Week 9
Week 9
Week 9
Reading Chapter 6 Cooperative Learning Share thoughts with those at your table Questions True or False: cooperative learning helps students of different cultural groups respect each other. Positive Interdependence Must work together to reach a goal Simultaneous or sequential We need each other to rich a goal. Individual Accountability Each student completes a task, writes an essay, takes a quiz Each group member has a designated role to perform Collaborative Learning Ways to form groups Random formations: I dont really like this idea. There are too many ways that students can get paired together in groups that are unsuccessful. Teacher selection: Working styles, motivation, ways students thinks, skills. Intentional Collaboration Skills Teach students how good groups operate. Questions to consider as a whole class at the beginning of the year: If someone in your group does not agree with you how are you going to handle the situation? What happens if you dont like someone in your group? How do you encourage others? What do you do if someone doesnt help? After discussing these questions, brainstorm with students a set of applicable guidelines. They will look something like this: Practice make a rubric together based on the guidelines in order to grade individual group members. Elements 1: Not Yet 2: Sometimes 3: All the time Did the student do a fair share of the work?
Did the student have positive attitude about the work and other group members? Was the student willing to work with others? Did the student come up with ideas for the project? Julian Treasure 5 ways to Listen Better Silence Mixer: how many different sounds I am hearing. Savoring: Enjoying sounds. Listening positions: active passive, reductive expansive, critical empathetic. RASA: Receive Appreciate Summarize Ask. Active Listening Role Play Chinese Whisper: telephone Pet Store: you put all your students in a circle and then one student tells them there story. Ask everyone to repeat story. No one heard because they were too busy thinking of their own story. Listening hints (know the culture) Eye Contact, Asking Questions, Body Language, Paraphrasing Engaged Learning All eyes and total silence when giving instructions Use Movement Quick writes for when you need quiet use essential questions Ask three before me (working in a group, they have a question, ask three people before me.)
Teaching Social Skills Fishbowl Using the rubric Tower builders Observers Positive comment first Constructive comment Action Plan/Problem Solving GLCEs - Develop and implement an action plan to address or inform others about a public issue. Grade Level Groups K-1, Elementary, Middle School What does a final product of this look like for this grade level? Action plan: End result first Why do I care Problem/Issue Break it down into steps What makes a good action plan? Create instructions Differentiate Review Differentiation notes Fix a lesson Print off a lesson you have written Share with a partner Brainstorm ways that you could differentiate it in at least two different ways
Next Week Democratic Citizenship and Character Ed 7th Grade Presentation Chapter 9 Reading and Reading Response Week 9 Notes Lesson 6: Options Choice of a lesson at any grade level Choice of 6th, 7th, or 8th lesson Lesson 5: Revisions Due