2014 Jan Newsletter
2014 Jan Newsletter
2014 Jan Newsletter
Principals Message
Dear Parents, Welcome back and Happy New Year! I am amazed that we are just about half way throu h the school year! W"thout the "nterrupt"ons of mult"ple hol"days, #anuary "s the month we h"t "t hard here at school! $ couple of "mportant th"n s are com"n up% Kindergarten Roundup &n 'uesday, #anuary ()th we w"ll send an "mportant letter to parents of ch"ldren who w"ll enter k"nder arten ne*t year! It "s cr"t"cal we et our k"nder arten numbers as soon as poss"ble! 'he d"str"ct uses th"s number to determ"ne our staff"n for ne*t year! Please help us be as accurate as we can! Sep Conference Update +,P conferences w"ll be held the week of #anuary -./0(! 'he onl"ne schedul"n w"ndow "s open #anuary . th throu h the (.th! Please take ad1anta e of the opportun"ty to et the conference t"me that best su"ts your busy schedule! 2all our off"ce "f you do not ha1e access to a computer or need help! 3eport cards w"ll be sent home on Wednesday, #anuary --nd! Community Council &ur #anuary 2ommun"ty 2ounc"l meet"n has been cancelled! We w"ll ha1e our ne*t meet"n on 4ebruary 5 th at )%66 pm "n our l"brary! Ha1e a wonderful new year! 2harollet 2hambers
#anuary ()% P'$ 7oard 8eet"n #anuary (.% December and #anuary 7"rthday 'able #anuary (.% Yearbook 2o1er 2ontest Deadl"ne #anuary -6% 8art"n 9uther :"n Day, No +chool #anuary -(% 'eacher Profess"onal Day, No +chool #anuary -./0(% 7ook 4a"r #anuary -./0(% +,P 2onferences #anuary -;, -<% 'eacher D"nners 4ebruary -.% 3ead/$/'hon
!ur Sponsors
Character "uilders
Dur"n the month of No1ember, we worked on the character tra"t of be"n courteous! 'he 2ourteous $wards from each rade are as follows% :"nder arten Isaac $nderson ,m"ly 8audsley ,1elyn 4ordham Hannah Hall +econd ?rade ,leanor 2hr"st"ansen 'ucker 'hompson 7en He"kens 4ourth ?rade $ust"n Israelson 9auren 2loward #ace &lsen +"*th ?rade 'a"en 2hr"st"ansen 2ole :ert 2ameron Poppleton 'he character tra"t for #anuary "s be"n cur"ous! 4"rst ?rade Pa" e ?ut"errez Debonae +anders '"a 9esuma 'h"rd ?rade Delaney 3ob"nson 2ole 2ampbell 'y 4o"les 3"ley 8ont omery 4"fth ?rade Dalton +outhw"ck #ack @rry Hannah $bebe
Hey $dams ,a les! 8ark your calendars for our annual 3ead/a/thon, 'hursday, 4ebruary -., from A to . pm! We w"ll ha1e #ared Huseby, an authorB u"tar"st and h"s w"fe 3achael, who s" ns! We w"ll "nclude a few ames and a yummy snack! If you ha1e any Cuest"ons, please call #ul"e 7arron, ;6(/..(/65(6! +ee you soon!
"irthday Ta$le
'he ne*t b"rthday table w"ll be 4r"day, #anuary (.th! If your ch"ld has a b"rthday "n December or #anuary, ha1e them stop by the b"rthday table dur"n lunch recess to rece"1e a "ft!
Teacher Appreciation
We are look"n for some 1olunteers that would lo1e to be on a comm"ttee for D'eacher $pprec"at"on WeekD! 'h"s year "t w"ll be 8ay 5/<! We are so e*c"ted to shower our teachers w"th rat"tude! If you would l"ke to help out w"th plann"n and "deas, please contact 2laud"ne 7r"nkerhoff at n"n"re">yahoo!com or at ;6(/..(/)6.-! $lso, we are look"n for some help w"th teacher d"nners #anuary -;th and -<th! 4or more "nfo contact 2laud"ne 7r"nkerhoff! 'hanks!
'he deadl"ne for all subm"ss"ons "s 4r"day #anuary (., -6()! Your ch"ld should subm"t the"r work to the"r respect"1e teachers and not to the off"ce staff! ,ach teacher w"ll ha1e an en1elope "n the"r classroom for th"s purpose! 8ake sure your studentsH name, rade and teacher "s wr"tten clearly on the back of the"r work as last year we had some wh"ch were anonymous! In order to remo1e b"as, all entr"es w"ll be jud ed by a panel of A persons not assoc"ated w"th $dams ,lementary students, staff or teachers! +hould you ha1e Cuest"ons please call D"ane :elsey > ;6(!00.!6)). or 7eta 3appleye > ;6(!A00!.5A.
2on ratulat"ons to our students from $dams ,lementary! &ur school d"d awesome! We had the most entr"es selected to ad1ance to the d"str"ct le1el of any "n our counc"l! ?uy 8eyer, Pres"dent of the Wasatch 2ounc"l P'$ noted, IWe had a lot of phenomenal entr"es by some really talented students! We had d"fferent jud es for each cate ory and all -0 of them commented on the 1"s"on and creat"1"ty of the entr"es!F (ASATC/ C!U-C0+ PTA R .+ CT0!-S R SU+TS 2on ratulat"ons to the follow"n students, the"r 3eflect"ons entr"es were selected to ad1ance to @tah P'$ 3e "on 0! +0T RATUR P3I8$3Y # 3uby 8c2ullou h 10SUA+ ARTS 2 P3I8$3Y # 7raden Israelsen IN',38,DI$', # +"erra Holder, 'ate Wunderl"ch 8IDD9, +2H&&9 # Drew 4"ato " P/!T!3RAP/% P3I8$3Y / 7en 7rown"n IN',38,DI$', / Hall" ?oldber 8IDD9, +2H&&9 / Peter ?off 4#D P3I8$3Y / Da1"d :ay IN',38,DI$', / $"nslee +m"th DA-C 8IDD9, +2H&&9 / Da"s"a +anders MUS0C P3I8$3Y / $shley :e"l IN',38,DI$', / $nne 2rossett, #arek 9"nholm
:r"spy :reme Dou hnut cards are for sale "n the off"ce for J(-! ,ach card "ncludes (6 coupons for buy a dozen dou hnuts et a dozen free! ItKs a reat deal and "t helps our school earn money!
Its 4"esta t"me at $dams ,lementary! &ur +pr"n book fa"r "s com"n th"s month! Please 8ark your calendars for #an -. to #an 0(! 2ome see the fun books we ha1e for your ch"ld to read and part"c"pate "n our many fun act"1"t"es that we ha1e planned! 9ook "n your ch"ldKs 'uesday folder each week for "nformat"on on the act"1"t"es planned! 3umor has "t that 2l"fford the do m" ht be mak"n an appearance! 8ore "nformat"on to follow!
School Spirit
,1ery 4r"day "s +chool +p"r"t Day! Wear your school colors or your $dams ,a les '/+h"rt! Pr"zes w"ll be "1en out to students who part"c"pate!
2on ratulat"ons to 8ackenz"e Pa e! +he "s the w"nner of the J06 mo1"e "ft card! Her name was drawn for enter"n "n the e/7o* 'ops contest! 'hanks for all your part"c"pat"on "n th"s e*c"t"n contest! We are e*pect"n a check from 7o* 'ops for ,ducat"on any day now! 'h"s check would not be poss"ble w"thout all of your support! 2lass totals for 7o* 'ops turned "n so far% 3" by $8 / .A) 3" by P8 / )5) Porter $8 / AA< Porter P8 / 0A; Ha1"land / ;6) 9o an / 05Wellard / )-. 7"rd / 5)5 #ensen / (,(56 W"ll"ams / A56 7aet e / -;< 'aylor / 5AA 7"shop / A6) 7owman / 0-A 9echman / ))( 'ea / )<0 2h"ld / (;A ?amm"ll / ;). Wheeler / 0A0 ?onzales / <(< Ho an / 50; N"elsen L .6,ach class w"ll be awarded the follow"n pr"zes once they reach the le1el% 566 / &tter Pop Party (,666 / 4ru"t +nack Party (,566 / Ice 2ream +andw"ch Party -,666 / ,*tra 3ecess -,566 / W"" Dance Party
:eep turn"n "n those 7o* 'ops!
$lon w"th 7o* 'ops, our school "s collect"n 9abels for ,ducat"on Po"nts! ItKs easy to help/s"mply sa1e and send "n the @P2s and be1era e caps from part"c"pat"n products "n a ba "e or en1elope w"th your ch"ldKs name marked on the ba ! You can drop them "n the bo* by the off"ce marked w"th a 2ampbell +oup can! 'hanks for help"n our school et 43,, educat"onal merchand"se!
PTA (e$site
2heck out the P'$ webs"te! www!adamsea lespta!or We w"ll keep you updated on e1eryth"n to do w"th the P'$! ItKs a reat way to stay connected! $lso, remember to Dl"keD the $dams ,lementary P'$ pa e on 4acebook! We hope youK1e enjoyed th"s ed"t"on of ,a les ,/News! If you ha1e any Cuest"ons or comments, please feel free to ema"l the P'$ at adamsea lespta>dsdma"l!net! WeKd lo1e to know what you th"nk! +"ncerely, $dams ,a les P'$ $dams ,lementary --66 ,! -566 N! 9ayton, @' ;)6)6