South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon
South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon
South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon South Olive Beacon
to share during our chapel at 8:0am! "ll are welcome to come and join us in worshiping and learning more
about #ur $ord!
Special Thanks -%e would li&e to than& Paul & Julie Maas and their 'amily 'or their many years o' ser(ing at
)#*)+ on the school board, athletic director, auction, helping hands, $ittle *aesars, , and numerous other
things they ha(e done o(er the years! -ou will all be missed! .han& -ou/
Memorial a! "reak#ast -0lan on bringing your hearty appetite to our Memorial 1ay 2rea&'ast on Monday,
May 23! %e accommodate early and late risers, by ser(ing a complete homemade brea&'ast 'rom 4-10am!
5ree will donation! 6ope to see you there/
Penn! $ar: 7(ery year we are ama8ed to see how much money our children can pull together to support an
organi8ation! .his year the teachers won out by winning the penny war/ 6owe(er, the classroom that raised
the most money in all was Miss %estrate,s class/// *ongrats to the &indergarten and 1st graders/// 9reat job
to e(eryone! %ll together the kids raised &'()*+0 to help with Compassionate ,eart-the true winners.
Thank !ou to e/er!one #or their generous gi/ing.
%ttention %00 P12 C3MM1TT44 M4M"45S: -%e will be ma&ing a ,624 7atch o# pigs 8 9pm Mon*: June )*
%ith the plans o' ma&ing an e:tra large batch we would 54%00; appreciate e/er!one<s help* .han& you/
Tuition =.uition bills were sent home last wee&! $e ask that i# !ou ha/e a 7alance to please ha/e this
taken care o# 7! the end o# Ma!* .han& you 'or your cooperation!
,ot 0unch: 0lease 'ind attached your year-end hot lunch bills! 0lease pay this separate 'rom tuition, and pay
to 0hyllis 7! June >! .han& you/
Johnn! Carino<s 0unch: *ongratulations to the students who read 'or the re;uired minutes to earn a 5<77
pi88a! .hey will recei(e their pi88a on %ednesday, May 28 'or lunch! 0lease remember to than& the manage-
ment at =ohnny *arino,s 'or rewarding our students on your ne:t (isit!
'T, 25%4 25%6%T13? -%e want to encourage all #amilies to attend the graduation ceremony which will
be held at )outh #li(e *<* on .hursday, =une at 4:00pm! "$$ )#*) ).>17?.) will be singing together in
celebration o' our *lass o' 2014:
0auren "roekhui@en: "rett Jaarsma: Miss! Maas and %drianna 5ouwhorst
Custodian ?eeded: %e are in need o' a custodian here at )outh #li(e, i' you &now anyone who may be inter-
ested as& them to contact the o''ice 'or 'urther details and a job description!
May 22, 2014
A Look Ahead
26-Memorial Breakfast
28-Johnny Carinos Lunch
2-Pig-in-the-blankets 6pm
3-Board Meeting
6-Noon Dismissal
Summer Office Hours
Every Wed. 9-Noon
6230 120th Ave. Ph.# (616) 875-8224 Email Web Site:
Mission Statement: To provide a quality, Christ-centered education
which will prepare Christians for lives of service.
%wards= "ll year-end awards will be handed out in indi(idual classrooms this year!
T51P ?ews -.he 'ollowing is the schedule 'or summer .<@0 orders! .he o''ice will be open each %ednesday 'rom AamB?oon throughout the
summer! =une 4 order-pic&up =une 11, =uly A order-pic&up =uly 13 Cor at registration the 1thD =uly 30 order-pic&up "ugust 3
0lease plan accordingly! @' you ha(e any ;uestions just as&!
Summer 3##ice ,ours -0hyllis will be in the o''ice on %ednesday,s 'rom A:00-?oon during the summer! @' you need to be in contact with her
at other times, 'eel 'ree to call her E 313!443!A2A2 or 313!8A!40!
5421ST5%T13? %T4S #or )01+A)01( -"ll current 'amilies will recei(e a registration pac&et at the end o' the school year, which must be
completed and returned at registration! <egistration dates 'or the 2014F201 school year will be Thursda!: June )9 and Tuesda!: Jul! 1(
#rom B='pm* "'ter turning in your completed 'orms at registration, you will be as&ed to sign up 'or (olunteer points G 6elping 6ands re-
;uirements! C"ll prior tuition must be paid in 'ull be'ore you can register!D 54M4M"45: .he early bird gets the worm/ C-ou cannot sign up
'or points through the o''ice or through anyone else! -ou must do this yoursel'!D
School ismissal -0arents we need your help! %ith the nicer weather 'inally here the students lo(e to run out to the playground a'ter
school! )chool is done at 3:20 and i' you are not here to pic& your student up at that time they will be re;uired to stay in the lobby! 0lease be
respect'ul o' the teachers, time by being here at 3:20 to pic& up your student! .han& you 'or your cooperation!
Sponsorship #or ieu7ina -%e want to encourage our students to each bring in H3!00 to co(er our support 'or 1ieubina during the summer
months! Thank !ou #or supporting her in pra!er and mone!*
Cloor $aDing -.his is being scheduled 'or the end o' =une and the 'ollowing people are signed up to help!
.hose who need to help empt! classrooms are: Jenn! VanderZwaag: Michelle Eamps: Jesse e;oung & 4lsie 0e/andoski
.hose who are helping waD the #loors are: %m! eEru!ter: Jesse e;oung & oug VanderZwaag
.hose who are returning #urniture to classrooms are: %m! & a/e eEru!ter: Michelle Eamps & oug "roekhui@en
Michelle Iamps or "my )tewart will contact you with the details o' times and dates!
"oD Tops G Camp7ell<s Soup 0a7els =%hat a great 'undraiser 'or the school! .here is a bas&et in the o''ice you can just drop them in at
your con(enience! .han& you 'or participating/
Paper 2ator -please continue to recycle your paper products in our 0aper 9ator! .han&s/
,ow are !ou doing in this new !ear with !our pra!er cardsF "s we complete our school year, please continue to be praying 'or our
school as we &now that 9od is 'aith'ul to answer prayer! 0ray 'or teachers and sta'', the wor& they do, and their relationships with each other
and the students! 0ray 'or prospecti(e 'amilies who may be loo&ing 'or a new school home! %hen 9od,s people pray, great things happen///
Communit! %nnouncements:
3li/e Township Memorial a!
%nnual Pancake "reak#ast 8 South 3li/e Christian School 'rom 4-10am!
Memorial a! Ser/ice will be held at the #li(e .wp! *emetery at 10:30am! $ocated on the corner o' .aylor )t! G 113th "(e!
The Memor! $alk to the Museum will 'ollow the ser(ice! 7(eryone is welcome/
3li/e Twp* Museum on Polk St* will 7e open* $unch will be ser(ed 'rom 11-2 by )#*<*! Cree co##ee & desserts #or all /eterens.
% Patriotic Communit! "ar Guilt will be on display!
Cele7rate the end o# school 7! C544 1ce Skating at 9eorgetown @ce *enter, 800 48th "(e!, 6udson(ille! 5or the month o' =une bring in
your school report card during public s&ating and get in 'ree! )&ate rental additional! 0lease see our website, www!georgetownice!com 'or
public s&ating times! #''er ends =une 30!