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Copycat Cracker Barrel Chicken & Dumplings Recipe

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Copycat Cracker Barrel Chicken & Dumplings Recipe Chicken and Broth: * 3 quarts water * 3-4 l s cut up chickens

* ! !"# teaspoons salt * ! small sliced onion * # stalks celery$ chopped * ! clo%e garlic$ peeled and quartered * ! ay lea& * 4-' whole &resh parsley lea%es * ! teaspoon ground lack pepper * ! ta lespoon lemon (uice Dumplings: * # cups &lour * ! ta lespoon aking powder * ! !"4 teaspoons salt * ! !") cups milk Directions: !* Boil 3 qts water in a large pot* #* +dd chicken$ ! t salt$ onion$ celery$ garlic$ ay lea& and parsley and simmer &or # hours* 3* ,he liquid will reduce y !"3* 4* -hen chicken is cooked$ remo%e it and set aside* .* /train stock and throw away e%erything ut the stock* '* 0ut ' cups o& the stock ack into the pot* 1* +dd the pepper$ !"# t salt and lemon (uice and reheat while you mi2 dumplings* )* 3or dumplings$ mi2 &lour$ aking powder$ !-!"4 t salt and milk in a medium owl* 4* /tir until smooth$ then let dough rest &or .-!5 minutes*

!5* Roll dough onto a &loured sur&ace to a out !"# inch thickness* !!* Cut the dough into !"# inch squares and drop each square into the simmering stock* !#* ,he dumplings will &irst swell and then slowly shrink as they partially disol%e to thicken the stock into a white gra%y* !3* /immer &or #5 to 35 minutes until thick* /tir o&ten* !4* -hile the stock is thickening$ the chicken will ha%e cooled* !.* ,ear all the meat &rom the ones and remo%e the skin* !'* Cut chicken into ite si6ed pieces and drop them into the pot* !1* Cook &or another . to !5 minutes$ ut stir care&ully so you don7t reak the chicken up* !)* -hen the gra%y has reached the desired consistency$ ladle &our portions onto plates and ser%e hot* 8akes: 4 ser%ings

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