Blood Faith Genre Pack v1
Blood Faith Genre Pack v1
Blood Faith Genre Pack v1
As many of you will be aware, In Her Majesty’s Name (IHMN) is a set of Victorian Science Fiction
(VSF) skirmish wargame rules. Two supplements have been published for these rules: Heroes,
Villains and Fiends (HVF) and Sleeping Dragon, Rising Sun (SDRS). A further supplement, IHMN
Gothic, has been released in instalments via our blog (see below).
In response to popular demand, we are producing a series of “genre packs”. Each genre pack provides
a short guide to the elements of a genre that allows you use the IHMN rules for a particular period or
setting other than VSF.
In most cases we do not include items or rules in genre packs if we can simply make reference to
them with an abbreviation of the book’s name (IHMN, HVF, SDRS & Gothic) and the specific
section in which it can be found.
Our aim is to be consistent across all books and genre packs, except where the genre itself brings in a
significant difference.
As with all of our publications this genre pack is copyrighted by Craig Cartmell & Charles Murton.
However, you have permission to copy this pack and distribute to your fellow players, to expand upon
it and to feature it on your blogs and websites as long as there is no financial gain involved.
We would really like to hear from you on what you do with it so we can share this with others.
You can contact us through:
1. The IHMN blog:
2. The Lead Adventure IHMN forum:
3. The IHMN Facebook page:
2.2 Weapons
This is a summary of the common types of weapons available in Europe in this period. As in IHMN
we describe them by general type rather than specific make.
The firearms listed below are the only ones available in this genre and their stats have been rebalanced
3.0 Bestiary
Most of the ordinary and extraordinary creatures listed in IHMN, HVF, SDRS & Gothic are usable in
this period.
4.0 Talents
All talents in IHMN, HVF, SDRS and Gothic are available to figures in this period.
6.1.2 Gallowsmen
“Strength lieth not in steel, but in guile. Quick wit is far sharper than any Captain’s sword.”
Ned Tyler, the Rook
From the flotsam of bloody war have come a breed of dispossessed men who make their way through
life by way of highway robbery, arson, theft, pickpocketing, prostitution and smuggling. They work
primarily for themselves but are not averse to taking commissions from better men who would stand
back from the foul deeds they see as necessary.
A band of Gallowsmen will include many professional brigands skilled in the use of stealth and
ambush; there will also be army deserters, dispossessed peasants, border reivers, heretics and other
Their name comes from their probable fate.
6.3 Others
6.3.1 Necromancer Cult
“Your petty beliefs are of no consequence to a man with the power of creation!”
Master Muerté
Possibly the most sinister enemies of man are the necromancers. These are men who believe they
have mastered the secrets of life and death and have renounced all faith in the divine nature of being.
They work in secret in the night creating abominations from the bodies of the fallen and gathering to
them many who fear death more than the retribution of the Lord God and would have themselves
made immortal.
6.3.5 Caliph's and Emir’s Guard [North Africa and the Middle East]
“To think that these barbarous apes are the descendants of once mighty Rome and Greece. We shall
bring them science and the blessings of the Prophet, may peace be upon him, or destroy them in the
Sultan Murad IV
All of North Africa and the Middle east lies under the Great Sultan’s protection. Each of his many
caliphs and emirs are allowed personal guards and these are often used to deal with matters too small
to attract the attention of the Sultan’s armies.
Many of these guards are Nubian slaves, huge men who are powerful in combat, but there are others
from every race within the Sultan’s dominions. They are led by well-educated and resourceful men of
the Caliph or Emir’s court.
8.0 Complications
These are what give the scenarios that extra edge.
9.0 Landscapes
Although much has changed over the centuries between this genre and the Victorian era, many of the
landscapes could be used as long as you take into account the technological differences. After all a
horse-drawn cart is the same in both and a city is still a sprawling, crowded and dangerous