1.knowledge: The Students Will Able To Decode Unknown Vocabulary, Will Learn New Words, and
1.knowledge: The Students Will Able To Decode Unknown Vocabulary, Will Learn New Words, and
1.knowledge: The Students Will Able To Decode Unknown Vocabulary, Will Learn New Words, and
of consolidation Methodist: Fuciji Mariana School coordinator: Popa Aliona School teacher: Maidan Natalia Time: 45 min Specific Competences: (C) Communicative competences: Producing oral messages and interactions (Spoken Interaction) Communicative competences: Receiving written message (Reading) Communicative competences: Receiving oral message (Listening) Communicative and Pragmatic competences: Producing written messages and interactions (Writing) Sub Competences: (SC) 1.1.Identifying the definitions of vocabularies words 1.2.Creating and delivering a conversation based on vocabularies words(spoken interaction) 3.3.Realization of grammar exercices using the introductory it, there are and there is. 3.1.Selecting the necessary do or make to solve the task 3.4.Getting a new way of comprehension to collective nouns 4.Checkig their work and assess their progress Operational objectives: 1.Knowledge: The students will able to decode unknown vocabulary, will learn new words, and will learn about types of houses. 2.Skills: Students will be able to hold a conversation on the topic types of houses, expressing opinions and arguments about, they will read a text and give titles, and they will be able to make up questions to answers and to fill with corresponding articles. 3.Attitudes: Students will form positive attitudes toward communication of types of houses. Stages of lesson (Learning activities Resources (Materials) Strategies (methods, techniques, forms of activities)
Evocation 1.Organization * The teacher greets the pupils and creates the atmosphere. The pupils
Turn talking
1 min
greet him back. 2.Checking homework () 3.Preparation *The teacher refers the pupils to the vocabularies words. The teacher asks the pupils to remind and to give definitions of the following words: Early bird; Owl; Lark; Guardian; Cast-off; To embarrass; Archangel; To bore; A coin; Drill; To embroider. The pupils are answering the definitions. II Reflection *The teacher proposes to pupils to choose there is, there are or it is for each question: 1. ________ a bus at 7.30. We can wait for that. there is there are it is 2. ________ very late, Ben. We must go. there is 3 min.
7 min
SC 1.1 SC 1.2
SC 3.3
11 min.
Error Correction
there are it is 3. Wilcox is a big town and ________ more than 50,000 people living there. there is there are it is 4. The hotel is expensive but ________ a wonderful restaurant inside. there is there are it is Blackboard III Extension Chalk *The teacher writes down Copybook on the blackboard: Pen DO MAKE Put either do or make in each space. Write the exercice in your copybooks. Model: To do a lesson; To make a mistake. -The children always their homework before watching tv job promise *The teacher gives another Textbook Copybook Communicative method SC 3.4 SC 4 8 min. to give the correct a a good Whole class work Written work Gap filling SC 3.1 7 min. To write down To listen and to complete the sentences
The jury is/are to convene at 4 o'clock. (A decision is required: Is jury singular or plural?) The members of the jury are to convene at 4 o'clock. (no decision required the word members is plural) My family is small. My family are early risers. The party were expected to arrive on Monday. IV Feed-back A.Assessment The teacher evaluates the homework with marks B. Homework The teacher writes the homework on the blackboard: Repeat the rules with the introductory it, there are and there is; Repeat the vocabularies words; Repeat the collective nouns that are use of plural form. The pupils write in their copybooks the homework. The teacher thanks pupils for their work and say goodbye. Pen Register Discussion Values clarification exercise Suggestion Generalization 2 min.
1 min.
Pen Copybooks
1 min.
To write in copybooks