Kenneth E Hagin The Real Faith

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Real Faith
By Kenneth E. Hagin
Second Edition Eleventh Printing 1995 ISBN 0-892 !-01 -! In the ".S. #rite$ Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie& P.'. Bo( 5012! )*l&a+ 'K ,150-012! In -anada .rite$ Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie& P.'. Bo( //5+ Station 0 Eto1ico2e+ 'ntario -anada+ %93 ,4/

-o5yright 6 1985 7HE%3 Bi1le -h*rch 3K3 Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie&+ Inc. 3ll 7ight& 7e&erved Printed in "S3

)he 8aith Shield i& a trade9ar2 o: 7HE%3 Bi1le -h*rch+ 3K3 Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie&+ Inc.+ regi&tered .ith the ".S. Patent and )rade9ar2 '::ice and there:ore 9ay not 1e d*5licated.

1. ).o Kind& o: )r*th................................................................ , 2. ).o Kind& o: 8aith................................................................ 9 /. ).o Kind& o: "n1elie:......................................................... 1 ,. Ene9ie& o: 8aith.................................................................. 22

Chapter 1 Two Kinds of Truth

;ohn 1 $1

... Thy word is truth.

Praying to the 8ather+ ;e&*& &aid+ <.. .thy word is truth.< )here are t.o 2ind& o: tr*th$ tr*th 1a&ed on .hat =od>& #ord &ay& and &en&e-2no.ledge tr*th 1a&ed on .hat o*r 5hy&ical &en&e& tell *&. It i& all right to .al2 1y &en&e-2no.ledge tr*th a& long a& it doe& not contradict Bi1le tr*th. B*t living in the nat*ral a& .e do+ .e get &o acc*&to9ed to 1elieving .hat the o*t.ard 9an tell& *& that it i& di::ic*lt to &.itch over and .al2 1y the tr*th given in =od>& #ord. ?ear& ago I 5rayed :or an elderly 9an .ho had &*::ered :ro9 rhe*9ati&9 :or 9any year&. 3:ter I laid hand& on hi9 and 5rayed+ the @ord healed hi9. 31o*t eight 9onth& later+ a& I .a& .al2ing to to.n+ I ha55ened to &ee hi9 a& he .a& &ta2ing hi& co. o*t on a vacant lot. #hen he &tarted to &traighten *5+ he gra11ed hi& 1ac2 and co*ld &carcely 9ove. 8inally he &traightened *5 and &aid+ <'h+ 9y+ 9y+ that rhe*9ati&9 ha& co9e 1ac2 on 9e.< I &aid+ <Brother+ I tho*ght =od had healed yo*.< He re5lied+ <#ell+ I tho*ght He had+ too+ 1*t I g*e&& He didn>t. )he day 1e:ore ye&terday+ .hile I .a& 9il2ing the co.+ a 5ain hit 9e in 9y hand. )hen it .ent *5 9y ar9+ into 9y &ho*lder+ and do.n 9y 1ac2. Since then+ 9y ar9 ha& 1een &ti::. It h*rt&. %y 1ac2 h*rt&+ too. I get do.n and can>t get 1ac2 *5. "ntil then+ I hadn>t had a &y95to9 or 5ain &ince yo* 5rayed :or 9e la&t ;an*ary.< I a&2ed hi9 ho. long he had had rhe*9ati&9 1e:ore that and he &aid+ <Nearly /0 year&.< <3t any ti9e d*ring tho&e /0 year& .a& there ever an eight,

Two Kinds of Truth

9onth 5eriod .hen yo* didn>t have any 5ain or &y95to9&A< I a&2ed. <No+< he &aid. <I had to ta2e &o9ething every day :or the 5ain. I .ent to doctor& in the di::erent citie& aro*nd here+ 1*t no one co*ld really c*re it. I co*ld only ta2e &o9ething :or the 5ain+ to hel5 9e get 1y a little.< <I&n>t it &trange+ then+< I &aid+ <that the&e &y95to9& and 5ain& di&a55eared .hen hand& .ere laid on yo* in the Na9e o: ;e&*&+ and :or eight 9onth& yo* had no 9ore 5ain. ?o* &ee+ the @ord really did heal yo*. I>ll tell yo* e(actly .hat ha55ened. )he 9in*te the :ir&t 5ain &tr*c2 yo*r 1ody+ yo* &aid+ >I tho*ght I .a& healed+ 1*t I g*e&& I>9 not+> and yo* o5ened the door :or the devil to co9e right 1ac2 in again.< I tal2ed .ith hi9 a .hile+ teaching hi9 that i: the 5ain ca9e 1ac2 he .a& to re&i&t it 1eca*&e it .a& o: the devil. )he Bi1le &ay&+ <... Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" B;a9e& ,$ C. I 5rayed :or hi9 again+ and all o: hi& &y95to9& le:t. 0*ring the re9aining :o*r year& that I 5a&tored there+ he never had any 9ore rhe*9ati&9. It .a& the teaching o: the #ord that hel5ed thi& 9an regain and 2ee5 hi& healing. I had 5rayed :or hi9 and had gotten hi9 delivered+ 1*t he had lo&t hi& healing. )he teaching o: the #ord in&tilled :aith in hi9 and &ho.ed hi9 the di::erence 1et.een )ho9a&> :aith and 31raha9>& :aithD1et.een the :aith that i& 1a&ed on 5hy&ical evidence and the :aith that i& 1a&ed *5on .hat =od ha& &aid. %o&t 5eo5le .ho are *nta*ght in the #ord are &ee2ing &o9eone .ho can 5ray the 5rayer o: :aith :or the9. )he 5rayer o: :aith 9ay deliver the9 te95orarily+ 1*t *n1elie: event*ally .ill ann*l the e::ect& o: that 5rayer. )hi& i& .hat ha55ened to the 9an .ith rhe*9ati&9. )he 5rayer o: :aith te95orarily delivered hi9 :ro9 rhe*9ati&9+ 1*t *n1elie: event*ally n*lli:ied the e::ect& o: that 5rayer.

The Real Faith

Notice I co*ldn>t get hi9 healed the &econd ti9e on the &a9e 1a&i& I did the :ir&t ti9e. I got hi9 healed the :ir&t ti9e .itho*t doing any teaching at all. BHe had E*&t gotten 1ac2 to =od a:ter having 1een 1ac2&lidden 9any year&.C I E*&t laid hand& on hi9 and 5rayed. B*t the &econd ti9e I 5rayed+ I had to teach hi9 :ir&t 1e:ore I co*ld get hi9 delivered. )hat ti9e+ .hen hi& :aith &tarted :*nctioning+ he too2 hold o: the healing that .a& hi& all the ti9e+ and that ti9e it la&ted. )here ha& 1een critici&9 o: 9a&& healing 9eeting& 1eca*&e+ in 9any ca&e&+ the healing& do not la&t. )hi& i& tr*e 1eca*&e .here a 9a&& :aith i& 5re&ent+ 5eo5le can 1e hel5ed te95orarily. Ho.ever+ to 9aintain their healing+ the&e 5eo5le &ho*ld contin*e to :eed on =od>& #ord. 'nce there .a& a 8*ll =o&5el .o9an 5reacher in )e(a& .ho had a condition in her 1ody that ca*&ed her head to 1e 5*lled to one &ide. S5eciali&t& told her it .a& a deterioration o: the nerve& and nothing co*ld 1e done :or it. )hey .arned her that the condition .o*ld gro. .or&e and &he &ho*ld 5re5are to 1e an invalid .ithin &i( 9onth&. She and her h*&1and got on a train and .ent to a divine healing 9eeting. She .a& in&tantly delivered and :or eight or ten 9onth& &he .a& all right. )hen thi& condition ret*rned. I .ent to her area o: the &tate to hold a 9eeting+ and &he .a& in the &ervice&. 3& &he &at and li&tened+ &he *nder&tood .hy &he had lo&t her healing. She adE*&ted her 1elieving and ca9e :or 5rayer. #e laid hand& on her and &he .a& in&tantly delivered. She .a& &till healed nearly 20 year& later. Ho. i95ortant it i& that 5eo5le 1e 5ro5erly ta*ght. So9eone once &aid to 9e+ <Brother Hagin+ I a55reciate yo*r ta5e& &o 9*ch. I received healing la&t year thro*gh the 5rayer& o: an evangeli&t+ 1*t then I lo&t it. Since li&tening to yo*r ta5e& and the teaching o: the #ord o: =od+ I>ve received 9y healing again and I>ve 9aintained it.< %any 5eo5le are li2e the 9an .ho &aid to 9e+ <I tho*ght the

Two Kinds of Truth

@ord healed 9e+ 1*t I g*e&& He didn>t. I 1elieve i: =od ever doe& anything+ it>& done. I: =od heal& yo*+ yo* are al.ay& healed and yo* .on>t lo&e it.< Ho.ever+ in the 1oo2 o: 7evelation+ .e read that ;e&*& a55eared in a vi&ion to ;ohn on the I&le o: Pat9o&+ giving hi9 a 9e&&age to one o: the ch*rche&. It .a& "Hold that fast which thou hast" B7ev. /$11C. In thi& ca&e+ He .o*ld 1e &aying+ <Hold :a&t to yo*r healing.< ?o* have yo*r 5art to 5lay+ :or there i& a 9an-.ard &ide and a =od-.ard &ide to every 1attle and every victory. =od 5ro9i&ed the children o: I&rael the land o: -anaan+ 1*t He al&o &aid+ " very !lace whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall "e yours ...< B0e*t. 11$2,C. In e&&ence+ He &aid+ <I>9 going to give it to yo*+ 1*t yo* .ill have to ta2e 5o&&e&&ion o: it.< )he .ord <1elieve< i& a ver1Dan action .ord. )o 1elieve in a Bi1lical &en&e 9ean& <to ta2e< or <to gra&5.< )o 1elieve ;e&*& 9ean& to ta2e Hi9 :or all that the Scri5t*re& declare Hi9 to 1e$ )o 1elieve on ;e&*& a& Savior 9ean& to ta2e Hi9 a& yo*r SaviorF to 1elieve in ;e&*& a& Healer 9ean& to ta2e Hi9 a& yo*r Healer. 3 9an can &ay+ <I 1elieve in &alvation+< yet never 1e &aved. He can &ay+ <I 1elieve that ;e&*& i& the Son o: =od+< yet die and go to hell. He can &ay+ <I 1elieve that the Ne. Birth i& &cri5t*ral+< yet never really 5o&&e&& the Ne. Birth. By the &a9e to2en+ yo* can &ay+ <I 1elieve in divine healing< 1eca*&e yo* &a. &o9eone healed or 1eca*&e yo* read a1o*t it in the Bi1le. B*t that doe&n>t 9ean yo* have received yo*r healing. ?o*+ too+ 9*&t ta2e ;e&*& a& yo*r Healer. Believing i& an act o: the .ill. ;o&h*a &aid+ "#hoose you this day whom ye will serve... "ut as for me and my house, we $%&& serve the &ord" B;o&h*a 2,$15C. In 7evelation 22$1 .e read+ <... 'nd whosoever $%&&, let him ta(e the water of life freely.< )o 1elieve+ then+ i& to act on the #ord o: =od. So faith i& acting on the #ord+ and dou"t i& re:*&ing to act on the #ord.

The Real Faith

3& .e di&c*&&ed earlier+ there are t.o 2ind& o: tr*th .e can 1elieve in$ nat*ral+ h*9an tr*th+ or tr*th that i& revealed in =od>& #ord. #e co*ld call the latter Bi1le tr*th+ revelation tr*th+ or &5irit*al tr*th. *!iritual thin+s are ,ust as real as !hysical thin+s, 1eca*&e =od+ .ho i& a S5irit+ created all 5hy&ical thing&. #hen the !hysical 1ody i& dead and in the grave+ it ret*rn& to d*&t+ yet the s!iritual 9an live& on. )hro*gh the &en&e&Dthro*gh nat*ral+ h*9an tr*thDa 5er&on realiGe& he i& &ic2 and ha& 5ain or di&ea&e. B*t =od>& #ord reveal& that "Himself too( our infirmities, and "are our sic(nesses < B%att. 8$1 C+ and 1y Hi& &tri5e& .e .ere healed B1 Peter 2$2,C. I&n>t =od>& #ord E*&t a& tr*e one ti9e a& it i& anotherA I&n>t it E*&t a& tr*e .hen yo* have &ic2ne&& and &*::ering a& it i& .hen yo* are .ellA By 1elieving .hat yo*r 5hy&ical &en&e& tell yo*+ yo* .o*ld &ay+ <I don>t have healingF I a9 &ic2.< B*t 1y 1elieving the tr*th o: =od>& #ord+ yo* can &ay+ <I a9 healed 1y Hi& &tri5e&H<

Chapter 2 Two Kinds of Faith

)he Bi1le contra&t& t.o 2ind& o: :aith$ a <)ho9a& :aith< and an <31raha9 :aith.< 31raha9 had a &5irit*al :aithDa heart :aith D.hich .a& 1a&ed on .hat =od &aid. )ho9a& had a nat*ral+ h*9an :aith. Every1odyD&aved and *n&aved ali2eDha& thi& nat*ral+ h*9an 2ind o: :aith. )ho9a&> :aith .a& 1a&ed &olely on 5hy&ical evidence. He 1elieved only .hat he co*ld &ee+ not .hat =od &aid$
JOHN 20:24-29 24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, calle !i "mus, was not with them when Jesus came# 2$ The othe% isci&les the%efo%e sai unto him, 'e have seen the (o% # But he sai unto them, )*+),T .H/(( .)) in his han s the &%int of the nails, an &ut m" fin0e% into the &%int of the nails, an th%ust m" han into his si e, - will not 1elieve# 22 /n afte% ei0ht a"s a0ain his isci&les we%e within, an Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the oo%s 1ein0 shut, an stoo in the mi st, an sai , ,eace 1e unto "ou# 23 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hithe% th" fin0e%, an 1ehol m" han s4 an %each hithe% th" han , an th%ust it into m" si e: an 1e not faithless, 1ut 1elievin0# 25 /n Thomas answe%e an sai unto him, 6" (o% an m" 7o # 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, 1ecause thou hast seen me, thou hast 1elieve : 1lesse a%e the" that have not seen, an "et have 1elieve #

I: 31raha9+ on the other hand+ had gone 1y .hat he co*ld &ee and .hat hi& 5hy&ical &en&e& told hi9+ he never .o*ld have received =od>& 5ro9i&e. -o99on &en&e tell& *& that a 99-year-old 9an and a 909


The Real Faith

year-old .o9an are not going to 1e a1le to have children. ?et 31raha9 had =od>& 5ro9i&e that he .a& to 1e <the :ather o: 9any nation&+< and he 1elieved =od>& 5ro9i&e$
RO6/N. 4:83-28 83 9/s it is w%itten, - have ma e thee a fathe% of man" nations,: 1efo%e him whom he 1elieve , even 7o , who ;uic<eneth the ea , an calleth those thin0s which 1e not as thou0h the" we%e# 85 'ho a0ainst ho&e 1elieve in ho&e, that he mi0ht 1ecome the fathe% of man" nations, acco% in0 to that which was s&o<en, .o shall th" see 1e# 89 /n 1ein0 not wea< in faith, he consi e%e not his own 1o " now ea , when he was a1out an hun %e "ea%s ol , neithe% "et the ea ness of .a%ah=s wom1: 20 He sta00e%e not at the &%omise of 7o th%ou0h un1elief4 1ut was .TRON7 -N F/-TH, 0ivin0 0lo%" to 7o 4 28 /n 1ein0 full" &e%sua e that, what he ha &%omise , he was a1le also to &e%fo%m#

31raha9 1elieved according to .hat =od &aid+ not according to ho. he :elt. He didn>t 1elieve hi& :eeling&F he didn>t 1elieve 1a&ed on .hat he &a.F he didn>t 1elieve hi& 5hy&ical &en&e&. Hi& :aith .a& 1a&ed on =od>& 5ro9i&e. In 9odern-day vernac*lar .e 9ight &ay+ <#hen =od told 31raha9 he .o*ld 1eco9e the :ather o: 9any nation&+ even tho*gh 31raha9 and hi& .i:e .ere .ell 5a&t their child-1earing year&+ 31raha9 didn>t even 1at an eyela&h. He 2ne. there .a& nothing too hard :or =od$ =od co*ld do anything. )here:ore+ 31raha9 .a& convinced that =od co*ld and .o*ld acco95li&h .hat He &aid He .o*ld.< 31raha9>& 1le&&ing i& o*r& a& o: -hri&t+ .e are told in =alatian& /$1,$ "That the "lessin+ of '"raham mi+ht come on the /entiles throu+h 0esus #hrist1 that we mi+ht receive the !romise of the *!irit throu+h faith.<

Two Kinds of Faith


31raha9>& 1le&&ing .a& three:old$ &5irit*al+ 5hy&ical+ and 9aterial. =od &aid to the de&cendant& o: 31raha9Dand thi& .a& the covenant He had 9ade .ith 31raha9Dthat they co*ld have either the 1le&&ing or the c*r&e. )he 1le&&ing incl*ded &5irit*al 1le&&ing+ 5hy&ical 1le&&ing Bhealth or healingC+ and 9aterial 1le&&ing B:inancial 5ro&5erityC. )he c*r&e incl*ded &ic2ne&&+ 5overty+ and &o on. B*t 1eliever& are not *nder the c*r&e+ 1eca*&e =alatian& /$1/ &ay&+ "#hrist hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, "ein+ made a curse for us2 for it is written, #ursed is every one that han+eth on a tree.< )he 29th ver&e &ay&+ "'nd if ye "e #hrist3s, then are ye '"raham3s seed, and heirs accordin+ to the !romise.< Beca*&e .e are 31raha9>& &eed+ 31raha9>& 1le&&ing o*ght to 1e o*r&H 3nd 1eca*&e .e 1elong to -hri&t+ "Then are ye '"raham3s seed, and heirs accordin+ to the !romise.< )hat 9ean& .e are heir& o: the 1le&&ing. Here i& that .ord <5ro9i&e< again. )hat i& .hat 31raha9 .a& 1elieving$ the 5ro9i&e. )here:ore+ i: .e are -hri&t>&+ .e are 31raha9>& &eedF and i: .e are 31raha9>& &eed+ .e are heir& according to the 5ro9i&e. #e receive the 1le&&ing& the &a9e .ay 31raha9 received 5art o: hi& 1le&&ingDthro*gh :aith. B*t yo* don>t get it .ith )ho9a&> :aithF yo* get it .ith 31raha9>& :aithH )oo 9any try to get 31raha9>& 1le&&ing .ith )ho9a&> &en&e2no.ledge :aith. I: they can>t &ee it+ they .on>t 1elieve it. )hey 1elieve only .hat they can hear or :eel :ro9 the nat*ral &tand5oint. )heir :aith i& 1a&ed on their :eeling&. I: they :eel they have &o9ething+ then they 1elieve they have it. B*t i: they don>t :eel li2e they have it+ they don>t 1elieve they have it. #hen &o9e 5eo5le :eel li2e they are &aved+ then they 1elieve they are &aved. )he &a9e i& tr*e concerning an&.er& to 5rayer&. ':ten 5eo5le :ail to get an&.er& to their 5rayer& or :ail to receive


The Real Faith

healing 1eca*&e their :aith i& 1a&ed on 5hy&ical evidence+ or &en&e 2no.ledge. So9e &ay+ <I E*&t :eel li2e =od heard 9e.< )hey tho*ght that 1eca*&e they :elt 1etter and .ere *5li:ted in &5irit+ it .a& an indication =od had heard the9. =od+ ho.ever+ doe&n>t hear *& E*&t 1eca*&e .e feel li2e He didF =od hear& *& 1eca*&e .e "elieve .hat He &ay& in Hi& #ord a1o*t the 9atter$ <... That whatsoever ye shall as( of the Father in my name, he may +ive it you" B;ohn 15$1!C. ': co*r&e+ .e can>t 5ray and co99*nicate .ith =od .itho*t :eeling 1etter. B*t E*&t 1eca*&e .e :eel 1etter or receive a &5irit*al 1le&&ing i& no &ign that that 5artic*lar 5rayer i& an&.ered. I>ve :elt 1etter 9any ti9e& a:ter 5rayer and tho*ght =od heard 9e. B*t He didn>t. Ho.ever+ .hen I 1a&ed 9y :aith on what He said in Hi& #ordDin &5ite o: ho. I 9ight have :elt at the ti9eDand held :a&t to Hi& 5ro9i&e&+ the an&.er ca9e. %an>& nat*re i& t.o:old$ )here i& an in.ard 9an and an o*t.ard 9an. )he in.ard 9an i& the &5irit. )he o*t.ard 9an i& the 1ody. )o 1elieve .ith the heart 9ean& to 1elieve on the in&ideDto 1elieve .ith the in.ard 9an. )o 1a&e one>& :aith on 5hy&ical evidence i& to 1elieve only :ro9 the nat*ral h*9an &tand5ointDto 1elieve .ith the o*t.ard 9an. Real faith in /odheart faith"elieves the $ord of /od re+ardless of what the !hysical evidence may "e. It>& 1elieving .ith the in.ard 9an that ca*&e& :aith to 1e 9ani:e&ted in the o*t.ard 9an. )he tro*1le .ith a lot o: 5eo5le i& that they .ant the 9ani:e&tation on the o*t&ide 1e:ore they .ill 1elieve on the in&ide. B*t it doe&n>t .or2 that .ay. )he&e 5eo5le are letting their 1odie&Dtheir 5hy&ical &en&e&Ddo9inate the9. )hey 1elieve .hat the o*t.ard 9anDtheir 5hy&ical 1odyDtell& the9 rather than .hat =od>& #ord &ay&.

Two Kinds of Faith


3 5er&on &ee2ing healing &ho*ld loo2 to =od>& #ord+ not to hi& &y95to9&. He &ho*ld &ay+ <I 2no. I a9 healed 1eca*&e the #ord o: =od &ay& that 1y Hi& &tri5e& I a9 healed.< It .on>t do yo* any good to &ay that *nle&& yo* 1elieve it in yo*r heart. I: yo* do 1elieve it in yo*r heart and &ay it .ith yo*r 9o*th+ it .ill .or2$ "$hosoever shall say... and shall not dou"t in his heart, "ut shall "elieve that those thin+s which he saith shall come to !ass1 he shall have whatsoever he saith" B%ar2 11$2/C. S9ith #iggle&.orth 9ade the &tate9ent+ <I a9 not 9oved 1y .hat I &ee. I a9 not 9oved 1y .hat I :eel. I a9 9oved 1y .hat I 1elieve.< )hi& i& the .ay 31raha9 .a&. )ho9a&+ on the other hand+ &aid+ <"nle&& I &ee and I :eel+ I>9 not going to 1elieve.< )oo 9any 5eo5le give the #ord o: =od &econd 5lace in their live&+ and they give their 1ody+ the ho9e o: the 5hy&ical &en&e&+ :ir&t 5lace. #e cannot .al2 1y :aith and do that. Pa*l &aid+ "For we wal( "y faith, not "y si+ht" B2 -or. 5$ C. Sight i& one o: the 5hy&ical &en&e&. Pa*l al&o &aid+ "6ut % (ee! under my "ody, and "rin+ it into su",ection2 lest that "y any means, when % have !reached to others, % myself should "e a castaway" B1 -or. 9$2 C. Notice that Pa*l &aid+ <I 2ee5 *nder 9y 1ody.< <I< i& the 9an on the in&ideDthe real Pa*lDthe in.ard 9an .ho i& 1orn o: =od. Pa*l &aid+ <I 1ring it." ?o*r 1ody i& not the real yo*F it i& E*&t the ho*&e yo* live in. I: yo*r 1ody .ere yo*+ Pa*l .o*ld have &aid+ <I 1ring 9y&el: into &*1Eection.< In&tead+ he &aid+ <I 1ring it into &*1Eection.< In other .ord&+ he didn>t let hi& 1ody r*le hi9F he didn>t allo. hi& 5hy&ical &en&e& to do9inate hi9. Pa*l .a& &aying the &a9e thing S9ith #iggle&.orth &aid 9any cent*rie& later+ *&ing di::erent ter9inology. '*r 1odie& can do9inate *& in 9ore .ay& than .e thin2.


The Real Faith

So9e 5eo5le thin2 they are holy and &e5arated *nto =od 1eca*&e they are &trict r*le& and reg*lation&. ?et they o:ten are the 9o&t carnal o: all$ )heir 1odie& are always do9inating the9+ and *&*ally they have the lea&t :aith o: anyone. )hey live in the real9 o: the &en&e& rather than in the real9 o: the &5irit and :aith. 3& :ar a& their o*t.ard a55earance i& concerned+ they 9eet all the reg*lation&. ?et they have a 9ean+ *gly &5iritDand a long tong*e. I>ve 9et other 5eo5le .ho don>t 9eet too 9any o: the r*le& and reg*lation&+ 1*t they have the 9o&t .onder:*l &5irit+ and it i& 1le&&ed to &it do.n and :ello.&hi5 .ith the9. I: yo* 5*t yo*r :eeling& :ir&t+ then yo* are 5*tting the 1ody :ir&t+ 1eca*&e :eeling i& the voice o: the 1ody. I: yo* do*1t thi&+ .ait *ntil the 5hone ring& a1o*t 1 o>cloc2 &o9e 9orning and yo* &t*1 yo*r toe a& yo* get *5 to an&.er itH )hen yo*>ll 2no. that :eeling i& the voice o: the 1odyH %any 5eo5le 5*t their :eeling& :ir&t+ their :aith in their :eeling& &econd+ and the #ord o: =od+ i: it ha& any 5lace at all+ la&t. 7ever&e the orderH P*t the #ord o: =od :ir&t+ yo*r :aith in =od>& #ord &econd+ and yo*r :eeling& la&t. 7e9e91er+ feelin+ i& the voice o: the "ody1 reasonin+ i& the voice o: the mind1 1*t conscience i& the voice o: the s!irit. 3cting on rea&on in&tead o: relying on =od>& #ord 9ean& to tr*&t in the ar9 o: 9an in&tead o: =od>& #ord. Nat*rally+ there are 9any in&tance& .hen .e 9*&t act on rea&on+ 1*t I>9 re:erring to circ*9&tance& .hen rea&on contradict& =od>& #ord. #e &a. the &a9e thing .ith 31raha9. 7ea&on .o*ld &ay that a 99-year-old 9an and a 90-year-old .o9an .ere not going to have any children. ?et =od &aid+ <So &hall thy &eed 1e.< He told 31raha9+ <I have changed yo*r na9e :ro9 31ra9 to 31raha9+< .hich 9ean& < the :ather o: 9any nation&.< It i& all right to act on rea&on a& long a& it doe&n>t contradict the #ord. B*t .hen it contradict& the #ord+ act on the #ord

Two Kinds of Faith


in&tead o: rea&on. )o act on rea&on rather than the #ord 9ean& to tr*&t in 9an rather than in =od. )he Bi1le &ay&+ "#ursed "e the man that trusteth in man, and ma(eth flesh his arm" B;er. 1 $5C. #e &ho*ld tr*&t in the #ord o: =od :or o*r&elve&. )he &a9e thing i& tr*e concerning &alvation. 3 .o9an te&ti:ied in one o: 9y 9eeting&+ <I 2no. I>9 &aved 1eca*&e I>ve re5ented o: 9y &in& and I>ve given *5 all 9y 1ad ha1it&.< )hat i& no 9ore evidence that &he .a& &aved than it .a& evidence that &he had landed on the 9oonH #hyA Beca*&e that .o9an 1a&ed her &alvation on .hat &he did+ not on .hat ;e&*& did. She didn>t &ay a .ord a1o*t ;e&*&. )he I*e&tion+ then+ 9ight 1e a&2ed+ <-an a 5er&on re5ent and &till not 1e &avedA< -ertainly+ i: that i& a& :ar a& he goe&. 'ne o: 9y 1igge&t &*r5ri&e& .hile 5a&toring 9y :ir&t ch*rch ha55ened the night one o: the :ine&t 9en in the ch*rch ca9e to the altar to acce5t -hri&t a& hi& Savior. I had 1een in thi& 9an>& ho9e 9any ti9e&. I 2ne. he 5rayed+ read the Bi1le+ and 5rayed at every 9eal. Hi& teenage &on& B.ho .ere only a :e. year& yo*nger than IC had told 9e+ <Never in o*r li:eti9e have .e heard o*r 0addy &ay a 1ad .ord. #e>ve never heard hi9 tell a 1ad Eo2e. #e>ve never heard hi9 and %o99a :*&&.< ?et+ in &5ite o: all hi& :ine trait&+ he .a& not a -hri&tian. 3:ter hi& conver&ion+ I told hi9 I had a&&*9ed he .a& &aved. <No+< he &aid+ <I>ve never 1een &aved. %y 9other .a& old-ti9e holine&&+ and I>ve al.ay& lived 1y her teaching&. She .a& very &trict. I>ve never 1een to a 1all-ga9e or a 9ovie in 9y li:e. I: I ever violated any o: %o99a>& teaching&+ I i99ediately re5ented and &aid+ >=od :orgive 9e.> B*t *ntil no. I had not act*ally invited ;e&*& into 9y heart. I had not acce5ted Hi9 in :aith.< Hi& re5entance :or .rong act& did not &ave hi9. It .a& E*&t a& i: yo* had a I*arrel .ith a neigh1or+ :riend+ or &5o*&e and


The Real Faith

&aid+ <I>9 &orry. I re5ent. 8orgive 9e.< )hat .o*ldn>t 9ean yo* got &avedF it .o*ld E*&t 9ean yo* re5ented o: the I*arrel. )he .o9an .ho te&ti:ied that &he .a& &aved 1eca*&e &he had re5ented and had given *5 all her 1ad ha1it& gave no &cri5t*ral evidence o: &alvation. She de5ended on 5hy&ical evidence rather than the #ord o: =od. '*r te&ti9ony o: conver&ion &ho*ld 1e 1a&ed on 7o9an& 10$9+ "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the &ord 0esus, and shalt "elieve in thine heart that /od hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt "e saved.< Salvation co9e& a& a re&*lt o: an 31raha9-ty5e o: :aithDa heart :aith+ a &5irit*al :aithDa :aith 1a&ed not on 5hy&ical evidence 1*t on the #ord o: =od.

Chapter 3 Two Kinds of Unbelief

)here are t.o 2ind& o: *n1elie:. 8ir&t+ there i& the 2ind o: *n1elie: that i& 1a&ed on a lac2 o: 2no.ledge. )he Bi1le &ay&+ "*o then faith cometh "y hearin+, and hearin+ "y the word of /od" B7o9. 10$1 C. )ho&e .ho have not heard cannot have 2no.ledgeF there:ore+ they can>t 1elieve. %any don>t "elieve in &5irit*al thing& 1eca*&e they don>t (now .hat the #ord o: =od teache& on the &*1Eect. 8or e(a95le+ a great n*91er are totally ignorant a1o*t the in:illing .ith the Holy S5irit &i95ly 1eca*&e they don>t 2no. the #ord. )he c*re :or thi& 2ind o: *n1elie:+ o: co*r&e+ i& 2no.ledge o: =od>& #ord. )he other 2ind o: *n1elie: i& 9entioned in He1re.& ,$!+ <... they to whom it was first !reached entered not in "ecause of un"elief.< )hi& re:er& to the children o: I&rael. )hey co*ld not 5lead innocence d*e to ignorance+ 1eca*&e =od had told the9 to go in and 5o&&e&& the land o: -anaan. In addition+ they had &ent &5ie& into -anaan+ and the &5ie& had ret*rned .ith the re5ort that it .a& a land .ith 9il2 and honey+ E*&t a& =od had &aid it .a&. 3nother tran&lation o: thi& Scri5t*re read&+ <)hey entered not in 1eca*&e o: di&o1edience.< Still another tran&lation &ay&+ <)hey entered not in 1eca*&e o: *n5er&*ada1lene&&.< He1re.& ,$11 .arn&+ "&et us la"our therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same e8am!le of un"elief.< )he children o: I&rael 2ne. .hat =od &aid+ 1*t they co*ldn>t 1e 5er&*aded to act *5on it. )hey .ere g*ilty o: <*n5er&*ada1lene&&+< .hich i& al&o called *n1elie: in the Bi1le. )hey had the 2no.ledge o: =od>& #ord+ 1*t they co*ldn>t 1e 5er&*aded to act *5on itF they .ere *n.illing to allo. the #ord to govern the9. )here i& 9*ch o: thi& 2ind o: *n1elie: a9ong -hri&tian& today$ an *n.illingne&& to allo. the #ord o: =od to govern 1


The Real Faith

their live&F a re:*&al to act *5on 2no.ledge. %any 2no. .hat the #ord teache& 1*t re:*&e to act *5on it. Believing i& an act o: the .ill. #e can act on the #ord i: .e .ill. 0i&o1edience i& an *n5er&*ada1le attit*de to.ard the #ord. )h*&+ *n1elie: i& either$ B1C ignorance o: the #ord+ or B2C *n5er&*ada1lene&& to act *5on the #ord. )he c*re :or the :ir&t i& 2no.ledge+ and the c*re :or the &econd i& o1edience. In dealing .ith the &*1Eect o: *n1elie:+ .e al&o &ho*ld ta2e a loo2 at &o9ething I*ite &i9ilar to it$ 9ental agree9ent. )he 9ental agreer 1elieve& only .hat he &ee& or :eel&. In 9y o5inion+ 9ental agree9ent i& one o: the 9o&t &*1tle ene9ie& there i& to :aith. It &o*nd& &o <religio*&.< )he 9ental agreer .ill go &o :ar a& to &ay+ <I 1elieve in the ver1al in&5iration o: the Bi1le.< He .ill &ay+ <I a9 contending :or the :aith that .a& once delivered *nto the &aint&+< yet he re:*&e& to act on the #ord. Ho. can yo* tell .hether a 5er&on i& really "elievin+ :ro9 hi& heart or i& E*&t 9entally a+reein+9 )he 9ental agreer .ill &ay the Bi1le i& tr*e+ 1*t he .ill not act *5on it. Faith is actin+ u!on /od3s $ord. )o declare that =od>& #ord i& tr*eDto &ay that =od cannot and .ill not :ail to hel5 *& in the ti9e o: cri&i&Dand then to t*rn to the .orld :or hel5 i& a &erio*& 9atter. It o5en& the door to dece5tion and de:eat 1y the ene9y+ :or the Bi1le &ay& Satan i& the god o: thi& .orld. )he 9ental agreer i& in the grave&t danger. He i& .here =od cannot reach hi9+ 1*t Satan can enter into hi& inner co*n&el+ and he there:ore can :ail to 1ene:it :ro9 hi& right& and 5rivilege& in -hri&t. It i& ea&y to declare that =od>& #ord i& tr*e .hen everything i& r*nning &9oothly. B*t .hat a1o*t .hen the cri&i& co9e&A #hat a1o*t .hen the &tor9& o: li:e rageA I&n>t =od>& #ord E*&t

Two Kinds of :n"elief


a& tr*e then a& it .a& .hen the &*n .a& &hining 1rightly and everything .a& r*nning &9oothlyA )he 9ental agreer 9ay &ay+ <=od cannot :ailF Hi& #ord i& tr*e< .hen thing& are going .ell. B*t he i& E*&t agreeingF he doe&n>t tr*ly 1elieve it. He thin2& he doe&+ 1*t he doe&n>t. I: .e really 1elieve =od>& #ord+ .e .ill 1e E*&t a& &teady .hen the clo*d& have overca&t o*r live& a& .e .ere .hen the &*n .a& 1rea2ing thro*gh. In :act+ .e can la*gh a1o*t it. I: the c*51oard i& 1are+ .e can la*gh a1o*t it. #hen o*r 5oc2et1oo2 i& e95ty+ .e can la*gh a1o*t it. #e are not di&t*r1ed+ 1eca*&e .e 2no. the #ord. #hen yo* have J100 in yo*r 1ill:old and a good 1an2 acco*nt it i& ea&y to &ay+ <Prai&e the @ord+ He 9eet& every need. I :eel a& i: I co*ld 1elieve Hi9 :or anything.< B*t .hen the 1an2 acco*nt i& .i5ed o*t+ the 1ill:old i& e95ty+ and the 1ill& are :acing yo*+ it>& a di::erent 9atter. 3t &*ch ti9e&+ the 9ental agreer dro5& 1ac2 into thi& )ho9a& 2ind o: :aith+ going 1y .hat he can &ee. He can &ee that need& e(i&t+ and he .al2& 1y .hat he &ee&. I learned a long ti9e ago to &ay right in the :ace o: .ant and dire need+ <I>9 not .al2ing 1y &ight.< Second -orinthian& 5$ &ay&+ "$e wal( "y faith, not "y si+ht.< I &ay a& S9ith #iggle&.orth &aid+ <I a9 not 9oved 1y .hat I see. I a9 not 9oved 1y .hat I feel. I a9 9oved only 1y .hat I "elieve. I 1elieve =od>& #ord.< =od>& #ord &ay&+ "6ut my /od shall su!!ly all your need ...< BPhil. ,$19C. =od>& #ord &ay&+ "The &ord is my she!herd1 % shall not want" BP&. 2/$1C. I li2e to read it+ <I do not .ant.< I 1elieve =od. )he &a9e thing i& tr*e .hen it co9e& to healing. ?o* can get 1y ea&ily .ith &o9e &y95to9&+ 1*t it i&n>t &o ea&y .hen yo*>re in 5ain. B*t i&n>t =od>& #ord E*&t a& tr*e one ti9e a& it i& anotherA I&n>t it E*&t a& tr*e .hen yo* have di&tre&& in yo*r 1ody a& .hen


The Real Faith

yo* are .ellA I: I .al2 1y &ightD1y .hat 9y 5hy&ical &en&e& tell 9eDI .o*ld have to &ay+ <I>9 not .ell. I>9 not healed.< B*t .al2ing 1y :aith+ I 2no. I a9 healed in ;e&*&> Na9e. So .e &ee that the 2ind o: :aith )ho9a& had and 9ental agree9ent are I li2e to *&e &o9ething Pa*l &aid a& a con:e&&ion. I *&e it all the ti9e in 9y o.n li:e. I li2e to con:e&& it to the devil+ the @ord+ and 9e. #hen Pa*l .a& &hi5.rec2ed on the .ay to 7o9e and all ho5e .a& gone that the 9en on that &hi5 .o*ld 1e &aved+ in the 9id&t o: tho&e &ee9ingly ho5ele&& circ*9&tance& Pa*l &aid+ "There stood "y me this ni+ht the an+el of /od, whose % am, and whom % serve" B3ct& 2 $2/C. He .ent on to tell .hat the angel had &aid to hi9Dthat every 9an>& li:e .o*ld 1e &aved i: they .o*ld li&ten to hi9. He concl*ded 1y &aying+ "$herefore, sirs, "e of +ood cheer2 for % "elieve /od, that it shall "e even as it was told me" Bv. 25C. )hat .a& a .ord the angel 1ro*ght :ro9 =od. '*r Bi1le i& E*&t a& &*re a& that .ord. So I *&e the &a9e &tate9ent+ re:erring to .hat ha& 1een told 9e in the Bi1le. I &ay+ <#here:ore+ &ir&+ I 1elieve =od+ that it &hall 1e even a& it .a& told 9e.< )hat i& e(actly .hat 31raha9 did$ He 1elieved according to that .hich .a& &5o2en. In other .ord&+ he co*ld have echoed Pa*l+ &aying+ <#here:ore+ &ir&+ I 1elieve =od+ that it &hall 1e even a& it .a& told 9e.< )ho9a&+ on the other hand+ didn>t 1elieve .hat .a& told hi9. )he di&ci5le& &aid+ <#e have &een the @ord.< )ho9a& &aid+ in e::ect+ <I don>t 1elieve it.< He &aid+ " 8ce!t % shall see in his hands the !rint of the nails, and !ut my fin+er into the !rint of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, % will not "elieve" B;ohn 20$25C. '*r :aith i& li2e the :aith o: 31raha9+ 1eca*&e .e are the

Two Kinds of :n"elief


&eed o: 31raha9$ "That the "lessin+ of '"raham mi+ht come on the /entiles throu+h 0esus #hrist1 that we mi+ht receive the !romise of the *!irit throu+h faith" B=al. /$1,C. )he Bi1le al&o &tate&+ "Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of '"raham" B=al. /$ C. '*r :aith i& 1a&ed on .hat =od &ay&. ':ten o*r live& &ee9 to re&e91le the &hi5.rec2 e(5erienced 1y Pa*l. In the 9id&t o: the &tor9& o: li:e that co9e o*r .ay+ i: .e are .al2ing 1y :eeling&+ it 9ight &ee9 a& i: the @ord ha& :or&a2en *& and all ho5e i& gone. B*t .e 2no. He ha&n>t+ 1eca*&e He &aid+ <I will never leave thee, nor forsa(e thee3333 BHe1. 1/$5C. In the 9id&t o: the &tor9& o: li:e+ .e can &ay+ <#here:ore+ &ir&+ I 1elieve =odH<

Chapter 4 Enemies of Faith

Fi+ht the +ood fi+ht of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast !rofessed a +ood !rofession "efore many witnesses. 1 )i9. !$12
In thi& cha5ter .e are going to deal .ith &o9e hindrance& to :aith. )here .o*ldn>t 1e a :ight o: :aith i: there .ere no ene9ie& o: :aith. B*t the ene9ie& o: :aith are not .hat 9o&t 5eo5le thin2 they are. %o&t 5eo5le loo2 :or ene9ie& in the nat*ral real9+ and that>& not .here they are at all. )he Bi1le &ay& in 7o9an& 10$1 + "*o then faith cometh "y hearin+, and hearin+ "y the word of /od.< )he greate&t hindrance to :aith i& a lac2 o: 2no.ledge o: =od>& #ord. Beca*&e :aith co9e& 1y hearing the #ord o: =od+ all the ene9ie& o: :aith .ill 1e connected in &o9e .ay .ith o*r lac2 o: 2no.ledge o: =od>& #ord. I: yo* have a 2no.ledge o: =od>& #ord+ nothing can 2ee5 it :ro9 .or2ing+ 1eca*&e it co9e& 1y hearing. I: yo* have heard the #ord+ yo* have :aith. Peo5le 5ray to get :aith+ yet :aith only co9e& 1y hearing the #ord o: =od. I: yo* co*ld get it 1y 5raying :or it+ then 7o9an& 10$1 .o*ld 1e *ntr*e. <eo!le who !ray for faith are attem!tin+ to +et what the $ord alone can +ive. 'ne o: the 9o&t 5ro9inent ene9ie& o: :aith i& a &en&e o: *n.orthine&&. 3ll o: *& have had a 1attle .ith that. 3 &en&e o: *n.orthine&& and a &en&e o: lac2 o: :aith go hand in hand. )he&e t.o are 5erha5& the 9o&t &*1tle+ dangero*& .ea5on& o: the devil. #e can :ind the an&.er to the&e :eeling& in =od>& #ord. )he an&.er i& thi&$ =our worthiness is 0esus #hrist> =od doe& not heal yo*r 1ody or 1a5tiGe yo* in the Holy 22

nemies of Faith


S5irit on the 1a&i& o: yo*r individ*al .orthine&&. I: He did+ no one .o*ld ever receive the&e 1le&&ing& :ro9 =od+ 1eca*&e no one co*ld 1e .orthy in hi& or her o.n right. Not the #ord+ 9any -hri&tian& allo. :eeling& o: *n.orthine&& to de:eat the9. Peo5le have told 9e they .ere &*re they .o*ldn>t 1e :illed .ith the Holy S5irit 1eca*&e they .eren>t good eno*ghDthey .ere *n.orthy. Praying .ith 5eo5le :or healing+ I have r*n into the &a9e &it*ation 9any ti9e&. )he tro*1le i& that the individ*al loo2& at hi9&el: :ro9 the nat*ral &tand5oint. He i& acI*ainted .ith all o: hi& &hortco9ing&+ 9i&ta2e&+ :a*lt&+ and :ail*re&+ and he loo2& at hi9&el: :ro9 thi& nat*ral &tand5oint rather than loo2ing at hi9&el: :ro9 the Bi1lical &tand5ointDthe .ay =od loo2& at hi9. I &tr*ggled .ith thi& 5ro1le9 .hile I .a& a teenage invalid 50 year& ago. I tho*ght I .a& 1eing h*91le. I didn>t 2no. I .a& E*&t 1eing &t*5id. I>m wea( and unworthy, I tho*ght. 8ro9 the nat*ral &tand5oint that 9ay have 1een tr*e+ 1*t it .a&n>t :ro9 the Bi1lical &tand5oint. )he Bi1le &ay&+ "The entrance of thy words +iveth li+ht" BP&. 119$1/0C+ and once the light i& in yo*r &5irit+ it can>t 1e re9oved+ even tho*gh the devil .ill do hi& 1e&t to con:*&e yo*. He>ll try to 2ee5 yo* :ro9 .al2ing in the light+ and he>ll even go a& :ar a& &aying+ <)hat>& tr*e+ all right. )he 5rayer o: :aith .or2&. B*t yo* can>t 5ray the 5rayer o: :aith 1eca*&e yo* aren>t good eno*gh. ?o* are too *n.orthy.< He did that .ith 9e .hile I .a& 1ed:a&t. Not any 1etter+ I agreed .ith hi9 and re9ained an invalid &everal 9onth& longer. I ca9e to a di::erent concl*&ion+ ho.ever+ a& I read Second -orinthian& 5$1 + "Therefore if any man "e in #hrist, he is a new creature2 old thin+s are !assed away1 1ehold+ all thing& are 1eco9e ne..< Pa*l &aid+ .riting to the ch*rch at E5he&*&+ "For we are his wor(manshi!, created in #hrist 0esus ...< BE5h. 2$10C. #e did not 9a2e o*r&elve& ne. creat*re&F He 9ade *& ne. creat*re&.


The Real Faith

)he 2,th ver&e o: E5he&ian& , contin*e&+ "'nd that ye !ut on the new man, which after /od is created in ri+hteousness and true holiness.< I a&2ed 9y&el: the I*e&tion+ <0id He 9a2e an *n.orthy ne. creat*reA #o*ld He 9a2e a ne. creat*re that .a&n>t good eno*gh to &tand in Hi& 5re&enceA< )hen I &a. .here I .a& 9a2ing 9y 9i&ta2e. In&tead o: 1elieving .hat the Bi1le &aid a1o*t 9eDthe real 9e+ the 9an on the in&ideDI .a& loo2ing at the o*t.ard 9an and 9y 5hy&ical &hortco9ing&. I .a& 5a&&ing 9y E*dg9ent on the ca&e .hen I &ho*ld have 1een acce5ting =od>& e&ti9ation o: it. I 2ne. =od did not 9a2e any *n.orthy ne. creat*re. I: He did+ that .o*ld 1e 1elittling Hi& .or2. He 9ade *& a ne. creat*re in -hri&t ;e&*&. '*r .orthine&& i& -hri&t ;e&*&. I loo2 a lot 1etter in Hi9 than I do any other .ayH 3nd that i& the .ay =od &ee& 9e$ in Hi9. He doe&n>t really &ee me1 He loo2& at ;e&*& and &ee& 9e in 0esus, a& .e E*&t read$ "Therefore if any man "e %? #HR%*T, he is a new creature2 old thin+s are !assed away1 "ehold, all thin+s are "ecome new." #hen I learned thi& tr*th+ it .a& a giant &te5 to.ard relea&ing 9y :aith and having :aith to receive 5hy&ical healing. =our worthiness is 0esus #hrist the ri+hteous> He i& the righteo*& 'ne+ and yo* are the righteo*&ne&& o: =od in Hi9. "For he hath made him to "e sin for us, who (new no sin1 that we mi+ht "e made the ri+hteousness of /od in him" @4 -or. 5$21C. Beca*&e .e are in Hi9+ .e have 1eco9e the righteo*&ne&& o: =od. )here:ore+ a &en&e o: *n.orthine&& on o*r 5art i& a denial o: the &*1&tit*tionary &acri:ice o: ;e&*& -hri&t+ o: o*r &tanding in -hri&t+ and o: -hri&t>& righteo*&ne&& 1e:ore =od the 8ather .hich ha& 1een granted to *&. )he #ord o: =od .ill hel5 yo* rid yo*r&el: o: thi& &en&e o: *n.orthine&&F and .hen yo* are rid o: it+ the &en&e o: a lac2 o:

nemies of Faith


:aith al&o .ill leave. )hey are tor9enting o: the ene9y that have co9e to ro1 yo* o: the 1le&&ing& -hri&t &ec*red :or yo*. 3nother ene9y o: :aithDthe rea&on &o 9any are de:eated in their :aith li:eDi& that they acce5t a &*1&tit*te :or :aith. )hey try to &*1&tit*te either ho5e or 9ental agree9ent :or :aith. Peo5le con&tantly &ay+ <#ell+ I>9 ho5ing and 5raying ...< 'ne 9an re9ar2ed a& a :riend &tarted a tri5+ <I ho5e and 5ray yo* .ill have a &a:e Eo*rney.< Hi& 5rayer .a& in vain 1eca*&e it .a& in ho!e. in the Bi1le doe& it &ay that =od hear& the !rayer of ho!e. )he Bi1le &5ea2& o: the !rayer of faith2 "'nd the !rayer of faith shall save the sic( ...< B;a9e& 5$15C. BI: ;a9e& had &aid the 5rayer o: ho5e .o*ld do it+ .e .o*ld all a*to9atically have re&*lt&+ 1eca*&e ho5e i& the nat*ral h*9an thing to do.C ;e&*& ta*ght+ "$hat thin+s soever ye desire, when ye !ray, 6 &% A that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" B%ar2 11$2,C. BelieveDnot ho5eDthat yo* receive. #e 9*&t re9ind 5eo5le con&tantly o: the&e thing&+ 1eca*&e it>& &o ea&y to &li5 1ac2 into the nat*ral. Peter .rote+ <... I stir u! your !ure minds "y way of remem"rance" B2 Peter /$1C. He .a& calling to their re9e91rance thing& he already had told the9+ that 5eo5le need to 1e &tirred *5+ 1eca*&e .e are living in thi& .orld+ and ho5e i& the nat*ral h*9an reaction. ?o* 9ay call it 1elieving+ 1*t that doe&n>t 9a2e it &o+ any 9ore than calling a %odel ) 8ord an air5lane .o*ld 9a2e it an air5lane. ?o* 9ay &ay+ <I 1elieve =od i& going to do &o9ething :or 9e. I 1elieve He i& going to heal 9e. I 1elieve =od i& going to hear and an&.er 9y 5rayer &o9eday.< )hat i& ho5eF that i&n>t 1elieving. ?o* 9ay call it 1elieving+ 1*t it i& &till ho5e+ 1eca*&e yo* are 5o&t5oning it to the :*t*re. Faith is !resent tense. )he Bi1le tell& *& that =od ha& done &o9ething :or *& now2 "6lessed "e the /od and Father of our &ord 0esus #hrist, who hath "lessed us with all s!iritual "lessin+s in heavenly !laces in #hrist" BE5h. 1$/C. Ble&&ing&


The Real Faith

already are 5rovided :or *& in -hri&t ;e&*&. =od doe&n>t have to do one thing 9oreF it i& already done. 3ltho*gh healing i& 9ani:e&ted in the 5hy&ical real9+ it act*ally i& a &5irit*al 1le&&ing+ 1eca*&e it i& &5irit*al healing. =od i& not +oin+ to heal yo*r 1ody. He i& not going to do one thing a1o*t healing yo*. He>& already done all He i& ever going to do a1o*t healing yo*+ 1eca*&e He laid yo*r &ic2ne&& and di&ea&e on ;e&*&. ;e&*& already ha& 1orne the9 :or yo*+ and 1y Hi& &tri5e& < ye were healed.< =et yo*r 1elieving in line .ith .hat the #ord o: =od &ay&. K*it ho5ing. Start 1elieving that 1y Hi& &tri5e& yo* are healedD not 1eca*&e yo* feel li2e it or see it+ 1*t 1eca*&e Hi& #ord &ay& it. Start &aying+ <3ccording to Hi& #ord+ I a9 healed.< I: &o9eone a&2& yo* ho. yo* :eel+ an&.er according to the #ord+ not according to the nat*ral. #e .al2 1y :aith+ not 1y &ight. )hi& i& the .ay I de:eated the devil and received 9y healing a& a teenage invalid. I &aid+ <3ccording to =od>& #ord+ I a9 healed.< I never &aid a .ord a1o*t ho. I felt. Peo5le .o*ld &ay+ <?o* loo2 a& i: yo* can hardly 5*t one :oot in :ront o: the other.< )hey didn>t 2no. it+ 1*t I :elt that .ay+ tooH Ho.ever+ healing did 1eco9e a reality in 9y 1ody+ and it .a& 9ani:e&ted 1eca*&e o: 9y :aith. I li2e the tran&lation o: He1re.& 11$1 that read&+ <No. :aith i& giving &*1&tance to thing& ho5ed :or.< Ho!e doesn3t have any su"stance, "ut faith +ives su"stance to what you ho!e for. In other .ord&+ it i& yo*r :aith that give& &*1&tance to the healing in yo*r li:e. It i& there in the &5irit real9+ 1*t yo* .ant it here in thi& &*1&tance real9 .here it can 1e &een and :elt. ?o*r :aith give& &*1&tance to that. 3 9arvelo*& e(a95le o: thi& 2ind o: :aith that &tand& on =od>& #ord in the :ace o: all a55arent contradiction& .a& the healing o: a certain 9-year-old 1oy. )hree doctor&Dt.o .ere &5eciali&t&Dhad given hi9 *5 to die. )hey &aid+ <#e>ve done all

nemies of Faith


.e can. )here i&n>t a thing that can 1e done 9edically. )he 1oy>& 2idney& have &to55ed :*nctioning. It i& E*&t a 9atter o: ti9e and he .ill 1e gone.< #hen neither o: the child>& 5arent& &5o2e or &ho.ed any &ign o: e9otion+ the doctor+ thin2ing they .ere too &hoc2ed to &5ea2+ re5eated .hat he had E*&t &aid and concl*ded .ith the &tate9ent <?o*r child .ill 1e dead &hortly.< <No+ doctor+< they &aid cal9ly. <He .ill not die. )he #ord o: =od &ay& in %atthe. 8$1 + 3Himself too( our infirmities and "are our sic(nesses.> '*r child .ill live.< )he child .a& in inten&ive care. Hi& 9other co*ld go in to &ee hi9 :or ten 9in*te& in the 9orning and hi& :ather co*ld &ee hi9 1rie:ly at night. )he :ather told the 1oy+ <No.+ &on+ i: yo* don>t &lee5+ I*ote the Scri5t*re in %atthe. 8$1 all night long and &ay+ >Hi9&el: too2 my in:ir9itie& and 1are my &ic2ne&&e&. Hi9&el: too2 9y in:ir9itie& and 1are 9y &ic2ne&&e&. Hi9&el: too2 9y in:ir9itie& and 1are 9y &ic2ne&&e&. By Hi& &tri5e& I a9 healed.> < 3:ter three night& o: re5eating that+ the 1oy .a& healed and .ent ho9e. Hi& 5arent& te&ti:ied later+ <Brother Hagin+ i: it hadn>t 1een :or the teaching o: the #ord in yo*r 9eeting&+ .e .o*ldn>t have 9ade it. #e .o*ld have lo&t hi9. B*t+ than2 =od+ .e 2ne. ho. to &tand on Hi& #ord in o*r dar2e&t ho*r.< #hen the cri&i& ca9e+ the&e 5arent& .ere 5re5ared :or it. )hey .ere .ell :orti:ied .ith the #ord. )heir 1elieving .a& in the right 5lace$ not in .hat their 5hy&ical &en&e& told the9Dnot in the circ*9&tance& &*rro*nding the9D1*t in .hat =od>& #ord &aid. 3nother ene9y o: :aith i& .avering. ;a9e& 1$!+ .arn&+ "6ut let him as( in faith, nothin+ waverin+. For he that wavereth is li(e a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man Lthe one .ho .aver&M thin( that he shall receive


The Real Faith

any thin+ of the &ord.< 3 .avering :aith .on>t .or2. 'nce yo* ta2e yo*r &tand+ don>t .aver. I learned at an early age to ta2e 9y &tand+ &ay+ <I 1elieve I receive+< and never 9ove :ro9 that 5o&ition. I hold :a&t to that con:e&&ion. )he greate&t 1attle& that have ever 1een :o*ght have not 1een :o*ght in the air+ on the &ea+ or on the 1attle:ield& o: the .orld. )hey have 1een :o*ght in the h*9an 9ind BSee 2 -or. 10$/-5C. 3:ter I received 9y healing+ &o9e alar9ing heart &y95to9& tried to co9e 1ac2 on 9e. )he devil .o*ld 1ring to 9y 9ind everything 9y doctor& had ever &aid a1o*t 9y heart condition. I 2ne. tho&e &y95to9& co*ld 9ean death+ 1*t I never 1*dged an inch. I didn>t di&c*&& the 5ro1le9 .ith anyone. )he devil 2e5t telling 9e+ <?o* are not going to 9a2e it. ?o*>re going to die. 7e9e91er .hat the doctor &aidH< I .ent o:: 1y 9y&el:+ 5*t 9y Bi1le on the :loor+ and &tood on it. )hen I &aid+ <@ord+ I 2no. that &tanding on the Bi1le 5hy&ically i&n>t going to do one 1it o: good+ 1*t I>9 ill*&trating &o9ething$ I>9 &tanding on yo*r #ord+ and I>9 not going to .aver. I>9 not going to 9ove o:: o: it. I>9 &tanding here literally+ 5hy&ically+ to de9on&trate the :act that &5irit*ally+ on the in&ide o: 9e+ I>9 &tanding on the #ord. <)he #ord &ay&+ >. . . $hat thin+s soever ye desire, when ye !ray, "elieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.> I 1elieve I receive. I &ay it today. I &aid it ye&terday. I>ll &ay it to9orro.. I &ay it in the 5re&ence o: the devil and all the i95& o: hell. I "elieve % receive. I &ay it in the 5re&ence o: =od the 8ather+ =od the Son+ =od the Holy S5irit+ and all the holy angel&. I "elieve % receive. It i& .ritten+ >8orever thy .ord i& &ettled in heaven.> =od cannot :ail.< )hen I 5ic2ed *5 9y Bi1le+ t*c2ed it *nder 9y ar9Dand every &y95to9 I had in 9y 1ody di&a55eared. I had re:*&ed to .aver. #avering :aith i& an ene9y that .ill de:eat yo* in the 1attle& o: li:e.

nemies of Faith


#e o:ten .onder .hy it i& &o hard to 1elieve =od and <:ight the good :ight o: :aith< Pa*l .rote a1o*t in 8ir&t )i9othy !$12. )he rea&on i& 1eca*&e .e are &*rro*nded 1y an antagoni&tic at9o&5here in thi& .orld. )he .orld i& 5re&ided over 1y Satan+ the ene9y o: all righteo*&ne&&. Pa*l call& hi9 the god o: thi& .orld+ the 5rince o: the o: the air. #e live in Satan>& *nreal .orld+ &*rro*nded 1y c*rrent& o: *n1elie: that are &o &*1tle they can do9inate *& 1e:ore .e realiGe .hat>& ha55ening. )he&e c*rrent& o: *n1elie: are &o 5er&i&tent that only a :e. ever ri&e a1ove the9. 8or e(a95le+ to 1elieve =od :or :inance& i& a contin*al &tr*ggle again&t the 9ateriali&tic c*rrent& that 1*::et *&. )o 1elieve in -hri&t :or victory over &in can 1e a never-ending 1attle .ith the &5irit*al ho&t& o: dar2ne&&. )o 1elieve in =od :or healing :or the 5hy&ical 1ody i& to 5*t *5 a 1attle again&t cent*rie& o: tr*&t in 9edicine alone. )here:ore+ living in thi& .orld a& .e do+ it i& ea&y to 1a&e o*r :aith on 5hy&ical evidence in&tead o: on the #ord o: =od. )hat+ ho.ever+ i& an ene9y o: :aith. )hat i& to 1e li2e )ho9a&. Bi1le :aith i& li2e the :aith o: 31raha9+ a& .e &ee in =alatian& /$ + <. . . they which are of faith, the same are the children of '"raham." 8aith 1elieve& in thing& it doe& not &ee. ;e&*& &aid to )ho9a&+ <. . . "ecause thou hast seen me, thou hast "elieved2 "lessed are they that have not seen, and yet have "elieved" B;ohn 20$29C. 8aith give& &*1&tance to thing& not &een. 'ne tran&lation o: He1re.& 11$1 &ay&+ "Faith is the conviction of the reality of thin+s when they are not seen.< The 'm!lified 6i"le &ay&+ <... :aith 5erceiving a& real :act .hat i& not revealed to the &en&e&.< Faith chan+es ho!e into reality. 8aith act& in the :ace o: contrary evidence. )he 5hy&ical &en&e&+ the o*t.ard 9an+ the nat*ral 9ind Bi: *nrene.ed in the #ord o: =odC .ill declare that it cannot 1eF it i& not &o. B*t :aith .ill &ho*t a1ove the t*r9oil+ <It i&H< Faith counts


The Real Faith

the thin+ done "efore /od has acted. )he Bi1le &ay& concerning 31raha9+ ". . . he . . . "elieved, even /od who Buic(eneth the dead, and calleth those thin+s which "e not as thou+h they were" B7o9. ,$1 C. -o*nting &o9ething done 1e:ore =od ha& acted co95el& =od>& action. =od i& a :aith =od+ and He o5erate& on the 5rinci5le o: :aith. #e are :aith children 1eca*&e .e are 1egotten o: =od+ and .e are to live 1y :aith. #e receive :ro9 =od 1y :aith. ;e&*& &aid in %ar2 11$2,Dthat great cla&&ic te(t on :aith D<... what thin+s soever ye desire, when ye !ray, "elieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.<

0ear 8riend+ #e tr*&t thi& 1oo2 ha& 1een a 1le&&ing to yo*. #e have endeavored to o1ey =od and 5re&ent the 9e&&age He ha& given *& in the 5rinted .ord. #e are li&ting &everal 1oo2& :ro9 o*r 8aith @i1rary .hich are o: the &a9e &iGe and ty5e a& the one yo* have E*&t read. =od>& 9e&&age in the9 .ill ena1le the 1eliever to :ill to the *t9o&t hi& 5lace in the Body o: -hri&t. BOO>. B? >)NN)TH )# H/7-N
Re eeme F%om ,ove%t", .ic<ness, an .&i%itual !eath 'hat Faith -s .even @ital .te&s To Receivin0 the Hol" .&i%it Ri0ht an '%on0 Thin<in0 ,%a"e% .ec%ets How To Tu%n ?ou% Faith (oose The >e" to .c%i&tu%al Healin0 ,%a"in0 To 7et Results The ,%esent-!a" 6inist%" of Jesus +h%ist The 7ift of ,%o&hec" Healin0 Belon0s to As The Real Faith How ?ou +an >now the 'ill of 7o 6an on Th%ee !imensions The Human .&i%it Tu%nin0 Ho&eless .ituations /%oun +astin0 ?ou% +a%es A&on the (o% .even .te&s fo% Ju 0in0 ,%o&hec" The -nte%ce in0 +h%istian

BOO>. B? >)NN)TH H/7-N JR#

Because of Jesus How To 6a<e the !%eam 7o 7ave ?ou +ome T%ue The (ife of O1e ience

I: yo* .o*ld li2e a co95lete li&t o: all the 9aterial& availa1le B&t*dy co*r&e&+ gro*5 &t*dy 1oo2&+ 9ini1oo2&+ ca&&ette&+ etc.C 5lea&e .rite o*r o::ice and reI*e&t the Faith &i"rary #atalo+.

#ith 9illion& o: 8aith @i1rary 1oo2& in circ*lation+ the 5rinted 5age contin*e& to 1e a 9aEor o*treach o: Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie&. )he voice o: Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie& i& :*rther a95li:ied aro*nd the .orld thro*gh the 9edia$ 3 2,-5age :ree 9onthly 9agaGine+ The $ord of Faith1 an international radio 1roadca&t+ <8aith Se9inar o: the 3ir<F nation.ide 3ll 8aith&> -r*&ade&F 8aith @i1rary ta5e&F and 7HE%3 -orre&5ondence Bi1le School. )he&e o*t-reache& are vital to the 5art Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie& &hare& in :*l:illing the =reat -o99i&&ionDyet+ there i& 9ore . . . 7HE%3 Bi1le )raining -enter i& another dyna9ic o*treach o: Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie&. 8o*nded in 19 ,+ 7HE%3 o::er& a high I*ality o: 9ini&terial &t*die& de&igned to train and eI*i5 9en and .o9en to enter the Evangeli&tic+ Pa&toral+ )eaching+ %i&&ion&+ Hel5&+ ?o*th+ and -hildren>& 9ini&trie&. )oday tho*&and& o: grad*ate& o: 7HE%3 have vent*red into every inha1ited continent o: the earth+ carrying the =ood Ne.& o: the =o&5el o: ;e&*& -hri&tD.ith &ign& )o receive a :ree+ :*ll-color 1roch*re on 7HE%3 Bi1le )raining -enter+ a :ree 9onthly 9agaGine+ The $ord of Faith, or to receive o*r 8aith @i1rary -atalog .ith a co95lete li&ting o: Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie&> 1oo2& and ta5e&+ .rite$ Kenneth Hagin %ini&trie& P.'. Bo( 5012! )*l&a+ 'K ,150-012!
%n #anada write2

P.'. Bo( //5+ Station 0+ Eto1ico2e B)orontoC+ 'ntario -anada+ %93 ,4/

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