Singing Success Workbook
Singing Success Workbook
Singing Success Workbook
The Singing Success Program is primarily an audio-based course. Start by listening to the first CD. Then, as you progress with the CDs, you will periodically be referred to the book and DVD for visual examples of the techniques being described. Pace yourself! The Singing Success Program is intensive and it will take time to master. Practice between 3 and 6 days a week depending on the intensity of your workouts, being careful not to overwork your vocal cords. Dont push too hard! If your voice begins feeling tired or strained, cut back on your practice schedule. Take your time mastering the techniques as well. Just because you have listened to a lesson once or twice doesnt necessarily mean that you are ready to move on to the next one. Continue repeating the lesson until you are confident that you are ready to move on to the next one. However, if you come to a lesson that is particularly difficult for you and you just cant seem to get past it - move on! You can continue to work on that technique during your practice times, but dont allow yourself to get completely hung up on one spot in the course. When singing, as with any physical activity, there is a risk of injury. Do not attempt to sing if you are sick or if your throat or vocal cords feel sore or tired. If you have or suspect any kind of vocal disorder, consult with your physician before using this program.
cal self-improvement program ever published. With its 12 CDs, DVD, and this booklet, Brett Mannings Singing Success will systematically teach you the same world renowned technique used by more recording artists and entertainers than any other. No other singing technique even comes close!
Congratulations! You have in your hands the most effective, comprehensive, and practi-
Date you began Brett Mannings Singing Success: __________________ Range: From low _____ to high _____ How many octaves? _____
List the styles in which you are comfortable performing (i.e. R & B, Pop...)
What areas would you most like to improve vocally (i.e. range, style...)?
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Date you finished Session 17 of Brett Mannings Singing Success ___________ Range: From low _____ to high _____ How many octaves? _____
Write down several things that you love about your voice.
This is your heaviest register; the cords are vibrating along their entire length. Its called chest simply because you should feel the resonance predominantly in the chest. Place your hand on your sternum and sing a rich, full ahh.
This is the highest part of your natural range. The cords zip up about 2/3 of their length, leaving 1/3 to vibrate. You should feel the resonance primarily in you head. Place a hand on the back of your head near the neck and sing a light, hooty hoo.
This zipping up action is great news for singers who are frustrated with their range, want to sing with greater freedom, or whose voices tire too quickly. In other words, pretty much everyone! Remember, your singing range both high and low - is limited much more by the lack of knowledge than by lack of talent.
While found primarily in the female voice, whistle (or flageolet) register can be developed in both male and female voices. You can see here that the vocal cords zip up nearly their entire length, leaving just a small opening free to vibrate.
This is the lightest of all vocal coordinations. The cords are long and only the outer borders vibrate, thus producing a false voice. Falsetto differs from head voice in that it lacks depth and color.
The soft palate hangs down as a natural divider between the mouth and sinus cavity. If it hangs too low, the tone may be too nasal. If it is lifted too high, preference is shown to the mouth as a resonator, making it difficult to sing in your head voice. Try this: raise your soft palate (like youre swallowing an egg) and read this paragraph out loud. Yep. You sound pretty goofy. Thats not your natural voice - it sounds too hooty and phony. If you don't use a phony sound when you speak, would it make sense to do so when you sing?
Hard Palate Soft Palate Nasal Cavity Pharynx
Before the sound formed by your vocal cords reaches the ears of your audience, it is transformed and amplified by the spaces above your larynx - namely, the pharynx (throat), the mouth and the sinuses (nasal cavities). These three areas that make up your vocal tract form a resonant trinity with each space favoring certain frequencies. Because the shape of your resonance system is unique, your voice is different from that of anyone else.
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts.
John Wooden
Singers Breathing
It seems that many traditional schools of singing teach breathing as some harrowing, complex event. Youve probably heard sing from your diaphragm, flex your bottom, support with your stomach, expand your back, and so on. All of these concepts set the singer up for unnecessary distraction and tension. Stand up straight and breathe! When you breathe in, the viscera (your belly) falls forward. When you breathe out, it falls back into place. That's it! Heres what it looks like:
(too rigid)
Its simple. Stand up straight and relax. Washing your cat is difficult - standing and breathing is easy.
Loose Facial Muscles on Vowels a (face), oh (gold), ah (father)
Tight facial muscles equal a tight throat. The longer you sing in this condition, the weaker the muscles inside the larynx become. This gives preference to the development of the outer muscles of the larynx causing numerous vocal dysfunctions.
2. Digrastic Muscles
These are the muscles under the chin (see BOX C). They, along with several other muscles, are activated in the process of swallowing, but should never be used in the tone making process. The fingers should be placed under the chin with moderate pressure to give a slight resistance against the digrastic muscles. This should be done very gently and you should never press so hard that you actually feel pain.
3. Larynx Positions
In co rrect
High (swallowing)
Medium (normal resting position)
Low (yawning)
Your posture should not be rigid. If you were to lie flat on your back on the floor, in a comfortable manner, that would also be how good posture looks when you are standing up.
A. Tip of Tongue resting on the back of the bottom front teeth. B. Tongue resting somewhat flat with slight groove on vowels a (cat), eh and ah.
In co rrect
Singers Nutrition
Because your voice is an instrument of flesh and blood, diet is more important for singers than it is for other types of musicians. In other words, you need to pay special attention to what you put in your body - especially on the days before a performance. A bad diet could be causing the production of too much phlegm (mucous), or it could be drying you out, causing damage to the tissues inside your larynx. Below is a singer-tested list of foods that have been found beneficial or harmful to the voice. While this list as a whole has not been clinically tested, the myriad of testimonies from singers concerning these foods are significant. Take into account that we all have different body chemistry. Some people I know are completely unaffected by anything they eat, while others cant even think about certain foods without their voices locking it up and calling it quits.
Check Points
You know when you have one of those days when you cant sing anything well? The truth is that there are few performers in the world who can boast complete vocal and technical consistency. However, being aware of the issues listed in this section can dramatically increase your batting average. Run through this list of Check Points to see if there is some simple aspect that you might be overlooking.
Another set of ears Ears that are not on your head hear your voice much differently than you do. Discipline Building and maintaining your voice requires that you spend a lot of time singing and listening. Tape yourself periodically and listen critically. Do you abuse your voice? If you are pushing your chest voice, singing too airy or just too much, your chances of improving your technique are pretty slim. Yelling at sporting events, talking loudly in smoky clubs, cheerleading, etc. are not options for the serious vocalist. Over-working the voice How much your voice can take is discovered by experimentation and guided by the thickness of your vocal cords. And yes, it is possible to have great technique and still tire your voice out. Try a cycle of thirty minutes with a ten minute rest or even ten minutes of singing with twenty minutes rest. The thinner the voice, the more rest you need to bounce back. Under-working the voice You cannot realistically expect to sing a fifty minute set without working up to it. You cant even expect your voice to hold together through one demanding song without living with your new technique for a while. Physical problems - See your Physician If you suspect health issues are the problem, dont procrastinate. Really. Singing on ill cords can cause serious, even permanent damage.
Vowel Tree
Below is a visual example of how every vowel proceeds from either oo or ee. The explanatin of the significance of this fact is contained on CD #7.
While this list is far from exhaustive, it contains brief and practical explanations of the terms used in this program. Adams apple - common term for thyroid cartilage; the part of the larynx which protrudes from the front of the neck. break or disconnect - any sudden change, interruption, or shift in tone usually from chest to falsetto, falsetto to chest, and sometimes form chest to head voice i.e. in yodeling, and some R&B styles. However, many breaks are accidental or are used to hide the singers lack of ability to connect vocal registers. bridge or passage area - commonly referred to as the break, this is the place in your range where you start to blend registers. The common first bridges are: basses: A-Bb-B below middle C baritones: C#-D-D# above middle C tenor/alto: E-F-F# above middle C mezzo soprano: G-G#-A soprano: A-Bb-B delineation - the approach to singing notes in a separated manner without singing staccato, especially in trills. epiglottis - the leaf-like cartilage that separates the functioning of your esophagus from the functioning of your trachea. larynx - commonly known as the voice box; the organ at the top of the wind pipe or trachea. The vocal cords and their corresponding muscles are found inside the larynx. The muscles used for swallowing are found outside the larynx. licks, trills and runs - scales or parts of scales sung dynamically. legato - long, smooth, connected notes. nasal/head cavity - resonating area in the upper half of your head. resonance - the amplification of sound in the cavities of the mouth and head. Since everyone is unique in their anatomical design, the resonance is unique as well.
slides - singing from note to note stylistically, without any delineation; most common in blues and country music. soft palate - the soft fleshy back part of the roof of your mouth. This can be felt by placing the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, which is the hard palate, and then roll your tongue backwards. This is your soft palate. staccato - short, disconnected notes style - a personalized approach or mannerism to singing or any other human activity. timbre - a person's particular vocal color or tone quality timing - a particular approach to rhythmic singing vibrato - a natural oscillation or pitch variant that is the result of the dynamic balancing of airflow and vocal cord approximation. Vibrato is not hereditary! It is simply a sign of a healthy voice. vocal cords - two muscular folds located inside the larynx. Like air escaping through a balloon while someone is pinching the opening, the vocal cords vibrate as air passes by them, creating sound. vocal register - a grouping of adjacent notes made with the same coordination: chest voice - This voice resonates primarily in the chest. Marked by a rich, deep timber, this is the register in which we normally speak. The vocal cords are vibrating across their entire length. head voice - This voice resonates primarily in the head. It is the highest part of your natural range, sometimes producing a softer, hooty sound. The vocal cords zip up about 2/3 or their length leaving 1/3 free to vibrate. falsetto - This is the lightest of all vocal coordinations. It tends to be airy and lacks volume and depth of sound. vocal fry - Though this register is uncommon, it is used by some bass singers to produce the lowest possible sound. The vocal cords vibrate extremely slow. (It sounds kind of like Elmer Fudd.) whistle register - Another uncommon register found primarily in the female voice, the vocal cords zip up almost their entire length leaving just a small opening free to vibrate. middle/mixed register - A blend of head and chest registers referred to in this series as THE MIX.
BRETT WISHES TO THANK... ...the many contributors to the Singing Success project. I could write another book just acknowledging my contributors. I would like to thank my two sons, Brennon and Christian for giving me inspiration and motivation, and for their precious love for their daddy. I thank my parents who had the wisdom to keep on encouraging me, while other parents tended to spout off, "Get a real job, son!". You both are rare jewels in a gutless world. Thanks to all my wonderful influences throughout the years. To the rest of my family: Mike, Kristie, Duane, Brian, Sheila and Ryan. I love you all. To the many coaches, authors and artists who have influenced me: E. Herbert Ceasari, Seth Riggs, Richard Miller, Take 6, Matthew Ward and Jeff Buckley. To Greg Enriquez for hours of "tech-talk". You're an amazing teacher, Greg. To my close friend and associate Jamie Wigginton: your commitment to Singing Success has taken it to a whole new level. You are a huge blessing. Thanks so much to my incredible staff at Singing Success: Jamie Wigginton, the creative Rebekah Law, the sensible Michele Anderson, the ever-steady Curt McKorkel who kept Singing Success going in the early days, my new-found brother Jordan Callaway, and Amanda Fields for amazing video production. Special thanks to all the incredible ENT's in the country. You are making a difference! To Vanderbilt Voice Center. To all our investors, without you this project would have been impossible. To Majorie Roundy, Stacy Baldree, Roy and Nellie Depolitte, and Robb Webb for 15 years of friendship, to Sheila Christiensen, and to Justin Dock for being a true friend. To my engineer Mike Pederson--you are so gifted. Michael Candelaria, you're a great songwriter with a great heart. To Dave and Gretchen Figge, Tony Garica, Collette Manning for your hard work and dedication to this project and for your exceptional vocal talent. To Dave Brooks for your valuable contributions; my interior designer Annelise LeCheminant; Marissa Porritt; and Morgan Cryar, you are the definition of a loyal friend. God bless you, brother. To Lyndon Allen, "David calling Jonathan"... I crave fellowship with you. To Scat Springs, my brother in soooul!! Thank you Billy Duvall, Jr. for sharing your epic voice. To Joslyn Petty, I love you, sis. To James Prigmore, for your musical genius and inspiring my musical beginnings. The Utah Jazz. To everyone who purchased the first printing of this program. To all the great singers who perform on this project. Finally, Iwant to thank you Lord for being the best vocal teacher I've encountered. You've made sense out of the mysteries of singing. You've been my strength and have given me far more than I could deserve. "I will not offer you sacrifice that cost me nothing." -II Samuel 24:24 Brett Manning 17
Author: Brett Manning Contributing Authors: James R. Wigginton, Dave Brooks and Stacey Baldree Audio Narration: Brett Manning, Collette Manning and Dave Brooks Musicians: Michael Pederson, Michael Candelaria, Brett Manning Singers: Brett Manning, Collette Manning, Dave Brooks, Stacey Baldree, Michael Candelaria, Michael Pederson, Tony Garcia, Stephanie Petty, Melissa Pace, Jessica Giauque, Marissa Porritt, Jen Lugo, Hilary Wood, Elizabeth Engis, Shawntelle Bartlette, Joe Hale, Natalie Morgan, Joslyn Petty, Sarah Rogerson, Jasmine Rice, James R. Wigginton, Billy Duvall, Jr., B.J. Strautman, Rebecca Catlett, Jeremy Brasher, Rebekah Law, Neal Coomer, and Hope Owens. Studio Participants: Brett Manning, James R. Wigginton, B.J. Strautman, Billy Duvall, Jr., Hope Ownes, Alana Smith, Kelly King, Rebekah Law, Shi-Anne Ragsdale, Rebecca Catlett, Michael Inge, and Amber Clark Video Production: Amanda Fields Engineering: Brett Manning, Michael Pederson, Stacey Baldree, Collette Manning, Dave Figge, and Tony Garcia Graphic Design: Jared McDaniel, Models: Marabeth Hough and Brett Manning Marketing and Promotions: L. Gabriel Smith