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School Theme: 10 Commandments -May 30th, 2014 Chuck VanderZwaag will be joining us in the morning

to share during our chapel at 8:0am! "ll are welcome to come and join us in worshiping and learning more
about #ur $ord!

Special Thanks -%e would li&e to than& Paul & Julie Maas and their 'amily 'or their many years o' ser(ing at
)#*)+ on the school board, athletic director, auction, helping hands, $ittle *aesars, , and numerous other
things they ha(e done o(er the years! -ou will all be missed! .han& -ou/

Memorial a! "reak#ast -0lan on bringing your hearty appetite to our Memorial 1ay 2rea&'ast on Monday,
May 23! %e accommodate early and late risers, by ser(ing a complete homemade brea&'ast 'rom 4-10am!
5ree will donation! 6ope to see you there/

Penn! $ar: 7(ery year we are ama8ed to see how much money our children can pull together to support an
organi8ation! .his year the teachers won out by winning the penny war/ 6owe(er, the classroom that raised
the most money in all was Miss %estrate,s class/// *ongrats to the &indergarten and 1st graders/// 9reat job
to e(eryone! %ll together the kids raised &'()*+0 to help with Compassionate ,eart-the true winners.
Thank !ou to e/er!one #or their generous gi/ing.

%ttention %00 P12 C3MM1TT44 M4M"45S: -%e will be ma&ing a ,624 7atch o# pigs 8 9pm Mon*: June )*
%ith the plans o' ma&ing an e:tra large batch we would 54%00; appreciate e/er!one<s help* .han& you/

Tuition =.uition bills were sent home last wee&! $e ask that i# !ou ha/e a 7alance to please ha/e this
taken care o# 7! the end o# Ma!* .han& you 'or your cooperation!

,ot 0unch: 0lease 'ind attached your year-end hot lunch bills! 0lease pay this separate 'rom tuition, and pay
to 0hyllis 7! June >! .han& you/

Johnn! Carino<s 0unch: *ongratulations to the students who read 'or the re;uired minutes to earn a 5<77
pi88a! .hey will recei(e their pi88a on %ednesday, May 28 'or lunch! 0lease remember to than& the manage-
ment at =ohnny *arino,s 'or rewarding our students on your ne:t (isit!

'T, 25%4 25%6%T13? -%e want to encourage all #amilies to attend the graduation ceremony which will
be held at )outh #li(e *<* on .hursday, =une at 4:00pm! "$$ )#*) ).>17?.) will be singing together in
celebration o' our *lass o' 2014:
0auren "roekhui@en: "rett Jaarsma: Miss! Maas and %drianna 5ouwhorst

Custodian ?eeded: %e are in need o' a custodian here at )outh #li(e, i' you &now anyone who may be inter-
ested as& them to contact the o''ice 'or 'urther details and a job description!

May 22, 2014
A Look Ahead
26-Memorial Breakfast
28-Johnny Carinos Lunch
2-Pig-in-the-blankets 6pm
3-Board Meeting
6-Noon Dismissal

Summer Office Hours

Every Wed. 9-Noon
6230 120th Ave. Ph.# (616) 875-8224 Email Web Site:
Mission Statement: To provide a quality, Christ-centered education
which will prepare Christians for lives of service.

%wards= "ll year-end awards will be handed out in indi(idual classrooms this year!

T51P ?ews -.he 'ollowing is the schedule 'or summer .<@0 orders! .he o''ice will be open each %ednesday 'rom AamB?oon throughout the
summer! =une 4 order-pic&up =une 11, =uly A order-pic&up =uly 13 Cor at registration the 1thD =uly 30 order-pic&up "ugust 3
0lease plan accordingly! @' you ha(e any ;uestions just as&!

Summer 3##ice ,ours -0hyllis will be in the o''ice on %ednesday,s 'rom A:00-?oon during the summer! @' you need to be in contact with her
at other times, 'eel 'ree to call her E 313!443!A2A2 or 313!8A!40!

5421ST5%T13? %T4S #or )01+A)01( -"ll current 'amilies will recei(e a registration pac&et at the end o' the school year, which must be
completed and returned at registration! <egistration dates 'or the 2014F201 school year will be Thursda!: June )9 and Tuesda!: Jul! 1(
#rom B='pm* "'ter turning in your completed 'orms at registration, you will be as&ed to sign up 'or (olunteer points G 6elping 6ands re-
;uirements! C"ll prior tuition must be paid in 'ull be'ore you can register!D 54M4M"45: .he early bird gets the worm/ C-ou cannot sign up
'or points through the o''ice or through anyone else! -ou must do this yoursel'!D

School ismissal -0arents we need your help! %ith the nicer weather 'inally here the students lo(e to run out to the playground a'ter
school! )chool is done at 3:20 and i' you are not here to pic& your student up at that time they will be re;uired to stay in the lobby! 0lease be
respect'ul o' the teachers, time by being here at 3:20 to pic& up your student! .han& you 'or your cooperation!

Sponsorship #or ieu7ina -%e want to encourage our students to each bring in H3!00 to co(er our support 'or 1ieubina during the summer
months! Thank !ou #or supporting her in pra!er and mone!*

Cloor $aDing -.his is being scheduled 'or the end o' =une and the 'ollowing people are signed up to help!
.hose who need to help empt! classrooms are: Jenn! VanderZwaag: Michelle Eamps: Jesse e;oung & 4lsie 0e/andoski
.hose who are helping waD the #loors are: %m! eEru!ter: Jesse e;oung & oug VanderZwaag
.hose who are returning #urniture to classrooms are: %m! & a/e eEru!ter: Michelle Eamps & oug "roekhui@en
Michelle Iamps or "my )tewart will contact you with the details o' times and dates!

"oD Tops G Camp7ell<s Soup 0a7els =%hat a great 'undraiser 'or the school! .here is a bas&et in the o''ice you can just drop them in at
your con(enience! .han& you 'or participating/

Paper 2ator -please continue to recycle your paper products in our 0aper 9ator! .han&s/

,ow are !ou doing in this new !ear with !our pra!er cardsF "s we complete our school year, please continue to be praying 'or our
school as we &now that 9od is 'aith'ul to answer prayer! 0ray 'or teachers and sta'', the wor& they do, and their relationships with each other
and the students! 0ray 'or prospecti(e 'amilies who may be loo&ing 'or a new school home! %hen 9od,s people pray, great things happen///

Communit! %nnouncements:

3li/e Township Memorial a!
%nnual Pancake "reak#ast 8 South 3li/e Christian School 'rom 4-10am!
Memorial a! Ser/ice will be held at the #li(e .wp! *emetery at 10:30am! $ocated on the corner o' .aylor )t! G 113th "(e!
The Memor! $alk to the Museum will 'ollow the ser(ice! 7(eryone is welcome/
3li/e Twp* Museum on Polk St* will 7e open* $unch will be ser(ed 'rom 11-2 by )#*<*! Cree co##ee & desserts #or all /eterens.
% Patriotic Communit! "ar Guilt will be on display!

Cele7rate the end o# school 7! C544 1ce Skating at 9eorgetown @ce *enter, 800 48th "(e!, 6udson(ille! 5or the month o' =une bring in
your school report card during public s&ating and get in 'ree! )&ate rental additional! 0lease see our website, www!georgetownice!com 'or
public s&ating times! #''er ends =une 30!

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