Portable Wargame ECW
Portable Wargame ECW
Portable Wargame ECW
by Steven Page (Besed on T e Po!tab"e Wa!ga#e$ by Bob Co!de!y$ and Ho% to P"ay Wa!ga#es &n M&n&at'!e by (ose) Mo!s* a'se!+
TYPE OF UNIT STRENGTH POINTS . / . / / / / 8 8 8 MOVEMENT FIRING Range / s0'a!es / s0'a!es / s0'a!es . s0'a!es / s0'a!es 1 s0'a!es . s0'a!es 8 s0'a!e 8 s0'a!e / s0'a!es 3:s ot 4 /:g!a)e 1:s ot 4 /:g!a)e .:s ot 4 /:g!a)e / s0'a!es / s0'a!es CLOSE COMBAT d6 NOT to be hit Unit !ont on to ene"# .$1$2$3 1$2$3 2$3 3 2$3 1$2$3 .$1$2$3 2$3 2$3 2$3 Unit $an%&!ea! to ene"# 2$3 3 3 3 3 2$3 273 3 3 3
In,ant!y$P&-e In,ant!y$ M's-et In,ant!y$ C"'b#en 4&"" a!#ed 5!agoons$ #o'nted 6oot Cava"!y Lobste!s A!t&""e!y$C'"ve!&n Sa-e! 6a"*onet
87 /7 .7 17 A!t&""e!y 6&!e P ase (N7B7A!t&""e!y does not need to be a*t&vated &n o!de! to ,&!e+7 5&*e ,o! &n&t&at&ve7 S&de A t !o%s &ts d3 9n&t A*t&vat&on 5&*e to dete!#&ne o% #any 9n&ts &t #ay a*t&vate t &s t'!n7 S&de A t en #oves$ ,&!es$ and *ond'*ts C"ose Co#bats %&t ea* o, t e&! a*t&vated 9n&ts &n t'!n$ s'b:e*t to any !est!&*t&ons "a&d do%n &n t e !'"es7 S&de B t !o%s &ts d3 9n&t A*t&vat&on 5&*e to dete!#&ne o% #any 9n&ts &t #ay a*t&vate t &s t'!n7 S&de B t en #oves$ ,&!es and *ond'*ts C"ose Co#bats %&t ea* o, t e&! a*t&vated 9n&ts &n t'!n$ s'b:e*t to any !est!&*t&ons "a&d do%n &n t e !'"es7
RULES 87 /7
Any 9n&t &t as a !es'"t o, A!t&""e!y ,&!e$ non?A!t&""e!y ,&!e o! C"ose Co#bat t !o%s a d3 d&e to !eso"ve % at a))ens7 Any 9n&t 'n%&""&ng o! 'nab"e to !et!eat 8 s0'a!e "oses 8 SP7
Ho!se?d!a%n T!ans)o!t
A o!se?d!a%n t!ans)o!t #ay to% an A!t&""e!y 9n&t7 It ta-es one t'!n to "&#be! o! 'n"&#be! an A!t&""e!y 9n&t7 d'!&ng % &* t'!n bot 9n&ts #'st be &n t e sa#e s0'a!e7 T!ans)o!t 'n&ts t at a!e to%&ng A!t&""e!y 9n&ts #ove at t e&! no!#a" Move#ent !ates7 A &t on a T!ans)o!t 9n&t &s a"so dee#ed a &t on any 'n&t t at &t #&g t be to%&ng7
9n&ts on !oads #ove at no!#a" Move#ent !ates PL9S 8 s0'a!e &, t e ent&!e #ove &s #ade a"ong a !oad7 In C"ose Co#bat a 9n&t t at &s atta*-&ng ') &"" aga&nst an ene#y 9n&t !ed'*es t e d3 d&e s*o!e t ey t !o% by 87 W en 's&ng a ,o!d &n a !&ve! a 9n&t #oves &nto t e !&ve! on t'!n A and sto)s$ t en #oves 8 s0'a!e o't o, t e !&ve! on t'!n B
W en *!oss&ng a t!en* o! edge!o% a 9n&t #oves &nto t e t!en* o! edge!o% on t'!n A$ sto)s$ t en #oves 8 s0'a!e o't o, t e t!en* o! edge!o% on t'!n B 9n&ts *!oss&ng t!en* es o! edge!o%s #ay not ,&!e7 In C"ose Co#bat a 9n&t t at &s *!oss&ng a t!en* o! edge!o% !ed'*es t e d3 d&e s*o!e t !o% by 87
Cover; Cove! &s any nat'!a" o! #an?#ade te!!a&n t at *an &de o! obs*'!e a ta!get ,!o# v&e%7 Direct line of sight: 5&!e*t "&ne?o,?s&g t &s a st!a&g t "&ne ,!o# t e *ente! o, one s0'a!e to t e *ente! o, anot e! t at &s not obs*'!ed by *ove! o! a ve!t&*a" o! o!&Fonta" obsta*"e7 Fortifications; 6o!t&,&*at&ons a!e any #an?#ade de,en*es b'&"t to st!engt en a )os&t&on7 T ey &n*"'de b'n-e!s$ d'go'ts$ t!en* es$ and ,&e"d%o!-s7 Line-of-sight; L&ne o, s&g t &s a st!a&g t "&ne ,!o# t e *ente! o, one s0'a!e to t e *ente! o, anot e!7 Orthogonally adjacent; Any s0'a!e t at to'* es t e s&de o, anot e! s0'a!e &s de,&ned as be&ng o!t ogona""y ad:a*ent to &t7