Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
Where is the equator located on maps and globes? III. People, Places, and Environments Social Studies 2.5 The student will develop map skills by a) locating the equator, the seven continents, and the five oceans on maps and globes; b) locating selected rivers (James River, Mississippi River, Rio Grande, Huang He, and Nile River), mountain ranges (Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains), and lakes (Great Lakes) in the United States and other countries. The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. b) Use words that reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge. c) Clarify and explain words and ideas orally. d) Identify and use synonyms and antonyms. e) Use vocabulary from other content areas.
English 2.2
Visual Arts 2.4 The student will create works of art inspired by a variety of concepts, themes, and literary sources. The student will create works of art from observation. Visual-Spatial Verbal-Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Body-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal
The student will be able to locate the equator on a map. - The student will be able to locate the North and South Pole on a map. - Markers - Masking tape - Globe - Styrofoam balls (1 for each student) - The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg - KWL Chart - North Pole sign - South Pole sign - SMART Board page - List of students (1 for each student) Label the front of the classroom with a sign that says "South Pole" and the back of the classroom with a sign that says "North Pole". Introduction (5 minutes) - Class, today we will be learning about the North Pole, South Pole, and the Equator. Lets start by filling out a KWL Chart about what we know and what we want to know. OK, what do we know about the North Pole, South Pole, and the Equator? Take suggestions and write them on the chart under K. OK, now what do we want to learn about these? Take suggestions and write them under W. - OK, now we are going to read out loud a story about both Poles, called The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg. Read book. Instructional Strategies (25 minutes) - After reading the book, direct the students' attention to the equator and two "poles" of the classroom. Class, if you will look at the front of the room, you see it is labeled North Pole. If you look at the back of the room, you will see it is labeled South Pole. Can I have two volunteers find where the Equator should be? o Choose two students to help find the
midpoint between the North and South Pole by standing at each pole and taking normal steps forward (simultaneously) until they reach the center of the class. When the students meet, have another student tape a line across the floor where they meet. OK class, the classroom is now a giant globe that is divided into two parts: North and South. The line down the middle is the equator. The equator can be seen in the classroom right now; however, it is really an imaginary circle around the earth, equally distant from the North and South Pole. Have students stand on the equator to fully understand this concept. With a globe, point out where the equator, North Pole, and South Pole would be located. Pass the globe around to the students for them to identify the poles and the equator. Hold up one of the Styrofoam balls. I want you to pretend these are messed up globes that need your help. Pass out the Styrofoam balls. These globes dont have the equator, South Pole, or North Pole labeled. I need your help in labeling them with a marker! Walk around and assist students as needed. Once students have correctly labeled their Styrofoam balls, direct their attention to the world map at the front of the room. Point out different locations and have students orally respond to location by saying south of the equator, north of the equator, or on the equator. Bring up the following sentences on the smart board: o I am north of the equator. o I am south of the equator. o I am on the equator. Pass out a sheet of paper with all the students names on it. Here is a list of
everyone in the class. I want you to identify all the students' locations by pretending the classroom is the globe. Use one of the sentences that is written on the board and write it next to their name. Go around the room to make sure students have correctly identified the different locations. Summary (5 minutes) - Now that we have learned about the Poles and the Equator, lets add the L of our KWL chart. The L is what we have learned. Have the class share what they have learned about the poles and the equator. - Students will label where their classmates are sitting in relation to the equator and the poles on a worksheet. - The teacher will name places on the map and ask students to tell their location in relation to the equator (anecdotal notes). - Observation, questioning, anecdotal notes. - Special Needs students are supported by having the students work in small groups and by the teacher walking around during instruction and assessment. - Visual learners are supported through the use of maps, globes, and visual activities. - Kinesthetic learners are supported through the use of hands on activities. - Auditory learners are supported with classroom discussion. - Based on readiness: o For the Styrofoam ball activity, students will be encouraged to work with a heterogeneous partner to review their mini globe.
Class List Name: ____________________ Name Ms. Besley Jose Brian Josie Nick Hadeel Nish Carissa Jessica Kayli Kareef Blake Tim Zoey Alison Julie Daniel Lee Mohammed Darla Xi Ming Nina Laura Monique Location