Jyotish New Kalaprakasika

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The standard book on the

Election system
An introduction to the study of Astrology,
Explanatory notes,
appendix, illustrations etc.
About the book
"Sri.N.P.Subramonia lyer, has undertaken an astrological
series, which will deal with the various parts of Astrology and
the present volume contains, text and translation of the
Kalaprakasika;.1 treatise of the selections of the right times by
the astrological rule, for undertaking any and every action of
human life." ... "The most interesting part of the book for the
ordinary reader is the introduction in which he gives the psy-
chological influence of the planets and states for which they
stand in relation to Indian Vedantic philosophy ofExistence."
"I have not seen elsewhere the exposition of the subject
equally original and illuminative"
/ Sri Aurobindo Ghose in Arya
"Mr.Subramonia lyer's work as a translator and annotator,
bears evident signs of care, industry and research."
The introduction, which the translation is prefaced, is well
written in the course ofwhich Sri Subramonialyer narrates in a
masterly manner certain elementary facts of astronomy which
forms the ground work of alphabet of astrology and proceeds to
show how the astrological symbolism that signals the work-a-
day human destiny is only a re-interpretation, in
one ofits many phases or expressions, of the universaircosmic
symbolism whether it is conceived as imminent or transcen-
dent, as subjective or objective. The introduction then enters
upon a brief analysis of the contents ofKalaprakasika, an analy-
sis which is limpid so far as it goes." .... "He has said enough in
the introduction to leave the reader thirsting for more of mar-
shalled material which may become effective stepping stones to
further research along scientific lines."
V.V.Ramanan in The Hindu
'Tour Edition of the book removes a real want, perhaps a
long left one. This book is very interesting and instructive and
can be easily understood even by laymen in whom a sustained
interest is maintained while going through the volume:"
D.Panchanada Iyer
"Your translation is an excellent treatise"
R.Naganatha Pillai,
More reviews continued in the /astpage
Study of the Panchangam.
General judgment on a nati-
\ity, Bhava relating to son and wife, Points
relating to the life of the Native, Influence of
astt!risms, Birth under asterism Jyeshta,
Dhina-Mrithyu and Dhina-Rogam, Gandan-
thams, Effect of Birth on Cha-
thurdhasi of the dark fortnight, Planets in
exaltation, Sunabha, Anabha, Dhurudhura,
Vaysi, Vahsi, Ubhachari and Gajakesari
Yogas, Illegitimacy, Sterility, Enlarged Testi-
cles. Rising sign and planetary aspects.On the
Moon in the several signs of the Zodiac.
Remedial forces. Horoscopy ofWoman. The
Ascendant, Thtiinsamsa, Planetary Thrims-
amsas of Zodiacal Signs.
Nama.karana--Naming the
child, Cradling. To feed on Milk. To take the
Child out of thtt house. To feed on Rice.
The in-
fluence of the Zodiacal signs, Spoorjitham,
Sputitham, Rudhitham, Rundhram, Ugram,
Vidhya, Saaraswatha Yoga, Vidh-
ya Yoga, Virgothama places.
Athimasam, Malaimasam, Srava-
na- Poornima,ProshtapadhacPoornima,Andha-
Poornima, Chinna-Poornima,the twelve lunar
and the twelve solar months.
Siddha Chakra,
The directions. The cages of the Squares-
Siddha, Swasiddha, Saddhya and Ari.
Munvadhi days,
Yugadhi days.
To determine the
suitability of a match-The Ten Considera-
tions, (r) Dhinam. Common Jenma-Naksha-
thra, Jenma-Nakshathra belonging to two
signs, (2) Ganam, (3) Mahendhra, (4) Sthree-
Dheergham, (5) Yoni, (6) Rasi, (7) Rasyathi-
pathi, (8) Vas yam, (9) Rai:ju, (r o) Vedhai,
Agreement in respect of Dhinam, Ganam
etc, Female asterisms, Hermophrodite
asterisms, Male asterisms, Nakshathra
Gothram, Castes of the Signs, Abijith ; Will
there be Marriage? Shall I find a Bridef How
long will the couple live ?
I Utharayana
and Dakshinayana, Influence of Zodiacal
signs at the time of marriage. Planets in the
Zodiacal'signs. Judgment on Marriage- Plane-
tary combinations for marriage. Mahendhra
Yoga, Vishnu-Priyai, Ardha-Naari, Sreema-
' 79
thi, Samudhra. Mahavishnu, Pushya, Stha-
vara, .faya and Vijaya Yogas, Influence of
the Month- -Asterisms, Adverse Yogas to
be avoided, Adverse effects.
Influence of
Months, Days, Stars, Thithis, Zodiacal signs,
Lord of the Arnsa, Planets in the Rising sign,
and the 7 th house, the days of the week, the
Day and the Night.
Ruthu-Dhinam J of the
Rising Sign. Hermaphrodite, Dwarf, Hunch-
back, Cripple, Leper, Blindness, Protuberant
eyes, Defective Limbs, Scraggy body, Lepro-
sy, Diseases of the stomach or of the lungs,
Adverse effect on the husband, Abortion.
Tillage, Influence of
the Zodiacal signs, Sowing roots, flower and
fruit seeds Fruitful stellar Yogas. Cocoanut,
Pumpkins, Seeds and their days, To deter-
mine the day for sowing a field.
XX. HARVEST:- .. 105
The In-gathering of Crops, Fortu-
nate planetary Yogas--Dhimya-Parvatha,
Dhanya-Meru, Dhanyarnava. Expenditure
of Corn.
Gold, grain, gems, To
take on servants ; Metals, Fragrant substan-
ces. Library and Records. Silver. To take
possession of land, To buy land and cattle,
To buy sheep, Loan on pledge, Loan or Gift
of gold, The Saadharana, Vajra, Theekshana,
Laghu, Mrudhu, Sthira and Chara asterisms,
To buy or sell a Cow.
Flowers, fruits,
Stellar influence,
Influence of the Days of the Week and Zodia-
cal Signs
Vasthu- Purusha, To
build in the East, South, West, North and
in all quarters, Town-planning, Military
quarters, Granary, Restaurant, Dining Hall,
Bed-chamber, ,Lamp, Oven, Dormitory, Wa-
ter trough, The Design, Pillars, Beams,
Interior door-ways, The door-frame, The
doors, Outer pillars, Stalls for Cows, Buff-
aloes. The Dairy- To Milk the Cow, To-iathe
To melt butter. The Durability of a
House. All about the house, To repair the
roof, Raja Yoga, From the point of view of
the Ascendants, The Entrance, The Indicator.
Influence of the
Zodiacal signs from the Jenma Rasi-
For audience. Riding, To put on
Arms and Weapons etc. To receive Tribute
Time for intervie"\V. Elephant and other ani-
J$.)s.-Stable, To buy a horse, To mount a
horse, To buy sheep, Village, town etc defin-
ed. The quarters of a Nagaram.
Influence of Signs and
Planets, Pakshas, Thithis, Days, Stellar in-
fluence. Significance of weather, Influence of
Thithis and the days of the week, The Zodia-
cal signs, Influence of signs from the Jenma-
Rasi and the Ascendant. Oordhwll.-mukha and
other Rasis, Sulam, Prishtodhaya, Sirodhaya
and Ubhayodhaya Rasis, Kandakam, Rasis
and their Directions, The Lord of the Ascen-
dant at birth, Influence of planetary Arnsas,
Conveyances, Conjunction of planets, A very
felicitous Time .Yogini,The Traveller's Zodiac,
PI anetary directions, Nakshathra- Purusha,
Sulam for the days of the week, Chandra-
Kandakam, Asterisms and their lucky direc-
tions, Thithis and directions, Days and direc-
tions, The three main Gunas ofTime, Table
of Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas periods. Pan-
chakam, The right Time for travel. Good days
for starting, A general rule, Parasthanam,
Good omens, Evil Omens. Influence of Zodia-
cal signs at home-coming, C(JW- To Invade a
Influence of asterisms
at the commencement of a Disease. The Criti-
cal time.
Ugra Yoga ; Venereal t6o
diseases, .Rheumatism, Biliousness, Wind and
phlegmatic complaints, Gonorrhoea, Leprosy,
Ascites, Phthisis, Pyrosis, Epilepsy, Surgi-
cal and other Treatments. To prepare Medi-
cines, Rasayanam, Sarvaroga Prasamana.
(panacea) Bath, Oil-bath
The Lords of the
Year, The Influence ofthe Ministers, Lords
of Agricultural Growth, Fluids, Metals, Mine-
rals etc,
Happy Dreams. Bad dreams.
XLIII. SRJ<:J<:.JAYANTHI.-Viddhai and Suddhai
Errata :-Page XI: mainfest, should be
Page XIII: pictoriea.l-picwtia!. Page XIV: meteriological-
meteorological. Page XV: wha.r- what. ' Page 64: ritualisic-
.,-itJtali$tic. Page 207 : Chapter XXXVII-XXXVI. Page 78 :
I'uestion-- Question. Page 153: equinoctical-equinoctia!. Page
249: Zordiac-Zodiac.
Note,-Page 72 :-Utharashada, Utharapalguni, Purvashada,
Purvabadhrapadha are also asterisms of Manushya Ganam.
The undersigned who has made quite a study of Astrology for over
20 years will be glad to give you a Reading of your Horoscope as to
character, disposition, health, location, business, faults, cares, and
happiness, etc., telling yon what you are best adapted for and where you
will best succeed, dealing with your places in the Zodiac and how to profit
by it.
Questions relating to the subject-matter of any chapter of this book
will also be worked out and answered.
Your enquiries as to terms are Invited. Special rates to purchasers
f Kalaprakasika.
Secretary, jyoti'slta Vimatsaui SaMa, Tanjo1e.
Ye Stare which "'''" the poetry of Heaven !
If, in your bright leaves we read the fate
Of tnl'll and etllpinH-'t i to be forgiven,
That in mw.aspirntions to be great,
Our destinies o'erleap this mortal state
And claim a kindred with you ; for ye are
A beauty and a mystery and create
In us such love and reverence from afar,
That Lil", Fanw,Power and Fortune have named themolve a star*-
Th value and practice of the science of weTe well
understood in India by the ancient Aryans at a period of hoary
antiquity. The question of the time at which the science arose
is, probably, one in regard to which it is extremely difficult to
arrive at a confident conclusion. It is, however, a well-known feet
that in the earliest literature ofthe ancient Hindus, Astrology
holds a prominent place. It was the first sketch of of
t.h<> ancient Brahmanas to whom a knowledge of astronomical
positions was indispensable in order to determine the proper time
for commencing and ending their sacrifices, "principally, the so-
called 'Sutras or sacrificial sessions" which " could not be known
without an accurate knowledge of the time of the Sun's northern
or southern p1ogress. The knowledge of the calendar forms
such an essential part of the ritual that many important condi-
tions of the latter could not be carried on without the fomter.'' t
The brilliant views on the .dome of the universe which they wit-
nessed from night to night must have been a delightful study to
the great sages who, having effected a deliverance and a separa-
tion from the low cares of mortality, were absorbed in " looking
through Nature up to Nature's God ". It must be observed that
n. knowledge of the motions and influences of the heavenly bodies
and the laws by which they are governed with such perfect order
* Byron. t Introduction to Aitareya Brahmana by Dr. M. Haug.
ii Introduction.
and harmony, though highly requisite for the Brahmana for the
performance of sacrifices, instituted according to a certain order
of time, was in feet but a "circumstance" in the serene ascent of
intense meditation on'divine wisdom and goodness, to render
himself that pure and perfect image of his Great Original.
Our limited faculties cannot imagine that subtle communion
with ;.aturt which guided their studies of" mystical" subjects and
by the help of which alone they had discovered the revolution of
the earth and other planets round the Sun, the twelve Signs of the
Zodiac, the nature and causes of Eclipses and the planetary posi-
tions :1nd conjunctions, centuries before Copernicus, Galileo,
Tycho Brahe, Kepler and the illustrious Sir Isaac Newton were
born. The vision of the ancient Brahmana was, then, the soil from
which Astrology sprang. He alone could explain* the theory of
his basis, if any, and there is no tradition about it. The opinion
prevailed for some time that the 12 Signs were discovered in
Egypt at some remote period and that they had a reference to the
division of the seasons and the agriculture of that country at the
time. Sir William Jones ascribes the discovery to Anaximander
about 560 B.C , affirming, at the same time, that they had . been
kno*wn to the Hindus from time immemorial. Now, Anaximan-
der was one of Thales' scholars, the other being Pythagoras who
travelled through India, Egypt and Chaldea in pursuit of know-
ledge. In India we are told. he learnt the theory of the rotation
of the earth and all the other planets round the Sun as their
centre, a doctrine which was adopted by Copernicus and followed
up by Sir Isaac Newton. It is reasonable to suppose that Pytha-
goras, returning from his travels in the East, communicated,
among other things, the doctrine, imparted to him by the Hindus
about the 12* Signs of the Zodiac, to his contemporary,
In tracing the evolution of astronomy of the Aryans one sees
the, grandeur and precision of the meditation of the ancient
Brahman 1< who were the first to cultivate, it and through whom
the science ctl.tDE> to light. The frontiers of its province have
been extended by th:e discoveries of modern science which has re-
Vf'tlfd the snbtl r l"''Vtln of nature and tbe great reservoirs of
Introduction. iii
en,n;v and their compositions. But, from those very early times,
A"trology has been in high favour in India. The course of ages
h1S'.'Ommunicnted to it " fascination to which no other science has
;l1etemion, The feasts and fasts of the Hindus, the allego-
ries of Hindu mythology, the chief incidents of the Ramayana
and the Mahabharatha are all connected with the' configuration
of planets. The Mundaka Upanishad, one of the earliest of the
Upanishads, refers to Astrology as one of the six Vedangas.
Students of Samskrit. literature are aware of that earliest treatise
on Astronomy, the Vedanga Jyotisha, which treats of the regula-
tion of time by positions. Thede remarks seem re-
levant in the.firdt place, they throw light upon the
practice by the ancients, from the earliest times, of the science of
Astronomy and of its Life-Side, Astrology, and, secondly, how the
most enlightened of the earliest inh'tbitant" of the earth derived
their knowledge of the science which is still the most astounding-
ly accurate and which is still carefully followed up and taught
by men of superior intelligence of every nation from age to age.
To ask or search I blame thee not; for heaven
Is as the book of God before thee set,
Wherein to read His wondrous works, and learn
His seasons, hours, or days, or months, or years.*
By the help of telescopes, Western scientists have been able
to discover, investigate and determine the positions and the com-
positions of the heavenly bodies, their immense distance from
one another, their diversity in magnitude and the phenomena
they produce. Years of observation and experience supply them
with the materials wherewith to build up a principle or a theory of
scientific importance. The system of the ancient sage in India
is different. That the Highest dwells with him is his working
hypothesis. Disengaged from all worldly concerns and purified
from every stain by the doctrine of austere devotion to Him,
meditation was his key to unlock the marvels of Nature, "the
iv Introduction.
perenniel miracle which the soul worketh". The science of
Astrology is a signal illustration of the value and preciseness of
his absorption of mind in the Divine. Well said the poet:--

Celestial Light
Shine inward, and the mind through all her powers
Irradiate ; there plant eyas, all mist from thence
Purge and disperse that I may see and tell
Of things invisible to mortal sight.
Verily, to use the words of a great poet, do His radiant Ministers
proclaim to the sage " the dust of your feet is the sphere of our
orbit." Verily, again, it is said that the universe is represented in
a dust, in a moment of time. Astrology demands purity of
character and power of effective meditation, the master secrets of
one and all the philosophers who flourished in the days of the
childhood of our race. Out of those two principles of man's nature
grow sound memory and the faculty of deductive judgment, much
safer guides to the study of Astrology than the presumptive rea-
soning of man, for it is a science of the Life-Side of the heavenly
bodies, while Astronomy treats of its Form-Side: and a knowledge
of those things such as the influence, power, quality and tendency
of the nature forces which do not admit of being put into scien-
tific moulds or of being established by mathematical
are only open to those who have faith and the power of right
meditation which purifiy and strengthen the imagination and
enable one to know the essence and nature of all things by
Before proceeding to study the separate character of each
ofthe planets and its habitat, the student must acquire a
knowledge of the Ecliptic, the Zodiac, the planetary orbs and
the stars l'e<)()l/:lliSE'd by the ancients. The Ecliptic is that great cir-
cle of that celestial sphere which is the apparent path of the Sun,
among the stars, or that of the earth, as seen from the Sun. It is
called the Ecliptic because when any heavenly body is near the
circle it is liahl" to be eclipsed i.e., deprived of the Sun's light,
by some intervening body- Zodiac is a
Introduction. v
broad circle or belt, surrounding the heavens, about 16 wide,
along the middle of which runs the ecliptic or the Sun's path.
It includes the paths of the Moon and all the. principal planets
and contains the twelve Signs or Divisions reckoned in the order
in Which they are given below, from (Aries) the point of inter-
section of the ecliptic and the equator:-Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces. Since the Zodiac contains 360 degrees,
each sign is 30 degrees. A degree is the daily step of the Sun
on his annual path round the sky, among the stars. It is a unit
of astronomical calculation. The six planets,-the Moon, (Satel-
lite of the Earth) Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn-
revolve round the Sun from West to East according to the order
of the signs in the ecliptic i.e., from Aries to Taurus, then to
Gemini and so on. Nearest to the Sun is Mercury ; next to him
is Venus ; then comes (the Earth and her Satellite) the Moon,
next to which is Mars. Jupiter is next in order, and after him
comes Saturn. The Moon is the nearest to the earth' of all
planets. Mercury is the smallest of all. He and Venus revolve
in orbits which are included within that of the earth. They are
continually changing places among the fixed stars and are never
seen in opposition to the Sun i.e., they do not appear in the
Western horizon in the morning when he is in the east nor in the
eastern when he appears in the west. By far the most brilliant
of the planets is Venus, second in order of the solar system. She
is an evening star (Hesperus) when she appears east of the Sun and
a morning star (Phosphorus) when she is seen west of him.
Next to her is the Moon, nearest to the earth ofall planets.
She revolves from one point of the heavens to the same point
again in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes and 4'1 seconds. This is
called her tropical revolution and forms the Tropical or Periodi-
cal month. The mean-time of her revolution (with reference to
the Sun) from the New-Moon to the New-Moon again consists of
29 days 12 hours 44 minutes and 2'1 seconds. This forms the
Synodic month. The mean time of her rotation from one star
back to the same star is 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes and 115
seconds. This is called the SideriaAnonth. Another astronomi-
vi Introduction.
ca.l month is the Solar Month, the 12th part of a Solar Year, the
average time taken hy the Sun to pass through a sign of the
zodiac. A month,. then, is the me:uure of time corresponding
to the period of the Moon's revolution. She is a body depend-
ing like the earth on the Su11 for her light and heat. The Moon
rotates, while revolving, shining by light rafleoted from the Sun
and passing through her phases every month. She is New
when in conjunction with the Sun and no part of her enlightened
side is visible. She is Full when the earth is, between her and
the Sun, when all the illuminated hemisphere is turned to the
earth. The fortnight during which, as the Moon goes on in her
orbit, the enlightened part comes more and more into view till
the Full-Moon when the whole of the illumined disk will be to-
wards us is called Sukla Pakeha. The next fortnight during
which her enlightened side is turned more and more from us till
she comes into conjunction with the Sun, forms Krishna Paksha.
Each day of Sukla Paksha (bright fortnight) and of Krishna
Paksha (dark fortnight) is called a Thithi and each of the
Thithis from the Full-Moon or the New-Mqon denotes a particu-
lar phase of the Moon, a proper notion of which may be gathered
from her avpearance.
It may not be out of place here to refer to the division of
time into weeks. The period of seven days is distinguished by
the names of the seven planets beginning in the order of their
distance from the Earth, from which origin their present names
are derived. Sunday is the Sun's day and its lord is the Sun.
Monday is the Moon's day and the Moon is its lord. Tuesday
(Tuesco's day) is presided over by Mars. Wednesday (Woden's
day) is presided over by Mercury. The lord of Thursday (Thor's
day) is Jupiter. Venus governs Friday (Friga's day). Saturday
is Saterne's day and Saturn is its lord. We now proceed to
Mars which is known in the heavens by a dusky red appearance.
He completes a revolution round the Sun in I year and 321
days. Of immense magnitude is Jupiter, the largest of a all
planets distinguished by his peculiar brilliancy. His term of revo-
lution round the Sun is 11 years 317 days 14 hours 2 minutes 8$
seconds. The most distant of the solar system is Saturn shining
with a pale dead light. He performs his journey through the
Zodiac in about 29t years. Then there are the Dragon's Head
(Rahu)and the Dragon's Tail (Kethu). They are respectively the
Ascending and the Descending Nodes or points where the ecliptic
is crossed by the Moon. The one points northward where the
Moon begins her north latitude and the other, where she begins
her south latitude. "The deviation from the ecliptic made by a
planet in passing from one node to the other seems, according
to the fancy of some, to make a figure like that of a Dragon whose
belly is where there is the greatest latitude, the intersections
representing the Head and Tail." ~ h e Dragon's Head is dark and
the Dragon's Tail is of ruddy color.
This sketch of the planets and the divisions of time, neces-
sarily brief and, in the main, a summary of what may be found in
various treatises, brings me to the Jaystical aspect of the
heavenly bodies. The conception of the sages does not stop with
a superficial view of the stars and the planets and the celestial
areas covered by them. They realise that the planets are
entrusted with the duty of declaring clear and well-balanced
instructions based on the laws of the First Crmse in which we live
and move and have our being and which are potent equally in
every part of His realm. Fire, air, earth, water, Jllanets and
animals, are all subjected to, or, aided by the motions ofthe
planets. They cannot be separated from anything that has life
in it. To study the influence of the planets is to know what one
is worth, what one can do and should do to prepare oneself, by
purity, so as to reproduce His laws in all functions of life in pro-
cess of evolution. Man is the being in whom the powers of truth
and light and the powers of his own nature are at perpetual war,
the one struggling to root out the other. In the material body
which the Supreme Self has evolved we have two systems in
which Its manifestation -as Cosmos is complete-the one, the
Mental, and the other, the Material, each having its own law of
Encyc. Brit.
viii Introduction.
existence and working. These two systems constitute the Embo-
died Self: the one, the inner movement, and the other, the out-
ward life, ofthe individual. Starting from this primary data,
Astrology explains the past, present and future of these move-
ments, their character and their capacity by the fundamental
division ofthe planets into Benejics and Ma/efics. Jupiter, the
largest of all planets, signifies the Universal Mind,. the Divine
within everything, possessed of its unity of all diversities, infinite
in its scope but one in its works, in which these two movements
are formed, the one creating and delivering currents of life and
the other, using them, thus giving rise to the multitudinous
activities of existence and all its inscrutable mysteries. Jupiter
is a Full Bemfic and his position in a horoscope indicates the
measure of help which the individual will evoke from Above.
Jupiter is therefore said to preside over the " Store-House "-the
Store-House in which all forms exist, out of which all
manifestations emanate, into which all these vanish. He is never
a Malefic as he is beyond the sins of the Lower Self. He is the
Ishwara ofthe Planetary Logos. His deity %is Indra, the King
of the Gods.
Next to Jupiter is Venus of overpowering lustre, the Jivatma
of the Planetary Logos, a fragment of Ishwara with name and
form, wrapped up in the/body and held captive by the instincts of
animal life in the universe. The Jivatma may either be stirred
by true devotion to Him, and, redeeming'.his lower nature, evolve
towards union with Ishwara, or, sense-struck, plunge into the
ocean of desire and /remain slave to Maya (Delusion). Venus
proclaims the stage of evolution of the Jivatma. She is not a full
Benefic. As a reflection of the splendour oflshwara, she is all
powerful, but by identification with the animal kingdom, built by
Ishwara for her dwelling, she becomes ignorant and helpless-as
far from the God-idea as she is near. Therefore, she is a Benefic
and Malefic planet. Her Deity is fndrani, the wife of Indrn
+ ldandra, changed into lndra, (I dam Pashmti, who sees This,
who sees the not-Self) is the name of Ishwara.- The t ~ a r e y a
Introduction. ix
She. is blind of one ey<-: and the products fher activity on the
lower plane are those of a game of a blind man's buff. Lower
down the plane of Venus is the realm of abstract thought, crea-
tive reasoning and serene intelligence. Planet Mercury is bidden
to reveal the nature and capacity of the individual on this plane.
Mercury is said to preside over the Play-Ground, for there, in his
Jlane. the twofold activities of the mind are set in play towards
a definite Purl-a perpetual game of see-saw between the law
of its own inward movement reflected from that which is beyond,
on the one hand, and all forms of mental life on the other, so as
to obtain a result conformable to the Parent Will. Therefore, Mer-
cury, as far from the God-idea as he is near, is a Benefic and
J!ale/ic planet. His Deity is Vishnu, the Preserver of the Laws of
the world, the God who follows nature in all her forms to maintain
thPm. The fourth is the plane of the Moon, the plane of Manas
(mind), the receptacle of an endless diversity of forms, names,
assumptions and "ensations. The Moon declares its nature and
capacity. The :\loon-;-:'lhnas-may either be a luminous God in
the inlil"ithnl. inspiring him to happier ascents and conquest of
worldly desires, embracing a knowledge of the One from whom she
derives her light. or, her growing splendour may be enshrouded in
ignomnct>, her submission to the. outer senses, to the animal
man, may i mpe.lPthe bounty from the' 'Store-House" of the Plane-
tary Logos. She is said to preside over the Natural Waters of the
Earth. Mind, like a stteam, runs through myriads of different
channels and takes the <olor of its contacts. Water is the soft-
est and, at the same time, the most potential on earth. Hence,
mind, divine in its essential nature and, for that reason, a Benefic,
j, also a Malefic by union with the perishable. Her Deity is
\'arnna, the God ofthe Waters. These four entities comtitute
the Mental system.
Wrapping up a11<\ obscuring these entities is dense matter,
the physical body, the seat of an unceasing lust for food
and llt'\"PI"-,ate<l thirst, the eater and the.
Mars is its <:ml. He presides over the Fire-spot, for man is built
up of a number of fire-atoms and is the summation of an endless
X Introduction.
process of combustion and alimentation through and through.
Mars shows physical valour, so essential for the acquisition of
existing objects, and the lstablishmt>nt of fertile fields for mate-
rial pleasure. ln the Vedas, Agni is described as the Son of
Strength. Mars is a Malefic, because, eternally far from the God-
idea, he sustains and nourishes the transient and perishable.
He finds his salvation in the God Subramanya, the ]deal Child of
Action, the Warrior God against the Asura (demoniacal qualities)
in the battle field of the universe, the antagonism of the latter
taking colossal forms. The two wives of the Deity emphasise His
devotion to Matter. With terrihle obstinacy the war is waged
until the Asura grows into the recognition of his subsistence on
the Deva. The eventual enthronement of the latter on the back
of the former signifies the final adjustment between the two
forces, the adaptation of the one to the other. Right activity
consists in the harmonious combination of the material and the
spiritual. United to and preserved in the physical body of man
is its power of activity in the outer world-thP scheme,
"ungodly" in its nature, which descends into and drags, in the
mire of degrading deRires and superstitions of the world, the
lower mind of man. Planet Saturn, lame, and of pale-dead
colour, represents this form of physical activity. Mars claims the
service of Saturn, both equally removed from the God-idea.
Saturn takes hold of the advantages of the external world, pulls
by his hand, bites with his teeth and tries to maintain them. He
down of his own weight, under his ballast of g-ood,and,
as comprehension increases, limps along in the wake of events
and improves by what he rejects. One experience of his is
swept away by another. Therefore, Saturn is said to preside over
the place where Sweepings are gathered. All physical experiences
and sensations, so much needed for the training and d!'VE\lopm,,nt
ofthe evolving Ego, proceed from the plane of Saturn. Saturn, in
the Planetary Logos, governs the domain of activities in which is
rooted the processes of other planets and which blos,:om into ex-
perience. Saturn the 'Creator' of the Planetary Logos and with-
out him all other planets must go to sleep. Therefore, his Diety
is Brahma, the Creator. Where, in a horoscope, i ill-
Introduction. xi
placed, weak and besieged, the individual will be tactless, intracta-
ble and shallow-minded. Where he rises well-dignified, the indi-
vidual is firm, considerate, austere, sympathetic and of an esoteric
turn of mind. Saturn and Mars are malefic and when, in a horos-
cope, they rise powerful, in conjunction, the individual puffs
with rage and folly and a heated imagination. One more planet
remains and, that is, the Sun, the centre of the Solar System,
round which the six Shining Ones revolve ; for, the Sun in the
Planetary Logos represents the Life-Energy of the universe-the
Prana that sustains all inward and outward activities. The
Upanishads tell us that without Prana, Atma itself cannot move.
Its activity in man is sixfold. Proceeding upwards from the
lowest plane that we know of, we find, there, Prana grasping,
oppressive, and selfish under the encumbrance of ignorance ; in
the physical body Prana exists as hunger for food, thirst, lust,
nourishment and strength ;in the mental, we realise its existence
as thought, impulse and sensation; in the plane of Mercury
Prana is discrimination and contemplation ; higher up, in the
plane of the Jivatma, Prana is mainfest in Will-Power; in the
highest of these, the plane of Jupiter, the activity of Prana is
the emanation of the teeming myriads of world-systems and uni-
verses in endless space. Therefore, verily, it is said that the
Sun (Prana) presides over the Place of Worship: the Shining
Ones will have neither existence nor movement where Prana does
not abide.
It follows then that these two systems, the Mental
and the Material, act on each other, the one representing the
inward movement into the All, and the other, a multiplicity of
forms constituted from it. The one thinks and the other works.
Benefics on the Side of Thought and MalejicB on the Side of Things.
The one represents the God-idea and the other the Sense-idea.
Malefics conduct the movements of the world and Benefics express
the law of energy at work. Benefics furnish a solution of the world-
problem, while Malefics render it more and more incompre-
hensible. Malefics improve by denials, while Benefice are self-
sustaining. Benefics p r o g r e ~ by comprehension, while Malefics
xii Introduction.
improve by sweeping away ignorance. Benefics improve by
what they take in and Malefics by what tltey ignore. Be11ffics
belong to the higher plane and Malefics to the lower. The
mutual dependence of the two systems is functional. In the
purification of thought and assumptions is the solution and ad-
justment of the Side of Things. Malefics co-operate with and be-
come Ben:efics by a process of receiving,
now rejecting, now accepting, now denying. Both express the
same law-the law of the timed operations of Nature-the Material
merging into the Mental and the Mental falling to rest into the
bosom of the Eternal. Astrology, then, is the lamp ofthe Ja'.l of
the world-systems, aiming at the aflinnation of the Reality which
is the recognised theme of all religions. I have enlarged on this
occult side ofthe subject at some length, because a knowledge
of it gives a clue to the labyrinths of Astrology. Did I aim at
completeness, I might pursue these studies and describe the
relation-values of planets and the methods of applying these
principles to exactitude. But it would be too long to be included
in a brief introduction like this. I reserve it for another book.
I must also say a word on the Dragon's Head and the Dragon's
Tail. Both are Malefics : where in a horoscope Ra}m rises power-
ful, the individual receives a chequered career and learns the
bitter lessons of life-by personal experience, experiment or
speculation. Kethu, powerfully located, is less trying and pro-
gress comes to the individual-through analogy, observation and
faith. Astrological occultism teaches us that these seven Planets
represent the seven Planes of Consciousness, from dense material
body to the innermost shrine wherein dwells the Supreme.
* * * the greal world's altar-stairs
That slope through darkness up to od.
Here, is a theory of life which Astrology uses for the pur-
pose of instructing the progressive soul as to his prior and
future state of existence, warning him of the one law at work,
indicating the right track and the right method of activity, the
nature of his faculties and their limitations, the of'
violations, the reward for merits on the great of the world'?
lntrod:uctU:m. xiii
existence. It must be borne in mind that the narratives given
of each of these planets such as the residences, statures, colours,
characteristics and other details, which to the ignorant may seem
a curiosity of antique literature, are all standpoints which the
sages have adopted in order to teach us to determine the
signification of the planets in respect of the several physical and
mental cj'ualities and enable us to purify activity, win merit and
procure salvation. Let no man, then, be so simple as to suppose
that the planets possess a jurisdiction similar to his own and that
his own condition is perhaps as excellent as theirs. The attri-
butes are merely cloaks. Common people, the barbarous and
the uninstructed had no place in the scheme of the esoteric
teaching of the Rishis. The true doctrine of the mysteries
which was the mine of their intellectual wealth was divulged
only to the "elect candidates as a reward for their life-long
practice of virtue and wisdom. That has been the rule with the
sages of India from pre-Vedic times, and in Greece, Egypt and
everywhere else.
Unto you is given to know the Mystery of the kingdom of God : but
to them that are without all these things are done in parables.
The same enigmatical manner we trace in the pictorical
representations of the Zodiacal signs the names of which are
already familiar to the reader. The following lines will enable
the reader to remember them and their order easily:-
The Ran), the Bull, the heavenly Twins,
And next the Crab, the Lion shines,
The Virgin and the Scales,
The Scorpion, the Archer and the Sea-Goat,
The man who holds the Watering Pot,
And Fish with glittering tails.
The twelve signs of the Zodiac respectively represent, the
head, face, breast, heart, belly, navel, abdomen, genital organ,
tooth, eyes, two knees, two ankles and the two feet of.Kalapuru-
8ha. Astrology has thus given birth to Chiromancy, a branch of
which is Palmistry in which the influence of the planets are
indicated by the mounts, lines and marks on the palm. That
xiv Introduction.
this system of astrology flourished in the olden days, and was
enjoyed to a wonderful degree, is evident from the several
exhaustive works on the subject in India.
1t may perhaps be useful to say a few words by way of
defining the six systems which constitute the Science of Astro-
logy. They are (1) Mundane or National Astrology (2) Atmos-
pherical Astrology or the Annual Horoscope, (3) Genethliacal or
Natal Astrology (4) Transit System, (5) Horary Astrology (6)
Election System. Mundane astrology deals with celestial
phenomena such as Equinoxes, Solstices, New-Moons, Eclipses,
Planetary Conjunctions and Comets. The time of their occur-
rence is ascertained to the second by mathematical calculations.
It also includes a study of the influence of these phenomena upon
countries, nations and peoples. The study is more or less mecha-
nical and much easier than that of any of the other systems. Our
Almanacs are based upon this branch. Atmospherical Astrology
or the Annual Horoscope is the art of foretelling the condition of
the weather, the nature of the season-a. function that is now
attempted, in a way, by the Meteriologica.l Department of the
Government. Forecasts of weather registered by this Department
are often known to prove incorrect. I venture to think that
it would be well for the Government to encourage the study
of at least this branch of the subject which, to be sure,
will amply repay investigation. The observations recorded by the
Department may be considerably strengthened by a study of this
system. The results will then be far more satisfactory. Chapter
41 treats of the influence of the planets, under this system, on
rainfall, agricultural growth, metals, fluid substances and seeds
etc. Forecasts are made from the nature of the planet that presides
over each of these during any i v ~ n year. The most interesting,
and at the same time the most complicated, is the Natal branch
which deals with the individual horoscope and foretells the
character and destiny of the native from the Rising Sign and the
positions, 1\Spects and conjunctions etc of planets at the moment
of his birth. Chapter II of this book is a study of the effects of
the Rising Sign (Ascendant) and the position of planets at the
moment, of a child's birth by the ordinary rules of this branch.
The whole system turns upon the actual moment of birth ; and
the determination of that moment and the then Rising Sign are
the most important. The figure, commonly known as a horoscope,
contains the twelve Divisions of the Zodiac, described above
as the twelve Signs. It is usually drawn in a square form, the
one recommended by Jaimini and which is easily understood. The
zodiacal places of planets for the required time can be ascertained
from the JJhrig-Gdnith.Glmanac, or, The Indian Ephemeris. In
Natal Astrology we realise that man has a sphere and a habitat in
the system of the universe, that his individual power and
fortune, in the course of his career, rest on universal law, the
operation of which, before and behind him, is revealed by the
celestial bodies, and that he is in the care of a Providence without
whose knowledge no infant can cry. But the inner secret of the
science, briefly outlined in the preceding pages, is-only for
those who, having realised that some light upon the problem of
of existence is attainable, approach it, not in the spirit of satisfy-
ing a low.curi011ity, such as, for instance, the determination of
the date of a prospective promotion or a preferment merely,. but
to ga,in an insight into the actual nature and influence of the
sublime forces at work, into the essence and nature of his origin,
his powers of self-reliance which no human thought can span, and
the grand possibility, which is the right of every child that has
come to birth, of raising his own conduct and vision to the
loftiness and precision of natural agents, no matter whar prize he
pays for it. It is then that he comprehends that his essential
stature, as a physical and intellectual being, is such as no human
legislation or propaganda can alter and that every confusion that
besets his career can be converted into wholesome force. To the
fool who thinks that he is perfect, that his mission on earth is a
festival, horoscopy has no message. A brief outline of the Lunar
Horoscope or Transit system is given on page 206. The Horary
system deals with the art of foretelling the result of any under-
taking or transaction. The, Rising Sign and the zodiacal places
oft he planets are determined, for the moment of asking the ques-
tion for horary answer. The scope of this branch is limited to
the prediction of events relating to the immediate future.
I next come to the subject of this book, the Election
system. Here, the work of astrology becomes complete. It is here
that the science does substantial service to the student. The Elec-
tion system is by far the simplest and the most useful, from the
point of view of the daily life of every man. The study is based
upon the principle that the condition of the celestial bodies has a
significant and perpetual bearing upon every department of his
activity. They cause regret or happiness, disgrace or respect, fai-
lure or success, profit or loss, poverty or wealth, according to
their situation in the heavens and the quality and the quantity
of the influence they shed upon the activity of the individual at
the time. It is a study of the highest importance to every one
wishing to understand the fortunate time for performing a func-
tion, for celebrating an event, for starting a concern, so that he
may achieve the best possible results in accordance with his desire
and efforts. The instructions are simple, clear and to the point.
There is no important function left out that the man of the world
may need. Every one has his fortunate and unfortunate moments,
his own fruitful or good-for-nothing planets, his adverse Signs,
Thithis and Asterisms. The Election system teaches us to think
and help ourselves in our daily lives in the astrological way. The
other five systems tell us mainly, among other things, what
lies in the womb of the future, given the Rising Sign of the
Zodiac and the planetary positions for a particular moment_
The province of the Election system is different. It tells us what
should be the Rising Sign and the configuration of planets etc. at
the ti'Tite of comm,enof;ng a good function. Here, the reader
understands the strength and quality of each planet or asterism,
its separate and conjunctional influence, the measure and quality
of its aspects and the particular function or functions in which it
manifests its sympathy. In the Foreword, the learned author re-
commends daily study of the Panchangam, for a knowledge of the
day, the Thithi, the asterism, the Yoga and the Karana is the first
requisite for a correct application of its methods. This book and
a copy of the Almanac are all that is required to enable one to
follow the rules in practice. Every effort has been made in the
translation to explain fully all astrological terms ; explanatory
notes and illustrations are wherever necessary, so that
any layman could apply the rules without the aid of an astrologer.
The reader must first study the Appendix and become familiar with
Thithis, Asterisms and Planets and other details. Chapters 33
and 34 may next be perused with advantage as they contain lists
of most of the Constructive and the Destructive Yogas besides an
explanation of technical words. This done, it would be easy to
follow the other chapters.
There is a time for sowing, a time for reaping, a time to get
married, a time for healing, for surgical operation, for taking
medicine, for turning the first sod, for heaping up money or
grains, for discharging a debt, for starting on a journey, for build-
ing, for buying and selling, and for the various other functions on
which health, happiness and success depend. One outstanding
feature of.the ' Election' is th'e'predomina.nt influence ascribed
to Asterisms. The Thithis and their Yogas also play an im-
portant part. Herein lies the completeness of the study of astro-
logy. To study the Thithis, Asterisms, Yogas, and Karanas
etc. is to study the Election system; and to understand the
Election system is to understand the science of astrology in full.
In Vedic times the celestial latitude was divided into 27 equal
parts or Nakshathras. Modern science has divided it into
degrees, minutes and seconds. Each Nakshathra (asterism) was
divided by the ancients into 4 quarters, each quarter being known
as a Nakshathra-Padha or a stellar-quarter. It is wonderful to
think how the old-world geniuses discovered minute points
in the heavens and compelled them to a prophecy of the monsoons
etc. The Vishnu Purana, one of the oldest of the Puranas,refers
to Nakshathra-Pildhas (stellar quarters) in ascertaining the
vernal and the autumnal equinoxes. There were those, in the
Vedic and pre-Vedic periods, who held that the total number of
asterisms were 28, including .A:I:Iijith. This asterism occurs in two
or three places in this book. It is an intercalary asterism form-
ed by the contiguous parts of the 21st and the 22nd a.sterillms-
Utharashada and Sravana. The Lunar Zodiac, however, contains
only twenty seven. Abijith was expunged long ago and does not
xviii ln /.)'OCt u:(;., "
occur in any of the other systems of astrology: as far '" I know.
The make mention of t.wtmty-f'ig-ht, including Abijith,
but writers life Prof. Max 1\lnllPr are of opinion that. the original
number twenty S!'VP-11.
Want of space forbids further development of the subject
and a detailed examination of the subtler principles. The farther
we go into the study, the deeper the revelations. To one who
has carefully examined the Six Systems, the whole universe will
seem an Institution of Astrology. Planets forP-tl'll the condition
of the atmosphere, the nature of the seasons, tht'condition of plant
and animal life, the disposition of the mind, and the course of man's
destiny. The mental and the physical qualities of man are mould-
ed by the quality and influence of the stars and planets to which
everything else in the world is subjected. Moving inwards the
Clock of Astrology indicates the 'mental variety' in man, the path
of experience and renunciation, by which the evolving Ego, abs-
tracted from all earthly considerations, becomes one with the
Divine. Moving outwards, the Clock declares the law of the world-
events, the destinies of nations and ofindividuals, on every Rid< of
existence. This its 'physical variety.' The inward movenwut
of the clock shows the religious, as its outward movement, the
business side, so to speak, of. the One Life that JWI'Va<ls the
universe. The world is the shop, the planets and the astri"ms :tn:
the Directors, and Cause and Effect, the Chancellors of the Exche-
quer. It has been said that planets influence the of
nations. Furthermore, each planet has its own Wori<I-Sytem-a
Race of Humanity, specifically embodying the strength and quali-
ties which that planet stands for. \\'t' have the Solar HIH't>-lht
Race of the Sun, the planet who, as represents
Pmna. King Rama with his bow, illustrating the law of heaven to
raise wht<t is low and bring dowu what is high, Hanuman ofimlollli-
table spirit, of pervasive and ubiquitous nntnr,Rav:mn stern, severe
and unbending were all manifestations, by the Jivatma, of Prana-
Sakthi, the predominant quality of the Sun, which was generally
distributed among the l"'opl" of the Solar Race. We have next the
Lunar Race. Yud<l hi shha. the meek, Hhima, the vindictive, A1juua,
the chivalrous, the diplomatic Krishna, the generous Kama, the
devoted Ghandhari, the high-souled Bhishma, the blunt Bala-
rama, the imperious Droupadhi, the' loyal Orona, the jealous
Dhuryodhatia and the un1irincipled Sakuni were all of the Lunar
Race-the race of the Moon in which the qualities of the Mind-
the realm of the Moon-were prominently brought into view by the
Jivatma. Valour and heroism were the key-note of the Solar Race
as ambition and chivalry were the key-note of the Lunar. The
former represented the Sun (Prana.Sakthi) ; the latter the Moon
The! present is the race of Mar's, embodying the utilitarian
spirit which is the predominant quality, as stated before, of Mars-
Mars, as described in the preceding pages, is the Deva of the
material plane. The growing spirit of utility has called to its
assistance electricity and steam, has seized upon the hidden
wealth in things and transformed them into handmaids to ad-
minister to all the wants of the, body. In the unceasing struggle
of life, he (Mars) spans the heavens by Zeppelins and sounds the
depths and shoals of the ocean by sub-marines-all prompted by
earth-hunger. The war that is now going on in Europe is a
demonstration 6f the activity of the Jivatma, influenced by Man!-
the utilitarian spirit; In the'use that is now made of Zeppelins and
sub-marines, we have witnessed the tragic phases of the activity
attributed to him by the doctrili.6 of astrology. Modern utilitariani-
sm, distributed by Mars among the race, is making such revolu-
tionary discoveries that one would wonder if the world will cease
.to marvel at the achievements of the heroes of the Solar and Lunar
races. If valour and heroism, ambition and chivalry,
were the respective distinctions of the Solar and the Lunar races,
gluttony and utilitarianism mark the race of Mars. In the coming
race, the influence of Mercury is bound to predominate, and the
geniuses that now and then appear in different parts of the world,
fuw and far between, give promise of a race wherein intellectuali-
sm will be the paramount force, manifested by the Jivatma.
* Manas is defined in the Upanishads ;L$ the organ of think-
ing, 'pervaded by the senses,
I have ventured to expatiate upon the subject of astrology,
at some length, not because books are written but because 1 havE>
found its truth attested in my deepest experience. In my pre-
sent method of life. is the confession that I do not know what
to do with the promise of Brahma-Rundhra and I am pretty sure
that, were it possible that I should not be born, there would be
no gap in the system of the universe. But, having come to birth,
the chief question is how to be guided in the pursuit of worldly
happiness ? It is easy to marry in haste, to unite in passion and
propagate, to build a mansion and multiply luxuries ad infinitum.
All these things are as much the need of the inferior animals as
of mine. But the question of all questions is the question when
shall I marry, when shall I unite in sexual love, how shall I build,
enjoy, move, preserve health and prolong lifP and so discipline
every function of existence as to evoke the true melody of life,
and procure greater and more lasting achievements by co-
operating with the laws of nature ? If these are important matters
for consideration, if marriage and sexual union are indispensable
to respectability and happiness, on this side the grave, and if the
universe is governed by a law, and is law itself, where is the wis-
dom in ignoring or denying the existence of a law for determin-
ing suitability of marriage and the time for celebrating it, so that
the union may be fruitful of mutual bliss and the offspring,
such as the married couple may be proud of? Divorces and futile
marriages are only accounted for from the standpoints of astro-
logy. Sir Bulwer Lytton, in pages so charming, has stated that
the world's great question is "What will he do with it"? More
momentous than that is the question "When and how will he do
it''? To this astrology alone has the right answer. As in food,
medicine, or music, so in Time, it is selection that determines the
What, it may be asked, about the objections raised against
astrology ? No good purpose is to be served by instancing in
detail the misconceptions that obtain among some professional
astrologers and among some of those who have sought their aid
for astrological information. Want of skill in the astrologer is by
no means the only cause for the failure of any prediction. There
are also certain rules which the querist himself has to observe, even
if the object of consulting astrology be, as in marry instances, to
satisfy a low, if not an insincere, curiosity. I, as an astrologer,
deserve neither praise nor censure. My defects may be due either
to poverty of genius or to imperfections of character. What
matters it to astrology that my plea for the study of it here seems
puerile and my style unconvincing ? To reject the science on the
score- o an incortect prediction by some astrologer is fatal to all
sane investigation. There are only two methods of arriving at
the truth_;.penonal research and the testimony of others. One
must approach the subject in the spirit of a humble pupil of the
great sages and pursue its study, for a of astrology
will alone reveal the secrets of astrology. A judgment not
founded upon any of these two methods is not entitled to any
weight. Nature unfolds her secret to him who pursues its .;tudy
in a disinterested spirit. Those who study it merely from a pro-
fessional point of view can scarcely hope to contribute to the
advancement of the science.
It may, perhaps, be appropriate, in this connection, to quote
the reassuring words of Dr. Huxley. "Looking at the question
from the most rigidly scientific point, of view, the assumption
that, amidst the myriads of worlds scattered through endless
space, there can be no intelligence as much greater than man's as
his is greater than a black be_etle's; no being endowed with the
powers of influencing the course of nature as much greater than
his as his is greater than a snail's, seems not merely baseless
but impertinent. Without stepping beyond the analogy ofthat
which is known it is easy to people the cosmos with entities in
ascending scale until we reach something practically indistin-
guishable from Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence.
If our limited intellig11ne can, in some matters, surely reproduce
the past of thousands of years ago and anticipate the future,
thousands of years hence, it is clearly within the limits of possi-
bility that some greater intellect, even of the same order, can
mirror the whole past and the whole future." This philosophy of
a possibility, of Dr. Huxley, after the methods of Science, must
slumber beside the visions of the mighty Sages of India, after
the methods of Intuition. Science can go no further than re-
cognise the possibility, in such matters, for it can only describe
what is perceptible to. sense. But the point on which I wish
to insist is more clearly brought out by Dr. Richard Saunders,
(1671) a voluminous writer on these subjects who seems to have
felt something of the truth of this ancient and singularly fasci-
nating " The stars ", he says, " have such an influential
1 >OWl'!' over us that we act by them, and though they are but
Second Causes, their influences clo so necessitate us that,we cannot
avoid their fatality, unless we have recourse to the First Cause
which governs this all".
The precepts of astrology are founded upon the law of the
First ( 'aust" the doors of which are OJ*'n to the intuition of the
Yogi. Galileo's law of falling bodies and Newton's law of motion
were all intuitions. Indian astrology is waiting for some historic
genius who, armed with a salutary love of science, will demonstrate
its actuality at: the bar of the realism of modern thought. No
human effort can deprive a science of its importance which the
most en lightened of all ages have contributed to build up. And,
as long as human judgment remains sound and well-balanced, the
testimony of a Garga, Parasara, Varaha Mihira, l'nlaha, Cha-
yana, Brigu, Vyasa and other illustrious luminaries will be enti-
tled to decided preference and veneration.
I must here expr!>Rs my gratitude to Pandit Sri.
Bhaghavathar A vi. of TanjorP. for his scholarly services in the up-
hill work of manipulating and editing the original Sarnskrit text.
Those who are able to Jove Astrology will be interested to leam
that an Association has been formed with the object of.promoting
the Study, Investigation and Practice of the Science, and that
this Book is issued under its auspices, in the earnest belief that
every reader will, by his affectionate attention to its precepts,
call the, blessings of the Hierarchy of Planets on his exertions,
so requisite for his well-being.
January, 1917. N. P. 8UHRAMANIA IYER.
I worship the Eternal Narasimha Deva, brilliant as
the spotless crystal and eternally seated with the Goddess
Maha Laksbmi on the throne resplendent with gems.
I adore Viswaksena, the Commander-in-Chief of
Mahavishnu, the Wearer of the Discus, by meditation upon
whom all impediments vanish at a distance.
I go unto the lotus feet of Vadhula Varadachary for
shelter, by contemplating which all obstacles disperse.
I offer my humble salutation to Narasimharya, the
head of the family of Vadhoola, who easily bestows on his
devotees all enjoyments here, on earth, and salvation,
I prostrate myself at the feet of Samarapungava who
has received the grace of Kantapayantra Yogindra,
and is well-versed in Logic,Grammar,Mimamsa and other
sciences and whose incarnation has made the world happy.
Having thoroughly mastered the ancient text books
on the science, I, Narasimhan, the son of Varadarya, of the
family of Baradwaja at Proudarayapuram (Poli-Pakkam)
distinguished for virtue, learning and parentage, propose
to write this book, Kalaprakasika, embodying the essen-
tial principles of the science of Astrology.
The student trying to master the contents of the
various ancient astrological works is likely to feel bewil-
dered, fmding them too high and elaborate ; only here and
there does he find any nutriment to his mind. The aim
of this compjJ.Irtiet! IS .h present the substance of the
several astrological texts in a concise and intelligible form.
In preference to other works, such as Muhoorta Paddhati,
on the. subject, I trust that tllis trlatise of mine will be
appreciated by the world for whose benefit it is intended.
Study of the Panchanram.- He who makes a study of the
Panchangam (almanac)-the Tithi, the Varam, the
Nakshatra, the Yoga and the Karana of every day-
becomes free from all sins. Knowledge of Tithi brings
prosperity; knowledge ofVaram prolongs life ; knowledge
of Nakshatra causes the destruction of sins; knowledge
of Yoga gives immunity from disease ; knowledge of
Karana leads to success in all endeavors. Thus,
"Pancha-angam" (the five Angas or Limbs) bestows;five
kinds of blessing. To the best of " Dvijas '' a knowledge
of astrology is absolutely essential, for, thereby, he obtains
the fourfold bliss, namely, Dharma, Artha, Kama and
Moksha. He who, without a pr)per- study of the autho-
rities, professes to have a knowledge of astrology,
administration of justice, penal laws, or medical science,
is said to commit a sin equal to that of murdering a
Brahmana. He who pretends to a knowledge of any
science without a careful study of the authoritative
texts thereon-be he painter; poet, physician or astrologer
-is condemned to hell, as long as the Sun and the Moon
endure. But he who interprets the science in the light of
the authorities, with a knowledge of its theory and
practice is said ta meet with a reward greater than that
bestowed upon the performer of As.vamedha sacrifice.
ln the same manner, the astrologer who has a thorough
knowledge of the beneficial and adverse effects of a
Muhoortha. receives a benefit, meritorious to him beyond
measure and is praised in the three worlds. Any treatise
on astrology should be based on accurate and well-
grounded knowledge. Charlatanry is a crime. The true
astrologer must be regarded as divine. One who does
an act of dishonour to him loses the rewards due for all
one's acts of virtue.
Just as a lighted lamp illuminates the objects around
it. " Kalapra '{asika" mirrors the quality of Time. Though
there are more elaborate treatises on the subject, I trust
that to those who have an eye for real merit this book will
be of absorbing interest. Good and evil are the constitutive
elements of Time. A day, absolutely auspicious and devoid
of adverse moments, is rare even in the experience
of the Devas; it is the duality of beth. Innumerable
are the adverse influences that manifest through each
one of the twenty seven asterisms ; and there is no aste-
rism but manifests some unfavourable quality. As. there-
fore, it is impossible to find a wholly auspicious day it
would be well to choose one in which there is a prepon-
derence of benefic, over adverse, effects. * * The
following texts have been consulted in the compilation
of this work:- Vahsishtam, Kaladheepam, Kaladharsam,
Paddhathi, Naradheeyam, Ahthrayam, Vachaspathyam
and several other authorities.
This Samskara, known as .Jatha- Kanna. should be
done immediately after the child's birth. The learned
say that the appropriate time for the function is. befnrt> com-
mencing to suckle the child or before cutting t>lf the navel
string. If, however, one should miss that period, an aus-
picious day, thereafter, (after cutting off the navel string)
should be selected according to the rules. The father
should have a look at the child at a very lucky moment
so that their lives may be fruitful of mutual good. To
see the child when the rising sign is a fixed one, and the
moon well-dignified, improves health, prolongs life and
increases prosperity.
Birth (by astrology) is determined in three ways-
(r) The moment of appearance of the head, (2) The moment
of appearance of the tip of the nose, (3) The moment of
parturition of the child. The position of the planets must
be noted the moment the nose is sighted. [In practice,
however, the 3rd alone constitutes birth.] The father
must look at the child soon after its birth. In doing so, it
is stated that the father discharges his duty to his Pitris
(fore-fathers). He should, then, with the permission of the
Brahmanas, have his bath with clothes on, in a river or a
tank, facing north. Anger, niggardliness, contempt for
the Sastras, indifference to the advice oflearned Brahma-
nas, ill-merited charity, atheistic turn of mind-all these
should be flung away, for they prove fatal even to Indra's
son. Gifts of cow, earth, gold, cloth, jewel and Sesamum,
and paddy seeds should be given away. This over, the
strength of the Lagna (the Ascendant) should be consider-
ed, because the learned in astrology give much importance
to the Lagna. The birth of the child must be made known
to the astrologer who will note the configuration of the
planets at the time. The astrologer must not however be
approached empty-handed. If the father be an astrologer
himself, he may reflect upon the quality of the horoscope
General Judgment on a Nativity.- The Sun, the Moon,
Mars and Kethu, occupying the Lagna (Ascendant) affect
the parents and the child adversely. The nether will die
ifithe 2nd house be occupied by tbe Sun, Saturn and Mars.
Mercury in the 3rd house brings evil on the mother.
Rahu in the 4th house hurts the child. The SUA, the
Moon, Saturn and Mars in the 5th house cause evil to the
parents, brothers and the native. The moon in the 6th
house in conjunction with a malefic planet causes danger
to the life of the mother.
Any malefic in the 7th house will cause evil to the
The Moon in the 8th, 9th or 1oth house, without
Jupiter in any of the quadrants (ISt, 4th, 7th and 1oth
houses from the Lagna) has an adverse effect on the son.
Any planet: in the nth house produces good. The
Sun, Saturn and Mars in the 12th house bring evil on the
parents and the son.
The Sun in the 5th house, the Moon in the ;zth and
Saturn in the 1oth house prove fatal to the son, the
mother and the father respectively.
Any planet in the 8th house produces evil. Mars in
the 3th house causes danger to the uncle (ofthe native).
Mars in the Lagna (Ascendant) with the Sun and Saturn
in the 7th, 3rd or 2nd house causes danger to the child
instantly. The Moon in the 4th house, and Mars in the
7th cause danger to the mother within seven days.
The Sun and Saturn in the uth house, and waning
Moon in the 7th cause danger to the father instantly; if as-
pected by benefic planets the father will live three years.
Rahu and Kethu in any of the Kendras (quadrants)
aspected by malefics cause danger to the life of the son.
The same planets in the 9th house, aspected by malefics,
bring evil on the father in three days.
Malefics in the 3rd house have an adverse effect on
the brothers. If the 3rd house be occupied by malefics.
aspected by such, ,the brothers will be quickly affected.
If aspected by benefics, they will be affected in eight
Saturn in the Lagna (Ascendant) in conjunction with
another malefic, causes danger to the life of the native in
sixteen years. Saturn and a malefic planet in the Lagna
aspected by malefics cause the same result in a month or
in a year.
The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Saturn occupying the
5th house have a tendency to affect the lives of the father,
mother, brothers and of the native respectively.
Saturn in the 7th hausc affects the father. The Sun
in the 7th house affects the moth.:r. Mars in the 7th
house affects the native.
The Sun, in conjunction with a malefic occupying
any of the movable signs such as Aries or Cancer, affects
the lives of the native and his father by means of poison.
water or a weapon.
Saturn in the 4th house, the Moon in the 7th and
Mars in the wthcause danger to life by drowning in a well,
or by means of a rebellion. The Sun and the Moon, sta-
tioned in Virgo, having the aspect of malefics, produce
danger to life by means of water or rebellion, if Virgo be
the Ascendant in the Radical-'-beroscepe of the child at
The Sun in Pisces, and the Moon in the 7th signthere-
from, (Virgo) in conjunction with a malefic surely produce
danger to life through women living in the house of the
Death by fire or by trident occurs when the 4th house
is occupied by the Sun or by Mars and the 8th or 9th house
by the Moon. The Sun in the 4th, Mars in the 7th and
Saturn in the 1oth cause destruction by weapon, by fire
or by apparition.
Saturn in the 2nd, the Moon in the 4th, and Mars in the
xoth produce harm through wounds or vermin.

Mars in the 5th, the Sun in the 1oth, and the Moon in
the 8th cause death by means of trees, or conveyances
such as carriage or herse. If Gemini ar Virgo be the
Ascendant, and the Sun and the Moon, aspected by male-
fics, occupy the same, there will be likelihood of death by
drowning or from horned quadrupeds or from a tiger or
any other beast having his teeth for his weapon.
* . *
Bhava relating to Son and Wile.-lf the 5th house
from the Lagna (Ascendant). or from the house occupied
by the Moon be held by its lord, or by any other benefic,
or aspected by a benefic, the native will have good sons ;
otherwise, there will be no son.
Mars in the 5th house causes danger to the life oi the
If the 7th house from the Lagna (Ascendant) or from
the house occupied by the Moon be ruled by benefics the
native will have a virtuous wife. This effect will be
vitiated ifthe 7th house be aspected by a malefic. The
wife will be adversely affected if Virgo be the Lagna
(Ascendant) and the Sun occupies it, with Saturn in Pisces.
The issue will be the same if the 7th oouse be occupied by
the Sun, with Venus in the 5th or in the 9th house from the
Lagna- any Lagna.
If the 4th and lth house from Venus be occupied by
malefics, the wife will suffer by means of fire or from a fall.
If, at the time of the birth of a person, the house of
Saturn or Mars be the Lagna the 7th house being
occupied by the Moon and Venus, he will eithN lose his
wife early or, she will remain barren of children.
If the 7th house be occupied by Venus or the Moon
aspected by male planets, the native will marry a girl of
sttitable family.
The Sun in the 6th house and the Moon in the 12th
tend to make the husband and the wife blind.
A person,;born when the Moon is in the 1oth house,
Venus in the 7th and malefics in the 4th house from the
Lagna (Ascendant), will himself bring about the ruin of
his family and will be the last of his race.
The Moon in Taurus, Cancer or Scorpio makes the
native liable to diseases of the skin.
If malefics, not in touch with benefics,. aspect the
Lagna (Ascendant) and the Moon, and if Jupiter occupies
any house other than the Kendras (quadrants), danger to
the life of the father must be predicted.
Points relating to the life of the Native.-If Rahu occupies
any of the Kendras (quadrants), the native will have the
risk of losing his life in 10 or 16 years, and, earlier
still, if that planet be aspected by malefics alone, and not
by benefics.
If the Lord of the 8th house be Mars, and Jupiter
occupies it, the Moon having the aspect of malefics, the
native will likely meet with death in three years, if Venus
does not aspect Jupiter or the Moon.
If the Lord of the 4th. 6th or 8th house be Mars and
retrograde Venus occupies it, aspected by Mars, the native
will be exposed to calamity in 2 years.
lf Saturn be in combination with the Sun and the
Moon in the 5th house, the Native will be liable to die in
his 9th year.
If a malefic occupies the Sth house aspected by
another malefic, death occurs in a year.
A person born when the Moon is in Leo, and Venus
in the 6th or 8th house; aspected: by benefics, will die in six
If sign Cancer be the 6th or the 8th house from the
Lagna (Ascendant) and Mercury occupies it (Cancer)
s p e c ~ e d by the Moon, the native is likely to meet with
rum m a year.
Kethu occupying the Lagna (Ascendant) tends to cause
danger to the life of the person in two months. Saturn
with any other malefic occupying the Lagna (Ascendant)
produces a similar effect in sixteen days.
If Saturn be in the Ascendant aspected to other male-
fics, the same effect will manifest in a month or in a year.
If the Moon occupies ,the 6th ar the 8th house, there
will be danger to life in a year. If the Moon be aspected
by malefics the same effect will come to pass earlier. If
she be aspected by benefics alone the same effect will ap-
pear in eight years; aspected by malefics and benefics to-
gether she produces the same effect in four years.
If the 8th house from the Sun be occupied by Saturn
and Mars, bereft of the aspect of benefics, the father dies
If malefics occupy 7th, 8th and 9th houses from
the Moon, both the mother and the child will be threatened
with death.
If the Lagna (Ascendant) be Pisces and if the 3rd
house be occupied by the Sun and the Moon the child will
be liable to contract disease. The child will be exposed
to the risk of losing its life in 3 days.
If the Ascendant, 5th or 9th house, therefrom, be
occupied by the Moon, with the Sun in the 4th or the 8th
house, the child will suffer from bad disease and will be
liable to lose its life in 3 days.
If the 5th or the 9th house from the Moon be occupied
by the Sun, the child will succumb to a bad disease in
20 days.
If, at the moment of birth, the 1st, 4th, 7th or 1oth
house from the Lagna (Ascendant) be occupied by Mars
alone, without Jupiter in any of those houses, the issue
will be a still-born child. It will pass away after birth, if
the Sun occupies the Lagna, the 8th house therefrom being
occupied by any planet, with Jupiter located anywhere
except in a quadrant.
If the 8th" house be occupied by several planets the
child will be alive only for a week or a month.
If, at the moment of birth, the Lagna be occupied by
Mars with Venus in a quadrant the child will die when
Mars makes a round and comes again to the same point of
the Zodiac.
If the 8th house be occupied by the lord of the Lagna
aspected by all the malefics, death will be certain in four
If, at the moment of birth, the Sun occupies " movable
sign, in combination with malefics, danger by means of
poison, water or weapon must be predicted.
The Eus-If the 3rd or the 11th house from the Lagna
(Ascendant) be occupied by the Moon in combinatien with
malefics, the native will be in danger of losing his ears
(power of hearing) at once; but, if aspected by malefics,
the same will come to pass in course of time.
The Eyes-Saturn in the 12th house .affects the right
eye ; and Mars in the 12th affects the left.
The Sun in the 8th house, the Moon in the oth and
Mars in the 12th cause injury to the eye by cruel diseases.
If malefics. occupying the 3rd, 5th, 9th or toth house,
be not aspected to benefics. the ears, the teeth or power
of speech will be affected.
A person born when Rahu is in the Lagna and the
Sun in the 7th house will become blind.
If the 6th or the 8th house be occupied by the Meon in
conjunction with malefics, or, if the Sun and the Moon
be in the 8th house, there wilLbe loss of sight, if Rahu
governs the Ascendant.
. .. . .
Influence of Asterisms. A son born during the first
quarter of asterism Mula affects the life of the father ; if
birth takes place during the second quarter of that
asterism the mother will suffer; if birth be in the third
quarter, there will be loss of property ; the foOrth quar-
ter of the asterism is good, and the son, born during that
time, will have posterity, wealth, health, happiness and
power of speech, besides being esteemed by kings,
though possessed of a tendency to prove a source of distress
to the family.
A person born under asterism Purvashada at a time
when the Ascendant is Sagittarius, or, under asterism
Pushya at a time when the Ascendant is Cancer, brings
trouble on the father. Birth in the first quarter' of
Purvashada or Pushya causes trouble to the father ;
birth in the second quarter affects the mother; birth in
the third quarter affects the native himself; birth in the
fourth is disastrous to the (maternal) uncle.
A person born in the third quarter of the asterisms
Hastha and Barani is likely to lose his parents.
A person born in the first quarter of asteri!1m Uthara-
Palguni, in the second quarter of Hastha, in the third
quarter of Aslesha or in the fourth quarter of Barani.
affects the life of the parents ; the father will suffer if the
child be a male, and the mother if the child be a female.
A person, born. under asterism Utharapalguni,
Pushya, Purvashada, Chithra, Aslesha, Mula or
Jyeshta affects the life of the father. The adverse effects
referred to will disappear if the father keeps aloof from
the child for 2 months, 3 months, 8 months, 6 months,
9 months, 8 years and 1 S days respectively.
Birth Under Asterism Jveshta.-Divide the total duration
of asterism J yeshta into ten parts. Birth of the child in the
first part affects the maternal grand-mother, in the second,
it affects the maternal grand-father; in the third, the
maternal uncle, in the f urth, the mother; in the fifth,
the native himself; in the sixth, the family; in the
seventh, the relations of the parents; in the eighth, the
elder brother ; in the ninth, the father-in-law ; and in the
tenth, it affects everybody. If the lord of the rising
Navamsa, at the time, be the Sun, the father will be afflict-
ed ; the Moon, Mars and Saturn, as lords of the Navam-
sas, afflict the mother, the maternal uncle and the brother
of the native respectively. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury
have the same effect on the native if the moment of birth
coincide with Thyajyam.
Dhina-Mrithyu and Dhina-Rogam. - If the Amsas, speci-
fied above, synchronise with Dhina-Mrithyu and Dhina-
Rogam, the effect will be as stated above.
Gandantham.-The last two ghatikas of Aslesha, the
first 2 ghatikas of Magha, the last two ghatikas of Jyeshta,
and the first two of Mula, the last two of Revathi and the
first two of Aswini are called Gandantham. This is
Nakshatra Gandanlham.
The last two Ghatikas of Panchami, Dhasami, Full-
Moon and New-Moon are Gandanthams. This is Thitht
The last Navamsas of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and the
first of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are Rasi Gandanthams.
The Effect of GaAdanthams.-Nakshathra Gandantham
adversely affects the parents, brothers of the native and
the native himself; Rasi Gandantham affects the family
to which the native belongs ; Thithi Gandantham affects
his parents. Some writers think that Gandantham is a
thoroughly malefic period and that it deals death all
A child, born during Gandantham, is not. likely to
live long. If alive, the parents and the brothers, the
grand-father and tbe grand-m0ther of the child will be
A person born (1) during Vishti, suffers from poverty;
(2) during Gulika, will have deformed limbs; (3) during
Yama-Ganda, will not have legs to stand on ; (4) during
Rikthai, will be a hermaphrodite; (5) during Vyath<"e
patham, will have defective limbs ; (6) during Parigha, will
lose his life; (7) during Soolam, his family will perish; he
will be abandoned by his family and will have few enjoy-
ments {$) during New-Moon, will be deprived of his
lands ; (9) during Vaidhrithi, the father will meet with
A person, born under an asterism affected by eclipse
will be afflicted with disease ; born under an asterism
governed by a malefic, he will be troubled by his
Birth on Chathurdasi of the Dark Fortnight,-Divide the
total ghatikas for Chathurdasi into six periods. Birth of
a person during the first period produces no harm. Birth
during the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth and the
sixth periods adversely affects and causes disaster to the
father, the mother, the uncle, the cattle and the children
Planets in Exaltation. -If, at the time of birth of a per-
son, a single planet be exalted, the person will be free
from all misfortunes ; if two planets be exalted, he will be
the ruler of a territory; if three planets be exalted, he
will be a king; if four planets be exalted, he will be an
emperor; if five planets be in their exaltation, he will
have the sovereignty of the earth.
The effects of planets in debilitation will be the
reverse of what is above for planets in their exalta-
tion. The beneficial influence will diminish according to
the degree of depression of the planets ..
If, at the time of birth, the Sun be exalted, the person
will become the commander of an army; ifthe Moon
be exalted, he will have wealth and c0rn; if Mars be
exalted, he will have authority over forest lands; if Mer-
cury be exalted, he will have fortune from royalty ; if
Jupiter be exalted, he will be a wealthy king; if Venus be
exalted, he will have wealth from reyalty; if Saturn be
exalted he will be as powerful as a king.
Stinabah Yora.-Planets, excepting the Sun, occupying
the 2nd house from the Moon, produce the Yoga known
as Sunabah.
Anabah excepting the Sun, occupying
the 12th house from the Moon, produce the Yoga known
as Anabah.
Dhui'IJdhura excepting the Sun, occupy-
ing both the 2nd and the f2th houses from the Moon,
produ the Yoga known as Dhurudhura
A person born under the aforesaid three Y ogas will
be well-educated, long-lived and of wide reputation.
Vahsi Yoga. Planets, excepting the Moon, occupying
the second house from the Sun form Vahsi Yoga.
Vayti Y oga.-Planets excepting the Moon, occupying
the 12th house from the Sun form Vaysi Yoga.
Ubacbari.- Planets, excepting the Moon, occupying
both the second and the 12th houses from the Sun form
These Yo gas produce wrld-wide reputation, be-
sides the benefits of A"nabha, Sunabha and Dhurudhura
Gaia-Keaari Yop,:-ji.tpiter occupying the 4th, 7th or
1oth house from the Moen-this is known as Gajakesari
Yoga. A person born under this Yoga will have wealth,
good reputation, happiness and knowledge of several
Illeritimacy.--Ifthe Lord of the Hora, at birth, occupy
an inimical sign, and if the Lagna (Ascendant) or the
Rasi (sign occupied by the Moon at birth) be not aspected
by Jupiter, the native must be deemed to have been born
out of wedlock.
If the Sun and the Moon together occupy an inimical
sign, and do not aspect the Lagna (Hora Lagna) the birth
of the person should be considered illegitimate.
If the Sun and the Meon, occupying the same
sign, be not aspected by Jupiter, or, if all these three be in
debilitation, the birth is illegitimate.
Sterility. -A person born when the seventh and the
twelfth houses are occupied by malefics and the sth house
by waning Moon, will have a wife barren of offspring
-according to some astrologers.
Enlarged Testicles. -A person born at a time when the
7th house from the-Ascendant is occupied by Mars in
conjunction with Venus, aspected by malefics. will have
enlarged testicles to be sure.
A person born during the intervals known as Dhina-
Mrithyu and Dhina-Roga will ' also have similar
Aries.-If the rising sign be Aries, at birth, the
native will be poor ; if the sign be occupied or aspected
by Mars, the native will be devoted to agricultural
work; ifthe sign be aspected by Jupiter, the native will
have a humble profession.
Taurus.-If, at the moment of birth of a person, the
rising sign be Taurus, the person will be possessed of
wealth and cows, if the sign he aspected by the Moen; if
Venus occupies or aspects the sign he will have many
Gemini.- If, at the time of the birth of a person, the
!\scendant be Gemini, the native will be able to acquire a
knowledge of all arts and sciences and will be
addicted to many women, if the sign be occupied by
Mercury; aspected by Mercury, he will be learned in the
four Vedas.
Canc:er.-If, at the time of birth ofa person, the Ascen-
dant be Cancer, occupied or aspected by the Moon, the
person will enjoy great happiness; if occupied or aspect-
ed by Jupiter, he will have immense wealth and comfort.
Leo. If, at birth, the Ascendant be Leo, the native
will be courageous, heroic and capable of prevailing over
Virgo--If, at birth, the Ascendant be Virgo, the native
will have many wives, will give birth to daughters,
and will be in humble life ; if occupied or aspected by
benefics, he will have immense wealth and corn.
Libra If, at birth, the Ascendant be Libra, the person
will live in comfort, will be a man of few words, truthful
and skilled in trade ; if the sign be occupied by Venus, he
will be an eminent nobleman.
Scorpio-If, at birth, Scorpio be the Ascendant, the
person will have a tendency to be cruel, devoid of charac-
ter and mean-minded, if the sign be occupied by Mars;
aspected by Mars, he will have command over armies.
Sagittarius -If, at birth, Sagittarius be the Ascendant,
the native will have a disposition to evil ways, if birth
takes place in the first half of that sign ; if born in the
second half, he will be prodigiously wealthy ; if Jupiter
occupies either half of the sign, the native will be a king.
Capricorn--If, at birth, the Ascendant be Capricorn,
the native will have a weak intellect, wealth and happi-
ness; if the sign be aspected by Saturn, he will have.a
capacious stomach and will eat many kinds of food ; if
aspected by benefics, he will become a king.
Aquarius-_:_If, at birth, the Ascendant be Aquarius, the
native will be poor, miserly, firm-minded, jealous, wicked
and addicted to thieving ; if aspected by benefics, he will
be a king.
Pisces If, at birth, the Ascendant be Pisces, the native
will have a long and comfortable life ; if Venus occupies
the sign, he will be a king.
A person born with the Moon in sign Aries will
have round red eyes, slightly copper-coloured ; will
be a moderate eater of hot vegetable food ; will be easily
pleased; fond of travels and sexual intercourse ; will
have weak knees ; will have no permanent wealth ; will
be valiant and attached to women ; will skilfully carry out
orders ; will have deformed nails and a scar on the
head ; will be self-respecting, will be the eldest of his
brothers ; will have lines on his palm of the shape of
Sakti (a weapon); will be capricious ; and will be afraid
of water.
1\looa in TaW.Us-A person born with the Moon in
sign Taurus will be handsome and of attractive gait; will
have stEmtthighs and bread face; will have a mole on a
side of his hip ; will be of generous nature ; will put up
wjth misfortune!;; will be a man of influence ; will have
daughters and will be aloof from his relations ; the native
will have a tendency to phlegmatic affections ; will lead a
blessed life ; will be patient ; will be a good eater ; will be
affectionate to his wife and steady in friendship; will be
happy in the middle and last part of his life though
unhappy when young.
Moon in Gemini, at birth, gives the native a gallant
nature, keen intellect, sweet speech and an inclination for
good eating, music and dance ; will have copper-coloured
eyes and curly hairs ; will be witty and learned in the
sciences ; will have a keen perception of others' motives
and a handsome b ~ d y ; the native will be learned in the
sciences; will be served and respected by hermaphrodites
and will have a flat nose.
Moon in Cancer-A person born with the Moon in
Cancer, will walk fast with his body bent; will have a high
hip; will be under the influence of women ; will have
good friends; will be learned in astrology; will have
many houses ; will acquire wealth as the waning Moon
acquires light; will be of short stature ; will have stout
neck; will be m0vcd by sweet words; will occupy an
influential position ; will be inclined to have friendship of
those of quality or good position. and will be fond of
water and gardens.
Moon in Leo A person born with the Moon in Leo
will be easily offended ; will have broad face, cheeks and
brown eyes ; will have few sons ; will hate women ; will
be fond of animal food and forests ; will be angry for
nothing ; will suffer from hunger, thirst, stomach-ache and
tooth-ache ; will have mental ; will be generous ;
will have a deformed body and a steady mind, proud and
attached to his mother.
Moon in Virgo--A person born with the Moon in Virgo
will acquire education easily, will have a self-sacrificing
nature, a handsome face and phlegmatic constitution ; will
be truthful, learned in the sciences, virtuous, cultured and
fond of sexual union ; will enjoy the house and property
of other men ;o will live in foreign places ; will be of sweet
speech, will have daughters and few sons.
Moon in Libra-A person born with the Moon in
Libra will respect"the Devas, Brahmanas and holy men in
general ; will be intelligent and clean ; will be subject to
the influence of women ; will be tall; will have a raised
nose and an excellent constitution ; will be clever and fond
of travelling ; will be rich ; will have a defective limb ;
will be strict in business dealings ; will be loved by the
Brahmanas ; will be a benefactor to his kinsmen by whom
he will be rejected.
Moon in Scorpio-A person born with the Moon in
Scorpio will have broad eyes, broad chest, round shanks,
thighs and knees ; will be aloof from his parents and
teachers; will suffer from illness when young ; will be
respected by the king's family ; will be of brown colour ;
will be of cruel nature ; will have lines in his hand of
the shape af fish, will be like the Mo0n to the sea of his
race and will have some defect in his feet.
Moon in person born with the Moon in
Sagittari will have a straight face and a sunken belly ;
will spend his paternal property ; will be a poet ; will be
a hero ; will have big crooked teeth, will be weak ; will
be diligent ; will undertake various works ; will be short
and deformed; will be skilled in sculpture, will have
disfigured nails and fleshy arms ; will have a keen intel-
lect; will be charitable; will be strong in kinship, and
will be amenable only to kind words.
Moon in Capricorn-A person born with the Moon in
Capricorn will treat his wife and children with kindness ;
will pretend to be charitable ; will have weak lower limbs,
fine eyes, and slender waist; will grasp other people's
thoughts ; will be prosperous and sluggish ; will have a
cool censtitution; will be lethargic on account ot lust. will
be dutiful and strong, and attached to women of low caste,
and will be miserly, shameless and unrelenting.
Moon in .AqWirius-A person born with the Moon in
Aquarius will have a neck like that of a young elephant,
hands rough with hair, will have a prominent neck-bone,
will be tall; will have large feet, thighs, back, buttocks;
will be in love with others' wi,es; will have a disposition
to do evil, will be alternately subjected to prosperity and
adversity; will be deceitful; fond of flowers, perfumes.
and friends and will be fond of travelling.
Moon in Piscea-A person born with the Moon in
Pisces, will be a dealer in property acquired from the
sea, will be attached to his wile; will have a strong body,
not easily fatigued by fight, lofty nose and big head;
will be attached to women and will be under their influ-
ence ; will have fine eyes and bright body; will unearth
and enjoy hidden treasures and will be learned.
If the planet occupying the Ascendant be also in ex-
altation, therein, all adverse effects will be extinguished.
If, at birth, the lord of the Ascendant, Jupiter or
Venus, occupies quadrants, the native will be long-lived,
will be very wealthy and will enjoy the favour of i ~ g s
A person born at a time when any of the three planets
(Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) occupies the quadrant and
is strong will not be affected by the evil influences of
other planets.
If, at birth, the Hora Lagna be occupied by Venus,
and any of the quadrants by Jupiter, the native will live a
hundred and twenty years, provided malefics do not
occupy the 8th house.
A well-dignified benefic, located in a quadrant or in a
trine, at birth, dispels all evil effects relating to the time
of birth, as the Sun dispels darkness.
Rahu occupyiqg the 3rd, 6th or r rth house, from the
Ascendant, and aspected by bendics, destroys all impedi-
ments. Rahu, occupying Taurus, Cancer or Scorpio,
produces the same effect.
Jupiter, at birth, in full strength, located in the
Ascendant, in his own or friendly sign, in his exaltation,
in quadrant or in trine, or in Virgottama position com-
pletely diminishes all the adverse effects of other planets.
The influence of the planets, Mercury and Venus,
similarly located, is the same on adverse effects.
But Venus in the" 7th house and Mercury in the 4th
from the Ascendant produce no good.
Jupiter or Venus, occupying the Ascendant, gi)les the
native a life of one hundred years. Besides, the evil
effects produced by planets, located in the 8th house, will
If the Ascendant be governed by its Lord, (a benefic)
occupying the Navamsa of a benefic in Virgottama posi-
tion, and aspected by benefics, the person will be tree from
the adverse effects of other planets. Some writers say
that the malefic planets, located in the 3rd, 6th or nth
houses from the Ascendant and occupying Virgottama
position possess the same influence, even if the Ascendant
be aspected by a malefic.
If the Moon, occupying an evil sign, at birth, be
aspected by its lord or any friendly planet, the native
will watch over his child as a miser his store.
All adverse effects manifest in a horoscope will
vani!;h, if the Moon be (1) well-dignified, (2) Full-Moon.
(3) occupying Virgottama position, (4) aspected by benefic
planets, (5) in conjunction with benefic planets, (6) in her
maximum strength.
All the adverse eff,cts produced by planets will be
completely extinguished, if the Sun and the Moon be
located in their own Virgas, or in those of their friends,
or in the Virgas of benefic planets, or in conjunction with
benefics or aspected by them. They should, besides, be
free from the inimical aspects of, or association with.
malefic or inimical planets and should be strong in the
I now come to the horoscope of woman :-
A woman, born at a time when the 7th house from
the Ascendant is occupied by Venus and the Moon, will
become the wife of an aged man. If malefics occupy the
7th house, she will become a widoiv in early life.
A woman, born at a time when the Ascendant is
Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Aries occupied by either
Venus or the Moon and aspected by malefics, will become
a prostitute along with her mother
If, at birth, the 8th house from the Ascendant be
occupied by Mars, the woman will become a wido!l'.
If, at birth, the 8th house be occupied by a malefic
and the 2nd by a benefic the wife will predecease Iter husband.-
she will die a " Sumangali. "
The Moon in Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Virgo, at birth,
gives the native very few children.
If, at birth, Venus be the lord of the 7th house, the
woman will have a. handsome husband.
If Mercury be the lord of the 7th house, the woman
will have a learned husband.
If Jupiter be the lord of the 7th house, she will have a
husband possessed of good qualifies.
If the Sun be the lord of the ;th house she will have a
husband of amiable nature; if that be occupied by the Sun.
she will be divorced by her husband.
If the 7th house be weak and unoccupied and has
the aspect of malefics alone (not of benefics) the woman
will have a contemptible husband. She herself will be either
barren or UHjotlunale. or, will lead a vagrant life.
Ifthe 7th house be a movable sign and if its lord be
lacated in another movable sign or in the Amsaof such
movable sign, the husband of the womanwilrhe a traveller
in foreign l a n d ~
If the 7th house be a fixed sign and its lord in another
fixed sign, or in the Amsa of such fixed sign, the husband
will be confined to his house.
If the 7th house be occupied by the Sun, aspected by
inimical planets, the woman will be rejected by her lwshand.
If the 7th house be occupied by Mars, aspected by-
inimical planets the weman will become a widow when
If the 7th h q ~ ~ e be occupied by Saturn, aspected by
inimical planets, the woman will live a prostitute till old
If the 7th house be occupied by both malefics and
benefics, the woman will be inclined to commit adultery.
If the lord of tae 7th house be a malefic and if it be
occupied by Saturn and Mars, the woman will become a
If the lord of the 7th house be a weak malefic,
aspected by benefics, the woman will be rejected by her
husband and if he be in depression, or, if he occupy an
inimical sign, she will hate her husband.
lfthe Navainsa of Venus be occupied by Mars and
vice versa, the woman will be addicted to adultery; if, in
addition to this, the Moon occupies the 7th house, the wife
will De- immoral with the passive consent of her husband.
If the Ascendant be the house of Saturn, or Mars, or
the Sun or the Moon, occupied by Saturn and Venus, the
woman will be barren of children, il the 5th house be
occupied or aspected by malefics.
lf the lord of the 7th house be a benefic or if he
occupies a beneficial Navamsa in conjunction with benefics
or aspected by them, the woman will have beautiful hips,
will be loved by her husband and will indulge in many
kinds of enjoyment.
If the 7th house be occupied by the Sun, and if the
Sun be located in his own Navamsa, the husband will be
amiable and volflpmMts.
" If the 7th W'use be occupied by the Moon, located in
Her Navamsa, her Husband will be of bad character;
he will hold a position of authority.
If the 7th house be occupied by Mars, and if he be
located in his Navamsa, her husband will be had after
women and indigent.
If the 7th house be occupied by Mercury, and if he be
located in his Navamsa the husband will be good-nah,rrd,
rich and able to control his passions.
If the 7th house be occupied by Jupiter, and if .he be
located in his Navamsa, the husband of the woman
will have good sense and wealth.
If the 7th house be occupied by Venus. and if she be
located in her Navamsa, her husband will be handsome
and endowed with wealth and corn.
If the 7th sign be occupied by Saturn, and if he be
located in his Navamsa, her husband will be foolhardy
and aged.
In this manner, matters connected with a wonzan'!ifortune
and husband should be determined from the 7th house in the
The Ascendant-If Mercury be the lord of the Ascen-
dant and Venus and the Moon occupy it, the woman will
hate her husband, will have comfort and will be self-
If the Ascendant be occupied by the Moon and Mer-
cury, the woman will be of a respectable family and ex-
tremely happy.
If the Ascendant be occupied by Venus and Mercury.
the woman will be rich, fair and well-born.
ff the Ascendant be occupied by the Moon, Mercury
and Venus. the woman will indulge in many kinds of
If the Ascendant be occupied by Jupiter, the woman
will have abundant wealth and will be happy in her sons
and friends.
If the 8th bouse be occupied by a malefic, and if that
malefic occupies his own Navamsa, the woman will die in
the Dasa period of that planet.
A malefic, occupying the Ascendant, does good if the
Ascendant be his own house or house of exaltation.
If the Ascendant be Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer, the
woman will suffer grief through her husband, son etc, if
malefics be there.
If the malefics occupying the Ascendant, the 8th or
the 9th house, be not associated with benefics, the woman
will go through several misfortunes.
Even if the 7th and 8th houses be occupied by male-
fics the woman will have a long and happy life with her
husband and her sons, if the 9th house be occupied by a
fortunate planet.
Thl'imsamsa.-The Thrimsamsa is largely used in
reading the horoscope of women.
[Thrimsamsa is a part of a sign of the Zodiac divided
into thirty equal parts, each part being a degree. The
odd signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and
Aquarius. The even signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo,
Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. In the odd signs, the
first 5 degrees are the of Mars, the next 5
degrees are those of Saturn; the next 8 degrees are those
of Jupiter; the nexc 7 degrees are those of Mercury; and
the last S are those of Venus. In theeven signs the first
5 degrees are those of Venus, the next 7 are those of Mer-
cury; the next 8 are those of Jupiter; the next 5 are those
of Saturn and the last 5 are those of Mars: For odd signs
-Mars 5 degrees, Saturn 5, Jupiter 8, Mercury 7, and
Venus 5- total 30 degrees. For even signs:-Venus 5,
Mercury 7, Jupiter 8, Saturn 5, Mars 5-t0tal 30 degrees]
Aries or Scorpio. If, at birth, the Ascendant be Aries
or Scorpio, and Mars the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa,
the woman will be disposed to wickedness and her children
will die i if Saturn be the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa
she will be of bad conduct; if Jupiter be the lord ef the
rising Thrimsamsa, she will have wealth and sons; if
Mercury be tbe lord of the rising Thrimsamsa, she will be
ofbad conduct; if Venus be the lord of the rising
Thrimsamsa, she will indulge in adultery.
Taurus or Libra--If the Ascendant at birth be Taurus
or Libra, and Mars the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa, at
the time, the woman will be inclined to immorality and
will have very few sons : if the lord of the rising Thrim-
samsa be Saturn, her children will die and she will be
inclined to prostitution ; if the lord of the rising Thrim-
samsa be Jupiter she will be chaste and good-natured; if
the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa be Mercury, she will be
full of virtuous qualities; if the lord of the rising Thrim-
samsa be Venus, she will be rich and happy.
Gemini or Vitro If the Ascendant, at birth, be Gemini
or Virgo and Mars the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa, at
the time, the woman will be attached t0 paramours and
will have very few sons; if the lord of the rising Thrim-
samsa be Satlirn, she will be adulterous and all her child-
ren will d i r ~ if it be Jupiter, she will be good and chaste ;
if it be Mercury, she will be full of good qualities ; if it be
Venus, she will be happy and enormously rich.
Canter If the Ascendant, at birth, be Cancer, and
the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa at the time be Mars, she
will be of independent nature and the children, born of
her, will pass away; if the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa
be Sa turn, she will live in foreign countries and will turn
out a prostitute ; if 1t be Jupiter. she will be connected
with royalty; if it be Mercury, she will have a knowledge
of sculpture and w;II be much devoted to her husband ; if
it be Venus, she will be unchaste and will have very few
Leo.-lfthe Ascendant, at birth, be Leo. and Mars the
lord of the rising Thrimsamsa, at the time, the woman will
be wicked ; if the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa be Saturn
she will be barren ; if it be Jupiter, she will be the wife
of a king ; if it be Mercury, she will be of masculine nature ;
if it be Venus, she will associate with people unsuited to
her rank.
Sagittarius or Pisces. -If the Ascendant. at birth, he
Sagittarius or Pisces, and Mars the lord of the rising
Thrimsamsa, the woman will be good-natured and chaste ;
if the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa be Saturn she will
derive pleasure from very trivial matters ; if it be Jupiter,
she will be virtuous and chaste ; if it be Mercury, she
will be skilful and indifferent to the observance of re-
ligious formalities; if it be Venus, she will be chaste ..
Capricorn or Aquarius.-lf the Ascendant, at birth, be
Capricorn or Aquarius and Mars the lord of the rising
Thrimsamsa, at the time, the woman will lose her children;
if the lord of the rising Thrimsamsa be Saturn, she will
follow the religion of the lower castes ; if it be Jupiter,
she will be attached to her husband ; if it be Mercury, she
will be of bad conduct; if it be Venus, she will be barren
and will have a tendency to violate all religious rules.
Such are the delineations for Thrimsamsa of the pla-
nets in the Horoscopy of Woman.
Matters connected with the widowhood of a woman
should be determined from the 8th house ; matters con-
nected with the fortune and the husband of a woman
should be determined from the 7th house ; her grace and
beauty should be judged from the Ascendant ; and
matters connected with her sons and their prosperity
should be determined from the 9th house, from the
To adorn a child with jewels, choose a day ruled
by the 5th asterism from its
asterism of the child, at birth.
Female infants, especially, are adorned with jewels in
order that they may have a long and felicitous life. Yama,
the God of Death, is supposed to come and menace the
child on the 7th day of its birth. To safeguard the child
against him and to prolong its life, it is customary to
perform a (preservative) ceremony which consists in making
an offering of sweetmeats in worship of the deity, in the
evening, and install, in front of the house, a water-pot
in the centre of a bed of palmyra leaves. Vedic Mantras
are then chanted over the pot and the God of Death, who
is supposed to knock at the door with pestles, is expelled
by strokes with the palmyra leaves to the recital of
ncantations vivified by the sound of bells.
I next proceed to describe the cereqteny of Namakar-
anam. The appropriate day for this function is the 1oth,
12th or 16th day of the child's birth. Failing to perform
it on any of these days, an auspicious day, say the Vedas,
should be cbosea for the purp0se-afterthe 16th day of
the child's birth.
The following asterisms are g0od:.,-Aswini, Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Ardhra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharapal-
guni, Hastha, Swathi, Anuradha, Sravana, Sravishta,
Sathabis and Revathi.
The Thithis to he-avoided are :-Tht''4th, 6th, 8th, 9th,
12th, and 14th of the bright and dark halves of the lunar
month, the Full-Moon and the New-Moon days.
Sakunam and Vishti Karanas should be avoided.
[Tile second half of the 14th day (Tbithi) of
the dark and bright halves ofthe lunar month is known
as " Sakunam "which is an inauspicious Yoga. " Vishti
Karanani ' is also an inauspicious Yoga; it occurs during
(1) the latter half of the 4th Thithi (2) the first half
of the 8th Thithi (3) the latter half of the 11th Thithi
of the bright fortnight (4) the first half of the Full-
Moon (5) the second half of Thrithiyai, (6) the first half of
Sapthami. (7) the second half of Dhasami, and (8) the first
half of Chathurdasi, of the dark fortnight.)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good,
as also the Amsa, the Lagna (rising sign), the Dhrekkana
and Hora of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and the Moen.
Other days should be avoided.
The 8th house, from the rising sign, at the time,
should be unoccupied.
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are
considered the best
Common signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittari and Pisces)
are also approved, when occupied by a benefic.
The ceremony should be performed during the fore-
noon' of the day and not at any other time. The child should
be given the name of any of his forbears 4>1' that of some
Deity, Titles, conferred by kings, : or earned by the
performance of extraordinary acts of sacrifice should be
added to the original name. It is also 'in'-vogue to give names
to temples, elephants, horses, trees, rivers, wells, holy
emblems. poems, poets and cattle.
Jupiter must occupy quadrant or Trine
(Thrikona) from the rising sigh, at the time of christen-
ing; a malefic must occupy the nth house, with Mercury
in a quadrant occupying a benefic is consi-
dered a very fortunate time for celebrating the christening
Another auspicious time is during the bright fortnight,
(Sukla Paksha) when the nth house from the rising
(Lagna), at the time, is occupied by either Venus or
a malefic, Jupiter or .Moen occupying the quadrants
(Kendras). This will produce; wealth; contentment and
Yet another auspicious time is that when :the nsmg
sign (Lagria); at the time, is the house of a benefic with a
malefic in the 3rd and Venus in the 12th house, the Moon
being dignified.
' '
To cradle a child the best time is the 1oth. 12th. 16th
or the 32nd day after its birth.
A wise man will commence to feed the child on milk
from a nursing chank on the 31st day of its birth ; if that
be not convenient, the day of the 1oth asterism from the
Jenma-Naksbatra of the child will be good.
Tbe following asterisms are the best - A.swini, Rohini,
Ptlri.(asirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Magha, Utharapalguni,
Hastha, Chithra, Swat hi, Anuradha, Sravishta, Utharasha-
da, Sravana, Sathabis, Ulhar:Lbadrapada and Revathi.
Avoid the following Thitbb. - Chathurthi, Navami,
Shasti, Ashtami, Chathurdhasi and New Moon as also
Sthirakarana and Vishtikarana.
Aries, Scorpio and Pisces as also " the sign occupied
by the Sun'' (Athp-Mugha Rasi) are inauspicious ; the
other Rasis are favourable:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the
signs occupied or aspected by the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter,
or Venus are auspicious for commencing to nourish the
Ifthe roth house from the risihg sign at the time of
feeding be occupied by any planetvthere will be disaster.
The feeding must be done either in the lore-noon or
at noon. Night-time should be avoided.
This function may also be performed at the time of
feeding the child on cooked rice on the days specified
for it.
In the 3rd month, the, child should be taken out ol
the house in order that it may see the Sun; in the 4th
month, the child should be made to see the brilliant Moon
and the cow. The sacrament of Upa-Nisltkramanam
should be performed in the same morith. Upa-Nishkra-
manam is the ceremony performed to invoke the bl.essirigs
of the Gods on the child at the moment of its coming out
ofthe house to see the world beyond. The child must
be well-decked with jewels, and prayers ~ worship
offered to Gods accompanied by the sprinkling of saffron-
coloured rice in token of their benedictions and blessings
on the child. The performance of this c<:,;;emC?llY l:)esto.ws
wealth, long life and success on the child. If this
ceremony be not done,; the wealth and life of the
child will be adversely affected. A procession should
then be formed, with the child on horse-back, or in other
conveyance. It is then the uncle's turri to make a present
of jewels to the child and pronounce his blessings on it
for a long and happy career: The relations attd friends of
the child should be invited to take part in the function.
Outside the house, in the open air, the child should be
seated on a floor set off for the purpose and smeared
with a mixture of cow-dung and water. Consecrated
grains are also sprinkled, the prescribed Mantras are
chanted and,over the incantation of Mritha-Sanjivi Mantra,
a string is tied round the waist of the child as an amulet.
The guests are then treated to refreshments.
I now pass on to give the rules to be observed in the
matter of commencing to feed a child on cooked rice in
order that it may grow in strength and stature.
Start feeding the son in the 6th manth, failing which
in the 8th. roth or 12th solar month. In the case of a
daughter, the function should take place in the 7th, 9th or
nth mQnth-in odd months.
The following are the most favourable a,;;terisms--
Aswini, Ro)lini, Mrigasirsha, Pushya, Uthara-
palguni, Hastha,, Chithra, Swathi, Anl-Jradha, Uthara-
shada, Sravana, SraVishta, Sathabis, Utharabadhrapada
and Revathi.
The asterisms Ardllra, Knthika:; Jyeshta, Barani,
Asiesha, Pur'vapalg6ni, Purvashada,' Purvabadrapada will
cause misery, thoughtlessness and fear and so one
should not start function of feeding on th0se days.
Shashti, Asbtami,'Navami, Chathurthi, Chathurdasi-
these Thithis should be totally avoided for this function.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are
good, as also the time when the rising Navamsa is that of
the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. ,
Sunday,. Tuesday and Saturday and the time when
the rising Navamsa is that of the Sun, Mars or Saturn
are unfa-v9ura b:l.e.
Taurus, Aquarius, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Capri-
corn, Gemini and Sagittari are beneficent signs.
The 2nd, 41h,6th, 8th, loth, nth, 1$th, 17th
and 19th asterisms from the asterism, at birth, are
The child should not be fed (for the first time) on a
day ruled by its asterism at birth, for this will shorten
its life. The function should not be performed at a time
when the 8th house from the rising sign is occupied by
Mars, or the 7th house by Venus, or the 9th by Mercury,
The wth house from the rising sjgn at the time of
feeding must be unoccupied.
Pl<1nets in the 6th house, benefic or malefic, cause
ill-feeling among relations.
The most important _element in the matter of starting
to feed a child is the month ; and so it does not matter if
Jupiter and Venus be " Asthangatha" at the time.
-0 n the first birth-day Anniversary the
child should be taken in procession to the river for
bath, and dressed in tlothes and with jewels ; a string'
made of gold or silk, sanctified by ceremonial prayers,
should then be tied round his loin, This should be
repeated every year on the Jenma-Nakshatra day for
the assuagement of all ills and the increase of th.e
happiness and prosperity of the subject. The practice
is to bathe the c[lild in water, consecrated by "Udaka-
Santhi ' Mantra the previous night and next day invest
him with an amulet round his loin. This is fallowed by
the worship of the Planets, Agni and tbe Deities. Making
reverence to Brahmanas with gifts of new clothes and the
distribution of sandal and pan supari bring the function to
a close. This ceremony should be performed in a very
generous spirit, without miserliness or mutilation of Man-
tras, as it repays the individual a hundred-fold. [The
Mantras should not be mu!llbled over, nor pronounced
with incredible velocity, as is the way with the
Vaidhikas, ordinarily-]
This function should be performed on the 12th or the
r6th day of the birth of the child or in the 6th, 7th, 8th
or the 1oth month. "Nakshatra-Sand.hi "-:-:the tinie
between the ending in0ments of One asterism and the
beginning of its neJtt-is
The auspicious asterisms are: -Mrigasirsha, Ardhra,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chithra, Sravana, Sra.vishta
-and Revathi.
Dwithiyai, Thrithiyai, Panchami, Shashti, Sapthami,
Dhasami, Ekadesi, Dwadesi arid Thrayodasi are favoura-
ble. Other Thithis are not to be considered.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the
time when the rising Navamsa is that of the Moon, Mer-
cury, Jupiter or Venus are good. Avoid Sunday, Tues-
day and Satu-rday and the Virgas of the Sun, Mars and
Taurus Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittari and
Pisces are considered the best signs. Aries and Capri-
corn are of middling quality. Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
should be avoided .
. tt ...
A day ruled by two asterisms or by two Thithis is
bad. Ifthis rule be not observed, the subject will be
exposed to the risk of having his ears hurt.
The forenoon is the best time ; noon is pretty favour-
able ; afternoon, evening and the twiljght time are in-
The 8th house from the nsmg sign, at the time.
should be unoccupied.
Venus must not occupy the 6th house or the 8th
Mercury should not be in the 8th house.
The lobule ot the ear must be pierced with a copper
needle and white thread. Ear-boring ceremony should
be performe<:J according to the directions laid down here.
The following are the delineations for the perfor-
mance of "Tonsure Ceremony" for the child. The
learned say that Choulam is a sacrament which has the
effect of prolonging the life of the child. It may be per-
formed in the 3rd, 5t,h Gr 7th year frGrn.date of its birth or
from that of conception. The 3rd year of birth is consi-
dered the best. The 5th and the 7th are also acceptable.
Some astrologers are of opinion that the
ofthe last quarter of the .3rd or the sth year is good.
The ceremony should not.be performed when the mother
of the child is pregnant, for, in that case, it will cause
affliction to the parents besides being 'to pregnancy.
If, however, the child be over five years eld;this rule need
not be observed.
It would be most beneficent to have the Tonsure
ceremony when the Sun is in northern course; the other
half of the year is unfavourable.
T9nsure, when the Sun is in Capricorn, will be fruit-
ful,of all prosperity.
The Sun iri Aquarius, at the time of Choulam promotes
progeny.; the Suq, in Pisces, at the gives prolonged
happiness; the Sun in Aries is productive of all kinds
of pecuniary gain ; in Taurus, success; in Gemini,
prosperity to the family.
The function should be done when benefics, such as
Jupiter and Venus are not in combustion, but when they
are in their brilliance and when malefic .planets are weak.
The. bright fortnight bestows longevity.: the dark
fortnight tells upon life and fartune.
The first five.Thithls of the dark fortnight are, how-
ever, beneficent. Some writers are of opinion that the
first seven days of the dark fortnight are good.
The favourable asterisms are: -Aswini, Mrigasirsha,
P11narvasu, Pushya, Hastha, Chithra, Sravana. Sravishta
and Revathi.
The asterisms Rohini, Utharapalguni, Swathi Uthara-
shada, Sathabis and Utharabadhrapadha are prt-tty good.
The remaining twelve asterisms should be avoided.
Tonsure during Aswini brings joy; during Bharani,
,it causes death; during- Krithika, consumption; during
Rohini, annihilation of all affiictions; during Mrigasirsha,
affluence; Ardhra grief; Punarvasu, fortitude; Pushya,
increase of riches; Aslesha, physical affliction; Magha,
joss ef property; PurVapalguni, <lisease; Utharapalguni
annihilation ef all disease; Hastha, imparts brightness.
Chithra, progress of. well-being; Swathi, assuage-
ment ,of all pains; Visakha and Anuradha, loss of
money; Jyeshta, los$ of landed property; Mula
and Purvashada, ruin of family; Utharashada, health.
Sravana, bodily development; Sravishta, longevity;
Sathabis, strength, Purvabadhrapadha, death; Uthara-
badhrapadha, well being; and Revathi, increase of property.
Anuradha is auspicious save for the first
shaving, cutting or trimming hair.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are
beneficent. Su,nday, Tuesday and Saturday are to be
Among malefic days, Sunday is favourable for
Brahmanas; Tuesday for Kshathriyis ; and Saturday for
Vaisyas and other castes.
Monday is good only during the bright fortnight
(Suklapaksha) and not during the dark fortnight.
Wednesday will not do, if on that day Mercury be
associated with a malefic. '--'
Shaving on Sunday, produces physical well-being;
Monday, bright complexion ; Tuesday, affects longevity;
Wednesday, generates royal favour; Thursday success ;
Friday, universal respect; Saturday, decay of the physical
The fruitful Thithis are Dhwithiyai, Thrithiyai,
Panchami, Sapthami, Dhasami, Ekadasi, and Thrayodasi.
Those to be avoided are :-Chathurthi, Pratham'li,
Shashti, Ashtami, Navami, Chathurdhasi. the New-Moon
and the Full-Moon days.
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
and Pisces are auspicious signs. '
Avoid Arie.s. Leo, Scorpio and Sagittari.
Signs Leo and Scorpio breed disease and distress;
Aries, great afflictions; Sagittari. fear of government;
Aquarius, ruin of family. These signs are favourable, if
occupied or aspected by benefic planets. In any case,
Aquarius should be totally avoided.
Agricultural work. travelling, shaving, marriage,
feeding, dressing and putting the child on horseback-the
rising sign at the time of these functions should be the
same as that occupied by the Moon in the Radical.
If at the time of tonsure. the 7th house from the ris-
ing sign be occupied by the Sun and Mars, the child will
die-to be sure. If that house be occupied by Saturn,
there will be loss ofwealth; if Venus be there, there will
be lass of everYthing'; Rahu and Kethu in the 7th house,
cause failure of business; while other planets, in the same,
produce pecuniary gain.
There shauld be no planet in the 8th house except
Venus; for, the location of Venus in that place confers all
kinds of prosperity upon the child.
Avoid Not even a whisper of shaving
should be uttered after nightfall. If, however, a mention
of it be inevitable, the expression " Ayush-karma " should
be used to conv-ey the idea.
After tonsure, the first shaving should be on the 2nd,
6th, 8th or 9th day.
Avoid the 3r,4, sth., 7th and the 22nd day (after ton-
sure) as also "Chandrashtama "-the time when the Moon
is in the 8th house from that occupied by her at birth.
The day ruled by your asterism at birth is also bad,
as also the 1oth and the 19th asterisms therefrom.
The first quarter of the 12th asterism, the fourth
quarter of the 14th asterism from one's asterism at birth
are inauspiciOus. The other parts are good. The 88th
quarter from that of the asterism at birth should be
Shaving on an inauspicious day should be quickly
followed by a shaving on an auspicious day.
The most fruitful time for tonsure is that when the
rising sign is Pisces, Aries or Taurus, occupied by Venus
or Mercury with the Sun in the 11th house.
Another beneficent time is that when the rising sign
is Gemini, Cancer a: Leo, occupied by Venus or Mercury
with the Sun in the 11th or 12th house, in the Sulda-
Choose also the time when the rising sign, and the II th
and the uth houses therefrom an u p i e d by Venus,
the Sun and Mercury respectively With the Moon
located in the Navamsa of Venus.
Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and 1 tth heuses. with benefic
planets (one, two or three) located in quadrants or trines
-this makes a favourable time for the celebration of
I proceed to give the rules for commencing to learn the
alphabet. This should be done in the fifth year ot the
boy, and during the northern course of the Sun ; only,
avoid the month when the Sun is in Aquarius
The study of the alphabet should be started before
The student should begin the study, standing before
his teacher, facing west.
The bright fortnight and the first five Thithis of the
dark fortnight are good. All Thithis are good except
Prathamai, Chathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami, Navami.
Chathurdasi, the Full Moon and the New-Moon days.
The following asterisms are favourable:- Aswini,
Ardhra, Punarvasu, Hastha, Chithra, Swathi, Anuradha.
Sravana and Revathi. The remaining asterisms shonlri
be avoided.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious;
Sunday.and Monday are pretty favourable; Tuesday and
Saturday are .bad. Some astrologers reject Sunday also.
The common signs such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittari
and Pisces fruitfuL Movable signs are neutraL
Fixed signs should betotally avoided.
Forenoon is commendable, and the noon far more so;
afternoon, twilight and night-time should not be consi-
There should be no planet in the 8th house from the
rising sign at the time of commencing study.
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, located in the 5th house
from the rising sign, cause much good.
Sthira-karana such as Sakunam should be avoided
as also Vishti-karana.
The yoga of the asterism on the day chosen for the
function should be beneficial; and, if so, the result will
be satisfactory.
Upanayanam should be performed in the 5th or in the
gth year from the drtte ol conception or of birth. The 5tt
year is preferable as if tends to promote intellectual
development; the 6th year is equally good. as it. h1:lps
spiritual growth. So Sukracharya.
The Guru who aims at the moral and intellectual
development of his Sishya should perform his (Sishya's)
Upanayana when he is just five old.:
Kshathriyas and Vaisyas may have this function in
the 11th and 12th year respectivelj-A' The' age-limit for
this sacrament in the case of Brahmanas, Kshathriyas
and Vaisyas is respectively 16, 20 and 24.
For Brahmanas, Chythra and Vysakha months,
when the Sun is in Aries and Taurus; for Kshathriyas,
Jyeshta and Ashada i 1'., the months when the Sun is in
Gemini and Cancer; for Vaisyas. the months of Aswayuja
and Krithika when the Sun is in Libra and Scorpio-
these are the appropriate favourable periods for the three
castes, according to learned writers.
The sign occupied by the Moon is the Body, and the
rising sign at the time is the Jiva (life). Both these signs
should be favourably aspected by Jupiter at the time of
U panayanam.
Jupiter in the 2nd, sth, 7th, 9th or lith house,
from the rising sign, at the time of function, produces
much good The same planet, occupying the rising sign,
or the sign ruled by the Moon, the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th
house therefrom, inclines to cause sickness, death, fear.
grief, clanger and fall respectively.
That time is' very fruitful when Jupiter occupies
Sagittari or or Cancer, though these three signs
may happen to be unfavourable in the light of the above
The time ror Upanayanam having been ordained by
the Vedas, the function should not be stopped even if
Jupiter h,. located in an unfavourable sign.
The movements of Jupiter are stated in the Smrithis.
The Vedas being more authoritative than the Smrithis,
Upanayanam should be performed at least in the beginning
of the 8th year from the date of conception, offering,
if necessary, , propitiatory worship to Jupiter whose
movements are variable.
.. . .
The important element in respect of Upanayanam is
the year, just as the month is in some cases.
The best season is when the Sun is in his northern
course, between Capricorn and Gemini. The rest of the
year will not do.
The bright fortnight and the first five Thithis of the
dark fortnight are beneficial days.
Jupiter and Venus should not be
* at
the time.
Jupiter 'is. the Lord of the Rigveda; Venus, of the
Yajur-Veda; Mars, of the Sarna Veda; and Mercury, of
the Atharva-Veda.
Regard must be had to the position of the lord of the
Veda to which the Sishya and his family belong. He
must be in his strength at the time of the function.
The following asterisms are excellent :-Aswini,
Rohini, Mrigasirsha, P11narvasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni
Hastha. Chithra, Swathi, Anuradha Utharashada. Sravana
Sravishta, Sathabis, Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
Some are of opinion that Sravana Sravishta and
Sathabis are neutral.
* A Planet is said to be Asthangatha. when he disappears
within a particular limit from the Sun, his light being obscured
by the Sun. Jupiter disappears within n degrees and Venus
within 10 degrees from the Sun.
The Gurukkals (men in charge ef the worship of the
idols in a temple) in Sivite teniples may perform the
function during asterism Ardhra; and Gurukkals, em-
ployed in Vaishnavite temples, during asterism Sravana.
During the bright fortnight; Dwithiyai, Thrithiyai,
Panchami, Shashti, Sapthami, Dhasami and Thrayodhasi
are auspicious.
Ekadhasi and Dhwadhasi are of .middling quality.
They, however, prove beneficial if the Moon be strong at
the time.
Of the dark fortnight, Prathaniai; Dwithiyai and
Thrithiyai Thithis are considered auspicious. Seme
writers commend Thrayodhasi also.
The days to be avoided are :-Chathurthi, Ashtami,
Navami, Chathurdhasi, the Full-moonand the New-moon
Brahmanas and others should celebrate Upanayanam
on days that are auspicious for the study of the Vedas.
Chathurdhasi is commended as good for _lipanayanam
in case .the subject is over the prescribed age,
Wednesday, and Friday are good. Sunday
and Monday are middling; Saturday and Tuesday should
be avoided as also Monday of the dark fortnight (Krishna-
Wednesday should be rejected if Mercury be
" Asthangatha" (in combustion) at the time.
The N akshatra Yoga of the day should be beneficial.
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittari
and Pisces are favourable. The other signs should be
The of the Zodiacal Sirna. - If at the time of
Upanayana the rising sign be Aries, the individual will
acquire faculty of if it be Taurus, he will acquire
wealth and learning; if it be Gemini, he will be acquaint-
ed with the Vedas ; if it be Cancer, he will be able to
earn a knowledge of the six Vedangas (Limbs of the Vedas)
if it be Leo, he will become a sculptor; if it be Virgo, he
will be a Pandit; it it be Libra, he will be a trader , if it
be Scorpio, he will be the leader of wicked men ; if it be
Sagittari, he will be well-informed and universally
respected ; if it be Capricorn, he will be engaged in the
business of Sudras ; if it be Aquarius, he will be in the
service of th.e king ; if it be Pisces, he will be wdl-versed
in the Sastras.
Even if the rising sign be malevolent, its bad effects
will be reversed and good will come out of it, if the same
sign be occupied or aspected by a benefic.
Planets in the 1st House. lf,at the time of Upanayanam,
the rising sign be occupied by the Sun, there will be
trouble through the king; if it be occupied by the Moon,
the boy will suffer from diseases ; if by Mars, there will
be danger by weapons ; if by Mercury, he will become a
savant; if by Jupiter, he will become rich ; if by Venus,
he will be learned in many arts ; if by Saturn, he will be
a thief; if by Rahu, he will have defective limbs ; if by
Kethu, he will contract disease of the skin.
Planets in the 2nd House. If, at the time of Upana-
yanam, the .2nd house from the rising sign be occupied by
the Sun, the subject will become blind ; if M<;>on occupies
the second house, he will have patience ; if Mars be there,
he will become deaf; if Mercury, he will suffer from loss
of memory; ifJupiter, he will acquire wide reputation; if
Venus, he will be free from sins ; if $at\.lrn, he will
contract disease.
Planets in tlte 3rd as well as benefics
contribute to the well-being of the individual.
Planets in the 4th Houae.-- The Sun, in the 4th house
from the rising sign at the time of Upanayanam, creates
impediment ; the Moon gives a disposition free from
anger; Mars causes disease; Mercury bestows keen in-
sight and perception ; Jupiter inclines to the performanc;e
of Homas; Venus produces misery; Saturn causes
disease ; and Rahu and Kethu indicate leprosy.
Planets in the 5th House. -The Sun in the sth house
from the rising sign, at the time of Upanayanam, indicates
absence of impediments ; the Moon gives purity of life ;
Mars tends to dishonor ; Mercury bestows keen il)tellect ;
Jupiter tends to favor Brahmanas ; Venus conduces to
the fruition of all religious practices ; Saturn creates desire
for gambling ; and Rahu and Kethu incline to commit theft.
Planets in the 6th House -Benefics signify evil ; male-
tics increase well-being.
Planets in the 7th House. -The Sun in the 7th house
fiDm the rising sign, at the time of Upanayanam, gives dis-
may, the Moon inclines to learning; Mars shows a desire
for using weapons ; Mercury shows an aptitude for
meditation ; Jupiter favours learning, Venus causes loss of
memory ; Saturn gives leprosy ; Rahu and Kethu produce
Planets in the 8th House. -The learned say that the 8th
house should be unoccupied, for, there, benefics cause
danger to the life of the teacher .nd malefics adversely
affect the life of the Sfshya.
Planets in the 9th House. -The Sun. in the 9th house
from the rising sign at the time of .Upanayanam: causes bad
conduct: the Moon creates a desire for learning the
sciences; Mars gives lepr0Sy; Mercury shows intelli-
gence; Jupiter inclines to: sacrifice; Venus in-
sight into the practice of Yoga ; Saturn creates ill-feeling;
Rahu and Kethu are prone to adultery,
Planets in the lOth House.-The Sun; in the roth hc;iuse
from the rising sign- at the time ar upanayanam, helps to
make the individual a physician ; the Moon gives a know-
ledge of the Vedas; Mars makes him a man of vanity;
Mercury gives a knowled&"e of the Vedas; Jupiter,
thorough accomplishment in logic ; Venus favours know-
ledge of ; Saturn leads to the commission of sins ;
Rahu and Kethu tempt the individual to acts of sin.
Planets in the 11th House. Any planet in the uth house
favors pecuniary gain and gain of corn.
Planets in the lZtb House. -The Sun, in the uth house
from the rising sign at the time of Upanayanam, gives
wealth; the Moon causes danger to life ; Mars produces
fear; Jupiter favours increased well-being; Venus promises
reputation; Saturn stoops to do mean things ; Rahu and
Kethu incline to proselytize.
Planets occupying inimical signs produce no evil
effect if they occupy friendly Navamsas, aspected by
lf, at the time of Upanayanam, the Sun be in Aquarius,
the individual will acquire a knowledge of the laws and
duties of his religion ; if he be in Pisces, he will be learn-
ed in the Sastras and rich ; if he be in Aries, he will. be
accomplished in the Vedas and Vedangas; if he be in
Taurus, he will be rich and skilled in the arts and scien-
ces ; if the Sun be in Gemini, he will have a respectable
family and will be foremost among those well-versed in the
The individual will acquire a thorough knowledge of
the Vedas and Vedangas if, at the time qf Upanayanam,
Jupiter, Venus or the lord of the Veda to which the
individual belongs, be in exaltation or exalted in Navam-
sa, occupy his own house or his own Amsa.
lfthelord of the Veda, Jupiter Or Venus, be in "Para-
rna Uccha "(degree of main exaltation) the individual will
be an observer of fasts; will have enormous wealth,
besides a full knowledge of the Vedas and the Vedangas.
Ifthe lord ofthe Veda, Jupiter or Venus, be in a
friendly sign or in the Amsa of a friendly sign, the
individual will observe fasts and will be learned.
If at the moment of Upanayanam, the rising sign be
the house of the lord of the Veda to which the individual
belongs, or if he be in his own house or house of exalta-
tion, fully dignified, or if he be the lord of the dal' t of
celebration-it is a remarkably auspicious Yoga.
If the Moon be in beneficial Navamsa, the individual
will be an observer of religious ordinances and well-
accomplished in the arts.
*Note. Tiw following-tahiP shows tlw of main c:xaltatiou of
different Planets.
Mercury .. .
JnJJih'r .. .
Venus .. .
Saturn .. .
l:xa ltation sign
Ta11r11s -
Virgo ' .. .
.. .
.. ,,
of ).tain Exaltatiuu .

-t The Hindu astrological order and names of Planets are the
same as those of the days of the week. For instnnce, the lord of
Sunday is the Sun, the lord of Monday, is the Moon and so on.
If the Moon be in the Navamsa of a malefic the
individual will become poor and miserable.
lfthe Moon be in the 4th quarter of the asterisms
Sravana and Punarvasu, at the time of the function, the
individual will respect the directions of his religion, will
be wealthy and will have a knowledge of the Vedas and
the Sastras.
The rising sign, at the time of Upanayanam, should
not be occupied by the Moon, though in exaltation, for
this position of the Moon brings an attack of consumption.
No manner of celebration should be held on days
ruled by the 10th, 16th, x8th, 23rd and 25th asterisms from
the "Jenma-Nakshathra" (one's asterism at birth).
These asterisms are respectively known as Karmam,
Sanghatham, Saamudhayam, Vinasanam and Manasam.
Spoorjitham The Sun in a quadrant forms what is
called Sp0erjitham-this yoga should be avoided as it
will cause the ruin of the family.
Sputitham -Mars occupying a quadrant forms Sputi-
tham-this should be avoided, being fatal to the Guru and
the Chela.
Rudhitham -Saturn occupying a quadrant is .known as
Rudhitham-this will cause an incurable disease and as
such should be avoided.
Rundhram Rahu occupying a quadrant is known as
Rundhram-this also should be avoided as it will prove
fatal to the mother.
Ugram--Kethu occupying a quadrant is known as
Ugram which will spoil all education and wealth.
In these circumstances, the time chosen for Upanaya-
nam should be bereft ot these five adverse Yo gas.
H, at the time of the function, the Moon be aspected by
Mars, the individual will become blind ; if aspected by a
benefic, the individual will do great deeds.
lf, at the time of the function, the 12th house from the
rising sign be occupied by the Sun aspected by strong
Mars, the Acharya will become blind. If Mars in this
case be weak, blindness will be gradual; if aspected by
Saturn the education of the individual will be impeded.
If the Moon be in the Navamsa of the Sun, there
will be trouble by means of weapons ; if she be in her
own Navamsa, the individual will become an outcast.
If the Moon be in her own Virg'l., in a benefic place,
in a quadrant, on a good day aspected by a benefic, the
individual will be possessed of good qualities.
lf, at.thetime ofUpanayanam, the lord ofthe Navamsa,
occupied by the Moon, be Mars, the individual will be a
sinner; if it be Mercury, he will be learned and wealthy;
if it be Jupiter, he will be happy and well-educated ; if it
be Venus, he will be learned; if it be Saturn, there will
be death.
The'asterisms to be avoided are the Janma-Nakshatra.
and the 5th, 7th, roth, 19th. 22nd and the 27th therefrom.
* The period of the Moon's passage through the 8th
sign from that occupied by her at birth-is inauspicious.
* This is commonly known as Chandra-ashtama. If, at birth,
lor instance, the Moon in the Radical be located in Aries, the
days taken by the Moon to pass through the sign Scorpio which
is the 8th sign fium Aries should be a voh:icd
The following periods are also inauspicious-The end
of a season, of a month, of a Thithi, of an
Thyajyam, Vishti,..Karana, Shadaseethimukham, Vya
ghatham, Vajram, Vi&hkambam, Parigham, Vaidhrithi,
Vyathipatham,:. Sollam, Ga,ndarn, Athigandam,....-all these
Should be avoided.
Avoid also Soonya-Nakshathra, Soonya Rasi, after-
noons. nights, twilights, blind asterisms and Athimasam.
If these rules be not observed there will be loss of
wealth" learning and life ..
Mars aspecting the ,12th house occupied by the Sun,
will not cause blindness to the teacher, if the lord of that
house be the Sun. If the same house be aspected by the
Moon, the Guru will stick to the practice of virtue.
Refer to para 2 of page S 1.
If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of gth house
or the Sun and Mars occupy an asterism of two-eyes,
the Acharya that conducts the Upanayanam will not be
Athi-yoga--Tbe 6th, 7th or 8th house from the Moon
occupied by at least one benefic constitutes Athi-yoga-
this is a fruitful time for Upanayanam,
Another fortunate time is that when a quadrant or a
trine is occupied by jupiter. with the Sun or Venus in the
1 zth house, Mercury in the 2nd from the rising sign.
Equally.good is the time when Mercury is in the tot h.
Sun in the nth, Venus in the rising sign, with the i\lo0n
in a beneficial N ;namsa.
Very favourable is the time when the nsmg <ign is
Pisces, occupied by Jupiter or Venus, with the Sun in the
11th and Mercury in the 10th or 12th house.
Another happy time is that when the nsmg sign is
Gemini with M ~ r s in Aries, Venus in Taurus and the
Moon located in Cancer.
The planetary positions for starting education are set
forth in this chapter.
" Vidhya "or Education proper, comprises the study of
the four Vedas (Rig, Yajus, Sarna and Atharva) the six
Vedangas, (Siksha, Vyakarna, Chandhus, Niruktham,
Jyothisha and Kalpa) Nyaya, Mimamsa, Dharmasastra
and the Puranas. " Upavidhya" comprises the study of
Medicine, Music, Finance and the use of Arms and
The following are the most fruitful asterisms for com-
mencing education:- Mrigasirsha, Anlhra, Punarvasu,
Pushya, Hastha, Chithra, Swathi, Sravana, Sravishta, and
The neutral asterisms are
palguni, Utharashada and
:-Aswini. Rohini, Uthara-
Utharabadhrapadha and
Some writers commend Aswini as one of the best
asterisms. The remaining asterisms should be avoided.
Rohini, Mrigasirsha. Punarvasu, Pushya, Hastha,
Anuradha, Sravishta and Revathi are:favourable asterisms
to commence the study of Vyakarna (Grammar).
Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushya 'Utharapalguni,
Hastha, Swathi, Utharashada, Sravana, Sathabis, Uthara-
badhrapadha-these are auspicious.for beginning the study
of Tharka (Logic).
Aswini, Punarvasu. Pushya, Hastha, Swathi, Mula,
Sathabis and Revathi are beneficent asterisms for com-
mencing study of Astrology and other Vedangas.
Pushya, Sravishta and Sravana are commendable
asterisms to start the study of all Sastras, Vedas, and the
Asterism Sravishta is good for the study of the
science of Ayur-Veda (the Science of Medicine) and Dlur>lllr-
Veda (the science of the use of bows and arrows etc).
The following Thithis are auspicious: (of
the dark half of. the lunar montq) Dhwithiyai, Thrithyai,
Panchami, Shashti, Dhasaini, and Ekadhasi.
Avoid Chathurthi, Navami, Ashtami, Chathurdhasi,
Full-Moon and New-Moon days.
The remaining Thithis are neutral. Take care to
avoid Saturday and Tuesday and the Amsas of Saturn aud
Mars, the lords of these days.
Sunday prolongs life; Monday, makes the student
dull ; Tuesday brings death ; Wednesday favours intelli-
gence and insight (Pragna). Thursday bestows good
sense ; Friday produces success /Saturday shows
Some writers are of epinion that starting education
on Sunday will cause impediments to progress.
The Common signs are the best. Movable signs are of
middling quality. Fixed signs are bad,
Wednesday morning is a very fruitful time for start-
ing education. To conclude the study of a subject Mon-
day evening should be chosen.
There should be no planet jn the 8th house from the
rising sign .. > Some are of opinion that the 4th house also
must be unoccupied.
Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and 1 1 th houses will in-
crease happiness.
Malefics occupying benefic places will certainly
, cause obstruction.
The forenoon and the noon are the best ; after-noon
and night should be avoided.
Saaraswatha Y oga.-I proceed to describe Saaraswatha
Yoga which is very highly commended for starting the
study of the Vedas. This Yoga is variously formed as
delineated below:-
r. Wednesday ruled by asterism Hastha, the rising
sign at the time being Gemini or Virgo, with :.l,e Sun,
Moon and Mercury located in the Amsa of Mercury ;
2. At sunrise on Wednesday when Mercury is in
Athi-Uccha, (15th degree of Virgo is the main exaltation
of Mercury) the Sun occupying Virgo ;
3 The Sun, the Moon and Mercury in exaltation,
with benefics located in the signs of those three planets :
4. Mercury located in the rising sign and in the 3rd
quarter of asterism Hastha on a Wednesday ;
S Sunday, Monday or Wednesday ruled by asterism
Hastha with the Sun, the Moon or Mercury respectively,
on those days occupying the rising sign, Mercury being
the lord of the rising sign or of the Navamsa at the time ;
6. The Sun in his main exaltation (1oth degree of
Aries) with Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Pisces or both
these planets in their Virgotthama t
7. The rising sign being Gemini-with Venus, the
Sun and Mercury in quadrants, Mercury occupying the
Navamsa of Jupiter on a Thrayodhasi ; "
8. Mercury in exaltation occupying the ris\ilg sign
on a Wednesday with the Sun in the 3rd Dhrekkana* of
the sign Virgo (The 3rd Dhrekkana of Virgo is ruled
by Venus, lord of the qth house (Taurus) from Virgo.);
9. Mercury occupying the rising sign in his degree of
main exaltation on all days except Saturday and Tuesday;
1 o. Jupiter occupying the rising sign, in his degree of
main exaltation on days except Saturday and Sunday.
t Of the o v a b l ~ Fixed and Common signs, the 1st, 5th and
the last Navamsas are respeCtively known as Virgotthama posi-
tions. The Virgotthama places are:-
(1) The 1st Navamsas of the four Movable signs Aries.
Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
(2) The 5th Navamsas of the four Fixed signs Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
(3) The 9th Navamsas of the Common signs (movable
and fixed) Gemini,. Virgo, Sagittari and Pisces.;
These Navamsas bear the same names as the signs them-
selves. First Navamsa of the movable sign Aries is Aries ; the
5 th Navamsa of the fixed sign Taurus is Tnurus; the 9th
Navamsa of the Common sign Gemini is Gemini.
Vidhya-Voga:-(t) Jupiter, located in the 5th degree of
Cancer (the degree of his main exaltation) and in his
Hora division, on a Thursday, produces
(2) Venus in the 27th degree of Pisces on a Friday,
Pisces being the rising sign, produces the same Yoga,
(3) 1 he Yoga is also formed when any planet (except
Jupiter and Venus) is in exaltation in the rising sign itself
holding its Hora and on a day ruled by it.
(4) The Sun l0cafed in his own Hora of the rising
sign produces the Yoga', if the day and its ruling asterism
be auspicious.
One-must have regard for these rules in commencing
education ; otherwise, one will acquire very little educa-
tion. An auspicious day should be very carefully selected
according to these directions.
Yajur-Vedis should perform Upakarma on the Full-
Moon day, succeeding the New-Moon ol the month of
Ashada i.e., when the Sun is in Cancer ; . Rig- Vedis have
their Upakarma at the same time, but on the day when the
ruling astetism is Sravana; the Upakarma for Sarna-
Vedis is on the Panchami day of Sukla-Paksha (bright
fortnight) combined with a'steoi.sm Hastha in the month
of Sravana. , Eclipse and Surya Sankaranthi should not
synchronise with these clays.
Even if the Sun be not in Leo, Upakarma must be
perfermed on the Full-Moon day in the month of Proshta-
padha or Sravana.
No Upakarma should be performed during * Athima-
sam or t Malaimasam, nor on the day of (!)eclipse, (2) the
King's death, (3) invasion by his enemy's army (4) Sanka-
ranthi (s) when the Lord of your Veda happens to be
" Moudhya planet" at the time.
Of the two, Sravana and Proshtapadha, that which has
a less number of adverse elements mJ,\st be chosen.
If the adverse effects set forth above, be found in the
months ofAshada,tSravana and Proshtapadha,Upakarma
should be done in the month 0f Sravana. People living
in that part of the country to the south of the river Nirbadha
should haye Upakarma when the Sun is in Cancer; those
living on the other side of her should have it when the
Sun is in Leo.
In case of an eclipse or Sankaranthi, occurring before
midnight, no Upakarma should be done on the day ;
eclipse or Sankaranthi after midnight does not matter.
According to A p a ~ b a m b a Upakarma has been
ordained for the month of Sravana ; and Pouraami (Full
-Moon) being the specified time it should be done only in
that month but not in the month of Badhrapadha or As had a.
* Athi-Masam is an intercalary month formed of the aggregate
days omitted in reckoning the lunar month. Athi-Masam is a
month of two New-Moons.
t Malai-Ma&am is a month of two Full-Moons.
+ Sravana Poomima is the Full-Moon day preceding the
New-Moon of the month denoted by the location of the Sun in
Leo. It is .called Sravani from its coincidence with asterism
Proshtapadha Poomima is the Full-Moon preceding the
New-Moon of the month denoted by the location of the Sun in
Virgo. It is called Proshtapadha rrom its' association with
asterism Purvaproshtapadha.
vana Peurnami associated with the asterisms
Mula, Purvashada and Utharashada should be avoided.
By doing Upakarma on that day, one would lose the
effect of a year's recitation of the Vedas. Upakarma per-
formed on a day ruled by the two asterisms, Utharashada
and Sravana, will cause the same adverse effect; nor must
it be performed 6n a day ruled by Purvashada or Revathi.
Upakarma on this day affects both the Guru and the
Adhyayana-Karma (the duty of reciting the
being of the utmost importance, according to
Gautama cansiders. that the First Upakarma
also be performed in the month of Sravana.
The annual performance of Upakarma is an importa!J.t
sacrament even to those who have already started it.
They should invest themselves with the sacred thread,
" U paveetham, " on that day.
To dispel the evil effects of an eclipse, occurring in
the month of Sravana, Prayaschittha has been ordained.
In case of lunar eclipse, the Prayaschittba consists in the
performance of Homa to the chanting of six Riks, Somo-
Dhenoo '' etc to be canduded by the " Pranava " Mantra.
For * solar eclipse; Homa, to the recitation of the Mantras
"Suryo-Devim " " Udhvayam Thamasaspari," '' Ah-sath-
yena "--":Ah-dhe-voyathi ' etc, should be perfor,m,ed before
camme.nci)lg Upakarma.
If Pournami (Full-Moon) ends and Prathamai begins
12 ghatikas after sunrise, Upakarma and Gayathri
Homa should be performed on tbat very day. If, how-
ever, the same thing occurs before the Sanghava Kala
(within u ghatikas after sunrise) Upakahna alene
should be done on that day and Gayathri Homa on the
next. This is the rule relating to Upakarma.
solar eclipse in the month of Sravana'? inanspi-
cions for the performance of Upakarma.
Yajur-Vedis-(1) The Full-Moon day governed by the
three asterisms Utharashada, Sravana and Sravishta in
the solar or lunar month of Sravana, and that governed
by the asterisms Sathabis, Purvabadhrapadha and Uthara-
badhrapadha in the.sabar t or lunar month of Badhrapadha
are appropriate days for the Upakarma of Yajur-Vedis.
Even if the Full-Moon (of the solar month of Sra-
vana i.e., from the New-Moon of Ashada to the New-Moon
of Sravana) synchronise with eclipse or Sankaranthi, it ls
an appropriate day for Adhyayanam, i.e., the
recitation ofthe Vedas, being the essential. It may also
be performed when Jupiter or Venus is combust. If both
the planets be combust on that day, be
put at: If the one be m exaltation, m his own-or friendly
house, and the other in combust, the latter should have
Santhi (propitatiorl) prior to Upakarma; according to
Eclipses, Athimasam and Andha-
Poornami are not proper times for Upakarma.
Andha-Poornami -This word denotes lunar eclipse
at twilight time or one that occurs when Jupiter and.
Venus are combust.
word signifies lunar eclipse
at the moment of the Sun's entry into the first point of a
If lunar eclipse does not terminate before dawn, ht.t
prolongs into the next day,. Upakarma should not be per-
formed on the day that then tommences
t The twelve lunar (Chandra), mouths of a year arc Chythra, Vy,akha.
Jyeshta, Ashada, Sravana; Badhrapadha, ;\swayuja, Krithil<a, Marprasira,
Pushya, and Pall(1inti. The twelve corresponding solar (Soura/
months are MeSha, Vrishabha, Mithuua, Rataka, Sirrtha, Kanya, Tllnla,
Vrischika, Dhanus, Makara, Kumbha and Meena. A lunar month takes its
name from the ruling asterism on the Full-Muon of that month.
The nature of planetary influences at the time of
Initiation in a Manthra is described below:_:
The effects of learning a Manthra vary accarding to
the month in which the initiation takes place. Chy thra pro-
duces gre.at:.misery ; Vysakha brings gain of gems ; Jyeshta
is fatal.; As,hada seriously affects relations ; Sravana indi-
cates exalted status ; Badhrapadha leads to loss of chil-
dren; AswayuNshows well-being; Krithika favours mental
development ; Margasira produces evii ; Pushya inclines
to ruin the intellect ; Magha tends to intellectual growth ;
Palguna makes the disciple liked and loved by all.
The most lruitful asterisms for starting to, learn a
Manthra are:-Rohini, A r d h r ~ Punarvasu, Pushya,
Magha, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Chithra, Swathi, Anu-
radha, Jyeshta, Mula, Utharashada. Sravana, Sravishta,
Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
Avoid the Thitbis,:- q hathurthi, Ashtami and New-
Moon ; reject Tuesday.
Movable signs are good ; Common signs are neutral;
Fixed signs are useless f ~ this function.
The 8th house from the rising sign at the time of
initiation should be vacant.
No Manthra should be commenced during the months
of Ashada, Badhrapadha, Margasira and Magha which are
known as Pithur-Masa. The other months are auspicious.
' The
asterism of the individual at birth
Nakshathra) and the roth .and r9th asterisms therefrom,
the Sankaranthi day, i.e., thl!day of the Sun's transit from
one sign into another, are benificial, as also Wednesday.
Before starting to learn a Manthra the devotee should
make use of the following diagram in order to understand
whether the Manthra that he is to recite will p r ~ u c e the
desired result, i.e., whether he will attain Siddki- the
gifts of the Deity which he seeks to obtain by means of
the Manthra.
Beginning with the first feller of the individual's name
which should be inserted in cage 1, each of the succeeding
fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet should be set within the
cages one after another in the order of 1, 3, Jl, 9, 2,4,
12, 10, 6,8, 16, 14
5,7, 15, 13,
Swasiddha Swasiddha
Ari Swasiddham
This diagram, it will be seen,consists of four squares
each square containing four cages.
Directions -Note the 'Square contammg the first
letter af your name. This square is called Siddham;the next
square to the right, is called Saddhyarri ; the 3rd square is
Swasiddham; the 4th square is known as Ari. Again; mark
the Cage which contains the first Jetter of your name.
This Cage is known. as Siddha-Sidaham; the next Cage in
order (to the right) is called Siddha-Saddhyam, the 3rd
Ca$e; is Siddha-Swasiddham; the last Cage is known "as
Siddha-Ari-square Siddha contains these 4 cages .
The names of the cages contained in three
remaining squares, Saddhyam, Swasiddham.and Ari,can .i>e
determined in a similar way. You will thus have
Siddham, Saddhya-Saddhyam, and
Saddhya-Ari cages in Square Saddhya, In the Squarf
Swasiddha,you will have the folla\Yirrgcages:-Swasiddha-
Siddham, Swasiddha-Saddhyam, Swasiddha-Swasiddham
and Swasiddha-Ari. In the Square Ari you will. have Ari-
Siddhafu, Ari-Saddhyam, ArY-Swasiddham and Ari-Ari.
As pointed out above, the individuai, should only mark
the cage containing the .firstletter of 'bis name and deter-
mine the names of the cages iri proceeding forward
from the cages of Siddham (the square which contains
the first letter of his naine) to those of other squares.
This over, you should proceed to note the cage in
which the first letter af Manthra is seen.
Cases of Square Siddha -Should you find it in the cage
Siddha....Siddha, the significance is that you should repeat
the Manthra as many times as are required by the Manthra
Sastras. Should you find the letter in the cage Siddha-
Saddhyam, you will have to recite the Manthra twice
as many times.
Located in Siddha-Swasiddha, the letter denotes that
it is enough to repeat the Mantra half as many times.
The letter, found in Siddha-Ari, denotes that the
repetition oftht; Manthra would ruin the members .of the
Cages of Square Saddhva_.:lf the first letter be found in
Saddhya-Siddha, it signifies much painstaking ; and the
Manthra should be repeated many times ; if it be in
Saddhya-Saddhya, the Manthta will do no good; if it be
in Saddhya-Swasiddha, the Manthra should be recited
as ordained by the Sastras; if it be Saddhya-Ari, the learn-
ing ofthe Manthra will cause ruin to kinsmen.
Cages. of Square Swasiddha--lf the first letter of the
Manthra be in the cage Swasiddha-Siddham it will be
enough to repeat the Manthra half the .required number of
times; if it be in cage Swasiddha-Saddhyam, the full
directions, given for the practice of the Manthra, should
be followed; if it be in Swasiddha-Swasiddha, the fruition
will be pr-9llipt ; if it be in Swasiddha-'Ari, the servants
will c\ie.
Cages of Squire Ari--lf the first letter of the Manthra
be in cage Ari-Sidd.ha, tfie'.son will die; if it be in Ari-
Saddhya, it will kill the daughter; if it be in Ari-Swasiddha,
the wife will be hurt; if it be in Ari-Ari, the individual
himself will be ruined.
Ex:ception1-In the case of the Manthras for Narasimha
Moor thy, Aadhithya (the Sun) Aadhi-Varaha Moorthy.
or the Devi, such as Parah Prasadham and Navaavarnam,
or Sapindakshari-Manthra. the test of the squares may
be dispensed with.
Note:-A Manthra, as contemplated in this Chapter, is a
formula of mystical sounds the mental repetition of which,
according to the rulep, invokes the blessings of the Deva or the
Devi, fi5 the case may be, to whom it is sacred and assigned.
It is different from "a hymn or a ritualisic formula " which is the
definition given by English lexicographers.
To start the much-esteemed study of the Vedas,
choose the following asterisms, which are favourable:-
Mrigasirsha, Ardhra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hastha, Chithra,
Swathi. Anuradha, Sravana, Sravishta and Sathabis.
The following asterisms are Rohini,
Utharapalguni,. Utharashada, Utharabadhrapadha and
Revathi. The remaining asterisms should be avoided.
Some writers include Aswini among the first of
favourable asterisms.
Among Thithis, Sapthami and Thrayodhasi are
neutral; Prathamai, Chathurthi, Ashtami, Navami, Dhwa-
dhasi, Full-Moon and New-Moon days should be avoided.
The other Thithis are excellent.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the m0meuts
when Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are the lords of the
rising Navamsa are good.
Sunday and Monday and the moments when the Sun
and the Moon are the lords of the rising Navamsa are
Avoid Saturday and Tuesday and the Amsas and
associations of Saturn and Mars,
Common signs are auspicious ; Movable signs are
neutral ; Fixed signs are not to be considered.
There should be no planet in the 8th house from the
rising sign, at the time of commencing Veda study.
Some writers hold that tl\e 4th house also should be un-
Chathurthi, Sapthami and Thrayodhasi shpuld be
avoided if the duration of any of these extends till mid-
night. In such a case, the recitation of the Vedas should
be suspended till midnight ; otherwise, the student's
recollection will become weak.
Pradhosham: If Chathurthi lasts till nine Ghatikas in
the night, what is known as Pradhosham is forined.
Sapthami,centinuing till midnight, forms Pradhosham.
Pradhosham is fatal to the study of the Vedas.
Some writers C!!ln.sider that the existence of Thrayo-
dhasi till the end of the first quarter of the night forms
If Thrayodhasi ends by midnight, the only appro-
priate Karma for that day Would be the worship of Siya;
any other function will be fruitless. No study of the
Vedas should be made between the hour and a half before
sunset aud midnight provided that Thrayodasi exists for a
gha tika or half after nightfall.
In this case the study of the Vedas should be sus-
pended for three days. This rule is intended for begin-
ners. In the case of ethers. suspension of study for a day-
will suffice.
During times of mental distress, of heavy rain, of
thunder. of eclipses, and of earthquake; at sight of fire-
ball ; and after Upakarma, recitation of the Vedas should
be stopped for three days.
A hare, a Chandala or a sheep passing between the
Guru and his disciple during study is a bad omen. lf
this shot.,d happen, the study should be suspended for six
months. lfa cow, a'frog, a mongoose, a crow, a rat,
a dog, cock or cat pass between the teacher and the
disciple the study should be stopped for three days.
Avoid study of the Vedas. on the following days:-
Tlw days of the Sun's transit into Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn, i.e., the first days of the months of Chythra
Ashada, Aswaytija and Pushya, as also on the
days of the bright fortnights of the months of Ashada and
Krithika (Ashada-Sulj:la-Ekadhasi and Krithika4ukl!1-E\ul-
dhasi), Mvnyadhi Yugadhi days
The following are days:-+The Thrithiyai
and f'uli,Moondays of the month of Cllythrt i the Full-
Moon day of the month of Jyeshta; the Dhasami and Full-
Moon days of the month of Ashada ; the 1\shtarni day of
the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) and the Full-Moon
d<1y of the month of Sravana; the Thrithiyai days,. of the
month of Badhrapadha; the Navami of the bright
fortnight (Sukla Paksha) of the month of Aswayuja ; the
Dhwadhasi and Fu11-Moon days dftbe month of Krithika ;
the Sapthami clays of the month of Magha ; Full-Moon and
New-Moon days of the month of Pa1guna.
The Yugadhi days :\re:-:-(1) 1'be Thrithiyai of the
11right fortnight of Vaisakha, (2) the Navami of the bright
fortnight of Krithika, (3) the New-Moon day of Magha
(4) The Thrayodhasi of the dark fortnight ofthe month of
Prior to the actual ceremony of marriage, the
hridegro( ,Ji has to go through a number o(t.SJil'aJI functions,
sueh as Vrutham (observance of religious fast)and Snaanam
bath) etc, in token of l"l!nouncing his Br:ihmltcharya life
and taking to that of a Grihastha. This preparation is
denoted by the word, "
The rules for the selection of an auspicious time for
Vruthani are the same as those for Tonsure.
The following asterisms are geod for the Snaana
(bath) Karma: --Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya,
Hastha, Anuradha, Utharashada, Sravana, Utharabadhra-
padha and Revathi. Asterism Swathi is commended by
some astrologers. The other asterisms should be avoided.
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
are auspicious for the Snaana ; Saturday and Tuesday
are unfavourable <
The signs Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra. Capricorn
and Pisces produce good ; the other signs prove beneficial
for Snaana when occupied by a benefic planet.
The fruitful Thithis are:- Dhwithiyai. Thrithiyai,
Panchami, Sapthami, Dhasami and Ekadhasi. Thrayodhasi
is also excellent. Some writers commend Dhwadhasi as
auspicious, Shashti is considered favourable to kings.
Avoid Rikthai, Prathamai, Ashtami, Full-Mo6n and
New-Moon days. There should be nlil planet in the 8th
house. The Snaana Karma should be done just prior to
the marriage.
"I:he planetary conditionsfor determining the suitability
or otherwise of the bridegroom to the bride and vice versa
are delineated in this Chapter.
There are ten
Considerations " necessary to the
forming of a correct judgment as to the suitability of a
prbp0sed matrimonial union. . are I. Dhinam,
2. Ganam, 3. Mabendhram, 4 Sthree-Dbeergham, S Yoni,
6. Rasi, 7. Rasyadbipathi, 8. Vasyam, 9. Rajju and
10. Vedhai.
1. Dhinam--Couilt the asterisms from the asterism of
the bride to that of the bridegroom (both inclusive).
The first, viz, the asterism at birth, is
Jenma ''; the
2nd asterism signifies
- fortune ; the 3rd
Vipath ''-disaster; the 4th favours "Kshema
well-being,; the 5th produces P,r.athyara "-obstruc-
tion ; the 6th shows ' S1dh1ka ' -aid ; the 7th inclines to
"Vadham''- slaughter; the 8th tends to Maitbra-friend-
ship; the 9th leads to
friendship. The asterism of the OOm should be
the 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th from that of the bride. If it be
the 3rd, the 5th, or the 7th, it Of the
second t" Pariyaya
the 1st quarter of the 3rd, the 4th
quarter of the sth, and the 3rd of the 7th asterism should
be avoided. The other quarters of these asterisms are
good. The asterisms of the 3rd '' Pariyaya ': produce
no evil.
The asterism of the bridegroom should not be" the
27th, in order from that of the bride. The adverse effects
arising from such a position wilt; ':tiowever. be diminished
if the two a!Sterisms belong to the same sign. If the
asterisms belong to different signs the effect will be bad.
Another asterism to be avoided is the 22nd, count-
ing from the Janma-Nakshathra of either. This position
of the asterism is described as
Vadha-Vainasika ' the
evil effects of which are set forth by Sage Kasyapa.
For explanation ofPariyaya, see Chapter -33.
A man and. a woman born under any of the following
pairs of asterisms will form- an unsuitable match and
their union will be unhappy:"- Krithika and Aslesha;
Aslesha and Swatbi.; Chithra and Purvasadha ; Anuradha
and Sravishta; Sravishta and Bharani; Sathabis and
t A couple born under any of the following pairs of
asterisms will make a happy inaich:.:.....Ardh_ra and Uthara-
palguni ; Purvapalguni and Anuradha; Cbithra and
Pushya,; Punarvasu and Hastha. The last pair favours
the progress and development of the family.
Asterisms Jyeshta .and Sathabis incline to ruin the
family.I)tharapalguni and Mrigasirsha,Hastha and Mula-
these two pairs tend to cause death and pecuniary loss
If the asterisms of the bridegroom and the bride be
Rohini and Magha, or Purvabadhrapadha and Rohini,
they wiil have many sons ; if they be Aswini and Punar-
vasu, ar . Swathi and Utharashada, the couple will give
birth to daughters; if they be Revathi and Ardhra or
Jyeshta and Utharapalguni there will be rancour between
husband and wife ; if they be Visakha and Magha,
wicked sons will be born; if they be Visakha and
Sravana, the husband and wife will become enemies ; if
t\ley"be Aswini and Sra.vana. the husband and wife will
live apart; if they be U apd Mrigasirsha
widowhood must PC:!., w.ediJ;ted.; if they be
and Revathi. there will be enjoyment; if they be Mula
and Purvabadhrapadha there will be prosperity; if they
be Purvashada and Utharabadhrapadha. there will be
mutual affection; if they be Bharani and Pushya, the
husband and wife will live in affluence.
f. . I o
+ This is an exception to the rule given in the previous page
under Dhinam. Uth'arapalguni, for instance, is the 7th asterism
from Ardhra; Anuradha, Pushya and Hastha are respectively
the 7th asterisms from Purvapalguni, Chithrli and Punarvasu.
In many cases, the J anma- N akshathra of the bride-
groom and the bride may be one and the same; if such
Janma-Nakshathra be any of the' f61Iowing, it would be
excellent:- Rohini, Ardhra, M:Mha, Hastha, Visakha,
Sravana, Utharabadhrapadha and< Re;vathi.
If the common J anma-N akshathra be any of the
fqllowing,. the effect would be neutral:- Al?vvini,
Krithika, Mrigasirsha,Punarvasu, Pushya, Purvapalguni,
Utharapalguni, Chithra, Anuradha. Purvashada and
If the J anma-N akshathra be any of the following, the
match should be considered unsuitable, and marriage
avoided:-Bharani, Aslesha, Swathi, Jyeshta, Mula,
Sravishta, Sathabis, and Purvabadhrapadha.
lfthe Janma-Nakshathra belong to two signs, the
stellar quarter of the bridegroom should be the earlier.
If tt be otherwise, it will cause harm to the couple.
If the Janma Nakshathra of the bridegroom and the
bride belong to the same sign, that of the bridegroom
must be prior to that of the briQ.e; otherwise, it is in-
Exception Among asterisms that belong to one and
the same sign, the following should be left out of
consideration:-Bharani and Krithika, Sravishta and
Sathabis. Pushy a and Aslesha.
The asterism of the bridegroom may rightly be the
next, in order, fo that of the bride, if the asterism of the
latter be any of the Krithika, Mriga-
sirsha, Magha. Hastha, Swathi. Purvashada and Sathabis.
J anma-Nakshatli'ra belongi'ng to two- Sigrts- If the bride-
groom and the bride have a common Janma-Nakshathra
belonging to two signs. the stellar quarter belonging to
the iirst sig-u should lw that of the bride. Any of the
remaining three stellar quarters of the other sign may be
that of the bridegroom. If the stellar quarters be equally
divided between the two .signs, the sign for the first two
should be that of the
z. Ganam: -The following asterisms belong to
Dei.u Ganam: Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya,
Hastha, Swathi, Anuradha, Sravana and Revathi.
Manushya Ganam--The asterisms of Manushya Gana
are:-Bha:rani, Rohini, Ardhra, Purvapalguni, Utharba-
dahra padha.
Rakshasa Ganam-The asterisms of this group are:-
Krithika, Aslesha, JYiagha, Chithra. Visakha, Jyeshta,
Mula, Sravishta and Sathabis.
If the Ganam of the bridegroom and of the bride be the
same it signifies suitability; it is excellent. If their Ganas
be Deva Gana and Manushya Gana respectively, it is of
middling quality; if they be of Deva and Rakshasa
Ganas, it is very bad; the association of Manushya with
Rakshasa Gana is fatal.
If the asterisms of the bridegroom and the bride be
Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana respectively, the
marriage will prove harmful to both.
Exception -The adverse effects of Rakshasa Gana will
diminish if the asterism of the bride at birth be beyond
the 14th from the asterism of the bridegroom.
3. Mahendhra -The Janma-Nakshathra of the brideg-
room should be the 4th, ;th, lOth. 13th,I6th, Igt}l, 22nd or
asterism from that of the bride. This promotes well-
being and prolongs life.
4. The asterism of the bridegroom
should be beyond the 1 asterism from that of the bride
to satisfy this point of suitability. Some writers hold that
it is enough if the said asterism be beyond the 7th.
5. Yont-This word literally means the organ of
reproduction in the female animal creation. The genital
characteristics ascribed to asterisms constitute another
point in which there should be agreement in the horoscopes
of the bridegroom and the bride:-- Aswini and Sathabis
Horse ; Bharani and Revath.i-Elephant; Pushy a and
Krithika-Sheep ; Rohini and
Aslesha and Punarvasu-Cat; Magha and Purvapalgu'ni
-Rat; Utharapalguni, Utharashada and Utharabadhra-
padha-Cow ; S wathi and Hastha-B.uffale; Visakha and
Chithra-Tiger; Jyeshta and Anuradha-Deer; Mula
and Ardhra-Dog; Purvashada and
Sravishta and
Monkey and Sheep, Deer arid Elephant, Horse and
Buffalo. Cow and Tiger, Rat and Cat, Serpent and Rat.
Serpent and Monggc;se. Dog and Deer-these are
mutually hostile-so, inauspicious. To show suitability
the asterisms ofthe couple should be of the same Yoni.
If different, it is neutral ; hostile Yonis should be avoided.
6. Rasi The Jenma-Rasi (the sign occupied by the
Moon at birth)of the bride15room should not be the 2nd from
the Jenma-Rasi of the bride; in other words, the Jenma-
Rasi of the bride should not be the I 2th, in order, from the
Jenma-Rasi of the for this position proves
fatal. The converse should be the case; the Jenma-
Rasi of the bride should be the 2nd from the Jenma-Rasi
of the bridegroom. This tends to prolong life.
If the Jenma-Rasi of the bridegroom be the 3rd from
the Jenma-Rasi of the bride, there will be misery. Thl,
converse of this position shows suitability and the couple
will have a happy life.
If the Jenma-Rasi of the bridegroom be the 4th from
the Jenma-Rasi of the bride. in other words, if the Jenma-
Rasi of the bride be the lOth from that of the bridegroom,
they will become poor. If the position be the converse
of thi!> they Will grow rich.
If the Jenma-Rasi ef:the bridegroom be the 5th from
that of the bride, there will be widowhood; the converse of
this position secures immunity from widowhood. She will
be. a in
If the Jenma-Rasi of the bridegroom be the 6th from
tliat of the bride, loss of sons must be predicted; the
converse favc;>Urs birth of sons.
If the of the bridegroom and the bride
be diametrically opposite to each other in the Zodiac, the
couple will have a long and happy life.
Exception -Even if the Jenma-Rasi of the bridegroom
be the 2nd from that of the bride, the effect will be good
if such Jenma-Rasi be an even sign. [ In this case, the
Jenma-Rasi of the bride is the tzth sign from that of the
bridegroom]. If it be an odd sign, it will do harm.
Where the Jenma-Rasi of the bridegroom is the 6th
from the Jenma-Rasi of the bride, it will be felicitous. if
the two Rasis be any of the following pairs :-Aries and
Virgo ; Sagittari and Taurus /Libra and Pisces; Aquarius
and Cancer ; Leo and Capricorn ; Gemini and Scorpio.
7. Rasyadhipathi Mars is the lord of Aries and
Scorpio. His friends are Mercury and Venus. The other
planets are his enemies.
Venus is the Lord of Taurus and Libra. All the planets
except the Sun and the Moon are her friends.
Mercury is the lord of Gemini and Virgo. All save
the Sun, are his friends., .
The Moon is the Lord of Cancer. Mercury and
Jupiter are her friends
The Sun is the Lord of Leo. Jupitet is his only friend.
Jupiter is the Lord of Sagittari and Pisces. All,
except Mars are his friends,
Saturn is the lord ef Capricorn and Aquarius.
Jupiter is his enemy.
8. V01syam. Leo and Scorpio are concordant to Aries;
Cancer and Leo are concordant to Taurus: Virgo, to
Gemini; Scorpio and SagittariUS.' to Cancer; Libra,
to Leo: Gemini and Pisces, to Virgo; Capricern,
to Libra; Virgo and Cancer. to Scorpio; Pisces,
to Sagittari ; Aquarius and Aries, to Capricorn ; Aries,
to Aquarius; Capricorn to Pisces. The Jenma-Rasi(the sign
occupied by the Moon at birth) of the bridegroom should
be concordant to that of the bride, or 11icr versa in which
case there will be harmony between the couple.
9. Rajju. -There are five divisions of asterisms under
this head:-
L Padha Rajju-Aswini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshta,
Mula and
'1. Ooroo R'!jju--Bharani, Pushya, Purvapalguni,
Anuradha, Purvashada and Utharabadhrapadha.
3. Nabhi Raiiu-Krithika, Punarvasu, Utharapal-
guni, Visakha, Utharashada and
4 Kama Rajju-"'"Rohini, Ardhra, Hastha, Swathi,
Sravana and Sathabis.
5 Siro Rajju-Mrigasirsha. Chithra and Sravishta.
If the asterisms of the couple come under Padha
Rajju, they will travel in foreign countries ; Ooroo Rajju
causes loss of property; N abhi Rajju shows loss of off-
spring; Kanta Rajju signifies the death of the woman;
Siro Rajju, the death of the man. Therefore. the asterisms
of the couple should not be in the same division. Thus
the sages interpret Rajju.
10. Vedhai.--The following sets of asterisms are
mutually repellent. There should be no marriage between
a man and a woman, whose asterisms are found in the
same set:-Aswini and Jyeshta-Bharani and Anuradha -
Krithika and Visakha-kehini and Swathi-Ardhra ani'\
Sravana-Punarvasu and Utharashada-Pushya and
Purvashada-Aslesha and Mula-Magha and Revathi--
Purvapalguni and Utharabadhrapadha-Utharapalguni
and Purvabadhrapadha-Hastha and Sathabis-Mrigasir ..
sha, Chithra and Sravishta.
Exception Rajju, Vedhai, Ganam and Rasi--thr
adverse effects arising from these need not be considered.
if (1) the lords of the Jenma-Rasis of the man and t h ~
woman be the same, (2) they be friendly planets and (3; if
their Jenma-Rasis be diametrically opposite signs of the
Dhinam, Ganam, Yoni, Rasi and Rajju, are the five
chief points in which there should be agreement in the
horoscopes of the bridegroom and bride, Of these, Dhinam
and Rajju are first in importance. Dhinam is particularly
so to Brahmanas ; Ganam,to Kshathryas ; Rasi, to Vaisyas ;
and Yoni, to Sudras.
Agreement in respect of Dhinam, Ganam etc. Dhinam
gives good luck; Gaham brings wealth ; Mahendhram
develops attachment. Sthree-Dheergham promotes welfare;
Yoni gives birth to many sons ; Rasi ; shows growth of
family; Rasyadhipathi indicates prosperity in corn; Vasyam
favours development of posterity ; Rajju inclines to felicity
in married life and immunity from widowhood ; Vedhai
gives many sons.
Of these ten Considerations," to determine suitability.
the horoscopes of the man and the woman must agree in
respect of at least five. If that be not so, one must be
guided by omen (Sakhunam) in the matter 6fjudging the
suitability or otherwise of a proposed marriag-e.
Female Asterisms--Bharani, Ardhra, Aslesha. Magha,
Purvapalguni, Utharapalguni, Chithra, Swathi, Visakha,
Jyeshta, Purvashada, Utharashada, Sravana and Sravishta.
Hermaphrodite Asterisms-Mrigasirsha, Sathabis and
Male Krithika, Rohini, Punarvasu,
Pushya, Hastha, Anuradha, Purvabadhrapadha, Uthara-
badhrapadha and Revathi.
It is excellent if the asterisms of the man and the
woman be respectively male and female. If it be otherwise
it will produce no good. If the asterisms of the man and
the woman be hermaphrodite and female, hermaphrodite
and male. both male or both female, the influence will
be of middling nature.
Nakshathra Gothram-Divide the 28 asterisms, including
*Abijith into seven sets offour each. The 1st set represents
the Gothra of Mareecbi; the 2nd represents Vasishta
Gothra; the 3rd set is Angiras Gothra ; the 4th is Athri
Gothra ; the 5th is the Gothra of Sage Pulasthiah ; the 6th
is that of the Sage Pulaha ; the 7th is Grutha Gothra.
The Gothras of the man and the woman should be
different. If it be the same, it will produce evil.
The Castes of the Signs-Signs Cancer, Pisces and
Scorpio belong to Brahma caste ; Libra, Leo and Sagittari
are of Kshathrya caste ; Aries, Gemini and Aquarius are of
Vaisya caste; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are of Sudra
caste. There should be no marriage between a man of a
lower caste and a woman of a higher.
* Abijith- This is an asterism formed by the 4th quarter of
Utharashada and the t st quarter of Sravana, For details see
Will there be Marriage ? If, at the time of this horary t
question, the 3rd, 5th, ;tl:t. roth or nth house, from the
rising sign, be occupied by the Moon and aspected by
Jupiter, marriage may be predicted.
Shall I find a Bride? If at the time of this question
Libra, Taurus or Cancer be the nsmg sign. occupied
or aspected by any benefic planet. the answer should be in
the. affirmative. If at the time of the query waning Moon
occupies an even sign: from the rising sign, with the eighth
house aspected to malefics, the answer should be in the
How long will the Couple live? If at the time of such
qnery abont a marriage, the sth, 6th or 8th honse from the
rising sign be occupied bythe Moon, the prediction should
be that the couple (if the marriage, in question, should
take place) will die in ll years. If the rising sign be,
occupied by Mars. with a benefic in the 7th honse at the
time of the query, the woman will turn out a bad character,
or her children will pass away and her husband (ifthe
marriage, in question, should take place) will die in eight
If, at the. time of enquiry, the Moon occupies the
rising sign. with Mars in the 7th house, the death of the
husband (if married) after the 8th year of marriage should
be predicted.
If the 5th house from the rising sign, at the time of
enquiry, be occupied by a malefic, in debilitation, aspected
by inimical planets, the woman (if married) will either lose
her sons or will be immoral.
+ This is another branch of astrology. It is the science of
foretelling the result of a business or circumstance from the
position and aspect of the heavenly bodies at ,the moment of
propounding a pucstion.
The rules for fixing the time for celebrating a marri-
age are given in this Chapter'.
i Utharayana (the first half of the yeanwhen the Sun
is in the northern circle between Capricorn and Gemini) is
excellent; Dakshinayana (the second half when the Sun
is in the seuthern circle between Cancer and Capricorn)
is <>f middling quality.
If, in the figure of the heavens (Gochaaram) at the
time of marriage, Jupiter occupies the Jenma-Rasi (the
house of the Moon at birth) the 3rd, 4t'h,! 6th, 8th, toth or
12th house, therefrom, the bride will either die or become
a widow.
The marriage should be celebrated in the 5 th,
6th or 7th year of the bride when Jupiter is well-placed in
a benefic sign.
The following asterisms are the best; they favour the
birth of sens :-Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Magha, Utharapalguni
Hastha. Swathi, Anuradha, Mula, Utharashada, Uthara-
badhrapadha and Revathi.
Oordhva-Mukha" asterisms
are the most fruitful, Atho-Mukha asterisms cause harm
Thiryag M ukha" asterisms breed fever. Other
asterisms affect the life of the son.
The best Thithis are:- Dhwithiyai, Thrithiyai,
Panchami,Sapthami, Dhasami,t:kadhasi, and Thrayodhasi.
Prathamai (of the dark fortnight) Shashti, ;\shtarni,
Dhwadhasi, Pournami (Full-Moon) are middling. All the
Thithis after Ashtami of Krishna Pak':lh<t- (dark fortnight)
are inauspicious and will affect Ii.fe.
Utharayana comprises the Months of Pushya, magha
Palguna. Chythra, Vaisakha and Jyeshta. The other six months
of '11t: year belong to Dakshinayana.
The best signs are Gemini, Virgo and Libra. Aries,
Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces should be avoided. The
other signs exercise middling influence.
Saturday ~ , m d a y , and Tuesday, and the Amsas and
associations of Saturn, the Sun and Mars should be avoid-
ed. Choose Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and
the Amsas and associatians etc., of the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter or Venus.
Influence of Zodiacal Signs at the time of Marriage-If the
rising sign, at the time of marriage, be Aries, the bride
will become a prostitute; if it be Taurus, she will become
poor; Gemini gives her good qualities ; Cancer inclines to
adultery; Leo bids her confine to her father's house; Virgo
helps her to enhance the welfare of her husband ; Libra
favours her single-hearted devotion to husband; Scorpio
produces grief; the rst half of Sagittari makes her a
whore; the 2nd half develops chastity; Capricorn, Aqua-
rius or Pisces tend to adultery.
Marriage within a wtek after the re-appearance(Udha-
yam) of Venus, affects the life of the bride adversely;
Marriage,just prior to her becoming Asthangatha(combust)
affects the life of the bridegroom.
Marriage within 8 days after the re-appearance of
Jupiter adversely affects the life of the bridegroom
Marriage within 15 days prior to Asthangatha harms the
Influence of Planets in the Rising Sign at the time of
Marriage-The Sun causes widowhood; the Moon shows
danger to the life of the bride; Mars affects the life of both,
Mercury brings widespread fame; Jupiter and Venus
prolong life ;"'Saturn creates poverty; Rahu or Kethu i.s
an impediment te birth of children.
Planets in the 2nd House--Malefics in the 2nd house
produce misery; the Moon in the 2nd house generates
chilqren; Mercury and Jupiter bestow enormous pecuniary
gain ; Venus favours the bride with a life of felicity and
prevents widowhood.
Planets in the 3rd House -Planets in the 3rd house give
happiness and fortune, as a rule.
Planets in the 4th House- The Sun causes adversity;
the Moon tends 'to separation; Mars gives poverty;
Mercury favours a life of felicity-; Jupiter shows prosper-
ous life and freedom from widowhood ; Venus makes the
woman chaste ; Saturn brings in adverse circumstances ;
Rahu and Kethu lead the woman into bad charactet--
so says S a ~ Girga.
Planets in the 5th House ~ f the 5th house be occupied
by a benefic, the couple will have many sons; the Sun
and Mars affect the lives of the children ; Sa turn and
Rahu cause leprosy.
Planets in the 6th House--The Moon causes widow-
hood ; Mercury helps the couple to dwell together,
always ; Rahu produces poverty ; other planets give many
Planets in the 7th House-There should be no planet in
the 7th house. If there be, the adverse effects are as
fallaw:--Jupiter makes the woman disrespectful to her
husband; Mercury breeds indifference to religious
formalities; Venus shows bad conduct; Mars indicates
adultery on the part of the woman ; Saturn affects the life
of the children ; Kethu gives the woman the disposition of
a maniac; the Sun hastens widowhood; Rahu causes
poverty; the Moon brings all miseries. For these reasons
the 7th house from the rising sign, at the time of marriage,
should be vacant.
Planets in the 8th House--'Satum, the Sun and Mars in
the 8th house cause good ; other planets produce adverse
Planets in the 9th House-All planets in the Qth house,
except Rahu, Mars and Saturn tend to gratify all desires.
Planets in the lOth House-Mars causes death ; the Sun
leads to consumption; Saturn shows debauchery; Rahu
gives widowhood ; other planets are benevolent.
Planets in the 1lth House-- These bestow all the desired
advantages on both.
Planets in the 12t!i'House- Venus, Jupiter and Mercury
are fortunate planets; other planets deter by intimidation.
I give below the planetary conditions that produce
beneficial \' ogas-those that bestow happiness and pro-
long lite.
( 1) If, at the time of marriage, the nsmg sign be
occupied by .Jupiter. with the Sun in the 6th house, Venus
in the 8th. and the Moon in the 1oth, the individual will
own carriages, conveyances,gems, excellent beds,furniture,
grain and wealth.
(2) lf the rising sign be occupied by Jupiter, with
Venus in the l>th house, the Moon in the 4th or the 7th,
the Sun in the 6th, Saturn and Mars in the 3rd house, the
couple, blessed with sons and grandsons. will live a long,
virtuous life in the plenitude of wealth and will have the
gratification of their desires.
(3) If the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 1 1 th houses br. occupied
by malefics with benefics in quadrants or trines and the
lord of the I ll Jl house in exaltation, the Couple will be
blessed w1th sons, wealth and long life.
(4) The Sun in the roth, Saturn in the 6th, Jupi-
ter in the oth, and Mercury in the 12th -the couple will
have sons and grandsons, will have a long, happy life and
will be in the enjoyment of sound hc;alth.
(5) If Jupiter occupies the rising sign with malefics
in the 6th house, Mercury and Venus* in quadrants, the
couple will be possessed of corn. wealth, and vehicles.
16) lfthe rising sign be occupied by Mercury and
\'enus. with the Sun in the 1 Ilh,Matsin the 16th and
Jupiter in the 5th the couple will be blessed with pros-
perous sons and will live in affluence'.
I;) lfthe rising sign be occupied by Jupiter and
Mercury, with malefics in the 3rd, 6th, reth and nth
houses, and the Moon in the 2nd. the couple will have
sorts; long life. wealth and happiness.
1. Mahendhra Yoga. Jupiter in the rising sign, Venus
in thf' 8th house, and the Sun in the I Ith form this Yoga
which bestows all kinds of happiness upon the in-
dividuals if Mercury be not combust (Asthangatha).
2. Vishnu Priyai. --Venus in the rising sign, Jupiter
in the l,oth, the Sun and Mercury in t::.e 11th-this forms
the above Yogi\, that makes the couple thoroughly happy .
.1. Ardhanaari. Venus in the rising sign, and Jupiter
in the 1 1th house, the 8th house being unoccupied, make
Ardhanaari Yoga which promotes mutual devotion between
husband and wife.
4. Sreemathi. Venus in the .:no h o u ( ~ . Jupiter in
the 12th, the Sun in the 8th and Saturn in the 6th form
Sreemathi Yoga under which the couple will live in
happiness and affluence.
5. Samudhra Yciga.-Venus in the rising sign, Jupiter
in the 4,th, Mercury in the 2nd and Sa turn in the 1 1 th--
this is Samudhra Yoga fruitful of all happiness.
6. 1\/lahavishnu.-Mars in the 3rd house, Saturn in
the 6th, Venus in the 9th, Jupiter in the 12th-this Yoga
bestows all happiness on the couple.
7. Pushya Yoga:-Satutri in the 3rd, Jupiter in the
6th, the Sun in the 1oth, Mars in -the 1 Ith-this Yoga
makes the couple happy in all respects.
8. Sthavara Yoga.- Jupiter configurated with Venus
in the rising sign, well-dignified, forms this Yoga that
promises all w e l f r ~
9. Jaya Yoga, -Venus in the rising sign in conjunc-
tion with Jupiter-the two planets being well-dignified-
makes Jaya Yoga which is extremely felicitous.
10. Vijayam. -Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, well-
dignified and stationed in the rising sign produce Vijayam
which is really the queen of all beneficial Yogas.
Jupiter and Venus in the rising sign, with the Moon
in Cancer and in his own Navamsa, give a happy married
life and promote prosperity of sons. (The position of
the Moon, by this rule, is obtained when the time, in ques-
tion, is governed by the 4th quarter of asterism Punar-
Marriage during Utharayana generally promotes
prosperity of sons and grandsons besides wealth.
Influence of the Months.-The marriage should be per-
formed in a very auspicious month.
The months of Ashada. Badhrapadha, Margasira and
Magha are not good. The other eight months are fortunate.
Marriage in the month of Pushya and Krithika en-
dows the woman with good character ; in the month of
Palguna, the woman will live in affluence and will be very
wealthy ; Vysakha and Jyeshta favour a prosperous life,
active sympathy with relations, a strong sense of duty to
husband, and birth <:>f sons; Sravana, Aswayuja and
Chythra are of middling quality.
Influence of the Asterisms-lf the rulihg asterism, at
the moment of marriage, be the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, or 9th
from the Jenma-Nakshathra of the individual, the couple
will live in fortune and acquire lands.
Asterism Magha prolongs the life of the bridegroom ;
the bride will live with her sons and brothers in wealth
and plenty; Mrigasirsha produces mutual devotion
dearer than life and makes them happy; Hastha bestows
pecuniary gains, and corn in plenty, and happiness
besides; Swathi and Anuradha show development of
affection between the couple ; promises to enrich them
with pearls, corals and gems; Revathi promotes
reciprocal sympathy and good feeling; Rohini favours
progress of sons, grandsons, and riches too. Utharapal-
guni, Utharashada and Utharabadhrapadha signify in-
creasing happiness, many man-servants and maid-ser-
vants and a life, long enough to see children's children.
Adverse Yogas to be avoided--Ne marriage should be
celebrated towards the end of a Paksha, a t Ruthu,
+ The year is naturally divided into six seasons marked by
temperature, moisture etc. Each season is known as a Ruthu.
Vasantha ltuthu, comprising Chythra and Vaisakha, is the
spring season. r i ~ h m a Ruthu comprises Jyeshta and Ashada-
the warmest time- Varsha Ruthu is the rainy season ; it comprises
the months of Sravana and Badhrapadha. Sharat Ruthu is the
season when plants begin to put forth leaves; Aswayuja and
Krithika are its months. Hemantha Ruthu, comprising Margasira
and Pushya is the snowy season. Sisira RuthU-Magha and
Palguna months----is the season at which plants begin to spring
and blossom.
or of a year? during tRikthai; when the Moon is on
the wane;: Vishu,Vyatheepatharn and Shadaseethimukhatn
are also inauspicious. The Prishtodhaya Rasis (Aries,
Taurus. Cancer. Sagittarius and Capricorn, signs that rise
by their feet) produce no good. The marriage should not
be signified by the depression of Jupiter or by the aste-
or Jenma-Nakshathra, and the 3rd, 5th, 7th, roth and rgth
asterisms, therefrom, should also be avoided. An aste-
rism, (1) just released from a malefic, (2) one through
which a malefic is just passing, (3) one close to a malefic-
these three asterisms are also inauspicious.
The Adverse Effects Marriage towards the end of a
Paksha has a tendency to prove evil to the relations of the
couple; Rikthai produces 'poverty: waning Moon leads
to pecuniary loss ; marriage towards the end of a Ruthu
causes the death of the son: Vishu and Vyatheepatham
indicate disease and death; Shada>rethimukham gives
rise to altercations ; marriage towards the end of a year
signifies ruin to the individual or to his family ; the end
of an Ayana is also harmful ; Prishtodhaya Rasis incline
to cause repentance; Dhikdhaham foreshadows danger h.r
fire ; the rgth asterisin and the Jenma-Nakshathra produce
evil; the 3rd asterism from the latter denotes ruin to
friends; the 7th asterism portends disaster.
Utha'1yana and Dhakshinayana are the two periods of six
months each into which Hindu astrological year is dhided. Tlw
former denotes the period when the Sun ;, in his !\orthrno
Circle between Capricorn and Cancer; the latter is the period
when the Sun-is in hi.- Southern Circle between Cancer and
+ For explanation see Chapter 33.
* Preternatural redness visible in the horizon.
For explanation of Bonkampam llrJrl ;\i
ghatham see Chapter .B
Marriage under an asterism, just passed through by
a malefic, produces r a n ~ u r marriage under an asterism
to btl occupied by a malefic threatens to cause starvation ;
marriage under an asterism that is governed by a malefic
brings poverty.
Marriage during eclipse under an asterism governed
by Kethu brings death within six months.
The Moc;m in conjunction with ' the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn* , Rahu or Kethu,
respectively produces poverty, disease, sterility( misfor-
tune, ::: .Sa-pathneeyam, eenstant' journey, dissension and
ceaseless grief.
The month and the day of birth and Jenma-Naksha-
thra are inauspicious only in the case of the marriage of
the first-born son and not for marriage of girls or the
other sons.
Mercury, well-located in the Lagna, is powerful
.en'eugh to diminish a hundred adverse effects; Venus
strong in the. Lagna eradicates il thousand evils ; while
Jupiter well-dignified in the Lagna, sinks three lakhs.
The character, career and destiny of a girl could be
judged from the month, the Thithi, the asterism, the day
and the moment of her arriving 'at thlberty.
:::Rivalry between wives of the sa we husband.
Influence of Months-To attain puberty in the month of
Chythra portends widowhood; Vaisakha shows chastity ;
Jyeshta promotes enjoyments of pleasure; Ashada leads
to moral deprayity;. Sravana gives birth to sons; Badhra-
padha brings wealth ; Aswayuja suggests wid<:>whood;
Krithika signifies adultery; Margasira inclines to bad
character; Pushy a makes her a chaste' wife; Magha
causes loss 0fproperty; Palguna produces many children.
Influence of Days-Sunday inclines to barrenness ;
Monday makes the girl a chaste wife ; Tuesday forebodes
ruin to her husband; Wednesday gives sons; Thursday
signifies good nature; Friday bestows many children;
Saturday produces poverty.
Influence of the causes widowhood;
Bharani gives birth to sons; Krithika inclines to less of
children ; Rohini leads to happiness ; Mrigasirsha shows
gain of all advantages ; Ardhra tends to disease ; Punar-
yasu welcomes a pleasant life ; Pushya signifies regal
pleasures; Aslesha predicts death of the son ; Magha helps
the growth of sons; Purvapalguni foretells luck ; Uthara-
palguni indicates c<:>m"f<:>rt; Hastha produces much happi-
ness ; Chithra, ordinary happiness ; Swathi breeds a good
family; Visakha forebodes widowhood; Anuradha promotes
well-being; Jyeshta tempts to adultery; Mula inclines
to prostitution; Purvashada brings affluence; Uthara-
shada bestows happiness ; Sravana favours a very noble
career; Sravishta denotes many kinds of enj<:>yment ;
Sathabis produces poverty; Purvabadhrapadha gives a
virtuous s0n; Utharabadhrapadha presages a luxurious
and comfortable life ; Revathi promotes chastity and
devotion to husband.
Influence of Thithis-Prathamal portends widowhood;
Dhwithiyai and Thrithiyai produce well-being; Chathurthi
tends to the commission of adultery ; Panchami gives
birth to a son ; Shashti causes ruin to the son ; Sapthami
leads to sensual bliss ; Ashtami denotes suffering from
disease; Navami makes the woman poor ; Dhasami fills
her days with happiness and enjoyments ; Ekadhasi
promotes love of husband; Dhwadhasi foreshadows
widowhood; Thrayodhasi signifies a comfortable life;
Chathurdhasi favours adultery; Full-Moon gives sons ;
New-moon ruins the family.
Influence of Zodiacal Si111s -Aries shows prostitution;
Taurus signifies enjoyment of several pleasures; Gemini
brings all affluence ; Cancer denotes bad character ; Leo
gives sons; Virgo welcomes fortune; Libra shows
cleverness ; Scorpio leads to adultery ; 1st half of Sagittari
inclines to immorality; the 2nd half favours chastity:
Capricorn causes.dish0nor; Aquarius makes the woman
wealthy; Pisces develops ability.
Lord of the Amsa -If Mars be the lord of the rising
Navamsa, the woman will become a servant; Venus
makes her poor; Mercury bestows wealth and sensual
bliss; the Moon leads to wicked character; the Sun brings
in good sense ; Jupiter favours prosperity and fortune;
Saturn tends to poverty.
Influence of Planets in the Rising Sign-- Planets occupying
the rising sign at the time of pu bert,Y also affect the life
and character of the woman-favou\-ably or adversely :-
The Sun portends the death of the woman ; the Moon
gives birth to daughters ; Mars causes abortion ; Mercury
bestows sons ; Venus and Jupiter favour long life, wealth,
fortune. health and affection ; Saturn signifies enmity ;
Rahu inclines to grief.
Planets in the 7th House. All matters connected with
the fortune and the husband of a woman shall be deter-
mined from the 7th house .. '1 he effects produced by
planets, located iti the' 7th house from the rising sign, at the
moment of puberty, are :-The Sun predicts widowhood ;
waxing Moon foretells we,ll-being; waning Moon breeds
consumption ; Mars affects the son ; Mercury gives birth
to sons; Jupiter fav:ours wealth and long life ; Venus fulfils
all desires; Saturn prevents conception; Rahu threatens
to bring death-
Influence of the Days of the Week.-Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
are respectively governed by the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The strength of the
day corresponds tot he strength of its lord. The influence
of the day, and that of. the planet that rules it, on the life
and character of a woman, are thus set forth:-To attain
puberty on a Sunday, at a moment when the rising sign
is occupied, or aspected by, the Sun, signifies death;
Tuesday with Mars in the Lagna or aspecting it, causes
abortion; Saturday, with the rising sign occupied or
aspected by Saturn leads to prostitution; Wednesday,
with the rising sign occupied, or aspected by, Mercury
gives good sons ; Friday with the rising sign occupied or
aspected by Venus favours " life of happiness, free from
illness; Thursday, with the rising sign dccupied or as-
peeled by Jupiter, bestows long life.
Influence of the Day and the Night- -The forenoon is the
most auspicious time; the nqon is middling in quality;
the afternoon is &ad. Similarly the early part of the night
is favourable ; midnight is of middling quality ; the time
between midnight and morning is inauspicious.
If the ruling asterism, at the time of attaining puberty,
be inimical to the of the native, pr, if
the rising sign, at the time, be the 8th from her Jenma-
Rasi, or, if it be Ghandrashtama day for her, the woman
will suffer many griefs.
The woman, fresh from her bath, after the menstrual
period, should first set her eye upon her hushtitd alone ;
none else should be the object of her sight at the time.
This will preserve the purity ef her progeny. [The pre-
vailing practice is, however, quite different. Women,
as a rule, keep out of sight of the husband at the time.]
Nishekam is the word used to denote the first sexual
union between husband and wife. For this a day of
beneficent planetary influence must be selected according
to the Sastras. The bed chamber should be in a con-
venient place decorated and kept Jra&"rant with sandal,
flowers etc, and previ\:led with water taken from sacred
rivers. Above all, there sh0uld be nothing to disturb the
peace of mind of the couple. ~
The best asterisms are Rohini, Utharapalguni, Hastha,
Swathi, Anuradha, Mula, Utharashada. Sravana, Sathabis,
Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chithra, and
Sravishta-these asterisms are:of middling quality. The
remaining asterisms should be avoided.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are aus-
picious days, as also the Amsas of the lords of these days
viz; the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Saturday, Tuesday and Sunday should not be consi-
dered. The Amsas of Saturn, Mars an<\ the Sun should
also be rejected.
All Thi this except Chathurthi, Ashtami. N avami,
Chathurdhasi, Full-Moon and New-Mo.an days are good.
The Jenma-Nakshathra (the asterism at birth), the
O ~ h asterism (Anu-Jenma), and also the 19th asterism
(Thri -J enma) therefrom should be strictly avoided.
Dhwadhasi is equally inauspicious.
The beneficent signs are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra and Pisces. Avoid other signs.
Ruthu-Dhinam- This is the expressian used to denote
the sixteen days from the first day of the menstrual period,
Sexual union during' the odd days will tend to
produce a female child. The issue of sexual union on even
days wiltbe male. Those that wish to beget a son should
prefer the even days. To indulge in sexual intercaurst:'
during the first four days of menses will lead to seri-
ous evil effects. The first day proves fatal to the hus-
band ; the second day affects the life of the woman; the
third day causes abortion; the fourth' day inclines to
produce a poor and short-lived . sort, stupid. house-
less, miserable and bereft of good habits. Besides all
these evils, sexual union, on the fourth day, impairs the
vital power of the father ; and so, the first four days of
the menses should be avoided. Copulation on the fifth
day tends to give birth to a d:,J.Ughter; the sixth day
favours a son who will promote posterity; the seventh
day inclines to bring forth a daughter who will bear no
child; the issue of sexual union on the eighth day will be
a noble son ; the ninth day tends to give birth to a wicked
girl ; the tenth day promises a praiseworthy son ; the
eleventh day predicts the birth of a girl having a disposi-
tion to be unrighteous; the twelfth day welcomes a
virtuous son ; the thirteenth day favous the birth of <1
virtuous woman ; the fourteenth gives birth to a son rich
in corn and gold ; the fifteenth day inclines to bring forth
a daughter that will not live long; Copulation on the
sixteenth day of the menses presages the birth of a son
of all-embracing intelligence. Sexual union may be
indulged in only on days that bear favorable testimonies
so that the progeny may be noble, sunny and prosperous.
If the rising sign, at the time ofNisheka, be an even
one, occupied by the Moon, the issue will be a daughter.;
if it be an odd sign, with the Moon in it, the issue will be
a son.
If the Sun and Jupiter be stationed in any of the odd
signs from the rising s1gn, at the time 6f Nisheka.
the issue will be a son.
If, at the time of Nisheka, the Sun and the Moon or
Mercury and Saturn aspect each other, the issue will be
a hermaphrodite.
Saturn in the Nisheka .I , .1 (the rising sign at the
time of Nisheka) aspected .1ars in conjunction with
the waning Moon leads to t .. e death of the woman during
the period of pregnancy.
If the Nisheka Lagna and the sign occupied by the
Moon be between evil planets without the aspect of bene-
fics, the woman will either die wihin the period of
pregnancy, or after parturition. The child will not survive
the mother.
If the Nisheka Lagna be the house af Saturn or his
own Navamsa, and if that planet occupies the 7th house
from the Nisheka Lagna, a child will be born in three
Cancer, as the Nisheka Lagna, or as the Amsa occu-
pied by the Moon, with the Moon in the 7th house from
the Nisheka Lagna, promises a child in twelve years.
The Sun, the Moon, Mars and Venus. located in their
own signs, with Jupiter in the Lagna or in the 5th or 9th
house-this planetary position foretells the birth of a son.
Ifthe Nisheka Lagna be Sagittarius, with the same
planet occupying either that or the last Navamsa of it,
aspected by Mercury or there will be many
lfthe Nisheka Lagna be an even sign, occupied by
Venus and the Moon with Mars. Mercury and Jupiter in
odd signs, the issue will be Twins.
If the Nisheka Lagna be an even sign and the Moon
occupies also an even sign, Mars, Jupiter a;11d the Sun
aspecting both the Lagna and the Moon from even signs,
the issue will be Twins.
Hrmophrodlte--Mercury and the Moon located in the
Nisheka Lagna aspected by Mars lead to the birth of a
The Sun stationed it Nisheka Lagna (even sign)
aspected by hermophradit_ , 1ets (Mercury and Saturn)
produces a hermaphrodite.
Dwu--lfNisheka Lagna be the
last Navamsa of
(Virgo) aspected py the Sun, the Moon, and
Saturn, the issue will be a marvel of a dwarf.
Hunch-back Cancer as the Nisheka Lagna occupied
by the Moon and aspected by Saturn and Mars causes the
birth of a hunch-back.
Cripple -Pisces as the Nisheka Lagna occupied by the
Moon aspected by M:ars. Saturn and the Sun tends. to
produce a cripple.
Leper If the rising Navamsa, at the time of Nisheka.
be Pisces. Cancer. Capricorn or Aries, occupied by the
Moon, in with or aspected by, Mars and
Saturn; the issue will be a leper
Blindness--The Sun and the
N isheka Lagna ._Leo-flspected
predict the birth of a blind child.
Moon p.osited in the
by Ma.rs and Saturn
Protuberant Eves-The same Nisheka Lagna (Leo) occu-
pied by the Sun and the Moon, aspected by benefics (the
Full-Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury) as well as by
malefics (Mars, Saturn, the Sun, Rahu and Kethu) causes
the birth of a child with protuberant eyes.
Defective Limbs. -Mars, located in the 5th or 9th house
from the N. L. aspected by malefics, gives birth to one
with defective limbs, if Jupiter be not well-dignified in
any of the quadrants.
Scraggy Body.-Aries or Taurus, as N. L. aspected by
malefics, gives birth to one of scraggy body.
Leprosy.-Scorpio, Capricorn or Taurus, (as the N-L)
with malefics located in, or aspecting' the sth and 9th
houses causes the birth of a child that will contract
Leprosy; DiSuses of the Stomach or of the Lungs.- The
Moon located in the N. L with malefics in the 2nd and
the 12th houses and the Sun in the 7th. threatens to give
birth to a child that will contract leprosy, dyspepsia, or
Adverse effect on the Husband.-If, in the figure of the
heavens, at the time of Nisheka, the 7th house from the
Sun be governed by Saturn and Mars, the husband of the
woman will contract disease.
Abortion.-The Sun in the N. L. with Saturn and
Mars in the 7th house, (2) Saturn, Mars and. the Moon
located in N. L., (3) the Moon. stationed in the house of
Saturn or Mars and aspected by the same planets, but not
by benefics-these three planetary positions tend to cause
No feeling of grief or uneasiness should pervade
the minds of the couple during Nisheka:; otherwise, the
result will be a dwarf, dumb, blind or miserable child.
Some astrologers 11\y.stress on the principle that the
N. L. must not be occupied by any planet; others consi-
der that the 8th house should be vacant. It is good,
therefore, that there should be no planet in the N. L. and
the 8th house, therefrom.
This function is performed when the woman is in the
family way, in the 3rd month, preferably, when symp-
toms of pregnancy become evident. Pumsavanam may
also be celebrated in the 4th, 6th or 8th month under
asterisms, Pushya or Sravana.
All Thithis except' Chathurthi, Shashti,
Navami, Dhwadhasi, Chathurdhasi, Full-Moon
Moon days, are auspicious.
and New-
All signs, except Gemini, Cancer and Virgo, are
Virgo, is inauspicious even when aspected to a
benefic. That sign should be strictly avoided.
M0nday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are fruit-
ful, as also the Amsas of the lords of these days viz., the
.\i0on, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
The 8th house from the rising sign should be vacant
The Moon located in the rising sign or in the 12th
house and the rising sign aspected to Venus are com-
mended as very favourable.
Benefics produce good, if located in Quadrants
(Kendhras) or Trines (Thrikonas). These places should
not be held by malefics. The latter cause goo9 if posited
in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses.
The Moon must be well-dignified for t ~ i s celebration.
These rules should be considered, only when Pumsavanam
is separately performed. As a rule, it is blended with
Seemantham in which case the delineations for the latter
should be followed.
I now proceed to give the delineations for See-
mantham. This must take place in the 4th, 6th or 8th
'If solar month.
Followers of Bhodhayana and Kowsheethaka may
have Seemantham in the 5th or the 7th month.
If the months, specified for this function, be incon-
venient, Sage Sankha considers that it must be performed
any time before delivery at all events, being an import-
tan! sacrament intended for the sanctification of the
pregnant woman. The ceremony is ordained enly in
respect to the first conception.
The following asterisms are excellent :-H.ohini,
Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Uthara-
shada, Utharabadhrapadha, Hastha, Sravana and Revathi.
It would be well if the stellar quarter, at the time of
celebration, be governed by a benefic; This strengthens
the good influence of the as terism.
~ See Foot-note on page 60 for explanation.
Some astrologers are of opinion that Aswini, Anu-
_;;dha and Mula may also be commended as auspiciOus
under unavoidable circumstances.
Avoid Chathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami,Navami.Chathur-
dhasi and New-Moon days. Chathurthi, Chathurdhasi and
the Full-Moon days are commended as auspicious by
some when the McOn is well-dignified.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and the
Amsas of the cMoen, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus (lords
of these days respectively) are fruitful.
Avoid Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday and the
Amsas of malefics (the Sun, Mars and Saturn.)
All signs except Leo and, Scorpio are beneficent,
Other signs are not to be considered.
The 8th house from the rising sign at the time must
be vacant
Ezception-'-'"lf the lord of the 8th house from the rising
sign, at the time, be stationed in a quadrant (Kendhra)
aspected to benefics, the adverse effects referred to in the
above rule will disappear.
The wise man will avoid Seemantham under the 3rd,
5th, 7th, 1oth, 1gth, 22nd and 27th asterisms, from the
Jenma-Nakshathra which are inauspicious.
Chandrashtama should be avoided.
It must be observed that, as the auspicious nature
of the month ranks first in importance, Jupiter and
Venus produce no evil, if combust, at the.time of the
celebration. tAthimasam should also be avoided.
t See Foot-note on page ~ for explanation,
The place for child-birth (Soothika-Griham) should be
arranged at the approach of the month of parturition.
The following asterisms are the best :-Aswini,
Rohini, Mrigasirsha. Punarvasu, Utharapalguni, Hastha,
Chithra. Swathi, Anuradha. Utharashada, Utharabadhra-
parlha and Revathi.
All Thithis except Rikthai (Chathurthi, Navami and
Chathurdhasi) Ashtami, New-Moon and Full-Moon days
are auspicious.
The Sthira-Karanas such as Sakhunam, Chathush-
padham, Nagam, and Kimsthughnam should be avoided,
as also Vishti-Karana.
Monday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are
prosperous as also the Amsas of the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus.
Malefics should be avoided and the days which they
govern-Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday-and the Amsas.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fruitful signs;
Gemini and other Common signs are middling; the
Movable signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn should
not be considered.
The apartment chosen for the birth of the child must
be comfortable to the pregnant woman.
* Sakhunam occurs in the latter half of Chathurdha,;i;
r:hathushpaclhanra-ruic-Nagam occur in the two halves of the New-
Moon respectively ; Kimsthughnam occurs in the first half of
Prathamai of the bright fortnight. For explanation of Vishti
etc.. Sec Ch. 33.
The rules for choosing the most auspicious time for
the commencement of agricultural work which is indis-
pensable to the subsistence of the world are set forth
The first step in this matter is to select an auspicious
day on which the owner may set his foot on his land for
the purpose. Then follow ploughing and other opera-
The best asterisms under which the owner may
enter into his land to start agricultural work are:- Bharani,
Ardhra, Pushya, Magha, Utharapalguni, Chithra, SwaLhi.
Anuradha, Utharashada and Utharabadhrapadha.
All odd Thithis (Prathamai, Thrithiyai, Panchami.
Sapthami, Navami, Ekadhasi and Thrayodhasi) except
Navami are favourable. The even Thithis except
Dhwithiyai and Dhasami should be avoided. Some
astrologers condemn t Badhrai.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are
auspicious. Saturday also is recommended by some.
Taurus, V-i-rgo and Scorpio produce good. The days
of benefic planets produce good ; those of malefics show
evil. Sign Leo or any other, held by the Sun, or, any
asterism governed by him, is favourable. Having entered
the land on an auspicious day the owner may start
i Badhrai is the word used to denote Dhwitiyai, Saptha11 i
and Dhwadhasi Thithis. Sec Chapter .H
The beneficent asterisms ar.e:-Rohini, Punarvasu,
Pushya, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Anuradha, Mula, Utha-
rashada and Utharabadhrapadha. Aswini, Mrigasirsha,
Magha, Chithra, Swathi, Visakha, Sravana, Sravishta and
Sathabis are also considered auspicious by some astro-
logers. For commencing tillage choose the 3rd, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th, 1 11h, 1zth; 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 24th, 25th
and 26th * asterisms from the one occupied by the Sun on
the day in question. All other asterisms produce evil.
All Thithis except Chathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami, Na-
vami, Dhwadhasi, Chathurdhasi Full-Moon and New-
Moon days are good.
To start ploughing on Navami causes damage to
crops ; Chathurthi leads to their destruction by insects ;
Chathurdhasi tends to cause danger to the life of the
There should be no malefic planet in the rising sign,
at the time, lest the landlord may be adversely affected.
The fortunate signs are:- Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Capricorn and Pisces. Avoid Aries, Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius. The remaining signs are of middling quality.
The Influence of the Zodiacal Signs.-If, at the time of
starting, the rising sign be Aries, it proves fatal to the
cows; Taurus, Gemini and Cancer promise a good harvest,
Leo leads to damage of crops ; Virgo favours a proper
yield ; Libra predicts luxuriant growth ; Scorpio threatens
to cause damage to the crops by fire ; Sagittarius promo-
tes fertility ; Capricorn gives an abundant harvest; Aqua-
rius causes fear of thieves ; Pisces denotes prosperity.
* Some of these asterisms have also to be avoided, for while
being favorable to tillage they afflict either the bullocks or the
landlord. Sec para 6 of page !OZ
Choose the bright fortnight and avoid
the dark fortnight (Krishna-Paksha).
For ploughing for the first time choose a time (1) when
the Moon holds a watery sign (2) when the rising sign is
occupied by Jupiter and Venus (3)when ruling asterism
is Rohini and a benefic is the.lord of the rising Navamsa
(4) when the risign sign is Taurus during the forenoon
governed by asterism Rohini.
Start and proceed to plough eastward er northward.
And, for the .first day, stop with cutting one or three or
five furrows.
Quadrupeds with broken horns or hoofs or with tails
cut and those of brown colour should not serve for tillage.
Dark or red-coloured ones should be put to the task .
To meet with a serpent among the furrows while
ploughing signifies that the land will soon be alienated ; to
see a tortoise denotes that the profits from the land will
certainly go up a thousandfold. If ashes, charcoal, husk.
bone, hair, tooth, or tile be found, pour a mixture of ghee
and milk in the furrows and resume ploughing.
A void the six asterisms from the one occupied by the
Sun, for they cause affliction to the bullocks ; asterisms
thirteen to eighteen, therefrom (both inclusive), affect the
landlord adversely ; the other asterisms are good.
Seeds must be sown at the appropriate seasons. The
most fruitful asterisms are:-Rohini, Pushya, Magha,
Utharapalguni, Hastha. Swathi, Visakha,Anuradha, Mula,
Utharashada, Sravana, Sathabis. Utharabadhrapadha and
Revathi. Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu and Sravishta
have middling influence. The other asterisms should be
Roots- To sow seeds of roots the following asterisms
are geod :-Bharani, Krithika, Magha, Purvapalguni,
Visakha, Mula, Purvashada and Purvabadhrapadha.
Flower and Fruit-far sowing seeds of flower plants
and fruit-bearing creepers the following are beneficent
asterisms :-Mrigasii-sha, Punarvasu, Hastha, Chithra,
Swathi, Anuradha. Jyeshta and Revathi .
Fruitful Stellar Yogas:- Bharani governs S0lanum
Indicum and Solanum Jacquini. Aswini favours the growth
of betel-nut trees; Rohini is a fruitful asterism for trees;
sugar-canes flourish under Punarvasu ; Chithra protects
all varieties of grain; Swat hi governs paddy; Anuradha
is a productive asterism for sesamum : Mula brings up all
roots and creepers ; black-grain crops do very well under
asterism Sathabis ; and for the teeming growth of paddy
Sravana is the best asterism.
Cocoanut-Te plant seedlings
sign Aquarius governed by Venus
Amsa figures.
of cocoanut, choose
in the Rasi and the
Pumpkins-The seeds must be sown at a time when
Venus rules the rising sign and the 5th Navamsa of Pisces
(Scorpio). There will then be an abundant crop of huge
All Thithis except Prathamai,Dhwithiyai. Chathurthi,
Shashti, Saptha,ni, Navami. Ekadhasi and Chathurdhasi
and all Karanas except Vishti. Chathushpadham, Nag-am.
Kimsthughnam tare auspicious.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday :tlld t:_,
Amsas governed by the Moon. Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus are beneficent.
See Fovtuute vnpage 'J'J
Seeds and Their (paddy) seeds should be
sown on a Sunday when the rising sign, at the time, is
occupied by the Sun ; seeds of flower plants, such as
thrive in water, should be sown on Monday when the
rising sign, at the time, is occupied by the Moon ; ragi
seeds should be sown on Tuesday when the rising sign,
at the time, is occupied by Mars ; Palmyra seedlings and
the varieties of the palm, such as the betel, Coco etc.,
should be planted on Wednesday when the rising sign is
occupied by Mercury ; seedlings of long-lived fruit trees
should be planted on Thursday when the rising sign, at
the time, is occupied by Jupiter; seedlings of Flower trees
should be planted on Friday when the rising sign, at the
time, is occupied by Venus ; seeds of Black Grains should
be sown on Saturday noon when the rising sign, at the
time, is occupied by Saturn.
Agricultural work started on Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday will prove quite profitable. Sunday.
Tuesday and Saturday are favourable only to a particular
kind of agricultural work.
The best signs are:-Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn
and Pisces ; Libra, Gemini and Aquarius have common
influence ; the other signs will do no good.
Malefics in the 3rd, 6th or nth houses produce good.
They must not be in other houses.
The Moon in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th, 7th, 10th and nth
houses from the rising sign, at the time, does much good.
There must be no planet in the 8th house. Venus in
the 7th house is also inauspicious.
To determine the day for sowing a Field.-Note in the
first place the asterism ruled by Venus on the day in
question. The three sucrct>ding asterisms, t ht"relrom,
blight the crops ; the next three asterisms prevent earing,
and produce blasted stalks; the next twelve asterisms
favour luxuriant growth, and one of them should be
chesen; the penultimate six asterisms produce empty
grains ; and under the last three the plants perish.
If these directions be carefully followed, all agricul-
tural operations will be abundantly repaid.
To start reaping the crop, the most favourable
asterisms are;-Bharani,. Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Ardhra,
Pushya, Magha, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Visakha, Anu-
radha, Utharashada, Sravana, Utharabadhrapaclha and
OfThithis, avoid Chathurthi, Ashtami, Navami, Eka-
dhasi, Dhwadhasi, Chathurdhasi and New-Moon. t Sthira
Karanas (Sakunam, Chathushpadham, N again and
Kimsthughnam) and Vishti Karanas should be positively
avoided. The remaining Thithis and Karanas are good.
Signs belonging to benefics and the clays governed by
them are felicitous.
To Harvest: Choose sign Pisces under the
asterism Bharani; sign Scorpio under the asterism Sra-
vana; sign Cancer under the asterism Visakha-for, these
planetary positions promote prosperity and
you to prevail over your enemies.
}' See Chapter fa.
Aries and Cancer afford a happy time for gathering
fruits. Begin no work of this kind after nightfall. All
signs will benefit, if Jupiter be located in the 4th house
from the rising sign at the time of starting this work.
Avoid Jenma-Nakshathra and the toth and the 19th
asterisms therefrom. To start work under these aste-
risms will result in loss.
The produce of agriculture may be gathered in at any
time during the year excepting the months of Sravana and
Badhrapadha. The best asterisms are:-Bharani, Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Purvapalguni, Ardhra, Punarvasu, Pushya,
Magha, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Swathi, Anuradha, Mula,
Utharashada, Sravana, Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
Saturn located in the 4th house, from the rising sign,
at the time, is a benefic for this business.
All Thithis, except Chathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami,
Navami, Dhwadhasi, Chathurdhasi and New-Moon, are
good. Sthira Karanas-Sakunam, Chathushpadham,
Nagarn and Kirnsthughnam-and Vishti Karanas should
be strictly avoided. Nitya Yogas produce good.
Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the best
as also the Amsas and signs of the lords thereof, viz., the
Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Wednesday and the
Am sa of Mercury are neutrals.
Avoid Tuesday and Sunday and the Amsas of Mars
and the Sun.
Fixed signs bestow much good; Common signs cause
profit as well as loss. No collection of grain should be com-
menced when the rising sign is a Movable one.
Benefics occupying the rising sign, or the 4th, 5th,
7th, 9th and 10th houses, therefrom, and malefics in the
3rd, 6th and nth houses produce good.
The signs occupied, to be next occupied, or just
vacated by malefics should be left out of consideration
those occupied by benefics should alone be chosen.
Jupiter and Saturn occupying or aspecting a fixed
Navamsa and governing any of the }" Oordhwa-Mukha"
asterisms afford a very prosperous time for gathering
Here the author describes a small ceremony before
commencing to gather corn. The ceremony consists in
scattering all round the fields a mesS of cooked rice and
curd to propitiate the Deities that preside over the grown
product of the field. This over, the work of gathering
should proceed silent}y....,.the people at work should not
talk to one another. (The object of this rule seems to be
to safeguard the produce against contamination by the
offensive odour emanating from some mouths and the
spurting of saliva.) The practice should be let to a virgin
take the corn, first of all, and put it into the hands of a
pregnant woman who must preserve it.
(1) A fixed sign (Rising Sign at the time) aspected by
Saturn with Jupiter in the 7th house forms an excellent
Yoga for starting to gather in corn. This planetary
position favours growth and progress.
(2) Dhanya Parvatha Yoga.-The day ruled by asterism
Magha, in the month of Magha, or that ruled by Uthara-
palguni in the month of Palguna, at a time when the rising
sign is Taurus-this makes Dhanya Parvatha Yoga.
+ Oordhwa-Mukha Asterisms arc :- Rohini, Ardhra, Pushya,
Utharapalguni, Utharashada, Sravana, Sravishta, Sathabis and
U tharabadhrapadha.
(3) l;>hanya-Mcru.-:-Saturn occupying the rising sign,
at the time, Jupiter in the 7th, the Moon in the 7th house
from the Sun-this is an equally valuable Yoga the effect
of which is to endow the landlord with a mountain of pro-
perty in grain.
(4) Another felicitous time is after mid-day when the
rising sign is occupied by Saturn or by Gulika--this adds
to the grain store.
{5) Saturn aspectmg the .rising sign (fixed) at the
time, with Jupiter in the 7th forms another favourable o ~ a
(6) Still more auspicious is the time when the rising
sign is occupied by Jupiter, with the Moon in the 12th and
the Sun in the 6th house.
(7) Dhanya-Parvatha Yoga-Asterism Pushya in the
month of Pushya and asterism Sravana in the month of
Sravana-these also form Dhanya Parvatha Yogas.
(8) Dhanyarnava Yoga If, at the time of gathering in
corn, the rising sign be occupied by Jupiter, the 4th house
by the Moon, the I rth by the Sun and the 7th by Saturu.
what is known as Dhanyarnava Yoga is formed. Under
its influence the grain property of the landlord will go on
swelling in abundance like the billows of the ocean.
The best asterisms for expenditure of corn are:-
Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Purvapalguni,
Utharapalguni, Utharashada,-Sr'"'ana, Sravishta, Purva-
badhrapadha, Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi. If grain
be expended on days ruled by these asterisms the store
will flourish increasigly.
The asterisms to be avoided are:--Bharani, Krithika,
Rohini, Ardhra, Chithra, Swathi, Jyeshta. Mula. and
Sathabis. Under no circumstances can grain be inter-
fered with on these days. The influence of the rem<lllllllg
asterisms (Aslesha and Magha) is midrlling
Any Saturday ruled by a beneficent asterism and a
Thithi and any time, thereon, when the rising sign is the
house of Jupiter, is very auspicious for expenditure of
corn. The stock will increase.
No grain should be expended on Chathurthi, Ashta-
mi, Navami,Chathurdhasi and the New-Moon.The remain-
ing Thithis do good.
Some astrologers commend Rikthai as good for
expending corn.
t Sthira Karanas (Sakunam,Chathushpadham, Nagam,
Kimsthughnam) and Vishti Karanas should be avoided, as
also Sunday, Tuesday and Friday, and the Amsas of the
Sun, Mars and Venus. The other days are good. Some
writers consider Friday felicitous and commend also the
Amsas of Venus as such.
Fixed signs have a beneficent influence ; Common
signs have middling influence ; Movable signs should be
left out of consideration. Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and
11th houses and benefics in squares or trines, the 8th
house being vacant, do much good.
To lay up treasure, all Thithis except Rikthai, Full-
Moon and New-Moon are auspicious.
The following asterisms are the best :-Mrigasirsha,
Ardhra, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Anuradha,
Utharashada, Sravana, Sravishta, Sathabis and Uthara-
t See Chapter 33 for expla.nation.
Sthira Karanas (Sakunam, Chathushpadham, Nagam and
Kimsthughnam) and Vishti Karanas should be avoided.
Nitya Yoga, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, and the Amsas and signs of the Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus are favourable.
Fixed signs have beneficial influence Common signs
have middling influence.
Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and nth houses, benefics in
quadrants or trines bestow all prosperity.
There should be no planet in the 8th house.
Jupiter in Virgothama position with Mercury and
Venus in quadrants is an extremely lucky planetary
position for collecting and depositing gold. The store will
then increase a millionfald.
Equally felicitous is the time when the risiug Navam-
sa is occupied by the Moon in her main exaltation with
Jupiter in the 7th house.
A very fortunate planetary condition under which
gold, grain and gems may be gathered and deposited is
when the rising sign is occupied by Saturn. Jupiter loca-
ted in the rising sign gives prosperity.
Jupiter, in the rising sign, Venus in the 2nd, Mercury
in the nth and the Moon in the wth house-this is the
best planetary position which renders the stare firm
against failure.
To take on Servants etc -To employ servants and to
deposit money choose the time on a Thursday when the
rising sign is occupied by Jupiter with the Sun in the nth
and Saturn in the 6th house. Everything will prosper
Metals-T0 store lead, bronze and iron, Venus located
in the rising sign, with the Moon, Jupiter in the 1oth
house, is a prosperous planetary position.
To treasure gold, silver, copper, brass, iron, pearl,
coral, emerald and diamond choose favourable asterisms
from the list given above in this chapter.
Fragrant Substances-lf at the time of collecting camph-
or, sandal and odoriferous woods such as Devadar, and
garlands, the rising sign be occupied by Jupiter with
the Moon in the 12th house, the stock will become
Library and Records--To form a Library or to collect
records, the most fruitful time is when Mercury is in his
main exaltation, or occupies the rising sign on a Thursday
in exaltation-the: Library and records will prosper rapidly.
Silver-For making and storing silver wares, the
most felicitous time is that when the t rising sign is occu-
pied by Venus on a Saturday, when the Moon is in
asterism Rohini (in her exaltation in Taurus), Jupiter
aspecting Aquarius.
The silver wares will increase in quantity a hundred-
fold if, at the time of collecting them' the rising sign be
governed by Venus, in exaltation- with Jupiter in the 7th
and the Sun in the sth house.
To gain possession of any land your right to which is
contested, scoop out and carry away a handful of earth
from that land, at a time when the rising sign is Cancer,
when the fourth quarter of any of the asterisms, Bharani,
Ardhra, Visakha. or Hastha rules.
t Evidently, the rising sign required by this rule is Aquarius.
A very auspiCious time for taking possession of a
land is that when the rising sign and the Navamsa there-
of are occupied by the Sun and Kethu-these two pla-
nets must be together in the rising sign as well as in the
Navamsa Chakra, for the time. The land so obtained
will permanently remain yours,
The best asterisms are:-Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Swathi,
Anuradha, Utharashada, Sravana, Sravishta, Sathabis,
and Utharabadhrapadha. Avoid Rikthai and Vishti
Karan a.
To Buy Land and Cattle-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Saturday are good. The lords of these days are the
Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn respectively. The lord
of the day, in question, should occupy the rising sign at
the moment of the transaction.
To Buy Sheep-The most prosperous time is that on a
Thursday ruled by asterism Pushya when the rising
sign is Aries. Sheep purchased at this time multiply a
Krithika, Ardhra, Magha, Aslesha, Swathi and Anur-
adha are good, only for buying cattle; not for selling
which will end in loss.
Loan on Pledge-Things given or pledged and money
lent for interest, under asterisms Sadharana, Vajra
and Theekshana do not return.
Loan or Gift of Gold--He who parts with his gold, at a
time when the ruling asterism is Krithika, Magha, Mula,
Sathabis, l Ttharapalguni, Punarvasu, or J enma-N akshathra
will be reduced to destitution. The one that receives the
metal will flourish.
The "Sadharana" asterisms are:-Visakha and Krithib.
The "Vajra" asterisms :-Bharani, Magha, Purva-
palguni, Purvashada and Purvabadhrapadha.
The " Theekshana :: -
denoted by this word are:-
The group of asterisms
Ardhra, Aslesha, Jyeshta and
The '' Laghu" :-This word is used to denote the
asterisms, Aswini, Pushya and Hastha.
The " Mrudhu ":--.,-Mrigasirsha, Chithra, Anuradha,
and Revathi-these asterisms are known by the name
" Mrudhu".
!'he'' Sthira ':-R0hini, Utharapalguni, Utharashada
and Utharabadhrapadha.
The "Chara ":- Punarvasu, Swathi, Sravana, Sra-
vishta and Sathabis.
The following asterisms cause good results in all
transactions, buying, selling etc:_:_Aswini, Rohini, Mriga-
sirsha, Ardhra, Punarvasu, Pushy a, Magha, Purvapal-
guni, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Visakha, Jyeshta, Mula,
Utharashada, Sathabis and Utharabadhrapadha and
The following signs produce the same effect:-Taurus
Gemini, Leo, Libra and Scorpio.
Of Thithis, all have the same effect except Chathurthi,
Shashti, Ashtami, Navami, Dhwadhasi and Chathurdhasi.
To buy or sell a Cow -To buy or sell t..::ews, the proper
asterisms are:-Aswini. Punarvasu, Pushya, Hastha, Swa-
thi,Visakha.Jyeshta, Sravishta and Revathi. One's property
in cows will increase by the transaction started under
these asterisms.
I Jupiter governs the sheep, the cow and all those animals
that are useful to man.
[After commencing the harvest it is customary, among
the Hindus, to take hame the first sheaf of corn and make
a repast of the same in celebration of the event. The time
for such rejoicing is delineated in this chapter.]
The following asterisms are considered the most
fruitful for this purp&se :-Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Magha, Utharapalguni, Hastha.
Chithira, Swathi, Visakha, Anuradha, Mula;: Utharashada,
Sravana, Sravishta, Sathabis, Utharabadhrapadha and
The remaining asterisms should be avoided.
All Thithis, except Chathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami,
Navami, Dhwarlhasi, Chathurdhasi, Full-Moon and New-
Moon days produce good. Avoid Vishti Karana.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the Amsa and
t Dhrekkana of the lords of these days -Mercury. Jupiter
and Venus-have a very beneficent influence on a meal
composed of the fruits of the new crops.
The following signs should be chasen:-Taurus, Can-
cer,Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Gemini has a middling quality. Avoid Aries, Scorpio, and
Pisces. The last sign is however the most felicitous for a
meal of the first crops, according to Devaratha.
Flowers.-To make use of the flowers of the season for
the first time, sign Aries is the best.
Fruits,-To taste the first crop of fruit choose the
time ruled by the sign Pisces.
t For explanation of these and other figures ,,.,. Chapter l.l
Leaves.-For a meal of leaves, greens etc., the most
favourable is the time when the rising sign is Scorpio.
See that the 9th and 1oth houses from the rising sign,
at the time of taking the meal, are unoccupied ; otherwise,
it will have an adverse effect on prosperity.
No meal should be taken at a time when the 8th or
the 12th house from the rising sign is held by the Moon.
Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and II th houses produce good.
There should be no malefic planet in any of the other
This festival should be universally observed every
year. The months of Ashada, Margasira and Magha are
alone inauspicious. The other months promote felicity.
The following asterisms are the best :"'-Aswini,
Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Hastha,
Chithra, Swathi, Visakha, Anuradha, Utharashada, Sra-
vishta, Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
The remaining asterisms are inauspicious.
Stellar Influence on the Wearing of New Clothes.- Aswini
brings rewards from royalty ; Bharani causes danger to
wife's life ; Krithika exposes the person to fire accidents ;
Rohini bestows all wealth ; Mrigasirsha causes danger to
clothes by rats; Ardhra affects longevity; Punarvasu
favours plenty of wealth and com ; Pushya engenders all
prosperity; Aslesha breeds disease; Magha shows danger
to life; Purvapalguni causes affliction by disease ; Uthara-
palguni indicates wealth of habits ; Hastha brings fine, soft
articles of dress; Chithra bestows various kinds of
apparel; Swathi welcomes exquiSite feast; Visakha
favours mental happiness; Anuradha creates kinship;
Jyeshta inclines to cause damage to the clothes ; Mula
troubles the grain ; Purvashada portends disease; Utha-
rashada predicts many additional articles of. dress ; Sra-
vana tends to cause eye-disease; Sravishta shows in-
crease of corn; Sathabis creates fear of poison; Purva-
badhrapadha leads to royal displeasure ; Utharbadhra-
padha favours many sons ; kevathi signifies gain of gems.
In this way each of the twenty seven asterisms exercises
its influence on the wearing of new apparel.
Dhwithiyai, Thrithiyai, Panchami, Sapthami, Dha-
sami, Ekadhasi and Thrayodhasi are the best Thithis.
Chathurthi, Navami, Chathurdhasi and New-Moon
days should be strictly avoided. Other Thithis have
medium influence.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the Amsas
of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus produce good.
Sunday and Monday have middling effect. !"he
remaining two days should be avoided,
Influence of the Days of the Week. Sunday portends
disease ; Monday is likely to cause the cloth to be bathed
in tears; Tuesday creates risk of fire accidents to
clothes ; Wednesday gives rise to all prosperity ; Thurs-
day predicts an amplitude of wealth and corn; Friday
welcomes several kinds of prosperity ; Saturday denotes
the likelihood of deep grief.
All signs except Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Aquarius and Pisces are felicitous.
Influence of Zodiacal Signs. To wear a cloth when the
rising sign is Taurus brings benefit through corn , Gc-min1
and Virgo signify pecuniary gain ; Capricorn has but
common influence ; Aries is a bringer of deep grief; Leo
has a tendency to cause dishonor; Aquarius shows
trouble by disease ; Scorpio tends to loss of property;
Sagittarius tends to create royal displeasure ; Pisces
signifies fear of contracting disease.
The following are fruitful asterisms for putting on a
new jewel made of gu\d:-1\swini, Rohini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu, Pushya, Magha, Utharapalguni, Hastha,
Chithra, Swathi, Anuradha, Utharashada, Sravana,
Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi. To wear a new jewel,
for the first time, under any of these asterisms promotes '
The best.Thithis arc:-Prathamai, Shashti, Panchami,
Dhasami, Ekadhasi and the Full-Moon. The other Thithis
should be avoided.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the
Amsas of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
auspicious ; the other planets and the other days should
not be considered.
Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces
produce good.
The days ruled by fortunate Yogas (Siddha Yoga
or Amritha Yoga) are good for wearing a new jewel.
Benefic planets should be in quadrants or trines and
,he malefics in the 3rd, 6th and nth houses at the time of
wearing a jewel. The 8th house should be vacant.
That time is the best for wearing a jewel made of
gold, when Jupiter occupies the rising Navamsa in exalta-
tion with Mercury and Venus in the 4th house. It is
stated that a gold jewel worn at this time will be followed
by thousands of such ornaments.
Choose a Saturday governed by asterism Rohini
and make a gold jewel, during the interval known as
Amirthaghatika, and put on the jewel on a Saturday of the
same .asterism and at the same time thereon. The moment
is considered so fruitful that the individual will soon be-
come possessed of many ornaments, and immense wealth
that may know no diminution. He will also lead a happy
If, at the time of wearing a gold jewel, the rising sign
be occupied by Jupiter in exaltation or if that sign be the
house of Jupiter with the Sun in the 1 tthhouse, the jewels
will increase a mi!Iionfeld.
To wear a new cloth, a new jewel, or for using a new
vehicle, choose the time when the quadrant or trine occu-
pied by Venus, is her own house, or her house of exaltation
or her friendly sign.
The Moon in her degree of main exaltation occupying
the rising sign with Jupiter in the 7th house at the time of
wearing a jewel, welcomes an enormous increment of
wealth and jeweller}'.
Put a gold ring on the tare-finger and another on
the thumb at a time when the rising sign is Aries, with the
Sun in the 1oth degree thereof-the 1oth degree of Aries
is the main exaltation of the Sun.
Mercury and the Moon governing the same quarter
of asterism Mrigasirsha is an auspicious planetary posi-
tion for wearing rings on the fingers of the hand or the leg.
New ornaments of the head should be worn, for the
first time, when the Moon is in the 3rd degree of Taurus
at a time when the rising sign is the same ; or when the
rising sign is Cancer with Jupiter in the 5th degree
Jewels set with precious stones must be worn at a
time when Jupiter and Venus are in their t Moola-Thrikena
When wearing a new apparel or a new jewel, watch
your breath. If the breath flows through the left nostril,
the time is auspicious.
A car, a musical instrument, an umbrella, an ornament,
a Chamara, gold or bronze vessels and thrones-all these
should be made use of, for the first time, according to the
directions laid down for wearing new clothes
To lay the foundation for the construction of a build-
ing etc., at the four cardinal points (North, South, East and
West) the following four pairs of asterisms are respec-
tively prosperous :-Aslesha and Krithika, Chithra and
Visakha, Pushya and Magha, Utharashada and Sravana.
t The Mula-Thrikona Signs of Planets are:-
Planets. St'gns.
Sun Leo;
Moon Taurus.
Mars Aries.
Mercury V,irgo.
jupiter'"' Sagittari.
Venus Libra.
Saturn Aquarius
Jyeshta, Badhrapadha, Margasira and Palguna are
prosperous months to lay the foundation of the kitchen, the
cows/all or the rice.-mitl,-any place for husking paddy.
A person whose Ascendant, at birth, is between
Scorpio and Aries (six signs) should commence building
at the eastern part; one born under any sign between
Aquarius and Cancer (six sigris) should do so at the
southern part; one born under any sign between Taurus
and Virgo (six signs) should choose the western part;
one born under any sign between Leo and Capricorn
(six signs) should start at the northern part.
Vasthu-Purusha-This Deity that presides over house-
building sleeps 0n his left with his head to the East,
during the months of Badhrapadha, Aswayuja and
Krithika, with his head to the South during Margasira,
Pushya and Magha months, with his head to the West
during Palguna, Chythra and Vysakha months ; and with
his head to the North during Jyeshta, Ashada and Sra-
vana. No building should be erected on the locality
covered by his head, his legs, his hands and his back.
To build on the ground covered by his head will prove
fatal to the father of the individual ; to do so on that
covered by his legs will affect the lives of his wife and
children ; to build on the ground covered by his hands
and back will cause fear of thieves. The best. section to
build on is the ground covered by the stomach of Vasthu
Purusha which gives rise to all prosperity.
The following asterisms are the best.-Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Chithra,
Swathi, Anuradha, Mula, Utharashada, Sravana. Uthara-
badhrapadha and Revathi.
Aswini, Hastha, Chithra, Sravishta and Sathabis-
these asterisms have middling influence. The other
asterisms should be avoided.
To build in the East.--To build a house in the eastern
quarter, choose the asterisms Rohini, Mrigasirsha,
Punarvasu and Pushya.
To build in the South.-To build a house in the southern
quarter, Magha, Swathi, Hastha and Utharapalguni are
To build in the West.- T0
western quarter, Utharashada,
the most prosperous asterisms.
build a house in
Sravana and Mula
To build in the North.-To build a house
northern quarter, Sra vishta, U thara badrapadha,
and Sathabis are the most fortunate asterisms.
in the
To build in all Quuters,-Asterism Revathi is good to
start building a house anywhere.
Town-Planning.-To lay the foundation lor building a
town, the best asterisms are Aswini, Chithra and Revathi.
Military Quarters,-1\stcrisms Utharabadhrapadha is
ex:ccllcnt for beginning the construction of soliders' quar-
ters or cantonment.
Granary.-To start erecting a granary, Utharapalguni,
Utharashada, Anuradha, Rohini, Sravana and Magha are
the most felicitous asterisms.
Restaurant etc,-The construction of eating-houses,
hostels, refreshment rooms and choultries shouldcommen<"e
under asterisms Bharani, Ardhra, Jyeshta, Mula,,Krithika,
Visakha, Magha. Utharashada and Purvapalguni.
Dining Hall,-Hastha is a fortunate asterism for start-
ing the construction of a dining hall.
Bed Mula is auspicious for laying
the foundation of a bed chamber.
For Lamp.-To construct a place to install a lamp in,
begin under asterism Krithika.
Oven.-To set up an oven, commence under asterism
Revathi. It is good to start construction on Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday or Friday ruled by a beneficent
asterism agreeable to the wife of the individual See
that the rising sign, at the time, is governed by a benefic,
and the 8th house is unoccupied.
Dormitory - The construction of a sleeping apartment
should be started under the asterisms Purvapalguni and
Water Troughs-To construct a water trough or to
set up any receptacle for holding water, Anuradha, Mula
and Revathi are successful asterisms.
The Design -The design of the house should be as
the eastern side of the house gymnasium ;
on the south-east side, granary; on the southern, the
dining hall; on the south-west, the lying-in room; on the
western, the bed chamber; on the northwest, the place
of worship; on the northern, the treasury; and on the
north-east, the kitchen.
All odd Thithis except Navami are good. Ofthe even
Thithis, Dhwithiyai, Shashti and Dhasami are auspicious.
The day chosen for laying the foundation of a building
must be governed by a fortunate Yoga (Siddha Yoga or
Amritba Y lllga.)
Learned astrologers recommend Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday as auspicious for laying
the fou"dation of a house. The other days are rejected.
Fixed signs are the best ; Common signs occupied by
benefics have middling influence ; Movable sig-ns, and
Common sign;; without benefics in them should be avoided.
Oordhwa-Mukha Lagna, (a sign just vacated by the
Sun) is auspicious. Atho-Mukha Lagna, (the sign occupi-
ed by the Sun) even when occupied by a benefic, should be
avoided. Thiryagh-Mukha Lagna, (the sign next to the one
occupied by the Sun) is good, if aspected by a benefic planet.
Benefic planets in the rising sign and in the 2nd, 9th
and 12th houses promote well-being. Malefics in the 3rd,
6th and nth houses produce good, while any planet
located in the 8th house causes disaster. Some astrolo-
gers hold that the 12th house must be vacant.
The Pillars, Beams and Interior Door-ways etc.should be
set up under Sirodaya asterisms; roofing and the con-
struction of the doorway may be commenced at a moment
auspicious for house-building. According to some ancient
astrologers, the auspicious time for the disposition of
the pillars, lying-in-room, door-way, beams and interior
doo,r-ways is the same as that indicated for laying the
foundation, they being the chief appurtenances to a house.
The Door-frame :-This, artistically carved, should be
fixed at a time when the rising sign is a Fixed one. Any
of the following asterisms maybe chosen:-Rohini, Mriga-
sirsha, Utharapalguni, Chithra, Anuradha, Utharashada,
Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi. The Thithi, asterism,
the day and the rising sign (fixed) should all be carefully
chosen, for the moment of fixing the door-frame has an
important bearing upon the prosperity of the master. An
auspicious moment promotes it.
Common signs are good for furnishing the house with
doors a :d lor roefing it.
The Doors.--To fix the doors choose Wednesday or
Friday ruled by any beneficial Thithi, a Common sign and
any, of the following asterisms:- Aswini, Pushya, Hastha
(Movable asterisms) Rohini, Utharapalguni, Utharashada
and Utharabadhrapadha (Fixed asterisms .)
_Outer Pillars.-The pillars on the p.ials of a house must
be put up at a time when the rising sign, the rising Na-
vamsa and the sign occupied by the Moon are Fixed
signs belonging to, and aspected by, benefics.
The timbers required for the building should be piled
up eastward or northward. They must all be new, as no
old materials (those that once formed the structure ol
another house) should be employed. The pillars, and the
interior doorways must be an odd number.
The stalls for cows and buffaloes must be located in thC'
north-west part and the sheep-fold in the south west.
To begin the use of the churning dasher choose the
time when the rising sign is that of the Moon (Cancer) and
the ruling asterism a Movable one. (Aswini, Punarvasu.
Pushya,: Hastha, Swathi, Sravana, Sravishta and Sathabis
are movable asterisms). Such' a beginning will bring
growth and prosperity to the cattle and generate curd in
To set up the pole to hold the revelvingdasher in posi-
tion by means of chains, Monday is the most auspicious
and the time when the rising sign is occupied by the Moon
The operation should be started at a time when the
rising sign is occupied by the M0on, governing a beneficial
asterism and Navamsa.
To Milk the Cow.-The Moon located in the rising sign.
and governing a favourable asterism and Navamsa is good
for commencing to milk the cow. The yield will increase.
To Lathe Articles To cut or shape articles with the
lathe, commence at a time when the rising sign is Leo
occupied by the Sun, on a Sunday, when ~ h Moon passes
through asterism Revathi and when the lord of the rising
Navamsa is Saturn or Mars.
To Melt Butter- To melt the butter for the first time
choose asterism Jyeshta or Krithika. on a Wednesday,
when the Moon is placed in the Navamsa of a benefic
planet. Any Monday ruled by asterism Visakha is auspi-
cious for melting the butter from buffalo or sheep's milk.
The duration of existence of a dwelling house or other
building, in a state of prosperity, should be determined
from the moment at which the foundation stone is laid.
The Yogas that protect the house against decay; and
ensure its continuance in a state of happiness are set forth
in this chapter:-
To stand for 8 decades-To build a dwelling house or an
edifice that will stand for eighty years in a prosperous
condition, lay the foundation stone thereof at a moment
when the 10th house from the rising sign is occupied
by the Moon, the 4th by Jupiter and the 11th by Mars and
To stand for a Century.:_ The foundation should be laid
(I) When Jupiter is located in the rising sign, Mercury in
the 7th house, Saturn in the 3rd, the Sun in the 6th and
Venus in the 4th; (2) when the rising sign is held by
Venus, the 1oth house by Mercury, any quadrant by
Jupiter and the 11th house by the Sun.
To stand for Two Centuries-The house will continue in a
state of happiness for two hundred years the foundation
stone whereof is laid at a moment when the rising sign is
ruled by Venus, the 5th by Jupiter, the 3rd by the Sun
and the 6th by Mars.
To stand for Six Centuries -A dwelling house, a village
or a town, the construction of which is started under any
of the following planetary positions will have golden days
for a period of six hundred years :-(1) The Moon in the
rising sign, Jupiter in the 7th and Mercury in the 1oth
house (2) Venus in the 1oth house, Jupiter in the 7th and
Mercury in the rising sign which should be a fixed one.
To stand for Eight Centuries.---Ta construct a dwelling
house that will last for eight hundred years, blessed as a
house of the Gods, lay the foundation of it at a moment
when the rising sign is occupied by Venus with Jupiter in
the 7th house which must be a fixed sign.
To stand for Ten Centuries.- Ta lay the foundation of a
temple or of a dwelling house at a moment when the ris-
ing sign is ruled by the Sun, the 7th by Jupiter, and the
1oth by the Moon, predicts the existence of the house
or temple for a thousand years in a state of affluence.
The destiny will be the same respecting a house or
temple the construction of which is started at a moment
when Venus is stationed in the rising sign, Jupiter in the
7th and the Moon in the 1oth.
Mercury occupying the rising sign, Jupiter the 7th
and the Moon the 10th house-this planetary position, at
the moment of starting the construction foretells similar
stability. ,
Yet another planetary position that bestows thee
same good fortune on the house or the temple, started
under it, is:-Jupiter in the rising sign (fixed), Mercury in
the 7th and the Moon in the 1oth.
Any of these four planetary positions, at the moment
of laying the foundation, will establish the house or
temple, in question, in prosperity for a period of thousand
The floor of a dwelling house or a bungalow should
be smeared with a mixture of cow-dung and water every
Monday and Friday, and on the New-Moon and Full-Moon
days, days of eclipse, the first day of every month, the
conjunction of Venus and the Mean-on all these days the
floor should be smeared with cow-dung. The floor should
be swept clean each morning.
To clean and whitewash the walls, Monday, Wednes-
day, Thursday and Friday are auspicious. Avoid in-
auspicious days and Chathurdhasi Thithi. White-washing
on these days tends to cause the extinction of the building.
The flooring should be renewed once a year or every
six months. No repairs should be started under the
asterisms:-:Krithika, Magha, Pushya, Purvapalguni,
Hastha, Mula and Revathi, when any of these is governed
by Mars. lfthis rule be not observed, the house will be
exposed to fire accidents and the life of the son to danger.
To repair the Roof,-De not commence repairs to the
raof on Tuesday morning under a fiery sign occupied by
Mars; otherwise, the house wil1 take fire. 'The roof of
the house should be repaired at a time when Venus is
located in the rising sign and Jupiter in a quadrant. The
building will then be safe against fire and storm. The most
auspicious time is that when the rising sign is occupied by
a benefic with the Moon in any of the aquatic signs.
(Taurus, Cancer Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn and
Pisces) on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
The house, so repaired, will be immune from fire
A house roofed on Friday at a mament when the
nsmg sign is Taurus or Libra (aquatic signs) occupied by
Venus, will never take fire.
A house reefed on Monday when the Moon is in
Cancer (Aquatic sign) will never be subject to :u:cidents
by fire.
Raja Yoga-Jupiter in combination with any of the
following asterisms on a Thursday forms what is known
as Raja Yoga which is considered a very fortunate time
for starting the of a house. This planetary
position leads the owner of the house to a position of
royalty and bestows upon him a righteous son :-Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Aslesha, Utharapalguni, Purvashada, Utha-
rashada, Sravana and Utharabadhrapadha.
The wood of the trees 0f the following descriptions
should not be employed in the constructian :-
{r) A very shady tree, (2) a tree standing, on the
road side or within a temple (3) one having a hole,
(4) a tree blasted by lightning or beaten down by storm
or rain, (5) a rotten tree, (6) a sweet tree (7) one affected by
fire or standing in the cremation ground, (8) one that has
fallen down with a crash (9) one that is growing in the
temple of Kali (10) one situated in a pasturage (r r) one that
serves as prop to another. Vilvam, T,hundukam, Slesh-
malakam, Kangu-these trees, being dear to the Gods,
should be considered too sacred for men who should, by
no means, employ them in the construction of a house,
Otherwise, the issue will be disastrous.
Timbers once employed in the construction of a house
and dismantled are dubbed ''Salyam.' So a structure that
includes such materials tends to cause ruin to the owner,
his wealth and his family.
A house devoid of doors or of roof or one in which
there is no worship of the Gods, wherefrom no bounty is
given and where the hungry are not fed will become the
haunt of devils and will breed trouble.
From th,e Point of Viewof the Persons whose
Ascendants are Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio will do well to
build a house facing l<:ast; those born under Capricorn,
Virgo or Taurus will prosper in a house facing South ; a
house facing West wil) be found excellent by those whose
Ascendant is Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. Such a dwell-
ing will bestow wealth on the occupants. Those whose
Ascendants are Sagittari, Leo or Aries will flourish in
every respect in a house facing North.
The Divide the plot into nine sections ; the
fourth section from the left should form the main entrance
to the house.
For a house facing the plot into eight
sections. These respectively signify, in order, dissatis-
faction, weakness, pecuniary gain, royal favour, enormous
wealth, physical weakness, abundant happiness, deep
grief, intimidation.
For a house facing South:-Divide the plot
similarly into eight sections. These indicate danger to
life, bondage, endearment, protection, gain of seeds, mental
affliction, fear of disease, disability.
For a house facing West:-The eight sections denote
loss of sons, growth of enemies,. increase of affluence,
pecuniary gain, well-being, misfortune, love, sorrow.
For a house facing North:-The eight sections pro-
duce, in order, insult to wife, want of strength. harm, gain
of seeds, monetary gain, increase of prosperity, acquisition
of all fortune, disease.
The construction of, and entry ittto, a house should not
be commenced when the wife of the, owner is pregnant
and when Jupiter and Venus are combust. If this rule
be not observed, the issue will be disastrous to the wife.
Laying the foundation stone, Ornamentation, Agri-
cultural Work, Education, Coronation-all these should be
commenced unrkr the Janma Nakshatra (one's asterism at
birth) or under the roth asterism therefrom.
The Indicator.-Divide the house mto sixteen squares
The four central squares are ;,known as
Braarnham ./ the
square in the North-East is sign Pisces; the other squares
begin with Aries as shown in the diagram below. Ofthese
squares, the foundation laid in squares Aries, Leo or
Sagittari will protect the relations ; squares Taurus, Virgo
and Capricorn signify preference from royalty: Squares
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius favor prosperity of sons and
grandsons; squares Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces have an
adverse effect upon the family.
4 r i e ~ Talli'lls. Gemini.
North-East East East South-East
. '
North South
B r ~ hmam
North So.uth
, ..
Scorpio. Libra. Virgo.
West West South-West
Grahapravesam"-,-the Opening Cer-emony-must be
performed in Sukla Paksha and within the first to Thithis
of Krishna Paksha, in the forenoon or at noon.
The best asterisms are:-;-Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Punar-
vasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Anuradha, Uthara-
Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
The best Thithis are:-Prathamai of the dark fortnight,
Dhwithiyai, Thrithiyai, Panchami, Sapthami and Dhasami ;
and Ekadhasi and Thrayodhasi of the bright fortnight.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are
auspicious and the Amsas of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter
and Venus, the respective lords of these days. Saturday
is neutral. The other days and planets should be avoided.
The rising sign at the moment should be a Fixed one.
Common signs have middling quality. Movable signs
should not be considered.
Any Movable sign is; h6wevec'{good if, at the meme,,t,
the rising Navamsa of that sign be which is
a very fortunate sign. .
Influence of Zodiacal Signs from Je.nmaRui--Grahaprave-
sam when the rising sign is your Jenma-Rasi foretells
immunity from disease, if the Jei)ma Rasi be a fixed sign;
the second house, therefrom, protends illness and decline
of wealth; third signifies pecuniary gain; the fourth
shows trouble to the relations ; the fifth gives trouble to
the son ; the sixth brings ruin on the enemies ; the seventh
is adverse to the wife ; the eighth causes cruel malady;
the ninth foreshows trouble through the king; the tenth
favours attainment of the ebject ; the eleventh promotes
affluence, the twelfth multiplies comfort and fortune by
itself, even when bereft of ether dignities. If, however,
the sign be occupied by a benefic planet, at the moment, it
is unquestionably the most felicitous sign. Some astro-
logers advocate the performance of this function, even at
night, at a moment when the rising Navamsa, or the rising
sign itself, is occupied by a benefic. The influence of each
zodiacal sign is described in the chapter on Travel.
It is inauspicious to celebrate this function when Venus
is located in the opposite direction, or on your left. Venus,
occupying her own, or her friendly house, or her house
of exaltation never exercises an adverse influence.
The 8th house from the rising sign, at the moment,
should be vacant, for any planet located therein will
produce harm.
The time chosen fer Grahapravesam, Marriage,
Nishekam, u m ~ a v a n a m and Seemantham should be
favorable to the wife of the individual.
The time for Crowning a Sovereign is indicated in this
chapter. The author thus sets forth his ideal of kingship:-
Born of a worshipful family, under Raja Yoga, and gifted
with all regal qualities, a knowledge of all the virtues, and
the wisdom to guide the nation,well-ttaincdin horsemanship
and in the use of weapons, filled with devotion to God and
to Brahmanas, Served and respected by ministers of great
eminence, a speaker of truth, the king must be one who
has centrali-ed his lower impulses, one endowed with the
spirit of supreme courage, self-sacrifice and self-denial,
Choose the bright half of the lunar month and a day,
therein, bereft of all adverse qualities. In the forenoon
there should be recitations, from the Vedas, of benedictory
verses by Brahmanas upon whom liberal gifts of gold
should be bestowed. This over, the king must put on his
golden Crown, resplendant with all kinds of gems, amidst
the rapture of music, conch and bugle. The king
must then make his salutation to Maba Vishnu, to the
priests and the elders and equip himself with all the para-
phernalia of royalty.
The best asterisms for coronation are :-Aswini,
Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Oothirapalguni,
Hastha, Anuradha, Oothirashada, Sravana, Oothirabadh-
rapadha and Revathi.
All odd Thithis of the bright half of the lunar month
except Navami are good. Of the even Thithis, Dhwithiyai
and Dhasami are good.
All Rasis tsigns) except Libra, Scerpio, Virgo and
Capricorn are good.
There should be no planet in the 8th house.
Malefics in the 3rd, 6th and r rth houses produce
pecuniary gain and promote the well-being of the landlord.
For Audience.-To pay your respects to the king
choose any of the following asterisms :-Aswirii, Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Pushya, Utharapalg)ll)i, Hastha, Chithra,
Anuradha,. Sravana, Sravishta and Revathi.
Fixed signs are the best.
Any Thithi of the bright half of the lunar month,
except Chathurthi, Navaini and Chathurdhasi ( Rikthai) 1s
Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and . Frida,y and the
Amsas of the Sun, Mercury, .Jupiter and Venus are very
A very fortunate moment to wait upon Ute king is-
when the rising sign is that of Mercury occupied by
Jupiter in " Virgothama" position.
Having chosen a Fixed sign, the: only thing is to see
that '.the sign occupied by the Mo0ri at the time is
" Vasya" (Concordant) to your Janma-Rasi, and that the
asterism ruled by the Moon is " Vasya ' to the Janma-
Nakshatra ofthe sovereign.
To seat oneself on horseback or any other convey-
ance, the following asterisms are the best :-Aswini,
Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Magha, Utharapalguni,
Hastha, Chithra, Swathi, Anuradha, Utharashada,
Sravana, Utharabadhrapadha and Revathi.
All Thithis except Prathamai, Shashti, Ekadhasi and
the Full-Moon and the days of the week except Sunday
and Tuesday are good.
To put on Arms and Weapons etc-To wear arms and wea-
pons, both offensive and defensive, choose any of the
following asterisms :-Aswini, Bharani, Krithika, Ardhra,
Aslesha, Magha,. Purvapalguni, Chithra, Jyeshta, Satha-
bis and Revathi.
Of Thithis, Chathurthi, Navami and Chathurdhasi
are fortunate. Badhrai (Vishti) Karana, Sunday, Tuesday,
Thursday and the signs and Amsas of the Sun, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn produce good results .
A king should receive tribute for the first time under
any of the following asterisms :-Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu,
Utharapalguni, Hastha, Chithra, Swathi, Sravana, Sra-
vishta and Sathabis.
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus and their signs and
Amsas as well as their days of the week are very felicitous.
Tributes received by the king in i accordance with these
rules enhance the presperity of the State,
Avoid Prathamai, Chathurthi, Ashtami, Navami,
Chathurdhasi, the New-Moon and the Full-Moon.
Aries, Scorpio and Aquarius are evil signs.
The 8th house from the rising sign at the time
should be vacant.
The Time for Interview-The one who pays the
tribute should choose any of the following asterisms to
pay his respects to the king ::-l\1r)gasirsha, Pushy a,
Utharapalguni, Anuradha, Sravana and Sathabis, Chathur-
thi, Navami and Chathurdhasi should be avoided. Choose
any of the remaining Thithis and a Fixed sign on Sunday,
Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.
To buy, tame or make use of an elephant the pros-
perous asterisms are :-.Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvas u,
Pushya, Magha, Utharapalguni, Hastha, Anuradha, Utha-
rashadha, Sravana, Sravishta,' Utharabadhrapadha.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the
signs and Amsas of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus are good for mounting an elephant or for training
Sirodhaya signs (Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio and Aquarius) aspected by benefics should be
To place the goad on the elephant choose Capricorn or
Aquarius and the Navamsa of a benefic on a Saturday
ruled by any of the asterisms specified above.
The Stable -To lay the foundation for the construction
of a stable for the elephant, the most auspicious time is
when the Sun is in exaltation, or in his own house,
Jupiter, Venus or the Moon well-placed in the rising sign
and the Moon located in the Navamsa of a benefic.
To buy a Horse_:_T0 buy or break in a horse any of
the following asterisms is good :--Aswini, Krithika,
Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharabadhrapada,
Hastha, Swathi, Visaka, Anuradha and Sravishta,
To mount a Horse-. These asterisms are fortunate for
mounting a horse. They bestow happiness. and fortune.
Mares are governed by Sathabis ; horses, by Aswini.
These two Asterisms are fortunate for purchasing and
training, respectively, a horse and a mare.
To buy the first half ot Krithika and
Pushya which govern them.
For buying elephants the second half of Bharani or
Revathi which govern elephants is excellent.
Elephants, horses and cows etc., should be purchased,
brought into the stable arid employed on auspicious
days under the rising sign and Amsa of a benefic. This
contributes to enhance the welfare of the owner.
Village, Town etc Defined-That quarter of a village
which is monopolised and inhabited by holy learned
Brahmanas is called Agraharam. If people of other
classes also live in the same propitious place, the whole
territory is styled a Village. " Nagaram" is the designation
of a place closely inhabited by people of different classes
and artisans, and provided with temples for public worship.
"Pathanam" is the term applied to a more extensive
area inhabited by people of various creeds and classes,
noted for wealth and commerce and situated on the
bank of a river or on the coast of a sea.
The Quarters of a Nagaram etc.-The Eastern part is
assigned to potters; the western side to sellers of meat ;
oil-mongers live on the northern side ; those that deal in
flowers dwell on the north eastern. Sudras live here and
there, and artisans anywhere;- outside the city the painters
thrive; and the depressed classes in the south-west.
The ceremony of installing a Deity should be done in
the first half of the the Sun is in his northern
course. Avoid the month of Magha, The wise man should
perform the function at a moment when the rising sign is
propitious and fruitful to him, when Jupiter and Venus are
well-dignified and devoid of adverse qualities, when they
are seen in their brilliance in the sky and when the Moen
is prosperous, ruling a benefic asterism, in the bright half
of the lunar month (Sukla Paksha).
The following asterisms are excellent:- Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Utharapalguni, Hastha,
Swathi, Utharashada and Utharabadhrapadha.
Aswini, Chithra, Anuradha, Mula, Sravana and
Sravishta are of middling quality.
All odd Thithis except Navami are auspicious. Of
the even Thithis, Dwithiyai, Shashti and Dhasami will do
The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are benefics ;
their signs and NavauJsas and the days of the week ruled
by them, their t Dhrekkanas and their Horas give pros-
Choose Fixed signs. To install a female Deity, a
Common sign is commendable. Movable signs should be
avoided under any circumstance.
The Moon in her exaltation (Taurus) at the time is
important as it. will conduce to the well-being of the
Yajaman-the donor who is responsible for the endowment.
Debilitated, she brings poverty: located in a friendly
sign, she helps to promote the good offices of friends, and
pecuniary gains : in inimical signs she multiplies enemies.
+ See Chapter 33 for cxplanatirm.
If, at the time of installing a Deity, the rising sign be
occupied by the Sun, Mars, Rahu, the Moon and Saturn,
the village or part Of the town concerned will suffer
Malefics in the 2nd house from the rising sign at the
moment of installation deprive the Yajaman of his wealth.
Benefics accompanied by the Moon, in the same house,
endow him with more.
Planets in the 3rd house bestow and improve happi-
Malefics, in the 4th house, give trouhk; benefics,
except the Moon, cause increased well-being.
Malefics, in the 5th house, affect the sons ; benefics
bestow sons, a charitable disposition and promote welfare.
The Moon in the 5th house disturbs happiness.
Malefics, in the 6th house, bring about the defeat of
enemies ; Jupiter, therein, multiplies them ; the Moon and
Venus, therein, tempt the individual to relinquish his posi-
The Sun in the 7th house threatens to kill the
Yajaman; Saturn, therein, ruins his well-being; Mercury
brings danger to the life of the Son ; Mars produces peril of
fire accidents ; Venus tends to convert the temple into a
haunt of devils; Jupiter and the Moon favour pecuniary
gain and gain of seeds.
There should be no planet in the 8th house lest the
family may perish.
Benefics in the 9th house signify prosperity to the
endowment; Malefics in the same house, in conjunction
with the Moon, adversely affect wealth, happiness and
the institution itself.
Malefics in the wth house denote the decay of the
institution ; benefics located there in conjunction with the
Moon promote prosperity in sons and friends.
Planets, in the 11th house, bestow sons, we;lltht
happiness and longevity.
The uth house must be vacant; if occupied by any
planet, the Yajaman will be reduced to poverty. Jupiter
and Mercury in the .,zth house, however, increase his
Avoid the ceremony at the following periods :-The
end of the Ayana (half-year,) the end of the year, of a Thithi,
and of an asterism. '' Vedhai
asterisms, Vyathipatham,
eclipses, :Sunya month; Sunya days and Sunya Rasi
the day on which is seen
Parivesham'' (the halo round the Sun or the Moon)
and the day on which the Sun is not visible.
I shall now state the rules relating to Travels.
Influence of Signs and Planets--Do not start on a journey
when the Sun is in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. The Sun
should be in othersigns at the time of starting. A person
must not enter upon a journey under the middle part
of the signs Leo and Cancer; otherwise he will contract
disease and will have no peace of mind for seven years.
He must avoid also the time when Mars, Venus and
Mercury are retrograde qr combust.
Pakshas Choose the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha)
having regard to the planetary position at the time.
Avoid Krishna Paksha (the dark half of the lunar month),
* See Chapter 33,
The best asterisms are:--Mrigasirsha, Pushya, Hastha,
Anuradha, Sravishta; Sravana, Revathi and Aswini.
Rohini, Punarvasu, Utharapalguni, Chithra, Mula.
Utharashadha, Sathabis possess a middling quality.
Put off the journey if the ruling asterism, at the time,
be any of the following :-Bharani. Krithika, Ardhra,
Aslesha, Magha, Purvapalguni, Swathi, Visakha, Jyeshta,
Purvashada and Purvabadhrapadha and your asterism
at birth. Of these, the foll<i!winga&terisms are auspicious
for journey beyond the Ghathikas (of their total duration)
speCified against each:-Krithika 13 Ghatikas, Bharani 7,
Magha 14, < Purvapalguni, Purvashada and Purvabadhra-
padha 16, Swathi, Aslesha, Visakha, Ardhra, Jyeshta and
the Jenma-Nakshathra, 14.
Thithis-Dwithiyai, Thrithiyai, Panch ami, Sapthami,
Dhasami, Ekadhasi and Thrayodhasi of the Sukla and
Krishna Pakshas are good.
Prathamai, Chathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami, Navami,
Dwadhasi, Chathurdhasi as also the Full-Moon and the
New-Moon should be avoided.
The Days -Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and the
time when the rising Navamsa is that of Mercury. Jupiter
or Venus, (the lords of those days) are commcudablc.
The other days and the Navamsas of the lords of those
days are inauspicious.
The fruitful signs are:- Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libr<t,
and Sagittari. Other signs are not to be considered.
Stellar lnfluence.--Journey during .asterism Ardhra
.... misery; Aslesha grief on.account of hunge-r;
Purvashada leads to physical injury ; Swathi and Visakha
denote suffering from wounds ; Bharani and Magha
portend danger to life ; Krithika causes needless roaming;
Purvabadhrapadha brings many troubles ; Jyeshta causes
severe fever ; Purvapalguni threatens to make safe return
impossible. One should not start an a journey under any
of these asterisms.
To start on a journey during Vyathipatham impairs
health ; to do so at Sankaranthi signifies rambling ; to do
so on a day of eclipse portends confinement.
Significance of Weather. If, at the time of starting, you
oppose yourself to the wind the journey will be beset with
Journey at the time of the appearance of Parivesha
(the halo rouud the Sun or the Moon)causes suffering from
hunger and thirst.
Journey on a cloudy day(when the Sun is not visible)
portends helplessness ; rain at the time makes the return
journey difficult.
Influence of Thithis .,Prathamai denotes troubles ;
Dhwithiyai favours achievement of object ; Thrithiyai
welcomes wealth ; Chathurthi causes misery ; Panchami
brings affluence; Shashti leads to frustration of all pur-
poses ; Sapthami shows success; Ashtami breeds sick-
ness; Navami signifies dan"ger to life; Dhasami shows
fulfilment of the abject; Ekadhasi keeps away all causes
of fear; Dhwadhasi tends to failure of business ; Thrayo-
dhasi gives happiness and success ; Chathurdhasi foretells
eye-disease and disappointment; New-Moon day leads to
defeat and the Full-Moon day to destitution. To set out
on a journey on Prathamai and Chathurdhasi days of the
bright and dark fortnights, respectively, is likely to cause
loss of property; it fends to render return from the
journey difficult. Some astrologers predict a similar effect
of a journey begun on Shashti, Ashtami or Dhwadhasi.
The Days ofthe Week. To start on a Sunday causes
waste ; Monday produces disability ; Tuesday brings
fever and other illness ; Wednesday creates fear ; Thurs-
day favours gain in various ways ; Friday welcomes suc-
cess and gain of wealth ; Saturday tends to loss of money
and danger to life.
The Zodiacal Signs. To set out at a time when the ri-
sing sign is Aries causes danger to life; Taurus signifies
success, Gemini indicates evil; Cancer faveurs gain of
lands ; Leo gives corrifort; Virgo breeds fever; Libra
shows a successful journey; Scorpio leads to suffering
from wounds; Sagittarius bestbws conquest over enemies ;
Capricorn denotes confinement; Aquarius portends
battery on the way. t Pisces inclines to cause fear of theft.
Influence of Signs from the Jenma-Rasi. - Success will
attend a journey commenced at a moment when the rising
sign is the Jenma-Rasi of the indivioual; the second sign,
therefrom, gives the pleasure of the company of relations ;
the . third bestows conveyances; the fourth throws
obstacles; the fifth presents many difficulties; the sixth
helps to overcome enemies and gain wealth ; the seventh
causes trouble, fear and inconvenience to the individual
and his cenveyances; the eighth shows danger to life and
adversely affects relations; the ninth leads to sickness,
unnecessary expenditure and confusion; the tenth por-
tends grief and death; the eleventh favours pecuniary
gain aPd gain of Other things besides freedom from ill-
ness ; the twelfth tends to loss of money and failure.
Influence of Signs from the Ascendant -No journey should
be begun at a moment when the rising sign is the Jenma-
Lagna (Ascendant at birth) of the iudividual. To start at
that time leads to malady; the fifth sign from the Jenma-
Lagna should also be avoided for it tends to cause loss of
Aries is an auspicious sign, according to Kalarnrita.
f Pisces foretells rain and ultimate success, according to
sons and danger to life; the seventh sign, therefrom,
creates pain of mind at the outset and bestows happiness
in the end; the ninth sign hinders the progress of journey;
and compels return, , the tenth bestows money. The
delineatiens for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, nth, and 12th
signs (from the Ascendant) are the same as those given for
the same houses from the Jenma-Rasi, (Vide para supra.)
Influence of Oordhwa-Mukha and other Rasis-To start at
a time when the rising sign is an Oordhwa-Mukha-Rasi-
a sign just vac-ated by the Sun-helps the individual to gain
the object of his desire ; Thiryag-Mukha sign to
be next occupied by the Sun-brings misfortune ; Atho-
Mukha Rasi_;_the sign occupied by the S'un-leads to
loss of property.
The Influence of the Signs-+Prishtedhaya Rasis create
intimidation. t Ubhayodhaya Rasi causes deviation from
the path of rectitude. Sirodhaya Rasis, *favour complete
success. [The auspicious signs already indicated should
be chosen in the light of this rule.]
Sulam--An Inauspicious Astrological Yoga -.J yesh ta and
Sravana are inauspicious for going westward ; Magha and
Aswini, for going southward; Rohini and Pushya, for
going westward; Hastha and Utharapalguni, for going
northward ; Jyeshta, for going Purvabadhra-
padha for going south-west and Rohini for going n0rth-
west ; Utharapalguni for going north-east. Sulam is
inauspicious for journey and should be, therefore, positi-
vely avoided.
X Aries, Taurus,Cancer, Capricorn are known
as Prishtodhaya Rasis, signs that rise by their feet.
T Pisces, a sign that rises by its head and by its feet.
* Signs that rise by their heads are .Sirodaya Rasis- such
as Gemini, Leo, V,irgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarim;.
.. Kandakam" for the Days of the Week-, This is alse an
inauspicious Yoga. It is inauspicious to go south-east
on Tuesday, south-west on Wednesday; north-west on
Saturday. This adverse Yoga for the days with reference
to the directions specified, is known as Vara-Kandakam.
The lUsis and their Directions--One should choose Aries
to go eastward; Cancer, to go southward; Libra, to go
westward; and Capricorn, to go northward.
The Lord of the Ascendant at Birth-The sign of the lord
of your Lagna, at birth, his friendly house and his house
of exaltation are good for starting on a journey. His
inimical sign and the sign of his debilitation should be
The Influence of Planetary Amsas-,The Amsas of the
Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
at the moment of starting, respectively produce loss of
conveyance, evil, danger by fire, gain of friendship,
pecuniary gain, the enjoyment of fortune, and loss of issue .
. Conveyances,-Journey eastward on an elephant; south-
ward in a car; westward on a horse; northward in a
palanquin or any other conveyance borne on the shoulders
of men.
Conjunction of Planets.--To begin a journey when the
Moon is in conjunction with Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
tends to breed quarrel with relations ; to do so when the
Moon is in conjunction with Rahu is likely to affect the
wife ; the Moon in combination with the Sun, at the time.
is likely to breed disease : the Moon, in conjunction with
Saturn and Mars tends to create disappointment in all
places ; in conjunction with the Sun and Kethu, she has a
tendency to upset everything.
A very felicitous Time-Jupiter or Venus, well placed in
the rising sign at the time of starting makes the ,journey,
both ways, immensely profitable and pleasant.
Yogini.-The location of Yogini at the time of starting
is an important matter. Yogini, located behind or on the
right of the traveller is conducive to success; Yogini in
front of him or on the left side proves disastrous-even
to lndra.
The following Table shows the points of the horizon
governed by Yogini during the bright and dark halves
of the lunar month :-
Sukla-Paksha.. Krishna-Paksha.
Prathamai, Ekadhasi Shashti-
Thrithiyai, Thrayo- Ashtami
Panchami,Full-Moon... Dhasami
Chathurthi, Chathur- Navami
Shashti . "'
Dhwithiyai, Dhwadhasi
Prathamai, Ekadhasi
Dhwithiyai, Dhwadhasi.
Chathurthi, Chathu r-
South- East
Nortl1 l:ast.
Dhasami Panchami and New- Earth.
The Traveller's Zodiac-The day is divided into eight
parts of an hour and a half each. Each part is called a
Yamam. Only eight planets are reckoned with for purposes
of this chapter, and they are the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mer-
cury, Vel\us, Satlwn. the Moon and Rahu. Sign Pisces is
the beginning of this circle in which these eight planets
move backwards in the order in which they are given.
The lord of the day in question, namely, the planet
denoted by the day of the week, is located for the first
Yamam in Pisces which, as stated above, is the commence-
ment of this Zodiac. I lc moves backwards t. Aquarius,' fnr
the second Yamam. The arc not occupied.
So, erossing Capricorn, he occupies Sagittari in the 3rd
Yamam ; Scorpio, in the 4th, Virgo, in the 5th, Leo in the
(;th, crossing the movable sign Libra ; Gemini, in the ;th
and leaving Cancer, occupies Taurus in the 8th. The
remaining planets occupy in the order in which they are
mentioned the Fixed and Common signs from Pisces
backwards. In this way, every one and a half hours the
eight planets move, in their order, along the ecliptic back-
wards occupying only Fixed and Common signs.
Let us, for instance, determine the planetary position,
as per this rule, during the first
I st
one and a half hours on Sunday. Sun
The Sun being the lord of that Sth ,
day, is placed in Pisces, the starting Mars.
sign. The other planets occupy
the other divisions of the circle
in the order given, as in !Fig. I. 7th
crossing the Movable Signs (Capri- ;Jup.
corn, J.ibra.Cancer and Aries).
2nd 3rd
Rahu Moon
1st Yamun1
11th uth
Mor. \',.n.
The Yathra Chakra for the 2nd Yama will begin with
Rahu in Pisces, the Sun in Aquarius, Mars in Sagittarius,
Jupiter in Scorpio, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Leo, Saturn
in Gemini, the Moon in Taurus.
To work out the Yathra Chakra for the first period
of Wednesday. As per directions
given above, Mercury, the lerd of
Wednesday, must occupy the
starting sign Pisces; the next, in
order, is Venus who must be
located in Aquarius'; after her is
Saturn who should be placed in
Sagittarius, not in Capricorn,
1st Yamam
because it is a Movable sign. The Fit.
Moon should occupy Scorpio; Rahu should be in Virgo ;
the Sun, in Leo; Mars, in Gemini; and Jupiter, in Taurus
as in Fig. 2. Jupiter, Mars,- the Sun, Rahu, the Moon,
Saturn and Venus are respectively the lords of the 2nd
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th periods.
:The numeral indicates the Yamam ofwhich the planet is lord.
The facts to be borne in mind in drawing a Yathra
Chakra are(r)thaJ the 8 periods are governed by 8 planets
(2) that they move backwards, (3) that the starting sign is
Pisces, not Aries, and (4) that the Movable signs are left
The same rule should be applied to locate the lords
of the eight Yamams of the night.
To. start on a journey at a moment when the lord of
the Yama governs the direction+ in 'Yhich the individual
has to travel gives conquest over enemies, however
powerful they might be. The planetary directions n ~
shown in this circle :-
Nakshathra. Purusha :--The first three asterisms from
the Jenma-Nakshathra constitute its face; the next four,
its eyes ; the next four its neck; the next six, its hands ;
the next two, its sides ; the next eight, its legs.
+ Planetary Directions:-The Sun is the Regent of the East,
Venus, of the South Ea:st, Mars,ofthe South; Rahu,ofthe South-
West, Saturn, of West; the Moon, of North-West, Mercury, of
the North; Jupiter, of the North-East. These are the planetary
Do not start on a journey under an asterism which
at the time is governed by Mars ; otherwise, that part of
the body governed by the asterism will be hurt by a
Taiga on a journey under the asterisms, Purva-
palguni, Purvashada and. Purvabadhrapadha, Barani,
Jyeshta, Aslesha and Ardhra is likely to cause danger to
the life of the individual beyond the tenth mile.
Thithi Sulam1-Prathamai and Navami are inauspi-
cious for going eastward ; Dhwithiyai and Dhasami, for
going northward, Thrithiyai and Ekadhasi, for going
south-east; Chathurthi and Dhwadhasi, for going south
west; Panchami and Thrayodhasi, for going southward
Shashti and Chathurdhasi, for going westward ; Sapthami
and Full-Moon, for g0ing north-west; Ashtami and
New-Moon, for going north-east.
Sulam for the Days of the Week. Monday and Saturday
are inauspicious for going eastward; Thursday, for going
southward ; Sunday and Friday, for going westward ;
Tuesday and Wednesday, for going northward. These
days are not throughout inauspicious for commencing a
journey in the directions specified. Monday and Saturday
are auspiCious beyond the 8th Ghatika after sunrise ;
Thursday is auspicious beyond the nnd Ghatika after
sunrise ; Sunday and Friday, beyond tbe' I 5th Ghatika;
Tuesday and Wednesday, beyond the 12th Ghatika.
Chandra Kandakam. -This is also an unfortunate Yoga.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius ; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn;
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius ; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
-these four sets of Thrikona or triangular signs are in-
auspiCious for goin'g West, North, East and South,
respectively, if the rising sign, at the time, be occupied
by the Moon. This is known as Chandra Kandakam.
sulam is hot a lucky astrological Yoga, and the prospccfivc
travcllct' should not oppose himself to it.
Asterisms and their lucky Ta go east,
asterism Pushya is the best; Mrigasirsha is of middling
quality. To go south, Hastha is the best; Chithra is next
in merit. To go west, Sravana is the best; Anuradha
ranks next. To go north, Sravishta and Aswini are the
best ; Sravana is of middling quality.
Thithis and not go (t) eastward during
Nandhai; (2) southward, during Badhrai; (3) westward,
during Jayai; (4) northward during Poernai ; and (S) any-
where on the New-Moon day and during Rikthai.
The Days of the Week.-To go eastward on 'J;'uesday,
southward on Monday and Saturday, westward on
Wednesday and Thursday, and northward on Friday,
is certain to give success.
Do not go (t) eastward, when the rising sign is
occupied by the Sun, (2) south-east, when the nth or
12th house from the rising sign is occupied by Venus,
(3) southward, when the roth house is occupied by Mars,
(4) south-west, when Rahu is posited in the 8th or 9th
house, (5) westward, when Mercury holds the 7th house,
(6) northwest, when the Moon is located in the 5th or 6th
house, (])northward, when Mercury is in the 4th house,
and (8) north-east, when Jupiter is stationed in the 2nd.
Neglect of these rules will surely cause disaster.
+ The three main Gunas of Time and Signs of the
Signs Pisces, Virgo, Cancer and Sagittarius are consi-
dered adverse to Sathwic periods ; Taurus, Scorpio, Libra
and Aries to Rajasa period ; and Gemini, Leo, Aquarius
and Capricorn, to the Thamasa. See Table on page 150,
Multiply the Thithi, the day of the week and the
asterism by 2,3 and 4, respectively and divide the product
by 6, 8 and 6 respectively. If these figures be exactly
+ For Explanation see Appendix. *See Ch. 33.
The following Table shows the Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas periods of a day.
Day Tinw 1
.I , 2

3 4
6 7
Thamas Satlnm Rajas Thamas Sathwa. Rajas
Rajas j Thamas Sathwa Rajas . Tha,mas Sathwa
Rajas Thamas , Sathwa Ra:jas . Thama11 Sathwa Rajas
W ednesdaJ Thamas
Sathwa j
Thamas Sath\va Rajas .Thamas
Thursday Sathwa Rajas Thamas Sathwa Rajas Thamas Sathwa
Friday Rajas
Thamas / Sathwa Rajas Thamas sathwa Rajas
Saturday Thamas
Sathwa i Rajas Thamas Sathwa Thamas
Night 1
l 4 5
6 7
' I

-. Rajas Thamas.
Sathwa Rajas
i\Iouday ; Thamas. Sathwa
Rajas ''Thamas
Sathwa Rajas Thamas
Thamas Sathwa
Rajas Thamas. Sathwa
Wednesday Rajas
Thamas Sath"a Rajas Thamas Sath'!Ya Raj'as
Thursday Thamas
.Sathwa Rajas . Thamas Satbwa Rajas Thamas
Sathwa Rajas Thamas Sathwa
Rajas Thamas I . Sathwa
"aturday Rajas
Thamas Sathwa Rajas Thamas Sat hw a j Rajas
N. B.-A period is one hour and thirty minutes.
. Thama!l.
Rajai-< .
divisible, it is a bad day for the journey. If there be a re-
mainder; the day may 1be considered fortunate. If the first
figure alone be exactly divisible, it indicates malady ; if
the second figure be so, the person will suffer intimida-
tion ; if the third figure be so, there will be affliction. If
all the figures be exactly divisible, it portends disaster.
Illustration :-Is it auspicious to set out on Friday, ruled
by asterism Pushya and Panchami Thithi ? Here, the
number, denoted by the Thithi is 5; Counting from
Sunday, Friday is the 6th day of the week; Asterism
Pushya is the 8th from Aswini. As per the rule, the
figures 5, 6 and 8 sheuld be multiplied by 2, 3 and 4
respectively, il:nd the three products divided by 6, 8 and 6
respectively. As nene of the figures is exactly divisible,
the day is auspicious.
Count the asterisms from the one ruled by the Sun,
to that ruled by the Me"on, and divide the total number
by 7. If the remainder be 2 or 6, the journey-will involve
needless movement from place to place. If 3 or Q be the
remainder, the individual will be exposed to the risk of
receiving blows ; remainders I, 4 or 5 are excellent and
will make the journey profitable.
Add 1 5 to the total obtained by the addition of the
Thithi, day, asterism and the rising sign, at the moment
of starting, and divide the total by 9. If the remainder be
5, illness must be predicted. Add 12, instead! of I 5, to the
said total and divide the resultant by 9. If 5 be the
remainder, there will be a likelihood of danger by fire.
Add 10 instead of I 2, to the same total and divide it by 9
if S be the remainder, it indicates trouble from royalty.
Add 8, instead of 10, to the total, and divide it by 9;
if 5 be the remainder, fear of thieves will be likely. Add
4, instead af 8, to the total, and divide the resultant by 9,
If 5 be the remainder, the issue will be disastrous. 5 is
therefore a " bad" remainder and should be avoided.
Other remainders make the journey profitable.
In the light of the foregoing rules, it is by no means
easy to select a day thoroughly favourable in respect of
Thithi, day of the week, asterism, the rising sign and the
Amsa. A description of some of the beneficial Yogas that
make a journey fruitful is therefore set forth below :-
Just prior to departure at the auspicious moment, the
Brahmanas, deities, the astrologer. the relatives (elders)
and the family priest should be the eligible objects of rever-
ence and bounty according to one's means. All success
will attend him who sets out, offering his salutation to
Narayana who is the Spirit and Central Light of'lhe Sun.
Clean, well-dressed, and perfumed with sandals l;lnd scents,
the prospective traveller should begin his journey with
the consent o.f his wife and others. This will give him
success. The mind should be :free from feelings
of anger, sorrow, miserliness or dejection.
If the breath of the body flows through .he right
nostril, take the starting step on your journey with your
right foot first. If the breath flows through the left,
use the left foot first.
Do not go eastward or northward when the breath
flows through the left nostril, and westward or southward
when it flows through the right; otherwise, there will be
fear of and of risk to life.
To go into the house when the respiration is through
the right nostril, and to leave it when it is through the left
-this is a very good rule.
See that the Moon is strong and well-dignified and
free from malefic aspects at the time of starting, and you
will attain your object without difficulty or impediment.
One should not even think ef starting when t day and
night are of equal length.
Good Days for Starting-:-Ajourney started under any of
the following planetary conditions is certain to prove
1. The Moon in(Cadent)the 3rd, 6th, 9th or I 2th bouse,
and Jupiter located in square to the rising sign.
2. Start under asterism Anuradha, sojourn on the
way for the whole duration of asterism Jyeshta and re-
sume the Journey at the commencement of asterism Mula,
3, Start under ast. Mrigasirsha, sojourn on the way
for the whole duration of ast. Ardhra and Punarvasu
and resume the journey at the commencement of ast.
4 Start under ast. Hastha, sojourn for the whole
duration of Chithra and Swathi, on the way, and resume
the journey at the commencement of Visakha.
5. Start when the rising sign is occupied by the
Moon with Jupiter or Venus in a quadrant.
6. Jupiter well-placed in the rising sign and the Moon
anywhere except in the 8th house, gives success over
enemies, besides making the journey prat\table if the latter
be located in the 6th house from the Lagna in the Navamsa
7. The Moon in the 7th, and Venus and Mercury in
the 4th-this makes the journey easy and peaceful.
!The vernal equinox and autumnal equinox, occurring about
March zr and September 23, are the only two days in a year,
when day and night are of equal length. It is the time when the
Sun's centre in crossing the equator coincides with that of the
equinoctical points. The Autumnal signs are Libra, Scorpio and
Sagittarius and the Vernal signs are Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
At each equinox, day and night are of equal length. To set out
at equinox is likely to have a disastrous issue.
8. Venus governing the rising sign, Mercury the 2nd
and the Sun the 3rd-this gives victory oyer enemies and
success in the undertaking.
9. Mercury in t ~ 4th house, Jupiter in the and or
7th or in trine-this will eradicate all ad verse effects as
Rama did the Raldha:sas.
to. Jupiter 1 in the rising sign, completely dispels the
influence of malefics ia the 8th house and bestows success.
u. Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, well-dignified in
trines or quadrants,produces ge0d-Se says Brahma Deva.
u. Benefics, statidhed in the 2nd and 1 1 th houses from
the rising sign, with the Sun in the roth house, prove
the journey successful and profitable, in all ways, and
favour a safe return from the journey in good health.
13. jupiter; stationed 1n the rising sign, malefics in the
3rd, 6th and Irth houses, and Venus anywhere except in
the 7th, fill the journey with good luck all along the line.
A General Rule 1:-Begin ne j9urn.ey when the qua-
drants from the rising sign, at the:time, are unoccupied by
benefics, or are occupied by malefic planets ; if the
quadrants be governed at the time by malefics arid benefics
together, the result will be of middling quality.
For Ladies :-Ladies should not set out on a 'journey
(1) when the Sun is in Cancer, Virgo or Aquarius, (2) on
Friday or Wednesday, (3) on Prathamai day, ( 4) v.rider
asterism Utharapalguni, Utharashada and Utharabadhra-
padha, (5) when, in the journey, they have to oppose
themselves to Venus or when she is placed on their left
side. Women should have regard to these points in addi-
ti0n to the foregoing rules.
In times of famine or of political turmoil, for going to
a marriage or for the purpose of attending a sacrifice, and
for movements from one part 0f a town Or village to
another, the location of Venus in the opposite direction
has no evil influence.
In the case of a journey of, or less than, two Crosas,
or extending to over twelve Yajanas, the location of
Venus need not be considered.
To propitiate Venus and put down the adverse effects
due to her location in the opposite quarters, gifts of a
white horse, white cloth, genuine pearl and silver to
Brahmanas are recommended.
Ezception.--The location of Venus as referred to above
has no adverse effect whatever on a journey undertaken
with the object of protecting children, the sick or the forlorn;
nor when the wife goes to her husband's ac<;EJmpanied by
The wife proceeding to her husband's for the first
time should not, however, oppose herself to Venus.
Those:that belong to Kasyapa, Vasishta, Bharadhwaja
Athreya, Angeerasa, Bhargava, and Srivathsa Gothras are
not affected by such location of Venus.
The adverse quality will, however, sink; if Venus be
in her own or friendly house, thaugh in the opposite
direction. A person should not go on a jaurney in the
6th or the 8th month of his wife's period of pregnancy ;
the month of Ashada should also be avoided.
PansthaAam-In case of emergency when .no aus-
picious moment may be found at the desired time a
person may start and proceed a few steps, equipped for
the journey, and put up in the nearest place available, or,
leave there his cloth, his stick, umbrella, rosary, books,
looking glass, bed or seat or vehicle or anything else in
tpken of his departure, and thereafter proceed within
a week. If rain or starm should intervene a fresh
Par . sthanam should be made.
4 inches make I Hastha.
4 Hasthas ,; I Dhandah.
zooo Dhandahs , I Crosa.
4 Crosas ,, 1 Yojana.
An inch is the length of 8. paddy breadthwise.
Good Omens-The following are good omens which
foreshow success :,...:...A virgin, cow, gems, flower, curd,
horse, Brahmanas, creepers, flaming fire, a pair of water-
pots, bull, lotus, sandal, grain, fried rice, food, dead body,
prostitute, white garland, chamaras, weapons, consecrated
rice, (saffron-colored rice) sesamum, chintz, a young
woman with her baby, a calf with the cow, the sound of
conch and other musical instruments, pieces of flesh, ghee,
or milk To meet with any of these coming in front of one
on the way indicates happiness. The hearing of such
sounds as "go," "be happy," "conquer," "leave," 'deliver"
or "start" at the time of departure are also good omens.
Evil Omens-The following are evil omens :-Whey.
one rubbed over with oil, with dishevelled er plaited hair,
a crumpled nose, an ascetic, oil-monger, red flowers, wet
clothes,' a hog, hare, snake, salt, tripping; tearingef clothes,
stumbling down or weeping. To see any of these coming in
front on the Way forebodes evil, and the person must put
off his journey, in such a case. The hearing of such ex-
pressions as "come," "stop," "If I simply say "go," you
walk off," are also bad omens.
The cry of quarrel or of lamentation is also a
destructive omen. If you see a snake or a cat on the way,
put off the journey for six months ; if yc:m see birds, put
it off for three days ; if you hear a sneeze, StGp for a day;
if you{: meet with a hare think not of that journey as long
as the Suit and the stars endure. A single Brahmana is
evil itself incarnate; two predict early success; three
portend failure; a group of Brahmanas promise good.
A single Sudra is a good omen ; two or more present only
too bad an omen.
Sneezing at the time of journey forebodes no good.
The sneezing of a cow portends a gory spectacle and a
life-long Nemesis. The sneezing of a buffalo shows
disaster. If you hear a disagreeble voice, at the time,
you will do well to halt a while,do five or six Pranayamas
and then proceed ; should you bear a repetition of the
voice, then stop and do sixteen Pranayamas and resume
the journey. If you hear the same a third time put a
stop to the journey.
These omens should be 6bserved and interpreted
only till the completion pf the first Crosa on the journey.
Here the authar describes the standard complexion
of the four great castes for purposes of omens. Brahman as,
colour; Kshatriyas. bronze cc:>lli>Ur; Vaisyas,
browh ; Sudras, dark complexion. A Brahmana passing
on the left side is an omen that gives- success in the long
run ; A Kshatriya doing the same shows success in due
course; a Vaisya:doing the same Signifies prompt success;
A the same indicates absence of obstades
and achievement of object. These interpretations, I,Vill hold
good only if the individual in question possess the com-
plexion attributed td him.
Dogs-Ta beheld a dog making water on r'ubbisb,stick
or a block of wood portends pecuniary loss and intimida-
Influence of Zodiacal Signs at Home-Coming-It is inaus-
picious to come back home, after a journey, on the 8th day,
or in the 9th month of starting. Aries, as- the rising sign,
at the time of coming back into yaur house, shows
further travels; Taurus gives comfort and affluence ;
Gemini brings riches ; Cancer takes away all pro-
perty ; Leo bestows a long happy life ; . Virgo foretells
dalliance with many ladies ; Libra breeds many diseases ;
Scorpio portends many dangers 5 but if occupied by a
benefic the sign denotes much gilin; Sagittarius gives
increase of corn ; Capricorn causes loss of things, house,
treasure etc; Aquarius signifies prodigious wealth ;
Pisces predicts a long happy life.
Cow-For taking a cow from one place to another the
following- astensms are the most forturiate:.:_Bharani,
Krithika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Purvapalguni, Uthara-
palguni, Chithra, Visakha, Sravana, Sathabis, Utharabadh-
rapada and Revathi. Some writers condemn Rohini.
A -cow should not be- started on her journey under
asterism Punarvasu, for that will calt.Se a defect in her
leg; Anuradha produces eye-disease; Swathi brings
malady. Thus the learned have stated.
Friday, Wednesday Chathurdhasi, Full-Moon and
New-Moon days are inauspicious for starting on a journey,
or:forthe construction of a cow-stall, if those days coincide,
respectively, with Sravana, Rohini, Chithra, Utha-
rapalguni, Utharashada and Utharabadhrapadha.
For journeys by boat or by steamer all the foregoing
rules should be observed.
A king who sets out when the rising sign is governed
by Venus, the 1 ttb house by the Sun, and the 4th by the
Moon, will subdue his enemies as the lion subdues the
herd of elephants.
A king who sets out (1), when the rising sign is
Pisces, occupied by Venus, (2) when the rising sign is
Cancer, with the Moon located in Taurus, will carry
destruction into the army of his foes, even as Sri Krishna
sent death into the Rakshasa w ~ m n Boothalai.
A king who starts when the rising sign is Cancer,
occupied by Jupiter, and the Moon in the nth house, will
come down upon his enemies and slaughter them as
dreadfully as Paramasiva did the Thripurasuras.
A king who begins journey when the benefics are in
quadrants or trines, with the Sun or the Moon in the 1 Jth,
will be able tCii drive his enemies before him as comple-
tely as the Sun dispels darkness.
A king who starts when Venus governs the rising
sign .. holding her ,Vhgetbama position, will annihilate his
enemies as meditation upon Mahavishnu does all sins.
A king who starts when benefics are iQ quadrants or
trines, located in their Virgilthama positions, will drain
the strength of his enemy as surely as the waters of the
Ganges wash away the .sins of people. '
Influence of Ast. at the Commencement of a Discaae-Feyer
that begins under Aswini will shake, off in days ;
under Bharani, it is cured in five days,; under
Krithika, Seven unqer twenty one days ;
A malady that begins Mrigasirsha will cure
in five or nine days ; under Ardhra, it is likely to prove
disastrous in five days or three fortnights ; under Punar-
vasu and Pushya the patient will recover in 7 nights and
eight days respectively; Aslesha proves dangerous in
eight days or ill :tbe long run ; Magna shows the same
res" It in ten nights or before the next return of the Moon
to the same asterism ; Purvapalguni gives relief in twenty
one days; Utharapalguni, in nine days ; Hastha, in seven
nights; Chithra, in eight nights or, before the succeeding
Chithra ; Swathi cures iQ ten nights or three fortnights ;
Visakha, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Mula, Purvashada and Utha-
rashada take twenty- five,- ten, twelve days, ten nights,
eight nights and one month, respectivdy; Sravana and
Sravishta cure in eight and ten nights respectively ;
Sathabis and Purvabadhrapadha signify development of
disease in six er twelve days ; Utharabadhrapadha cures
in a f0rtnight; Revathi takes eight days.
The com111encement of a malady on a Sunday, Tues-
dsy and Saturd'ay coinciding with Chathurthi, ftavami and
Chathurdhasi respectively, and ruled by (1) Ardhra,
Aslesha and Magha, (.2) Swathi, Jyeshta and Bharani,
(3), Purvapalguni, Purvaabada "and Purvabjldhrapadha,
respectively is likely to have a disastrous issue. The
issue will be the same of diseases that commence on
Chathurthi, Navami, Chathurdhasi, Shashti, Ashtami,
Dhwadhasi and the New-Moon days.
Diseases that commence under Sakunam and other
Sthira Karanas and Vishti Karana do much harm.
A malady that sets in jel}dla'-Nakshathra or
under the 3rd, 5th, 7th, roth and 19th asterisms there-
from will cause much leu and distress.
The Critical Time-The following are critical periods
for pati'eifis'in ljeal'tJi::_Clia.ndr;ashtatna; Daktha
Yoga, Jenma-Nakshathra and the 22nd asterisms there-
from, the 88th stellar quarter from that occupied by the
Moon at birth, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday, Vishanadi
arid twilight time.
Medieal treatment should begin uuder the following
asterisms:.:-Aswini, Rohini; Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu,
Pushya, Utnarapalgul\i, Utharashada, Utharabadhrapadha
Hastha, Ghithra, Swathi, Anuradha, Sravana, Sravishta,
Sathabis and Rtvathi.
The best titrte f0r taking inedicine is:-Morida}'",
Wednesday .Thursday and Friday Hastha, Aswini,
Chithra arid ftunarva"Su, at a time When the Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. occupy tht:ir qw11 Vir gas,
a movable sign or the Amsa of a movable sign. This
moment is specially favourable Y6r the treatment of fever.
Those suffering from typhoid Or eilteric"shoi.ild choose
Sunday coinciding with Chathurthi, Navami or Chathur-
dhasi and ruled by Ardhra, Bharani, Visakha or Antlradha.
UrN tteatmerit should begin under
II Ugra-Y.9ga " The following combinations produce
UgraN ogas:.:_ (1) Thrithiyai or Ashtami, coinciding with
asterism Rohini, (2) Chathurthi 0r Ashtami With asterism
Utharapalguni, (3) Panchami with Sravana, (4),Shashti
with Mrigasirsha, (5) Sapthami with Revathi, (6) Navami
with Krithika,''(1) Dhasami with Pushya; (8) Thrithiyai
or Dhwadhasi with asterism Anuradba, ('9) Ekadhasi
with. Krithika or Magha, (xo) Phasam) with Rohini and
(11) Thrayodhasi with P'th<Jrapalguni. , ..

,, . ..
Treatment for Venereal :Oisease. A day ruled
by *Kshipram, Ugram and C.hara asterisms is a fortunate
time for treating venereal complaints in both sexes.
Choose sign. Aries or Cancer.
Rheumatisnl.-To commence treatment fpr . rheumatic
affections, choose Thursday ruled by the asterisms ,Sra-
vana, Aslesha Qr Aswini
on. Thrithiyai, Ashtami or
Thrayodhasi da).

Biliouness.-Fer diseases due to bi]iolltJitess, the
fertunate timefor medical treatment is Shashti
or Ekadhasi, on a Thursday, ruled by a!iteristri ? Swathi,
Mula or Pushya. The rising sign at the time of taking
medicine ilheuld be a Mevall1e.'
For disorders jh respect to the bile, the patient should
commence treatment on Dhwithiyai,Shashti or Dhwadhasi,
on a Friday, ruled by Punarvasu, Revathi or, Swathi.
Choose a Movable sign.
See Chapter 33 for I<shiprnm and Ugram.
See page 11 J.
Wind and Phlegmatic The patient should
begin treatment on Tuesday ruled by Bha-rani, Krithika or
Ardhra and under a Movable sign.
Gonorrbou.-Cboose a Wednesday of Chathurdhasi,
Navami or Chathurthi, ruled by Chara, Ugra or Kshipra
, Leprosy,-A fortunate time for starting treatment of
leprosy is Tuesday, Saturday or Sunday coinciding with
<:;hath!lrthi, Shashti, Ashtami, Navami or Chathurdhasi
and ruled by Mrigasirsha, Chithra and Sravishta ; Pushya,
Anuradha and Utharabadhrapadha; Krithika, Uthara-
palguni and Utharashada, at a time when the rising sign
is Aries. Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius (signs of
malefics) with a malefic* located in the 8th house.
Ascites.-ta commence treatment of ascites choose a
Tuesday governed by Bharani) Krithika, Ardb"ni, Aslesha,
Visakha, Magha or Jyeshta
Phthisis.- THe treatment should commence on a day
ruled by at "Sadharana " asterism aspected by a planet,
in retrograde; the Thithi, at the time, should be free from
Vishti Karana.
Leprosy. Pbthi!lis. Pyrosis and Epilepsy.-The treatment
should begin under a Common sign. A Movable sign...._ if
occupied by the Sun and the Moon, will do good. Fixed
signs should be avoided.
Surgical and, other T reatmcnts."7" The application of all
external rem(!dies, such. as pigments, steam, etc and,
operations with surgical instruments should commence on
Tuesday or Saturday when Mars is powerful, when the
8th house is unoccupied, and when the ruling asterism
is Ardhra, Jyeshta, Aslesha or Mula, coinciding with
Chathurthi, Navami, or Chathurdhasi. Aries, Cancer,
Virgo, Taurus-;-any of these signs should be chosen.
t See page T 1 2.
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
the Virgas arid signs of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupi-
ter and Venus aJTe good. Shashti; Ashtami, Chathurthi,
Chathurdhasi, Navami are good Thithis ; Dhwithiyai and
Dhwadhasi should be avoided ; Prathamai, Shashti and
Ekadhasi are also commended by some writers as good.
All Sthira Karanas and Nithya-Y ogas are good. Vishti
should be rejected. Movable signs are the best; fixed
signs should be aveided ; Common signs are neutral.
The 6th, 7th, and 8th houses, from the rising sign, should
be vacant ; if the issue will be disastrous.
Rasayanam.-The preparation of "Rasayanam"t should
be started on a good day ruled by a good Thithi, a good
Yoga, a good Navamsa, a good asterism and a good
rising sign aspected by a good planet.
/ $arva Roga Prasamana-(Panacu)..-Saturn, Mars and
the Sun stationed in the rising sign or in square to it pre-
sent a very good time for commencing the preparation
of Sarva Roga Prasamana, a reniedy for aU diseases.
Having completely recovered, the patient must have
a bath. The best asterisms for this purpose are Aswini,
Bharani, Krithika, Mrigasirsha, Ardhra. Pushya, Purva-
palguni, Hastha, Chithra, Visakha, Mula, Purvashada and
Avoid II Chandrashtama,'' the .Jenma-N akshath'ra and
the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 1oth, 1 ith, 14th, 1.6th and 22nd asts,
from the I atter.
Tl esday, Wednesday and Thursday and the Virgas
and signs of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are good. To
repeat the bath choose a Sunday and the sign and the
::: Electuary,
Virgas governed by Soft. S:-ttlifldayand the signs and
Virgas of Saturn are neutral, Avoiq, Ch.athll.r,thi, Ash-
tami, Chathurdhasi and New"Moon days.
Benefics in trines or in squares, ..-,cit::b malefics posited
in:the ard, 6thand nth houses, afford a very happy time
for bath after recovery from illness.
The rules for oil-bath are given in this connection.
Oil-bath on Sunday and the.other days of the Wl'ek
will produce burning sensation in the heart, fair com-
plexion, untimely death, wealth, poverty, danger, longevity
arid' happiness! respectively;
Oil-bath on Dhwithiyai, Thrithiyai, Panchami. Sap-
thami, Dhasami and , Thrayodhasi .
wealth, longevity and sons. One must have an ,;tt..Qath on
Dhasami; a bath without oil on that day initigateS:::!ife.
irt'telligence and reputation. ""'<
Oil-bath on Prathamai, Chathurthi., Shashti, Navami.
Chathurdhasi and New-Moon days has an adverse In-
fluence on life, intelligence, strength and reputation. If.
however, one must have an oil-bath on those days, 1 hl'
evil effects will diminish by mixing a little ghee with the
oil '
The asts.
jyeshta, Utharapalguni. Sravana, Ardhra.
Jenma-Nakshathra the wth and the l<Jth asterisms there-
from and Sankaranthi are inauspicious fer oil-bath, as
they affect wealth a,nd life advc(sely.
Thrithiyai or Panchami, on a Thursday rule<! by
asterism Swathi gives health, wealth and strength.
Thrithiyai, {)hasami and Thrayodhasi
bestow children, longevity, wealth. A day is more power-
ful than a Thithi. The influence of an asterism is four
times that of that of a Karana, six time$,) that of
a day,. eight times. Tuesday and Friday are felicitous
for women's (i)il-bath,
Have regard to Anuradha or Aswini and pay your
creditor when the Moon holds the rising sign.
This combination is, known as Mail/ira Muhoortha.
E11en if you pay but a small of at that
time you will be able to discharge all ye debts though
they might be incalculable.
Mark the location of Gulika in the rising sign-' (at' the
time" of discharging debt) on a Tuesday, Saturday or
Sunday, coinciding with Navami, Chathurdhasi and
Chathurthi respectively. Even' if you discharge a small
portion of your debts at that mE'lment you will be free
from all liabilities in a short time. This auspicious
moment gives conquest over enemies. ,
Vishti Karana ruled by Gulika on Sunday, Tuesday
or Saturday, cojnciding with Chat\1'-!rthi, Navami or
Cbathurdbasi is a very unfortunate tiroe far to
liquidate a debt. The debts will never be extinguished ;
on the other hand, the debtor's house will become the pro-
perty of the creditor.
A Movable stgn on a Saturday accfltnpanied by Pro-
dhosha presents another felicitous tinie for discharging
all' debts. '. ( ' ..
Rahu, placed in "the rising sign coinciding with
Vyatheepatha Yoga on a day of eclipse is a very bad time
for lending or borrowing. As a rule, any payment to-
wards discharging a debt should be made under a favour-
able asterism, with a malefic located in the 8th house from
the rising sign at the time.
The following are the delineations of the evil in-
fluences of the many of planetary and stellar positions
which should be avoided in starting anything calculated to
bring profit or happiness.
The first nine Asterisms from the Jenma-Nakshathra
(the ruling Asterism at one's birth) are rt;.&peCtively
characterised as (1) ]enmam-birth ; (2)
(3) Vipath--dcuwer; (4) (5) Prath-
yara-.ohstacles; (6) Sadhaga-help; (7) Vadha--slaughter
(8) Maithra- (9) Parama-Maithra - intimate
Pariyaya.-(Cycle) This word is used to denote a set of
nine asterisms from the Jenma-Nakshathra. The first
riine asterisms constitute the first Pariyaya ; the second
nine asterisms constitute the secend ; the third nine aste-
risms ending with the 27th asterism from the Jenma-
Nakshathra constitute the third.
To each of the second 9 asterisms-from the roth
to the 19th, forming the second Pariyaya-the same quali-
ties are attributed as to those of the first 9. They are
also ascribed to the 9 asterisms of the 3rd Pariyaya that
ends with the 27th asterism from the
The influence of the first Puiyaya,-'-J enma causes failure
of health and business; ' Sampath ' denotes f0rtune;
"Vipath1' signifies danger; " Kshema" shows health and
well-being; I Prathyara " manifests ebstacks; " Sadhaga "
welcomes help towards the attainment of the object, hard
though it be; " Vadha" portends slaughter ; " Maithra"
brings joy like a true friend ; " Parama"Maithra" bestows
easy victory-thus the' quality of each asterism of a Pariyaya
is what is denoted by its name.
The Second Pariyaya,-The strength of the first aste-
rism, (the 10th asterism from the Jenma-Nakshathra) of
this set is only one half of what is attributed to the ' .J en-
mam*' of the first Pariyaya. The quality of the 19th
asterism is just-one half of what is attributed to the 1oth
The 3rd, 5th and 7th asterisms (of the 2nd
Pariyaya) are not, however, as " bad" as the 3rd, 5th, and
;tr asterisms ofthe first:-the first quarter of the 3rd, the
fourth quarter of the 5th and the third quarter of the 7th
asterism should alone be avoided.
Tl- Third Pariyaya.-The asterisms of this Pariyaya,
as such, have no adverse qualities.
Vainasika,-This word denotes the quality of the 22nd
asterism from the Jenma-Nakshatbra. It indicates ruin
and should, therefore. be avoided. The 88th " Naksathra-
Padha" (stellar quarter) from that at birth is also in-
ChAndrasbtama,'-The location of the Moon in the 8th
house from the.fenma Rasi, at any time. forms the adverse
Yoga known as " Chandrashtama '. Nothing auspicious
or important to time's welfare should be started during that
The 27th Asterism,-The 27th asterism from the Jen-
ma-Nakshathra is inauspicious. Death-day anniversary,
marriage, shaving, and journey should n0t be performed
by the Dhwijas on the day ruled by that asterism.
UafavOI'able new or important
should be started under any of the following asterisms,
as they do not produce happy Krithika,
Ardhra, Asleshlt . Magha, Purvapalguni, Jyeshta, Pur-
vashada and P.urval,l.adhrapadha ; and, the; Jenma,
janrna and asterisms, ie,, the janma-Nak.,.
shatra, the 10th and the 19th asterisms therefrom respec-
Unfavorable Thithis.-Chathllrthi, Navami, Chathur-
dhasi, Shashti, Dhwadhasi, Full-MQ0n; Prathamai ofthe
bright fortnight, Ekadhasi, Dwadhasi, Thray0dhasi,
Chathurdhasi and the New-Moon of the dark fortnight
should be av0icled. Shashti, Sapthami, Ashtami, Navami
and Dhasami of the dark fortnight are neutrals.
The Days of the .:...-0( Saturday,Sunday and Tues-
day the day-times are " bad.'' The Virgas and: the lords of
those days, viz., Saturn, the Sun and Mars produce evil
even when posited in the 3rd, 6th and 1 1th houses from
the rising sign. Signs of Mars and Saturn are. as a rule,
The following nine Yogas are " bad ".-Vyaghatham,
Parigham, Vajram, Vyatheepatham, Vydhrithi,. Gandam,
Athigandam, Sulam, Vishkambam, Vishti, Chathush-
padham, Nagam, Kimsthughnam, Sakhunam-these five
Karan as are powerful for executing acts of vi0lence but
do not favor deeds of benevolence or virtue.
Dhina-Mrityu.-The first quarter of Sravishta, Hastha ;
(2) the second quarter of Visakha and Ardhra, (3) the
third quarter of cUtharabadhrapada and Aslesha, (4) the
fourth quarter of Bharani and Mula are known as Dhina-
Mrithyu.:.....an evil Yoga powerful only if it occurs during
First quarter of Aslesha, Utharabadhra
padha, (z) the second of Bharani and Mula, (3) the. third
of Utharapalguni and Sravana, (4) the fourth ol Sll'athi
and, Mrigirsha are known as Dhina-Roga, the evil in-
fluence of which exists only if it occurs during day-time.
Dhina-Mrithyu and Dhina-Roga are however devoid of
evil if they occur during night.
The 2nd, 6th, 9th, Irth, 13th,
from the one in which New-Mean ends are Aseevisham.
This Yoga is inauspicious beyeml. remedy.
This evil Yoga, powerful only during the day-time,
interferes in affairs started under the nit)e -Y ogas, Vishkam-
bam, Vyatheepatham, Sooiam, Parigham. Gandam, Athi-
gandam, Vajram, ITyaghatham, Vaidhrithi which are res-
pectively governed by the nine asterisms Aswini, Aslesha,
Mrigasirsha, Magha, Mula, Anuradha, Pushya, Punarvasu
and Chithra. Note the ruling Yoga at the time of start
ing any affair and its relative asterism. Place flus asterism
at top of the diagram, marking the succeeding' aste-
risms in their order. If the two asterisms'' atJhe two
ends of a line happen to be those governed by the Sun
arid the Moon on the day in question, the Yoga known as
Ekargala is formea. [Suppose, for instance, a business
is started under the Yoga, Parigham. The relative astec
rism being Magha', it is placed at the
tep of the following
diagram and the succeeding asterisms should be marked
in their order. Suppose the Sun is in Aswini arid the
Moon governs Mula on the day in question ; these two
being on the same line I<:karg-ala is formed.' Jf the aste-
risms ruled by the Sun and the Moen fall on different
lines there will be no Ekargala. Anything commenced
under Ekargala. during the day-time will have a disas-
trous issue, fGr, as already stated: the influence of this
Voga prevails only tne l
. ;-. . (ParigbaDJ)
Aslesh . Purvapalguni
Pu ya--Utharapalguni


Aswini-- Mula
Revathi Purvashada
:U tharab'adhrapadha---. .U tharashada
Purvaba,dhrapadha-. ---Sravana
This is also an adverse Yoga formed variously with
reference to the location of the Sun in a Movable; Fixed or
Common sign. The 5th Navamsa of a movable sign occu-
pied by the Sun, the 7th Navamsa of a fixed sign occu-
pied by the Sun, and the 9th Navamsa of a common sign
occupied by the Sun-each of these presents an unfavour-
able Yoga known as Shadaseethimukha: When this
Yoga occurs the first 60 Ghatikas of that peri0d should be
left out of consideration. [Shadaseethimukha occurs in
the 1 st quarter of ast. Bharani, in the 4th of Rohini, in
the 3rd of Punarvasu, in the 4th of Pushy a, in the 3rd of
Purvapalguni, in the 2nd of Chithra, in the 3rd of Swathi,
in the 2nd of Jyeshta, in the 1st of Utharashada, in the 2nd
of Sravana, in the xst of Purvabadhrapadha and in the 4th
of Revathi, when the SuQ. is in Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Aquarius and Pisces, respectively.]
Blind ..Asterisms Omit the stellar quarters (Nak-
shathra-Padhas) lrom Purvabadhrapadha to the ruling
asterism at the time in question. Divide these stellar quar-
ters by 27. Remainders from t to 6 represent blind aste-
risms ; remainders 7 to rs represent asterisms -blind of
one eye ; 16 to 27 are asterisms with two eyes.
Blind Thithis.-These are determined with reference to
the Ekadhasi of the dark fortnight. The 9 Thithis from
that are blind; the next 3 have one eye; the next 6 have
two eyes/; the next three have one eye ; the next six have
two eyE;s ; the last three have one eye.
Blind Rasis.--Aries, Taurus and Leo n ~ blind during
day-time ; Gemini, Cancer and Virgo are blind during
The "blind ones" are destructive; those that have
"one eye "produce no good; those that have " both eyes''
bestow success. If the ''one-eyed ' be strong, it is also
Deaf Rasis.--Libra and Scorpio are deaf signs in the
morning ; Sagittarius and Capricarn become deaf in the
evening. Sign Cancer and Virgo are deaf at mid-day.
Lame Rasis. -Aquarius and Pisces are "lame " at
twilight times.
The "blind" is an impediment; the "deaf" brings
loss of property; and the "lame" has an adverse effect on
longevity. These three should therefore be avoided.
Sakata Yoga-The location of the Moon in the 6th, 8th
or 12th house from Jupiter forms what is known as
Sakata Yoga. This yoga is inauspicious.
Karthari Yoga--This also is "a destructive Yoga formed
when the 2nd and 12th houses from the rising sign are
ruled by a pair of malefics in retrograde,
This certain ,asteri$l,ll's, Thithis and signs
of each month. l.t is an exterminative Yoga and nothing
auspicious impQrtant should be started under the
asterisms, Thithis and signs affected by the Yoga. The
Soonya Yo gas for the 12 months are:-
Ekadhasi: Rohini and Aswini:
Vysa#a......Phwadhasi Chithra Swathi, Utharashada:
}yes Ida---Thrayedhasi :Punarvasu : Taurus.
Puvapalguni and Sravishta:
Smvana-Full-Meon Purvashada Aries.
Bat{!lrapad/ta-SapthamiRevathi and Sathabis: V\rgo
Astt1tlyuja--,.Navami : Pur-vabadhrapadha: Scorpio.
Krithika-Pilnchami :'Magha, Pushya, Mrigasirsha
and Krithika: Libra.
Margasira-rDhwithiyai Anuradha, Utharabadhra-
padha and Sagittarius.
Pus/rya-Prathamai :Hastha, Ardhra and Aslesha
Mag/ta-Chathurthi and Dhasami': Sra\(ana and
Mu),a; Capricorn.
Jyeshta and Bharani
Soonya Rasis for Thithis - Rasis are affected by So onya
Yoga with reference to particular Thithis':-
Prathainai-Libr-aand Capricorn.
Dhwitlz!)mi-Sagittarius:md Pisces.
Tkrit/zryai-Capric.ernand Leo.
Ckatlmrllii-Aquari'usand Taurus.
Prmchami_;.Virgoand Gemini.
5/wshti-Ariesand Leo.
Ashtami-Geniiniand Virgo.
Navarni?- Scarpioand,Leo;
Dhasami- Do. Do.
Ekad/wsi-Sagittariusmd Pi$Ces.
Thrayodhasi-Taurusmd Leo.
The first seven asterisms from Krithika constitute
Soolam in the eastern direction ; the next seven, in the
southern direction; the next seven including * Abijith,
in the western direction ; the last seVeh, in the northern
t The asterism located opposite to the one governed
by the Sun or the Moon, at eclipse signifies Mah:i-Soalam.
Soolam and Maha-Soolam defined above are evil
Graha Soolam- The seven days prior to those governed
by the Moon at eclipse and the seven after them
constitute Graha-Soela, an unfortunate Yoga.
An asterism ruled by a planet and the asterisms
prior, and next, to that asterism are inauspicious. + Aste-
risms governed by malefics produce bad Tuck.
and Visha -A month Without a Full-
Moon is known as Visha-Masa; and ane with two
Full-Moons is Malai-Masa. Nothing of importance should
be started .in those months .
.. For particulars about this asterism see Introduction.
+The asterism specified here is the rsth from the one
governed by the Sun or the Moon on the. day of eclipse. So,
the adverse Yo!l,a indicated will prevail about a fortnight after
the phenomenon--on the day ruled by the said sth asterism .
.,. The asterisms are harmless when governed by benefic
Samsarpam.:-A month without a Sankaranthi is called
Samsarpam ; a month with two Sankaranthis in it is des-
cribed as Amhaspathi. These are evil Y ogas too.
Sthoolam.-Count the asterisms from the one ruled by
the Sun to ast. Mula. The last of the same number of
asterisms reckoned from Mula is denoted by the term
Sthoolam which is not lucky.
Kantabm.--Count the asterisms from the one ruled by
Mars to ast. Mula. The last of the same number of aste-
risms from Mula is denoted by the term Kantakam.
the asterisms from the one
ruled by the Sun toast., Mula and add this number to the
number of asterisms from the one ruled by Mars to Mula.
The last of this total number of asterisms from Mula
signifies Kantaka-Sthoolam. This is a blending of the
two foregoing rules. This produces a very destructive
Yoga. Remedial forces and powerful beneficial influences
do not diminish its harmful effect.
)walitham ..:.. The 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th, 25th and 16th
asterisms from the asterism governed by Mars are denoted
by the word Jwalitham-aJteviLYoga: The 5th, 7th, i5th
and the 21st asterisms from that gweJ:ned by the Sun,
and the 7th, 14th, 16th and zsth asterisms from that
governed by Mars, the 8th, 18th and 24th from that
governed by Mercury are all bad.
The 9th asterism from that occupied
by Jup.iter is called Dhwajadhandam. This and the roth
asterism from the one governed by Venus,the 6th, 1 1th and
20th from that held by Saturn, the sth, r1th and J3th from
that ruled by Rahu are also inauspicious.
Saturn in the 5th, Moon and Jupiter in the 6th, Venus
in the 7th, Jupiter in the 8th with the Moon and a malefic,
Mars in the 9th, Mercury in the 10th and the Sun in the
12th are unfavourable planetary cenditions.
* 30 Ghatikas before and after Sanka-
ranthi are inauspicious ; the 60 Ghatikas befere and after
Aswayuja Sankaranthi, ie.,' the time of the Sun's entry
into the first point of Libra, are inauspicious. The entries
ofthe Sun into the other cardinal Movable signs, Aries,
Cancer and Capricorn should also be noted. The three
days before and after the Sun's entry into the 1st point ef
each of those .;signs should be avoided. Sankaranthi is,
as already observed, the entry of the Sun into the 1st
point of a sign of the zQdiac.
+Gulika.-The interval in a day,governed by Saturn is
known as Gulika. The twelve hours of the day are
divided into 8 periods of an hour and a half each. The
lord of the day, in question, governs the first and the last
periods. The other si:;: periods are-.ruled by the lords of
the remaining days of the week in the'ir order.
Ardhapraharam.-Of the eight periodV aforesaid, the
4th period of Sunday, the 3rd of Monday, the 2nd of
Tuesday, the 1st of Wednesday, the 7th of Thursday, the
6th of Friday and the 5th of Saturd,ay-each of these
periods is known as Ardhapraharam.
-the.-5th period of Sunday,
the 4th of Monday, the 3rd of Tuesday, the 2nd of
Wednesday, the 1st of Thursday, the 7th ofFriday and
the 6th of Saturday are Yamaganda periods.
Kalan.-The 1st, 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd
periods of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday respectively are known as
the periods of Kalan.
* Particular religious importance is attached by the Hindus to
the day of the Sun's entry into the first point of Capricorn-the
first day of the month of Makara when th,. Sun commences his
northern course.
+ Gulika is not considered inauspicious, though included in
this chapter. See page r 76 for Gulika and other Tables.
Yam a-, Ardha-
Sunday; ..
.a-430 12-1-30 IOS0-12. 6-'130

12-:--b30 9-1030 730-9
1030-12 730-9 6-730 12-1-30
6-7 30 3-43'0
Friday ...
3-4ll0 1'30-3 9-1030

130-S 12-1 *30
Night- I Gulikau.'
Yama- Ardhra-
gandam. pnharam
Stirtday ... ...
9-1030 6-730
3-430 110 30-12
73()-9 3--'430
130-3 1 9-10'30
' 6-730
180 ...... 3 12-1'30 I 730-9
Wednesday ... 1
3-430 1030--'-]21 6-7"30
130-3 1030-12
9-10"30 i 3-430
Frida); ... .)
... 1030-12
7"30..1..9 6-730 '12-1'30
The three periods Ardhapraharam, '{amagandam
and Kalan should be rejected as inauspicious.,
Hora (Hour) Hora is the term used'to denote each ot
the hours into which a day is divided. The rst Hora of
the day is governed by the lord of the day'; the 2nd is
governed by the planet sixth in order from the lord of
the rst Hora; the 3rd, by the planet sixth in order from
the lord of the 2nd Hora. Thus, the lord of each Hora,
after the first is the one that is sixth in order from the
lord of the previous Hora, the lord of the 1st Hora being,
as stated above, the lord of the day in question. See
Table on the next page, ,
Rahu Kalam: -This is also inauspicious. It occurs only during
the day-time on the following days: -Sunday ,nn to 6; Monday
7"30 to 9 Tuesday 3 to 1'30; Wednesday 12 to 1'30; Thursday
''.'l" to 3 Friday 'o,1o tn 1 2 ; Saturday 9 to 'o w. These periods
are pt) ....;it vPly harlltfnl r,w all aood
Planetarv Horas.
Day-Tfme. 6 to 7. i 8-9 i 9-l0110-llll-i2ii2 toij 1-'2 ; 2_.:_3_1 3-414..:._51. 6-6
-.......,.-'---,'-' - ' . T . I . I . . .. -
s ! v I M St J r' Ms s i v .My I M Sf
:::. tis I 1.: :tis' :: t I
Wednesday, My M I St J , Ms S i V ;My. M _St J M"s
Thursday,.. .T
Ms 1 S V My M .. St J , Ms S V My
Friday ... V My . M St ' VJ Ms I' .S V ! My I -M' i St . J
Saturday .,., St J I Ms S My M .St i J Ms: I S V
16 to 7

4-51 6..:....6
:'' ;ght.
' .
7-8 8-9 1-2 'a-3 3-4
' i
' s

M St
s v
My Sunday ... i
; .
Monday ... i v My M St
s v
My M St
Tuesday ... 1
Ms s v
My M Si
Wednesday ' s v My M St
s. v My M
Thursday ... J .\I St
: J
Ms s v My M
Friday ... i s v My M
v My
M ..
Saturday ... 1 My M
Ms !
v .My M. St
. I'
5.-Sun, M--Moon. V.-Vt:nus, ].-jupiter, My.-Mercl'ry, St.-Saturn;
The Influence of the Hora Lords-Tbe Sun portends
danger to life; Venus favours marriage; Mercury foretells
child-birth ; the Moon gives \\ell:being; Saturn signifies
fetters; Jupiter bestows pecuniary gaif1!l; Mars shows
The six Virgas denoted: byithis name are:....;:_Dhrekkana,
Hora, Thrimsamsa, Navamsa, Dhwadhasamsa and
Kshethra. .
Dhrekkana- This is the name of a division of a sign
divided into three equal parts of !0 each. In the case of
Movable signs, the lord of the 1st Dhrekkana of a sign is
the lord of the sign itself; the lord of the 2nd Dhrekkana
is the lord of the 5th from that sign ; the lord of the 3rd
Dhrekkana is the lord of the 9th from that sign. In the
case of a Fixed sign, the lord of the 1st Dhrekkana is the
lord of the 9th sign from the one in quc;stion; the lord of
the 2nd Dhrekkana ofthe sign is the lord of the sign itself;
the lord of the 3rd Dhrekkana is the lord of the 5th from
the sign. In the case of C01m11011 signs, the ist Dhrekkana
is governed by the lord of the 5th from the sign in
question; the 2nd Dhrekkana is governed by the lord of
the 9th from the sign; the 3rd Dhrekkana, by the lord of
the sign itself.
Hora -Hora is the name of one half of a sign-a sign
divided into two equal parts of 15 each. In the case of
odd signs, the 1-St Hora is governed by the Sun; the
2nd, by the Moon. In the case of even signs, the 1st
dora is governed by the Moon and the 2nd by the Sun.
Thrimsamsa--Thrimsamsa is the name of a division of
a sign divided into thirty equal parts of 1 each. In the case
of odd signs, the first 5 degrees constitute the Thrimsalnsas
of Mars ; the next 5, those of Saturn; the next 8, those of
Jupiter; the l l ~ x t 7, those of Mercury; and the last 5, those
of Venus. In the case of t;tn signs, the first 5 degrees
form the Thrimsamsas of. Venus ; the next ;, those of
Mercury; the next 8, those of jupiter; the next 5 these of
Saturn; the last 5, those of Mars.
Nanmsa-Navamsa is the name of a division of a sign
divided into nine equal parts. In the case of a movable
sign, the 1st Navamsa is governed by the lord of the sign
itself; the 2nd Navamsa, by the lord of the second, from
the sign, in question, and the third Navamsa by the lord
of the third from the sign and so on. In the case of a fixed
sign, the lord of the 1st Navamsa is the lord of the 9th
house from that sign.; the lord of the 2nd Navamsa is the
lord of the 1oth house from that sign and so on. The lords
of the 9 houses from the 9th house from the sign in
question are; in their order, the lords of the Navamsas of
a fixed sign. In the case of a Commmo,sign, the lord of the
1st Navamsa is the lor:d of the 5th from the sign in
question; and the lords of the 2nd, Jrd and ,
Navamsas of that sign are the lords of the 2nd, 3rd and
other houses from the said 5th house from the sign, in
question. It will be seen from the foregoing rules that
Thrikona or triangular signs ( 1) Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
begin with the Navamsa of Aries; (2) Taurus, Virgo and
Capricorn begin with Capricorn; (3) Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius begin with Libra; (4) Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces begin with Cancer. Each, sign of the zodiac
contains if asterisms or 9 stellar quarters (Nakshathra-
Padhas). A Navamsa therefore represents a "Nakshathra-
Padha" or 3! degrees of the
Dwadhasamsa-This is the name of a division of a sign
divided into twelve equal parts, the parts bearing the same
names as those of the signs of the zcidiac. The name of the
tst Dwadhasamsa of a sign is the name of the sign itself.
The twelve " Dwadhasamsas '' of Aries begin with Aries ;
those of Taurus begin with Taurus and end with Aries ;
those of Gemini begin with Gemini and end with Taurus,
and so on.
Kahethra--Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio ;
Venus is the lord of Taurus and Libra ; Mertury is the
lord of Gemini and Virgo; the is the lord ;
the Sun is the lord of Leo; Jupiter is the lord of
Sagittarius and Pisces ; Saturn is the lord of Capricorn
and Aquarius.
' Note:-,-Thesesix modes of the divisions 'oft he. ecliptic
are collectively known by the term 'Shadvirga.'l The suffix
"Amsa" means' rcdil'isionof tlu t'diptlr. The word Virga
denotes the position of the planet in each division. The
suffix "Virga" in the word Shadvirga is but a synonym
fol' "Amsa". A planet has ten Virgas. It may be
(1) a powerfnl planet, (2) in exaltation, (3) in Mula
thrikorta, (4) in its own house, (5) in a quadrant (6) in a
trine, (7) in good Amsa, (8) in friendly house, (')) in its
own Navamsa and (10) in its Athimithn,msa;,
writers recommend four more divisions of the ecliptic
making, in all, ten Virgas or: Amsas. There arc, besides,
Sapthamamsa, Dhasarnsa; Shodasamsa and Shashtyamsa.
These modes of dividing the ecliptic constitute " Dhasa-
virga." A description ofthese four Amsas may not be out of
place. Sapthamams_ais the name of a sign into
seven parts of 4l degrees each. It is a division of the
ecliptic into 84 Amsas. The lords of the seven parts of the
odd signs are respectively the lords of the seven of tl":
zodiac from the odd sig-n and 'the lords of the seven parts
of the even signs are respectively the lords of the seven
signs ofthe zodiac beginning from the 7th from the
sign. Dhasamsa is. the name of a divisio:I of a sign IJI
the zodiac divided in<o ten equal parts of,;3 rtegrees each,
thus dividing the ecliptic into 120 Amsas. Tt1e lords of the
ten parts of the odd signs are respectively the lords of the
ten signs of the zodiac commencing from the odd sign and
*Kshethra is the horoscope at birth from which everything
is judged. It is also called the Radical or the Rasi Chacra.
the lords of the ten parts of the even signs are respectively
the lords of the ten signs commencing from the 10th sign
from the. even sign. Shodasamsa IS the name ot the
division of a sign of the ecliptic into sixteen equal parts.
This divides the ecliptic into 192 Amsas. The lords of the 16
parts of the odd signs are respectively the lords of the 12
signs commencing from the odd sign together with Hramha,
Vishnu, Rudhra and Surya. The lords of the 16 parts of
tht! even signs are the lords of the 12 signs commencing
from the even sign together with Surya, Rudhra, Vishnu
and Bramha. Shashtyamsais the name of the division of a
sign into sixty equal parts, thus dividing the ecliptic into
720 Amsas. The sixty equal divisions of the odd signs are:-
( 1) Ghora, (2) Rakshasa, (3) Deva, (4) K\lbhera, (5) Rak-
shogana, (6) Kinnara, (7) Bhrashta, (8) Kulaghna,
(9) Garaala, (10) Agni, ( 11) Maka, (12). Prethupureesa,
(13) Apampathi, (14) Devaganesa, (15) Kala, (16) Ahi,
(F7) Amirtamsa, (18) Chandra, (19) M-rid\1'. (20) Kamala,
(21) Padma, (22) Lakshmi, (23) Vageesa, (24) Dhigam-
bara, (25) Dheva, (26) Ardhra, (27) Kalinasa, (28) Kshi-
theeswara,(29) Kamalakara,(3o)Mandathmaja, (31)Mrithyu,
(32) Kala, (33) Devagni, (34) Ghora, (35) Amaya,
(36) Kantaka, (37) Sudha, (38) Amritha (39) Poorna-
chandra, (40) Vishapradigdha, (411 Kalinasa, (42) Mukya,
(43) Vamsakshya, (44) Utpathakai (45) Kalarupa,
(46) S<Jumya, (47) Mridu, (48) Suseethala, (49) Damsh-
trakarala, (50) Indumukha, (51) Praveena, (52) Kalagni,
(53) Dhandayudha,(S4) Nirmala, (55) Subha, (56) Asubha,
(57) Athiseethala, (58) Sudha, (59) Payodibramha and
(60) Indureka. The names of the sixty parts Of the even
signs are the same beginning from Indureka in the inverse
order. A planet that occupies his own sign in the Hora,
DhrekkanaiNav'amsa,Dwadhasama, Thrimsamsa and other
figures is said.te be in his Virga. A planet that has two
Virgas, of the ten above described, viz, powerful, exalted
etc., is said to be in Par!jthamsa; when 11 has 3 Virgas,
Uthamamsa; when it has 4 Gopuramsa; when it has 5,
Simhasana'msa: when it has 6, Paravalhamsa;when it
has 7, Devalokamsa; when .it has 8, Kunkumamsa; when
it has 9, Airavalkamsa ;When it has 10; Vaiseshikamsa.
The houses of malefics 10 the Shad-Virga!> described
above should be rejected.
Benefics-Jupiter, Venus, waxing Moon and Mercury,
not accompanied by malefics, are benefic planets. TJte
other planets are malefics.
N'o marriage, Upanayana or other celebrations
should be started when Jupiter or Venus is in debility,
or in inimical sign or When they are combust, young or
old. Jupiter and Venus in retrograde, or, located opposite
to each other, produce a more adverse Yoga than when
they are in combustion.
The followingc periods are unfavourable, and nothing
of should be started during those periods :-
The last two Ghatikas of an asterism, the last three days of
the month, the last fortnight of the year, a fortnight prior
to the disappearance of Jupiter, (Vridha Jupiter) 10 days
prior to the disappearance of Venus (Vridha Venus),
10 days after the reappearance of Venus (BaJa Venus),
8 days after the reappearance of Jupiter (BaJa Jupiter),
when the Moon is Vridha, i.e., between Navami and New-
Moon the seven days ofthe dark fortnight; when the Moon
is BaJa, i.e., the Prathamai day ofthe bright fortnight.
A marriage,, celebrated during these forbidden peri-
ods will prove unhappy ; journey undertaken is likely to
prove unsafe ; tonsure for the child tends to cut short its
life ; installation of a deity :produces consternation ; Upa-
nayana affects the longevity of the individual ; perfor-
mance of sacrifice kills the Yajaman (performer); while
the installation of a king subjects him to persecution by
his enemies.
Chara Karanas.-There are seven movable Karan as
Viz, Bavam, (lion) Palavam-, (tiger) Kel.vlavam, (hog) Thai-
thulam, (ass) Karajam, (elephant) Vanijam (bullock) and
Vishti or Badhrai (hen). Beginning with the second half
ef the Prathamai of the bright fortnight, these Karan as
rule in succession the Thithis, completing eight circuits
ending the first half of the Chathurdhasi of the dark fort-
night. It follows, therefore, that each Karana rules one
half of a Thithi. In this circuit, Vishti Karana governs, in
its turn, the second half of Chathurthi, the first half of
Ashtami, the seoond half of Ekadhasi of the bright fort-
night and the first half of the Full-Moon, the second
halves of Thrithiyai and Dhasami and the first halves of
Sapthami and Chathurdhasi of the dark fortnight.
Sthira K.aranas-The four S thira (fixed) Karan as, Viz,
Sakunam (bird), Chathushpadham (dog), Nagalll' (shake),
Kimsthughnam (worm), respectively govern the latter half
of Chathurdhasi, the first, half, and the second half of the
New-Moon and the first half of the Prathamai of the
bright fortnight. These Karanas, as also the Vishti
Karana, described above, are adverse periods to all good
work and nothing of importance should be started on
those days. They are, however, favourable to projects of
a malicious nature.
Paksha Chidh.ra-Cbathurthi, Shashti, Ashtami, Nava-
mi, Dhwadhasi and Cbathurdhasi-these Thithis are
'' Paksha-chidhra ".
Nandhai-Prathamai, Shashti and Ekadhasi Thithis are
collectively known as Nandhai.
Badhrai-This is the collective name for Dhwithiyai,
Sapthami, and Dhwadhasi.
Jayai-Thrithiyai, Ashtami and Thrayodhasi Thithis
are denoted by the term Jayai.
Rikthai-This comprises the three Thithis. Chathurthi,
Navami and Chathurdhasi.
Poornai-This term, signifies Dhasami
New-Moqn and FulJ-Maon. Paltsha-chidhra, and Rikthai,
should be avoided.
Oordhwa Muiht Asterisms'-'-Pushya, Utharapalguni,
Utharashada, Utharabadhrapadha, Sravana, Sravishta,
Sathabis, Rohini and Ardhra----,these are asterisms with
faces "upturned".
Thiryar-JVlukha Asterisms-1\swini,Mrigasirsha, Hastha,
Chithra, Swat hi, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Punarvasu and
Revathi-these are asterisms " Crsss-faced '.
Atho-Mukha Asttrisms'-'-Bharani.Ktithika, Aslesha, Ma-
gha, Purvapalguni, Visakha, Mula, Purvashada and Purva-
are asterisms with faces ''down-
cast". These should be avoided.
Oordhwa-Mukha Ruis-A sign that has just been vaca-
ted by the Sun is known as Oordhwa-Mukha Rasi.
Athomukha Rasi-A sign occupied by the Sun is Atlw-
mukha Rasi.
Thiryagh-!.lllukh.a Rasis. A sign next to that occupied
by the Sun is Thiryag-Mukha Rasi.
Sirodhaya Rasis. These are Gemini, Scorpio, Leo,
Virgo, Aquarius and Libra-sign:; that rise on their head.
Prishtodhaya Rasis -..:.Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capri-
corn and Cancer...:..:.signs that rise on their feet.
The Sirodhaya and Prishtodhaya Rasis. Sign Pisces is at
once a Siroflhya and Prishtodhaya Rasi.
Prishtodhaya Rasis are considered inauspicious ..
Days ruled by three asterisms or three Thithis have
nr,> influence for good ; on the other hand, any affair
started on such days prove too disastrous to be remedied.
This sign is of the shape oi'two fish lying side by side. the
l>ead of the run- bt:ill,l.( close to the tail'of the other
Nothing important be started in a Village
where the installation of a Deity and festivities connected
therewith are celebrated.
In each household only one function or affair should
be started at any auspicious moment on a single day. Two
or three commenced at the same time tend to result in
Mridhabam.-The asterism ruled by the Sun, the one
next to it and the one prior w it-,-these. three as terisms
are signified by.the term '' Mridhabam "(lifeless). The
seven asterisms 'next to these are half alive ; the next one
is again " Mridhabam "; the next eight asterisms are full
of life ; then follows a " Mridhabam '; the next seven are
half alive. Of these asterisms the " Mridhabam is
thoroughly inauspicious fer all good purpeses.
Stellar Thyajyam. -This is an interval of 4 Ghatikas in
the duration of an asterism. Thyajyam for ast. ASwini
occurs after the 50th Ghatika of its duration ; for Bharani,
after the 24th Ghatika; for Krithika after 30 Ghatikas :
foc Rohini, after 40; for Mrigasirsha, after 14; for
Ardhra, after 21 ; for Punarvasu; after 30; for P.ushya;
after 20 i for Aslesha, after 32 ; for Magha, after 30; for
Purvapalguni, after 20; for Utharapalguni, after 18 ; for
Hastha, after 21 ; for Chithra after 20 ; for Swathi, after
r4; fGr<>Visakha, after 14 ; for Anuradha, after 10 ; for
Jyeshta,'after 14; for Mula, after 20; for Purvashada, after
24; for Utharashada after 20 ; for Sravana, after 10; for
Sravishta, after 10; for Sathabis, after 11! i for Purva-
"adhrapadha, after 16: for Utharabadhrapadha, after 24;
or Revathi, after 30.
Mula has two Thyajya periods, !'ome astrologers,
the one after the 2oth Ghatika nnrl the u.ther. after the 56th
Ghatika of its duration.
Thyajyam for the Days Of. the Week.-Sunday, 30 Ghati-
kas after sunrise ; Monday, 42 ; Tuesday, 41 ; Wednes-
day, 31; Thursday, 2; Friday, 22; Saturday, 20 Ghatikas
after sunrise.
Thithi for the 1 S Thithis, bet-
ween the New-Moon and the Full-Moon, (from Prathamai
of the bright fortnight) occurs after 24, 12, 55, 5, 54, 5, 34,
10, 21, 7, 29, 6, 13,21 and 35 Ghatikas,
Rur Thy.ajyam-The rst Navamsa of Aries, Taurus,
Virgo and Sagittarius, the 5th (middle) Navamsa of Gemini
Leo, Libra and Aquarius and the 9th (last) Navamsa of
Cancer; Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are afflicted by
Thyajyam. " Vishanadi" is another name for Thyajyam.
Vishanadi of the 1st Navamsa is Blt1yangam; that of the
5th Navamsa is Gridhram; that of the oth Navamsa is
The influence of Thyajyam, in the first Navamsa, as
per foregoing rule, prevails only on Wednesday arid
Saturday; that in the 5th or middle Navamsa, on Monday
and Friday ; that in the 9th or last Navamsa, on Tuesday,
Thursday and Sunday; the Thyajyam need be considered
only on the days specified ; it signifies no evil on other
The 4 Ghatikas of Vishanadi are inauspicious. The
I st Ghatika brings ruin ; the 2nd adversely affects the life
of the individual; the 3rd causes total ruin ; the 4th hurts
the prosperity of the family.
Athimasam,..:__ This occurs every 2 solar (SouraJ years
8 months 16 days 3 Ghatikas and 55 V. Ghatikas. (A
Solar year consists of 365.-242264 days. Athimasam is an
int rcalary month.formed ef the aggregate days omitted
in reckoning the lunar month.) Athimasam in which two
New-Moons occur is not a fortunat month.
Samahatham.-The 7th and the 9th asterisms from that
governed by Jupiter, the 10th and the 15th from that
governed by Venus,,the 1oth I and 6th asterisms
from that governed by Saturn are known by the term
Samahatham-inauspicious for all happy functions.
Bhookampall\o-:-This term denotes the 7th asterism
from the one ruled by the Sun.
* Ulkai,-This denotes the Iotb asterism from the one
governed by the Sur!.
Bramha Ji)handatn.-This denotes the I sth asterism
from the one governed by the Sun.
Dhwajam.-Th'is term denotes the 21st asterism from
the one governed by the Sun.
Parigham.-The stb,lJ,\h. I6th, 24th, and 25th asterisms
from the one occupied by Mars are called Parigham.
Apasatham.-T<he 9th asterism from the one occupied
by Jupiter is called ApaSatham.
Vidhyuth.-The 5th asterism from the one governed by
the Sun is called Vidhyuth.
Soolarn.-This terin denotes the 8th asterism from the
one by the Suh,
Asani.-This denotes the 1oth asterism from that
governed by the Sun.
Nirhatham.-This denotes the 14th asterism from that
gov'cdwd by the Stili.
The above asterisms Bhookampam, Ulkai etc are in-
auspicious for good functions when ruled by the Moon.
The Five Adverse Elements connected the Sun.-
Dhooman, Vyatheepatham', Parivesham, lndhradhanus and
Dhoomakethu ,are five satellites attendant upon, and
revolving mund,, the they impede all success in good
undertakings and exercise a baneful influence on the
learning, reputation and life of the individual.
The satellite Dhooman is 4 signs and thirteen
degrees from the S u n ~ longitudinally ; Vyatheepatham, 3
signs and 15 degrees ~ Parivesham, 9 signs and 15 degrees;
lndhradhanus, 1osignsana 13 degree's; Dhoomakethu, 11
There are twenty one adverse, elements which should
be avoided in the selection of a fortunate ti111e for starting
anytbing important and mvolving profit, progress or
pleasure. These, according to Naradha, are:-
(1) A Thithi, a day, an asterism, a Yoga, and a
Karana, marked inauspicious.
(2) The rising sign and the 7th house therefrom
being adversely affected.
(3) Surya Sankaranthi i.e., the entry of the Sun into
the first point 0f a sign of the zodiac.
(4) Malefics, strong in the Shad-Virgas:
(5) Venus, located in the 6th house.
(6) Mars, located in the 8th house.
(7) Gandantham.
(8) Karthari.
(9) The Moon in the 6th, 8th or 12th house.
(Io) An asterism governed by a planet.
(11) The rising sign being the 8th house from the
Jenma-Rasi of either the husband or the wife.
(12) A sign the duration of which coincides with
Thyajyam. , ,
(13) Dur-Muhoortham. (A time chosen for the execu-
tion of a malicious deed.)
(14) The part of a day marked adverse.
(1 5) Ekargala.
( r6) Eclipse.
( 1'1) Uthpadha hterisms ..
( 18) An asterism ruled by two malefics.
(19) Ku-navamsa ; that is, the Navamsa of a malefic.
(20) Mahapatham (Vyatheepatham).
(21) Vaidhrithi.
Avoid the ten asterisms from the ruling asterism on
the day ofthe Sun's entry into asterism Ardhra for those
asterisms counteract all prospects of gain or happiness:
Sayana and Uthana Ekadhasi.-The period between Sa-
yana and Uthana Ekadhasis, i.e., the period between the
Ekadhasi of the bright fortnight of the month of Jyeshta
and the Ekadhasi of the bright {fortnight of the month of
Aswayuja is inauspicious.
Untimely rain, wind, fog. dust-storm are bad omens,
and the days of their untimely occurrence portend evil.
The day during which the Sun is nOt visible is also
Parivcsha-The halo round the Sun or the Moon IS a
phenomenon that signifies an upfortunate time when
nothing calculated to bHrig prefit or happiness should be
Kuboo-This occurs when the Jenma-Nakshathra, the
10th or the 9 t ~ asterism, therefrom, synchronises with
New-Moon the ending moments of which coincide with
Thyajyam. Ktd100 signifies an evil Yoga, to counteract
the effects of which the presciribei:l Romas and prayers
shauld be gone through prior to other functions.
These are the adverse farces in nature and a wise
man should rject;th.e moments when they prevail.
I proceed to delineate the stellar and planetary combi-
nations that counteract the exterminative "Yogas detailed
in the preceding chapter:-
* The astrological terms used in-..tbis Chapter are explained
in Chapter 33. . .......... .
Against ACinrse Aisterisins-The Moon well-placed in
the 9th or 10th house, aspected to benefics, counteracts
the evil effects caused by Jenma-Nakshathra and the 3rd,
5th, 7th, 1oth and 19th asterisms therefrom. ,
The Sun, Jupiter or Venus, located in the 3rd, 6th,
Ibth or 1 1th house, or, the Moon in the 5th, 9th, ISt, 4th,
7th, i.oth, 3rd, 6th or 11th house-.:.tb"is planetary condition
has the same remedial effect on the adverse qualities of
the asterisms mentioned above.
The moon favourably .situated to the rising sign or to
Jenma-Rasi holding, at the same time, her own Navamsa
or her friend's, aspected to benefics, has a similar influ-
The Sun and the Moon located in the 3rd, 6th or nth
place from each other, aspected to benefics, produce the
same effect if the Moon and Venus be well-dignified.
If the lord of the rising ~ i n and .that of the wth
house be friends, the adverse effects produced by t i t ~ 88th
stellar quarter (in the a2nd asterism) from that of the
Jenma-Nakshathra will V<\nish.
The 27th asterism from the Jenma-Nakshathra is
auspicious for all functions except Shaving, Upanayana,
Marriage, Anniversary, Journey, and Laying the founda-
tion of a building.
The 27th asterism does not adversely affect the
following functiE>ns :..:.:ornamentation, mounting a horse,
harvest, the in-gathering of corns, installation of a deity,
medical treatment, dinner of new grains, dinner and
garden parties, Seemantham, worship of Vishnu, entry
into a land, starting gf agricultural operations, sowing
The latter half of the 27th asterism should however
be avoided, especially the last quarter of it,
Cllandrastitam!':-<.:handrashtama is of six kinds,
namely, Suddham, Sobhanam, Siddham, Kai vartham,
Amalam and Kshayam. Three of these produce good.
If the asterism rul'ed by the Moon at the time be the
5th in the ScCQnd Pariyaya, it is Suddham. This portends
evil; if the said asterism be the 6th; it is Sobhanam,
causer of good; if it be the 7th, it is Kawa"ttham; an
unfavourable Yoga ; if it be the 8th, it is 'A'maftim.;.:,..a:Yoga
that counteracts all evil effects; if it" be the 9th, it is
Siddhdm that foretells success; if the asterism ruled by
the Moon during Chandnishtaina belong to the third
Pariyaya, it is known as Kshayam which portends evil.
Chandrashtama shows no evil when the Moon is on
the increase; well-placed in a benefic sign and holding
a benefic Navamsa.
If the lords of the Jenma-Rasi and the 8th sign there-
from be friends, Chandrashtama loses aU power for evil.
Influence of malefic:s-Ail evil effects produced by
(1) an asterism governed by a malefic, (2) an asterism
prior to the one governed by a malefic, (3) an asterism
next to the one governed by a malefic, and (4) Gulika
vanish when the malefics are aspected by powerful Jupiter,
Venus or Mercury.
The aspect of, or, association with, Venus converts
all evil into good.
An asterism (1) governed by Jupiter, (2) the one
prior to it, and (3) that next to it does good,
Gulika-When the lord of the day is well-dignified or
is posited in the rising sign, the adverse qualities of Gulika
need not be considered.
Gulika located in the rising sign produces no harm,
when powerful Moon occupies the rising sign holding the
Navamsa of a benefic or that of the lord of the day in
Jupiter ar Venus, stationed in the Lagna, aspected to
benefics, nullify the evil' effects of Gulika, Ardhaprahara,
Bhujariga and Gridhra.
The favourable functions for Gulika-Ha,rvest, the in-
gathering of corns, Qii..J:>ath, buying and selling (trade),
making eyes on the image of a D e i ~ y death day anniversary,
ornamentation, liquidation of debt, worship of fire,
opening ceremony, perfuming oneself, medical treatment,
seating oneself on an elephant pr a horse:;, initiation,
ipsiallati0n, worship of fire in hlilck.magic. gift of lands,
the study of the Vedas .,-in respect of all these functions
Gulika has no evil force. It is a benefic.
Ekargala.-Benefics .in quadrants or trines and malefics
ip the 3rd,6th and u.thhouses destroy the adverse effects
of Ekargala. This "bad" Yoga does not touch the
following asteri$jlls:-Aswini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu,
Pushya, Sravishta, Chithra, Hastha and Revathi.
::: Soolam.-:(he evil effects of Soolam, Athimasam,
(intercalary month) Ekargala and blind asterisms prevail
only ~ n that part of the couf!tl:y north of the river Sone.
Aseevisbam.-The following asterisms are free from
this evil Yoga:.:.....Rohini, Sravana, Hastha, Mrigasirsha,
Anuradha, Pushya and Uthara-palguni-ashada-badhra-
padha, Marriage, Conception, Pumsavanam and Seeman-
tham are likewise unaffected by this Yoga.
The Moon holding the Navamsa of Jupiter and aspect-
ed by him kills the effects of this Yoga as the lion kills
the elephant.
The Moon located in the quarters of asterism Aslesha,
and aspected to Jupiter counteracts ".Aseevisham.''.
::: Seepage 187.
Waxing Moon located in the Navamsa of a friendly
sign has the same effect, according to Naradha. Located
in the Navamsa of Mercury she has a similar influence.
Even if the lord of the day be a he produces
good when located in the rising aign, the 6th, nth or,
12th house.
Tuesday is not 'evil mi4-day.
The adverse qualities of Vishti, Vyatheepatham and
Vaidhrithi, Janma-Nakshathra and the 5th asterism there-
from do not prevail after midday.
Even if the lord of the rising Navamsa be a malefic.
its evil effects diminish when benefics are powerful in the
rising sign, in quadrants or in trifles.
The adverse effects of Sunday, Tuesday and Satur-
day do not preyail after nightfall.
No day of the week is " bad", provided the lerd there--
of is strong in the figure of the heavens.
Benefics placed in quadrants dispel, the evil effects of
Rikthai and Vishti ; if the trines Qe powerful they possess
the same influence.
All evil influences disperse when benefics located in the
rising sign and holding a benefic Navamsa are .associatt-d
with and aspected by benefics on an auspicious day.
Jupiter or Venus well-dignified in a quadrant radically
frustrates the evil effects of Vishti. Gulika in the .. rising
sign, Shashti, Ashtami and the last days of the dark fort-
night produce no harm when Jupiter is posited in quadrant.
The t?e rising sign
and holding "Virgothan'i'a" positfon 'With Jupiter in
t Simhasahamsa subdues the evil effects ofPaksha-Chidhra.
t For an explanation of this word, see pages 1 i; 1 and 11\z.
J 94
Jupiter or Venus occupying the rising sign or aspect-
ing'it counteracts the effects of an inauspicious Thithi, day,
asterism or rising sign.
Shadaseethimukha etc,- Jupiter or Venus powerfully
located in the rising sign dispel the evil effects of Shada-
seethimukha, Sakatam and Asani.
The Moon in exaltation and in her own Navamsa has
the same effect on Shadaseethimukha.
Sakata Yor4-The Moon in her pwn, house, in
exaltation or in the house of J.tpite dispels the evil effects
of Sakata Yoga as the Sun does darkness.
The Moon in the house of Mercury or Jupiter! in
Taurus or in Cancer, annihilates the effects of Sakata
Yoga as Vishnu did the hordes of Asuras.
Soonyam...;... If the lord of the rising sign be placed in
hW. own house, in conjunction with or aspected by Jupiter,
or, if the ruling asterism be governed by Jupiter, the
effects of Soonyam vanish."
Benefics located in their strength, in quadrants or
trines produce the same result.
K4ntakam-:-A planet in his own Virga or in exalta-
tion, aspected to a benefic, is not affected by Kantakam.
A planet well-placed in his own Virga or in exaltation
and aspected to a benefic produces no harm.
Andh4m--'(blindncss)-lf the 3rd, 6th, ioth or the nth
house from the rising sign be the house ef Mercury, and
if the Moon be placed in the 9th or xoth aspected to a
benefic, the evil effects of Andham do not exist.
Mookbam.An4ham & Badhiram-Pewerful Moon, Venus,
Mercury and Jupiter holding the 4th, 7th or 1oth house
overthrow the effects of Meokham (Dumb asterisms),
Andham (Blind asterisms) and Badhiram {Deaf asterisms .
The Moon in the .9th, 4th or 1oth house, or, the
location of benefics in the rising sign or the aspect of
benefics to the rising sign has the same effect on Andham
The bad influences connected, with Panktt (lameness)
and Andham (blindness) Kana 'I (one-eyed) and Soonya-
Masa prevail only in the provinces of Magadha and Gouda
An asterism ruled by a malefic and the one on either
side of it become sanctified if the malefic has the aspect of
Venus and the Moon in the 1oth, and Jupiter (not in
combustion) in a quadrant purify a s1gn afflicted by
The Moon aspected by. Jupiter in his exaltation,
occupying his own Navamsa, converts into a bene&c an
asterism governed by. malefics or just passed Qver
by them.
Malefics become agreeable by' the aspect of benefics,
as boiling water becomes agreeable tG drink by contact
cold. . ...
Thyajyam.-The following asterisms have no Thyaj-
yam:-Ardhra, Sra Mrigasirsha, Swathi, Uthara-
shada, Rohini and Anuradha.
A rising sign affected by Thyajyam becomes aus-
picious if the Moon be located in it, well-dignified, or, if
Jupiter be stationed in a quadraqt.-
The Moon located in the 9th or 10th house aspected
to Jupiter transcends Thyajyam.
Waxing Moon in. exaltation or in her own Navamsa
off the evil effects of Thyajyam as Garuda does
the serpent. Waxing Moon in the rising sign or in
" Simhasanamsa has the same influence.
A sign occupied or aspected by a benefic subdues
the effect of Thyajyam.
A sign coinciding with Thyajyam at the ending mo-
ments of its (sign's) duration should be rejected, if not
aspected by a ber.efic. If, however, there be a benefic in
the sign, there will be no Thyajyam.
Jupiter in exaltation and holding his own Navamsa
remedies the effects ofThyajyam coinciding with the rising
Kuhoo-This adverse Yoga does not touch the follow-
ing asterisms :__.::Aswini, Krithika, Ardhra, Chithra.
Pushya, Utharapalguni and Revathi.
Pradhosham-The evil influence of Pradhosham dis-
appears when Venus and Jupiter are strong in quadrants
or trines with the Mbon in the 3rd, 6th or nth house ;
nor does it affect Gurukkals, servants, Vaishnavites, mys-
tics, ascetics, donors of lighted lamps, dancing girls.
lyrists and dancers, in their worship of Vishnu.
Gandantham-This " evil " Yoga is nullified by the
location of the Moon in her Virga, in a friendly sign, in
conjunction with or aspected by benefics.
Athimasam, Samsarpam, Amhaspathy The Sun in exal-
tation, or in a friendly sign, with Jupiter in his own Virga.
converts these evil Yogas into benefics.
l'Jiaudhoshamc-The evil effects of this vanish when the
Sun is in his own Navamsa aspected by benefics, as
Rakshasas in the sight of Sri Rama.
Samsarpam-This does not affect marriage, Upanaya-
nam and other functions when brilliant Jupiter occupies
his own sign or sign of exaltation (Cancer).
Long and Short Months .:.. The adverse influence of these
need not be considered and any function may be started if
any planet be in exaltation at the time.
Concerning the First-born-The Sun in Gemini, in con-
junction with or aspected by benefics, presents a very
good time even for affairs starteq in respect to the first-
born child. Jyeshta is not an unlucky month if the Sun
be aspected by Venus and Jupiter.
A General Rule--Any function may be started in the
month of one's birth, if the l(j)rd of rising sign in the
Radical and the lord of the month, in question, are placed
in a friendly sign apected to benefics.
If one of the two planets
(Venus and Jupiter) be well-placed in her 0r his Gwn
house, in exaltation or in friendly sign, causes
no harm.
Asthangatha -Venus in ccru11bustron' produces no harm
when the other planet Jupiter holds the rising sign with
malefics in the 3rd, 6th and nth houses-according to Lord
Venus located in the rising sign counteracts the evil
influence of]upitetWhen combust. When both Jupiter and
Venus are combust there is no remedy for the>evil influence.
Asthangatha adversely affects only Brahmanas, Kshatryas
and Vaisyas. The Sudras will be affected only if both
Jupiter and Venus be combust.
Samadhrishti The adverse effects of Samadhrishti"
are nullified by the l.acation of Ven)ls. in the Navamsa
prior, or next to that held, by Samadhrishti '
exists only when Venus and Jupiter are aspected to each
other from opposite signs unaccompanied by any other
planet. If such aspect takes place when one of the two
planets, Jupiter and Venus, occupies Sagittarius, Pisces or
Cancer, it would be a Moudyam(frustration) the evil effects
of which will last for three days; otherwise, it will
continue for seven days. It prevails only north of the
Narbada and not south of that river. It cuts off all hopes.
Vara and Nakshathra Yogas are considered.important
in the province of Bengal; in the Yamala country impor-
tance is attached to Thithi and Vara Yogas ; in Kalinga,
Am sa Yoga ; in Avanthi,-Vishkamba and other Yo gas are
Siddha Yoga destroys a hundred adverse influences;
three hundred are done away with by Amirtha Yoga; while
Sutha Yoga kills a thousand-according to Sukracharya
Venus, well-placed in the rising sign, suppresses a
thousand evil influences; Mercury, a,hundr6d; Jupiter,
many thousands.
Comparative Strength1-The influences and effects of
Lagna, asterism, day and :Thithi rank in importance in
the order in which they are mentioned.
Remedi;ll or Venus well-dignified in
the risign sign subdue all harmful forces.
Jupiter or Venus,: well-placed in the rising sigif or
aspecting it, has a :marked influence on the adverse
efft!cts of a Lagna and the Shad-virgas of a malefic planet,
or of an inauspicious day or Thithi.
The advi!Tse elements in the Shad-virgas (Rasi,
Hora, Dhrekkana, Navamsa, Dhwadha'<amsa and Thrims-
amsa figures, disperse like clouds before a storm when
powerful Jupiter the rising(sign.
Juptiter, Venus or Mercury, stationed in quadrants
or trines, annihilates all malevolent influences as Vishnu
does the :;ins of those who meditate upon Him.
Jupiter, Venus or Mercury holding a quadrant comes
down upon all evil fQrces like a liQn upon the herd of
Jupiter located well-dignified in a quadrant counter-
acts the evil effects due to (1) the ending days of a
year, (2) a half-year (Ayana) (3) a season (Ruthu) (4) a
month (5) a Paksha (fortnight) (6) Lagna (Rising sign),
(7) a bad time, (8) an evil omen (9) the influence of a: planet
unfavourably located.
Jupiter, Venus or Mercury governing the rising sign
converts all evil into good. Ifthey pewerfully occupy the
rising sign, a trine or a quadrant, they do away with all
impediments as effectively as Jupiter.
The adverseness due to the aspect of a malefic planet
is emptied of its force like river in summer, if the rising
in Virgothama position.
The Moon occupying the eleventh place from the
rising sign dispels all evils pertaining to an inauspicious
time and to Navamsas of malefics.
The Sun placed in the nth house from the rising sign
during day and the Moon during night, are powerful
remedial forces, according to Sage Garga.
The Sun or the Moon in the 11th house sanctifies
all Thithis, asterisms, Yo gas etc.
We next come to the different Yogas that exerCise a
favourable or unfavourable influence on all important
functions or affairs.
Siddha Yoga-Asterisms Utharapalg,\ni,Uthara$ha.da,,
Utharabadhrapada, Hastha, Revathi, Sravana and Mula.
Suba-Madbyama (benefic of middling quality) -Rohini,
Mrigasirsha, Sathabis, Swathi, Chithra, Punarvasu,
Bharani, Ardhra, Aslesha, Krithika. Sravishta, Purva-
Pa 1 guni-ashada- barl h ra pad h <1.
Nasa Yoga (destructive)-Aswini, Magha, Visakha,
Anuradha and Jyeshta on Sunday.
Amirtha Ypga-Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Swathi, Sravana
and Punarvasu. These are fruitful.
Sobana Yoga-Aswini, Bharani, Krithika, Ardhra,
Pushya, Aslesha, Magha, Purva-palguni-badhrapadha,
Sravishta, Sathabis, Hastha, Revathi, Anuradha, Jyeshta
and Mula.
Nasa Yoga (destructive)-Uthira-palguni- ashada
-badhrapadha, Visakha, Chithra and Purvashada.
Siddha Yoga-Aswini, Uthara-palguni-badhrapadha,
and Revathi.
Amirtha Yoga-Punarvasu, Pushya, Aslesha, Magha,
Purvapalguni, Mrigasirsha, HaStha. Chithra and Swathi
-these are powerful benefics.
Suba-Madhyama (middling)-.Jyeshta, Mula, Purva-
shada, Rohini, Sravana, Bharani and Krithika.
Nasa Yoga-Sravishta, Sathabis, Purvabadhrapadha,
Ardhra, Utharashada and Visakha.
Siddha Yoga-Anuradha, Krithika, Utharapalguni and
Utharashada, Purva-palguni-ashada-badhrapadha.
Amirtha Yoga-Ardhra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Aslesha,
Magha, Hastha, Chithra, Swathi, Visakha and Sravana-
these are very auspicious.
Sub a Yoga-Rohini, Sathabis. Jyeshta and Uthara-
badhrapad'ha-these are good.
Nasa Yoga-Sravishta, Mula, Bharani, Revathi and
Amirtha Yoga-Aswini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Magha,
and Swathi.
Subha Y0ga-Bharani, Aslesha, Visakha, Anuradha,
Jyeshta, Mula, Purvashada, Utharashada, Sravana and
Subha Madhyama Yoga (middling)-Hastha, Chithra,
Purvabadhrapadha, Utharabadhrapadha.
Dhaktha Yoga Kohini, Mrigasirsha,
Ardhra, Utharapalguni and Sathabis.
Amirtha Yoga-Aswini, Bharani, Purvapalguni, and
Siddha Yoga-Anuradha, Utharapalguhi; Hastha,
Chithra, Swathi, Purvashada and the next six asterisms.
Sri Yoga-Mrigasirsh;t, Ardhra, Punarvasu, Bharani
and Krithika.
Nasa Yoga (destructive)-Rohini. Pushya. Aslesha,
Magha, Visakha and Jyeshta.
. Amirtha Yoga-Krithika. Rohini,Sathabis and Swathi.
Subha Yoga-Aswini, Bharani, Mrigasirsha, Ardhra,
Pushya, Magha, Visakha and the next three asterisms,
Utharapalguni,Sravishta, Sravana, Purvabadhrapadha and
Mruthyu Yoga (fatai),.,-Punarvasu, Purva-
palguni, Hastha, Chithra, Purvashada. Utharashada and
I Iastha, qr Mula ,coini:icl.ing with
l'an .. h;,mi or Sapthami. , ,. .. .......

Monday-M rigasirsha, S wathi, or Sravana coinciding
with Panchami or Sapthami.
Tuesday-Aswini, Rohini,Utharapalguni,Utharashada,
Purvabadhrapadha or Utharabadhrapadha coinciding with
the same.
Wednesday-Purvapalguni and Purvashada, Aswini
and Purvabadhrapadha coinciding with the same.
Thursday;_Punarvasu, Purvashada or Revathi coinci-
ding with Thrayodhasi.
Friday-Utharapalguni,Swathior Sathabis coinciding
with Prathamai, Shashti or Ekadhasi.
Saturday-Rohini, Swathi or Sravishta coinciding
with Dhwithiyai, Sapthami, or Dhwadhasi.
Sutha Yoga bestows all good and promotes prosperity.
A day marked by Subha, Amirtha, Siddha, Sri,
Sobhana or Sutha Yoga asterism is good for starting all
functions on which much depends for the future, as it tends
to produce lasting benefits. A marriage celebrated under
any of the Yo gas will be blessed with children; the journey
commenced will prove profitable; the Brahmachari
invested with the sacred string will grow in life divine ;
the student that begins study will make rapid progress
in learning; n ~ agricultural work will sh0wa satisfactory
Sunday ruled by asterism Revathi, Utharapalguni,
Bharani, Mula, Sravana or Utharashada produces a Yoga
that controls all evil forces even as Lord Paramasiva
does the deadly poison of the Hindu Pur an as.
Monday ruled by Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu,
Swathi or Sravana forms a brilliant Yoga that kills all evil
forces as Garuda does the serpent.
Tuesday ruled by Aswini, Rohini, Utharapalguni,
Hastha, Anuradha or Utharabadhrapadha forms a Yoga
that subdues all bad influences as Ra)lla did the 'race of
Wednesday ruled by Krithika, Utharapalguni, Uthara-
shada, Mrigasirsha, Anuradha, Purvapalguni, Purva-
ashada or Purvabadhrapadha has a similar effect.
Thursday ruled by, Aswini, Punarvasu, Pushya,
Magha or Swathi makes a Yoga before which all malefic
effects flee as cotton before the wind.
Friday ruled by Aswini, Bharani, Mala and Revathi
forms a Yoga that dispels all evil as the Sun dispels
Saturday ruled by Krithika, Rohini, Swathi and
Sathabis has the same effect.
Yogas formed by combination of Thithis, Asts & days of the
Week .(\II Thi this except Rikthai coinciding with the
aforesaid Yogas produce goad-a favourable time for all
happy functions.
Siddha yoga--Sunday coinciding with the Thithis,
Prathamai,Chathurthi,Shashti,Sapthami or Dhwadhasi and
ruled by asterisms Pushya,Hastha, Uthara-palgul'l'i-ashada,
Mula, Sra van a or Utharabadhrapadha produces Siddha
Nasa yoga (fatall-Sunday coinciding with Thrithiyai,
Chathurthi ,Ashtami ,N avami ,Thrayodhasi arid Chathurdasi
and with asterisms Bharani,Mrigasirsha; Aslesha, Visakha,
Anuradha, Jyeshta or Sravishta produces this Yoga.
Visha y c ~ Sunday coinciding with Panchami and
with asterism Krithika produces Visha Yoga.
Siddha yoga. -Monday coinciding with Dhwithiyai,
Sapthami or Dhwadhasi and with asterisms Rohini
Mrigasirsha, Punarvasu, Chithra, Sravana, Sathabis,
Sravishta or Purvabadhrapadha, forms this benefic Yoga.
Vinasa coinciding with Sapthami, Sha-
shti and Ekadhasi and with asterisms Krithika, Bharani,
Magha,* Anuradha, Purvashada, Uthara-ashada-badhra-
padha forms this destructive Yoga.
Siddha yoga.-Tuesday coinciding with N andhai and
Jayai and with asterisms, Mrigasirsha, Aswini, Chithra,
Anuradha,'Mula, Utharapalguni, Sravisbta and Purva-
Vinasa y()ga;i::.Tuesday coinciding with Prathamai
Dhwithiyai, Sapthami, Ashtami, Dhasami, and the Full-
Moon and with asterisms Ardhra, Punarvasu, Purva-
shada, i Utharashada, Sravana, Sravishta, Sathabis and
Jyeshta forms this destructive Yoga.
Siddha yoga.--Wednesday coinciding with Badhrai,
and Jayai and with asterisms, Rohini, Mrigasirsha.
Ardhra, Uthara-palguni-ashada, and Anuradha, produces
Siddha Yoga.
Vinasa voaa.-Wednesday coinciding with Dhwithiyai,
Thrithiyai, Ashtami and Navami with asterisms Aswini,
Bharani, Pushya, Aslesha, Magha, Mula, Sravishta or
Purvabadhrapadha, makes this Yoga.
Siddha yoga.-Thursday coinciding with Chathurthi,
PaiJchami,Sapthami,Navami, Thrayodhasi or Chathurdhasi
and with Magha, Pushya, Punarvasu, Swathi,
Purva-ashada-badhrapadha, Revathi or Aswinj. pro-
duces this benefic Yoga.
Vinasa Thursday coinciding with Ashtami,
Navami, Dhwadhasi or Thrayodhasi and with
asterisms Krithika, Rohini, Mrigasirsha, Ardhra, Uthara-
palguni, Anuradha, Visakha or Sathabis, forms this evil
Siddha yoga.--Friday ruled by asterisms Aswini.
Bharani, Ardhra, Utharapalguni, Chithra, Swathi, Purva-
shada and Revathi coinciding with Nandhai and Badhrai,
produces this lucky ..
Vinasa yoga..- Friday coinciding with Dhwithiyai,
Thrithiyai, Shashti, Ashtami, Dhasami and Ekadhasi and
ruled by asterisms Jyeshta, Punarvasu, Sravana, Visakha,
Sravishta, Magha, Anuradha and Ri:ihini, makes this fatal
Siddha coinciding with Badhrai and
Rikthai and ruled by asterisms Rohini, Swathi, Visakha,
Anuradha, Sravishta, and Sathabis, forms Siddha Yoga.
Vinasa yoga. -Saturday coinciding with Thrithiyai,
Saprhami, Navami and Ekadhasi and with asterisms,
Bharani, Punarvasu, Purva-palguni-ashada, Hastha,
Pushya, Sravana, Uthara-palguni-ashada, forms this
General. -Sunday ruled by Aswini,Monday by Chithra,
Tuesday by Utharashada, Wednesday by Sravishta,
Thursday by Utharapalguni, Friday by Jyeshta and
Saturday by Revathi are all unfavourable day!;-no g00d
time for starting any important function or affair. Marri-
age will result in widowhood ; journey will be attended
with risk of life ; education will deprive the student of the
power of speech ; and agricultural work will have little
Bad Combinations of Thithis and A.sterisms.--Anuradha
coinciding with Dhwithiyai, Oothara-palguni-ashada-
badhrapadha, with Thrithiyai, Magha and Hastha with
Panchami, Chithra and Swathi with Thrayodhasi, and
Rohini with Ashtami form very unlucky Yogas. Nothing
that is of importance to one's happiness or profit should be
commenced at such times. The evil effect will manifest it-
self in ten months.
Bad Combinations of days, Thithis and Asterisms -Sunday
Panchami and Krithika ; Friday,. Shashti and Sravana ;
Wednesday, Sapthami and Bharani ; Saturday, Ashtami
and Revathi, Monday, Dhwithiyai and Chithra ; Tuesday,
Full-Moon and Rabini; Thursday, Thrayodhasi and
Ariuradha-tbese combinations are Visha Yogas as fatal
as cobra's poison.
Mruthyu yoga. -Sqnday ruled by asterism Visakha,
Monday by Purvashada, Tuesday by Sravishta, Wednes-
day by Anuradha, Thursday by Mrigasirsha, Friday by
Swathi and Rohini andSaturday by Sravana form Mruthyu
Yoga which shows disaster.
Dhugtha y o g ~ This is also an unfortunate Yoga form-
ed by the combination of Thithi and day:-Wednesday and
Dhwithiyai; Thursday and Shashti"; Friday and A.shtami;
Saturday and Navami; Sunday and Full-Mean or
Dhwadliasi; Monday and Ekadhasi ; Tuesday and Pan-
Nasa yoga,---This is another harmful Yoga, as the name
itself indicates, formed by the combination of days and
asterisms. Pushy a and Friday ; Revathi and Saturday ;
Visakha and Sunday ; Krithika and Monday ; Mrigasirsha
and Tuesday ; Sravishta and Wednesday ; Utharapalguni
and Thursday.
Visha yoga. -This Yoga which is the combination of
a Thithi and. a day of the week proves detrimental
to all undertakings :-Shashti and Monday ; Dhwithiyai
and Tuesday ; Sapthami and Wednesday ; Ashtami and'
Thursday ; Navami and Friday.
Siddha yoga The following combinations produce a
fortunate Yoga :-'"Nandhai and Friday ; Badhrai and
Wednesday; Jayai and Tuesday ; Rikthai and Saturday;
Poornai and Thursday ; asteliS!ll Hastha and Sunday;
Mrigasirsha and Monday; Aswini ancl Tuesday; Anu-
radha and Wednesday; Pushya and Thursday.; Revathi
and Friday ; Rohini and Saturday.
* For explanation of Nandhai, Badhrai, Jayai, Rikthai etc.
See Chapter 33.
An auspicious day, an auspicious Thithi, aml an auspicious
asterism make Nithya Yoga.
Note-Therransit System or Lunar Horoscope is based
on the theory that the motions of planets from moment to
moment signify good or evil. While the physical and
mental qllalities and the chief events in the life and career
of the individual could be predicted from the configuration
of the planets at the moment of the nativity and the sign
ol the zodiac under which the child,comes into the world,
the modifications, and changes in the prospect due to the
perennial movements of the planets are determined by the
Transit System of the sign occupied by the
Moon at the actual moment ofbirth and the configuration of
the planets for any required time, which may be the moment
of propounding a question !0r astrological foresight, the
astrologer will be able to describe the effeds of the changes
in the positions and movements' of the stars and planets
on individual life f0\ any period required.
The Sun--The location of the Sun (at any given time)
in the Jenma-Rasi (sign occupied by the Moon at birth)
signifies change of place ; in the 2nd house, he bestows
wealth ; in the 3rd, he denotes success ; in the 4th, por-
tends dishonor; in the sth, he shows sorrow ; in the 6th,
he causes ruin of enemies ; Ill the 7th, favours travel ; in
the Sth,he manifests affliction; in the 9th, he breeds hatred;
in the toth, he givesgains of labour; in the nth, he brings
pecuniary gains ; in the 12th, pecuniary l0ss.
The -The Moon in the r z housts from the
Jenma-Rasi signifies respectively (1). good eating, (2) loss
of wealth, (3) gain of money, (4) stomach complaint,
(S) spoiling of business, (6) pecuniary gain, (7) friend-
ship with women, (8) trouble, (9) intimidation, (to) well-
being, ( 1 1) pecuniary gain, ( 13) loss.
Mars-Mars in the 12 :ho1lsi!s indicates,- respectively,
(1) trouble by enemies, (2) loss of property, (3) pecuniary
gain, (4) reconciliation with foes, (S) loss of money,
(6) wealth, (7) fatigue, (8) danger to hfe, (9) indisposition,
(to) sorrow, (II) acquisition of lands, (12) disease.
MercUl'y--.Mercury in the 12 houses shows, respec-
tively, (I") servitude, (2) pecuniary gain, (3) fortune,
(4) progress, (S) well-being, (6) stability, (7) illness,
(8) wealth, (9) disease, (to) comfort, (1 1) profit, (12) ex-
Jupiter-Jupiter in the 12 houses denotes, respectively
(1) fear, (2) reward, (3) indisposition, (4) loss of wealth,
(S) happiness, (6) grief, (7) fortune, (8) dissatisfaction,
(9) wealth, (to) risk of losing place or position, (1 1) sta-
bility, (12) affliction.
Venus-Venus in the twelve houses gives respectively
(1) pleasure, (2) pecuniary gain, (3) happiness, (4) pecu-
niary gain, (5) happiness, (6) fear of enemies, (7) grief,
(8) money, (9) clothes, (10) indisposition, (ll) profit,
(1 2) money.
Saturn -Saturn in the 12 houses denotes respectively,
(t) loss of money, (2) sorrow, (3) gain, (4) waste of
money, (5) grief, (6) property, (7) mental affliction, (8)
physical affliction, (9) loss of money, (10) m'ental pain,
(1 1) pecuniary gain, (12) pecuniary want.
Rahu & e t h u ~ The delineations ol the influence of
Rahu and Kethu in the twelve signs from Jenma-Rasi
are the same as those for Mars. Saturn, the Sun, Mars and
Jupiter in the Jenma-Rasi and in the 8th or 12th place
therefrom, portend fear ef death, change or loss of posi-
tion and decline of wealth.
Exception-A planet stationed in its own sign or in
its sign of exaltation, in the horoscope at birth, manifests
nothing unfavourable even if its position with referelicc
to Jenma-Rasi may indicate adverseness.
b. A planet placed in its ,inimical sign or in its sign
of debilitat16n at birtl'l shows na good-ev'eii if its positiOn
with iiefereri< fo Jenma-Rasi may denote something
The Sun and Mars manifest their influences on their
entrance into a sign; Jupiter and Venus, in the middle
part of their period ; Sa turn and Rahu, towards the end ;
and Mercury and the Maliln, in the course of their career.
planets except Jupiter manifest the effect of the
sign in which they are located, whether by acceleration or
by retrE>gression; Jupiter, however, is the only planet that
produces the effecr ofthe sign "prior to the one' occupied
by him by acceleration or retrogression as the case may be.
A planet located in his own house, in his own Virga,
in exaltation, in Virgothama position and in retrogression
possesses three-fold strength. Asthangatha planets and
those in debilitation put forth only half their power and
those in inimical signs exhibit but two-thirds of theirs.
Planetary Vedhai (Perturbation)- Nut,:-The strength
and influence of a planet in the Lunar Horoscope are en-
hanced or diminished by the positions of other planets with
reference to the house occupied by the Moon m the figure ;
so much so thai'a well-located and possessing a
benevolent tenden('y. manifests its opposite by the resis-
tance of a planet or planets loc;ated i.1lrtheir Vedhai signs in-
dicated in the following table. And similarly. one that is
badly located loses its pBWerfor etif and produces good,its
qdverse effects undermined by the counteractions of planets
tolding their Vedhai signs. This fact should be borne in
mind in calculating the power of planets for good or for
evil in the Lunar Horoscope. The reciprocal disposition
(friendly or inimical) of the planets that cause the
perturbations should be carefully considered. The Moon
aud Mercury, the Sun and Saturn do not affect each other
through Vedhai. Vedhai places of Rahu, Kethu, and
Saturn are the same as those of Mars. See table-next page.
Vedhai Signs from the House of the Moon.
Planets. II III 1V v
Sun . 2
9 3 II 12
7 a 10,
4 5 11
Moon 6 9 8 6. 12
a 7 10 4 8 11
Mars 2 12 3
. 4 fl
8 10 6 11
Mercury 2 5 4
'7 9 6
8 10 12
Jupiter I 12 2 5
4 6 3 7 10
9 8 II
Venus 8 7
9 12 2 6 II 4 3 6
N.B.-Theposition of Jupiter in.thp 5th, 9ti} or nth
house from the Mbon in the lunar horoscope is one that
presents very good prospects to the individual. In many
instances, however, based on these positions of
Jupiter are seldom realised. This is a matter of common
knowledge and the Vedhais of planets is responsible for
the disappointment.
:::Count the asterisms from Krithika to Jenma-Na"ksha-
thra and divide the number by nine. Remainder, 1 denotes
the Dhasa period of the Sun ; 2, that of the Moon ; 3, that
of Mars; 4. that of Rahu ; 5, that of Jupiter; 6, that of
Saturn; 7, that of Mercury;, 8, that of Kethu; 9 that of
' ' * The preceding Chapter is XXXVI.
X Indian astrologers, as a rule, adopt this mode of calcula-
tion and interpretation of the horoscope of birth -Natal or
Genethliacal astrology. Each of the nine sets of triangular aste-
risms given' bdow has its lord, and the lord of the Dhasa, al the
Dhasa period of the Sun--6 years. This signifies royal
displeasure, fear of enmity, danger to life, loss of wealth,
death of father, eye-disease arid disease of the head.
Dhasa period of the Moon-10 years. This gives the
individual a bright complexion, affluence, and endows him
with clothes andjewels, birth of female children, health and
Dhasa period of M:ars-7 years. This indicates lo._C!lf
lands, sorrow and trouble by enemies, servitude, domestic
troubles and pain of mind.
Dhasa of Rahu-18 years. This portends trouble from
government, danger to life and loss of property. The
Dhasa tends to prove fatal to the father and portends dis-
missal from service and deep grief.
Dhasa of Jupiter--16 years; This foretells * Abhishekam
(er similar honours,) wealth and decoration. It favours
birth of children, gains of learning and a state of general
Diui! of Sat1.1rn-19 years. This signifies deficiency
of thought, ciish)nor and loss of wealth .. , It tends to expose
the individual to the passion of the king besides proving
fatal to his mother. It also portends grief.
moment of birth, is the lord of the asterism occupied by the Moon
at the time. This system is frequently known as." UduDhasa"
of which the total number of years is, as will be seen, uo.
Krithika, Utharapalguni and Utharashada Sun.
Rohini, Hastha and Sravana Moon.
Mrigasirsha, Chithra and Sravishta Mars.
Ardhra, Swathi and Sathabis Rahu.
Punarvasu, Visakha and Purvabadrapada Jupiter.
Pushya, A n1radha and Utharabadrapadha ._ Saturn.
Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathi
Aswini, Magha and Mula Kethu.
Bharani, Purvapalguni and Purvashada Venusf
This word is often used for initiation, Royal unction, etc.
Dhasa yea17s. This favours ease, im-
proves, trade and bestows wealth. The native receives the
benefit of his education and contracts relations. H welcomes
marriage and similar rejoicings.
Dhasa of Kethu-7 years. This denotes a bad state of
health/fever and carbuncle. The individual is" likely to
lose wealth and suffer from fear ef poison.
Dhasa of Venus-20 years. This period is signified by
increase of wealth and of the produce of the garden and
the field. There is also the prospect of much profit by
means of learning. The period favours also matrimony
and prospect of a good position.
Note-Froma study ofthe foregoing pages the reader
will be familiar With the Election system and the Transit
system or the Lunar HorGscope. The influences and effects
of the movements of planets on the existence of man are
based upon the nature and characteristics of the planets
themselves, among other things, and the signs of the
zodiac in which they may happen to be located, not to
speak of their aspects and co.njunctions. There is yet
another equally valuable and interesting mode of ascertain-
ing Dhasas and prognosticating the destiny fgr good or for
evil viz., that which is called the Kalachakra Dhasa.
Here is no question of the Ascendant nor of the strength
of planets nor yet of their endless variety of combinations
and aspects. There is a given Revolution of Time and a
stereotyped rule. If the planetary Dhasa indicated by
* This word means "the Wheel of Time".
Kalachakra process co::-0perate with that by the horoseove
of birth there wilJbe marked effect; otherwise, the result
will be less pronounced. The asterisms are divided> into
two classes, Sayya and Aspasavya. The Dhasa at . birth
should be determined from the stellar quarter occuph:;d , by
the Moon at birth, as it is the most potent under. this
system ; the lord of the Dhasas and their signs are ascer-
tained from that alone and not from the Ascendant at the
moment of conception or of birth.
The first quarter of Aswini, Punarvasu, Hastha, Mula and
Purvabadhrapaciha-Dhasa ofMars of Aries. His sub-periods
are those of (I} himself, lord of Aries, (2) Venus of Taurus
(3) Mercury of Gemini (4) the Moon of Cancer (5) Sun of
Leo, (6) Mercury of Virge, (7) Venus of Libra, (8) Mars of
Scorpio (9) Jupiter of Sagittarius. The Dhasaperiods
and the sub-periods belong to the first quarter of the
aforesaid asterisms.
Of the second quarter of those asterisms the Dhasa is
that of Venus ofTaurus, and her sub-periods are those of
(I) Saturn of Capricorn, (2) Saturn of Aquarius, (3) Jupiter
of Pisces, (4) Mars of Scorpio, (S) Venus of Libra, (6) Mer-
cury of Virgo, (7) Moon of Cancer (8) Sun of Leo and
(9) Mercury of Gemini.
Of the 3rd stellar quarter of the said asterisms the
Dhasa is that of Mercury of Gemini. His sub-periods are:-
(I) Venus of Taurus, (2) Mars of Aries, (3) Jupiter of Pisces
(4) Saturn of Aquarius (5) Saturn of Capricorn, (6) Jupiter
of Sagittari (7) Mars of Aries (8) Venus of Taurus, (9) Mer-
cury of Gemini.
Of the 4th quarter, the Dhasa is that of the Moon of
Cancer. Her sub-periods are those of (I) the Moon of
Cancer; (2) the Sunof Leo (3) Mercury of Virgo (4) Venus
of Libra, (s) Mars of Scorpio (6) Jupiter, of Sagittari (7)
Saturn of Capricorn (8) Saturn of Aquarius and (9) Jupiter
of Pisces.
Bharani, Pushya, Chithra, Purvashada and
dha.-The Dhasas and the sub-periods of the first quarter
of these asterisms i,s that of tl\e. Sun of Leo. His sub-
periods are those of (1) Mars of Scorpio, (z) Venus of
Libra, (3) Mercury of Virge, (4) the Sun of Leo, (5) the
Moon of Cancer, (6) Mercury of Gemini (7) Venus of Taurus
(8) Mars of Aries (9) Jupiter of Pisces.
Of the second quarter, the Dhasa is that of Mercury of
Virgo and his sub-periods are those of (1) Saturn of Aqua-
rius, (2) Saturn of Capricorn, (3) Jupiter of Sagittarius,
(4) Mars of Aries, (5) Venus of Taurus, (6) Mercury of
Gemini, (7) the Moon of Cancer, (8) the Sun af Leo (9)
Mercury of Virgo.
Of the third quarter of the said asterisms the Dhasa is
that of Venus of Libra and her sub-periods are those of (1)
Venus of Libra, (2) Mars of Scorpio, (3) Jupiter of Sagittari,
(4) Saturn of Capricorn (5) Saturn of Aquarius, (6) Jupiter
of Pisces, (7) Mars of Scorpio, (8) Venus of Libra, and (9)
Mercury of Virgo.
Of the fourth quarter, the Dhasa is that of Mars of
Scorpio and his sub-periods are those of ( 1) the Moon of
Cancer, (2) the Sun of Leo (3) Mercury of Gemi11i, (4)
Venus of Taurus, (5) Mars of Aries, (6) Jupiter of Pisces,
(7) Saturn of Aquarius, (8) Saturn of Capricorn (9)
Jupiter of Sagittarius.
Krithika, Aslesha. Swathi, Utharashada and Revathi. - ,
The Dhasa of the first quarter of these is that of Jupiter
of Sagittari; second quarter is that of Saturn of Capricorn;
that of the 3rd quarter belongs to Saturn of Aquarius ; the
4th quarter belongs to Jupiter of Pisces. The sub-periods
of these four :quarters are the same as those of the four
quarters of Aswini, Punarvasu, Hastha, Mula and Purva-
badhrapada, respectively.
Rohini, Magha, Visakha and 'first quarter
of these asterisms is the Dhasa o( Mars of Scorpio. His
sub-periods are those of (1) Jupiter of Sagittari (2) Saturn
of Capricorn, (3) Saturn of Aquarius, (4) Jupiter of Pisces,
(5) Mars qf Aries, (6) V.enus of Taurus, (7) Mercury of
Gemini, (8) the Sun of Leo. and (9) the Moon of Cancer.
The second quarter of the said asterisms is the Dhasa
of Venus of Libra. Her sub-periods are those of (1) Mercury
of Virgo, (2) Venus of Libra, (3) Mars ofScorpj0,(4)Jupiter
of Pisces, (5) Saturn C'Jf Aquarius (6) Saturn of
(7) Jupiter of Sagittari, (8) Mars of Scorpio (9) Venus
of Libra.
Of the third quarter, the Dhasa belongs to Mercury
of Virgo and his sub-periods are those of (0 Mercury of
Virgo, (2) the Sun of Leo, (3) the Moon ofCancer, (4) Mer-
cury of Gemini, (5) Venus of Taurus, (6) Mars of Aries,
(7) Jupiter of Sagittarius (8) Saturn of Caprlcem (9)
Saturn of Aquarius.
Of.the fourth quarter the Dhasa is ,that of the Sun of
Leo. His sub-periods are those of (1) Jupiter of Pisces,
(2) Mars of Aries, (3) Venus of Taurus, (4) Mercury of
(5) the Sun of Leo, (6) the Moon of Cancer,
(7) Mercury of Virgo, (8) Venus of Libra and (9) Mars of
Mrigasirsha, Purvapalguni, Anuradha and The
first quarter of these asterisms is the Dhasa of the Moon
of Cancer. Her sub-periods are those of (1) Jupiter of
Pisces, (2) Saturn of Aquarius, (3) Saturn of Capricorn,
(4) Jupiter of Sagittarius, (5) Mars of Scorpio, (6) Venus
of Libra, (7) Mercury Of Virgo, (8) the' Sun of Leo, (9) the
Moon of Cancer.
Of the secend quarter, the lord of the Dhasa is Mer-
cury of Gemini., His sub-periods are th9se af (1) Mercury
of Gemini, (z) Venus of Taurus; (3) Mars of Aries,
(4) Jupiter of Sagittarius, (5) Saturn of Capricorn,
(6) Saturn of Acpiariris, (7} Jupiter of Pisces, (8) Mars of
Aries, (9) Venus of Taurus.
Of the third quarter, Venus of Taurus is the 'lord of
the Dhasa. Her !iub:..peri'ods are those of (t) Mercury of
Gemini/ (2) the Sun of Leo, (3) the Moan of 1tncer,
<4) Mercury of Virgo, (5) Venus of Libra, (6) Mars of
Scorpio, (7) Jupiter of Pisces, (8) Saturn of Aquarius
(9) Saturn of Capricorn.
Of the fourth quarter, Mars of Aries is the lord of the
Dhasa. His sub-periods are those of Jx) the Moon af
Cancer, (2) Mars of Scorpio, (J) Venus of Libra;,(4) Mer-
cury of Virgo, (s) the Sun of Leo, (6) the Moon of Cancer,
(7) Mercury of Gemini, (8) Venus of Taurus and (9) Mars
of Aries.
A:rfihra. Utbarapal1r9ni. Jyeshta and of
Pisces is the lord of the Dhasa of the first quarter ; Saturn
of Aquarius governs that of the second quarter; Saturn of
Capricorn, that of the 3rd ; the fourth quarter belongs to
Jupiter of Sagittarius. The sub-periods of these Dhasas are
respectively the same as those of the four quarters of
Mrigasirsha, Pur-Vapalguni, Anuradha and Sravishta,
Planetary years; Venus, 16 years;
Mercury, 9 years; Moon, 21 years; Sun, 5
xo years; Saturn, 4 years. The sub-periods foilow one
another in the order in which they are mentioned.
To work out a, Kalachakra Dhasa, the first step is to
nate the (Savya or Apasavya) to which the Jenma-
Nakshathra then the pr the
stelhy quarter, at birth, the lord of the Dhasa per-
taining to the quarter and his sub-periods. (Vide tables
Dhasa of the Sun -This has an evil influence. It cau-
ses loss of friends, offspring and wife, besides loss of
independence and disease."' The parents also will be
adversely affected.
Dhasa of the Moon-This gives bright' bodily comple-
xion, clothes and jewels. It promotes female offspring;
health and comfort.
Dhasa of Mars- This indicates loss of land, eye-com-
plaint, trouble by enemies, waste of money and wounds.
It also portends the death of the mother.
Dhasa of Mercury -This bestows lands and wealth
and favours development of learning. Marriage, convey-
ances and progeny are its other blessings.
Dhasa of Jupiter -This shows pecuniary gain and gain
of landed property and a period of great ha,ppit)ess. It is
signified by birth of sons, marriage and royal preferment.
Dhasa of Venus This welcomes increase of all kinds
of corn and wealth and promotes offspring and intellectual
growth. MC)rriages and the establishment of institutions
etc. dedicated to public benefit are its' other effects.
Dhasa of SiiLturn.-This causes loss of money, wife and
children, besides distress and great fear. The individual
is likely to contract disease. It also affects the life of the
(1) The sub-period of .Jupiter'0f Sagittarius-.suc-
ceeding that of Mars of Aries causes {t>y.t>r, The sub-
period of Mars of Scorpio subsequent ~ that of ,lupite1 wf
Pisces shows the; same effect.
(2) In the sub-period Of the Md011 Subsequent to
that of Mercury of Virgo, the person will' lose liis mother
and other relations.
(3) In the sub-period of the Sun following that of
the Moon the person will contract ulcer.
(4) In. the sub-period of Mercury of Gemini after
that of the Sun, the person's wife shall be seized with
(5) In the sub-period of Mars of Aries after that
ofJupiter ofSagittari, the person loses his father and other
If the signs in question be occupied by benefic planets
in the horoscope of birth the effect will be good ; if by
malefics, the issue will be disease or death.
I. Aswini, Punarvasu, Hastha, Mula, Puravabadhra
II: Bharani, Pushya, Chithra, Purvashada, Uthara-
IlL Krithika, Aslesha, Swathi, Utharashada and
IV. Rohini, Magha, Visakha and Sravana,.
V. Mrigasirsha, Purvapalguni, Anuradha and Sra-
VI. Ardhra, Utharapalguni, Jyeshta and Sathabis.
Note.-F0r the Savya order of Dhasas readfrom left
to right; for Apasavya, from right to left. For sub-
periods of the Savya order Read those of Apasavya
Read up. The nqmerills in black-face type indicate the
comencing sub-period of the Dhasa. See Tables l to 4-
To fix the period or the remainder of that period, at
one's birth, according to the tables, note the stellar quarter
or the amsa (the part) thereof at that moment and the
whole Dhasa period pertaining to it. The Dhasa period
or the remaining Dhasa period required can be arrived at
by the application of the rule of three.
1 Aril'l!
II Leo.
YPmm M"llt('nry
of of
Taurus Gen\ini
1_6 9-
liars J npihr
of of Y
Scorpio Sitgittari
7 10 VI Sagi t tari
Mars Yenus Mercury .Moon :,;un enus Mllrs c;Tup1ter
ot of- "of of > uf -of ... Of... of. ef 1 V Dancer .
Scorpio Libm Yirgo Cancer Leo Taurus Aries Pisces
7 16 9 21 5 9 lG 7 10
TABLE Jo. J ..
Sa tum
I Taui:us ot.
8aturn "Jupiter
qf of
0 2J ;
. .y TMU'\1&
Ill Capricorn
Aquarius Pifce.s
4 ao
Leo , Gemiirl
!i 9 . CapricOrn
r. yl M D DIY niYl MIDtYIMIIJ rtM! D y M y y M1:n I !;
Saturn ... ol jl l '01 21 I I 1! 81 II 1 < a\ l 0 11 .. 24 0 . 2 .it ( I : .l urn .... 1 f!
l Saturn ... ol : ot. ;2. I -. : t/ :II . 8.. ?I Ill. l :0 Iii _l 0 nl 0 2 :1 . ( / :: Saturn ... ; !
:!!Jupiter ... O! I U 0,. 11 ; < 3 . 111 i. 11 .1 4 2 2 li .0 7 ;: '1 ...
Mars ... o! I Ji Oj I 21 or. t 2'1 0 6 27 11 a! 2< . 0 I 8 0 4 2'l!MarB... . ..
g. Venue ... . .. ! ::s
"B . l l I ' ; 0"
,5 Mf'lX'Uty ... Oj J l Oi . ,6. l 1,_! ," 0 21 . 8 tl 811( : Oj H.i !; . 2 2fj 0 f lC 11 . U /Mereury ...
Mpou ... Oi Ill 2l Oi 11 21 2: : li l.l 1! sj S k, u: 1l
2/ 5 2 1 1 2 if 2 2 '2( Moon .. .
Sun ... ... 01_ 2! 2l Oi :t! 21 o; 7j l O! 4! 0111! 9 : 6; 1 ; 1 . 2 21 0 3 lC ( 6 i ll Stm ... .. ..
Mercury ... o; 6j : 0[ Iii : .1; , 21 2'1 tj 8; .IC ;oi 11: 1; f 2 212( 0! e ll I II (, Meronry ...
Saturn Satum Dl.lll'B \'enu l.l!d.en:ury ilOOn 8un .
11 Yirgo - of of- Of-- 'Of-- of "-of' -- of_, -of.-- .. of-,. IY -ViTgo
Aqurius Capri . At'iea: .-.Taurus . Gemini. . Canc-er k; I.oo Virgo
4 4 . 10' . j . . i6' '9 . . .. 21 5 !l
. MHCury . "
of of Y Gemini
Taurus GIII!lini
u. 9 YI Aquarius
. I Gemini .. ,.v..U. .:llva . 'Jupiier &tum .. Mars-
i of , of of of Capri- of of
Tturiuo . "Aries , Pisces A quariu .com i sagittari Arietl
III Aquarius ' 16 7 10 4 4 . 10 , 7
.. .
Y MjiJYIMIDJYtMin _vjM vllD
!Venus ... l ,I c 1 4 6 .. 11!. 11 4 0 i: .. 0 9. . 1 ' 4 1! 4 . e 3 I. ( si :u Venus :1'
ll&l'lj ...... 1 4 1."z :,o .4. o .4 ,'::Q ;] 1G;4 o\ 1 1 4 .e ....... a
: JIJpiter ... 1 11 10 4 1 z 14 0 ai 0 5. 34 , l 2 j4 0 10 4 1 11 4 lL 1 C upiter :l:i
:iSaturu ... o 9: lo 523io_l! o 21 g c 62:; oi 41 c jJesaturu
... 0 .-.e il. J ;o-.
0 al-1 0 24 j 4 II f "oj G 6:3atnm ....
i Jupiter ... 1 11 4 -l.O 4 1' . 5. 24 j
.! .j 10 4 Sj 11 4 . 1 .1 *upiter :]
Mars... ... 1' 4 e 0 7 3 0 10' : 0 4 01 4 . 1 10 . I 1 J ti . I () . g Mars... .. .
Venus ... 3 1 0 1 4 e 1 11 4 9j E ol } . 11 . 4 1 4 6 li 1 C 1 8 2f Venus .. .

... 1 : sl 11 s , 1 sj ( , ' 5j e o/. I s( 1 c 9 a 1! sl25 o h .21 .. .

'en us liars ,.1up1ter _8aturn Batum Jup1ter . _Jilars I Venus M.erQury
Il J,>M. . Li:a IV Libra.
16 7 10 4 4 10 7 16
I Ca111'er
III Pisc<'s
I!& turn
Mare lupiteT of Jupiter .
of : of Capri- of of \" .r.,o
Scorpio f&gittari ' ... com f,\.quariut Piecee [v . :
7 10 .4 4. 10 !Pisces
Mercury Venus
of of
Virgo Libra
9 16

YIMjn YlMin Yl4n Y[M

...... 5 !,IE il .2 2 1 1! 816 2 51 111 21 011121 2 b I Moo.n
Sun.... ... ... l I! 0 i . 6 I 0! u
.. f. ol 412'l < 6 21 ... , 2 21 OJ. 6/!lljsnn ,
; Mercury ... . 2 11 C I ! /. 0 llf .E .11 : . 1 0 11 . ol 5 1 0 I 1/ ( 1' MerelU7
Ji Venus ... . ... ,3 21. 11 .1 1 sl 2! Z ; lj 3 11 1 10 l( E i 21 Ol. 2E Ill< J(
Ma"B .. . .. 1 1 3111 . 6 z .. o 91 2:! 1! ! 2'l o o\2: Mars
...... 2 6
I 1 JC Oi 9 I 1f2S ol 17 5; 1 ;1;21
"' l!aturn ... , ... C 11 .2: 0 21 5 , c 81 3 21 . . 5 U oj Z 7 oi 2:. 7 o
Sa ... ' ... o 11 2' 0
21 i4 o 5 ' o 8/21! 3 2"< 5 1.. oj 7 oi z, 7 oi t 1'
Jupiter ... .,. '2 5. I 0 6! 29 1 0 17 1 1J II . 9 1 till!; ol 5 J 6llt l1 I\29lTupiter
I j . I ' I ' /'
II Scorpio .
!Mercury \'enus .Mars. 1 .JnpJ!er Saturn I Saturn Jupiter
of of of t>f <>f . of of of 1 V Scorpio
Leo Gemini Tauru Aries . Pisces Aquarim Capri Sagittar
5 9 16 7 . . . 10 4 4 10
The Signification of the 'Month-Count the asterisms from
your Jenma-Nakshathra to the one under which the Sun
enters into the first point of the sign of the zodiac donoted
by the month in question. Multiply that number by seven
and divide the product by eight. Remainder r denotes
illness; 2, gain ; 3, travel; 4,. loss of .. independence ; s,
fortune; 6, wealth ; 7, loss of property ; o, fear of untimely
Jenma-Nakshathra falling on Sunday, Monday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, respec-
tively signifies travel, good meals, indolence, culture,
clothes, good for.tune and evil.
CC!lunt the asterisms from your Jenma-Nakshathra to
the ruling asterism on the day, in question, and to that
figure add the number denoted by the ruling Thithi, at
the time, as also that denoted by the day of the week
counting from Sunday, and the n UDl ber .of the rising sign
ceuntiiigfrom Aries; divide the total by eight. Remain-
der 1, shGJws disease; 2, gain; 3, travel; 4, loss of
independence; 5, gain of mC!lney; 6, wealth; 7, loss oi
property; fear ofuntimely death.
To choose y,our Good Day -To understand the quality
and tendency of a day count the asterisms from your Jenma-
Nakshathra to that of the day in question, and to that
number add the number denoted by the Thithi of the day
and also that of the week-day counting from Sunday.
Multiply the total by four and divide the product by nine,
Remainder 1, signifies uneasiness; 2, splendour; 3, evil ;
4, gain ; J, corn ; 6, frenzy : 7, rambling ; 8, danger to life ;
9, uneasiness.
Add the period of the lord of the sign occupied by the
Moon, birth, to the period of the lord of the year,
multiply the total by three arid divide the product by 1 S
adding 3. The remainder the profit for the
yei:r. " ' '
Multiply the said remainder by 3 and divide the pro-
duct by Is, adding 5. The remainder represents the
The Dhasa periods (for purposes of this chapter) of
the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn are respectively, 6, 17, 8, 17, 19,21 and 10 years.
Count the signs from the rising sign at the time
when the Sun enters into the first point Of Capricorn to
your ascendant, at birth, Multiply the total by 3 and
divide the product by 8, adding $. The remainder (I)
shows profit, (2) expenditure, (3) health, (4) indisposi-
tion, (S) Happiness, (6) discomfort, (7) uneasiness
(8) stability.
Sankrama or Sankaranthi, in common parlance,.means
solar ingress, that is, the entry ofthe Sun into the first
point of a sign of the zodiac. This" phenomenon takes
place every month, but of all the solar ingres$es, the most
important are these into the four cardinal movable signs
Aries, Cancer, Libra and-Capri!!Orit'."
The influence and effects of Sankaranthi are judged
from the gait, bed, seat, bath, .veilpon, meal,
the time and place, perfumes, flowers, clothes etc, ofthe
deity known as Sankaranthi Devi.
Sankaranthi in the forenoon signifies destruction; at
noon, grief; in the after-noon, well-being; and at night,
Sankrama in the forenoon portends bad time for
K!:hatriyas; at noon, for Brabmanas; in the afternoon, for
Vaisya!r; at sunset (between 4-30 and 6 p, M.) to Sudras.
Devils and apparitions are adversely affected by
Sankaranthi occurring at Pradhosba time ; the Rakshasas
encounter evil if it occurs a.l dead pf. night ; Sankaranthi
after midnight shows ruin to dancers; at daybreak, it affects
shepherds ; and at twilight time, the LingQa.yats.
Sankaranthi into the sign Aries during day time
creates unrest and a rise in prices.
SCtymlmn:- Siinkaranthi into Talirus,' Virgo and
Capric0rn. '
Prnyan!'m:-Sankaraqthi into Sagittarius, Pisces and
4stlllnn:,--Sanka.-anthi into Libra, Gemini and Aqua-
Sthi/M:-Sankaranthi into Scorpio, Cancer or Leo.
" Prayanam " denotes war ; "Asanam " signifies
"Sthithi "gives treasure-trove ; " Sayanari1 "
causes annihilation of all sins, subject to the above rules.
Sankrama on ii -S.unday signifies meagre rainfall; on
on Tuesday, unrest and pestilence;
on Wednesday, storm; on Thursday, growth of medidn::tl
herbs; on Friday, rainfall; on Saturday, universal
The Outfits of Sankaranthi She makes use vf ele ...
ven conveyances, viz ; the Lion, the Tiger; the Swine, the
Ass, the Elephant, thct Buffalo, the Dog, the Camel, the
Sheep, the Bull and the Cock during the eleven Karan:ist
-t The astrological tci'lll;i; in this chapter are expbincd in Ch. 3.>
in the order in which these are mentioned. For the
eleven Karanas, t ~ Devi handles the Veena, the sword,
a white lotus, missile, bow, scales, snake, trident, discus,
hook and firebrand, one after another in the order in
which they are given. Her Feed consists of a mess of
milk and rice, an admixture of milk and sugar, curd,
maDga, fruit, apoopam (a sweet cake of circular shape
formed of a mixture of equal quantities of flour and sugar,
and prepared in ghee). She also abstains from food. Her
meal varies with each of the first ten Karan as. Milk and
rice, boiled mixture of milk and sugar, mangoes, saffron-
coloured rice, ripe fruit, unripe fruit, apoopam, mess of
gram and rice, food of the colour of red ochre, and water,
On the eleventh Karana she abstains from food. Her
Weapons for the eleven Karanas are the pestle,
Pindipalam (an iron bar wielded with the hand for deliver-
ing heavy blows), scimitar, stick, bow, lance, spear, fetters,
snare, missile and arrow. Her Integuments on those days
are, respectively, white cloth, red cloth, clothes of different
colours, gold-coloured cloths, woollen cloths, rags, leaves,
rushes/barks of trees, bodice and new cloths. She per-
fumes her body with sandal, saffron powder, ashes,
bezaar; musk, saffron-coloured sandal, crimson-coloured
sandal, saffron and black pigment. She decorates herself
with Punnaga, Karnikara, Bhll;a, Mallica, Szuanzakethaka,
Patala, Asoka etc and other flowers.
Corals, pearls, gold, sapphire, diamond, ruby, topaz,
lazuli, mica, Soaryaprabhai are her favourite ornaments
tar the Karanas.
Ifthe rising sign at the time of Sankrama be Aries
or Taurus, the faceof Sankaranthi. will he in Leo; if the
rising sign be Gemini or Cancer, sign Pisces will be the
face; if Libra or Virgo, the face will be in Capricorn ;
if Sagittarius or Scorpio, it will be in Aquarius. Resting
and sleeping over Karajr.m and seated upon the Karanas,
Bhava and Palava, with Kowlava and Thaithula to stand
upon, Sankrama Devi traverses Sakhunam and the other
Sthira Karanas. Her rest and sleep signify fall in
prices ; sitting shows normal condition ; standing indicates
rise in the prices; her locomotion portends faniine prices.
The Significations--San krama en (r) Sunday is disastr-
ous to cows; (2) Monday shows bad time for Vaisyas J
(3) Tuesday causes suffering to thieves; (4) Wednesday
indicates evil to kings; (s) Thursday, to Brahmanas;
(6) Friday afflicts CGJws; (7) Saturday denotes disaster
to people of other castes. As regards Conveyances, the
lion signifies fear on the part of kings; the swine shows
damage to paddy crops; the ass denotes disaster to
Vaisyas ; elephant shows distress everywhere ; the buffalo
indicates trouble to Sudras; the cock shows a bad time
for the horse portends ruin to atheists and to
hunters; the sheep denotes ruin of the bull
affects shepherds. Of her Weapons, the Veena signifies
the sword foretells a terrible war; the white
lotus is a sign af prosperity; missile causes great fear ;
the scales indicate affliction ; the serpent shows fever;
the trident, rebellion ; the discus denotes fear, of fire ; the
firebrand and heok'})redict universal prosperity of a very
high order ; the pestle portends devastation of kingdoms ;
sword and arrows in both hands show disease; clubs
indicate waste of lands ; a lance in the hand causes damage
to crops; spear, fetter, hook and arrow signify disaster
to cows. With regard to her Feed, the rio.: and milk fore-
show ruin to cattle; milk and sugar irtdicate disease-;
flour shows the same elfect ; saffron-coloured rice brings
fever; fruit proves disastrous to orchards; vegetable
meal indicates luxuriant growth of Apoopam
gives carbuncle ; white cooked rice famine; food
of the color of ochre shows damage to crops; water denotes
contamination of all waters ; the Devi's abstinence frGrn
food favors a condition of prosperity all ro\lfld,
The lord of the day on which the Sun enters into the
first point of Aries is the King of that year ; the lord of
the day on which the Sun enters into the first point of
Taurus il(inisle?':; the lord.of the day on which the Sun
enters into' the first paint of Cancer is the Lord of Paddy
CJ:ElPS; the lord of the day on which the Sun enters into
the first point of Libra presides over all Fruits and Vegeta-
bles ; the lord of the day on which the Sun enters into the
first point of Capricorn presides over the Mineral kingdom.
The lord. of tbe. day in the month of Jyeshta when the
Sup enters asterism Ardhra is the Regent of Clouds;
the lord of the day when the Sun enters into the first
point of Sagittarius presides over all kinds of Corn; the
lord of the day. on whjch the Sun enters into the first
point of Gemini all kinds of Fluid.
Influences of the Lords ofthe Yetr-The Sun as the Lord
of the year foreshows tension of feeling among kings,
danger by thieves and by fire.
The Moon signifies universal rain, abundant growth
of all kinds of co.rr;l and happiness and prosperity all round.
Mars indicates little rainfall. There will be trouble
by thieves .and by fire, and kings wili be at daggers
Mercury denotes insufficient rain and unsatisfactory
crops. If rainfall be sufficient, it will be local. There
will be much distresson account of storms and fear also
will prevail. The planet also indicates a big battle.
Jupiter, as the lord of the year, affords a felicitous til11c
for sacrifices ''a'l'ld other 1Uilctioi1s of Brahmanas ; kings
will not swerve from the path of virtue; there will be pros-
perity and contentment all round and freedom fium
* See Introduction for the Lords of the days of the week.
Venus signifies satisfactory rainfall everywhere and
luxuriant crops. Cattle will be in good condition and will
yield abundantly. There will be general contentment.
Saturn shows poor rainfall and trouble by fire and by
thieves. There will be a general tendency to .commit
acts of sinful nature.
The influence of the Sun radicates ran-
courous feeling among kings, poqr rainfall, scanty har-
vest and a general tendency to acts of unrighteousness.
The Moon predicts good rainfall, luxuriant growth,
health and general well-being and prosperity.
Mars shows a tendency on the part of kings to acts
of injustice ; there will be little rain ; trade will sink and
people will suffer by means of weapons and by fire.
Mercury denotes ill-feeling among kings and distress
by stor'ms'; rainfall and agricultural growth will be
Jupiter promises luxuriant growth of ltll kinds of com,
general happiness and contentment; cows will be in good
condition arid their of milk satisfactory.
Venus promotes devotion between 'huSband and wife,
growth of all kinds of corn and the cow's yield of milk.
Saturn gives poor raiilfall and poorer agricultural
yield. He indicates bad days for people and cattle.
Mlechas will feel exalted. '
Lords of Agricultural groWth The Sun Signifies a goodly
yield of white-grains and grains having therolour f ccanch.
The Moon promises a luxuriant gr-owth of wet and
dry crops and robust growth of trees.
Mars shows abundance of red paddy, big paddy and
grams of all sorts. The planet favours cultivation of gravel
soil. . , c
Mercury indicates poor rainfall and scanty agricutural
growth. The rainfall will be very light and people will
be in a state of anxiety.
Jupiter shows luxuriant growth, impartial adminis-
tration of justice by kings and goodly yield of cow's milk.
Venus i.ndicafes fertility of white soil and profuse
growth of white grains.
Saturn faveurs the growth of sesamum and black
gram ; choose black soil.
Lords of Fluid-'-The Sun denotes rise in the price of
ghee, oil, honey and other sweet substances.
The Moon shows rise in the price of ghee., oil, honey,
sugar, milk, curd, and sugarcandy. She promotes genera,\
Mars indicates rise in the price of black mustard, salt,
ghee, sesamum, oil and sugar. There will be danger by
fire in villages.
Mercury signifies a goodly yield of cow's milk, fertile
growth of all kinds of corn ; rulers will be just.
Jupiter favq,urs the growth of all succulent products.
There will be plenty of rain and cow's milk.
Venus shows universal rainfall and excellent growth
of products that are sweet.
Saturn gives very poor rainfall, poor crops <\nd
~ c n t y growth of juicy products, grams and corn.
Mlechas will come to prominence.
Lords of Metals and Minerals The Sun indicates dear-
ness of lead, 2;inc, musk and sapphire.
The Moon signifies increase Of camphor, sandal.
white clothes, pearls, gold, saffron-powder and flowers.
Mars gives increase of corals, gold, crimson-coleured
gems and red clothes.
Mercury indicates development of pearls and other
shell products, gold, emerald and saffron-coloured clothes.
Jupiter favours camphor, saffron, musk and sandal.
Venus brings up diamonds, gems, pearls, cardamons,
cotton and silver.
Saturn indicates increase of metals, lead, tin, musk
and sapphire.
Lords of Clouds- The Sun shows great fear, small
profits, sporadic rains arid growth of unhealthy wild corns.
The Moon favours good rain; agricultural prosperity,
increase of all kinds of corn and plenty of co"w's milk.
Mars causes storm, high prices, scattered rains and
growth af black corns.
Mercury signifies moderate rain and adequate
harvest. Much damage by storm and rain is likely in the
Central Provinces.
Jupiter favours luxuriant growth and prosperity
everywhere and sufficient yield of cow's milk.
Venus promises gaod rainfall, fruitful trees and
general prosperity, be'sid'es satisfactory yield of cow's milk.
Saturn promotes the growth of sesamum and moderate
rainfall and even that, only here and there.
Lords of Grains-The Sun shows scanty rain and conse-
quently very little growth, slight fall in prices and growth
of unhealthy ar paisondus grains and a"period of anxiety.
The Moon produces good rainfall and general pros-
perity, goodly yield of CGw's milk, peace of mind and
freedom from disease.
Mars denotes poor yield, high prices, growth of bad
corns and fertility of red soil.
Mercury gives poor growtli of corn and fruit and
meagre rainfall, and that only in some places.
Jupiter favours universal rain, fertility and good
yield of cow's milk.
Venus signifies much rain, and growth-. immunity
from illness.
Saturn denotes scanty rain. here and there. a period
of famine and great anxiety. Black soil proves fertile.
Happy Dtoeams-To dream to behold the brilliant Sun
or the Moon signifies speedy recovery from all afflictions,
to be followed by good fortune.
To dream to catch hold of the Solar or the Lunar
system foretells the acquisition of dominion.
To dream to behold a large fruit-bearing tree, a
smiling forest, or a mountainous jungle presages fortune.
To dream to climb up any of these shows good-luck.
To dream to mount a large tree full of fruit, such as
the mango, the tamarind, the betel-nut,.the:strawberry, the
cocoanut etc, or gathering the fruits thereof foreshows
acquisition of riches.
To dream to cliinb anything except a sacrificial post,
an ant-hill, or, a white tree indicates progress.
To dream to feel sucking up the sea without any
agitation or a full river t0- appease thirst, indicates
acquisition of dominion.
To dream to cross a river or the sea indicates com-
plete shaking off of all causes of fear at the very end of
the dream.
To dream to behold a rising sea or a river foretells
acquisition of great wealth or dominion.
To dream to behold parents, sons, Brahmanas,
friends or relations foretells increase of affluence.
To dream to drink toddy and indulge in sexual inter-
course with one of unsuitable rank foretells the approach
of happy days.
To dream to behold a virtuous person, handsome
.. id dressed in white silk, f0retells pecuniary gain.
To dream to come in contact with the caulof a man,
crow or fish, with flesh, blood or prostitute foretells
acquisition of immense riches.
To dream to behold a lady perfumed with scents and
garlands, wearing white clothes and getting on to the bed
predicts a high degree of affluence.
To dream to see a virgin or a Gouri (girl of ten years
of age) holding a lotus predicts fortune in the hear future.
To dream to behold a king, horse. gold, bull or .:ow.
predicts the prosperity of the family.
To dream to behold a crane, cock, beast, wild tree or
a bird shows fortune.
To dream' to 'behold a lofty dais or a king, 1inlversally
respected. or to hear a conversation among the Devas,
foretells prosperous days.
To dream to construct a house or a pial, or to do
honor to the race or family, to plant,a.tree, pr cultivate a
farm, foretells settlement to a position of honour.
To dream to receive Nymphwfl alba (a waterplant)
lotus, white garland, jewei or a/til, shows happiness.
To dream to see dung, excrement or mango fruit,
foretells fortune.
To dream to drink the juice of the Soma plant or
toddy, or, to behold a Brahmana, foretells monetary gain.
To dreal'li to ride alone in a car, drawn by a bull or a
horse and to feel riding so, foretells fortune.
To feel in a dream seated on a plank, in a lounge, a
car, a conveyance or on the shoulders of a man, foretells
To dream to bite the leg, hand or l:J.e*l.of im);',.bea:;t
foretells increase of fortune. , . ,_.,;;1
To dream to be bitten by a snake, in the right
hand, loretells prodigious gain in ten d;ws.
To dream to feel drinking milk copiously, at the end
of a dream, foretells acquisition of a large sum of money.
To dream to bleed from snake-bite or the bite of a
dog, predicts the approach offortune.
To dream to behold your head cut off and weltering
in blood, foretells gain of money and increase of health.
To dream to behold your youth transformed into old
age shows eminence. It also prolongs life.
To dream to behold a flag floating in one's land fore
tells success and gain of money etc.
To dream to behold a gold umbrella bedecked with
white garlands and approaching from the sky, foreshows
the acquisition of dominion.
To dream to behold the images in a temple decorated
with white garlands is good fortune.
To dream to behold Brahmanas, white clothes and
white cows, it may be but once, shows success.
To dream to behold gold, silver, weapon, white lotus
or jewel, foreshows happiness and perhaps also dominion.
To dream to behold a huge heap of corn, a store of
Samai (panicum) bronze or a house enveloped in flames
foretells fortune.
To dream to feel itched on account of golden coloured
vermin signifies health, increase of wealth and products.
To dream to see one's self transmuted into gold,
signifies dignity; it also prolongs life.
Sprouts, Conch, discus, creeper, fan, Chamara, blood,
~ full of water, ghee, Payasam (a sweet: admixture of
milk and sugar), mango, milk, sugar, curd, the sea, river,
or, mango and other fruits, cooked rice or flesh-to dream
to behold or taste any of these, or, to hear the Vedas
chanted, shows gain of money.
To dream to be in the society of Deities, Brahmanas,
Guru, the learned and the Sadhu (one absolutely good in
word, thought and deed), or to be steeped in blood, flesh,
dung or excrement, or, to smear the body with these; to
be bitten by a snake, stung by a scorpion, to be speaking
to a Deity, a Brahmana, a Guru or a lady--ali these
forebode something good.
To dream to receive money, corn, betel, nut, cooked
rice, etc., to eat rice, or, to bathe one's self in milk, fore-
tells pecuniary gain.
To dream to mount a carriage, palanquin, elephant,
car, pial, or a good tree, shows gain of grains.
To dream to get into bondage indicates health.
To dream to see a dog, fox, vulture, devil or a black
worm portends grief.
To dream to behold a crow, eagle, vulture, devil or
Rakshasa lighting upon a banyan tree or falling there-
from , denotes sorrow.
To dream to behold black vermin or a black cow,
ascending a tree, or, to dream to come in contact with
them denotes intimidation.
To behold a horse, camel, car, buffalo, dog or a dark
woman, portends misery.
To dream to behold a place where Deities dance,
laugh, weep and pat one another on the shoulders and
run, portends the destruction of that place.
To dream to see a woollen cloth, silver dice, lump of
iron, sesamum, swine, cat, phastata foreshows death.
To dream to embrace a woman wearing a red cloth
and perfumed with sweet scents portends death that very
* In Tamil, Karunguvalai,
To dream to g ~ southward holding by hand a dark
woman dressed in red and decorated with a red garland
foreshows death.
To behold at the end of the dream a tawny woman with
hairs growing upward shows: the death of the subject or
his Il).aster.
To dream to behold a Chandala, one abandoned, or a
Mlecha or anybody of low caste, a crow, a cruel beast or
a black cdbra shows death.
To dream to feel smearing the body with honey,
ghee or oil indicates disease.
To dream to come in contact with a monkey or swine
or any animal that has the teeth or the harns for weapon
shows great pe;r:iJ.
To dream to see a waterpot smashed forebodes
To dream to see stars falling, of, the Sun and the
Moon bereft of light, forebodes grief or death.
To dream to behold a tank, a river or the sea dried
up, shows pecuniary loss
To dream to smear the body With oil or saffron
signifies leprosy, besides affliction by a dog, a cow or a
To dream to behold the teeth shattered or falling
indicates mental pain, loss of relations and danger.
The Effect of Dreams during t h ~ 1 > ~ quarter of the
night will be realised in a year;, that of dreams of the. 2nd
quarter, in six months ; the influence of dreams in .the 3rd
quarter will be evident in a month ; dreams before
dawn will be realised in twelve days ; dreams before
sunrise announce their effects in a day.
If there be two dreams, the effects of the latter alont'
will prevail. It is well to go to sleep after an evil drea-m ;
this should be divulged. Good dreams, however,
should always be kept secret.
I next pr0ceed to give the rules for determining
the Sreejayanthi day in the year. Sri Krishna was born
unto Dhevaki under. sign: Taurus and asterism Rohini on
Wednesday-Ashtami of the dark half of the . month of
Sravana, coinciding with Harshana Yoga:
There are t}:Vo ,orders of Jayanthi according to sages.
The one is called Suddhai and the other, Viddhai. Those
whose goal is Mok:;ha (release from birth and death, and
attainment of ineffable beatitude) should follow Suddhai
system and avoid the other.
Viddb&i-This term denotes the combination of Sap-
thami and Ashtami with asterisms Krithika and Rohini on
Qne and the same day. No fasting is ordained for this
day nor for the day during which Sapthami ends and
Ashtami begins and.Rohini follows Krithika-two Ghati-
kas after sunrise. {The idea is .that the ending moment
d Saptbami should be befere Sooryodhaya i.e., two
Ghatikas before sunrise, in which case alone fasting is
considered meritorious.)
The combination of asterism Rohini with Ashtami,
Navami or Dhasami without Vedhai signifies Jayanthi.
Suddhai-This denotes Ashtami and Navami synchro-
nising with Rohini and Mrigasirsha.
In this Wa'/, in all cases in which either the month, or
the year is of the essence of an auspicious time, where two
Thithis occur on the same day the latter of the two should
be chosen. A Thithi coinciding with Sankaranthi is unfit
for all devotional affairs. ' It is, nevertheless, te be pre-
ferred to the Sapthami ruled by asterism Krithika.
Srccjayanthi-The incarnation of Vishnu was at Moon-
rise on Ashtami of the dark fortnight under asterism
Rohini in the month of Sravana. The birth of the Lord
Krishna is known as Sreejayanthi .
. , Fasting on Sreejayanthi is fruitful of all kinds of
blessings to the devotee. Free from all terrestrial desires
and attachment, he should worship Sri Krishna on that
day. at Moontise and, before Paranai; Pancharathras,
(Vaishnavas) Deekshithas (those who perferm sacrifices)
and devotees of Vishnu should partake of the same feast
(Paranai) ih company with ather Bakthas. Those who
keep fast out of pure devotion to God, free from material
considerations, should have Paranai at night. Those who
seek worldly advantages, through observance of
jayanthi, should have their Paranai at the end of the
In the Brahma Sanibitl:!a, Pithamaha says to
" That vow by the observance of which man attains the
objects of all his desires is Sreejayanthi, or, the day of the
incarnatien of Lord Sri. Krishna into the world. For
the destruction of the wicked who are a burden- Upon
earth and for the protection of the virtuous, Sri-Krisbn"a
was given birth to by Dhevaki at moonme when the
Moon was in the fourth quarter of asterism Rohini. con-
ciding with Harshana Yoga and Kowlava Karana, on
Ashtami of the dark fortnight of month of Sra-
vana, at the time when the rising sign was Taurus, with
Jupiter and Rahu in Cancer, the Sun in Leo, Mercury in
Virgo, Saturn in conjunction with Venus in Libra, and
Mars and Kethu located in Capricorn. To abstain from
food and worship the Lord on the day of his jncarnation,
every year, subdues all sins. Having performed his daily
ablutions, the devotee should stand in devotion before the
image of the Lord, duly installed on a pedestal, and
pz:onounre the following prayer:- " Oh! Lord of Lotus
Eyes : By solemn observance of the vow of fasting and of
fixing my mind on Thee on this, the day of Thy incarna-
tion, I Thee adore. I break my fast next morning. Accept
this humble token of my devotion, and give me Oh! Lord,
Thy blessings divine." 'fhen follows the reg1Jlar Pujah
with offerings of sacred flowers and be con-
cluded by silent meditation upon Sri Krishna, Balarama
(his brother), Vasudeva (father), Phevaki (mother),
Nandhagopa (foster-father) and Es0dhai (foster-mother).
This over, the devotee should turn to the rising Moon and
offer Arghya with water of tlie' tender cocoanut, arid
cooked food and address the following prayer:- "Oh !
Thou Emanation from the Ocean of Milk, Thou, hEitn of
the eyes of Athri ! may this Arghya find favour with Thee
and with the Goddess Rohini, by Thy side!'' These
devotional services should be crowned by the worship of
Sri Krishna (in the manner ordained by the Sastras) with
offerings of food and the fruits of the season. Sleep being
forbidden, the devotee should spend the night in meditation
on the Deity. The following morning, he should entertain
the devotees of Vishnu at Paranai.
At sunset on the Full-Moon day ruled by asterism
Krithika when the Moon is located in Taurus and the Sun
in Scorpio, every house should be adorned with lighted
lamps. The Full-Moon is the fundamental significator
of this festival whether the ruling asterism, at the time,
be Bharani or Rohini. Any other time,(than the Full-Moon)
for celebrating this festival will affect the Jcing
and the country. The appropriate time for illumination
is about sunset-when the Sun is on the sensible horizon.
The twilight dme::_the time when the Sun is less than
about 18 below the h0tiien-is next in importance. No
illumination should be started later.
Pradhosha on the Full- Moon day is also auspicious
for lighting if the ruling aster:sm be free from Vedhai.
Sa says Brahmadeva.
For making gifts of lighted lamps choose the interval
between the Full-Moon and Prathamai provided the Moon
does not decrease during the time. So says Brihasp'athy:.
The first two Ghatikas of Prathamai are, in strength and
quality, as good as Pournami (Full-Moen):
Pournami (Full-Moon) is considered free from
Vedhai when its ending moments coincide with Pradhosha.
It is also a fortunate time for making gifts of lighted
lamps: These gifts should be made during increase of
the Moon, for then it bestows prosperity on the king and
his country. Gifts during decrease of the Moon produce
an adverse effect.
If the last Ghatika of Chathurdhasi synchronise with
the first part of Pradhosha, the Pournami is considered to
manifest the adverse quality of Rikthai. If, in the previous
evening, Pournami has the Vedhai of Chathurdhasi
the gifts should be made during Prathamai even if the
Full-Moon does not prolong to the next day. If Pour-
nami exists in the two evenings, the second should be
chosen. lftwo Pournamis occur during the month, then
also the second should be chesen.
All public buildings, such as temples, palaces ,:Sabahs,
and holy places should also be illuminated with lamps of
varying sizes, even if there be lunar eclipse on ''the Full-
Moon day ruled by Krithika, when the Moon is in Taurus."
Even if ast. Krithika does not co-exist with the Full-
Moon, there should be illumination. The celebration of
this festival, as Ordained by the Sastras, bestows pros-
perity upon the king and the country; there will be no
failure of rainfall and no epidemics. The people will live
in health, happiness and contentment everywhere.
On the cooked rice consumed on .the Ekadhasi day
subsist all sins such as the murder of a Brahmana.
All persons between eight and eighty of age
should abstain from food on the Ekadhasi days. of. the
bright and dark fortnights. He who eats 011 tile Ekadhasi
days kills his parents, a Brahmana and his Guru. But
t Paranai on Dhwadhasi should not be given up even for
reasons of great festivity, trouble. or pollution relating to
birth or death,.
If, at t of Dhasami. there
should be no fasting on that day.
If Dhwadhasi touches the days of Ekadhasi and
Thraypclhesi Thithis. fasting shouid be kept on the day
which is wholly Dhwadhasi, and the Paranai on the
Thrayodhasi day, when Dhwadhasi ends. Even if the
duration of Ekadhasi be less than that of Dhwadhasi,
fasting on the latter Thithi bestows good,
S!mpoorna Ekadhasi Ekadhasi that exists two Muhoor-
thas before sunrise is called Sampoorna Ekadhasi.
Grahasthas should fast on this day.
A person physically unable to fast may depute his
wife or his knowing son to observe Ekadhasi for his sake,
The reward for fasting is only attainable by complete
1bstinence from food for the whole day (24 hours). Peo-
le realise all their cherished desires for wealth, progeny.
teaven or Moksha through fasting on the Ekadhasi day.
Death-day anniversary of father or of mother should
not be performed on the Ekadhasi d ; it should be put
off to the next Thithi, Dhwadhasi, Sraclclha (death-day
+ !'he 4 Ghatikas before *A hnn1ta 4S minutr ....
aninversary) performed on the Ekadhasi day does not
find favour with the Pitrus. Sraddhas should not be
performed on Ekadhasi days any more than they can be
on days of pollution.
A person under pollution should, as usual, have his
bath on the Ekadhasi day, mentally worship Vishnu and
keep fast. This rule applies also to women Who should
abstain from food on Ekadhasi, though they may happen to
be menstruous at the time. The Paranai on the next
day should be had before the end of the Dhwadhasi, how-
ever short the duration of that Thithi may be. If the
duration of the said Thithi be very short, the daily mid-
day religious services may be done along with those of
the morning. If, under unavoidable circumstances, the
Paranai has to be put oft, plain water at least should be
taken in lieu of food within the specified time. The
Lord Sri Krishna says
He who swallows food on Uttba-
na, Sayana and Parivarthana Ekadhasis sends Sa{ya
inte my throat.
In all cases of uncertainty as to the exact day for
fasting, it is better to abstain from food on Dhwadhasi
day and breakfast on the next.
Those who seek material prosperity should not have
Paranai on Thrayodhasi day; not so for Nish-Kama
Yogis who, by abstraction of mind from all worldly desires,
attain Moksha.
Ahrllutpoorlby. -Completion of the I st year of the child.
Argh!fn.- of water to a Deity in the act of worship.
--Thefollowing is a list of the 27 asterisms (used
in Astrology) with their English names: -
Bharani .. .
Krithika .. .
Rohini .. .
Arclhra ...
Aslcsha ...
lHharapalguni ...
Hastha ...
Chithra ...
Swathi .. .
Visakha .. .
.Jyeshta ...
Sravana ...
H.eva.ilti. ... '
b. Arieties
35. Arieties and Musca.
y. Tanri, Alcyone.
a. Tauri, Aldebaran.
p. Orionis.
l1. Gemini, Pollux.
8. Cancri.
d.. 1fydrae.
a. Leonis, Regt.ilas
8 Leonls.
b. Leonis.
r.l.. Corvi.
Virginis Spica.
rt .. Bo!)tis, Arcturus.
i. _Librae:
'u,. Scorpionis, Aritares,
l . . Scorpion is.
s. Sagittari.
a. Aquilae, Atair.
I Delphin.
n. Aq uarii,
6. Pcgasi.
r. Pegasi Andremedae
5 Piscium.
Days of the and their J,ords.-See Introduction.
/)h.u''-Thndivision of a man's life which is under the in-
urnC<l of a planet.
Ascendant.- The rising sign at the time of birth--3ee
Lagna, Radical.
Apokli:mn- .The :Jr4, Jl.t!, vtJ.t ,wl I! houses frn111 the
rising sign.
located within a particular degree of
the Sun are The Sun obscures suth planets so that
they lose their power. In direct course this obscuration takes
place as follows :-
Moon within 12 degrees from the
Mars Do. 17 Do.
Mercury Do. 14 Do.
Do. 12 Do. when rettograole. ,
Jupiter Do. II Do.
Venus Do. 10 Do.
Do. 8" Do. when retrograde,
Saturn Do.
Athichara. - (aeceleratiou) The mo\'lmwnt of a planet faster
than its mean velocity.
Ay ana. See page 86.
Abijith.-- Ke Intro.
Common signs.-Gemini}lirgo. Sagittarius and Pisces.
Oonjunction . .:...The location of two or mmp planets in the
same longitude. Conjunction is very powerful if the planets be
iri. the same degree and minute.
Deg>'313 of main of - page 40.
/Jignities.--A phmetis dignified when it occupies its own
house, its Moolathrikona or Ex:\hatiou, aspected by a benefic,
by a malefic, wlum it is uot retrograde and when it
is increasing in light,
diagram representing the heavens ; a horoscope
or other Ohamas.
Fixed Signs. - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio anrl Aquarius.
f:io-charam.-'rheconfiguration of planets at any given Iiiii!'.
HoU8es.-1'he twelve divisions of the Zooi<w .
.fenma-Nakshath:ro-. -The asterism ruled by the Moon ;ot
birth of a person is his- .
Lagna. -The. rising sign at the moment of bir. h or at the
commencement of a function.
/,n!if,lr. The distance ol a. plane) from the Equator.
/,nu.mlutlr. Th<' distance of a pl:uwf from the first.' point
.. r Aries.
Lord. -A planet to w.liom a sign belongs and where he is
nHJSl powerful. The Moon and though female planets.
are also denoted by the word ' L<ml.'
Lunar Solar mo-nt&.- See page 60,
Jtoolatlwikrma. 8iyu,of Pla.nrf... See page 1111.
-Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Mok6/ur .. --Lilwration from earthly desires and possession of
Divine Bliss.
Moudyu. -Frustration -See page 19i.
Nal'"h.allmz-padlw..-'l'ht> stellar quarter.
Nithya Yoga. -See Foot-Note, 206.
l'cmuprtra.: - The 2nd, 5th, 8th and II th hon8es from
the Lagna.
Planetary Aspects.-AII planets throw a full aspect to the 7th
house. The 4th and 8th houses are aspected with three. quarters
of a sight; ftth and 9th houses with half a sight; 3rd and lOth
houses with quarter sight. Of the planets aspecting with a full
sight the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus are the strongest.
Of the planets aspecting with half sight, Jupiter is the strollgoJst;
of those that fl8pect 1Vith three quarter of a sight, Mars is
the strongest.
Planetary -See Introduction.
Planets Ewul!atwn
Sun Aries
Taurus Scorpio
Capricorn Cancel'.
Mercury Virgo Pisces.
Cancer Capricorn
Saturn Libra Aries.
Planetary Directions. --See page 141
Prtrn,nn.i. -!\IPA.I taken at: the end a fast.
Planetary Relations t-
Sun.-Saturnand Venus are enemies, the other planets are
his friends, Mercury is neutral.
, Moon.- No enemies. The Sun and Mercury are her friends
and the rest are neutrals.
Mars-The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are friends; Venus
and Saturn are neutrals; Mercury is his enemy.
Mrt;Ury.-The Sun. and Venus are friends; the Moon,
enemy; the rest, neutral.
Jupiter.--?.fercury and Venus are enemies; Saturn, neutral;
the rest, friends:
VenUB. -Mercury and Saturn are friends; Mars and Jupiter,
neutrals; the rest, enemies.
Saturn.-Venus and Mercury are friends; Jupiter is neutral;'
the rest, enemies.
Planets.-See Introduction.
Quadrants. -The 4th, 7th and lOth and the 1st houses from
any sign.
Radical. - The horoscope at birth from which the past,
present and future are determined,
lletrograde.-A planet decreasing in longitude. See Valera.
Ruthus.-See page 85.
SIJlltha Rishis. -Mareechi, Athri,Angiras, Pulasthya, Pulaha,
Krathu and Vasishta-see Nakshathra Gothra, page 77. Grutha
on page 77 is a misprint for Krathu.
Sirodhaya, Prishtodhaya and Sira-Prishtqdhaya Rasis. See
page 143.
Significations ofZodiacalsigns.--Ist House or the Ascendant:-
Body, complexion, beauty, birth, inclination, mood, fame,
activity and high life.
2nd HoU$e.-family :'e, fortune, power of eye-sight, obser-
vation, memory, power. speeCh, quality of speech, imagination,
wealth, treasures etc.
3rd HOU8e;-Brothers, sisters (human aids) courage, patience,
servants and subordinates, power of hearing, diseases of the ear,
gold and silver vessels, de ~ ~ of heroism,
.fth House.-Education, relations, mother, house,conveyance
comfort, domestic quadrupeds, love of work, reputation,
5th House, -Children, uncle, inheritance, intelligence, specu-
lation, Manthras, previous Karma and father's kindred.
6th Houae,-disease, enemies; injuries by weapon, affliction,
attachment to or hatred of Dhayadhis, loss of money, intimid-
ation and calamities through women.
preference from royalty,
and freedom.
love affairs, happiness, relations,
trade, duration of wife's life etc
8th Hquae.-Dangers, struggles, chronic diseases, obstacles,
uneasiness, loss of money, extravagance, reputation, enmity.
9th House,-Father's position, virtue, public beneficence,
meritorious wealth, initiation, fertile fields and gardens, satis-
faction of desires and all the happinesses which wealth can sup-
ply, divine favour and medicine. : "
lOth Ho!Ue.-----charity, avocation, public good,mcrcy, wisdom,
worship, renown, fortitude, clothes, meals and mendicancy.
lith House.-Elder brothers, followers, dependants, gains,
insight, vehicles, power of overcoming obstacles, redemption and
wealth of garments.
18th House.-Journey, residence in foreign countries on duty,
expenditure, real happiness, sleep, excellent beds,
disputes, generosity, sacrifice. prosperity in business, self-un-
doing, sorrow and loss.
Trines. -The 5th, 9th, and the lst houses from the Lagna.
Upachaya.--The 3rd, 6th, I Oth, and II th houses from the
Rising Sign.
V.1hra..-{Retrograde) Planets that do not move in the Tegular
order of signs. Rahu and Kethu are Vakra: they are not
however planets.
Vasyam.-Planets that are in mutual reception, the nature
of the one being concordant -t11 that of the other.
Vedlw,i.-A Vedhai platwt is one that prevents or cuts of!
the be,nefic or, malefic effects manifested by another planet ..
Vernal awl. Autumnal Equinox. -See page !53.
page 86.
Zodiac.-See Introduction.
Sim 11\(Qon I Mllt'R jMerNity,,Jnpiter I 8Bturn
Copper Whit"
I[Gnn Yf'lllow Mixed 'Blaek
(Gold &
1. Silver)
JlatUH. 'Sathwa Sathwa Sathwa RajaR 'l'hamM
l<'<'male Eunuch
Femalf' Mal"'. IEunu<>h. Mal
,. (fl'male)
Ksltatr- Vaiaya Kohii.ir- Brahm- Brahm- Cllaildala
Elements. Fire
ya ya 1111 na
Water }'ir!' , Etlfer Air
Yat'llna Subra- Vishnu lndra. [lndrani Brahma
man}'a [
Oarments. Thick N1w Half- !Wet '.Rag
bumt ... ,
I .
CoppPr G1ms
Brasa Silvl'r Pearls [Iron(li<ati)
Bones Blood
Fleah Semen
&: brain
Wheat Paddy Lentil
Greeu- Bengal Beans
gram gtam

Summ ... AutnJiln Snow Jsl"ing
A<l'l'bity Mixt'd
]Place o1Spting Fit

Bilinn8. PhJPg-. Bilinus
. .
8WPI't Sour
Bittel' &
. gE>.nt
tot'!' Bl!d-
PhlE<g- Windy Windy
mati Phlel(-
Thithis.-A Thithi is a day of the Moon. Thithis are 14 in
number reckoned from a dl!.y to the next Full-Moon
ior from the Full-Moon to tliP. Tl;e I st day, ie; the
day following the New-Moon or the Full-Moon, is Prnthan1ai;
2nd, Dhwithiyai; !!rq
4th, tJhatlmrthi; 5th,
Pancbami; 6th, Shasbti; 7th, Rapt.hami; 8th, Ashtami; 9th,
Navami; lOth, Dhasami; lith, Ekadhasi; 12th, Dhwadhasi;
Thrayodhasi, I 4th, See I ntro. Page VI.
English Names of Rasis -l\Eesha-A1ies. Vrishaba.-'ra1'trus.
Mithuna-Gemini. Kataka-Ca.uce,r. Simha,-Leo. Kanya-
Vi rgo. V rlscliika..::Scoij;io. Dha.nus--Sagitt:irius.
Makara-Capricom. Kum bhn--A!jua.riuij, Meena Piij<'t'S.
The Zordiac and, ihe
body-See page XIII.
ready 1efcrence;---
ftody-AThe ?fuhliaC' in the
The following sketch will be useful for
To Determine the position of the Moon in the Y."'lirJ,f far any
tim.e:,-Each;ign of the Zodiac contains 2t asterisms. Find out
from the almanac thll ntlillg, asterism at. the time and itM order
counting from Aswini. Divide this number by :!!; the quotient.
represents the number of signs passed by the Moon from Aries.
Table Showing time of Oblique Ascension_ of Zodiacal signs for Latitudes. 1 GllaUta=60 Yl-ghatlias=U Minutes.
I Aries. ITaurus.jGemini.; Leo. I nrgo I Libra. I I Pisceii._, Lat.
o. G. " G. ,._ /o. v. o. v. G. v. a.-- v. Cf. v.
4 53 17 if> 25 i) i 43 4 37 14 - 63 5 17 ' 15 ii 4 43 4 li'l 0
ol ; 16 , 25 : 7 45 311 : 5-'> 18 I :16_ 3 41 35. - 1
i 411 lli .
.. , -_:a __.. 'l _ !9l M 2 _ 38 , 2
48. 2- g 4f e
58 20 '24 I 37 31 3
46 1 11r __ 11 51 : 46 __ _ 5 o 21 24 4 50 ao 211 4
44 : __ u_ :_' . , - 13 n 47_-._-_j 2 22 u r.1 33 21 5
42 i 11 ; 27 14 55 41_ - 23 5I 31 . I& 6
40 I 1o : wr _ 16 Y1 "' 6 ..
. -2a 56 .. , 211 u , . 7
21 '
22 l'

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