Lecture 5 - Fundamentals: September 11, 2001 CVEN 444
Lecture 5 - Fundamentals: September 11, 2001 CVEN 444
Lecture 5 - Fundamentals: September 11, 2001 CVEN 444
Lecture Goals
Concrete Mixing and Proportioning Concrete Properties Steel Reinforcement
12 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 3
Layer 1: Fill 1/3 full. 25 stokes Layer 2: Fill 2/3 full. 25 stokes Layer 3: Fill full. 25 stokes Lift cone and measure slump (typically 2-6 in.)
B. Concrete Properties
1. Uniaxial Stress versus Strain Behavior in Compression
fc Ec
B. Concrete Properties
The standard strength test generally uses a cylindrical sample. It is tested after 28 days to test for strength, fc. The concrete will continue to harden with time and for a normal Portland cement will increase with time as follows:
B. Concrete Properties
0.45fc o u
Compressive Strength, fc
Normally use 28-day strength for design strength
Poissons Ratio, n
n ~ 0.15 to 0.20 Usually use n = 0.17
B. Concrete Properties
Modulus of Elasticity, Ec Corresponds to secant modulus at 0.45 fc ACI 318-99 (Sec. 8.5.1):
Ec ( psi ) = 33 w1.5
where w=unit weight (pcf) 90 pcf < wc <155 pcf
f 'c ( psi )
Ec ( psi ) = 57,000
For normal weight concrete (wc 145 pcf)
f 'c ( psi )
B. Concrete Properties
In-Class Exercise: Compute Ec for fc = 4500 psi for normal weight (145 pcf) concrete using both ACI equations:
Ec ( psi ) = 33 w1.5
Ec ( psi ) = 57,000
f 'c ( psi )
f 'c ( psi )
B. Concrete Properties
fc fc Ec
Concrete strain at max. compressive stress, o See Fig. 3.17 for typical curves in compression o varies between 0.0015-0.003 For normal strength concrete, o ~ 0.002 Maximum useable strain, u ACI Code: u =0.003 Used for flexural and axial compression
B. Concrete Properties
Typical Concrete Stress-Strain Curves in Compression
B. Concrete Properties
Types of compression failure
There are three modes of failure. [1] Under axial compression concrete fails in shear. [2] the separation of the specimen into columnar pieces by what is known as splitting or columnar fracture.
B. Concrete Properties
2. Tensile Strength
Tensile strength ~ 8% to 15% of fc Modulus of Rupture, fr
For deflection calculations, use:
f r = 7.5
f 'c ( psi )
Mmax = P/2*a
Mc 6M fr = = 2 I bh
B. Concrete Properties
2. Tensile Strength (cont.)
Splitting Tensile Strength, fct Split Cylinder Test
Concrete Cylinder
Poissons Effect
B. Concrete Properties
B. Concrete Properties
3. Shrinkage and Creep
Shrinkage: Due to water loss to atmosphere (volume loss).
Plastic shrinkage occurs while concrete is still wet (hot day, flat work, etc.) Drying shrinkage occurs after concrete has set Most shrinkage occurs in first few months (~80% within one year). Cycles of shrinking and swelling may occur as environment changes. Reinforcement restrains the development of shrinkage.
B. Concrete Properties
Shrinkage of an Unloaded Specimen
B. Concrete Properties
Shrinkage is a function of
W/C ratio (high water content reduces amount of aggregate which restrains shrinkage) Aggregate type & content (modulus of Elasticity) Volume/Surface Ratio
B. Concrete Properties
Shrinkage is a function of
Type of cement (finely ground) Admixtures Relative humidity (largest for relative humidity of 40% or less). Typical magnitude of strain: (200 to 600) * 10-6 (200 to 600 microstrain)
Creep Deformations (strains) under sustained loads. Like shrinkage, creep is not completely reversible. P L
dL, elastic dL, creep
B. Concrete Properties
B. Concrete Properties
Magnitude of creep strain is a function of all the above that affect shrinkage, plus magnitude of stress age at loading Creep strain develops over time Absorbed water layers tend to become thinner between gel particles that are transmitting compressive stresses Bonds form between gel particles in their deformed position.
B. Concrete Properties
Triaxial Compression
Confined Cylinder Improved strength and ductility versus uniaxial compression F1 Example: spiral reinforced
1 = f 'c 4.1 3
where, F1 = longitudinal stress at failure F3 = lateral pressure
B. Concrete Properties
Triaxial Compression
C. Steel Reinforcement
1. General
Standard Reinforcing Bar Markings
C. Steel Reinforcement
1. General Most common types for nonprestressed members:
hot-rolled deformed bars welded wire fabric
C. Steel Reinforcement
Areas, Weights, Dimensions
C. Steel Reinforcement
2. Types ASTM A615 - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain-Billet Steel Bars Grade 60: fy = 60 ksi, #3 to #18 most common in buildings and bridges Grade 40: fy = 40 ksi, #3 to #6 most ductile Grade 75: fy = 75 ksi, #6 to #18
C. Steel Reinforcement
2. Types
ASTM A616 - Rail-Steel Bars ASTM A617 - Axle-Steel Bars ASTM A706 - Low-Alloy-Steel Bars more ductile GR60 steel min. length of yield plateau = sh/y = 5
C. Steel Reinforcement
3. Stress versus Strain
Stress-Strain Curve for various types of steel reinforcement bar.
C. Steel Reinforcement
Es = Initial tangent modulus
= 29,000 ksi (all grades)
GR 60 (less ductile) GR 40
1 0.20 Strain