Supervisor: Dr. Edy Prasetyo, Spog: Medical Student: Novi, Suwika, Hery

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Supervisor : dr.

Edy Prasetyo, SpOG

Medical Student:
Novi, Suwika, Hery

Cases resume :
1 Pathologies
- Normal Labor/
Name: Mrs. S
Age: 25 yo
Adress: Aramanis
No RM: 098169
Admitted: 17
March 2014 at
13.00 WITA
Time Subjective Objective Assestment Planning
Patient came to poly
Obstetric with G1P0A0L0
41-42 wks S/L/IU head
presentation mother and
fetal well being.
Patient confessed post
date, abdominal pain (-)
and history rupture of
membrane (-). Bloody slim
(-). FM (+).

History of DM (-), HT (-),
Asthma (-).

LMP : 29/05/2013
EDD : 05/03/2014

History of ANC : >9x, at
Last ANC : 17/02/2014,
result : BP: 110/70, BW: 64,
TFU 32 cm, 41-42 weeks.
History of USG: 2x Klinic
and hospital
Last USG : (17-03-2014)
Result : Fetal S/L/IU head
presentation, placenta
fundus anterior grade III
clasification, amnion less.
General status :
GC : well GCS : E4V5M6
BP : 110/70 mmHg
RR : 22x/mnt
Pulse : 86 x/mnt
T : 36,8 C
Eyes : an (-/-) ikt (-/-)
Cor : S1S2 single regular,
M (-), G (-)
Pulmo : vesiculer (+/+), rh
(-/-), wh (-/-)
Abd : scar (-), striae (+)
Extremity edema (-/-),
warm (+/+)

Obstetric status :
L1 : head UFH: 32 cm
L2 : back on left side
L3 : breech L4 : 4/5
EFW : 3255 gr
FHB: 12-12-11 (140 x/min)
UC : -
VT : 1 cm, effacement 10%,
amnion (+), head palpable
HI, denominator unclear,
impalpable small part and
umbilical cord.

G1P0A0L0 41-42
wks/S/L/IU head
presentation mother
and fetal in well
condition with

DM co to GP pro
CTG and
termination with
GP co to SPV
about result CTG
SPV advice: CTG
reactive pro labor
induction with
oxytocin drip
mother & fetal well
Time Subjektive Objective Assessment Planning
Obstetrical history :
1. This

History of family planning:
Next family planning: -

Chronologist : -
Sacrum convexity normal
Spina ischiadica not
Os coccygeus mobile
Arcus pubis > 90

PS: 4
cerviks dilatation 1 cm= 1
Cerviks length 2 cm=1
cerviks consistency
moderate: 1
Cerviks position
posterior: 0
Station H I: -2=1

Lab exam
HGB : 11,1
RBC: 4,35
Hct: 34,7
WBC : 13,1
PLT : 261
HBsAg : +
Time Subjektive Objective Assestment Planning

UC: -
FHB: 12-11-12
(140 bpm)
CTG done. Result:
Oxytocin drip started
from 8 dpm
15.00 UC: -
FHB: 12-11-12
(140 bpm)
Oxy drip: 12 dpm
15.30 UC: -
FHB: 12-12-12
(144 bpm)
Oxy drip: 16 dpm
16.00 UC: 1x10-20
FHB: 11-12-12
(140 bpm)
Oxy drip: 20 dpm
16.30 UC: 2x10-25
FHB: 12-12-12
(140 bpm)
Oxy drip: 24 dpm

17.00 GC : well GCS : E4V5M6
BP : 120/70 mmHg
RR : 20x/mnt
Pulse : 80x/mnt
T : 36,8 C
VT : 2 cm, effacement 10%,
amnion (+), head palpable HI,
denominator unclear, impalpable
small part and umbilical cord.
UC: 3x10-30
FHB: 13-13-13

G1P0A0L0 41-42
wks/S/L/IU head
presentation Laten

Oxy drip: 28 dpm

17.30 UC: 3x10-30
FHB: 13-12-13

Oxy drip: 32 dpm

Time Subjektive Objective Assestment Planning

UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12
144 bpm
Oxy drip: 36dpm , maintenance

18.30 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 13-14-14
164 bpm
Oxy drip: 36 dpm

19.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 13-14-14
164 bpm
Oxy drip: 36 dpm
19.30 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 13-14-14
164 bpm

Oxy drip: 36 dpm
DM co to GP about result CTG,
pro resusitation, GP advice : do
resusitation and then do CTG
GP co to SPV, SPV advice :
stop drip, SC tomorrow at 07.30
20.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 13-14-14
164 bpm

-Stop drip oxy
- Do resusitation

21.00 GC : well GCS : E4V5M6
BP : 110/70 mmHg
RR : 21x/mnt
Pulse : 84 x/mnt
T : 36,7 C
VT : 2 cm, effacement 25%, amnion
(+), head palpable HI, denominator
unclear, impalpable small part and
umbilical cord.
UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 13-13-14
160 bpm

G1P0A0L0 41-42
wks/S/L/IU head
presentation with
arrested Laten phase.

Time Subjektive Objective Assestment Planning

UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-11-12
140 bpm

22.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12

23.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12
UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12

01.00 GC : well GCS : E4V5M6
BP : 110/80 mmHg
RR : 22x/mnt
Pulse : 80 x/mnt
T : 36,7 C
VT : 3 cm, effacement 25%,
amnion (+), head palpable
HI, denominator unclear,
impalpable small part and
umbilical cord.
UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-13-12
148 bpm
G1P0A0L0 41-
42 wks/S/L/IU
with Laten

Obs. Mother and
fetal well being
Obs. Progress of
02.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12

Time Subjektive Objective Assestment Planning

UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12
140 bpm

04.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12

05.00 GC : well GCS : E4V5M6
BP : 110/80 mmHg
RR : 22x/mnt
Pulse : 80 x/mnt
T : 36,7 C
VT : 4 cm, effacement 25%,
amnion (+), head palpable
HI, denominator unclear,
impalpable small part and
umbilical cord.
UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-13-12
148 bpm
G1P0A0L0 41-42
wks/S/L/IU head
active phase 1

stage of labor.

DM co to GP about
CTG result, GP
06.00 UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12
Time Subjektive Objective Assestment Planning

GC : well GCS : E4V5M6
BP : 110/80 mmHg
RR : 22x/mnt
Pulse : 80 x/mnt
T : 36,7 C
UC: 4x10-30
FHB: 12-12-12
140 bpm

Prepare to SC

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