SWP-26 Pile Hacking Daiman
SWP-26 Pile Hacking Daiman
SWP-26 Pile Hacking Daiman
Safe Work Practices (SWP) for Pile Hacking Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):
Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Logout Tag out S stem where applicable PP! requirements
Pile Hacking #$ '$ Prepare the area which the pile is to be hacked a$ a$ b$ c$ +$ a$ b$ c$ d$ e$ f$ Proper access b %ain &ontractor &onduct dail checks to ensure proper fi)ing of mole point at the tip of mechanical breaker &onduct dail checks to ensure proper mounting of mechanical breaker onto e)ca*ator &lear all workers from the *icinit of mechanical hacking %ain contractor to pro*ide proper manual access &onduct dail checks on the conditions of breaker , air hose and connections Secure -ir compressor hose coupler with binding wire "ebar to be bend down and wear glo*es Wear protecti*e goggles and face masks Workers to follow %ain contractor.s instructions during lightning weather to stop all hacking works /$ "emo*al of hardcore from hacking work area a$ b$ 2$ a$ b$ Wear appropriate PP! (safet helmet0 boots 1 goggles) "emo*e e)cess rebars , hardcore awa from work area &heck gas cutting equipment to be fitted with flashback arrestor Wear glo*es and goggles (acking of pile head with mechanical breaker
"e*iewed 3 : %r 5g &hoon (uat 4esignation: Senior Pro7ect %anager 4ate: #/ 8une '9#9
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