SWP-07 For Office Safety and Health Daiman

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Safe Work Practices (SWP) Office Safety and Health Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):


Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Logout Tag out S stem where applicable PP! requirements

!mergenc "esponse Plan(!"P) ##############################################################

$ffice areas are t picall safer than most other workplaces% &owe'er( ha)ards that can potentiall cause illness and in*ur still e+ist% ,ll personnel shall conform to the following SWP: Practice good housekeeping% -lean up an spills immediatel % Sharp edges of furniture must be guarded% .o not participate in horsepla % /se proper tool for the *ob at hand e%g% a staple remo'er to remo'e staples% 0eep ra)or blades( tacks( and other sharp ob*ects in closed containers% .o not o'erload electrical outlets% Smoking is prohibited in office areas% ,'oid o'erloading top drawers of filing cabinet% 0eep hea'ier materials at lower le'el% 0eep file and desk drawers closed when not in use% .o not lean too far back in chairs% .o not stand on swi'el chairs or use them as step stools% /se onl step stools or ladders for climbing% 0eep cabinet doors closed when not in use% Power switches must be off( or the cord unplugged( when electrical equipment( such as t pewriter( printer( is being cleaned or ser'iced% $ffice doors shall be free of obstructions to permit egress in case of an emergenc % 1eweller ( long hair( and loose clothing must be kept clear of the mo'ing parts of all office machines% "eport an defect e%g% damaged electrical cords( doors( loose tiles to 2aintenance personnel immediatel %

Prepared 3 : 2r .aiman .esignation: WS&$ .ate: 56 1une 7858

"e'iewed 3 : 2r 4g -hoon &uat .esignation: Senior Pro*ect 2anager .ate: 56 1une 7858

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