Bible Healing Study Course - Kenneth E Hagin
Bible Healing Study Course - Kenneth E Hagin
Bible Healing Study Course - Kenneth E Hagin
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Chapter 1
Healing: God at Work
Some Christians who need healing have said to me, “Maybe God put this
sickness on me for some purpose.”
Did Jesus ever put sickness on anyone? When people came to Him for
healing, did He ever turn even one away saying, “No, it’s not My will. Just suffer
a little longer. You’re just not pious enough”?
No! Not once!
And the Scriptures tell us that to see God, we look at Jesus. Jesus Himself
JOHN 14:9,10
9 . . . Have I [Jesus] been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he
that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto
you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
God at Work
Do you want to know what God is like? Look at Jesus. Do you want to see
God at work? Look at Jesus. Do you want to know the will of God? Look at
Jesus. Jesus is the will of God in action (John 6:38). Did Jesus go about making
people sick? No! He went about doing good and healing!
ACTS 10:38
38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about
doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. . . .
From the natural standpoint, it is difficult for people to understand that most
of the laws governing this earth today came into being through the fall of man—
when Adam sinned and the curse came upon the earth. Because people don’t
understand this, they accuse God of accidents, sickness, and the death of loved
ones. And God is not the author of any of these things.
People also blame God for the storms, catastrophes, earthquakes, and floods
that occur. Even insurance policies call these “acts of God.” No, they are not acts
of God. They are acts of the devil. Their author is Satan.
All of these natural laws as we understand them were set aside by Jesus,
whenever necessary, in order to bless humanity. Bear in mind that Jesus said,
“He that has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). Well, we don’t see Jesus
bringing any storms on people. We see Him calming the storms!
Rebuker of Storms
A storm had arisen on the Sea of Galilee and Jesus was in the back of the ship
asleep on a pillow. The disciples awoke Him and said, “Master, carest Thou not
that we perish?” They thought they were going down at sea. But Jesus arose and
rebuked the wind. He wasn’t rebuking something God did. He was rebuking
something the devil had stirred up.
You see, Adam was originally the god, so to speak, of this world. God made
the world and the fullness thereof (Ps. 89:11). Then He made man, Adam. He
said to Adam, “I give you the authority to rule this earth. You are the one who
dominates.” But Adam sold us all out to the devil. (He didn’t have the moral
right to do it, but he had the legal right, because the earth was his—God put it
into his hands.)
Adam committed high treason and sold out to the devil. And the Bible tells us
that now Satan is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). When did Satan become the
god of this world? After Adam sinned.
Under Control?
We need to get some of these things straight in our minds, because many in
the church world are confused. People have all kinds of unscriptural ideas. Some
think, Well, God’s got everything under control. But that may or may not be so,
according to how you mean it. If you mean that God is ruling the earth right now
—no, He isn’t! He’s going to rule it again one of these days, but He’s not right
During the Korean conflict, I read an article by a well-known newspaper
columnist. He said, in effect, “I don’t claim to be a Christian, but I’m not an
atheist or an agnostic. The atheist says there is no God. I believe there is one.
The agnostic says there may be a God; he doesn’t know. I believe there is.
“I don’t believe everything just happened into being,” he continued. “I believe
some Supreme Being created everything. But what hinders me from being a
Christian is what I hear preachers saying. I’m confused because they say God is
running everything. And if He is, He sure has things in a mess.”
Then the man alluded to wars, children being killed, poverty, disease, and
sickness, saying, “I believe that there is a Supreme Being somewhere and that
everything He made was beautiful and good. I just can’t believe those things are
the work of God.”
Well, the truth is, those things came with the Fall when Adam sinned and
Satan became the god of this world. When Satan is finally eliminated from the
earth, there will be nothing that will hurt or destroy. And then it ought to be
obvious where all those things came from.
Jesus’ statement, “He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father,” and His
description of the Father make it impossible to accept the teaching that sickness
and disease are from God. The very nature of God refutes such an idea, for God
is love.
Let’s go back to Acts 10:38 for a moment. Who anointed Jesus of Nazareth?
God did! And Jesus said, “. . . the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the
works” (John 14:10).
How did God do these works of healing through Jesus? By anointing Him
with the Holy Ghost and with healing power. What did Jesus do with the
anointing with which God had anointed Him? He went about doing good! What
was the good that He did? Healing! So God was healing when Jesus healed,
because it was God who anointed Him.
God is in the healing business, not in the sickness business! God is in the
delivering business, not in the bondage business!
Jesus Healed All
Notice in Acts 10:38 who was healed by Jesus: “. . . ALL that were oppressed
of the devil. . . .” Now, that’s a plain statement—all. A-l-l! That means everyone
who was healed under the ministry of Jesus was oppressed of the devil. In other
words, the devil had something to do with their sickness. That doesn’t mean an
evil spirit was always present. It just means the devil was behind the whole
situation. They were oppressed of the devil—every one of them.
Yet to hear some people talk nowadays, even ministers, you would be led to
believe that God and the devil had swapped jobs for the last 2,000 years! You’d
think God was putting sickness on people and the devil was healing them. No,
the devil is the same devil he always was. And God is still the same God.
MARK 16:15,17,18
15 And he [Jesus] said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature. . . .
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils. . . .
18 . . . they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Let’s stop and analyze this. Which one of the sick did Jesus say to lay hands
on? He just said the sick, period. Well, if God were the author of sickness, if He
did put sickness and disease on people, and if it were His will for some to be
sick, then this statement would be confusing—because Jesus authorized us to lay
hands on all the sick and said they would recover.
If it were God’s will for some to remain sick, Jesus would have had to have
said something like, “Lay your hands on those whom it is the will of God to
heal, and they shall recover. And those whom it isn’t God’s will to heal, they
won’t recover.” But that wasn’t the case. God set the Church against sickness,
JAMES 5:14,15
14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have
committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Verse 14 asks, “Is any sick among you?” Among whom? The Church. So it
must be God’s will to heal any of the sick in the Church. Therefore, it can’t be
the will of God for “any” in the Church to stay sick.
Job’s Problems
God doesn’t use sickness and disease to teach His children a lesson.
“But God made Job sick,” someone said.
No, He didn’t. The devil did.
“Yes, but God gave the devil permission.”
True, but God didn’t commission it. You see, God will permit you to rob a gas
station, but He won’t commission you to do it.
No, the Bible is plain about why sickness came upon Job. Job had said, “. . .
the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of
is come unto me” (Job 3:25). So he himself had opened the door to the devil by
being afraid.
Bible scholars agree that the entire Book of Job took place in nine to eighteen
months. And in chapter 42, you can read about the works of God! For example,
Job 42:10 says that God turned Job’s “captivity.” That means when Job was sick,
he was in captivity to the devil. When he was in poverty, he was in captivity to
the devil.
But God turned Job’s captivity and gave him twice as much as he had to begin
with (v. 10)! Job lived 140 years after he got healed! That’s God’s work!
Paul’s Thorn
Someone might say, “But, Brother Hagin, don’t you remember that Paul was
sick all his life?”
No, I don’t remember that. And you don’t either.
“But he had a thorn in the flesh.”
Where did you ever read in the Bible that a thorn in the flesh is sickness?
Nowhere. Go back to the Scriptures and see how that term is used. In the Old
Testament, God said to Israel, “If you don’t kill those Canaanites when you
possess the land, they will be thorns in your side. They will torment you” (Num.
33:55; Joshua 23:13; Judges 2:3).
Paul tells exactly what the thorn was—the messenger of Satan sent to buffet
him (2 Cor. 12:7).
Everywhere Paul went to preach, this evil spirit stirred up everything he could.
He buffeted Paul in the flesh. And Paul couldn’t command him to leave the
earth, because he has a right to be here until Adam’s lease runs out.
You can’t separate sickness and disease from Satan. Disease came with the fall
of man. The Fall was of the devil. Sickness and sin have the same origin—the
Jesus’ attitude toward sickness was an uncompromising warfare with Satan.
His attitude toward sin and sickness was identical. He dealt with sickness the
same way He dealt with demons. Since sickness and disease are of the devil, we
must follow in the footsteps and attitude of Jesus and deal with disease as Jesus
dealt with it.
Examples for Us
Glory! Deuteronomy 7:13-15 was written for my benefit! I think the Holy
Spirit knew there would be those who would jump up and say, “That’s just for
the Jews. It’s not for us!” So He wrote that what happened to them happened as
examples to us. Those things “written aforetime,” talking about the Old
Covenant, were written for our learning (Rom. 15:4). Deuteronomy 7:13-15 was
written for my admonition!
Do you think those people back then would be more blessed than the Church
of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you think they could be blessed financially and
could prosper and be well, but the Church couldn’t? Do you think that the
Church—the Body of Christ, the Body of the Son of God, the Body of the
Beloved—would have to struggle through life poverty-stricken, sick and
afflicted, emaciated, and wasted away with starvation, singing, “Here I wander
like a beggar through the heat and the cold”? No! That’s not us!
No Quick Fixes
Before studying something else in Matthew, let’s look at three questions
James asks:
JAMES 5:13-15
13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.
14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have
committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
Notice that James is talking about three different things here: Is any afflicted?
Is any merry? Is any sick?
The Greek word translated “afflicted” means to go through a test or trial or to
be depressed or oppressed. The word “afflicted” does not mean sick. Also notice
that the individual who is afflicted is to do his own praying! So James is really
saying, “Is anyone being tested? Is anyone going through a trial? Let him pray.”
Notice it doesn’t say, “Let him get someone to pray for him.” No, James said,
“Let him pray.” (Another person could never be as concerned about your
problems as you are.)
People today are looking for a “quick fix.” But God doesn’t have any “quick
fixes”! He’s not putting on any 99-cent sales. And He doesn’t have blessings
priced two-for-a-quarter. I don’t mean to be funny about this, but it’s absolutely
the truth. That’s the reason James asked, “Is any among you afflicted? Let him
pray!” (Him who? The one who’s afflicted—and that means “her” too.) Then
James adds, “Is any merry? Let him sing.”
Isn’t it strange that when someone is afflicted, that person usually wants you
to do the praying for him. However, when he’s merry, he doesn’t want you to
sing for him—he wants to do the singing himself!
Many times people are looking for someone else to tell them what to do. But
you can’t be responsible for other people, and you can’t tell them what to do.
If a person will just listen to the Bible, he’ll know what to do. “What if he
doesn’t know what the Bible says?” you may ask. Then if he’ll get alone with
God, the Holy Spirit will speak to his spirit!
The Bible says, “The spirit of man in the candle of the Lord, searching all the
inward parts of the belly” (Prov. 20:27). In other words, God will direct you
through your spirit.
I know from experience that this works. People have come to me for advice,
and I’ve said, “Well, let’s pray.” And we got down on our knees and prayed for
as much as an hour. Afterwards, when I asked them what their problem was,
they replied, “Oh, I already have the answer, bless God. I got it while we were
praying.” I never did have to counsel them.
Our Counselor
JOHN 14:16,17
16 And I [Jesus] will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may
abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth. . . .
The Greek word translated “Comforter” in verse 16 is paraclete, a word that
has a sevenfold meaning: Comforter, Helper, Counselor, Advocate, Intercessor,
Strengthener, and Standby. What more would you need?
That’s why James said, “Is any afflicted? Is any going through a test? Is any in
trouble? Let him pray?” Why? Because when you’re in prayer, the Holy Spirit,
who is your built-in Counselor, will give you direction!
Have you ever noticed how many times the Holy Spirit will take the Word and
open it up to you while you’re praying? Jesus promised His disciples that the
Holy Spirit would bring His words to the remembrance of those who believe in
Whatever God said in His Word, He said to us. It belongs to us. And the Holy
Spirit will bring God’s words to our attention while we’re praying. But He can’t
bring them to our attention if we ignore Him and run to other people for help!
Don’t misunderstand me—others ought to help us if they can. But if we do
what the Bible says, it will solve our problems. We will get permanent help.
Well, what does the Bible say? It says, “Is any among you afflicted? Let him
Do you need comfort? There’s a Comforter on the inside of you—the Holy
Spirit. Do you need help? The Helper is inside you. Do you need counsel? The
Counselor is inside you. Do you need an advocate—one who pleads your case?
The Holy Spirit is your Advocate. Do you need an intercessor? He’ll help you
intercede. Do you need strength and someone to stand by you? He’s your
Strengthener. He’s your Standby. That means He’s just standing by in case you
need Him. He’s there.
Now let’s look at something else in James.
JAMES 5:14-16
14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have
committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Many years ago, the leading Greek scholar in the United States told me that
verse 14 in the original Greek literally says, “Are any beyond doing anything for
themselves? Let them call for the elders of the church.”
There are many directions we could go here, but the point I’m making is
based on verse 16: “. . . pray one for another, that ye may be healed. . . . ”
Healing must be a good thing, because God wouldn’t tell us to pray for
something that wasn’t good, would He? And if it’s good, then healing must be
the will of God—especially for Christians.
Would God tell you to pray for something that wasn’t His will? That would be
stupid, wouldn’t it? And I don’t believe God is stupid!
God’s Medicine
Proverbs says, “. . . incline thine ear unto my sayings. . . . For they are life
unto those that find them, and health [medicine] to all their flesh” (vv. 20,22).
Since God’s Word is medicine to all our flesh, we need to know how to take
God’s medicine, His Word, and appropriate it for the healing of our bodies.
We take God’s medicine by doing what Proverbs 4:20 and 21 says to do: (1)
Attend to God’s Word; (2) incline our ears unto it; (3) let it not depart from our
eyes; (4) keep it in the midst of our heart. All these instructions imply a
continual, ongoing action, not something we do one time or every once in a
In the natural, suppose you had an illness last year, and your doctor prescribed
a certain kind of medicine for you to take. Then suppose you got sick again this
year with the same illness, and the doctor prescribed the same kind of medicine
for you. You wouldn’t tell him, “Oh, no, Doctor! I can’t take that medicine. I
took some of that last year!”
The dose you took last year isn’t going to do you a bit of good if you need
medicine again this year. It’s the same way with God’s Word. For example,
God’s Word won’t benefit you if you have the attitude, I’ve heard all that before.
No, in order for God’s Word to do you any good, you have to stay with it. You
have to keep taking God’s medicine.
You see, the Bible says faith is the victory (1 John 5:4). And faith comes by
hearing the Word of God, not by having heard it (Rom. 10:17)!
Great Faith
MATTHEW 8:5-10,13
5 And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching
6 And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.
7 And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my
roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he
goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I
have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. . . .
13 And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto
thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.
Jesus called the centurion’s faith great faith! What is great faith? The answer
is found in verse 8. The centurion said to Jesus, “Speak the word only, and my
servant will be healed.” Great faith is simply faith in God’s Word. It’s taking
God at His Word.
God wants us to have the same great faith that the centurion had. He wants us
to have confidence in the authority of His Word. Because of the centurion’s great
faith, Jesus said unto him, “. . . Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it
done unto thee . . . ” (v. 13). I believe Jesus is saying to each of us today: “Go
your way, and as you have believed, so be it done unto you.”
The Bible says God never changes (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8). What He has done
for anyone else, He will do for you, if you will believe Him and take Him at His
Word. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). He doesn’t favor one person
more than another. He favors anyone who is committed to believing His Word.
God’s Willingness To Heal
1 When he [Jesus] was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him.
2 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst
make me clean.
3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And
immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
MATTHEW 8:14-17
14 And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a
15 And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.
16 When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and
he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:
17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our
infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.
There are a lot of truths we could expound on in these verses. But I think one
great truth that outshines the rest is God’s willingness to heal everyone. Notice in
the first passage that the leper believed Jesus could heal him, but he questioned
whether or not Jesus would heal him. The leper said, “. . . Lord, IF THOU WILT,
thou canst make me clean” (v. 2). Jesus settled the issue once and for all when
He plainly answered the man, “I will” (v. 3). Yet many folks today follow the
leper’s unbelief about healing rather than Jesus’ willingness to heal.
Now take a look at the second passage of Scripture from Matthew 8. In verses
14 and 15 we read that Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law.
Many believe it is God’s will to heal some people or a selected few, such as
the mother-in-law of one of Jesus’ disciples. But they don’t believe it’s God’s
will to heal everyone.
But notice that the same day Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, He also
healed all those in need: “When the even was come, they brought unto him
MANY that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word,
and healed ALL that were sick” (v. 16).
Why did Jesus heal the multitudes? The very next verse says He healed them
“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,
Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses” (v. 17). Jesus was moved
by compassion to heal the sick (Matt. 9:36).
So we know from the Word that healing does not belong to just a selected few.
God doesn’t favor some but not others. For example, the Bible doesn’t say,
“Himself took Peter’s mother-in-law’s infirmities and bore her sicknesses”! And
it doesn’t say, “Himself took the centurion’s servant’s infirmities and bore his
No, the Bible says, “. . . Himself took OUR infirmities, and bare OUR
sicknesses” (Matt. 8:17)! And it was on the basis of this truth that Jesus healed
the multitudes. Jesus healed “all that were sick” who came to Him (v. 16).
I’ve been in the healing ministry for quite some time now, and I have found
that the biggest difficulty to getting people healed is to convince them that it is
God’s will to heal. Many Christians make some effort to approach God and
receive healing, yet many times the thought lurks in the back of their minds, I
know God does heal people, but it might not be His will to heal me.
But, you see, these folks aren’t inclining their ears unto God’s sayings. When
you incline your ear to what God says, you know the will of God concerning
healing. And over and over again, God’s willingness to heal is expressed in the
pages of His Word.
Let’s listen to God’s Word continually and incline our ears unto His sayings.
I’ve said many times that just because I ate one T-bone steak doesn’t mean I’m
never going to eat another one. In a similar sense, just as continually feeding
your body with good food keeps it strong, continually feeding your spirit with
God’s Word keeps your spirit strong and your faith alive.
When you feed your spirit on God’s Word along the lines of healing, you are
building health and healing into your body, because God’s Word is health to all
your flesh!
An Elder’s Story
In September 1954, I was holding a three-week revival in a Foursquare church
in California. The pastor’s father-in-law would come regularly and sit in on the
day services. He was an elderly gentleman—about eighty-two years old.
When we got into the third week of the meeting, this man came up to me after
the morning service and asked, “Brother Hagin, may I speak to you?”
I said, “Yes.” And he told me his story.
He said, “I came to California from Indiana in 1923. I had a physical
condition that was terminal. The doctors told me that if I’d move out West where
the winters weren’t as severe, I might live another two years. So I packed up—
lock, stock, and barrel—and moved my family to Los Angeles, California.
“That was the year Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson built the 5,000-seat
Angelus Temple in Los Angeles. Someone told me about her healing meetings,
and I went. Of course, I was desperate, because the doctors had said nothing
more could be done for me.
“So I got in Mrs. McPherson’s healing line and was healed by the power of
God! Then I found out that I wasn’t saved. I had always been a good church
member, active in church work, and had just supposed that I already was a
Christian. But I got saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost at her meeting too.
“I went to church there every week afterward and continued to hear the Word
taught until we moved to northern California in 1933. Then in 1938 I developed
a hernia. I said to my wife, ‘I know all I have to do is have Mrs. McPherson lay
hands on me, and that rupture will disappear.’
“While I was making plans to go to Los Angeles, I developed another rupture.
Now I had a double hernia. When I did get back to the Angelus Temple, folks
were beginning to come from everywhere for the daily healing meetings. It took
me five days to get in the line, but finally Mrs. McPherson ministered to me—
and I didn’t get a thing!”
Wasted Time
“I wound up going to several other meetings to be prayed for, and every time
I’d go away saying, ‘They don’t have it!’ Then last year in Santa Cruz, a famous
prophet and evangelist was scheduled to preach at our church’s campmeeting. I
went to the meeting, got in his healing line, and without my ever telling him a
word, he told me exactly what was wrong with me by the word of knowledge.
But I didn’t get healed.
“I went away once more saying, ‘This brother doesn’t have it. If he’d had
what Mrs. McPherson had, I’d have gotten healed. Of course, she had it—but
she lost it.’
“Then this year, Brother Hagin, you were advertised to preach at our
campmeeting. I had heard about the vision you had of Jesus and how He
appeared unto you, because it was published all through the church. I knew all I
had to do was get to Santa Cruz and get in your healing line.
“I don’t know how many times you laid hands on me in that campmeeting and
later here in my son’s church. But I wasn’t healed. I said, ‘I guess Brother Hagin
doesn’t have it. If he had what Mrs. McPherson had back in ’23—of course, now
she’s lost it—I’d have gotten healed.’”
Then this elderly man said to me, “But, you know, Brother Hagin, since I’ve
been sitting here in these day services listening to you, I’m beginning to see
“What?” I asked.
“I’m beginning to see that God requires something of me.”
I said, “Yes, brother. I don’t mind telling you, you’re wasting your time
getting in healing lines. You’ve wasted sixteen years trying to get healed on
someone else’s faith. Why, instead of having to be prayed for, you ought to be
out praying for the sick yourself. No, brother, you’re going to have to get healed
on your own faith!”
My Testimony of Healing
I was sickly until I was seventeen years old. I didn’t grow up normally
because for the first sixteen years of my life, I couldn’t run and play like other
children. I played very limitedly because I had a deformed heart and an incurable
blood disease. The blood disease made my blood pale orange in color instead of
red, and there were other complications. I never had a normal childhood, and
about four months before my sixteenth birthday, I became totally bedfast.
Several doctors had been called in on my case. The great Mayo Clinic in
Rochester, Minnesota, hailed one of the doctors on my case as one of the best
surgeons in the world. This doctor said that no one in my condition in the history
of medical science had ever lived past the age of sixteen.
But, thank God for the Bible, which is God’s holy written Word. The Word is
anointed! It’s filled with God’s power, and God’s anointed Word destroys every
yoke of bondage, including the yoke of sickness and disease. That’s how I was
raised up off the bed of sickness—by acting on God’s anointed Word.
I had read the Bible as a young Baptist boy, but I didn’t know much about
acting on the Word. For example, I knew that the Holy Spirit lived inside me.
But I didn’t know at first that I was supposed to listen to Him or that He would
guide me to act on God’s Word.
JOHN 16:13
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH: for
he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will
shew you things to come.
I’ve thought about it many times since then that if I had listened to the Holy
Spirit sooner, I would not have stayed bedfast for those sixteen months. But I
was so busy trying to get someone to help me that I failed to listen to the Holy
Spirit on the inside of me. That’s where we miss it so many times. Most of us are
looking for something in the natural to help us. But if you are saved, the Holy
Spirit abides in your spirit, and the Bible says He’ll guide you into all truth.
God’s Word is truth (John 17:17).
Laying on of hands can be done in two ways:
First, any believer can lay hands upon a fellow believer as a point of contact to
release faith and expect that person to be healed.
There are some people—friends and neighbors, for example—you can pray
for whom no one else could. It also is scriptural for husbands and wives to lay
hands on each other and for parents to lay hands on their children when they are
sick and expect them to be healed in the Name of Jesus.
Second, there is such a thing as a ministry of laying on of hands—a special
anointing. As God wills, a person can be supernaturally anointed with healing
power like Jesus or Paul was anointed.
When the person who has a ministry of laying on of hands lays hands on the
sick in obedience to the spiritual Law of Contact and Transmission, his hands
transmit God’s healing power into the body of the sick person, effecting a
healing and a cure. I explain this method further in another chapter.
Questions for Study
1. Why should every Christian practice the doctrine of
laying on of hands on the sick?
2. Mark 6:5 doesn’t say that Jesus wouldn’t do mighty
works in Nazareth; it says He couldn’t. What does this
seem to say about the laying on of hands?
3. What Bible proof do we have that it is scripturally
correct to lay your hands a second time on a sick
person, if necessary?
4. When the people brought the deaf man to Jesus in
Mark chapter 7, what did they ask for?
5. If you want the laying on of hands to work for you,
what do you have to do?
6. Without faith, what is the laying on of hands?
7. What does the term “anointed cloths” refer to?
8. According to Mark 16:17 and 18, who should lay
hands on the sick?
9. List the two methods of laying on of hands.
10. How does the spiritual law of contact and
transmission operate?
Chapter 16
Faith and Power - Two Ingredients for
Receiving Healing - Part 1
We need to realize that there is no set way by which people may receive
healing. In other words, a number of methods for receiving healing are recorded
in the Word of God.
One way you can receive healing is by what I call simple faith—when you
hear the Word of God yourself, believe that what it says is true, and receive your
healing by faith in God’s Word.
A second way is to be ministered to with the laying on of hands—the healing
anointing flows through another person to you.
A third way to receive healing is in conjunction with what older Pentecostals
often called, “praying the power down”—receiving your healing when the
supernatural power of God is manifested upon you.
All of these methods are scriptural, all of them require faith, and, thank God,
all of them work! In the next two chapters, we are going to discuss these three
methods, with our main focus on the two ingredients which are required for each
of them to work—faith and power.
A Supernatural Endowment
The gift of faith is also a supernatural endowment by the Holy Spirit whereby
that which is uttered or desired by man, or spoken by God, eventually comes to
pass. In other words, when this power gift is in operation, you believe God in
such a way that God honors your word as His own and miraculously brings to
pass whatever you believe or say. So the miracle, utterance, assurance, curse or
blessing, creation or destruction, or removal or alteration has to manifest when it
has been spoken under the inspiration of this gift.
In my own life, I’ve always been one to believe God’s Word and act upon it.
But I’m conscious of times when special faith is operating in my life. And it
doesn’t bother me a bit in the world whether or not I see anything. I’ll just laugh
right in the face of the circumstances, because I know that the Word has been
spoken, and it shall to come to pass!
Gifts of Healings
We have looked at the “power” gifts of the Spirit—the gifts that do something
—mentioned in First Corinthians 12:9 and 10. We have discussed the working of
miracles and the gift of faith. Now I want to focus on the gifts of healings.
In the original Greek translation of First Corinthians 12:9 and 30, this gift is
listed as “gifts of healings”—both gifts and healings are plural. Therefore, we
will refer to this spiritual gift as the gifts of healings.
As we study the gifts of healings in Scripture, we see that they are manifested
for the supernatural healing of diseases and infirmities without natural means of
any sort.
For example, Luke, the writer of the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel that
bears his name, was a medical doctor by profession. He accompanied Paul on
many missionary journeys and was traveling with him when they were
shipwrecked on the island of Melita. When we read the account in Acts 28,
nothing is ever said about Luke ministering to anyone while they were there. But
the Bible says that Paul ministered to several on the island who were sick or had
diseases, and they were healed. How? By the supernatural power of God!
ACTS 28:8,9
8 And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux: to
Now some have mistakenly thought that the gifts of healings refer to the fact
that God has given us doctors and medical science. Of course, we believe in
medical science and doctors, and thank God for what they can do—we are
certainly not opposed to them. But the gifts of the Spirit are supernatural. They
have nothing to do with medical science.
Healing that is supernatural doesn’t come by a diagnosis and the prescribing
of treatment. It comes by the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, or
sometimes just speaking God’s Word in faith! So we not only believe in natural
healing, but we also believe in supernatural healing!
How Jesus Ministered
The Bible is full of examples of the gifts of healings in operation—delivering
the sick and destroying the works of the devil in a person’s human body—
especially through Jesus’ ministry. However, I often point out the fact that Jesus
ministered as a prophet anointed by the Holy Ghost.
Notice, for instance, what Jesus said of Himself in the synagogue, reading
from the Prophet Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because HE HATH
ANOINTED ME . . .” (Luke 4:18). Then in Acts 10:38, Peter said, “. . . GOD
ANOINTED JESUS of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went
about doing good, and healing all. . . .”
Jesus never healed anyone until after He was anointed with the Holy Ghost
and power. And yet He was just as much the Son of God when He was twenty-
five years old as He was at age thirty. So Jesus didn’t heal the sick by some
power that was inherent in Him as the Second Person of the Trinity. He healed
them the same way anyone else would minister to the sick today—by the
anointing of the Spirit or the manifestation of the gifts of healings!
Now the main thing we need to understand is that there is a difference
between the manifestation of the gifts of healings and receiving healing by one’s
own faith in God’s Word.
When I teach, I emphasize that people can receive healing simply by
exercising faith in the Word of God—because it always works. Many of you
know my testimony of how I received healing as a young Baptist boy reading
Grandma’s Methodist Bible. I wasn’t healed because I believed in divine
healing, necessarily. I was healed by acting and standing on Mark 11:24!
I read in Mark 11:24 that Jesus said, “. . .What things soever ye DESIRE,
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Well, I
desired healing. So I prayed and began to say: “I believe I receive healing for my
deformed heart, I believe I receive healing for my paralyzed body, I believe I
receive healing for my incurable blood condition,” and so forth.
To make a long story short, God’s healing power was manifested in my body.
No one laid hands on me. That power came unto me directly from God. But
when the gifts of healings are in operation, they’re manifested through another
person unto you, as the Spirit wills. That’s the difference. The healing always
comes from God, however.
Healing as a Gift vs. Gifts of Healings
Now some have said, “Any time you receive healing, it’s a manifestation of
the gifts of healings.” But I disagree with that statement. Healing is a gift, all
right, in the general sense that anything you receive from God would be a gift.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that these spiritual gifts are in operation. For
example, that wasn’t the case when I received healing as a young boy on the bed
of sickness.
Others have taken this reasoning one step further, saying, “Healing is a gift.
So anytime you get healed, you have received a gift of healing.” But I can’t
accept that explanation either, because it doesn’t line up with Scripture. Take a
look at First Corinthians 12:28-30.
1 CORINTHIANS 12:28-30
28 And GOD HATH SET SOME IN THE CHURCH, first apostles, secondarily prophets,
thirdly teachers, after that miracles, THEN GIFTS OF HEALINGS, helps, governments,
diversities of tongues.
29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
30 HAVE ALL THE GIFTS OF HEALING [healings] . . .?
Notice in verse 28 that God set “some” in the Church. Paul isn’t talking about
spiritual gifts, because he said in verse 27, “Now ye are the body of Christ, and
MEMBERS in particular.”
No, Paul is referring to men equipped with spiritual gifts. God set members
equipped with spiritual gifts in the Church—first, apostles; secondarily,
prophets; thirdly, teachers; and so forth.
You see, the “gift” of the apostle, prophet, or teacher is a ministry gift given to
the Church, not an individual gift that someone might receive (Eph. 4:8,11). In
other words, it’s not given to bless you! It’s given in order to bless others. It’s a
First Corinthians 12:28 goes on to say, “after that miracles,” meaning: “After
those who are equipped with the ministry gifts which Paul just mentioned, there
are some in the ministry who are equipped with the gift of the working of
miracles.” (A better way to say it would be that the gift of the working of
miracles operates by the Spirit more consistently in some people’s ministries.)
Next Paul mentions the gifts of healings, and he asks a few rhetorical
questions: “Does everyone have the ministry of an apostle?” Certainly not.
“Does everyone have the ministry of a prophet?” No. “Does everyone have the
ministry of the teacher?” No. We could all teach to some extent, of course. But
there are those whom God has put in the Church who are specifically equipped
or anointed by the Holy Spirit with a teaching gift.
So, you see, the gifts of healings are not referring to gifts given to individuals
to bless them personally. They are ministries of healing that are given to some in
order to bless others. I like to say it this way: The gifts of healings are
supernatural manifestations of the Spirit that are manifested through someone to
someone else!
Laying On of Hands
When I started out in the healing ministry as a Baptist boy preacher, I wasn’t
conscious of any kind of anointing or special manifestation of the Spirit. I just
prayed for people in faith through the laying on of hands and anointing with oil.
I received the baptism in the Holy Ghost later, but I continued to pray for the
sick the same way.
Then in 1938, I accepted the pastorate of a little Full Gospel church in the
blacklands of northcentral Texas, where I met my wife Oretha. After we were
married, Oretha and I lived with her folks, who owned a large farmhouse.
Neither she nor her parents had received the baptism in the Holy Ghost yet, so
when we all gathered to pray, I did my best to behave myself.
But one night we got to praying and I unconsciously started praying in
tongues right out loud. I prayed in tongues approximately 45 minutes, and then
the Spirit of God said to me, “Lay your hand on your wife, and I’ll fill her with
the Holy Ghost.” So I reached out my hand and laid it on top of Oretha’s head.
Oretha had never sought the Holy Ghost a minute in her life, but the second I
laid my hand on her head, she threw up both hands and started talking in tongues
instantly. She never stammered or stuttered. She just began speaking fluently in
other tongues as the Spirit of the Lord gave her utterance.
Special Anointing
Well, that same night around midnight, the Lord ministered to me by His
Spirit concerning the gifts of healings and His sending me out to minister to the
sick. Now as I said, I would anoint people with oil and lay hands on them for
healing, simply praying with them in faith. In other words, none of the gifts of
the Spirit were in operation. God’s healing power would manifest itself directly
unto them.
But on occasion I would be conscious of a manifestation of God’s power
working through me. That didn’t always happen (it was as the Spirit willed), but
I was aware of it when it did. I really didn’t do a whole lot about it, though,
except yield to the Spirit of God.
Ten years later I was pastoring a church in east Texas, and I started to become
dissatisfied spiritually. Naturally speaking, I had every cause in the world to feel
good and rejoice. Folks had been getting saved, filled with the Spirit, and healed
in the church. But I was just flat dissatisfied.
So I spent some concentrated time shut up in the church, praying, reading my
Bible, and seeking God about ministry. While I was at the altar praying one day,
the Lord asked me: “What are you going to do about the healing ministry and
what I said to you ten years ago in that little farmhouse in northcentral Texas?”
I said, “To tell You the truth, Lord, I didn’t intend to do anything about it.”
He said, “You’re going to have to—or else.”
Well, I had run into some of the Lord’s “or else’s” through the years, so I said
to Him, “Yes, Sir! I believe I will.” And I left the last church I pastored in
February 1949 to go out into field ministry and endeavor to do what God had
called me to do.
Heart Trouble
One night while holding a meeting in a Full Gospel church in Henderson,
Texas, I was praying for the sick by the laying on of hands. A woman from the
church came up, and the Spirit of God gave me a word of knowledge concerning
her: “Thy heart is not right with God.”
I knew I should have spoken that word out, but I was reluctant. (That’s a
terrible thing to have to tell someone.) So I bit my tongue and shut my mouth to
keep from saying anything. And, suddenly, the anointing lifted from me like a
cloud and floated away.
I had been staying in the parsonage as the pastor’s guest, and the minute I lay
down to go to sleep that night, it felt as if my heart just stopped. I reached up to
feel my chest and couldn’t feel any heartbeat, just a faint fluttering or shaking. I
rolled out of bed and hit the cold linoleum floor, yelling at the top of my voice:
“Lord, I’ll obey You next time! I’ll do what You want me to do!” I was so loud
that I woke the pastor and his wife in their bedroom at the opposite end of the
I made my way to the dining room and called out to the pastor to come pray
for me. As death fastened its final throes on me, I could feel myself slipping out
of my body. I’d had the same experience twice before, so I knew that death had
I wanted to leave a word for the pastor to tell my wife and children. But when
I opened my mouth to speak, I began to prophesy instead. I had never done
much prophesying before, but I started to prophesy out of my spirit—and God
began to speak to me through my own words.
You see, I had not fully obeyed Him in some areas concerning the gifts of the
Spirit, because I was afraid what people would think. I thought they’d think I
was trying to attract attention to myself if I ministered the way He was leading
me when His gifts were in manifestation.
But the Spirit of the Lord said to me: “When Peter and John saw the man who
was crippled at the gate called Beautiful, Peter stopped and said to him, ‘Look
on us!’ ” (Acts 3:4).
ACTS 3:2-6
2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the
gate of the temple which is called Beautiful . . . ;
3 Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.
4 And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, LOOK ON US.
5 And he gave heed unto them, EXPECTING TO RECEIVE SOMETHING OF THEM.
6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
As I continued to speak out of my spirit, the Lord explained: “Peter didn’t say
that to draw attention to John and himself or to brag about something they had.
He said it in order to raise the man’s expectancy - so that he would expect to
receive what Peter and John had from God” (v. 5).
Then the Spirit of the Lord said to me, “It wouldn’t have done any good for
Peter to say, ‘The gifts of healings are in operation,’ because the man wouldn’t
have known anything about that. The New Testament had not yet been written.”
The Spirit of the Lord continued, “You see, people can be healed directly from
Me because they believe and exercise faith in the promises of God, just as you
did. But many people are not at the place spiritually where they can receive
healing on their own. Therefore, I want you to tell them that I have anointed you
and sent you to minister to the sick.
“When you do that, you’re not attracting attention to yourself, you’re arousing
the people’s expectancy. If you can just arouse their expectancy, they wouldn’t
need any more faith than just to expect Me to heal them through you as My gifts
are in manifestation.”
I saw the difference then. And that’s what I want to get over to you. You can
be healed directly, simply by believing God—and I believe that’s the best way to
receive healing. But everyone is not going to receive that way. That’s why we
need to pray along these lines.
Pray what? That all would have the gifts of healings? No, we already saw in
First Corinthians chapter 12 that not everyone will have the gifts of healings
operating through them. But thank God, some will!
Well, thank God for the privilege to believe and act on God’s Word. We
should be doing that continually. But we can also pray that the gifts of healings
would be supernaturally manifested among us even more, and expect God’s
power to flow unto others through members of His Body, as the Spirit wills!
1 Smith Wigglesworth, Ever Increasing Faith, (Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, 1971), pp. 138,139.
Questions for Study
1. Which group of spiritual gifts are most commonly
used concerning healing?
2. List these three “power” gifts.
3. What kind of faith is used to receive salvation?
4. What is the gift of faith?
5. Complete this sentence: The fruit of the spirit are
for __________________, but the gifts of the Spirit are
for __________________.
6. What did Jesus minister as?
7. Where does healing always come from?
8. What are gifts of healings?
9. According to Acts 3:5, when the man gave heed
unto Peter and John, what was he expecting?
10. We can act and believe on God’s Word, and we
should be doing that continually. But what else can we
be doing?
Chapter 19
The Healing Anointing
In previous chapters, we discussed how faith will activate the healing power
of God. You can activate the healing power by your own faith in the Word of
God, as I did on the eighth day of August, 1934. By faith, I “plugged in” to the
healing power of God that was present in my room and was raised up from the
bed of sickness.
We have also discussed how you can receive healing by the laying on of
hands. We know this method is scriptural because we are told in Mark’s Gospel
to lay hands on the sick (Mark 16:18). Any believer can lay hands on the sick
based on this particular verse of Scripture. But there are also those who are
specially anointed to minister healing to the sick.
In this chapter, I want to further discuss the healing anointing, with a focus on
the ways the anointing may be transferred by a person specially anointed to
minister healing.
As I said in a previous chapter, Acts 10:38 indicates that the terms,“the
anointing,” “the Holy Ghost,” and “power” are virtually synonymous. This
means that we are able to use these terms interchangeably when discussing the
subject of the healing anointing and the power of God.
Concerning the individual anointing, we know that God anoints individuals to
minister. There are different offices in which God calls them to minister—the
office of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. Jesus stood in all
five of them, so He had the anointing that goes with every office.
Jesus had the anointing without measure (John 3:34). Members of the Body of
Christ have the anointing in a measure.
Of course, Jesus was and is the Son of God. But Jesus was not ministering as
the Son of God. He was ministering as a mere man anointed with the Holy
Ghost! If Jesus was ministering on the earth as the Son of God and not as a man,
then He wouldn’t need to be anointed. But the Bible plainly says Jesus was
anointed to minister on the earth (Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38).
Divine Intervention
Many Christians who desire healing are waiting for the intervention of divine
sovereignty—for God to initiate something on His own. Of course, God does
occasionally move in a sovereign way, but that is not His ordinary way of doing
things. I’ll show you in the Bible what I mean by the intervention of divine
sovereignty, or God initiating something on His own.
JOHN 5:1-4
1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue
Bethesda, having five porches.
3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the
moving of the water.
4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever
then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he
In this passage, we read that the first person who stepped into the pool of
Bethesda after the angel had troubled the water was healed of whatever illness
he had. It didn’t make any difference what the illness was, and it didn’t make
any difference whether the sick person was an adult or a child, a man or a
woman. It didn’t make any difference whether they were God-fearing or not—or,
as we would say, saved or unsaved. It didn’t make any difference whether they
were pretty or ugly, rich or poor. And it didn’t make any difference what color
their skin was. The first person in the pool got healed and was the only one to get
healed. It was that simple.
In the case of the pool of Bethesda, God worked the healing miracles on His
own. It’s true that if God wants to work a miracle, He can. He doesn’t have to
ask me or you or anyone else permission to do so. And that’s what is meant by
the intervention of divine sovereignty or God initiating something on His own.
When God initiates something on His own and there is an intervention of
divine sovereignty, very often only one person gets healed. Someone may ask,
“Why?” Well, I don’t know. If I knew, I could tell you why, but I’m not the one
who is doing it! God is.
Walking on Water
We find another illustration of a divine intervention in Matthew chapter 14.
MATTHEW 14:25-31
25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit;
and they cried out for fear.
27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water,
to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying,
Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou
of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
It wasn’t Peter’s faith that saved him. He had a little faith to walk on the water
for a while, but then he started to sink. The Lord, through His own kindness and
goodness, saved Peter.
There is something about God initiating something on His own that none of us
can understand. There is a mystery about it. If we could understand everything
about God, He would cease to be God. We don’t even understand everything
about humans, much less God. Why do we try to figure God out when we need
to just accept Him as God? We ought to let Him tend to His business, and we
should tend to ours.
Remember, in the case of the angel troubling the water in John chapter 5, only
one person got healed. This is one example of God initiating something on His
own in the area of healing. We’ve studied other examples of divine intervention
including the time Jesus stilled the water and caused the storm to cease in Mark
chapter 4 and the time He saved Peter from drowning in Matthew chapter 14.
These two acts of sovereignty were in the area of saving people.
While God does occasionally intervene on His own initiative, we need to
understand that it is not God’s ordinary way of doing things. He ordinarily does
things in our lives through our faith—by us believing Him and taking Him at His
Word. The reason He has given us His Word is so that we can have faith, for we
know that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom.
Healing Is a Mercy
The third example of God’s great mercy manifested in the Person of Jesus
Christ in the area of healing is in Matthew chapter 20.
MATTHEW 20:29-34
29 And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.
30 And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by,
cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the
more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
32 And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?
33 They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened.
34 So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes
received sight, and they followed him.
The two blind men in this passage cried out for Jesus to have mercy on them.
When Jesus asked these men what they wanted, they did not say, “That our sins
may be forgiven.” You see, we usually think of mercy in connection with the
forgiveness or remission of sins. We think of the mercy of God extended toward
the sinner. But is He any less merciful to the sick? These men were asking for
mercy in connection with healing.
If they had asked for their sins to be forgiven, that would be mercy all right.
But when Jesus asked them what they wanted, they answered, “That we might
receive our sight.” Healing is a mercy, too.
Verse 34 says that Jesus had compassion—or mercy—on them and “. . .
touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed
Now, let’s review what happened in this passage. These two blind men asked
for the mercy of having their eyes opened. Jesus granted unto them the mercy of
healing, proving that healing is a mercy just as forgiveness is a mercy.
Justice or Mercy?
Then the man went on to say, “Judge, I didn’t come here to plead for justice; I
don’t need that, because if I get justice I’m going to jail. I came here to plead for
Then he added, “Sir, I don’t know whether or not you’re a Christian.”
The Judge said, “Yes, I am. I teach a Bible class at Such-and-such church.”
The man continued, “Well, then you ought to know the Bible. Do you
remember the story in John chapter 8 about the woman who was caught in
adultery? Under the law she was supposed to be stoned to death. As the people
prepared to stone her, they asked Jesus about the law. He answered them by
saying, ‘Let him who is without sin cast the first stone’ (v. 7). Then Jesus
stooped down and wrote something in the sand. When He looked up, everyone
was gone. He said, ‘Woman, where are your accusers?’ She said, ‘I have none.’
So Jesus said, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.’
The man continued, “Now, I did wrong all right, but if you’ll have mercy
upon me, I’ll promise you I won’t do that anymore. I’ll go and sin no more.”
The judge replied, “You mean that story is in the Bible?”
The man happened to have his New Testament with him, so he opened it to
John chapter 8 and showed it to the judge. The judge read the passage and said,
“Case dismissed.” And then he added, “I’m going to teach that to my Sunday
school class next Sunday.”
This man asked the judge for mercy because that’s what he needed. He didn’t
need justice; he needed mercy.
‘Mercies’ Is Plural!
Isn’t it good to know that God is the Father of mercies? Yes, He is a God of
justice, but He is also the Father of mercies. If He wasn’t, none of us would be
alive today.
Let’s take a closer look at Second Corinthians 1:3.
3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the FATHER OF MERCIES, and
the God of all comfort.
Notice this verse doesn’t say that God is the Father of mercy, singular. It says
He is the Father of mercies, plural! You see, if He was just the Father of one
mercy—the mercy of forgiveness toward the sinner, for example—then Paul
would have called Him the Father of mercy. But, thank God, He’s the Father of
mercies, and one of His mercies is healing!
Peter’s Shadow
Acts chapter 5 gives us an example of Jesus’ compassion being displayed in
His present-day ministry. It’s another wonderful proof of Christ’s compassion
toward the sick and another proof that He is the same now as He was when He
was on the earth.
ACTS 5:15,16
15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and
couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.
16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick
folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.
Many Christians miss it here because they say, “Well, yes, that happened, but
Peter did that.” No, Peter didn’t heal those people. And Peter’s shadow didn’t
heal them either. It was Jesus, full of compassion, who healed them. Sometimes,
our thinking is so limited that we get our eyes on people. Remember Jesus is the
Head of the Church (Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18), and He is the Healer!
Table of Contents
Bible Healing Study Course
Questions for Study
Healing: God’s Will for You
Questions for Study
Two Streams of Healing
Questions for Study
You Can Receive If You Believe
Questions for Study
Is It God’s Will To Heal You?
Questions for Study
God’s Word: A Never-Failing Remedy
Questions for Study
Roadblocks to Healing - Part 1
Questions for Study
Roadblocks to Healing - Part 2
Questions for Study
Spiritual Healing?
Questions for Study
Walk in the Light of God’s Word
Questions for Study
Knowing and Acting on God’s Word
Questions for Study
There’s Healing Power in the Name of Jesus!
Questions for Study
Prayer for Healing
Questions for Study
The Laying On of Hands - Part 1
Questions for Study
The Laying On of Hands - Part 2
Questions for Study
Faith and Power - Two Ingredients for Receiving Healing - Part 1
Questions for Study
Faith and Power - Two Ingredients for Receiving Healing - Part 2
Questions for Study
The Gifts of the Spirit
Questions for Study
The Healing Anointing
Questions for Study
Healing in Relations to Words
Questions for Study
God’s Great Mercy - Part 1
Questions for Study
God’s Great Mercy - Part 2
Questions for Study
About the Author
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