Sales Plan
Sales Plan
Sales Plan
South Mumbai
<2010-11> Sales Plan
l Introduction
l Opportunity statements
l strategic positioning
l Organisational structure
l Analysing sales situation & distribution network
l sales strategies
l Sales plan objective
l Sales force management
l Setting field sales force objective
l Sales budget
v India’s largest consumer products company and was formed
in 1933 as Lever Brothers India Limited.
v Industry and market share:
The Rs 1,190-crore LUX, with 17 % share, is the second
largest after Lifebuoy (17.5 %)
v Conclusion from market research:
Market share dropped in each of the five quarters even as
the overall soap market, according to ACNielsen, grew 18%
in the year to Rs7,967 crore.
v Major competitor
v Current trends in the market
Analysis Planning
Results !
Sales plan objective
l Sales force management