Rough Draft Gun Control
Rough Draft Gun Control
Rough Draft Gun Control
Today there is a fight about gun control. Why should it be passed and why should it not be passed? Gun control should be passed due to school shootings and violence guns have the potential to cause. The less guns people can get, the less violence there is. Gun control should not be enforced because it goes against the second amendment, shooters could cause the same damage by lesser means, and guns are not the only cause of violence. Part of the main topic of gun control is to cut down violence and the number of criminals. Due to guns being readily accessible and easy to use they are involved in most murders. Guns are everywhere, so criminals that need a gun may obtain it through either legally or illegally. Alysa Seales says We are not supposed to carry guns, but people do all the time. She goes on to say that in light of this we should be able to change the Constitution to fit current situations. What circumstances make it possible for mass shootings to happen? The Sandy Hook and Columbine shootings are great examples that display a need for gun control. If we were to have a better way to regulate guns and stop them from falling into the wrong hands, the amount of incidents like this would greatly decrease. Some people even believe that if there were fewer guns then there would a substantially lower amount of criminals. How many people are killed by guns? In the United States, there have been at least 62 mass shootings in the past three decades,
with 24 in the last seven years alone (Walker par 2). Some people that commit suicide use guns. They should have never had a gun, and they could still be alive. The gun control law could end up saving more people lives. The gun control law should be passed, and the constitution should be changed. The other part of the main topic of gun control is that if the law is enforced it will cause more violence, and Americas second amendment to be violated. This law goes against our second amendment. The second amendment states We have the right to keep and bear arms (Amer. Gov. page 78). This law is taking that amendment away. Also, we cannot carry firearms on us in public (Yu par 11). Maybe one day we might need a gun to protect ourselves. "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," said Wayne LaPierre, NRA's executive vice president (Memmott par 2). Even though, they will do anything in their power to get what they need (Horsley par 4). If they cannot get a gun, they can learn how to make a bomb (Horsley par 4). They can go on the internet and look it up. They do not care about the law. We cannot stop any one from doing as they please. If they want to blow up everyone, they will try hard to do so, but they may not succeed. Even getting rid of guns does not stop violence (Yu par 15). Only 2.6% of deaths in the U.S. are gun related (Yu par 15). Firearms were used in 19,392 suicides in the U.S. in 2010, constituting almost 62% of all gun deaths (Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence par 13). In the last year, we have had twelve shootings in the United States. Obviously guns are not the problem; it is the people that have guns. If the law for gun control is to be passed it will go against our second amendment, Right to keep and bear arms (Amer. Gov. page 78). Violence and evil will always find a way, the only question is will we be prepared and rise to the occasion.
The people that want the gun control law to be passed must not care about the second amendment. To take away firearms means that the everyday law abiding citizens would be left defenseless. To cause hard working honest Americans to suffer for the sins of others is morally wrong and logically incorrect. Gun control should not be enforced because it goes against the second amendment, shooters could cause the same damage by lesser means, and guns are not the only cause of violence. We are a free country, and this law is stripping away our rights and freedoms as Americans. All the killings could get worse, and we would have no way of protecting ourselves from what is to come. Implementing gun control laws strips of our freedoms and ability to defend ourselves while decreasing the resistance violence, gun control should not be legalized.
Work Citied
Horsley, Scott. Politicians Shy Away From New Gun Control Efforts. 23 July 2012. Web. 27 March 2013 <>. Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Statistics on Gun Deaths and Injuries. 16 November 2012. Web. 8 March 2013. <>. Memmott, Mark. Only A Good Guy With A Gun Can Stop School Shootings, NRA Says. 21 December 2012. Web. 8 March 2013. <>. Seales, Alysa. Personal Interview. 27 March 2013. Schmidt, Steffen, Mack Shelley, Barbara Bardes, Lynne Ford. American Government and Politics Today. No Separate Policy Chapter Version. Boston. Suzanne Jeans. n.d. Print. Walker, Jesse. Are Mass Shootings Becoming More Common in the United States. 17 December 2012. Web. <>. Yu, AnnieZ. Gun Control: Five reasons why it wont work. n.d. Web. 27 March 2013. <>.