a big bunch of circles or does some variety exist in our group to make it more interesting? Consider using this tool when considering your boss, your mate, or your coworkers. How might it influence your teaching? Do you tend to present in a standard style or can you transition well into other styles? Have you delivered nontraditional programs that failed without knowing why? Can you incorporate preferences and strengths for each shape into your programs? Since being introduced to the concept, Ive considered how this method can be a useful tool for communicating, teaching, and learning. Hopefully the exercise was a fun way for you to rethink the world you work in as well! For more information (you squares), check out one of the many Web sites exploring this topic at www.drsusan.net/aboutpsycho.html.
LAS VEGAS Choosing a circle or square may sound like a game of tic-tac-toe, but for Opening General Session speaker Connie Podesta, the geometric shape individuals choose can say a lot about their personalities. Podesta delivered a light-hearted, humorous and entertaining look at attendee personality traits based on their choice when given four shapes to choose: square, triangle, circle or squiggle. She gave the audience a few seconds to choose their shape and provided a look at how that shape can translate into what makes them tick, particularly in the workplace. Squares, according to Podesta, are the "most stubborn group of people in the room." Their motto is, "If it's not broken, don't fix it!" However, squares are also the most detailed, structured and organized individuals of the four shapes. Triangles, like squares, are also detailed, structured and organized. However, noted Podesta, they are more of the perfectionists and have probably been called obsessive-compulsive or accused of having a low attention span. Triangles also make great leaders because they want to get to the point. They like to debate, are curious and want answers. Circles are the fun ones, as they tend to be the party people, socializers and motivators. They are peace-makers and "the biggest martyrs in the room," said Podesta. Circles shy from confrontation and don't like hassles. They have the tendency to get "dumped on" because they feel guilty saying "no." Squiggles are the "idea people" and think outside of the box, noted Podesta. They are optimistic, innovative and creative. However, they are not as organized as the other three shapes. Even though a squiggle may carry a calendar or day planner, there usually isn't anything written in it. Once the audience had an idea of how their shape reflects their personality traits, Podesta posed a few questions: 1. When heading out to work, are you really doing what you want to do with your life? 2. At the end of the day, are you going home to a place that is safe? "You will never truly be happy if you can't answer yes to these two questions," said Podesta, adding that it's equally important to be getting up in the morning and doing something "that you what to do." And for fun, Podesta highlighted five questions women should never ask of their significant others: 1. Notice anything different? 2. Does this make my butt look big? 3. What are you thinking? 4. What's wrong? 5. Do you think that other woman is prettier than me? More information about the personality traits representative of each shape is available at Connie Podesta's Web site.
The NACS Show 2006 runs through Wednesday at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Look for continuing coverage of the event in NACS Daily and at the NACS Show Web site.
A good actor can hide behind his role but his handwriting will give away his secrets. Your handwriting can reveal a personality flaw or an illness for which an expert like Dr Anand Minocha can recommend handwriting therapy and writing exercises When Dr Anand Swaroop Minocha was a medical student, a chance encounter with a book on graphology introduced him to a vocation that would overtake his life and become his Holy Grail. Even though he went on to become a neurosurgeon, what Minocha tested were claims made about graphology as a tool for diagnosis and treatment of personality and pathological disorders, as a bio-feedback technique and as a remedial measure for psychological problems. In short, handwriting therapy. He began with his own handwriting and later crosschecked with real patients to authenticate his findings. The connection between a person's handwriting and the brain seems simple but Minocha quickly points out: "The connection holds even if the foot or the mouth is used for writing." There is an empirical basis to graphology that was revealed only through recent research, although references to it are found as far back as the third century BC in Aristotle's perceptions about the importance of handwriting. A Frenchman, Abbe Michon, coined the term 'graphology' in 1872 from the Greek grapho or 'to write' and later, a child psychologist, Wilhelm Preyer, philosopher, Ludwig Klages, and another psychiatrist, George Meyer approached it from the perspective of the 'total individual'. In the 1930s, research conducted at the Harvard University proved that handwriting is a significant and accurate measure of individual personality. Today, graphology is taught as a science in American universities and used as an analytical tool. One of the most common uses of graphology is to test personality traits when hiring people for jobs that need specific character inputs. Latent personality disorders do not emerge during routine job interviews and later, it may be too late. According to Minocha, a person's signature is the map that defines his personality. Signatures and handwriting are as individual as fingerprints. A graphologist can even detect forgery. But what do you look for when you analyze someone's handwriting? Minocha says there are many aspects that need scrutiny and study. "One would evaluate features such as the size and shape of letter forms, the slant, the margins used, spacing between letters, words and lines, connective forms, rhythm, evenness, beginning and end strokes and the regular signature of the person." The most amazing aspect of graphology is that it can be used as a scientific tool to detect, diagnose and eventually treat diseases. Unfortunately, it has not yet been taken seriously enough for extensive R&D. "I look forward to the day when patients will leave for pathological tests a sample of their handwriting and signature," says Minocha. But he
is a lone crusader in India where graphology remains mainly a fad and a party icebreaker. To popularize graphology, Minocha holds classes and workshops and teaches it by correspondence also. In 1995, he established the Graphological Research Organisation for aWareness (GROW), with a team of professionals who offer expertise in their own fields. Graphology can certainly play a crucial role in child development so that a great deal of future sorrow is nipped in the bud. Think of the remedial measures that can be taken with a child just beginning to form his personality! Aggression, timidity, health problems that are germinating due to unknown reasons can be detected, corrected or pre-empted. GROW is researching handwriting in Indian languages that will reflect the psyche and inherent characteristics of entire communities. "The Devnagari (the official Indian) script reveals so much about us. The main body of the script is in the center, heavy and ponderous, with the maatras (vowel symbols) written in downward strokes to meet the alphabets. Then, most Devnagari letters are left-sided or center-aligned, with very few that face right," says Minocha. Dr Minocha maintains that each of us is trapped in our habits and ego and that we are forever searching for a means to move towards the freedom of enlightenment and happiness. If we are wise we will foster all our good qualities, filling up the troughs in our nature so that we can flow on. By being true to ourselves, by holding to our soul. But before we can find wisdom, we have to know our true nature and here is where handwriting analysis helps. There are four main motivational symbols that determine the uniqueness of our temperament and disposition: THE CIRCLE The circle is the symbol of love. It signifies all rounded forms, including the semi-circular and loop variations. Round objects satisfy and soothe. Fruits, the wheel, planets and their courses are all circular or elliptical. There are two aspects of love. The first includes pleasurable feelings like playfulness, companionship, affection and devotion, acceptance and compassion. The other aspect is negative and induces self-indulgence, resentment, jealousy, envy, possessiveness and greed. Playfulness can be replaced by manipulation, threats and other corrupt practices. A circular handwriting indicates the need for relating to people as a basis for living. The motivation here is to share feelings, togetherness and playfulness. A predominantly circular form in your handwriting reveals a person who shuns violence and arguments and would rather play than fight. When this natural instinct is unfulfilled or distorted, it leads to hatred, sorrow, sadism, narcissism and other negative reactions. The rounded form is comparable to the nature of water. THE SQUARE To preserve our natural need for love, sharing and playfulness, we also need a safe shape. This is the square. The house you live in, the child's cot, building blocks, a plot of land, boxes and cupboards are all squares. In fact, a square is a modified circle.
People who use square forms in their handwriting need or have the ability to ensure safety, regularity and maintenance. They start with a strong foundation and build up relationships, positions, and bank balances. They are also able to safeguard against harm or from interfering poachers. Squares also indicate a need to plan, organize, be methodical and follow through each step of a project until a desired objective is achieved. On the one hand, 'square' people are dependable and constructive but they can also become defensive, artificial, dominating and at times lose touch with their feelings, thereby defeating their goal of comfort and preservation. The square also denotes the need to cover up and stick to conventions. Such people are practical, self-sufficient, independent, reserved, non-spontaneous and embarrassed when asked personal questions. On the negative side, they can be hypocritical, stiff and hard, closed-minded, and unable to take risks. The desire to preserve safety at any cost can end up in their sacrificing the context in order to preserve an outer form. The square is a man-made symbol. THE TRIANGLE The triangle implies aggression, libido, dynamism, achievement and will. Users of triangles are controlled, tense, cautious, energetic, resolute, principled, rational, persevering and able to overcome resistance. The triangle is the most powerful generator of excitement. The sexual instinct is the primordial form of the triangle, so it is also a phallic symbol. People who favor this shape in their handwriting are always probing, exploring, releasing energy. Depicted by the knife, gun, elevator, airplane and stairs, these people are instinctive leaders, take up challenges, generate ideas and want to solve problems. They have a natural sharpness of thought, resent wasting time and cannot suffer laggards. They are action-oriented, avoid unnecessary details and are impatient. Their overall attitude is defined by aggressiveness and if properly channelized, achieve excellent results. Sporting or competitive activities work in their favor. Negatively charged, such people can be violent, neurotic and destructive, with strong criminal tendencies. THE SQUIGGLE It is the symbol of imagination. The squiggle is an unfamiliar form created by a unique combination of the circle, the square and the triangle. People who use this form in their handwriting appear to be saying that they would like to know more about 'reality', to probe the unknown. They wish to create and are able to expand, observe and contribute their own vision and insight. Such people spend time on lofty thoughts beyond and above mundane existence. They tend to romanticize, spiritualize, philosophize and create a new dimension to find fullness in life. Their deepest satisfaction lies in the creative use of their imagination in ideals, abstract art and writing. Musicians, philosophers, dramatists, poets and writers belong to
this category. Such people reject protocol and superficialities. They evaluate people and things by their intrinsic value rather than by social standards, creating their own yardsticks. These people can 'see' beyond their immediate confines. But squigglers must always remember to act upon their dreams because the negative consequences of this motivation are withdrawal syndromes, neurotic behavior, psychosis or aggressiveness.
photographs by Martin Louis
SCRIPT A NEW YOU Your handwriting not only provides a tool for analyzing your personality, it can also be used as a means of improving your life. Here are some handwriting exercises to help you grow and develop
To reduce tension and improve spontaneity, do the following pattern two to three pages a day with the right hand and one to two pages a day with the left hand (reverse the order for left-handers). To induce fighting spirit, decisiveness, the ability to withstand pressure and build inner resistance, do the following pattern on two pages with each hand everyday. To improve coordination between mind and body, try the following exercise. To improve concentration and receptiveness, write in the following manner-two pages with your right hand and one page with the left hand. To change pessimism to optimism, write in lines as shown below, up to five pages. To improve your sense of rhythm and reduce thinking on habitual patterns, do this. If you feel your life is colorless, try writing with different colored pens. To increase utilization of your potential, write holding your pen in the left hand if you are right-handed and vice-versa or even by holding it in your mouth or toes. To get new perspectives on your activities, start writing with a paintbrush or in a different script than the one you normally use.
Im tired of this right brain-left brain talk. You know, the left side of your brain is the logical, calculating part and the right is the creative, emotional part. I realize most people use it as more of a harmless analogy, but its not an accurate one: Many a myth has grown up around the brains asymmetry. The left cerebral hemisphere is supposed to be the coldly logical, verbal and dominant half of the brain, while the right developed a reputation as the imaginative side, emotional, spatially aware but suppressed. Two personalities in one head, Yin and Yang, hero and villain. To most neuroscientists, of course, these notions are seen as simplistic at best and nonsense at worst. So there was general satisfaction when, a couple of years ago, a simple brain scanner test appeared to reveal the true story about one of neurologys greatest puzzles: exactly what is the difference between the two sides of the human brain? Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you like your theories, the big picture revealed by that work is proving far less romantic than the logical-creative split, intriguingly complex and tough to prove. Thats a New Scientist article, by the way, not something written by some crackpot, like a lot of Rense.com. Moving on, Ive recently encountered something known as Psycho-Geometrics. Apparently, you can discern someones personality by what shape appeals to them. The shapes are circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and squiggle (not really a shape, I guess). This is the order I put them in: 1. Circle 2. Square 3. Rectangle 4. Triangle 5. Squiggle So, as a circle, what should I be? friendly nurturing persuasive empathic generous stabilizing reflective overpersonal melancholy manipulative gossipy
self-blaming apolitical indecisive lazy Some fit, others dont (apolitical?). As one person said, its like a horoscope. You fit in some in each category. Perhaps you tend to one personality type represented by a shape. It all seems rather simple of course. The Enneagram is a much better one, but I really dont care about these things at all. I am sort of interested in the idea that liking a shape is a reflection of one of these simplified personality types. I can find nothing the in databases I have access to through MSU (they havent cut me off yet). This is as close as I can get: Another more recent study I pursued for this report is PsychoGeometrics, the Science of Understanding People, and the Art of Communicating With Them. The derivation of Psycho Geometrics came from Dr. Carl Jung. The study deals with the human personality (the thinkers, feelers, sensors, intuitors of previous studies), and the brain function which affects the way that personality type might communicate. This is a very interesting approach to apply to the art of effective communicating. Susan Dellinger, Ph.D. introduced the Psycho Geometrics system and she is a very dynamic trainer on the system. Her study focuses on evaluating personality types by putting them into shapes. This study incorporates a lot of the information many people already know about which side of the brain is dominant in different people and how that brain dominance affects their personalities. Dr. Jung stressed that left hemisphere people are linear thinkers who like order. Right hemisphere people are non-linear, abstract thinkers who can live in a messy world. Susan Dellingers approach puts the differences in people into five immediately recognizable shapes for easy discussion and identification. Left hemisphere people are the squares, triangles, and rectangles. (Note all the straight lines in those shapes.) Right hemisphere people are the circles and squiggles. Im tempted to dismiss the whole thing, as it seems to be based on the idea of right and left brainedness that has been mostly discredited. Still, it looks I cant quite do that. Aside from one paper calling it dubious and two complimentary articles from Door and Hardware and some magazine about veterinary medicine from the Netherlands, I can find essentially no scientific information on this. Overall, though, it seems pretty simplistic. Why would shape preference indicate personality? Four of the five shaps seem orderly and logical (if you can call a shape that) to me. It seemed obvious right away that the squiggle was supposed to symbolize the disorganized, creative personalities. In any case, I wish there were some studies I could look at. Given that this fits right in with the cesspool of psuedoscience that is the self help industry, I doubt there are any.
Banker Accountants Deep blue square Advertising Purple Squiggle Manual / Mechanic Light blue Square Charity / NGOs Pink Circle Defence / Military Yellow Triangle Creative/Arts Orange Squiggle Secretaries Pink Square Education Yellow Circle Healthcare Light blue Circle Govt or Civil Service Red Square Banker Accountants Deep blue square Likes order, organised, logical, analytical and task-orientated. Tend to be perfectionist, and are also sure-footed and self-confident, like the actor Daniel Craig. Deep blue denotes great strength of character and suggests integrity and maturity. In fact 40 per cent were circles. Advertising Purple Squiggle Traditionally the colour of nobility, purple denotes individuality and an imaginative approach to life, as exemplified by the comedian Russell Brand. The combination of squiggle and purple makes this person an extremely interesting, yet enigmatic and perhaps mysterious character. Manual / Mechanic Light blue Square Your colour is light blue. A light blue personality suggests calmness. It's a colour that tempers the extremes of any personality shape, and really softens and moderates the sometimes overly rational outlook of a square personality. It suggests a greater degree of flexibility and reassurance. Charity / NGOs Pink Circle Your colour is pink. Traditionally the colour of femininity, pink denotes a sensitive, caring side to any personality, but when combined with a circle it suggests the ultimate people's person. You are deeply caring, sensual and totally in tune with your own emotions and those of others. One of the better fits - 35 per cent are circles, and 34 per cent triangles. Defence / Military Yellow Triangle Your colour is yellow. The colour of the sun, therefore no surprise that yellow denotes optimism and enthusiasm for people and situations. Yellow also softens the triangles
drive and suggests you are aware of the needs of others around you. Happily for them, yellow triangles are able to combine success with popularity. 39% are triangles; 23% squares Creative/Arts Orange Squiggle Squiggles are creative, witty and impulsive. Squiggles are quite eccentric, do not thrive on routine and are very quickly bored, though they are spontaneous and fun, always looking to the future. Orange squiggles are amongst the most extroverted and exuberant people its possible to imagine. They are not always very predictable but always great fun to be with. 50% are triangles, and only 6% came out as squiggles Secretaries Pink Square Organised, methodical, and task-orientated. Pink squares are more sensitive than the average square. Even if they dont always show it, pink squares are deeply caring and can be very sensual. Only 14% are squares, 42% are triangles Education Yellow Circle Circles love harmony and tranquillity, and tend to be calm and contented with an optimistic outlook on life. Circles are real people's people. Yellow circles have optimism for people and situations, and a desire always to achieve a positive outcome. 40% circles and 27% leadership skills of triangle. Healthcare Light blue Circle Circles love harmony and tranquillity, and tend to be calm and contented with an optimistic outlook on life. A light blue personality, typified by the Duchess of Cornwall, suggests calmness and complements the warm, caring circle. Light blue circles often have a supremely practical and pragmatic approach to life, and adapt to most situations life throws at them. Govt or Civil Service Red Square Squares like order; they are organised, logical, analytical and task-oriented. They tend to be perfectionists, and are also sure-footed and self-confident. When combined with a square personality, the colour red can indicate stubbornness and an unwillingness to give ground in difficult or confrontational situations.
good idea to have more of a formal routine, certain rituals that are repeated. If square was your first choice go back and click on your second choice to see what other side you have to your character.
A Triangle needs to see a goal and needs to see some accomplishments. Triangles appreciate having a chart of steps to follow. Triangles will take great pleasure in checking off each item that gets done. It should always be clear what the underlying intention is. If the direction is agreed upon, the Triangle can be quite flexible in how to get there. Triangles are convergent thinkers. They are working towards something specific and finite, and they do it in a logical and systematic way. But they might be lacking in personal creativity. A Triangle might be a good executive, setting goals and making sure they are met. If Triangle was your first choice, go back and click on your second choice to see another side to your personality.
going on. For Circles getting to an overall harmonious situation is more important than getting techniques done right. If circle was your first choice go back and click on your second choice to see what other side you have to your character.
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Please HELP me! I am writing a book entitled: Woman 2000 and I need 2000 women to fill out this survey ASAP * The survey is a quick read in 5 Parts Thank you, and Have FUN !
Part 1: Who are YOU? Choose 2 SHAPES which best describe You as a PERSON. ( Click on your first TWO choices that you feel represents your personality:)
NOTE: You will find a brief description of the meaning of each shape at the end of this survey. This is a system of personality analysis called
If you had a personal Bumper Sticker made for your car, what would it say? (Fill in the blank below. )
Madeline Albright Kim Basinger Oprah Winfrey Estee Lauder Celine Dion
Hillary Clinton Katie Couric Madonna Mrs. Bill Gates Condoleezza Rice
Part 2: What do you WANT for your NATION? (Click top 2) True Leaders Strong "World Peacekeeper" More Women in Power Strong Human Rights Policies Separate Church from State Protect the Environment (abortion,etc.) Less Big Government Reduce Role of Media Help for Poor & Underprivileged Help for Middle-Class Part 3: What do you WANT in a JOB? 3A: General Working Environment (Click 2 most Important) Important Work Recognition Monetary Rewards Good Healthcare Plan Good Retirement Plan Respect from Superiors Training Opportunities Genuine Teamwork Capable Co-workers Capable Leaders More Women Leaders Reduced hours/Flextime Work at Home Equal Treatment for ALL
Replace incompetent managers Set higher performance standards Pay workers based on performance Assure opportunites for ALL Share profits with all workers Reduce executive pay Create true teamwork Give workers authority Tell people the truth 3C Your immediate Boss (Click top 2 things you want your Boss to do NOW....) Communicate more Learn to listen Take smart pills Ditch the EGO Show me respect Set higher standards Take Charge! Stop showing favoritism Learn what I do Tell the truth Leave me alone to do my job Get some management training Recognize effort, not problems
3D: Job Satisfaction (Click 1 answer only) "My Job is ........" Boring Routine Interesting Ideal Overwhelming
3E Training Needs (Click top 2 types of training you WANT NOW ) Assertiveness Management Skills Financial Planning Skills Communication & Listening Teamwork Skills Stress Management Computer/Technical Skills Project Management Writing Skills Memory Development Sales Skills Time Management Skills
Part 4: What do you WANT? in your PERSONAL LIFE 4A: What do You WANT NOW? (Click top 2 choices)
to simplify my life freedom to pursue dreams more private time more money time for family loving relationship less work responsibility thinner body more sharing home duties more self-confidence close friendships 4B What to you WANT in your Leisure Time? (Click top 2 choices)
time with friends time with family church activities work projects at home physical exercise meditation/quiet time massage/beauty treatments watching favorite TV nightlife fun/carousing
domestic travel foreign travel pursuing hobbies enjoying computer shopping reading going to college playing sports/games
NOTE: You must fill out Part 6 to participate in the survey!
State Country
5E. INCOME LEVEL: Under $25, 000 $25, 000 - $36, 000 $37,000 - $50 ,000 $51, 000 - $75, 000 $75,000 - $100, 000 Over $100,000 5F JOB CATEGORY unemployed manager executive secretarial doctor/lawyer company owner sales person 5G Education Level finance education healthcare technical nonprofit. government Other
drop-out high school degree some college bachelors degree advanced degree
Message to Survey Participant: YESNO Are you willing to have a Personal Interview with the author, Dr. Susan Dellinger?
Squiggle People: creative, witty, impulsive, weird, sexy NOTE: For more info on Dr. Dellinger's Psycho-Geometrics Systems-tm please go to her website at http://www.drsusan.net
http://www.quizilla.com/users/ReclusiveRobert/quizzes/What%20shape%20are%20you%3F%20A%20triangle,%20a%20circle,%20a %20rectangle,%20a%20square,%20or%20a%20Squiggle%3F/
Title: What shape are you? A triangle, a circle, a rectangle, a square, or a Squiggle? Rating: Everyone | Avg Vote: 4.53 | Type: quiz Add Quiz to My Picks List | Quiz Info This quiz uses Psychogeometrics. Developed by Susan Dellinger on previous work by psychologist Dr. Carl Jung. There are Five basic personality Shapes and each shape represents different communication styles. Your supposed to be able to tell your style just by what shape you find most appealing, but i'm going to make it a bit more interesting. (Read memo)Ok, first of all, which shape do you find most appealing? Sqaure Triangle Circle Squiggle rectangle How would your friends best discribe you? Interesting A strong leader Caring Loyal My friends wouldn't know how to discribe me, i'm always changing! What is your flaw? I take forever the make a decision. I'm bored easily I like to gossip I always lose my car in the parking lot! I'm bossy What do YOU think is your best quality? I'm the sexiest person alive! I'm a fast thinker I can help anyone with their problems Uh, i'm not sure. i guess i'm pretty average. I'm a very organized person. If you had a personality disorder, what would it be? Split personality Hmm, i would have an obsessive compulsive disorder.. to keep everything neat and organized! I'm overcontrolling... i'm not sure if thats a disorder though... Oh well it is now, now that i say it is! i would be just plain crazy!! I can't have a disorder!! How could i help other people if i had one?! Ok, final question! How to do you prefer to work in a group? I work alone, i prefer to get the job done, right, myself. I'm the leader, i tell all the other people what to do. I come up with the catchy signs and designs. I keep the peace between the workers. I usually do a little of everything. i'm not sure what i like to do just yet. You are a Squiggle Squiggles are creative, witty, and impulsive. Squiggles are eccentric. Squiggles dont do well in a routine. The squiggle is the only pure right-brained thinker. Brain research states that only 12-15% of people are right brained thinkers, so fewer people are true squiggles than what is claimed. Squiggles get bored easily. The need challenges and freedom. Squiggles love to meet challenges because they enjoy peak experiences. Squiggles are random holistic. They not like to bother with details. Squiggles are the ones who ask why. They need to know the reason for things. They are a strong shape along with the triangle. Lots of squares are want to be squiggles. At work, you can recognize the squiggle as the person with the messy office. The squiggle lives in the future. A pure squiggle is as spontaneous as they are fickle. Squiggles are bright and having big ideas and big dreams to match. The squiggles motto is "To dream the impossible dream." Squiggles dont sweat things. Squiggles are the most likely shape to be in a supermarket at midnight. Squiggles are great to have as friends because they are so interesting. However dont count on a squiggle. Squiggles are dramatic, flamboyant, and the most likely to think of themselves as sexy! Meryl Streep and Mikhail Baryshnikov are squiggles. Please rate. you don't have to message!
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The drawing game.. Draw 4 shapes. A circle, a square, a triangle and a squiggle. Which shape would be your first choice? Which shape would be your second choice?
NF--IDEALIST The Circle - Love is the most important element of life. You're most stimulated by love and a desire to share your pleasures with someone else. You seek affection and approval. Circle people are not happily involved in work unless they are sharing their lives with a pleasing partner. Less hostile and aggressive. SP--ARTISAN The Triangle - The need for power. The triangle is also the sex symbol. Triangles want to arrive at solutions quickly. They are independent thinkers and resist being placed in a subordinate position to others. They usually have a drive for achievement and are action oriented.
SJ--GUARDIAN The Square - Order and discipline are more important to you. Square choosers are security motivated people who like working with their hands and have a mind to build things. They enjoy puttering around the house and usually are logical thinkers and practical and one you can depend on.
NT--RATIONAL The Squiggle - Imagination. Imagination would be your first motivation. The desire to create. The squiggle person rejects routine. Most squiggle people don't like to be closed in by boundaries. They may find a way out when they feel closed in.
People who pick the same shape first or have the same sequence have an interesting start to their relationship. If you and your friend and/or partner don't pick the same shapes, don't panic. It's helpful to know the first and second choices to get the gist of the friendship. Don't forget, opposites attract and can be very helpful to one another in compensating for the differences in each others personality. Find out what shape combinations reveal.
The drawing game.. Pairs of shapes in sequence reveal more. Look even deeper and seek the compatibility. This is great to share
with your peers and gain a better understanding of their personality. For a more thorough analysis, please see the services page. The Circle and Square combination. Love comes first, but second is your need for security to ensure this love by keeping close around your home, your family and friends. You are not driven by a strong desire for money or worldly gains.
The Circle and Triangle combination. Your major motivation is love, followed closely by the need for power and sexual expression. You can be playful and passionate with strong desires in both areas. In this area love is more the object of the individuals desire. Sex in the triangle is aggressive but love is more the focus.
The Circle and Squiggle combination. When it comes to love, you're an idealist. You look for love to satisfy all your passions and ideas. You are constantly searching for the perfect mate and will create the most imaginative method of finding that person.
The Square and Circle combination. Once you feel safe and secure in your environment, you will reach out to share your nest. Your family unit is most important to you. Your major concern is keeping the peace and maintaining harmony.
The Square and Triangle combination. Security is first and most important to you. If something or someone threatens your security, you will not hesitate to fight for it. You are bright; you will approach your problems with keen perception and a strong common sense attitude.
The Square and Squiggle combination. You might be a tough one to understand completely. First you are a commom sense person, then pratical individual who seems well grounded in reality. The other side of your personality indicates a frustration with routine and a desire for variety and change.
The Triangle and Circle combination. You have a strong need to express love and are most motivated by sexual expression. It's important for you to surround yourself by people. You are action oriented.
The Traingle and Square combination. You have the ability to look at a problem and attack it without becoming too emotional. You approach most situations with a great deal of patience and understanding.
The Triangle and Squiggle combination. You have a highly aggressive personality and are considered a unique individual. You are extremely creative individual and the sky is the limit. You know no bounds.
The Squiggle and Circle combination. Your imagination draws you to highly philosophical or spiritual pursuits. You are able to envision beauty in all that surrounds you.
The Squiggle and Square combination. Although your home and environment is important to you, you find yourself thirsting for new challenges, which take you away from your secure environment. You are a highly creative but endeavor to keep a balance between your need for security at home and your desire for adventure.
The Squiggle and Triangle combination. You are highly creative and never stop moving. Others would find it challenging to live with you because of your desire for adventure and variety. It is important for you to surround yourself with people. You are action oriented
Ok these quizes have nothing to do with IVAs, but we think they are fun!
This is a simple test that quickly determines what type of person one is dealing with. You have the person look briefly at these 5 figures and ask her to choose the one she likes best and the one she likes the second best. Don't allow any intellectualization about it, we just need a quick and simple choice. Then afterwards we can analyze what that means.
A Square is somebody who feels most comfortable with a stable environment and clear directions on what to do. She is conservative and likes things that are regular and orderly. If given a task she will work on it until it is finished, even if it is repetitious, cumbersome and lonely. A Rectangle also likes structure and regularity. But she will more establish it with organization, meetings, committees and so forth. This will have to be done the proper way, taking all rules and regulations into consideration. If given a task she will start organizing it to be sure it can be done the most systematic way. A Triangle is goal oriented. She enjoys planning something out and then doing it. She gets motivated by the accomplishment. She will tend to look at big long-term issues, but might forget the details. When given a task she will set a goal and work on a plan for it. A Circle is social and communicative. No hard edges. She handles things by talking about them and smoothing things out with everybody. Communication is the first priority, and making sure there is harmony. When given a task she will talk about it. A Squiggle is off-the-wall and creative. She feels best doing new and different things most of the time and gets bored with regularity. When given a task she will come up with bright ideas about it.
The Square, Rectangle and Triangle are all convergent. They are working towards something specific and finite, and they do it in a logical and systematic way. But they might be lacking in personal creativity. The Circle and Squiggle are divergent. They are creative, extroverted, and intuitive. They will reach out around them into new areas and to other people. But they aren't particularly systematic or dependable. This kind of categorization is very useful for evaluating people for job positions, for example, or for finding out how well people will work together. If you really need something specific done, the Square is the most likely to do it exactly as specified. Squares will work great in the accounting department. If things need to be organized amongst a group of people, then the Rectangle is most likely to make that happen. A Triangle might be a good executive, setting goals and making sure they are met. For any kind of personal relations the Circle will be good. A Circle will be a good personnel person or a receptionist or customer service. If anything new is needed a Squiggle is the person for the job. Advertising, problem solving etc. The different categories of people might often get in conflicts with each other if they don't realize that they each work differently. The convergent people might be really frustrated that the divergent ones don't seem to be able to get done what they are supposed to, but will do all kinds of other things and not care about deadlines. The divergent people might find the convergent ones cold and narrow minded, not taking human factors and new possibilities into consideration. Now, for processing purposes these categorizations are also useful. It can tell us a person's preferred method of working with something. A Square will need fairly specific instructions. She will not be happy just floating around, not knowing where this is going. A Square will feel good about being presented with a technique and carrying it through until it is done. It doesn't matter much if it is repetitious, regularity is a source of comfort. For a Square it is a good idea to have more of a formal routine, certain rituals that are repeated. A Rectangle needs to see how things are organized. A systematic overview of the processing we will do would be a
good idea. And the Rectangle will probably also enjoy understanding the principles of what we are doing. She will feel comfortable knowing and noticing that systematic techniques are being used and that they have names and so forth. A Triangle needs to see a goal and needs to see some accomplishments. She might appreciate having a chart of steps we are following. She will take great pleasure in checking off each one that gets done. It should always be clear what the underlying intention is with what we do. If the direction is agreed upon, the Triangle can be quite flexible in how we get there. A Circle doesn't need a plan or a system and is probably turned off by it. She needs to talk about whatever is at hand. You need to be flexible in tracking with her and dealing with whatever is going on. Getting to an overall harmonious situation is more important than getting techniques done right. A Squiggle must be presented with new and different things. Unexpected angles is what will motivate her. It is perfectly fine if no kind of technique is recognized and every session is different. Be flexible enough to jump around a bit and avoid preconceived ideas about where we will end up. People are different. If you aren't able to adjust to different personality types you will probably mainly attract the ones that are similar to yourself, and others just won't appreciate what you do. If you do recognize the different types of people and if you approximate their reality then there is no limit to who you can deal with successfully. If it isn't apparent already, there is no value judgment connected with which category people fall in. None of them are better than the other ones. Each one is a somewhat fragmented package. It has qualities that are good for certain purposes and it has qualities that aren't so good for other purposes. The best way of testing these is probably to ask the person to pick the figure she likes the most and then the figure she likes the second most. That gives a more composite picture. Then the qualities might blend or balance each other somewhat.