The Part of Fortune

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The Part of Fortune

As Promising as it Sounds?

| What is the Part of Fortune? | Part of Fortune in the Signs | Part of Fortune in the Houses |

What is the Part of Fortune?

It certainly has an intriguing name. Most of us have our dreams; that
'pot-of-gold' that we seek. And to the astrological community, that is
exactly what the Part of Fortune indicates: the 'pot-of-gold' that is
waiting at the end of our own personal rainbows.
The Part of Fortune is a sensitive point in the chart derived from the
positions of the Sun, Moon, and ascendant (the ascendant is the degree
of the zodiac that is rising over the eastern horizon at the time and
location of birth). The Part of Fortune is one of over 40 such 'parts' or
points but the most widely used of the group. Astrologers refer to such 'parts' as Arabic Parts.
These parts were developed during the Middle Ages in Arabia. All of the Arabic Parts express the
relationships of distance and direction between other sensitive points in the chart and each is
derived from three points in a horoscope. Like the part of fortune, most of the parts have equally
engaging names. For example, there is also a Part of Nobility & Honor, a Part of Sex Drive, and
a Part of the Most Perilous Year (I didn't say that all the parts were considered fortunate points!).
The Part of Fortune is considered to be a beneficial point in the chart. If you have a copy of your
natal chart, the Part of Fortune looks like a circle with a cross in it . The house in which it is
positioned in the horoscope is said to represent the area in which the person's endeavors are most
likely to be auspicious. These are usually endeavors that the person is naturally drawn to. The
sign that the Part of Fortune is in indicates the best approach to those endeavors indicated by the
house location. I have also found in researching the effects of the Part of Fortune that the sign
that it falls in natally represents traits that, if developed, bring the person benefits and/or joy and
happiness. The key to the Part of Fortune, is in the cultivation. One must cultivate the traits and
learn about the affairs of the house that the Part of Fortune falls in to access its benefits.
The fortune indicated by this part is not necessarily materialistic or even tangible, though it can
be. It depends on the sign and house location of the Part of Fortune. The benefit can be on the
physical, intellectual, emotional, and/or spiritual plane of experience. In all cases it is through the
cultivation and expression of this point that one will experience harmony and a sense of
rootedness and well-being.
As I mentioned above, all of the Arabic parts are derived from three other sensitive points in the
horoscope. In the case of the Part of Fortune, these three points are the Sun, Moon, and
Ascendant. The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant are the foundation of the human personality. The sign
rising at our birth, or in other words the sign on our ascendant, describes our personality. The
Ascendant is the self as it is expressed to the outer world. The sign that our sun is in at the
moment of our birth describes our core self. Just as the sun is in the center of the solar system, so
does our sun-sign describe the center of the human personality. Our sun-sign represents our
personal sense of a unique self with a distinct identity. It is the form of our ego. The sign that the
moon is in at birth describes our emotional nature. In addition, the moon represent our habitual
response patterns and conditioned or instinctual reactions to the circumstances of our lives. Much
can be gleaned about a person by knowing the sign placements of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon.
And it is because the Part of Fortune is derived from these three very significant points that it
represents that place in the horoscope where one's fortune will be realized when there is a refusal
to compromise one's personal integrity.
In order to discover our own pot-of-gold then, we must cultivate a strong sense of self as
represented by the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. That is because the Part of Fortune symbolizes
that place in the horoscope where this trio is in harmonic relationship to one another and
therefore most easily expressed to the greatest advantage. How can we cultivate a strong sense of
self? First, we can come to know our solar nature. It is through our sun sign that we learn who
we are and what we stand for, not in terms of what others expect from us or want us to be but
rather through our own strong sense of a unique self.
Second, it is via an understanding of our moon sign that we embrace our emotional nature and
cultivate emotional harmony. By understanding our emotional needs and nature we can learn to
maintain a balance between the needs which will nourish us at our core (our sun sign) while
simultaneously sustaining healthy relationships with others. The third factor which balances the
Sun and Moon signs is the Ascendant. As mentioned earlier in this article, the Ascendant
describes our personality. The Ascendant is the self as it is expressed to the outer world.
Therefore, the Sun and Moon are both experienced and expressed through the Ascendant.
It could be said that the Part of Fortune represents our inner sense of abundance and that it does
so because it encompasses the major triad that represents the self. The Part of Fortune represents
that point in our chart where we are attuned to the environment in which we are most likely to
experience a sense of wholeness and abundance. Because the Part of Fortune is dependent upon
how an individual integrates and uses the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, the fortune received will
depend upon how balanced the personal expression of these three factors is.
The Part of Fortune is not only in a particular sign and house in the horoscope, it can also form
angular relationships with (or aspect) other planets and points in the chart. The aspects that are
made outline more clearly the path leading to the Part of Fortune. In addition, you are likely to
have a strong reaction to someone who's own natal planets make contact with the Part of Fortune
in your chart. Additionally, the Part of Fortune is sensitive to transits and progressions. However,
I'll save these discussions for another time. For now, let's just take a look at what the Part of
Fortune in particular signs and houses indicates.
IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that the Part of Fortune is just one factor comprising the
whole of any birth chart. While the descriptions given below are insightful, a wholistic
understanding of the Part of Fortune or any other factor of the chart is incomplete and therefore
general because it is given out of the context of the whole.
Interpreting the Part of Fortune

Read the description of the Part of Fortune in the signs and then combine this with the
descriptions that follow for its house placement.
The Part of Fortune in the Signs
In Aries
Cultivate courage, inspiration and patience. You have an abundance of energy and need outlets of
activity--focus your energy and you're the indomitable pioneer! Your joy is found in taking up
the challenges and leaping over the obstacles. Your gifts are a keen focus and the ability to see
your direction clearly. Trust your intuition.
In Taurus
Seek that which abides. One of your greatest joys will be in the building, sustaining and
expressing of a personal love that abides. Delve into the meaning and use of all things and
construct a firm foundation, for your joy is based on the ability to build and sustain. Your gift is
patience and the ability to take things in stride.
In Gemini
Your joy is found in indulging your curiosity and the resulting expansion of your consciousness.
Cultivate versatility, flexibility and freedom of movement. You may be gifted with a unique
sense of humor. Living fully in the moment, undaunted by the burden of judgment, you know the
joy of being carefree.
In Cancer
Cultivate gentleness and tenderness. Experience the joy of nurturing others and being nurtured.
See life through the eyes of a child. Remember your innocence and the innocence of others. Do
for the sake of doing without concern for the outcomes. Your greatest joy is derived from
experiencing the process of giving birth--be this a birth of a child, a business, a creative exercise,
an idea/vision, or anything that did not exist before you invested your energy into its becoming.
In Leo
Cultivate enthusiasm, generosity, and optimism. Focus on self-mastery for you will find joy in
being a source of inspiration for others. You understand that everyone must find their own path
and therefore you lead by example and walk your talk. You give for the sheer joy of giving,
without any expectation for a return. There can be great achievements that result from the
focused direction of your abundant creative energy.
In Virgo
Cultivate discrimination, logical analysis, and tolerance. You're happy when you feel you have
organization in your environment. Dedicate your life to the here and now. Stay busy and
involved in the details of the present. Your greatest joy is derived from knowing that your life is
functioning efficiently. You don't allow things to pile up and become excess baggage you carry
from the past into the future.
In Libra
Cultivate diplomacy, balance, and grace. You don't mind going along with others because you
understand that we are all part of a greater whole. Your joy is found in knowing that you belong--
to everything. Your gift is the ability to maintain equilibrium in a dualistic world and to feel at
one with all.
In Scorpio
Your gifts are a keen perception, penetrating insight, and a fearlessness of the unknown.
Cultivate efficiency, ambition, and organization. Your joy is found by stripping away the outer
layers of experiences and getting to the core where you have an intimate connection to the depths
of existence.
In Sagittarius
You are not afraid to take risks and try your luck because you know you're naturally lucky. It is
quite possible that your greatest fortune is found in remote places, far from your home. Cultivate
openness, honesty, directness, and an understanding of natural law. The world is your playground
and your joy is in exploring it all!
In Capricorn
Cultivate responsibility, patience, perseverance and practicality. Your greatest joy will be derived
from observing your progress through life and seeing it take a form and structure that will outlive
your human life span. Your gift is that you understand what it means to be the master of your
own destiny. Your life's purpose and work is in high focus and nothing will deter you from
manifesting what you know to be possible.
In Aquarius
Cultivate objectivity, originality, and humanitarianism. Your gift is your unconventionality and
ability to understand that difference is neutral. For you, one thing doesn't have to be better or
worse than another. You are not bound by expectation, social taboos or the predictable. Your joy
is in the truth that anything is possible. Rejoice in your 'difference' and any seemingly off-the-
wall desires and ideas for these will lead to the realization of your dreams.
In Pisces
You know what it means to be in the flow of the universe. Your gift is the ability to transcend the
finite. You are naturally attuned to the cosmos and there is no greater joy than sensing the eternal
oneness of All. Cultivate compassion, faith, and your imagination and experience the joy of
rowing gently, gently, gently down the stream of life.

Part of Fortune in the Houses

1st House
Your joy will come from trusting in your own unique approach to life and acting independently.
Cultivate self-sufficiency and the ability to focus your energy like an arrow toward its target and
don't allow anything to distract your aim. Avoid the web of the superficial. Your ultimate fortune
is in the discovery of all that comprises your self.
2nd House
Your joy will come from manifesting what it is you truly value. But first you will have to
discover what that is. You will know it because it will be that which abides, unaffected by the
changing tides of life. You can be very fortunate materially and in endeavors which are founded
in your sincere values. Cultivate a strong sense of what is meaningful and of value to you and
discover your hidden talents and skills.
3rd House
Your joy is in communication and just being with people. You are gifted with the ability to think
clearly and to make communication a work of art. You may be a gifted teacher. Cultivate non-
judgement, Higher awareness, and patience. Learn to wait for that special moment which makes
real communication possible.
4th House
Your greatest joy will come from nourishing beginnings. You understand the need to nourish the
seeds to fruition and derive great satisfaction from doing so. Cultivate a strong inner foundation
from which you can give birth to all your creative endeavors. You'll always find delight in those
first steps. Your fortune can come from a parent, heritage, or ancestors or it may rest in the
fulfillment that is derived from being in touch with the roots of the soul.
5th House
Your joy is in your personal creations--all that is created is an outgrowth of your awareness of
self. Your gift is the ability to manifest your dreams. You've heard the saying, be careful what
you wish for? It applies to you. Cultivate all forms of creative self-expression. Don't talk about it,
DO it. Your fortune will come from putting your energy into that which makes your heart dance.
6th House
Your joy is derived from the efficient use of your time and energy. You are not one to
procrastinate or to ignore or neglect seeing to the details of everyday life. You're happiest when
everything is in order: the bills are paid on time, the garbage is taken out, and the dishes are
clean. Your gift is your ability to organize. Cultivate discrimination and your service-oriented
nature. You may experience fortune in finding meaningful work or experiencing good physical
health throughout your life.
7th House
Your greatest joy comes from the committed relationships or partnerships you form with others.
Your fortune is in unity. You have the gift of putting others in touch with their own sense of well-
being and happiness. You are sensitive to the needs of others and have an innate sense of win-
win diplomacy. Cultivate a union of self and gift this world with that harmony. It is those people
with whom you form committed relationships that will either highlight your path to fortune for
you or bring your fortune to you.
8th House
Your greatest joy comes from rebirth. You experience joy each time you release that which is no
longer of value, usefulness, or meaning to you. Cultivate openness to others and encourage
others to share their deepest selves with you by sharing your deepest self with them. You
understand what it means to be the Phoenix--and that death is just one experience within the
cycle leading to rebirth.
9th House
Your joy is derived from the discovery of truth. Your understanding of the world embraces that
beyond mundane life. You enjoy philosophical discussions and are a perpetual student of life.
Cultivate tolerance and an openness to all ways of viewing the world. You are a natural teacher
who understands that one is simulaneously teacher and student. Your fortune may be derived in
your travels or in embracing that which was once foreign to you.
10th House
Your joy is derived from your indomitable integrity of being and your tenacious refusal to be
sidestepped from your goals. You see reality for what it is and live your life as if reality were as
you know it ought to be. Cultivate sensitivity, playfulness, and acceptance. Your fortune will be
derived from the respect you earn for walking your talk and being the beacon for those who
climb the mountain behind you.
11th House
Your joy is derived from your friendships. You understand what it means to be a true friend. You
know that friendship forms the basis of all meaningful relationships. That is, a relating rooted in
honesty and trust and the understanding that people come together to celebrate their personal and
mutual becoming. A true friend assists us in finding our wings. Cultivate openness to the
unconventional and unique. Your fortune is in the realization that freedom is not an illusion: it is
our birthright.
12th House
Your joy is derived from a loving relationship with your inner self and sense of unity with All.
You need periods of solitude and a sanctuary you can call your own. Periods of solitude or
meditation sustain your ability to function in the 'everyday world' while staying aligned with the
flow of the All. You are able to see clearly the separate parts without losing sight of the whole.
Cultivate compassion and forgiveness. Your great fortune is in the realization that wherever you
are, you are always home.

Other Articles: Mercury Retrograde | Locational Astrology | Nodes of the Moon

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