Sampel RPH Linus Bi

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ENGLISH Class Theme Topic Date Time Language Focus

Learning Standard

KSSR World of Knowledge Unit 19 I WEAR . Day 2 $ %e&te'(er 2)1$ 1)$)#11$) World Of Knowledge

LINUS BI Unit 6 Pin In !e "in # Day 2 $ %e&te'(er 2)1$ 1)$)#11$) Reading 2.1.2 +(, -I-. 2.2.1 +a, +(,.2.2.$

Reading 2.1.* "y t!e end of t!e le//on. &0&il/ /!o0ld (e a(le to1 1. Read and 'at2! at lea/t $ o0t of 3 &i2t0re/ 2orre2tly 2. 4illing (lan5/ 1, ea2!er re7i/e &re7io0/ le//on (y a/5ing again t!e na'e of &i2t0re/. 2, ea2!er 2all/ 0& again few &0&il/ to re'at2! &i2t0re/ to word/. $, ea2!er t!en a/5/ &0&il/ to redo in t!eir a2ti7ity (oo5 2.&g 9$. 2on/tr02ti7i/' e<t(oo5. word 2ard/. &i2t0re 2ard/


"y t!e end of t!e le//on. &0&il/ /!o0ld (e a(le to i.arti20late t!e &!one'e -I- 2orre2tly6 ii.'at2! at lea/t $ o0t of 3 &i2t0re/ to word/ 2orre2tly 1. ea2!er re2all/ (a25 &re7io0/ le//on. 2. ea2!er &0t/ 0& &i2t0re/ and word 2ard/. read/ and &0&il/ read after. $. ea2!er t!en a/5/ &0&il/ to read t!e r!y'e/ a/ t!ey &ra2ti2e ye/terday. *. ea2!er t!en a/5/ few &0&il/ to &lay t!e 8'e'ory ga'e9. :a/tery ;earning. :0lti&le intelligen2e/. word 2ard/. &i2t0re 2ard/

"cti#ities !

Cross curriculur element Teaching aids $e%lection!

ENGLISH Class Theme Topic Date Time Language Focus Learning Standard LESSON OBJECTI E S! YEAR 1 World of Knowledge Unit 19 I WEAR . Day 2 LIN&S ! Unit 6 Pin In !e "in # Day 2 $ %e&te'(er 2)1$ 1)$)#11$) Reading LIN&S ! Reading 2.1.* LIN&S ! 2.1.2 +(, -I-. 2.2.1 +a, +(,.2.2.$

"y t!e end of t!e le//on. &0&il/ /!o0ld (e a(le to1 1.Read and 'at2! at lea/t $ o0t of 3 &i2t0re/ 2orre2tly 2.4illing (lan5/. LIN&S! i.arti20late t!e &!one'e -I- 2orre2tly6 ii.'at2! at lea/t $ o0t of 3 &i2t0re/ to word/ 2orre2tly

"cti#ities !

1. ea2!er re7i/e &re7io0/ le//on (y a/5ing again t!e na'e of &i2t0re/. 2. ea2!er 2all/ 0& again few &0&il/ to re'at2! &i2t0re/ to word/. $. ea2!er t!en a/5/ &0&il/ to redo in t!eir a2ti7ity (oo5 2.&g 9$. LIN&S! 1. ea2!er re2all/ (a25 &re7io0/ le//on. 2. ea2!er &0t/ 0& &i2t0re/ and word 2ard/. read/ and &0&il/ read after. $. ea2!er t!en a/5/ &0&il/ to read t!e r!y'e/ a/ t!ey &ra2ti2e ye/terday. *. ea2!er t!en a/5/ few &0&il/ to &lay t!e 8'e'ory ga'e9

Cross curriculur element Teaching aids $e%lection!

=on/tr02ti7i/'.:a/tery ;earning.:0lti&le Inteligen2e/ e<t(oo5. word 2ard/. &i2t0re 2ard/

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