Using Cohesive Markers
Using Cohesive Markers
Using Cohesive Markers
classification/enumeration, summary conclusions, etc. Note what is being signaled by the italicized words and expressions. 1.) For this reason, it is not a simple matter to maintain a well-balance diet. .) In the first place, why do we want meat at all! "n the first sentence, the italicized expression signals cause-and-effect relationship while the latter example, the expression signals listing or enumeration. Cohesive Markers are words and phrases that gi#e simple, clear, signals telling how the ideas in an essay or discourse are connected. among such signals are the ff$ %xemplification$ for example, for instance, that is, specifically, to illustrate, as an example Comparison& and Contrast&&$ &similarly, by comparison, li'ewise, also, in the same way, as, too &&but, despite, by contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, howe#er, otherwise, con#ersely Cause and %ffect$ as a result, conse(uently, accordingly, therefore, then, for this reason )ualifications *stating exceptions)$ but, howe#er, ne#ertheless, notwithstanding, nonetheless, while, though +ddition *de#eloping through ideas and details)$ also, furthermore, moreo#er, in addition, then, indeed ,ime *stating when)$ before, earlier, since, afterward, later, now, meanwhile, in the meantime, until, soon -ummary$ in summary, in brief, in short, in conclusion, finally