Name: Mrs. N.S. Age: 20 Yo Address: Narmada Admitted: October, 29 2012 at 10.30 Wita
Name: Mrs. N.S. Age: 20 Yo Address: Narmada Admitted: October, 29 2012 at 10.30 Wita
Name: Mrs. N.S. Age: 20 Yo Address: Narmada Admitted: October, 29 2012 at 10.30 Wita
30 wita
SUBJECTIVE Patient referred from Poli Hamil with G2P1A0H1 A/S/L/IU head presentation with PROM. Patient confessed rupture of membrane since 06.00 (10/07/2012) clear. Abdominal pain (-). Bloody slim (), FM (+). No history of DM, HT, asthma. LMP: Forgot EDD: History of ANC: >4x History of USG: History of family planning: injection 3 months Next family planning : Injection 3 months Obstetrical history: I. Female, aterm, spontaneous, midwife, 2500 gram, 5 yo, alive. II. This
OBJECTIVE General status: GC: well BP: 110/80 mmHg PR: 88 bpm RR: 24 T: 36,5 General Satus: Eye : anemis (-), icteric (-) Thorax : Cor : S1S2 single regular (murmur ), (gallop -) Pulmo : vesicular (+/+), wheezing (/-), Ronchi (-/-). Abdomen : scar (-), striae (+), linea nigra (+) Extremity : edema (-/-), warm acral (+/+) Obstetrical status: L1: breech L2: back on the right side L3: head L4: 4/5 UFH: 37 cm EFW: 4030 g UC: FHB: 12-12-12 (144 x/min) VT: 2 cm, eff 25%, amnion (-) clear, head palpable HI, impalpable small part / umbilical cord.
PLANNING Obs mother & fetal well being skin test ampi (-)Inj. Ampicillin 1 gr /6 hour IV Cek DL, HBsAg. DM co GP pro induction with oxytocin drip if CTG reactive, advice: acc induction with drip oxytocin if CTG reactive
TIME Chronology: -
OBJECTIVE PS: 5 Cervic dilatation 1 cm : 1 Cervix length 1 cm : 2 Cervix consistency moderate : 1 Cervix position posterior : 0 Station H I : 1
PE: Promontorium impalpable Spina ischiadica not prominent Os coccygeus mobile Arcus pubis >90 Lab: HB: 10,3 g/dl RBC: 4,53 M/dl WBC: 6,93 K/dl PLT: 69,7 K/dl HbSAg: (-)
TIME 11.00 -
OBJECTIVE GC: well BP: 120/80 mmHg PR: 88 bpm RR: 20 T: 36,5 CTG: reactive UC: FHR: 11-12-12 (140)
TIME 14.30
SUBJECTIVE Abdominal pain came and relieved Abdominal pain came and relieved
OBJECTIVE UC: 4x/10 ~ 20 FHR: 12-12-12 (144) UC: 4x/10 ~ 30 FHR: 12-12-12 (144)
Abdominal pain came and relieved Abdominal pain came and relieved
TIME 18.00
PLANNING Drip oxy 40 dpm Conduct mother to bearing down Baby was born, male, AS 7-9, 4200 gram, 52 cm, Anus (+), congenital anomaly (-) Amnion: clear Placenta was born spontaneous, complete, episiotomi bleeding 150cc
GC: well Cons: CM BP: 120/80 HR: 84 bpm RR: 24 tpm T: 36,5 C UC: + UFH: 2 finger below umbilicus GC: well Cons: CM BP: 120/80 HR : 80 bpm RR : 20 tpm T : 36,4 C UFH : 2 finger below umbilicus UC : + Baby in NICU PR: 120 RR: 50 T: 36,7
Observed mother and baby well being Suggest mother to mobilisation. Suggest mother to breash feeding Observed mother and baby well being Suggest mother to mobilisation, eat, and drink, medication. Suggest mother to breash feeding
SaO2: 99%