Feat of Civil Engineering

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Feat of
Civil Engineering

Prepared for:
Prof. Sr. Ir. Dr. Suhaimi Abdul Talib
Mereia Kalivakatoga
ID: 2008269646
Group: ECB6T

Feat of Civil
Can be defined as:the hallmark of the industrial world.
most remarkable creations ofclassical antiquity


A country can be well known for its

Became a landmark of that particular country

5 Feat of Civil
1. Burj Khalifa
. Located in Dubai, United Arab
. Height tops 688 m (2,257 ft), making
it the tallest man-made structure
ever built, surpassing the previous
record-holder, the Warsaw Radio Mast
in Konstantynw, Poland.
. Has 160 floors
. Cost US $20 billion
. Construction began on the 21st
September 2004, with the exterior of
the structures completed n 1st
October 2009

5 Feat of Civil
2. Beijing National Stadium (Birds Nest)
Located in Beijing , China
the stadium cost
stadium's capacity of
80,000 people
designed for use
throughout the 2008
Summer Olympics and
Ground was broken on
the 8th December 2003
and the stadium was
official opened on the
28th June 2008.

5 Feat of Civil
3. Donghai Bridge, China
(East Sea Grand Bridge) is the longest cross-sea
bridge in the world and the longest bridge in Asia.
Has a total length of 32.5 kilometers (20.2 miles)
and connects Shanghai and the water offshore
Yangshan port in China.

The widest span

ofthe bridgeis 420
Cost US $1.2 billion

5 Feat of Civil
4. Panama Canal
Ship canal located in Panama
It joined the Atlantic ocean with the
Pacific Ocean.
First used on the 15th
August 15, 1914
8- to 10-hour journey
through the canal from the
Pacific to the Atlantic

5 Feat of Civil
5. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (Pearl
Located in Japan, Awabi Island and
Central span 1,991 metres (6,532 ft)
The central span is staggering 1,991
(6,532 ft)
Opened on April 5th, 1998
Cost 2,300

Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is one of the most incredible
canal systems in the entire world. Connecting the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, this system is widely
considered to be the most comprehensive, complex, and
dangerous engineering project ever attempted by
Attempts to build a canal, which would ultimately save
ships from taking longer routes around the world, began
in 1880 under the supervision of the French
government. The project was canceled after 21,900
workers died and was later revisited by the United
States. The canal was ultimately completed in 1914.

Reasons why Panama Canal

is successful
i. First it achieved its goal to reduce travel time
between the two oceans and this worked
beautifully not only in peace times but also in
the times of the war without which the US
would have had a hard time moving ships
from Atlantic Ocean t Pacific Ocean or vice
ii. It has also been an economical success. It
brought prosperity to the country even though
there have been negative points as well.

Reasons why Panama Canal

is successful
iii. Nowadays it is in 100% Panamanian
and in any single year the Panama
Canal brings the country much more
money that it ever received in *all*
the years it was "leased" to the US.
iv. Ships dont have to sail around South
America just to ship freight from
California to New York which means
less fuel and less expenses spent.

Facts on Panama
From the beginning, the project was plagued by a lack
of engineering skills. In May 1879, an international
engineering congress was arranged in Paris, with
Ferdinand de Lesseps at its head; of the 136
delegates, however; only 42 were engineers, the
others being made up of speculators, politicians, and
personal friends of de Lesseps.
The engineering congress estimated the cost of the
project at $214,000,000; on February 14, 1880, an
engineering committee modified this estimate to
$168,600,000. De Lesseps twice reduced this
estimate, with no apparent reason; on February 20 to
$131,600,000, and again on March 1 to $120,000,000.

Facts on Panama
The planned sea level canal was to have uniform
depth of 9 metres (29.5 ft), a bottom width of 22
metres (72 ft), and a width at water level of about
27.5 metres (90 ft), and involved dig estimated at
120,000,000 m (157,000,000 cubic yards). It was
planned that a dam be built at Gamboa to control the
flooding of the Chagres river, along with channels to
carry water away from the canal. However, the
Gamboa dam was later found to be impossible, and
the Chagres River problem was left unresolved.
Construction begins until January 22, 1882 and
completed in 1893.

Facts on Panama
It was the largest and most complex project of this kind ever
assumed at that time, employing tens of thousands of workers
and costing $350 million.
The first attempt to construct a canal began in 1880 under
Frenchleadership, but was abandoned after 21,900 workers
died, largely from disease (particularlymalariaandyellow
fever) and landslide. The United States launched a second
effort, incurring a further 5,600 deaths but succeeding in
opening the canal in 1914. The U.S. controlled the canal and
theCanal Zone surrounding it until the 1977Torrijos-Carter
Treatiesprovided for the transition of control to Panama. From
1979 to 1999 the canal was under joint U.S.Panamanian
administration, and from 31 December 1999 command of the
waterway was assumed by thePanama Canal Authority, an
agency of the Panamanian government.

At the end of this research project it can be
concluded that the Panama Canal went against so
many misfortune during its construction.
Thousands of people died and a few companies
continue the project until it was completed.
To achieve any Civil Engineering feat requires
creativity, a lot of research and team work.
From the construction on Panama Canal, there
were a lot of hindrance, yet they never gave up
the idea and the dream of construction one of the
most impossible engineering design in the world

Mellander, Gustavo A.(1971) The United States in
Panamanian Politics: The Intriguing Formative
Years. Daville,Ill.:Interstate Publishers. OCLC
Mellander, Gustavo A.; Nelly Maldonado
Mellander (1999). Charles Edward Magoon: The
Panama Years. Ro Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial
Plaza Mayor. ISBN 1563281554. OCLC 42970390.
Wikepedia (all the pictures shown are from this

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