Directional Based Wireless: Addressing Deafness and Hidden Terninal Problem in Antenna Multi-Hop Networks
Directional Based Wireless: Addressing Deafness and Hidden Terninal Problem in Antenna Multi-Hop Networks
Directional Based Wireless: Addressing Deafness and Hidden Terninal Problem in Antenna Multi-Hop Networks
Anand Prabhu Subramanian and Samir R. Das Computer Science Department State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400, U.S.A Email: anandps,
Abstract-We address deafness and directional hidden terminalproblem that occur when MAC protocols are designed for directional antenna based wireless multi-hop networks. Deafness occurs when the transmitter fails to communicate to its intended receiver, because the receiver's antenna is oriented in a different direction. The directional hidden terminal problem occurs when the transmitter fails to hear a prior RTS/CTS exchange between another pair of nodes and cause collision by initiating a transmission to the receiver of the ongoing communication. Though directional antennas offer better spatial reuse, these problems can have a serious impact on network performance. In this paper, we study various scenarios in which these problems can occur and design a MAC protocol that solves them comprehensively using only a single channel and single radio interface. Current solutions in literature either do not address these issues comprehensively or use more than one radio/channel to solve them. We evaluate our protocol using detailed simulation studies. Simulation results indicate that our protocol can effectively address deafness and directional hidden terminal
1 2 S4
3 '1 3 B 2
1 4
- D 34
S 3 4
(a) Type I
(b) Type II
1. Deafness scenarios.
orientation) and then initiates a transmission to the receiver of the ongoing communication. This can cause a collision. The deafness problem has indeed been studied extensively in I. INTRODUCTION recent literature (see [5] and the references therein). However, Directional antennas can concentrate radio signal energy in the current approaches to solve this problem uses additional rea particular direction, instead of radiating it in all directions sources such as additional channels, radios or busy tones [8] [5]. like their omni-directional counterpart. So the trasmission on On the other hand, the directional hidden terminal problem due a directional antenna can potentially cause much lesser interfer- to unheard RTS/CTS is largely left unaddressed. While deafence, thereby giving a significant capacity advantage in multi- ness leads to lost channel utilization due to increasing backoff hop wireless networks. Similarly, reception on directional an- intervals, the directional hidden terminal problem causes collitenna is subject to lesser interference. Thus, advances in direc- sion that impacts performance adversely. Our goal in this work tional antenna technology have motivated researchers to revisit is to develop a MAC protocol that solves both problems comthe design of medium access control (MAC) protocols to fully prehensively using a single channel and single radio interface. exploit their advantages. Recently many approaches [3] [4] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] have been proposed that aim to benThe rest of the paper is organized as follows: We study variefit from the ability to communicate in a desired direction. ous scenarios in which deafness and directional hidden terminal Though directional antennas offer many benefits such as bet- problem would occur in section II. In section III we discuss ter spatial reuse, increased coverage and better link reliability, the existing work related to directional MAC protocols. In secthey also present new problems. Deafness and directional hid- tion IV we describe our antenna model and state the assumptions den terminal problem are two such problems. These problems we make. We describe our directional MAC protocol design in if left unaddressed can have a serious effect on network perfor- section V. The simulation results are presented in section VI. mance. Deafness occurs when the transmitter fails to commu- We conclude our paper in section VII. nicate to its intended receiver, because the receiver's antenna is oriented in a different direction. Directional hidden terminal II. DEAFNESS AND DIRECTIONAL HIDDEN TERMINAL problem occurs when a transmitter is unaware of the state of the PROBLEM SCENARIOS channel when it orients its antenna to a new direction. This oc* * r *1 1 1 T/T / (? x ~~~Inthis section we study various scenarios in which deafness cur h and directional hidden terminal problem would occur. In genchange' between another pair of nodes (because of its antenna er,dafssicuedw nthtasmtrrpaelyreso
problem and increase network performance.
C2007 IEEE.
l As in all related literature, we will use the IEEE Standard 802.11 as the baseline MAC layer protocol, and thus will use 802.11-related terminology,
send RTS to a destination but the destination does not reply with a CTS. In Figure 1(a), if node S is transmitting to node D, it
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[18]. Recently, many researchers have started to use directional antenna for multi-hop ad hoc or mesh networks [3] [4] [6] [8]
sends a directional RTS to node D using beam 3. Node D then sends a directional CTS using beam 1. Node X is not aware of this transmission. If it initiates a transmission to node S, node S will not respond as it is transmitting data directionally to node D. This causes node X to backoff unnecessarily resulting in poor channel utilization. Here, deafness arises because node S has its beam oriented in a different direction and node X assumes that the RTS packet is lost due to congestion. Node X cannot initiate a transmission to node S immediately when the transmission between node S and node D is over, because it has to wait for the entire backoff interval. The directional MAC protocols that send RTS or CTS in a directional manner (DRTS/DCTS) [16] [6] [12] suffer from this problem. Another variant of the deafness problem occurs when the receiver has its beam blocked due to another transmission in its vicinity and hence it cannot respond with a CTS to prevent collision with the ongoing transmission. See Figure l(b). In this scenario, node S starts a transmission to node D. When node S sends the directional RTS, beam 4 of node B and beam 3 of node A are blocked. When node D sends the directional CTS, beam 2 of node B is blocked. Node S then starts its data transfer to node D. Now if node B wants to transmit to node A, it can send the directional RTS using beam 1 that is free. But node A cannot send a CTS back as its beam 3 is blocked. Thus node B assumes its RTS is lost due to congestion and goes into a backoff. In Figure 2, we demonstrate the hidden terminal problem that arises due to the use of directional antennas. Suppose node S wants to communicate with node D while node A and node B are already communicating. Node A's antenna beam is oriented towards node B. If node S sends a directional RTS to node D, node A cannot hear it and will not block its beam 1. When node D sends the directional CTS packet, node A does not hear it and will not block its beam 2. Now after the data transfer between node A and node B is over, if node A wants to transmit to node D, it senses its beam 2 to be free. If it tries to send a directional RTS packet to node D, the RTS packet may collide with the data packet sent by node S. This kind of hidden terminal problem arises because a node misses an RTS/CTS exchange in its neighborhood and initiates a transmission to the receiver of an ongoing transmission. This scenario can turn into deafness, if collision does not occur. To the best of our knowledge, the directional hidden terminal problem due to unheard RTS/CTS has not been solved in current literature using a single channel and single radio interface,
In an early proposal on the use of directional antenna in multihop networks [13], Nasipuri et al. have proposed to send the RTS ndtSpces omni-diretially soothat thetnsmtRTS and CTS packets omni-directionally so that the transmitter and receiver can locate themselves, and then send the DATA and ACK packet directionally. This solves the deafness problem but results in poor spatial reuse. Ko et al. have proposed that the nodes send directional RTS while the CTS is sent omni-directionally [11]. They assume that the transmitter knows the location of the receiver. Directional RTS leads to deafness around the neighborhood of the sender as described in Figure 1(a). Takai et al. have proposed the DVCS mechanism in which a node performs directional virtual carrier sensing [16]. This achieves good spatial reuse. In an similar work, Roychoudhury et al. have proposed the DMAC (directional MAC) protocol that performs all MAC layer operations in directional mode [6]. This combined with the DVCS mechanism achieves maximum spatial reuse, but it suffers from both deafness and directional hidden terminal problems. Elbatt et al. have introduced the idea of blocked beam and unblocked beams for a node [8]. They have proposed to include the beam index (of the beam in which the DATA packet can be sent) in the RTS and CTS packets and send them in all unblocked beams. They send RTS/CTS in the blocked beams using a different channel. Thus each node needs to be equipped with two radios which are tuned to two different channels. They solve deafness but do not solve the directional hidden terminal problem. Korakis et al. have proposed the circular-DMAC protocol [12] that tries to address the deafness problem. A node initiating a transmission, sends RTS packets directionally in all beams and the receiver node sends a single directional CTS packet. This protocol prevents deafness only in the neighborhood of the transmitter. The RTS packets are sent sequentially, so the receiver has to wait to send the CTS until the sender has sent RTS in all its beams. Some amount of inefficiency is introduced if the RTS packet towards the destination is lost, as all other nodes hearing the RTS will set their NAVs. Huang et al. has proposed a busy tone approach [10] using multiple transceivers, capable for transmitting data packets as well as busy tones simultaneously. But this protocol suffers from both deafness and directional hidden terminal problem. Recently, Roychoudhury and Vaidya [5] have addressed the deafness problem by sending a tone omni-directionally after the data transmission between any two nodes complete. This is a corrective approach rather than a preventive one. This approach allows a node that suffers from deafness to go into repeated backoffs, and then terminate the backoff after the data transmission is over. Also, tone aliasing can happen in this protocol. This approach does not solve the second vaiant of the deafness problem as described in Figure 1(b), nor the directional hidden
terminal problem due to unheard RTS/CTS. In [9], Gossain et al. have identified the problems mentioned earlier and proposed modifications to existing directional MAC protocols to address the deafness problem. Their approach addresses both the deafness scenarios but not the directional hidden terminal problem. In [7], Cordiero et al. have proposed an optimization to the circular DMAC protocol to solve deafness and hidden terminal problem due to asymmetry in gain between directional and omni-directional antennas [6].
Bn _
In our directional MAC protocol design, we assume a switched beam antenna model which consists of N beams covering the entire 360 degrees. We assume two passive antenna elements attached to a single radio similar to the antenna model in [5]. One antenna offers omni-directional mode of operation and the other offers directional mode of operation.
A. Packet Transmission A node can send a packet either omni-directionally or directionally. Whenever a node wants to transmit omni-directionally, it uses the omni-directional antenna to transmit the packet. When a node wants to transmit directionally, it selects the appropriate beam using the directional antenna and transmits in the desired direction.
B. Packet Reception
When a node is idle, it senses the medium in omni-directional mode when it does not know the direction from which the signal might arrive. When it detects a signal, the antenna performs an azimuthal scan [5] in order to select the beam on which the impinging signal is maximum and switch off its other beams. Once the direction is known, packet reception is done in a directional manner. In our protocol, we assume that the directional gain is equal to the omni-directional gain, though usually the former is higher. This is achieved by reducing the transmit power when transmitting directionally. This also conserves power. We also assume that each node knows the direction to its one-hop neighbors. Each node knows the beam index used to communicate with its neighbors and the beam index used by its neighbors to communicate with it [6] [8] [16]. We do not assume that the antenna elements in different nodes should be aligned.
In this section, we describe our directional MAC protocol design and technques to solve deafness and directionalhidden terminal problem. The following intuitions form the basis of our
directional MAC protocol design. 1. The deafness scenario as shown in Figure 1(a) can be solved if the transmitter and the receiver can somehow inform their neighboring nodes about their impending trans2. The deafness scenario as shown in Figure 1(b) can be
way to inform the sender that the transmission cannot happen without disturbing other ongoing transmissions in its neighborhood. 3. The directional hidden terminal problem due to unheard RTS/CTS can be solved if the nodes do not miss the RTS/CTS exchanges happening in their neighborhood. The detailed description of our directional MAC protocol is presented next. In our protocol, the RTS and CTS packets are sent omnidirectionally while the DATA and ACK packets are sent directionally. This way all the neighboring nodes of the sender and the receiver are informed about their communication. However, omni-directional RTS/CTS can decrease spatial reuse, as all neighboring nodes regardless of direction will now set their DNAV2. In order to prevent this, we overload the RTS/CTS packets with the beam index in which the actual DATA/ACK transmission will happen directionally. As mentioned in section IV, each node knows the beam index used to communicate to its one hop neighbors. This beam index is put in the RTS packet and sent omni-directionally. Any node that receives this RTS packet, blocks the beam towards the sender of the RTS packet only if the beam index in the packet is same as the one used by the sender of the RTS packet to communicate with it. Similarly the receiver puts the beam index it uses to send the ACK packet in the CTS packet and send it omni-directionally. Now the neighbors of the receiver set their DNAVs accordingly after hearing the CTS packet. Each node maintains a neighborhood transmission table in which it stores the sources ofthe RTS/CTS packets it heard and the corresponding NAV durations. Here, we assume that the CTS packet also carries the address of its sender. There is a chance that the RTS/CTS packets sent omnidirectionally might collide with any other ongoing data transmission in the neighborhood. We prevent this by seperating the transmission of control and data packets in time. After the exchange of the control packets, the nodes wait for a duration
called control window before transmitting the DATA packet as shown in Figure 3. The value of the control window is put in the RTS/CTS packets and informed to the neighboring nodes. We particular direction.
how long the channel has been reserved by other ongoing transmissions in a
2DNAV or directional network allocation vector is the mechanism to denote
use the control window for the following two purposes. Firstly, it avoids collisions between control and data packets. Secondly, it allows multiple data transmissions to start in a neighborhood simultaneously if the data transmissions are in different directions and do not interfere with each other. A node that sends the first RTS/CTS packet in a neighborhood, defines the control window and informs it to its neighbors during the control packet exchange. Any other node in the same nieghborhood that wants to start a data transmission that will not interfere with the previously reserved transmission can start a RTS/CTS exchange if it can complete it within the defined control window. Note that the control window is defined by the sender of the first RTS/CTS packet. The nodes sending the subsequent RTS/CTS packets not redefine the control window. ketsdonotredefine thedo control OequentRSCSpc window.isover,alld a Once the control window is over, all the nodes that reserved a transmission can send their data in different directions simultaneously. The size of the control window is an important factor in this the control window is la iant acron few approach.
\ 2 (
2 1 /
Scenario (i)
Scenario (ii)
In Figure 1(a), node S sends an omni-directional RTS packet with the beam index 3 to node D. When node X hears this non-interfering transmissions that can take place, it results in packet, it adds an entry for node S in its neighborhood transpoor utilization of the channel. If it is small and there are more mission table. Node X need not block its beam 2, because the number of non-interfering transmissions that can take place, it beam index in the RTS packet is 3 but the beam used by node results in poor spatial reuse. So the size of the control window S to communicate with node X is 4. If node X has a packet is made adaptive depending on the traffic in the network. Based to node S, it knows that node S is already involved in another on our simulation experience, we define the size of the control transmission from its neighbor transmission table and waits unwindow as a multiple of the time for a control packet exchange. til it completes. This way of solving deaffness is a preventive A node that defines the control window chooses a value for it as of control packet exchanges it heard in the previous aprchicotstoacretveprahin[] ae x number x of control packet exchange , where I < ae < In Figure 1 (b), node S sends an omni-directional RTS packet window x time for a control packet exchange,, wit bea lck t em3adnd - - with 2. beam index 2. Nwnd Now node A blocks its beam 3 and node B blocks its beam 4. When node D sends the CTS with packet Since we seperate the transmission of control and data packB beam index node blocks its beam 2. Node then waits for 4, S, ets intime, te .Tin et in tie th the control window to get over. If node B, has data to transmit their neighborhood, thereby preventing the directional hidden . . . ' terminal problem. We note that the use of a time window be- to node A, it sends a RTS packet within the control window. tween the reservation and actual data transfer has been used in Now node A replies with a NCTS packet to node B informing it MACA-P protocol [1]. However their objective was to increase that the transmission cannot occur without interfering with the parallelmin CSMA based MAC protocols rather than solving already reserved transmission between node S and D. Node B sends a TC packet to notify its neighbors that its transmission alelsm . prbe . deafness anddirectonal hidden termina has been cancelled. This way we prevent the deafness scenario h We address the deafness problem as described in Figure 1 (b) as described using Figure I 1(b). using a special packet called NCTS (negative CTS) which is sent In Figure 2, if node A wants to transmit to node B, it sends omni-directionally when node receives an RTS but cannotsen la, an omni-directional RTS with beam index 3 and defines the conb Nt it send a s packetAK theady bedT ionaly trol window as shown in Figure 3. Node B sends an omniready locke. Th NCT pake ca directional CTS packet with beam index I echoing the same because there is no data transmission going onduring on during the con-dietoaCTpcktwhbamnex1conghese the control window. Both these packets are sent omni-directionally, wind. informs R ckt so that all their neighbors are aware of this transmission and set cannot happen the data transmission without inrer then th their directional NAVs appropriately. Node S and node D need the aket ges transmission Can- not block their beams 3 and 4 respectively, as the beam index RTS packetgetsondeCTionall dsTh TC pac signife tath 3 in the RTS packet sent by node A is different from the beam packet used by node A to send to node S and node D. If node current transmission has been canceled; so all the neighbors now S wants to transmit to node D, it sends an RTS packet within can cancel their NAV that was set due to the original RTS packet. They also cancel the control window, if sender of the TC acket the control window defined by node A as this transm1ss1on does not interfere with the transmission between node A and node has~ prvoul ~ deie i. B. Thus both the DATA transmissions can start simultaneously shown. Note that when an RTS/CTS exchange happens, no A. Discussion node in the neighborhood is involved in a DATA transmission We now show how our MAC protocol solves the deafness and and will not miss them. Thus the directional hidden terminal directional hidden terminal problem as shown in Figure 1 and 2. problem does not occur. The hidden terminal problem due to
packt isen
El0 X---
-CW-DMAC: 3-> 4
1 O O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
Figure 6. Throughput of different flows in scenario (i). The curves for CWDMAC Flow 3 -+2 and CW-DMAC Flow 1 X~ 2 overlap.
CW-DMAC ----A---3 l l |
not aware of this transmission and assumes that it's RTS packet is lost due to congestion. Figure 6 compares the aggregate throughput and throughputs DEVLAT -of individual tbws with DMAC and CW-DMAC protocols. In VI.CPEFORMANE We use the qualnet simulator [17] (version 3.7) for evaluat- the case of DMAC, node 1 suffers from extended deafness and ing the performance of our directional MAC protocol (hence- its throughput decreases when the sending rates of the tbDws are forth refered to as CW-DMAC). We use the DMAC protocol [6] increased. We observed that the number of packets dropped by as a baseline for performance comparison. In DMAC, all the node 1 is very high compared to the number of packets dropped MAC layer operations are done in a directional manner. It is by node 3 as node 1 exceeded the RTS retransmission limit many aimed towards maximum spatial reuse but it suffers from all the times and dropped packets. In CW-DMAC, node 2 sends an problems mentioned in Section II. In the simulations, the trans- omni-directional CTS, so node 1 knows about the transmission mit power is adjusted such that both the omni-directional and between node 3 and node 2. Thus node 1 does not suffer from directional transmission ranges are approximately 280 meters. deafness. We can see that the throughput curves of tbDws 1 -+2 We use UDP traffic in our experiments with packet size 1024 and 3 - 2 overlap in the case of CW-DMAC. CW-DMAC also bytes. We use the 802.1 lb physical layer model as implemented performs better than DMAC in terms of aggregate throughput. in qualnet and fix the data rate to 11lMbps. We use 8 directional The scenario (ii) in Figure 4 is used to study the effects of the beams (each of width 450) in all our experiments. All nodes are directional hidden terminal problem. Here node 1 has a tbvw to node 3 and node 4, and node 2 to node 3. In the case of DMAC, static in our experiments, In the first set of performance comparison, we use the scenar- when node 1 is transmitting to node 4, it is not aware of the ios in Figure 4 that bring out the deafness and directional hidden transmission between node 2 and node 3. Since node 1 has a terminal problem. In the scenario (i) nodes 1 and 3 transmit to tbvw to node 3, if it transmits an RTS packet to node 3 it collides node 2. In this scenario, when one of the senders initiates a suc- with the DATA packet from node 2 to node 3. In Figure 7, we cessful transmission, the receiver turns towards that sender and compare the throughput of the tbvw 2 -+ 3 which is affected by the other sender suffers from deafness in the DMAC protocol. In directional hidden terminal problem due to unheard RTS/CTS. our experiments, node 3 initiates a successful transmission with In the case of DMAC, we can see that when the sending rate node 2, so node 1 suffers from deafness. Even when the trans- of the tbDws are increased, the throughput of tbvw 2 -+ 3 demission between node 3 and node 2 is over, node 1 is in backoff. creases drastically due to collision between the DATA packets As DMAC uses directional RTS and directional CTS, node 1 is from node 2 and RTS packets from node 1 at node 3. In the case
asymmetry in gain [6] is trivially solved as both the directional and omni-directional ranges are same in our protocol.
of DMAC, we observed an increasing fraction of packet drops at node 2 when the rate of the fbws were increased. As Figure 7 demonstrates, CW-DMAC effectively solves this problem. We now analyze the performance of DMAC and CW-DMAC in a linear topology (Figure 5). This demonstrates the cascading effect of deafness in a multi-hop scenario. Here, node 1 sends packets to node 4. In DMAC, a node remains in directional
node 3 is transmitting to node 4, node 2 suffers from deafness and goes into backoff. Node 1 tries to send packets to node 2 which is already in backoff in a directional mode. So node 1 in turn suffers from deafness as well. Thus, the periods of deafness are likely to be prolonged for the upstream nodes. Figure 8 shows the fraction of RTS packets retransmitted by each node for both protocols. In the case of DMAC, we see overall about 600 of the RTS packets are retransmitted, as nodes suffer from deafness. The bulk of this is in node 1 due to the above cascading effect. The number of RTS retransmissions for CW-DMAC
to address the deafness problem. The above experiments use scenarios that target specific deafness and hidden terminal problems. We now compare the performance of DMAC and CW-DMAC for larger random multihop topologies. 30 nodes were randomly placed in an area of 1500m x 1500m. We set up 5 fbws simultaneously between randomly chosen source and destination pairs and study the throughput
behavir. Th routs wer assined stticaly. Th simuation behavior. Therouteswereassignedstatically. Thesimulation Figure 9 shows the aggreresults were averaged over 10 runs. as the load increases. CW-DMAC clearly outgate throughput
is very low. This demonstrates the effectiveness of CW-DMAC mode when it is in backoff [6]. Thus in this topology, when
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In this paper we have addressed the issue of deafness and directional hidden terminal problem that occur when MAC protocols are designed for directional antenna based wireless multihop networks. We studied various scenarios in which deafness and directional hidden terminal problem could occur and proposed a new directional MAC protocol that address these problems comprehensively and solves them using a single channel and single radio interface. Current solutions in literature either do not address these issues comprehensively or use more than one radio/channel to solve them. Simulation results show that our directional MAC protocol efficiently solves both the problems at the same time gaining from the advantages of the directional antennas.
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