Sap FI Glossary
Sap FI Glossary
Sap FI Glossary
(Finance) Term used to represent the current system and processes before the new
system and revised processes are implemented.
A (Account Assignment Category)
(Finance) Code used to identify the type of cost object that will receive the cost of the
line item. For example, cost centers, internal orders, or grant numbers.
(Finance) A dvanced B usiness A pplication P rogramming. ABAP is a computer
programming language that SA supports. A!A can be used to create, display, and
print custom reports.
Activity Type
(Finance) "ndicates the value of the line item of an accounting document.
Amount (S!)
(Finance) "ndicates the value of the line item of an accounting document.
Amount in doc"curr"
(Finance) #ine item amount in document currency.
(Finance) A standard methodology for implementing and continually optimi$ing SA
software efficiently.
(Finance) The asset number internally assigned by SA to trac% the asset.
Asset main no" te#t
(Finance) "n the SA system each user has an authori$ation &or security' profile that is
based on his(her role. Authori$ations allow users to run transactions and view data.
(Finance) !usiness Application rogramming "nterface.
(Finance) !AS"S is a set of middleware programs and tools from SA that provides the
base &hence the name' that enables SA applications to operate seamlessly across
operating systems and databases. "t is also the technical area responsible for the setup
and ongoing maintenance of the client landscape within SA.
Best Practices
(Finance) A term used to identify a set of standard practices or procedures that have
proved to be highly effective in similar situations.
Business Area
(Finance) An organi$ational unit or entity that re)uires audited financial statements for
external use. *xamples+ ,orthern -entuc%y .niversity, ,orthern -entuc%y .niversity
Foundation, "nc.
Business Blueprint
(Finance) The second phase of the ASA /oadmap. "t focuses on documenting the
business process re)uirements of the institution and combining them with the SA
functionality in order to prepare a !usiness !lueprint document. "n short, !usiness
!lueprint translates As Is to To Be .
Business Process
(Finance) A group or series of activities by which inputs are turned to outputs that
provide a benefit.
Business Process Procedure (BPP)
(Finance) A detailed, step0by0step description of an SA transaction. "t should indicate
all significant options and may include screen images and icons.
Business &are$ouse (B&)
(Finance) !usiness "nformation 1arehouse. !1 is a reporting database in SA that
enables business users to generate )ueries and reports.
C$art o' Accounts
(Finance) A classification scheme for general ledger accounts. A chart of accounts
provides a framewor% for the recording of values to ensure an orderly rendering of
accounting data. SA examples+ 233334 0 Accounts ayable, 562573 0 /ecycling
roceeds, 883338 0 Supplies 0 9ffice
(Finance) The specified city for the mailing address.
(Finance) The Controlling Application(:odule within the SA.
Commitment Item
(Finance) Commitment "tems represent budget classifications of revenues and
expenditures in the Funds :anagement &F:' :odule. Commitment items are lin%ed to
the ;(# account in F" and cost elements in C9 and sponsored classes in the ;rants
:anagement &;:' :odule. 1ith this lin%, transactions posted to the ;(# account or
revenue or cost elements are automatically posted to F:. Commitment items can also be
arranged in a multi0level hierarchy where the top nodes are defined for reporting and(or
controlling levels. SA *xamples+ 563323 0 #ate /egistration Fee, 883333 0 9perating
ool, 883338 0 Supplies 9ffice
Company Code
(Finance) The highest organi$ational unit of financial accounting for which a complete
self0contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. All
,-. entities will fall under one company code &,-34'.
(Finance) The way a computer or networ% is set up, including both hardware and
software. Also refers to the process of customi$ing built0in SA features, options, tables,
edit rules, screen layouts and messages to meet the re)uirements of ,-..
Controlling Area
(Finance) An organi$ational unit within a company, used to represent a closed system
for cost accounting purposes. All ,-. entities will fall under one controlling area &,-34'.
(Finance) The process of converting &transferring and reformatting' data from one
system to another. <uring data conversion, the data fields are =mapped= from the old
system to the new system.
Cost center
(Finance) An organi$ational unit within a controlling area that represents a clearly
delimited location where revenue and costs occur. 9rgani$ational divisions can be based
on functional re)uirements, allocation criteria, physical location and(or responsibility for
costs. SA examples+ Academic Advising /esource Center 0 257343334, !aseball 0
Cost Center )roup
(Finance) A hierarchical group of cost centers defined and organi$ed according to
selected criteria. &also see Funds Center ;roup'. "t can be any group of cost centers
used for reporting aggregated data. *xample+ 1omen?s Sports, Chase College of #aw,
Cost *lement
(Finance) A cost element classifies the organi$ation?s expenses within a cost object
&*xamples+ cost center or internal order'. A cost element corresponds to a commitment
item in F: and the ;(# account in F". SA *xamples 0 State Appropriation ;eneral 0
5>3343, Travel in State 0 883@38
Cost (b+ect
(Finance) A generic term referring to both cost centers and internal orders.
(Finance) The specified country for the mailing address.
(Finance) :onetary unitA The currency of the entity processing transactions.
!ata -epository
(Finance) A computer storage area or system for storing high volumes of data,
documents, diagrams, etc., and retrieving them on demand.
(Finance) The output resulting from the completion of a major activity. /"S: will
produce a number of deliverables including a !usiness !lueprint and, of course, the final
configured SA system.
!elivery !ate
(Finance) The re)uested or desired delivery date on the purchase document.
(Finance) Bendor of choice.
(Finance) Text to identify and characteri$e an object or activity.
(Finance) <istribution indicator for multiple account assignment. "ndicates how the
)uantity and value of this purchase order item are apportioned among the individual
account assignment items.
(Finance) Short text further identifying the document.
!ocument number
(Finance) The uni)ue identification value assigned to a business event as it is
processed in SAA the system automatically creates and assigns document numbers as
each document is posted. :anual assigning of document numbers is not possible.
!ocument type
(Finance) -ey that identifies to which group of documents this document will be
assignedA <ocuments of the same type contain common information which is relevant to
posting and updating of the value fields in the database.
*armar/ed 'unds
(Finance) Funds that are used to reserve portions of a budget for expected outgoings
or incomings.
*nd users
(Finance) Those individuals who use SA to carry out their duties and responsibilities.
(Finance) "n SA0spea%, an enhancement refers to a custom program that is written to
enhance the functionality of the SA system.
(Finance) Typically a large business organi$ation, but in this context referring to the
entire group of staff, faculty, and students that will use the new systems.
*nterprise -esource Planning (*-P) System
(Finance) * nterprise - esource P lanning. */ refers to a category of software
pac%ages that are designed to integrate functions across an organi$ation onto a single
computer system.
*#ternal order number
(Finance) The Financial Accounting application in SA.
0inal Preparation
(Finance) The fourth phase of the ASA /oadmapA involves getting the system and the
institution ready for going live. All activities from previous phases are consolidated. *nd0
user training is conducted and assessed. Final preparation includes final system testing
and the preparation necessary for the increased number of users that will be accessing
the system.
0iscal 1ear
(Finance) The 42 month period beginning Culy 4 and running through Cune 73 of the
following year for which the .niversity &and the Commonwealth of -entuc%y' administers
budgets and measures financial results. For example, Fiscal Dear 2338&FD2338 or FD38'
began Culy 4, 2335 and ended Cune 73, 2338.
(Finance) The Funds :anagement application in SA. This is the component of ublic
Sector :anagement &S:' developed to account for the budgeting of all relevant
revenues and expenditures for individual areas of responsibility and the control of future
funds movement according to a distributed budget.
02 Area
(Finance) An organi$ational unit which plans, controls and monitors funds and
commitment budgets. All ,-. entities will fall under one F: Area &,-34'.
0unctional Area
(Finance) A master data element that is maintained within the Funds :anagement &F:'
:odule. "t is used in F" to classify revenues and expenditures of an organi$ation by
function. Functional area is often referred to as mission. The functional area will be
derived from the cost center or internal order. *xamples+ "nstruction, Academic Support
and /esearch
(Finance) A separate and distinct fiscal(accounting object containing a self0balancing
set of accounts used to budget and control costs and to identify source and use of
funding. Financial data will be separated by Funds so that certain activities can be
performed or objectives achieved in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or
limitations. Fund is not hierarchical. SA *xample+ 3444333433 0 ,-. .nrestricted
Current Fund
0unded Program
(Finance) Funded program enables an organi$ation to record budget, control postings,
and monitor the performance of internal projectsA it can vary from simple activities to
complex projects and can cross fiscal years, funding sources, and organi$ational units.
Funded program trac%s budget for non0recurring projects or programs that are funded by
multiple fund centers. The .niversity will set up Funded rograms for all capital
construction projects and internal awards. Funded program should provide a level of
detail that will allow appropriate budgetary control and internal(external management
information. "t provides the means to budget internal orders.
0unds Center
(Finance) An organi$ational unit within the Funds :anagement &F:' :odule.
!udgeting will be done at the funds center level. Funds Centers have a one0to0one
relationship with cost centers. SA *xample+ *conomics and Finance &funds center' 0
276323334, *conomics and Finance &cost center' 0 276323334
0unds Center )roup
(Finance) Funds centers can be grouped together to form funds center groups ¬
necessarily hierarchical'. Funds center groups will be used to provide the organi$ational
structure for reporting information from the SA system.
0unds 2anagement Area
(Finance) The financial management area is an organi$ational unit within accounting
which structures the business organi$ation from the perspective of Cash !udget
:anagement and Funds :anagement. All ,-. entities will fall under one funds
management area &,-34'.
(Finance) ;eneral #edger
),3 Account
(Finance) A structure that records values and represents assets, liabilities, revenues,
expenses, and fund balances. A ;(# account has transaction figures that record changes
to the account during a posting period. These figures are used for financial reporting.
SA *xamples+ #and 0 4E3343, Accounts ayable 0 233334, Faculty Salary 0 837338
),3 Acct
(Finance) A structure that records values and represents assets, liabilities, revenues,
expenses, and fund balances. A ;(# account has transaction figures that record changes
to the account during a posting period. These figures are used for financial reporting.
SA *xamples+ #and 0 4E3343, Accounts ayable 0 233334, Faculty Salary 0 837338
(Finance) The ;rants :anagement application in SA. This is the component of ublic
Sector :anagement &S:' developed to account for grants from government and other
bodies for the purpose of, for example, commercial or scientific research.
)2 .ersion
)o 3ive
(Finance) The fifth phase of the ASA /oadmapA denotes the time when the new
system is officially made operational. The emphasis is on production support for end0
users and for optimal system performance. #ive business process results are validated
and project review ta%es place.
)oods -eceipt
(Finance) A term from inventory management denoting a physical inward movement of
goods or materials.
(Finance) #egal instrument used to establish a funding relationship in order to carry out
a public purpose in which the sponsor does not expect to be substantially involved. A
grant usually contains terms and conditions for the control, use, reporting and
reimbursement of sponsor funding.
(Finance) ;raphical .ser "nterfaceA refers to the display of information on a screen
using graphics, symbols, and icons rather than text alone.
4eader note
(Finance) Text for the header note.
4ouse Ban/
(Finance) A business partner that represents a ban% through which ,-. entities
processes internal transactions such as payments to vendors.
Implementation Partner
(Finance) A business firm that provides consulting services and coaching in the
implementation of a software system.
(Finance) A set of data grouped together according to subject matter.
(Finance) The underlying communications networ%, hardware, software and databases
that provide the foundation for the SA software.
Integration Testing
(Finance) Testing of all units or components of a software product to ensure they wor%
together properly.
(Finance) The connecting point between two components within a system, or between
different systems.
(Finance) Similar to a cost center, an internal order is used to record and monitor costs
and, in some cases, revenues. A guiding principle is that internal orders should be set up
for programs that are short0term or finite in nature. The .niversity will setup internal
orders for all capital construction projects and university internal awards.
Internal (rder
(Finance) Similar to a cost center, an internal order is used to record and monitor costs
and, in some cases, revenues. A guiding principle is that internal orders should be set up
for programs that are short0term or finite in nature. The .niversity will setup internal
orders for all capital construction projects and university internal awards.
Inventory number
(Finance) The uni)ue identifier of an asset.
Invoice date
(Finance) "t is the date that is given by the vendor and appears on the invoice.
Invoice .eri'ication
(Finance) The matching of documents created during the purchase order process, the
goods receipt process, and the accounts payable process that is part of the internal
controls system within an organi$ation. SA *xample+ .pon receipt of an invoice from a
vendor, Accounts ayable audits the document and finali$es the three0way match
(Finance) A training delivery concept based on the assumption that the shorter the time
interval between training and the practical use of the s%ills obtained, the higher the
retention level.
3icense plate number
(Finance) The assigned license plate number for registered vehicles.
3ine Item
(Finance) *lement at the item level of a document with information on an itemA This
information is specific to the document type.
(Finance) The building where the asset is located.
(Finance) <escription of the :anufacturer.
2aster !ata
(Finance) :aster <ata form a pool of information stored on a long0term basis in the
SA system and can be incorporated into individual transactions. :aster data are
entered once and can be modified as needed. SA *xample+ The master data of a cost
center contains the name of the cost center, the person responsible for the cost center,
and the corresponding hierarchy area. The master data of a vendor contains the name,
address, and ban% information for the vendor.
2aterial !oc Number
(Finance) .ni)ue number that identifies a material document.
2aterial !ocument
(Finance) A material document contains one or more items and can be printed as a slip
to accompany physical goods movements.
2aterial )roup
(Finance) A grouping of materials and services according to their characteristics. SA
*xample+ 9ffice Supplies 0 83338648
2aterial 2aster -ecord
(Finance) A data record containing all the basic information re)uired to manage a
2atl )roup
(Finance) A grouping of materials and services according to their characteristics. SA
*xample+ 9ffice Supplies 0 83338648
(Finance) The :aterials :anagement application in SA. The urchasing and
"nventory :anagement modules are contained in this application.
(Finance) A combination of business event types and the associated rulesA roughly
corresponds to a course in Campus :anagement.
(Finance) The specified name of the mailing address.
(Finance) Sales, production, process, purchase, internal, or wor% order number that
uni)uely identifies an object.
(rder group
(Finance) Fierarchy of internal orders used for planning and reporting.
(rder P$ase
(rder type
(Finance) "dentifier allowing differentiation between the different %inds of re)uisition and
purchase order in the SA system.
(verall amount
(Finance) <escription of the 9verall amount.
(verdeliv" Tol"
(Finance) A value stated in percent for which the system does not accept a goods
receipt outbound delivery that is greater than the order )uantity plus the over delivery
(Finance) ercentage of the total order )uantity that you want to allocate to this
account assignment item.
(Finance) A uni)ue code representing a person or group creating the re)uisition or
(Finance) "n #ogistics, a plant is an organi$ational unit for dividing an enterprise
according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning. All ,-.
entities will use one plant &,-34'.
(Finance) The system on which programs or operating systems operate.
P( Number
(Finance) <ocument used to purchase materials and services from vendors.
(Finance) An organi$ational unit in #ogistics, subdividing an enterprise according to the
re)uirements of urchasing. A purchasing organi$ation procures materials and services,
negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors, and is responsible for such transactions.
All ,-. entities will use one urchasing 9rgani$ation &,-34'.
(Finance) A website that provides a gateway or single port of entry to other systems or
Postal Code
(Finance) The specified postal code of the mailing address.
Po6er user
(Finance) An individual whose primary job responsibilities re)uire regular and extensive
use of the SA systems, fre)uently resulting in a high degree of expertise with the
P-IS2 Pro+ect
(Finance) ,-.?s campus0wide project for rocess /e0engineering and "nformation
Systems :igration from SCT lus to SA.
Purc$asing (rgani%ation
(Finance) An organi$ational unit in #ogistics, subdividing an enterprise according to the
re)uirements of urchasing. A purchasing organi$ation procures materials and services,
negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors, and is responsible for such transactions.
All ,-. entities will use one urchasing 9rgani$ation &,-34'.
-e7uesting order
-esponsible cost center
(Finance) The cost center responsible for carrying out the orderA the order is therefore
organi$ationally assigned to the cost center.
Selection variant
(Finance) Saved selection criteria used to generate reportsA instead of entering new
criteria every time a report is executed, sets of criteria can be stored. /eports can have
different variants associated with them, with each variant providing different information.
S$ort te#t
(Finance) Text description of an object limited to 53 characters.
(Finance) An organi$ation or other source that finances a grant. The sponsor may
agree to fund the grant in total or in part based upon an application or proposal provided
in response to a re)uest for proposal. The sponsor may be a government agency,
company, foundation, or individual interested in furthering study or interest in a particular
area and is entitled to receive some consideration or benefits. The agreement from the
sponsor represents a contractual obligation for performance of the specific activity by the
Sponsored Class
(Finance) The sponsored class represents the sponsor?s expense and revenue
classification. The sponsored class is used to group expenses and revenues in order to
satisfy the sponsor?s view and reporting needs. "t is also used to specify in detail which
expenses are relevant for billing and for indirect cost calculation. *xamples+ ersonnel,
Supplies, and Travel.
Sponsored Program
(Finance) This master data element is maintained within the ;rants :anagement &;:'
:odule. "t is used to classify revenues and expenditures of a grant by mission.
Sponsored program is e)uivalent to functional area in F:.
Statistical Internal (rder
(Finance) An internal order created and maintained to accumulate costs and revenues
for internal reporting purposes. These orders are created using master data functionality
and may be short0 or long0term in nature. SA *xamples+ "nternal awards such as
Faculty <evelopment Awards, Faculty roject Awards
ser -esponsible
(Finance) erson responsible for the wor% center.
.ariant Name
.endor 2aster
(Finance) The collective term for all vendor master records. The vendor master
contains the data of all vendors with which a company conducts business.
.endor 2aster -ecord
(Finance) A data record containing all of the information necessary for any contact with
a certain vendor, in particular for conducting business transactions. SA *xamples+
Address, Tax "< number
Materials Management Automatic Account Assignment (configured with transaction omwb)
Advanced Business Application Programming/4, the Fourth generation programming language
developed b !AP to develop application programs" #he program can be e$ecuted/tested
without saving the same"
Account determination
!stem function that determines automaticall the accounts in financial accounting to which
the amount(s) in %uestion should be posted for the user during an posting transaction"
Asset Management Module
Application Link Enabling
Application &in' (nabling (A&() supports the creation and operation of distributed applications
and application integration is achieved via snchronous and asnchronous communication , not
via a central database" Provides business)controlled message e$change with consistent data on
loosel lin'ed !AP applications"
Advanced Planner * +ptimi,er
#ool for creating the graphical models that describe the functionalit and integration of the
!AP -/. !stem"
Available)to)promise is the %uantit of a material or part still available to M-P which can be
used for new sales orders"
Allowing a person/sstem/module to have a specified access limitations" An authori,ation
specifies one or more permissible values for each of the authori,ation fields that are listed in
an authori,ation ob/ect"
Material is issued for use in an order" Automatic posting of a goods issue for these components
some time after their actual phsical issue is termed as bac'flush" 0uring confirmation, the
goods issue posting of bac'flushed components is carried out"
"ackground Processing
#o schedule a process to happen without coming onto the screen" 0ata can be processed in the
bac'ground while other functions are being carried out in parallel on the screen" !ome
programs can be schedules to run on wee' ends at a particular time" #his is particularl useful
for batch processing, ta'ing bac')up of data etc"
Business Application Programming 1nterface
"atc Input
1nterface to facilitate the transfer of large amounts of either old data or e$ternal data to an
!AP sstem"
"atc Processing
#he procedure to process large volumes of data at once" #he processing can not be modified
once processing has begun"
Business)#o)Business Procurement
Batch 0ata 2ommunication" 3sed to define processing mode for a batch input sessions li'e
0isplaing all records, 0isplaing error dialogs, Process sessions in bac'ground etc"
Business 1nformation 4arehouse
!AP tool for grouping and automating repetitive business transactions for test runs and te$t
#ange Management
5andling of transformation from one environment to another" #his could be changing sstems
internall from one sstem to another or moving to a new release from the e$isting sstem"
A self)contained unit with separate master records and its own set of tables" #picall a
#ompan' #ode
#he smallest organi,ational unit for which a complete self)contained set of accounts can be
drawn up " 4ill be able provide data for generating balance sheets, profit)loss statements"
2ustomer -elationship Management
#he sstem agent that helps in sending a /ob to an idle wor' process b identifing the tpe of
tas' (e$6 update, on)line, batch)
(lectronic 0ata 1nterchange
SAP Earl' (atc
#he (arl4atch !ervice has been developed to ta'e note of an problems that ma occur and
to coordinate -/. applications within our sstem, providing ou with +ptimal sstem
performance" (arl recognition of potential problems in -/. customer sstems is crucial to a
problem)free installation" #he (arl4atch team of e$perts locate bottlenec's and potential
problem sources and recommends feasible solutions" 2onstant sstem tuning helps ou to
optimi,e our sstem resources"
Financial Accounting Module
Authoring sstem for developing hperte$t boo's in the -/. !stem
7oods 1ssue"
7eneral &edger
7oods -eceipt"
7oods #ransfer posting"
7raphical 3ser 1nterface" 4indows li'e feel and loo'" 3ser friendl screens to develop and use
are provided" #he user can simpl point the cursor and clic' the mouse to operate"
All !AP sstems are provided with information , in case the user needs more information" 1n !AP
sstem , place the cursor on the ob/ect where ou would li'e to 'now more information, and
press F8 for more details"
,ot site backup
1dentical cop of the Production database on a stand)b database host
5uman -esources Module
1nternational 0emonstration and (ducation !stem" A sample application provided for faster
learning and implementation
1ntermediate 0ocument" 0ata container for data e$change between !AP sstems or between a
!AP sstem and a 9on)!AP sstem"
1mplementation 7uide 5ierarchical structure reflecting the -/. component hierarch and
contains all configuration activities"
An administrative unit that groups together components of an !AP -/. sstem or simpl an
Application server which has its own set of wor' process"
1nvoice -eceipt"
1ndustr !pecific !olutions
1nter!AP is -(A& #1M( 2+MM3912A#1+9! 41#5 -/. resulting in immediate on)line transaction
processing and transaction formats can easil be adapted to evolving re%uirements"
1nternet #ransaction !erver lin's -/. Application server to web servers to communicate with
A continuous chain of programs, using control commands"
.A/"A/ Production control
!stem used for organi,ing production that aims to reduce stoc' levels in the warehouse, thus
reducing production costs"
&ogistics ($ecution !stem
&ast in First +ut is a valuation procedure according to which the stoc's of a material that were
last received are the first to be used or sold"
A tool for finding specific record Mainl used to find possible entries for an input field
Moving Average Price"
Materials Management
Material Management ($ternal !ervices Management
Master Production !cheduling ta'es care of those parts or products which greatl influence
compan profits or which ta'e up critical resources"
Material -e%uirements Planning ta'es into account and plan ever future re%uirement during
the creation of order proposals (independent re%uirements, dependent re%uirements etc)"
Material:s ;aluation Price" #he standard price for a standard price material, the moving
average price for a moving average price material"
/ - /one
+nline Analtical Processing
+n)line !ervice !stem that helps in users to get fast and effective help from !AP" #he user ma
log)in to +!! sstem to find a possible solution for a <bug<" 7et the patch ,if an, download and
appl to correct the problem"
Pre)2onfigured 2lient" #he -/. !implification 7roup:s pre)configured client"
Plant Maintenance
Purchase +rder"
Production Planning
Purchase -e%uisition
Product -e%uirement Planning
Pro/ect !stem
PL+ number
9umber under which a price is stored in the P+! sstem of 1ndustr !olution )1!"
=ualit Management
-emote Function 2all" Allows to call and process predefined procedures/functions in a remote
!AP sstem"
-e%uest For =uote
-eversal of goods 1ssue"
-eturn Material Authori,ations
-eversal of goods -eceipt"
-eversal of goods #ransfer posting
!tructured Analsis and 0esign #echni%ue
!ales and 0istribution
(lectronic mail sstem in !APoffice with which ou can transmit messages"
#he electronic mail sstem and folder structure in the -/. !stem allows ou to send
documents internall (to other -/. users in the same sstem) or e$ternall (to users in other
!AP -/> was the first compact software pac'age for the whole spectrum of business
applications from the !AP corporation" !AP -/> runs on mainframes, especiall 1BM, B!>???
(!iemens< machines) or Amdahl"
Modules of !AP -/>
-F Financial Accounting
-A Assets Accounting
-@ 2ost Accounting
-@)P Pro/ects
-P 5uman -esources
-M)19!# Plant Maintenance
-M)=!! =ualit Assurance
-M)MA# Materials Management
-M)PP! Production Planning and 2ontrol
-; !ales and 0istribution
-/. is the !AP client)server solution 1t has proved hugel popular in man countries" #he
solution is available to man more companies than -/> as a mainframe is not re%uired"
1t consists of the following modules6
B2 Basis (includes abap/4 Programming &anguage)
AM Asset Management
2+ 2ontrolling
F1 Financial Accounting
5- 5uman -esources
1! 1ndustr !pecific !olutions
PM Plant Maintenance
PP Production Planning
P! Pro/ect !stem
=M =ualit Management
!0 !ales and 0istribution
MM Materials Management
4F Business 4or' Flow
SAP Retail
1ncludes more than >?? new business processes that have been designed specificall for retail
purposes" #his is the integral part of -/. release 4"?"
!oftware module that acts as part of a firewall sstem"
!AP)own word processing sstem" #he te$t editor supplied with the -/. !stem for creating and
editing documentation"
!uppl 2hain +ptimi,ation Planning * ($ecution
!tructured (ntit -elationship Model
Session Log
-ecord of a batch input sssion run" For each run, a session log is created"
!ales +rder
!ales * +perations Planning !ales * +perations Planning (!+P) is a fle$ible forecasting and
planning tool with which sales, production, and other suppl chain targets can be set on the
basis of historical, e$isting, and/or estimated future data" -esource planning can also be
carried out to determine the amounts of the wor' center capacities and other resources
re%uired to meet these targets"
T - /one
3niversal Product 2ode
0 - /one
4or' Brea'down !tructure is a model of a pro/ect, that represents in a hierarch the actions
and activities to be carried out in a pro/ect"
Business 4or' Flow6 #ool for automatic control and e$ecution of cross)application processes"
#his involves coordinating the persons involved, the wor' steps re%uired, the data which needs
to be processed (business ob/ects)" #he main advantage is reduction in throughput times and
the costs involved in managing business processes" #ransparenc and %ualit are enhanced b
its use"
44L List 0ie(er
#ool used to configure Microsoft ($cel for displa and further processing of -/. application
data" #he AA& &ist ;iewer facilitates presentation of -/. data in ($cel, ta'ing into account
information delivered b -/. on the structure of the data
5ear-end closing
Annual balance sheet and profit and loss (PB&) statement, which must both be created in
accordance with the legal re%uirements" All assets, debts and accrued and deferred items
(balance sheet) as well as all revenue and
6ero Stock #eck
2hec' or inventor procedure used to increase the level of accurac in stoc' figures" 1f a
storage bin becomes empt after a goods movement, the bin is chec'ed as to whether it is
reall empt or not"