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Enterprise Structure: General Ledger

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FICO COURSE CONTENT Enterprise structure Define Company Edit, Copy, Delete Check Company code Assign Company

any Code to Company Define Business Area Define Chart of Accounts Edit Chart of Accounts Define Accounts Group Define Retained Earnings Accounts Fiscal Year Maintain Fiscal Year ariant Assign Company code to Fiscal Year ariant Define ariants for !pen "osting "eriods !pen and Close "osting "eriod Assign ariants to Company code Field Status Group Maintain Field #tatus ariant Assign Field #tatus ariant Document T pes Define Document $ypes and %um&er Ranges Glo!al "arameters Enter Glo&al "arameter Tolerance Group Define $olerance Group For General 'edger accounts Define $olerance Group For Employees General #ed$er Create General 'edger "ost the general ledger account Display the Document Display the General 'edger Balances "ost !utgoing "ayment !pen (tem Management %old Document )old a Document Get held Document "ar& document "arking of a Document "ost the "ark Document Reference document Account Assignment model #ample Document Recurring Document Forei$n Currenc "ostin$s for G'#

Define $ranslation Ratio for currency translation Enter E*change rates Define account for E*change rate difference Accounts "a a!le Define accounts group for screen layout Create num&er ranges for +endor account Assign num&er ranges for +endor account group Create general ledger for #undry Creditors and Ra, Materials Create endor Master Record Define tolerance group for Customer and endor account !pen item Management

Create num&er ranges for endor document type Make a +endor in+oice Display endor Balances "ost the outgoing payment Forei$n currenc (aluation

Chec& Deposit Define ariant for Check Deposit Define "osting 0eys and posting rules for check deposit Create and assign &usiness transaction "ost the customer in+oice "ost incoming payment "ost manual entry Automatic "a ment run #etup all company code for payment transaction #etup paying company code for payment transaction #etup payment method per country for payment transaction #etup &ank determination for payment transaction Check the &alances of +endor Make the changes in +endor master record - )ouse Bank, "ayment method. "ayments 4!utgoing payment ,ith payment ,ith print out F5678 Accounts Recei(a!le Define accounts groups for screen layout Create num&er ranges for customer accounts Assign num&er ranges to customer accounts groups Create general ledgers of #undry de&tors and sales account Create customer master record Define num&er ranges for customer document type Make sales posting Display customer &alances "ost incoming payment

Define $ranslation Ratio for currency translation Enter E*change rates Define account for E*change rate difference -creditors. Special General led$er Create General 'edger of Ad+ance to +endor Esta&lish a link &et,een normal general ledger and special general ledger Do,n payment made Make a +endor in+oice $ransfer line item Clear normal item "a ment Terms Maintain terms of payment Create General 'edger of Discount recei+ed and Discount "aid Define accounts for cash discount granted Define accounts for cash discount taken Assign payment terms in +endor master data -/012. "ost the +endor in+oice "ost the outgoing in+oice )an&in$ Define )ouse Bank Create 'ot num&er (ssue a check Manually Encashment of check Cancel "ayment 3nused check Check Register Assign "rogram to

correspondence type Maintain correspondence type

!pen item management

Forei$n currenc


Define $ranslation Ratio for currency translation Enter E*change rates Define account for E*change rate difference -de&tors. Special General led$er Create the general ledger of Ad+ance from customer Esta&lish a link &et,een normal general ledger and special general ledger Make a sale posting $ransfer line item Clear normal item Ta* on Sales and purchases Check and change settings for ta* processing Check calculaton procedure Assign country to calculation procedure Define ta* codes for sales and purchases Create general ledger for E*cise duty and +at paya&le -post automatically. Make changes in ra, materials and sales -ta* catogory. Define ta* accounts Make a endor "osting Make a Customer "osting +IT%,%O#DING TA Check ,ith holding ta* countries Define ,ithholding ta* type for

Create general ledger in fs11 $D# "AYAB'E #3RC)ARGE "AYAB'E ED3CA$(!% CE## "AYAB'E Define accounts for ,ithholding ta* to &e paid o+er Make changes in the +endor account -under compcode data ,ithholding ta*. Make in+oice posting F59: 4 %ote ;(n in+oice psoting the ta* calculated is done immediately and ,hereas in payment posting it gets calculated at the time of payment. ASSET ACCOUNTING Asset Accounting Chart !f Depreciation < Deprecation Areas Account Determinations #creen 'ayout Rules Define %um&er Range (nter+als Define of Asset Classes #pecify (nter+als And "osting Rules #pecify Rounding of %et Book alue And <!r Depreciation Define Base Methods Define Declining5Balance Methods Define Ma*imum Amount Methods Define Multi5'e+el Methods Maintain "eriod Control Methods Maintain Deprecation 0ey Define #creen 'ayout for Asset Master Data Define #creen 'ayout for Asset Depreciation Areas Asset Master Record Creation

in+oice posting Define ,ithholding ta* type for payment posting Define ,ithholding ta* codes Define formulas for calculating ,ithholding ta* Assign ,ithholding ta* types to company codes Acti+ate e*tended ,ithholding ta*

Asset Ac>uisitions Asset Retirements Asset $ransfers Asset #craping Depreciation Running Asset Accounting Reports

CONTRO##ING Controllin$ o o o o (ntroduction of Controlling Module Maintain Controlling Area Maintain ersions Maintain %um&er Ranges for Controlling Documents

"rofit Center Accountin$ o o o o o o Maintain Controlling Area #ettings Create Dummy "rofit Center Maintain "rofit Center Maintain "rofit Center Group Define %um&er Ranges for 'ocal Documents Maintain Automatic Assignment of Re+enue Elements "lanning "rofit Center =ise Reports for "rofit Center Accounting Anal sis

Cost Element Accountin$ o o o Manual Creation of "rimary And #econdary Cost Element Automatic Creation of #econdary "rimary Cost Element Create Cost Element Groups o o

"rofita!ilit o o o o o o o o o o

Cost Center Accountin$ o o o o o o o o o Creation of Cost Centers Creation of Cost Center Groups Manual Reposting of Cost Repost 'ine (tems "lanning Cost Center =ise Cost Center Budgets Assessment Distri&ution Reports for Cost Center Accounting

Maintain Characteristics Maintain alue Fields Maintain !perating Concern Define "rofita&ility #egment Characteristics Define %um&er Ranges for Actual "ostings Acti+ate $ransfer of (ncoming #ales !rder Maintain "a $ransfer #tructure for Direct "ostings Acti+ate "rofita&ility Analysis Creation "rofita&ility Report Forms -Report "ainter. E*ecute "rofita&ility Repots

Inte$ration .ith // Internal Orders o Define !rder $ypes Inte$ration .ith SD

o o o o o o

Creation of (nternal !rders Manual Reposting of Cost Repost 'ine (tems "lanning (nternal !rder =ise Budgeting for (nternal !rder Reports for (nternal !rder?

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