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Bus & Route Ticketing System in Java

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Vehicle Management System is software which is helpful for bus operators, who wants to operate many bus trips in a day. Vehicle Management System is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems which focused in the area of adding, editing and deleting the passengers, staff and the bus routes. In this software a person can be register as a user and he can manage the bus routes and the staff, passengers details. !e can add a bus and its details including bus route details. "ser can also add the details of the staff and their duty time in the system. #here are mainly $ modules in this software %us Management &oute Management 'mployee Management (assenger Management

In %us module a user can add a new bus details to the database. !e can set the details of the route and the timing also. %us details li)e the type, engine number, seating capacity and the route in which the bus is going to be operated are added. Whene*er the user wants to modify these details he can update new *alues through this software. &oute Management module deals with the route management of the bus. + user can add the route and if he wants he can change it or delete that route. #he main ad*antage is that this module is helpful for the agents to get details of the route and the details of the bus which ha*e trip to that route. !e can also get the information of the number of seats a*ailable in a particular day. 'mployee details of any bus can add to the database and this is helpful to the bus operators in the case of the salary and bates for the employee. +n operator can add the personal details and if we want to edit or delete he can done modification using the Vehicle Management System. #his is *ery helpful for the passenger also, if they ha*e any complaint against staff he can approach the operator and easily identify the employee. -etails of e*ery passenger are stored in the system. + user can add a passenger only one time and if he came again operator can identify that person. .perator can add, edit and delete the details of the passenger.


System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all problems exist in the present system? existin! system. hat must be done to solve the problem? Analysis be!ins when a user or mana!er be!ins a study of the pro!ram usin!

"urin! analysis# data $olle$ted on the various files# de$ision points and transa$tions handled by the present system. %he $ommonly used tools in the system are "ata &low "ia!ram# interviews# et$. %rainin!# experien$e and $ommon sense are required for $olle$tion of relevant information needed to develop the system. %he su$$ess of the system depends lar!ely on how $learly the problem is defined# thorou!hly investi!ated and properly $arried out throu!h the $hoi$e of solution. A !ood analysis model should provide not only the me$hanisms of problem understandin! but also the frame work of the solution. %hus it should be studied thorou!hly by $olle$tin! data about the system. %hen the proposed system should be analy'ed thorou!hly in a$$ordan$e with the needs. System analysis $an be $ate!ori'ed into four parts. System plannin! and initial investi!ation (nformation )atherin!

Applyin! analysis tools for stru$tured analysis &easibility study +ost, -enefit analysis In the e/isting system all the 0obs of the bus route management is done manually. #his is *ery difficult to the operators who want to handle hundreds of trips and many buses in a day. #he currents system is that an operator wants to )eep the physical records of the bus route in his office and a separate record for the passengers and for the boo)ed seats. In current system there is no way to store the details of the employees wor)ing in the bus. So many complaints against staff can arise from the passengers side. More o*er there is no detailed record of the bus and routes in which they ser*ice

#he proposed system is *ery useful for the operators and passengers. #his a*oids the o*erheads for the operators. #hey can minimi1e the wor)ing stress and can )eep essential documents related to the bus and the passengers as a softcopy. #he ad*antage of the proposed system is the reduction in the cost of the office e2uipments and the transaction is done 2uic)ly. +ny operator can answer if any seats for a particular route in a particular day are a*ailable or not. .ur proposed system has se*eral ad*antages "ser friendly interface 3ast access to database 4ess error More Storage 5apacity Search facility 4oo) and 3eel 'n*ironment 6uic) transaction


hatever we think need not be feasible .(t is wise to think about the feasibility of any problem we undertake. &easibility is the study of impa$t# whi$h happens in the or!ani'ation by the development of a system. %he impa$t $an be either positive or ne!ative. hen the positives nominate the ne!atives# then the system is $onsidered feasible. Here the feasibility study $an be performed in two ways su$h as te$hni$al feasibility and /$onomi$al &easibility.

Technical Feasibility: e $an stron!ly says that it is te$hni$ally feasible# sin$e there will not be mu$h diffi$ulty in !ettin! required resour$es for the development and maintainin! the system as well. All the resour$es needed for the development of the software as well as the maintenan$e of the same is available in the or!ani'ation here we are utili'in! the resour$es whi$h are available already. Ec n !ical Feasibility

"evelopment of this appli$ation is hi!hly e$onomi$ally feasible .%he or!ani'ation needed not spend mu$h m money for the development of t he system already available. %he only thin! is to be done is makin! an environment for the development with an effe$tive supervision. ( f we are doin! so # we $an attain the maximum usability of the $orrespondin! resour$es ./ven after the development # the or!ani'ation will not be in a $ondition to invest more in t he or!ani'ation .%here fore # the system is e$onomi$ally feasible.


$% cess % RAM "a%. Dis/ M nit % 2ey B a%. :

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$enti&! III '()M"* +,- MB ,)GB +01 C l % ! nit % +,, 2eys


2peratin! System

indows 4%# indows 56# indows 78.

9an!ua!e /nvironment "atabase

3 :ava 2 ;untime

3 <S A$$ess2==>.



%his mana!ement system $an be used in windows 56# indows2===# indows 78 and indows 4%# supported for other platform su$h as Applet# <a$intosh and ?4(7. %he system must be runnin! indows 56# indows 56 or indows 4%..=

operatin! system and must meet the followin! hardware requirements. &or indows 50 based $omputers # a .61 , 11 <H'

or hi!her pro$essor with 6< &or indows 56 based $omputers # a 0==,66<H' or

hi!her pro$essor with *2 <b of ;A<


indows 4% based $omputers # a .66 , 11 <H'

or hi!her pro$essor with 11 <- of ;A< &or indows 2== based $omputers # a >==,60= <H'

or hi!her pro$essor with 012 <- of ;am





(nput desi!n is the pro$ess of $onvertin! user-oriented input to a $omputer based format. (nput desi!n is a part of overall system desi!n# whi$h requires very $areful attention .2ften the $olle$tion of input data is the most expensive part of the system. %he main ob@e$tives of the input desi!n are A 1. 8rodu$e $ost effe$tive method of input 2. A$hieve hi!hest possible level of a$$ura$y *. /nsure that the input is a$$eptable to and understood by the staff. (nput "ata %he !oal of desi!nin! input data is to make entry easy# lo!i$al and free from errors as possible. %he enterin! data entry operators need to know the allo$ated spa$e for ea$h fieldB field sequen$e and whi$h must mat$h with that in the sour$e do$ument. %he format in whi$h the data fields are entered should be !iven in the input form .Here data entry is onlineB it makes use of pro$essor that a$$epts $ommands and data from the operator throu!h a key board. %he input required is analy'ed by the pro$essor. (t is then a$$epted or re@e$ted. (nput sta!es in$lude the followin! pro$esses "ata ;e$ordin! "ata %rans$ription "ata +onversion "ata Cerifi$ation


"ata +ontrol "ata %ransmission "ata +orre$tion 2ne of the aims of the system analyst must be to sele$t data $apture

method and devi$es# whi$h redu$e the number of sta!es so as to redu$e both the $han!es of errors and the $ost .(nput types# $an be $hara$teri'ed as. /xternal (nternal 2perational +omputeri'ed (ntera$tive (nput files $an exist in do$ument form before bein! input to the $omputer. (nput desi!n is rather $omplex sin$e it involves pro$edures for $apturin! data as well as inputtin! it to the $omputer.










$ommuni$ate the results of pro$essin! to users. %hey are also used to provide a permanent $opy of these result for latter $onsultation .+omputer output is the most important and dire$t sour$e of information to the users. "esi!nin! $omputer output should pro$eed in an or!ani'ed well throu!h out the manner. %he ri!ht output must be available for the people who find the system easy o use. %he outputs have been defined durin! the lo!i$al


desi!n sta!e. (f not# they should defined at the be!innin! of the output desi!nin! terms of types of output $onne$t# format# response et$#

Carious types of outputs are /xternal outputs (nternal outputs 2perational outputs (ntera$tive outputs %urn around outputs All s$reens are informative and intera$tive in su$h a way that the user $an ful fill his requirements throu!h askin! queries.


%he !eneral theme behind a database is to handle information as an inte!rated whole. A database is a $olle$tion of interrelated data stored with minimum redundan$y to serve many users qui$kly and effe$tively. After desi!nin! input and output# the analyst must $on$entrate on database desi!n or how data should be or!ani'ed around user requirements. %he !eneral ob@e$tive is to make information a$$ess# easy qui$k# inexpensive and flexible for other users. "urin! database desi!n the followin! ob@e$tives are $on$erned3-

+ontrolled ;edundan$y


"ata independen$e A$$urate and inte!ratin! <ore information at low $ost ;e$overy from failure 8riva$y and se$urity 8erforman$e /ase of learnin! and use


Fiel.Na!e 4ame +ate!ory ?sername 8assword DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext %ext 2ey -


Fiel.Na!e -ookin!D4o 8assD4o 8ass4ame -usD;e!4o Seat4o "ateDofD%ravel %imeDofD%ravel 8assD&rom "estination Amount DataTy4e 4umber %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext 2ey 8rimary -

Fiel.Na!e -usD;e!4o -us4o <odel +apa$ity "ate-ou!ht (nsuran$eDStatus "ateD(nsured (nsuran$eD/xpiry DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext 4umber "ate,%ime %ext "ate,%ime "ate,%ime 2ey 8rimary -

Fiel.Na!e emp4o Sname &name 9name )ender DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext 2ey 8rimary -


"2"esi!nation %elephone /D<ail Address

"ate,%ime %ext 4umber %ext %ext

Fiel.Na!e 8assD4o 8assD4ame Address %elD4o "ateDofD%ravel "epot %o 8ayDStatus -ookedDStatus DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext 4umber "ate,%ime %ext %ext %ext %ext 2ey 8rimary -

Fiel.Na!e 8aymentD4o 8assD4o 8assD4ame 8aymentD<ode "ateD8ayment AmountD8aid ;e$eivedD-y DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext %ext "ate,%ime +urren$y %ext 2ey 8rimary -


R &te
&ield4ame ;outeD4o ;oute4ame "epot "estination "istan$e &areD+har!ed "ata%ype %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext 4umber Eey 8rimary -

Fiel.Na!e ;outeD4ame emp4o "riverD4ame %ripD4o "ateDS$heduled "eptD%ime DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext 4umber "ate,%ime %ext 2ey -

Fiel.Na!e %ripD4o -usD;e!4o ;outeD4o SD"ate DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext %ext 2ey 8rimary -


6ali.at %
Fiel.Na!e -usD4o "river4o ;oute4o "ateDS$hedule %ripD4o DataTy4e %ext %ext %ext %ext %ext 2ey -

(mplementation is the sta!e in the pro@e$t where the theoreti$al desi!n is turned into a workin! system. %he implementation phase $onstru$ts# installs and operates the new system. %he most $ru$ial sta!e in a$hievin! a new su$$essful system is that it will work effi$iently and effe$tively. %here are several a$tivities involved while implementin! a new pro@e$t. %hey are /nd user trainin! /nd user /du$ation


%rainin! on the appli$ation software System "esi!n 8arallel ;un And %o 4ew System 8ost implementation ;eview

En. &se% T%ainin5: %he su$$essful implementation of the new system will purely upon the involvement of the offi$ers workin! in that department. %he offi$ers will be imparted the ne$essary trainin! on the new te$hnolo!y En. Use% E.&cati n: %he edu$ation of the end user start after the implementation and testin! is over. hen the system is found to be more diffi$ult to under stand and $omplex# more effort is put to edu$ate the end used to make them aware of the system# !ivin! them le$tures about the new system and providin! them ne$essary do$uments and materials about how the system $an do this.


7 a44licati n s 7t8a%e:

After providin! the ne$essary basi$ trainin! on the $omputer awareness# the users will have to be trained upon the new system su$h as the s$reen flows and s$reen desi!n type of help on the s$reen# type of errors while enterin! the data# the $orrespondin! validation $he$k at ea$h entry and the way to $orre$t the data entered. (t should then $over information needed by the spe$ifi$ user or !roup to use the system.

$ st I!4le!entati n 6ie8:


%he department is plannin! a method to know the states of t he past implementation pro$ess. &or that re!ular meetin! will be arran!ed by the $on$erned offi$ers about the implementation problem and su$$ess


(s the menu bar displayed in the appropriate $ontested some system related features in$luded either in menus or tools? "o pull F"own menu operation and %ool-bars work properly? Are all menu fun$tion and pull down sub fun$tion properly listed ?B (s it possible to invoke ea$h menu fun$tion usin! a lo!i$al assumptions that if all parts of the system are $orre$t# the !oal will be su$$essfully a$hieved .? (n adequate testin! or non-testin! will leads to errors that may appear few months later.


%his $reate two problem 1. %ime delay between the $ause and appearan$e of the problem. 2. %he effe$t of the system errors on files and re$ords within the system %he purpose of the system testin! is to $onsider all the likely variations to whi$h it will be su!!ested and push the systems to limits. %he testin! pro$ess fo$uses on the lo!i$al intervals of the software ensurin! that all statements have been tested and on fun$tional interval is $ondu$tin! tests to un$over errors and ensure that defined input will produ$e a$tual results that a!ree with the required results. 8ro!ram level testin!# modules level testin! inte!rated and $arried out. %here are two ma@or type of testin! they are 1G hite -ox %estin!.

2G -la$k -ox %estin!.

#hite B 9 Testin5
hite box some times $alled H)lass box testin!I is a test $ase desi!n uses the $ontrol stru$ture of the pro$edural desi!n to drive test $ase. ?sin! white box testin! methods# the followin! tests where made on the system aG All independent paths within a module have been exer$ised on$e. (n our system# ensurin! that $ase was sele$ted and exe$uted $he$ked all $ase stru$tures. %he bu!s that were prevailin! in some part of the $ode where fixed


bG All lo!i$al de$isions were $he$ked for the truth and falsity of the values.

Blac/ b 9 Testin5
-la$k box testin! fo$uses on the fun$tional requirements of the software. %his is bla$k box testin! enables the software en!ineerin! to derive a set of input $onditions that will fully exer$ise all fun$tional requirements for a pro!ram. -la$k box testin! is not an alternative to white box testin! rather it is $omplementary approa$h that is likely to un$over a different $lass of errors that white box methods like.. 1G (nterfa$e errors 2G 8erforman$e in data stru$ture *G 8erforman$e errors .G (nitiali'in! and termination errors


L 5in


A.. Ne8 Use%

B&s Details


Ne8 B&s Details


U4.ate B&s Details

E!4l yees Details


A.. Ne8 E!4l yee

U4.ate E!4l yee .etails


R &te Re4 %t


A.. Ne8 R &te

U4.ate Ne8 R &te

A.. Ne8 $assen5e%s


U4.ate 4assen5e% .etails


Sche.&lin5 $% cess

$ay!ent $% cess


/in5 $% cess


B&ses Re4 %t

E!4l yees Re4 %t


/in5 Re4 %t



2ur pro@e$t is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in a library. Several user friendly $odin! have also adopted. %his pa$ka!e shall prove to be a powerful pa$ka!e in satisfyin! all the requirements of the or!ani'ation.

%he ob@e$tive of software plannin! is to provide a frame work that enables the man!er to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the be!innin! of the software pro@e$t and should be updated re!ularly as the pro@e$t pro!resses. 9ast but not least it is no the work that played the ways to su$$ess but ALMIG"TY


1G Head &irst :ava 2nd /dition 2G http3,,@ava.sun.$om,@avase,te$hnolo!ies,desktop, *G http3,,www.roseindia.net,@db$,@db$-a$$ess,+reate%able.shtml .G http3,,www.@db$-tutorial.$om, 0G :ava and Software "esi!n +on$epts by A8ress

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